

小思 2024-09-18 83
给你吧的英文摘要: 给你一本正式护照吧的英语护照的英语说法是passport。英:[/ˈpɑːspɔːrt/];美:[/ˈpæspɔːrt/]n. 护照复数形式:passports...




n. 护照


renew a passport 更新护照

apply for a passport 申请护照

1. You need a valid passport to travel abroad.


2. I lost my passport and had to apply for a new one.


3. Your passport photo needs to be in color.


4. Don't forget to bring your passport to the airport.


5. The customs officer asked to see my passport.


1. "Passport" 是英语中表示“护照”的词,是一个名词,可以作为句子的主语、宾语、定语等成分。例如:"My passport is in my bag."(我的护照在包里。)

2. "Passport" 在句子中可以搭配各种动词,如 "use"(使用)、"apply"(申请)、"renew"(更新)、"lose"(丢失)等,表示与护照相关的各种动作。例如:"I need to renew my passport before my trip."(我需要在旅行前更新我的护照。)

3. "Passport" 与 "travel"(旅行)、"visa"(签证)、"customs"(海关)等词经常出现在同一语境中。例如:"I forgot my passport at home and missed my flight."(我把护照忘在家里,错过了我的航班。)

4. "Passport" 的复数形式是 "passports",表示“多个护照”。例如:"We need to collect all the passports for the visa application."(我们需要收集所有的护照进行签证申请。)

5. "Apply for a passport" 和 "renew a passport" 是两个常见的短语,分别表示“申请护照”和“更新护照”。例如:"He is applying for a passport."(他正在申请护照。)"It's time to renew your passport."(是时候更新你的护照了。)

问题一:单词护照的英语怎么写? 护照英文: passport 英 ['p?sp??t] 美 ['p?sp?rt] n. 护照,通行证;手段 [网络短语] passport 护照,通行证,通告证 Nansen passport 南森护照 Israeli passport 以色列护照 问题二:护照的英文名字怎么写 国内办理护照的机关是公安局出入境管理办公室,护照名称需和本人有效证件(户口本,身份证)上的名称一致,国内户籍管理部门没有承认英文名字合法,因此护照上全部用汉语拼音代替, 因此英文名是ANQI WU(需大写)。 问题三:护照用英语怎么说?并把它读出来 护照[hù zhào] passport; 护照 [hù zhào] passport; 问题四:护照上的英文名怎么写 就填你中文名字的大写拼音字母 问题五:蔡海洪护照上的英文名怎么写 haihong li 问题六:护照的种类及其英文缩写分别是什么? 护照分为外交护照、公务护照和普通护照。 普通护照又分因公普通护照和因私普通护照。 passport 国民护照 passport 外交护照 passport 公务护照 document 旅游护照 's passport 外国人护照 's passport 海员护照 the People's Republic of China passport 意思是 中华人民共和国护照。 问题七:护照用英语怎么说 passport

护照是一个国家的公民出入本国国境和到国外旅行或居留时, 由本国发给的一种证明该公民国籍和身份的合法证件。护照是公民旅行通过各国国际口岸的一种通行证明。所以,世界上一些国家通常也颁发代替护照的通行证件。那么你知道护照用英语怎么说吗?下面来学习一下吧。




service passport;


issue passport;


vise a passport;


withhold passport;


diplomatic passport;



1. Passport checks will remain the first line of defence against terrorists.

护照检查仍将是对付 *** 的第一道防线。

2. For foreign holidays you will need a valid passport.


3. Inside the passport was a folded slip of paper.


4. Evans was trying to obtain a false passport and other documents.


5. The distribution of passports has been a slow process.


6. He went straight through Passport Control without incident.


7. Officials type each passport number into a puter.


8. He's gone off with my passport.


9. Check the expiration date on your passport.


10. When I lost my passport, I felt such an idiot.


11. My attempt to get a new passport turned into a Kafkaesque nightmare.


12. a South African passport


13. He stowed his passport away safely in a drawer.


14. You must hand over your passport before you leave.


15. He muddled up our passports and gave me back the wrong one.



英 [ˈpɑːspɔːt]  美 [ˈpæspɔːrt]

n. 护照;途径,手段

[ 复数 passports ]


passport number 护照号;护照号码

passport control 护照检查处;入境检验;验护照




呵呵,其实英语没有“了,的,吗”等等的单词。你了?在英文里,直接用you就可以了,英语里有两种音,一种是降调,一种是升调。一般来说,升的为疑问。所以,你了? 英文:you↗?

