

小思 09-20 9
荤素搭配的英文摘要: 荤素搭配英文翻译谓慑于声威,丧失胆气。火锅适宜商务宴请、休闲时光、休闲小憩、随便吃吃、情侣约会、家庭聚会、朋友聚餐名流汇自助海鲜烤肉火锅城,对肉精挑细选,对料精益求精。集美...



火锅适宜商务宴请、休闲时光、休闲小憩、随便吃吃、情侣约会、家庭聚会、朋友聚餐名流汇自助海鲜烤肉火锅城,对肉精挑细选,对料精益求精。集美味、历史和文化为一体,将肉菜荤素搭配在一起,将绿色、营养、健康巧妙的交融。实在是百吃不厌的美味之选。名流汇肥牛火锅城,将带给您一场与众不同的韩式烤肉盛宴。特色服务:有景观位,有露天位,可以刷卡,有包厢,有停车位,提供线上选单。虾滑鲍鱼抛饼菠菜面三色面羊肉虾丸沙茶酱扇贝肉类秘制虾滑海蛎子印度抛饼牛上脑凤梨抛饼精选羊排肉蔬菜招牌肉草莓抛饼螃蟹拌鸡胗冰淇淋纽西兰羊排海带海胆周一至周五17:00-22:30周六至周日10:30-14:00周六至周日16:30-22:30大连市中山区长江路333号香榭里广场3楼(近火车站) 更多→ 褫气

Gas flow

Balance meat and vegetables in our diet.


