

小思 2024-09-19 35
客户退货英语摘要: 客户退货英文return of the goods (名词词组,指退货这一动作)cancle the order (取消订单)returned goods (被退的货物)商...


return of the goods (名词词组,指退货这一动作)cancle the order (取消订单)returned goods (被退的货物)




属类:【简明汉英词典】-〖〗-[]退货goods returned;return purchase;sales returns;returned goods;return of goods;merchandise return;take back goods;goods rejected属类:【经济金融 】-〖经贸专业〗-[]换货barter;exchange goods属类:【经济金融 】-〖贸易术语〗-[]

多种表达呢。 exchange alteration



return of goods; returned purchase; cancel the orders; goods rejected


退货 [tuì huò]


《南京民间故事·周佛海买画》:“如果发现有毛病,三天内退货。” 商宁 《山花烂漫》:“顾客意见大,一些门市部也要求退货。”



Economic Analysis of "Return of Goods without Reasons".


Uncollectibility of debts or the return of goods .


Dissatisfied customers can return the product for a full refund.


If I buy something and he doesn't like it I'll take it back.


The store's 'no refunds' policy makes it harder for dishonest cashiers and customers to collude.

你说的是“退货”的意思 return of goods; returned purchase; cancel the orders; goods rejected无限包退换的话,直接用return或 rejection 退回就可以,这里return老外一般习惯用(exchange也行,但多有交换、更替的意思)译:accept merchandise for return without any condition to return the goods unconditionally merchandise can be returned with no reason merchandise returned with no reason no-questions-asked return


Dear Sir,While I was on holiday in Hong Kong about a week ago, I bought a green blouse for 268 dollars in your shop, but there seems to be something wrong with it. When it is washed, the color runs. Now I can’t possibly wear it. It’s not my fault, so I’d like you to solve the problem for me. I insist you change it for another one for me or give me my money back. I think it’s better for you to make sure that everything in your shop is good. Then you will have more customers.I’m looking forward to your early reply.Sincerely,Li Hong

怎么用英语来回复客户发来的投诉信,怎样写才比较合适?下面是我给大家整理了投诉信回复英文 范文 ,供大家参阅!英文投诉信回复范文1 We fully understand the situation, and we admit it's our mistake, please accept our sincere apology to you. Here is the solution........, if you disagree please do let us know and we will do our best to find the best solution for you. We thank you for your kind concern and letter with which we can promote ourselves,with which we can approach to the perfect. Wish you all the best yours, 英文投诉信回复范文2 对于无理取闹的客人: Dear Sir/Madm: Thanks for your letter, from which we understand the situation. We are so sorry for our imperfect service,hope you could kindly forgive us. We look forward to serving you again with more satisfied service. Again please accept our sincere invitation and we will be waiting for your soon arrival. with all our best regards and wishes! yours, 英文投诉信回复范文3 假如你是王华,在第一百货商店买了一部SQ200手机,发现手机有质量问题,写信给商店经理投诉。内容如下: 1. 不能拍照,不能收发信息,等等。。。 2. 希望对方可以允许你退货或者是换部新手机。 3. 写信日期是2008年12月21日。注意 书信格式 。 No.7 Jiang Nan Road, Chongqing City, China stDec. 21, 2008 Dear Manager, My name is Wang Hua. I am writing this letter to tell you some problems about the SQ200 cell phone which I bought from ththe First Super Store on Dec. the 18. First of all, the cell phone can not be used to take pictures. It seems that there is something wrong with the camera. Second, I can neither receive nor send messages through this cell phone. Moreover, the buttery power is too short to last for one day. Because of the above issues, I require that you either allow me to return this cell phone and you refund the money to my account or give another new phone to me. If you have any better suggestions please contact me as soon as possible. Thank you! Yours Customer, Wang Hua. 假如你是第一百货公司的经理吴刚,针对上文给予回复。 thDec. 30, 2008 Dear Mr. Wang, My name is Wu Gang, the General Manager from The First Super Store. First of all, I would like to say sorry about your new phone and thank you for telling us about these problems. As far as your SQ200 cell phone is concerned, I suggest that you return it back to our store and we will give you another one. The charge will be all on us. In order to express our regrets, we plan to send you a gift card. I promise the new cell phone is going to be perfect! Finally, we are sorry again and hope you will like the new cell phone! If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me. Have a good day! Sincerely, Wu Gang.