让我去取排球给你吧Let me get the volleyball for you.让我去取排球给你吧Let me get the volleyball for you.

To give you

Here you are. 给你。for/to you 给你的。。。。。







2、国家码/Country Code:CHN(中国的ISO 3166-1代码)

3、护照号/Passport No.:“G”字开头,后接8位阿拉伯数字(护照换发后将得到一个新的护照号,并在第二页加注取代前号码。与身份证换发后仍然一号不同。)

4、姓/Surname 名/Given names(姓名均左注中文,右注汉语拼音作英文姓名)

5、性别/Sex:男性标注为男/M,女性标注为 女/F

6、出生地点/Place of birth:以省为单位,附注汉语拼音,如广东省出生则为“广东/GUANGDONG”;如在港澳地区出生,则为“香港/HONG KONG”或“澳门/MACAO”;如为海外出生则为出生地州/省/市/都道府县中文译名,附注英文,如澳洲墨尔本出生则为“墨尔本/MELBOURNE”。

7、出生日期/Date of birth:以“DD MMM YYYY”之形式记载(MMM表示英语月份前3字的缩写)

8、签发地点/Place of issue:显示格式同出生地点。惟海外发行场合记载领事机构所在州/省/市/都道府县,如中华人民共和国驻美利坚合众国大使馆签发的护照记载“华盛顿”。

9、签发日期/Date of issue:记载格式同出生日期

10、有效期至/Date of expiry:记载格式同出生日期

11、签发机关/Authority:公安部出入境管理局及英文“Exit & Entry Administration Ministry of Public Security”或中华人民共和国驻外大使馆或领事馆或其他机构。


全部为英文大写。顺序和中文一致张元媛first name:YUANYUANfamily name:ZHANG







1、Please show me your valid passport.


2、Careful planning was the passport to the success of the project.


3、A good diploma is a passport to a big company.


4、You should take your passport with you when changing money.


5、Don't lose your passport!



是国内人办理护照是不? 办理护照的表格上,该填写你的中文拼音顺写, huanglijie ,.都是用大写,在护照的时候,就会姓是huang 名 lijie。

大陆居民护照就指国内的护照,国内办理护照的机关是公安局出入境管理办公室,护照名称需和本人有效证件(户口本,身份证)上的名称一致,国内户籍管理部门没有承认英文名字合法,因此护照上全部用汉语拼音代替, 例如王小明英文名是XIAOMINGWANG(需大写)。






2、国家码/Country Code:CHN(中国的ISO 3166-1代码)

3、护照号/Passport No.:“G”字开头,后接8位阿拉伯数字(护照换发后将得到一个新的护照号,并在第二页加注取代前号码。与身份证换发后仍然一号不同。)

4、姓/Surname 名/Given names(姓名均左注中文,右注汉语拼音作英文姓名)

5、性别/Sex:男性标注为男/M,女性标注为 女/F

6、出生地点/Place of birth:以省为单位,附注汉语拼音,如广东省出生则为“广东/GUANGDONG”;如在港澳地区出生,则为“香港/HONG KONG”或“澳门/MACAO”;如为海外出生则为出生地州/省/市/都道府县中文译名,附注英文,如澳洲墨尔本出生则为“墨尔本/MELBOURNE”。

7、出生日期/Date of birth:以“DD MMM YYYY”之形式记载(MMM表示英语月份前3字的缩写)

8、签发地点/Place of issue:显示格式同出生地点。惟海外发行场合记载领事机构所在州/省/市/都道府县,如中华人民共和国驻美利坚合众国大使馆签发的护照记载“华盛顿”。