天下武功,唯快不破。午餐也一样,尤其对于旅途中的人。快餐的速度与激情一直是以美国为代表的工业文明的符号。简单粗暴如麦当劳,不但把工业化标准化的食品生产做到了极致,还跟好莱坞一样成为了美国文化的标志。所以,在北美旅行,用快餐解决午餐,不但方便快捷,也是一种生活体验。 快餐店的菜单简单直接,可供选择的品种并不多,并且常常是图文并茂,故而在快餐店点单貌似非常容易。可事情往往坏在“貌似”两个字上。对于不熟悉北美习惯的游客而言,在快餐店点餐甚至比在餐厅更难。因为完全是口头交流,缺少一份可以拿在手头的纸质菜单作为参考。许多快餐,哪怕一个简单的三明治,都可以有不同的选项,当你说出一个套餐名字的时候,服务员往往还马上问你一连串问题。所以了解一些快餐店的习惯,还是有必要的。 1. 汉堡 北美常见的快餐,首推Hamburger(汉堡)。这个词通常简称为 burger ,口语中极少有人说hamburger这个全称,即使快餐店的餐牌和正规餐厅的菜单上也常常只写burger。初出国的人跟人说hamburger,加上有时候口音作祟,服务员一下子不一定听得懂。二十年前第一次去美国,我跟一个同事在快餐店点单,同事急赤白脸地跟服务员连说带比划了半天,人家愣是以为他想买handbag(手包),一个劲热情地告诉他出门左转。这是我亲历的真事。细究起来,汉堡应该算是sandwich(三明治)的一种。凡是两片面包夹一些馅料的都可以统称为三明治,冷热皆可。但是汉堡的定义要严格得多,能称为汉堡的一定是热食的,中间夹的也一定是由肉末做成的patty(肉饼),而肉饼通常默认为是牛肉的。如果不加特别说明快餐店的burger就是牛肉汉堡。这是基本款,除了牛肉饼,再有一些蔬菜酱料搭配其间,但是这里面没有芝士。加入芝士的叫做 cheese burger (芝士汉堡)。如果两块肉饼,叫 double burger (双层汉堡),两块肉饼再加芝士,则是 double cheese burger (双层芝士汉堡),大家熟悉的麦当劳的Big Mac(巨无霸)就属于这一类。除此之外,常见的肉类馅料还有 bacon (培根),煎得脆脆的,放在牛肉饼上面。 虽然麦当劳都是标准搭配,每份汉堡里面夹什么蔬菜都是固定的,没有选择,但多数汉堡店的蔬菜和酱料是服务员根据顾客的要求添加的。常见的有 tomato (番茄), lettuce (生菜), onion (洋葱), mushroom (蘑菇)等。还有腌菜,如 pickle 或pickled cucumber(酸黄瓜), black olive (黑橄榄),以及绿色的酸酸甜甜的relish。喜欢吃辣的可以要 pepper (辣椒)和 jalapeno pepper (墨西哥小辣椒)等等。虽然pepper既可以指胡椒,又可以指辣椒,但在点汉堡的时候往往是面对着食材说话,所以不会造成误会。这种辣椒一般个头不大,红色或橙色,多数是腌制过的,以酸为主,酸中带辣。 Jalapeno 则是墨绿色的,非常辣。要留意的是,janapeno是一个西班牙文单词,因此开头的j不是按英文发dʒ而是按西班牙文发h,所以要念成/hah-lah-peh-nyoh/。 在这些常见的辅料之外,比较创新的吃法会提供加入 avocado (牛油果)、 grilled pineapple (烤菠萝)或者 mango (芒果)的选项。区别在于前面那些标准选项是免费的,而后面几种需要额外加钱。 还有酱料可以选,单一口味的有 ketchup (番茄酱), Mayonnaise (美乃滋,简称mayo), mustard (黄芥末酱)等几种。复合口味的也有几种。 BBQ sauce (烤肉酱)咸中带甜,有点烟熏味。 Honey garlic (蒜味蜂蜜酱)咸味较淡,以甜为主,但带有浓厚的蒜香。 Ranch (农场酱)是用芝士、黄瓜末、蒜末、洋葱末等香料共同调制而成的,常用于沙拉,也用于汉堡。 不同快餐店点餐的方法不同。有的是在下单的时候把所有选项一次报给服务员。除牛肉饼以外的馅料都叫 topping ,酱料叫 sauce 。这类快餐店墙上一般会有一个清单,列出哪些topping和sauce是免费的,哪些是收费的。另外一些店点餐的时候不用说,牛肉饼在后厨烤好以后放在面包底上,面包盖并不盖上。这时候另有服务员在你眼前操作,所有馅料和酱料也都在你眼前放着,你指哪个服务员就把哪个往你的牛肉饼上放。如果你全都要,可以说"everything"。 2. 套餐 套餐叫 combo 或 meal 。如果你只点了汉堡,服务员往往会问一句"Do you want to make it a combo?"(你想升级成套餐吗?)省略的问法有"Burger or combo?"(只要汉堡还是要套餐?)或是"Only burger?"(只要汉堡吗?) 套餐的搭配是基本固定的,薯条加软饮料。薯条里面最普通的是 fries (薯条),也称French fries。挂了个法国名字,其实跟法国没什么关系,就像扬州炒饭跟扬州没什么关系一样。有的餐厅会提供 onion rings (洋葱圈),价格一般比薯条略高。还可以薯条洋葱圈各要一半,名字也有意思,把fries和rings生凑成一个“错别字” Frings 。薯条和洋葱圈都可以蘸着 ketchup (番茄酱)吃。店里一般会有一个大桶装着番茄酱,顾客自己拿一个比硬币略大点的小纸杯去装些出来。外卖则是事先准备好的小包装袋。升级版的吃法是另加块把钱在薯条上浇一勺 gravy (肉汁),香。 薯条的一个健康版是 sweet potato fries (红薯薯条)。我自己在家试过,薯条很容易炸,但红薯因为含糖量太高,基本上是还没把水分炸干就炸糊了,从来没有做出过店里那种香甜酥脆的效果。我把这事跟本地同事请教,想问问有没有好的方子可以试试,人家瞪大了眼睛看着我,说你居然想自己炸红薯薯条?!综上所述,如果碰到有卖红薯薯条的店,赶紧把你套餐里面的薯条升级试试。 当然,即使比薯条健康一点,毕竟也还是油炸食品。要想彻底健康,还是把薯条换成salad(沙拉)吧。现在已经越来越多快餐店提供这个选项。套餐里面搭配来的沙拉份量不大,叫做side salad(配菜沙拉)。光有蔬菜的叫 garden salad (田园沙拉)或 green salad (绿色沙拉),蔬菜上面加些芝士碎块和 crouton (炸面包块)的叫 Caesar salad (凯撒沙拉),还有加入大块黄瓜、番茄、洋葱的 Greek salad (希腊沙拉)。要当心的是,中文的“凯撒”是按照古拉丁文的读音翻译的,但Caesar的英文发音是/si: zə/。 点了沙拉以后有些餐厅的服务员会问你"Which dressing do you want?"(你要哪种酱汁?)你如果答不上来,可以反问一句"What do you have?"(你们有哪些?) Dressing 就是酱汁,常见的有French(法式)、Italian(意大利式)、Caesar(凯撒)、ranch(农场)、blue cheese(蓝纹芝士)等。所谓法式、意式,都是北美的说法,法国人意大利人并不承认。二者都以水和醋为底,但颜色不同。法式加入番茄酱,因而是带有红色,比较厚。意式不加番茄酱,加柠檬汁,还要加芹菜、百里香、罗勒等香草,奶黄色混合绿色颗粒。Ranch是乳白色的。 如果想多吃点蔬菜,我的建议是两个人合起来点餐。点一份汉堡+薯条+饮料的套餐,一份单点汉堡,另加一份 entree salad (正餐沙拉)。一份正餐沙拉的价格大约是配菜沙拉的两倍,但份量是三到四倍。 至于饮料,主要是 pop (碳酸饮料)。卖Coke(可口可乐)的地方一定不卖Pepsi(百事可乐),但不管卖哪个牌子,一般都是全线供应。除了可乐,还有柠檬汽水,直接按商标说Sprite或7Up即可。 Ice tea (冰红茶,是ice lemon tea冰柠檬茶的简称)也是一定有的,橘子味汽水也是有的,可以说orange pop也可以说Fanta或Mirinda。有一种跟可乐口味接近的 root beer 在北美很流行,在中国却很少见。虽然名字里面有个beer(啤酒),但其实不含酒精。Root倒是真的,因为它传统上是用一种树根酿制的。另一种国内少见的汽水是 ginger ale (姜汁汽水),其实姜味淡到几乎吃不出来。 3. 三明治 前面说了,汉堡只是三明治的一个分支,大量的三明治也是快餐的主力军。北美最流行的三明治是 Submarine (潜水艇三明治,简称Sub),因其造型酷似潜水艇而得名。 专卖潜水艇三明治而规模比麦当劳还要大的连锁快餐店非Subway(赛百味)莫属。他家点餐现在越来越图片化,越来越方便。第一步是选面包:白面包(white)、全麦面包(whole wheat或wheat)、多谷面包(multi-grain,他家的是9 grain)、意大利香草面包(Italian herbs)、芝士面包(cheese)等等。第一次到美国的时候买三明治被人问” white or wheat? ”(白面包还是全麦面包?),楞是没听懂,后来是看实物说话才搞明白。现在Subway把各种面包的图片和名称贴在柜台上,再不会有这样的尴尬了。 然后选肉。有各种 cold cut (冷肉),也称deli(熟肉),包括chicken(鸡肉,像火腿一样切成一片一片的熟制鸡肉)、ham(火腿)、turkey(火鸡)等。也有几种热的肉。 Meat ball (肉丸)大小介于中国人用来煮汤的肉丸和狮子头之间,牛肉的。在中国如果只说肉,一般是猪肉,但是在北美不加修饰语的meat一般是指牛肉。牛排也有。如果是 steak ,应该是切成小块的牛肉,当然不会是西冷牛扒这样档次的肉。还有一种 philly steak ,是把牛里脊肉切成涮肉厚度的肉片烤熟的。最后再选芝士、蔬菜和酱料。芝士最常见的有两三种。橙色的 cheddar 口感较硬,回味长。白色的 mozzarella 或是 Swiss cheese 加热以后很容易融化拉丝,形成一种独特的口感。讲究的意大利人mozzarella必须用当天新鲜的,因为其中因为其中水分含量高,不易保存,超市里面卖的和快餐店里用的都是脱水版的。我个人很喜欢Swiss cheese加蘑菇来搭配philly steak,口感很丰富。当然,这样的组合需要heat up(加热),服务员会把做好的三明治放到一个电铛里面快速烤一下。 意大利panini(帕尼尼)三明治也是要这样烤一下再热吃的。做帕尼尼的面包通常是方形或三角形,比较硬一些,面包里面多有香料。 4. 卷 三明治的一个翻版就是各种 wraps (卷类),也是夹馅料,但不用面包,而是用一张圆形的大饼卷起来吃。流行于希腊、中东和其他地中海地区的 pita (皮塔饼)是卷类的典型代表。常见的吃法是卷入 skewers (烤肉串)。希腊的肉串叫做 souvlaki ,中东的叫kebab,二者大同小异,主要的区别在于希腊人在腌肉的时候会放柠檬汁而中东人不加酸味的调料,souvlaki一般来讲是全肉的,而kebab有时候会在两块肉之间隔一块蔬菜。这些串鸡肉牛肉羊肉都有。除了肉还会加一些沙拉、酸菜、酸奶油(sour cream)以及酱料。皮塔饼有时候用来卷肉,有时候则是对剖开来像一个小口袋一样把肉和菜包进去。皮塔饼做的卷有一个特殊的类型就是 shawarma 。八十年代中国很多城市有一种土耳其烤肉卖,那个肉就是做shawarma的肉。一个电烤箱,中间一根金属的柱子,肉一层一层的挂在上面形成一根巨大的肉柱,柱子顺时针方向缓慢地转动,肉在上面烤得滋滋冒油。吃的时候师傅用一把长刀割下若干数量的肉裹在皮塔饼里面。 另外一种十分流行的卷是墨西哥burrito。做burrito用的面皮称为tortilla,跟pita不同,tortilla是没有发酵过的,一张薄如纸的皮而不是像pita那样的小面饼。卷的内容除了有各式肉类之外,必不可少的是要加入一些米饭和一种大大的红红的豆子。酱料也不同,墨西哥酱料叫做salsa,有不同的辣度,基本不辣的叫mild,中辣medium,辣的叫spicy。 5. 批萨 快餐的批萨图的是快,店里有什么现成的买一块就能吃,这是最快的方式。批萨店会随时准备一些超大尺寸的批萨,都是最受欢迎的味道,切好了论 slice (片)卖。你要哪种口味,服务员取一片拿进烤炉加热一下,三两分钟就能交到你手上。 这种事先烤好的批萨,最常见的有几种。什么馅料都不放的 cheese pizza (芝士批萨)占美国批萨消费总量的37%。放肉的要数 pepperoni (意大利腊肠)最流行。无肉不欢型的食客选 meat lover (肉食爱好者)准没错,上面sausage(香肠)、pepperoni(腊肠)、ham(火腿)、ground beef(牛肉末)等等应有尽有。荤素搭配咸中带甜的是北美独有的Hawaiian(夏威夷),菠萝加火腿。不吃肉的人也很多,故而vegetarian(素食)批萨也一定是店里常备的。 馅料好吃,可批萨的外围总有一圈厚厚的面皮没有沾上馅料。其实这个皮香脆可口,我个人很喜欢,而我女儿则喜欢拿它蘸牛奶吃。更多的人则会要一个 dipping sauce (蘸料)配着吃。​这种吃法是美式快餐批萨店的标配,要给意大利人见了估计会惊诧莫名。蘸料常见的有garlic sauce(蒜蓉酱,蒜蓉加芝士)、sour cream(酸奶油)、blue cheese(蓝芝士)和BBQ酱等。另外,桌上会放一些粗颗粒的辣椒粉,爱吃辣的可以洒在批萨上面吃。