Dear (你的客户名字),We are sorry to hear that you rejected the goods because of fabric quality problem. We grant your request in view of our longstanding cooperation. (However, you have to pay the cost of returning it. )Yours sincerely,(你们公司的落款放这里)敬爱的**:我们很抱歉,听说您发现面料质量有问题要求退货。鉴于我们之间长期的合作关系,我方同意您的请求。(但您必须承担退货的费用。)敬上***<由于不知道合同当时是怎么规定你们谁出退货的这笔费用的,所以你根据公司情况可能还需要自行调整, 下面是你做调整时可能用到的句子)If have refunds agreements, you will be responsible for thereturn shipping charges. The balance will be refunded back toyou after we receive the items.表示如果达成退货退款协议,对方会给退回运费。你们在收到退回货物后,会退回款项Accepts Buyer''s returned Products and refund the purchaseprice in the currency stated in this Contract, and takesresponsibility for all direct loss and expenses incurred to Buyerdue to the return of Products表示你们同意买方退货,并将所退货物金额用合同规定的货币偿还买方,并承担买方因退货而蒙受的一切直接损失和费用。请采纳。


Allowing the return of goods is one of the items included in the service pledge of our company.


Please check the quantity/ category of order. Related national regulations will be applied in case of return of goods.


For return of goods sold or refund of tax, accounting entries to the contrary shall be made.


"Return of goods without reasons" is a newly risen market innovation of manufacturers and a new means of non-price competition.


Under no circumstances will the Seller accept the return of goods specially procured for the Buyer.


RMA是Return Material Authorization的英文缩写,即退料审查。是处理用户不良产品退货、换货的主要流程。

RMA/RGA 的签发是逆向物流周期中的关键看门时刻,为供应商提供最后机会,在客户永久放弃对产品的所有权之前诊断和纠正客户的产品问题(例如不正确的安装或配置)产品给制造商,通常称为退货。由于退货对供应商来说成本高昂,而对客户来说不方便,任何可以避免的退货对双方都有利。


RMA 管理的一个重要方面是学习 RMA 趋势以防止进一步退货。根据规则的不同,制造商可能会向客户发送提前更换件。RMA 可以通过多种方式最小化。添加客户调查功能可以通过在退货之前检测问题来防止 RMA。







Military Academy <英>皇家陆军军官学校; 以上结果来自金山词霸例句: this past article, I discussed how to close a floating rich media annotation ( rma)window. 在上一篇文章中,我介绍了如何关闭一个浮动的富媒体评论(rma)窗口。-----------------------------------如有疑问欢迎追问!满意请点击右上方【选为满意回答】按钮

RMA是Return Material Authorization的英文缩写,即退料审查。是处理用户不良产品退货、换货的主要流程。







一组 RMA 代表一组资讯,其中包括识别编号(ID)、状态、和一些与退回者、退回主旨等相关的说明资讯。就成本管理层面,系统提供完备的整合与稽核。






return material advice我们公司的RMA是表示这个意思, 退(换)货申请.关于RMA( 退货)的业务流程rma在业务上有三种处理方式:repair退回修理、replace退换、return退回。一般都要求退到暂存仓,进行检验。1。repair : 可能会参与新的mrp运算;然后通过维修工单生产、入库、出货。财务上会新开一张贷项凭单、收费或不收费发票。与原发票冲抵。2。replace:相当与新增加一张订单,需要进入mrp运算,然后按照正常流程生产、出货。退回物料则在检验后可选择入库、维修或报废。财务上也会新开一张贷项凭单、收费或不收费发票。与原发票冲抵。3。return:物料入库;财务上开一张贷项凭单,冲抵发票。

Military Academy <英>皇家陆军军官学校; 以上结果来自金山词霸例句: this past article, I discussed how to close a floating rich mediaannotation ( rma) window. 在上一篇文章中,我介绍了如何关闭一个浮动的富媒体评论(rma)窗口。


作者:小思本文地址:http://aiyundongfang.com/yingyuxuexibaike/31249.html发布于 2024-09-19