9、签发日期/Date of issue:记载格式同出生日期

10、有效期至/Date of expiry:记载格式同出生日期

11、签发机关/Authority:公安部出入境管理局及英文“Exit & Entry Administration Ministry of Public Security”或中华人民共和国驻外大使馆或领事馆或其他机构。




address的读音是:英[?'dres]。address的读音是:英[?'dres]。address的例句是用作名词(n.)Please write your home address on the registration form.请在这张登记表上写下你的家庭住址。address过去式:addressed;过去分词:addressed;现在分词:addressing;第三人称单数:addresses。一、详尽释义点此查看address的详细内容n.(名词)地址,住址演说,致词,致辞称呼(通常用addresses)技巧,本领谈吐,举止,风度头衔(通常用addresses)献殷勤姓名寒喧正式请愿求爱v.(动词)称呼对付满足提出引导,引见在…上写收件人姓名地址向…致词,向…发表演说,对…说话,向...致意写(信)给【商】交委托向...求爱向...献殷勤【律】请求撤销职务致函冠以处理,设法解决二、双解释义n.(名词)[C]演说,演讲 speech made to an audience[U]谈吐或行为的风度 manner of speaking or behaving[C]住址,地址 details of place where a person lives, works or can be found, and where letter, etc. may be deliveredv.(动词)vt. 向…讲话,向…发表演说,写给 … say sth to sb in speech or writing, make a speech to; direct one's speech or writing to a person or groupvt. 称呼 speak or write to using a particular title of rankvt. 在(信封或包裹等)上写上收信人的姓名,地址 write on an envelope, parcel, etc. particulars of the person, town, street, number of the house, etc., to which it is to be delivered三、网络解释1. 住址:NO.) 住址(ADDRESS) 授权人(PRINCIPAL) 中文 国内 国外 英文 中文名称 被授权人(AGENT) 县 乡镇 村邻 市 (区)里路段巷弄号楼街 授权人与被授权人之关系备注 房地标示及权利范围 办理不动产变更登记之辖区地政事务所: 授权事项. 瞄球:15、应抛球(DROP)的地方,未抛球而放置地上,罚二杆. 40、瞄球(ADDRESS)后动球,罚一杆,在原有处再打. 14、未除去球印(MARK)推杆,罚两杆.四、例句Please write your home address on the registration form.请在这张登记表上写下你的家庭住址。I'll log in to the internet to know about you. I know your address.我还是上因特网去看吧,我知道你们的网址。Can you tell me your E-mail address?能告诉我你的电子邮箱地址吗?What form of address should one use when writing to a bishop?给主教写信应该怎样称呼?Mr. Youshida will give an address during today's morning assembly. May I start my work on the telefax machine after that?今天早会吉田先生要致词,会后我可以开始我的电传工作吗?The mayor gave a television address yesterday evening.市长昨晚作了电视演讲。The president gave an address over the radio.总统发表广播演讲。Luke's homely, unpretending style, and his pleasing address catch the ear of the people.卢克朴实而不矜持的作风以及讨人喜欢的谈吐使得人们都很愉快。Most people call me Bob. How do I address you?大家叫我鲍勃,我怎么称呼你?He is going to address the meeting.他将向大会作演说。He addressed the audience in an eloquent speech.他向听众发表了雄辩的演说。Please address all enquiries to this office.一切查询请向本办公室提出。Could you help me address these envelopes?帮我给这些信封写地址好吗?There is a letter addressed to you.有封写给你收的信。The next meeting will address the problem of truancy.下次会议将着手解决学生的逃课问题。五、常见句型用作名词(n.)The chairman gave an opening address.主席致开幕词。He gave a congratulatory address.他致祝贺词。He gave a inflammatory address to the audience.他对听众发表了煽动性的讲话。The President gave an address to the nation over the radio.总统向全国发表广播演说。The visiting guest gave a moving farewell address at the banquet.来宾在宴会上发表了动人的告别词。He delivered an address of thanks.他致答谢词。The admiral delivered an address on the events of the day.这位上将对时局发表了自己的看法。He delivered a television address on the events of the day.他就当前发生的事情发表了电视演说。He read a beautiful address to the soul of his dead friend.他在亡友灵前宣读了一篇感人的祭文。He read an address of welcome on behalf of his country.他代表他的国家致欢迎词。At the airport he read an address of welcome on behalf of the association.