balance meats and vegetables

balance meat and vegetable in our diet.望采纳!

He needs meat and vegetables

with the meat and vegetables


with the meat and vegetables

balance meats and vegetables

Hun vegetable collocation采纳吧,没错

balance meat and vegetable in our diet.望采纳!


西餐进餐礼仪Western-style food refers to the food or dinner cooked according to the customs of western countries. Western-style food is originated in Europe and the European cooking methods were conveyed2 by an Italian—Martin Polo to China. Later, after the Opium3 War, it was transferred from “residential4 dish” to “western restaurant” and then “western-style food restaurant” run by Chinese people. It was only served for some officials and business recent years, the number of foreign guests increased rapidly. More and more hotels have western-style food services. At the same time, more and more Chinese people have accustomed5 to the hobby of eating western-style eating western-style food, you can talk with others freely and lightly. But, when you talk with others, don't chew the food in your mouth. Generally speaking, clean your lips with napkins6 before talking or eating western-style food, you can not hold the plate when eating; can not stab7 the food while eating the large piece of food. You should cut the food into small pieces and then put them into your eating western-style food, the way of eating is similar to the way of eating Cantonese food8. That is—drink soup first and then eat the dishes. When drinking the soup, and hold the spoon with right hand, the spoon should face the outer side to ladle out9 the soup, and then put it into the mouth. Don't make any sound while drinking the eating western-style food, the bones and thorns should not be put into the mouth when you meet the dishes which have them. The food which already eaten into the mouth can not be spit out. So you should know the food you eat when eating western-style food. For the food which you are not so sure or the food which you don't like, then you'd better not put them into your eating western-style food, if you leave the table without finishing the dinner, you should put the knife and fork crossed beside the plate, let the edge of the knife faces inside. If you have finished your meal, you should put the knife and fork side by side to show that the plate can be removed.

Eating in American(I)中国菜着重色、香、味,西餐讲究实惠。初到美国餐馆用餐,应该注意如下事项:1)选择合适的餐馆(如:家庭式餐馆、特色餐馆以及自助式餐馆等);2)餐馆营业时间(上午11:30开门营业,直到夜晚);3)一般都应事先预订餐位:4)到达餐馆后,不能径直地到餐桌旁入桌,除非餐厅有“随意就坐”的告示;5)付款时,别忘了留给服务员一定比例的小费(一般为实际总额的10%~15%)。Eating out is one of the joy of being in the food is usually good and often excellent;the prices are reasonable ;and the service is mostly a Restaurant 选择餐馆Some restaurants are open for breakfast;others are open twenty-four hours a number of restaurants call themselves "family restaurants".Many of these serve no alcohol and have fairly restricted menus which include steaks,hamburgers,omelettes(炒蛋)and sandwiches,and all are at very reasonable may also serve smaller and cheaper children's portios(份餐).Note that many American restaurants are "speciatly"restaurants .They may serve only,or mainly ,steaks ,seafood, to Eat 供餐时间Many restaurants,especially the more expensive ones,open at about 11:.(midday,rather than the most normal time for lunch in the USA),and some remain open until the evening,so it is possible to order a meal throughout the many areas it is usual for people to leave work and go out for an evening meal at waiting until a Table 预订餐位Eating out is rather popular in the it is often necessary to make a will sometimes see short queues of people waiting for tables at restaurants-it's more pleasant to wait in the bar ,of course,if there is one-but there queues more at Restaurant 到达餐馆When you arrive at most restaurant,you should not just go in and sit down-unless you see a sign saying "Please seat yourself".Usually you will have to wait for a "hostess"or "captain"(领班)to escort(陪同)you to a table .Often there will be a sign that reads "Please wait to be seated".Do not expect to share a table with other parties,even if the restaurant is crowed .It just isn't restaurant have a no-smoking section,in some place by excellent American custom is that after you have sat down your waiter or waitress will often bring you a glass or water(with ice naturally)and will keep on refilling it throughout the meal.(Most American are incapable of eating a meal without drinking something at the same time.)When your waiter or waitress takes your order,it is not very normal for one person to order for the whole person orders separately ,except in the most expensive a waiter 召唤侍者You may find your waiter unusually may ask you how you are (You're supposed just to say "Fine"),inquire whether you have a good day and ,later on say that he hopes you will enjoy your summon a waiter in a American restaurant you may call "Bill",or "Mary",or "Claude",or and waitresses often actually introduce themselves when they first come to your table or wear name tags,you are permitted to use their first the Bill 付款The bill (often called the "check")comes usually with tax added but no service chare-though some restaurant do now add a service etiquette(规矩)books say that you should leave a ten per cent tip(小费)for lunch,fifteen per cent for tip should be calculated on the basis of the total before the addition of many restaurant you can ask the waiter to bring the bill and than pay at a cash desk on the way in American(II)美国人吃饭用刀叉,而且他们的用餐方式是很有讲究的。因此,在应邀与美国朋友一起吃饭时,应特别注意他们的用餐习惯。一般情况下,餐桌上摆放有一幅餐刀和两幅餐叉,外边的餐叉供你吃色拉,里边的餐叉用于吃主食和其它点心食品,餐刀用来切肉食。如果你两手并用,应左手握叉,右手握刀,而且一次握刀时间不能太长。美国人的早餐有:炒或煮鸡蛋、香肠、油炸土豆片、薄煎饼、果子冻、烤面包、松饼、桔子汁以及咖啡等。Eating Custom and Practice 用餐习惯American eating is eat almost everything with a fork,and it appears that holding a knife in one's right hand longer than a few seconds is considered to be against good table system is that if it is absolutely necessary to use a knife,people take the fork in their left hand,and cut off a piece of meat or whatever it is in the normal they put the knife down,transfer the fork to their right hand,and only then do they transport the food to their is clearly ludicrous(滑稽可笑),but it is considered good are several results of this it is not absolutely necessary to use a knife,Americans don't use one,because obviously this greatly complicates(使复杂化)things,and you will therefore see them trying to cut things like potatoes,fish and even bacon(熏猪肉)with a the end of a course,since only one implement(器具)is being used,food has to bo chased around the plate with the fork —and for the last mouthful the thumb has to be used to keep the food in place,although one is not supposed to do are generally laid with one knife and two forks,the outside fork being for the is no need for foreign visitors to follow the American system and try to eat the salad with only a fork,but if you do use your knife,remerber to save it for the meat desserts(甜食)(except ice cream)are eaten with a fork if at all possible,and the spoon you see by your dessert is meant to be for coffee (but if you use it for your dessert no one will say anything).Some Breakfast Dishes 早餐食谱Breakfast in a restaurant is a very enjoyable you order eggs in a restaurant,the waiter/waitress will ask you how you want them .You can reply that you want them "scrambled(炒)"or "boiled".It is not sufficient,however,to ask for them "fried"you will have to specify whether you would prefer them "sunny-side-up"(煎一面),"over"(两面煎),"over-easy/easy-over"(两面煎,但蛋黄仍然呈流体状).American sausage(香肠)comes in slices and is quite you can also have link bacon comes in small strips,can be rather fat,and is served is usually very tasty,and you can eat it with your fingers."Hash brows"(油炸土豆片)are shredded(切成碎片的)and fried are wonderful,especially with fried eggs and ketchup(蕃茄酱)."Pancakes",sometimes called "hot cakes",are made with baking are normally served in a pile,and you are supposed to put butter and syrup(果浆)on them."Jelly"(果子冻)is jam and includes grape jelly,which is very is often served already buttered."English muffins(松饼)"are like small crumpets(烤饼)without the holes and are served put jam on "biscuit"(软饼)is a snall,scone-like bread roll,often served juice and coffer are often serced with in American(III)美国人吃午餐和吃晚餐之前通常要喝点鸡尾酒,但在加利福尼亚州,人们大都喝葡萄酒。吃主食之前,一般都要吃一盘色拉。炸磨茹和炸洋葱圈可作为开胃食品,牛排、猪排和鸡(腿)为主食,龙虾、贝壳类动物以及各种鱼类甚至包括淡水鱼被统称为海鲜。炸土豆条是深受人们喜爱而且几乎成了必不可少的食物。另外应特别注意的一点,如有吃剩的食物,一定要打包带回家,以免浪费。Cocktail 鸡尾酒It is quite usual to drink cocktails before lunch and dinner in America and somewhat less usual,except in California,to drink wine with a can either have a cocktail in the bar,if there is one,while you wait for a table or for friends,or you can have one served before your dinner some restaurants the waiter/waitress will come to your table as soon as you sit down to ask if you want a cocktail,and you can then drink this while deciding what to order to others,there may be a separate cocktail waiter or this case,you do not normally order wine from him or her but from the normal waiter-or the wine waiter is there is not hesitate to order Californian can be excellent and in many parts of the country are 色拉It is usual to have a salad with your meal,and a separate plate is provided for this normal practice in America is to eat the salad before the main wonderful American invention is the salad restaurants that have these salad bars the waiter does not bring your go to the salad bar and help yourself,usually to as much as you is normally done after you have ordered your meal;you eat the salad while the main course is being from the Menu 选菜American menus can look rather confusing at first sight,for they may use some terms which are unfamiliar to most are some points which may be mushrooms,fried onion rings (洋葱圈)and fried zucchini (小胡瓜)are sometimes served as starters (第一道菜).Potatoes most often come "French-fried"or you order a baked potato,the waiter will ask you what you want on choice is butter and/or sour cream and sometimes chives (细香葱).Very often vegetables do not come automatically with the meal,and you have to pay extra for them."Scrod"(小鳕鱼),"red snapper"(啮龟)and "mahi hahi"are all name of fish."Seafood"means lobster (龙虾),shellfish and fish,including,funnily enough,freshwater fish!Prawns (对虾)are known as "shrimp".American beef is usually good and often salt and pepper (糊椒粉)pots are confusing until you realize that the salt pot may look like a pepper pot except that the salt pot's holes are is normally black rather than mustard (芥末)is mild and normally eaten with hot dogs or hamburgers rather than that stuff in a dish that looks ice cream is actually whipped (搅拌过的) 吃剩的食物You have probably heard that in American restaurants,if you can't finish your meal,you can put the remains in a "doggy bag"and take them is quite you leave some meat,in particular,your waiter may ask you if you'd like him to put it into "a little bag",or you can ask him to do in American(IV)随着美国人生活节奏的加快,快餐食品便应运而生.其快餐连锁店遍及世界各地,其中影响最大的当属麦当劳快餐连锁店.供应的快餐食品有:汉堡包、烤牛肉、牛排、火腿、三明治、肯德鸡、油炸土豆片、烘馅饼、冰淇淋以及各种碳酸饮料等.Fast Food 快餐食品Fast-food chains,American-style,are currently on the increase all over the world.Most of these places work on a similar principle.There is a long counter ,above which is displayed a list(often with pictures)of the items available,and behind which several people(often students working for the minimum wage)are serving.Individual queues form in front of each assistant .You receive what you order more or less immediately and take it on a tray to a table,picking up thing like straws(吸管),peper,salt,ketchup(蕃茄酱),pickles(泡菜)and napkins(usually paper napkins)on the way.If yo can’t see any knives and forks ,this means you are supposed to eat with your hands.If you can’t see any straws,that’s because they are hiding in the straw dispenser(分配器)that you have to fiddle(拨弄)with the bottom of it to get a straw(one at a time)to emerge.When you’ve finished,you yourself throw away everything except the tray.Many fast-food places have drive-in facilities.You place your order from your car via(通过)a microphone and then drive round to a special window to pay and pick it up .You may even encounter places where a waitress bring your meal out,and you sit and eat it in the car from a tray hooked over the door through the open window.You may be asked if your order is “for here”or “to go ”(i.e.to take away).In some states there is no sales tax on food consumed.Types of Fast Food Restaurants 快餐店的种类The most widespread type of fast-food restaurant is that serving hamburgers,such as the chains of MacDonald.All the different chains have their own specialties .Arby’s restaurants serve large roast beef,ham and cheese,and turkey(火鸡)“sandwidhes”.Some restaurant chians specialize in serving steaks quickly and cheaply.And then there’s Kntucky Fried Chicken.Chips 油炸土豆片Chips in Amercis are called “French fries”or “fries ”for short.(Note that in the USA “chips”mean crisps).“French fries”are normally thinner than chips.Amercians generally put ketchup on their chips ,and you will not normally find vigegar(醋).Pizzas(意大利式)烘焰饼There are many specialty pizza restaurants in America,and many of them take telephone orders and deliver pizzas to your home,which can often be convenient.They come in different sizes,and a large one can be big enought for a party of four people.If you want ot share a pizza but can’t agree on the ingredients ,it is possible to order two different sets of toppings ,one set on each half.Ice-Cream 冰淇淋Shops selling large number of different flavors of ice-cream are very common in America.If you are not sure what flavor you want ,generaly you can sample a small spoonful of a particular flavor to see if you like it.You can either have your ice-cream in a “plain cone”(普通型锥形物)or in a “sugar cone”(甜脆型锥形物).Soft Drinks 软饮料Fast-food restaurants do not serve alcohol.The soft drinks most often sold are Coca-Cola and Pepsi——Cola,plus fizzy drinks (which are like leminade)and root beer(which is like cough medicine).Fizzy drinks are known as “carbonated beverages”(碳酸饮料)or ,more colloquially,“soda”,“pop”,“soda pop”,and “soft drinks”.All these drinks come wiht lost of ice.In fact,yu will probably find as much ice as drink in your drink.If you ask fo a soft drink without ice,they will think yu are funny but will probably oblige.(They may charge yu a bit extra,fo ice is cheaper than Coke.)其他没有翻译,因为你应该可以看懂,比较简单,我只是说概括了一下大意!希望对你有帮助!呵呵!