在机场上他代表该协会致了欢迎词。The students followed his address with great interest.学生们带着浓厚的兴趣听他讲话。What a noble, splendid, inspired address you gave us!你对我们所发表的演说是如此的出色、精辟、而又令人欢欣鼓舞。His inspiring address was broadcast last night.昨晚广播了他那振奋人心的讲话。He paid his addresses to a young lady of considerable attraction.他向一位相当迷人的年轻女士献殷勤。The address of the company is 211 An-Ho Road,.公司的地址是台北市安和路二段211号。What's your home address?你的家庭地址在哪儿?There is no return address on this letter.信上没有回信地址。This is a sufficient address for letters to reach me.按这个地址给我写信准能收到。Please ask him to leave his address.请他把地址留下。He went out without leaving his address.他未留下地址就出走了。She gave me the new address of the family.她把家里的新地址给了我。Give me your name and address.请把你的姓名地址告诉我。May I have your address please?请把你的地址告诉我好吗?He put the wrong address on the package.他把包裹上的地址写错了。Write the name and address on the envelope.请在信封上写上姓名和地址。She has changed her address.她已变更了地址。He has my address.他有我的住址。Please let me have your address as soon as you are settled.请你一安顿下来就把地址告诉我。I can't obtain his address.我无法弄到他的地址。Can you give me the address of 你能把李先生的地址给我吗?I can't read the address on the letter.我看不懂这封信上的地址。Look at the above address.请看上面的地址。You called at a wrong wonder you failed to find me.你找错了地址,怪不得你没找到我。How long have you been living at the present address?你在目前这个住址住了有多久?We are going to apply at the following address.我们将在下述地点洽谈。An agency has been opened at the following address.一个代办处已在下述地点开始营业。She was employed at the above address as typist.她在上述这个地点受聘作打字员。He is still in the same address.他仍居住在原处。He is of no fixed address.他没有固定地址。I'm sending this letter to your old address, trusting that the postal authorities will know where to find you.我把此信寄到你的老住址,相信邮局会找到你的新住处。Send the newspaper to my vacation address.请把报纸送到我度假的住址。用作动词(v.)用作及物动词S+~+ n./ general addressed his troops before the battle.战斗打响之前,将军向部队作战前动员。He addressed me in the street.他在街上和我攀谈。He addressed the audience in an eloquent speech.他对听众讲起话来滔滔不绝。He addressed the intruder with indignation.他愤怒地谴责入侵者。The teacher might suddenly address individual students at random.老师可能随意突然地与个别学生谈话。He addressed his friend on the subject.他向他的朋友讲这件事。He addressed the audience on the subject of atomic warfare.他向听众讲了有关核战争问题。He will address you on the subject of war and peace.他将对你们讲有关战争与和平的问题。I have the honor of introducing to you , who will address you on his recent tour abroad.我荣幸地向你们介绍阿兰先生,他将向大家讲他最近的国外之行。In Hyde Park, speakers address the passing crowds on different subjects.在海德公园,演说者对过路的人群就各种各样的问题发表演说。Some scientists addressed the newspaper editors, showing their greatest concern over the problem.有些科学家给报纸编辑写了信,表示对这一问题深切关注。He addressed the meeting last night.他昨晚在会上发表了讲话。He is going to address the meeting in a minute.他马上就要在大会上发表演说。We should have enough courage to address the serious problems facing us.我们应当有足够的勇气提出面临的各种严重问题。How am I to address him?我当如何称呼他?How shall we address a prince?我们如何称呼一个王子?How should one address a senator?人们如何称呼一个参议员?I didn't know he was addressing me until he repeated my name.直到他又重复了我的名字,我才知道他是和我说话。How do you address letters in English?