在进餐时,如果你需要接电话或是离开餐桌去洗手间,你可以简单地说一声"Please excuse me for a moment."你可以将你的电话设置成静音或振动(Set your phone to the mute mode. 或Set your phone to the vibration mode.)。如果能关机的话会更为礼貌,不要特地拿手机出来关机给其他客人看,因为这样有炫耀自己很忙很重要的嫌疑。

无论如何,你一定要避免发出咂嘴的声音!特别是当你在喝汤和吃面条的时候!(Don’t slurp when drinking soup or having noodles.)注:在日本的拉面馆里吃饭,店家喜欢听到顾客slurp面条的声音,声音大代表顾客对店里的面条手艺高度认可,这也是一种礼貌。在西式的`用餐场合,吃饭的时候尽量安静一点。


即使你已经吃了很多,主人可能还是要你再吃一点。如果你真的已经吃饱了,你可以说:"Thank you, but I really couldn't eat another bite."(谢谢,但是我真得吃不下了)或者是"I'm stuffed!"(我太饱了),这是'very full'的非正式说法。

如果你想表明你已经吃饱了,你可以把你的刀叉并拢(一起放在你的盘子上),不要把吃过东西的盘子摞起来。离席之前,你可以说:"What a delicious meal! Thank you so much.",以此表达你的谢意。如果有纸巾,一般不要用餐巾(napkin)擦嘴。在所有人都吃完后,你才可以离开餐桌。

探过身子伸到桌子的另一边取食物是非常不礼貌的。如果你需要盐,或是你想吃某道菜,而你又够不到,你就可以说"Please pass the ...("请把……递给我,好吗?)

最后,其实你并不需要对每个细节都谨小慎微。现代礼仪更多传达是个人的优雅和姿态。当你不确定该怎么做的时候,你只需看看周边的人是怎么做的就可以了!When you are not sure what you should do, just follow others.

1. 西餐礼仪英语 (1)Sit down, please. Here is the menu. May I take your order, sir? 请坐,给您菜单。 先生,您要点菜吗? (2)What would you like to have, coffee or tea? 您要喝咖啡还是茶? (3)would you like to have some wine with your dinner?您用餐时要喝点酒吗? (4)It's our chef's remendation.这是我们大厨的拿手菜。 (5) Here is the bill. Please sign it.这是您的账单。 请签字。 (6)what kind of food would you like to have?您想吃什么菜? (7)You may sign the bill. The hotel will charge you when you leave.您可以签帐单。 离店时会给您结帐。 (8)It never goes to the head.(不管喝多少)它也不冲脑。(9)Have you anything in mind as to (decided)what to drink?您决定了喝什么吗? (10)we look forward to having with us tonight.我们期待您今晚大驾光临。 (11)I'm sorry , but I didn't quite catch what you just said.对不起,我没有听明白您刚才的话。 (12)I beg your pardon?/Pardon? 对不起,请再说一遍。 (13)Sorry, sir ,but I don't understand what you mean.很抱歉,先生,我没有听懂您的意思。 (14) Pardon, madam. I am afraid I didn't follow you.对不起,太太,我没有听明白。 (15)What was that? 你说什么?(此话比较随便,也要用升调) (16) Sorry, but could you say it again? 对不起,您能再说一编吗? (17)would you mind repeating, please?请再说一遍,好吗? (18)could you please repeat a little more slowly?您能再慢点儿说一遍吗? (19)It's delicious and worth a try.它鲜美可口,值得一试。 (20)Many guests give high ments on the wine.许多宾客对这种酒赞赏备至。 (21)i suggest that you have a taste of Sichuan dishes.我建议你们尝尝四川菜。 (22)try the green crab if you don't mind.如果您不介意的话,不妨尝一下这种青蟹。 (23)please feel free to contact us if you have any questions.如果你有什么问题,请随即和我们联系。 (24)you'll regret if you don't have a test..如果您不尝一下,您准会后悔的。 (25)I'm sorry to have kept you waiting. 很抱歉,让您久等了。 (26)I'm really sorry, but I seem to have misserved a dish..真对不起,我好像上错了一个菜。 (27)I do apologize for giving you the wrong soup.我上错了汤,真抱歉。 (28)I want to apologize. Is there anything I could do?我该道歉,我能想点办法吗? (29)Bottoms up!干杯! (30)It is a must for every birthday dinner.这对每个生日庆宴都是必不可少。 (31)The great wall is a must for every foreign tourist.长城是每位外国游客必去之处。 (32)I wish you good health.祝您健康。 (33)Let me wish you every success.祝您一切顺利。 (34)I hope you'll have a good time.祝您玩的痛快。 (35)Bon Voyage!一路顺风。 (36)on consumption to master account根据实际消耗由主人包付。 Open bar on a fixed price. 在预先定时定价范围内酒会客人随便享用。 (37)cash on delivery(C..)来客自负饮料费。 (38)How do you like the fish cooked this way?您觉得鱼这样烧怎么样? (39)What do you think of Chinese food?您认为中国菜怎么样? (40)Do you think the soup is tasty?您认为这个汤可口吗? (41)Do you think the price is reasonable?您认为这个价格不公道吗? (42) What's your opinion of their service? 您对他们的服务有什么意见吗? (43)I suggest we (should) go to a Chinese restaurant for a change.我建议到中国餐馆去换换口味。 (should可以省略) (44)Would you like to have some wine with your dinner?你们用餐时想喝点酒吗? (45)what would you like for dinner/dessert?您喜欢吃点什么餐/甜点? (46)How would you like the steak/eggs?您喜欢怎么样做的牛排/鸡蛋? (47) I would suggest Californian red wine for the beef steak.我建议您配牛排喝加利福尼亚红酒。 (48)I What about American breakfast? 吃美式早餐好吗?。 2. 跪求十条西餐礼仪 要英文的 谢谢 are expected to bring some *** all ts, flowers, chocolate or a bottle of good wine will be not start eating before the host you want something more, don't wait to be served or stop eating. Help yourself somemore and be you want to anwser a phone or leave the table for some other reasons, apologise not talk with your mouth you need to use hand when you are eating , do not hold the food with both hands when you finish eating, put the knife and fork on your plate pointing to yourself。 3. 用英语写出十条西餐的用餐小贴士 西餐礼仪的小窍门(11) (Office ambience) C:Mary,今晚公司为美国来的总裁举行晚餐会,我也被邀请出席,可我很紧张。 M:It's only a dinner, why are you so nervous? C:不说别的,就桌上那些刀叉就够让我糊涂了。我担心会出洋相。 M:那倒是,因为table manners are important。 C:嗯。Table manners。就是饭桌上的规矩和礼貌。 M:对,吃西餐的时候每道菜都用不同的餐具,整套餐具就是:a place setting。 C:要是一顿饭有汤,有沙拉,有主菜和甜点,那该有些什么餐具,每个餐具又该怎么用呢? M:那就应该在左手边有两把叉子,右手边有一把刀和一个汤勺。对了,喝汤的时候千万不要出声。其实很简单,你只要记住先用外边的就行了。Take utensils from the outside of the place setting to the inside。 C:由外及内。喝汤先用右手拿靠外边的汤勺。吃沙拉就用左手外侧的叉,对吗? M:Absolutely! 把用完的刀,叉放在盘子右边,服务员会把它们收走。No, never put used knives, forks or spoons back on the table。 C:那就是,吃完汤和沙拉后,我还剩下左边一把叉,右边一把刀,对吗? M:没错。在盘子前面还有吃甜点的小勺和叉。对了,你要不清楚的话,follow what other people do。陈豪, 对不起,I got to go, good luck tonight! M:Good morning, Chen Hao. How did the dinner go last night? C:幸亏你昨天教我刀叉的用法,I had no problems at all,只有一个小小的惊慌。 M:What's that? C:那沙拉里有一个小番茄,我用刀切了一下。把刀留在盘子里被服务员收走了。我担心一会儿吃主菜的时候没有刀,不过后来服务员给我拿来一把干净的刀。 M:Did you have any other problems? C:我喝完汤后不知道把勺放哪里。我看我们的总裁把勺放在汤碗下面的盘子右侧。我就照他那么做了。 M:Perfect. It's not that plicated, right? Just remember: Always work from the outside in when deciding which knife, fork or spoon to use. Once used, the utensil never goes back on the table. At the end of the meal, you should have used all the utensils at your place. 4. 西方餐桌礼仪英语 西餐礼仪的知识:用 刀 叉 吃 有 骨 头 的 肉吃 有 骨 头 的 肉 时 , 可 以 用 手 拿 着 吃 。 若 想 吃 得 更 优 雅 , 还 是 用 刀 较 好 。用 叉 子 将 整 片 肉 固 定 (可 将 叉 子 朝 上 , 用 叉 子 背 部 压 住 肉) , 再 用 刀 沿 骨 头 插 人 , 把 肉 切 开 。 最 好 是 边 切 边 吃 。必 须 用 手 吃 时 , 会 附 上 洗 手 水 。 当 洗 手 水 和 带 骨 头 的 肉 一 起 端 上 来 时 , 意 味 着 “ 请 用 手 吃 ” 。 用 手 指 拿 东 西 吃 后 ,将 手 指 放 在 装 洗 手 水 的 碗 里 洗 净 。 吃 一 般 的 菜 时 , 如果 把 手 指 弄 脏 , 也 可 请 侍 者 端 洗 手 水 来 , 注 意 洗 手 时 要 轻 轻 地 洗 。吃 面 包 可 蘸 调 味 汁吃 到 连 调 味 汁 都 不 剩 , 是 对 厨 师 的 礼 貌 。 注 意 不 要 把 面 包 盘 子 “ 舔 ” 得 很 干 净 , 而 要 用 叉 子 叉 住 已 撕 成 小 片 的 面 包 , 再 蘸 一 点 调 味 汁 来 吃 , 是 雅 观 的 作 法 。用 餐 巾 内 侧 擦 拭弄 脏 嘴 巴 时 , 一 定 要 用 餐 巾 擦 拭 , 避 免 用 自 己 的 手 帕 。 用 餐 巾 反 摺 的 内 侧 来 擦 ,而 不 是 弄 脏 其 正 面 , 是 应 有 的 礼 貌 。 手 指 洗 过 后 也 是 用 餐 巾 擦 的 。 若 餐 巾 脏 得 厉 害 , 请 侍 者 重 新 更 换 一 条 。凡 事 由 侍 者 代 劳在 一 流 餐 厅 里 , 客 人 除 了 吃 以 外 , 诸 如 倒 酒 、整 理 餐 具 、捡 起 掉 在 地 上 的 刀 叉 等 事 , 都 应 让 侍 者 去 做 。 在 国 外 , 进 餐 时 侍 者 会 来 问 : “How is everything?” 如 果 没 有 问 题 , 可 用 “Good” 来 表 达 满 意 。聊 天 切 忌 大 声 喧 哗在 餐 厅 吃 饭 时 就 要 享 受 美 食 和 社 交 的 乐 趣 , 沉 默 地 各 吃 各 的 会 很 奇 怪 。 但 旁 若 无 人 地 大 声 喧 哗 , 也 是 极 失 礼 的 行 为 。 音 量 要 小 心 保 持 对 方 能 听 见 的 程 度 , 别 影 响 到 邻 桌 。 中 途 离 席 时 将 餐 巾 放 在 椅 子 上万 不 得 已 要 中 途 离 席 时 , 最 好 在 上 菜 的 空 档 , 向 同 桌 的 人 打 声 招 呼 , 把 餐 巾 放 在 椅 子 上 再 走 , 别 打 乱 了 整 个 吃 饭 的 程 序 和 气 氛 。 吃 完 饭 后 , 只 要 将 餐 巾 随 意 放 在 餐 桌 即 可 , 不 必 特 意 叠 整 齐。 任 意 选 择 乳 酪高 级 餐 厅 上 甜 点 之 前 , 会 送 上 一 个 大 托 盘 , 摆 满 数 种 乳 酪 、饼 干 和 水 果 , 挑 多 少 种 都 可 以 , 但 以 吃 得 下 的 范 围 为 准 。用 叉 子 和 汤 匙 吃 甜 点上 甜 点 时 大 都 会 附 上 汤 匙 和 叉 子 。 冰 淇 淋 之 类 的 甜 点 容 易 滑 动 , 可 用 叉 子 固 定 并 集 中 , 再 放 到 汤 匙 里 吃 。 大 块 的 水 果 可 以 切 成 一 口 的 大 小 , 再 用 叉 子 叉 来 吃 。 如 何 招 呼 侍 者侍 者 会 经 常 注 意 客 人 的 需 要 。 若 需 要 服 务 , 可 用 眼 神 向 他 示 意 或 微 微 把 手 抬 高 , 侍 者 会 马 上 过 来 。 如 果 对 服 务 满 意 , 想 付 小 费 时 , 可 用 签 帐 卡 支 付 , 即 在 帐 单 上 写 下 含 小 费 在 内 的 总 额 再 签 名 。 最 后 别 忘 记 口 头 致 谢 。 餐具的使用1.西餐的餐具广义的西餐餐具包括刀、叉、匙、盘、杯、餐巾等。其中盘又有菜盘、布丁盘、奶盘、白脱盘等;酒杯更是讲究,正式宴会几乎每上一种酒,都要换上专用的玻璃酒杯。 狭义的餐具则专指刀、叉、匙三大件。刀分为食用刀、鱼刀、肉刀(刀口有锯齿,用以切牛排、猪排等)、黄油刀和水果刀。 叉分为食用叉、鱼叉、肉叉和虾叉。匙则有汤匙、甜食匙、茶匙。 公用刀、叉、匙的规格明显大于餐用刀叉。餐具的摆法:垫盘放在餐席的正中心,盘上放折叠整齐的餐巾或餐纸(也有把餐巾或餐纸拆成花蕊状放在玻璃杯内的)。 两侧的刀、叉、匙排成整齐的平行线,如有席位卡,则放在垫盘的前方。所有的餐刀放在垫盘的右侧,刀刃朝向垫盘。 各种匙类放在餐刀右边,匙心朝上。餐叉则放在垫盘的左边,叉齿朝上。 一个座席一般只摆放三副刀叉。面包碟放在客人的左手边,上置面包刀(即黄油刀,供抹奶油、果酱用,而不是用来切面包)一把,各类酒杯和水杯则放在右前方。 如有面食,吃面食的匙、叉则横放在前方。2.餐具的用法刀叉持法。 用刀时,应将刀柄的尾端置于手掌之中,以拇指抵住刀柄的一侧,食指按在刀柄上,但需注意食指决不能触及刀背,其余三指则顺势弯曲,握住刀柄。叉如果不是与刀并用,叉齿应该向上。 持叉应尽可能持住叉柄的末端,叉柄倚在中指上,中间则以无名指和小指为支撑,叉可以单独用于叉餐或取食,也可以用于取食某些头道菜和馅饼,还可以用取食那种无需切割的主菜。刀叉的使用。 右手持刀,左手持叉,先用叉子把食物按住,然后用刀切成小块,再用叉送入嘴内。欧洲人使用时不换手,即从切割到送食物入口均以左手持叉。 美国人则切割后,将刀放下换右手持叉送食入口。刀叉并用时,持叉姿势与持刀相似,但叉齿应该向下。 通常刀叉并用是在取食主菜的时候,但若无需要刀切割时,则可用叉切割,这两种方法都是正确的。匙的用法。 持匙用右手,持法同持叉,但手指务必持在匙柄之端,除喝汤外,不用匙取食其他食物。餐巾用法。 进餐时,大餐巾可折起(一般对折)折口向外平铺在腿上,小餐巾可伸开直接铺在腿上。注意不可将餐巾挂在胸前(但在空间不大的地方,如飞机上可以如此)。 拭嘴时需用餐巾的上端,并用其内侧来擦嘴。绝不可用来擦脸部或擦刀叉、碗碟等。 西餐进餐礼仪因为西餐主要是。 5. 