英文信封怎么写?When you called me last night,I was addressing some letters.昨晚你打电话给我的时候,我正在写信。Address your mail to a specific address.请在你的邮件上写明街道和门牌号码。1The rally was also addressed by several students.有几个学生也在大会上讲了话。He was wrongly addressed.他被称呼错了。He was always addressed by his surname with prefix of “Mr.”人们总是在他的姓名前加上“先生”来称呼他。The letter was wrongly addressed.这封信的地址写错了。用作双宾动词S+~+ n./pron. +to pron./ addressed a question to a friend.我向一个朋友提出了一个问题。Please address your remarks to the manager, not to me.请把你的意见对经理提,不要跟我说。Please address all requests to this office.请把所有的要求向本办公室反映。You must address your complaints to Head Office.你必须把你的意见反映给总公司。We should address strong protest to them.我们应当对他们提出强烈的抗议。Who ought I to address my request to?我该向谁提出我的请求?They addressed a petition to the legislature.他们向立法机构提交了请愿书。I want to address a letter to a friend.我要把这封信寄给朋友。Will you address this letter to Jane?请你把这封信寄给简好吗?Milla was going to address his reply to him (in) care of .米勒将把回信寄给达西先生,再由达西转交给他。May I address to you my warm greetings?谨向您致以热诚的问候。They addressed to the governor a plea for clemency.他们向州长呈递要求减刑的请愿书。1Were your words addressed to me?你的话是对我说的吗?My speech is addressed to the boys and girls in this school, rather than to the parents.我的讲话主要针对这所学校的男女学生,而不是他们的家长。This letter is addressed to me.这封信是写给我的。The letter is addressed to the care of Miss Jane.此信写明由简小姐转交。The letter was addressed to the wrong house.这封信写错了地址。Don't open letters that are not addressed to you.不是寄给你的信别拆。S+~+ n./pron. +for pron./ address the letter for me.请帮我把这封信的地址写上。用作宾补动词S+~+ n./pron. +as addressed the boy as “my dear brother”.她把这个男孩称为“老兄”。Don't address me as “Colonel”,I'm only a major.别称我为上校,我只是个少校。We addressed the girl as “Fatty”.我们管那个女孩叫“胖子”。1A lady chairman may be addressed as “Madam Chairman.”一位女主席可被称为“主席女士”。其他v -ed as is a wrongly addressed letter.这是一封地址写错了的信。Your letter addressed to mother and me has been received.你写给妈妈和我的信已经收到了。六、经典引文Farmer Williams..had paid her his addresses.出自:GoldsmithForced for to addresse themselues, and range a nauall battell in order.出自:P. HollandA Parlament being call'd, to addres many things.出自:Milton七、常见错误n.(名词)你的新地址是什么?误 Where is your new address?正 What is your new address?析 address表示的地址是“通讯地址”,因此,应该用what提问而不能用where提问。v.(动词)他用命令的口吻向听众讲演。误 He addressed to the audience in his commanding voice.正 He addressed the audience in his commanding voice.正 He addressed himself to the audience in his commanding voice.析 address本身就等于to make a speech to,即为及物动词,直接接宾语,不能再加to。(注意误句和第二个正句中audience前虽然都有to,但并不一样,第二个正句中address仍为及物动词,但以反身代词himself为宾语,再用to引出讲演的对象)address的相关近义词lecture、talk、lecture、oration、speech、talkaddress的相关临近词addressee、addle、addressor、addressin、addresser、addressed、address to、addressing、address in、addressless、address out、AddressLine点此查看更多关于address的详细信息

Please make sure that your mail address is correct.

是一封邮件吗?Hi there!Would you please send me your address?Thanks & Regards,你的名字地址就是地址,不存在完整不完整,不完整的根本不能用,别人给你的肯定是完整的,不必非要把“完整”一词翻出来。

Please confirm your mailing address is you confirm your mailing address is correct?


作者:小思本文地址:http://aiyundongfang.com/yingyuxuexibaike/6197.html发布于 2024-09-18