西方餐桌礼仪规矩(英文)》2条 12 basic table manners for kids1. Eat with a fork unless the food is meant to be eaten with fingers. Only babies eat with . Don't stuff your mouth full of food, it looks gross, and they could . Chew with your mouth closed. No one wants to be grossed out seeing food being chewed up or hearing it being chomped on. This includes no talking with your mouth . Don't make any rude ments about any food being served. It will hurt someone's . Always say thank you when served something. Shows . If the meal is not buffet style, then wait until everyone is served before eating. It shows . Eat slowly, don't gobble up the food. Someone took a long time to prepare the food, enjoy it slowly. Slowly means to wait about 5 seconds after swallowing before getting another . When eating rolls, break off a piece of bread before buttering. Eating a whole piece of bread looks . Don't reach over someone's plate for something, ask for the item to be passed to you. Shows . Don't pick anything out of your teeth, it's gross. If it bothers you that bad, excuse yourself and go to the restroom to . Always use a napkin to dab your mouth, which should be on your lap when not in use. Remember, dab your mouth only. Don't wipe your face or blow your nose with a napkin, both are gross. Excuse yourself from the table and go the restroom to do those . When eating at someone's home or a guest of someone at a restaurant, always thank the host and tell them how delicious it was, even if it wasn't. Again, someone took time, energy, and expense to prepare the food, show your appreciation.。 6. 英语作文西餐礼仪 Eat, with a knife, fork and cut a *** all piece of meat, which happens to be a size. Eat a piece, a cut, do not cut all of a sudden the whole, . Eating pasta, use a fork and slowly rolled noodles, the most convenient 5-per-Juan Si. Can also be used together with spoon and fork to eat, spoon fork to help control the greasy noodles. Mouth can not *** oke, not easily juice to splash everywhere. and not the whole piece of meat with a fork folder to the mouth, biting edge, while chewing, swallowing edge 7. 关于西餐用餐礼仪的英文介绍~~~ Western mealtime etiquette ments Etiquette is protocol, called the ceremony, which is in the interaction between people, along with a certain, mon procedures and to the performance of self-discipline and respect for the integrity act. Western is a type of diet, colloquially speaking, is the theme of a dining meal manner. It has been the understanding of mankind today is not only a means to sustain life, but enjoyable, but it is also a way exchanges. Food used for selection, cooking methods and decided to dine in all aspects of the basic rules and requirements of a certain courtesy. To enable guests will dine with pleasure successfully, it is imperative to understand the norms and reason. Here it is relevant to note that some of these rules are not rigid dogma, it is for the purpose of the service, but our aim is to enjoy Western : being insiders. Attitude Standard posture is very important, for example, showing should remain stable, not before swinging. Imagine : You can hide behind a *** all rat, and a kitten lying on your knees -- should now able to walk proudly to his knees Fang-ping. Whether male or female, when meals are eyesores created by cigarette *** oke, but impolite. Many unpleasant and embarrassing scenes, mostly caused by such inappropriate move. There should avoid similar moves Chang Cheng-eight shape : having both her legs and chests, pine belts, assume an air of self approbation and stretching his arms in calisthenics, etc., which are very impolite gesture, unbeing. In the United States, when one hand meals, on the other hand can be put on my knees. It is different in Europe, two hands should be retained on the table. But it should be noted that : arms can not be used to support the body, it takes a table, we can not cross on his chest, hands and wrists just take lightly on the table. Natural fingers to *** ooth on the table, not on the table or playing Luantan tableware. Progressive meal Meals, as a general hand and a knife or spoon, fork left hand, also use the right hand to grip the glass. Not too close to the body eaten with utensils food to the mouth, instead of dishes, bowls classics : Who is not with us your plate of food. Attention : In the advanced Class Formula food, but they should avoid sending suction to the voice of a higher temperature if soup can enjoy a short wait, the disk can not be held directly into the mouth. -- Should shut his mouth to chew food, the mouth with food to avoid drinking alcohol beverages. -- Bear in mind : an edible bread plate with bread to dip in the soup (or special status is more about the President to avoid such moves); Lane dedicated to *** all capitalization bread or tablecloths, you should dine on the disk plate edges; Bread with butter paper, a *** all piece of bread on the pick up in a little butter, hand breaking off consumption, or not to use a knife to cut teeth graffiti; Bread into soup or only when the first plate of food consumption. • If they do not want to drink wine, politely said : "I do not drink, thank you. "Do not use the quilt Cup. • statement should forks on the plate. Not to find fault with fork in hand-edged to talk, not to put up their forks, it will make people feel "scared", and indeed the risk of harm to themselves or others. Do not suggest, laughing loudly on the table -- or the city. -- Taboo words or intimate audible, meals or after meals not burps abuse, Baji mouth. -- Not on the table in front of the dead, sing or sorting out clothing. -- Not for others take their food with their own utensils, scoop soup or other food selection. Nothing to hide -- not publicly mention. Facing Taiwan Taiwan is facing major surface of the table seating arrangements and decorations. Put on the table pleasing to the surface again, not only to provide a fortable venue for the guests and a clean appliances, but also for bringing pleasure to enjoy the arts. This, of course, is an indispensable part of food. Taiwan is scattered or placed banquet tables facing Taiwan, most of the use of table, table or table. And table decorations similar to the tools used. Basically, the use of metal cutlery cutlery, knives, forks and three main engines. Because of the different types of dishes, cooking methods, the use of tableware, there are differences in size and shape. But how they are placed on the table? Here we are facing can be divided into two basic categories : luxury facing Taiwan and Taiwan. The middle and lower ends of the restaurant prices Basically facing Taiwan : (pièce de résistance) a knife, a fork and a piece of napkins (paper towels are available), a cup. • blade on the right side, the best direction Zhaozuo. • fork should be placed on the left, forking 。 8. 英文的西方餐桌礼仪 正规的西餐礼仪 Normal Etiquette in West Restaurant 1、预约的窍门。越高档的饭店越需要事先预约。预约时,不仅要说清人数和时间,也要表明是否要吸烟区或视野良好的座位。如果是生日或其他特别的日子,可以告知宴会的目的和预算。在预定时间内到达,是基本的礼貌。 1. Doohickey of Preengage. The more slap-up the restaurant is, the more necessary to preengage. When making a preengage, you have to tell the exact number of person and the time, but also show clearly if you want to a non- *** oking or well viewing place. If it is for the birthday or any other special days, you can make them know the purpose and budget. It is bacical politeness that you should arrive in time. 2、再昂贵的休闲服,也不能随意穿着上餐厅。 2. you shouldn't wear the casual clothes in the restaurant even it may be a very expensive one. 3、吃饭时穿着得体是欧美人的常识。去高档的餐厅,男士要穿着整洁的上衣和皮鞋;女士要穿套装和有跟的鞋子。如果指定穿正式服装的话,男士必须打领带。 It is the mon sense that one should wear properly when having dinner.


搭配 match collocation style 1.to arrange in pairs or groups; to collocate2.collocation


And we still reinforce this kind arrangement.

这个短语是这样翻译的:A and B mix together。译为把A和B搭配到一起。

start on 英[stɑ:t ɔn] 美[stɑrt ɑn] v. 开始进行,找机会与…吵架; start in 英[stɑ:t in] 美[stɑrt ɪn] 开始工作[活动,做事]; start at 英[stɑ:t æt] 美[stɑrt æt] [计] 起始于;

你好! 建议使用英文名字Rain 希望能够帮到你!

五级铭文推荐:红色铭文,红月,提供攻击速度+1.6%,暴击率+0.5%;蓝色铭文,隐匿,提供物理攻击+1.6,移速+1%;绿色铭文,鹰眼,提供物理攻击+0.9,物理穿透+6.4。铭文属性总和:攻击速度+16%,暴击率+5%,物理攻击+25,物理穿透+64,移速+10% 刘备是一个短腿的射手,容易被地方英雄针对,所以移动速度对刘备而言是一个比较关键的属性,蓝色铭文我们首选隐匿,提高刘备的移速和物理攻击。接下来,攻击速度和暴击是一个射手尤为重要的属性,是刘备瞬间爆炸输出的核心,所以红色铭文选择红月,既提高攻击速度又提高暴击率。在绿色铭文选择上,鹰眼是个不错的选择,既增加了物理攻击又增强了物理穿透能力,让刘备可以更有力的攻击敌人,贴脸打出更加逆天的伤害。

【红色】 5级铭文无双:暴击率+0.7%,暴击效果+3.6% 10个 【蓝色】 5级铭文兽痕:暴击率+0.5%,最大生命+60 6个 5级铭文夺萃:物理吸血+1.6% 4个


搭配的近义词是什么,搭配的近义词是什么 白雪公主: 搭配的近义词—— 共同、合营、协同、匹配、组合、合作、互助、协作 搭配 :[拼音]:dā pèi [释义]1.按适当的标准或比例加以配合或分配。

参考答案: 词语搭配中,“XX的”后面应搭配名词,但个别也有代词。如 XX的+名词:雄伟的大厦、漆黑的眼睛、可爱的小鸟、动听的歌声 XX的+代词:年少的我、单纯的我们、幼稚的她

问题一:搭配的英文????????????????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! match fix suit 问题二:服装搭配用英文怎么说? (the工right/fashionable) dress collocation clothing collocation 问题三:把……和……搭配起来用英语怎么说 match A with B 把A与B搭配起来 match sth with sth 问题四:很相配的英文怎么说 5分 很相配、很般配:Very suitable, very match, well-matched等等。 例如: 你们是很相配的you very match. 我们俩很般配We'e a well-matched couple. 很般配的一对well-matched couple 我们彼此很般配We looked good for each other. 问题五:把什么和什么相搭配用英文怎么说 match sth. with sth.match with vt.与...相配,与...相称 问题六:与……相配用英语怎么说? be fit with 望采纳 问题七:麦有杂音怎么调 hehe 问题八:服装搭配用英文怎么说 dressing match costume match



作者:小思本文地址:http://aiyundongfang.com/yingyuxuexibaike/34465.html发布于 09-20
