

小思 2024-09-19 26
京杭大运河英文摘要: 京杭大运河英文名Grand CanalThe capital Hang zhou Grand Canal, the abbreviation canal, and to s...


Grand Canal

The capital Hang zhou Grand Canal, the abbreviation canal, and to stand side by side serve as the engineering the greatest in China ancient times to the Great Wall. Beijing is risen in north in capital Hang zhou Grand Canal, and south is to Hangzhou, and economizing through Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei Province, Shandong, Jiangsu Province and Zhejiang four, linking up the big river system of Haihe River, Huanghe River, Huaihe River, Changjiang River and Qiantang River five, length overall is 1794 kilometers. Begins five centuries spring and autumn last phase of chisel before the Christian era in the capital Hang zhou Grand Canal, and Wu Wangfu is less than opening ditch ( Han's ditch ) for felling the neat chisel river, can open the navigation or air flight to Qin Dynasty time Suzhou to Zhenjiang, more than is called the south of the River canal. Afterwards opening growing and widening through Sui Yang emperor, until arriving first 29 years ( 1292 ) years, haves a thorough knowledge of in the all fronts that grandfather accomplished Hang Yunhe in capital in first lifetime. Run through the main artery of north and south when becoming the unit and the Ming Dynasty and unmixed, and is taking the important effect in the communications and transportation. Only among them one small section is keeped opening the navigation or air flight in season reluctantly before 1949, and the Changjiang River and Huaihe River can smooth(ly) be sailed to more than 400 kilometers of river course kiloton barges of Jiangsu Province north section at present. The ancient canal Wuxi that our country newly opened up caused the very big interest of abroad tour person to Yangzhou and Wuxi to the tour circuit of Hangzhou in April 1981. The irrgation works that the capital Hang zhou Grand Canal is the greatest in China ancient times, the canal that also is the longest on the world.京杭大运河,简称运河,与万里长城并列为中国古代最伟大的工程。 京杭大运河北起北京,南至杭州,经北京、天津及河北、山东、江苏、浙江四省,沟通海河 、黄河、淮河、长江、钱塘江五大水系,全长1794公里。 京杭大运河始凿于公元前五世纪春秋末期,吴王夫差为伐齐凿河开沟(邗沟),至秦时苏州至镇江已能通航,以上称为江南运河。后经 隋炀帝开长拓宽,直到至元二十九年(1292)年,元世祖完成了京杭运河的全线贯通。 成为元、明、清时贯穿南北的大动脉,在交通运输中起着重要作用。 1949年以前只有其中一小段勉强维持季节通航,现江苏北段的400多公里河道千吨级驳 船可畅驶长江、淮河。1981年4月,我国新开辟的古运河无锡至扬州、无锡至杭州的旅游线路 ,引起了国外旅游者的极大兴趣。 京杭大运河是中国古代最伟大的水利工程,也是世界上最长的运河。

The Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal


The Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal is the oldest canal in the world with the longest history and the largest engineering.

It is also one of the oldest canals. It is also known as the Great Great Wall and the Kaner Well. It is called the three great works of ancient China, and it is still used by the working people of ancient China. A great project is one of the symbols of Chinese cultural status.



The Grand Canal starts from Yuhang (now Hangzhou) in the south and goes to Shu County (now Beijing) in the north.

It passes through the four provinces of Zhejiang, Jiangsu, Shandong, Hebei, Tianjin and Beijing, and runs through the five major river systems of Haihe, Yellow River, Huaihe River, Yangtze River and Qiantang River.

The main source of water is Nansi Lake (Weishan Lake, Weishan County, Shandong Province).

The Grand Canal is about 1,797 kilometers long. The canal has played a huge role in the economic and cultural development and exchanges between China's north and south regions, especially the development of industrial and agricultural economy along the line.










The Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal is the oldest canal in the world with the longest history and the largest engineering.

It is also one of the oldest canals. It is also known as the Great Great Wall and the Kaner Well. It is called the three great works of ancient China, and it is still used by the working people of ancient China. A great project is one of the symbols of Chinese cultural status.



The Grand Canal starts from Yuhang (now Hangzhou) in the south and goes to Shu County (now Beijing) in the north.

It passes through the four provinces of Zhejiang, Jiangsu, Shandong, Hebei, Tianjin and Beijing, and runs through the five major river systems of Haihe, Yellow River, Huaihe River, Yangtze River and Qiantang River.

The main source of water is Nansi Lake (Weishan Lake, Weishan County, Shandong Province).

The Grand Canal is about 1,797 kilometers long. The canal has played a huge role in the economic and cultural development and exchanges between China's north and south regions, especially the development of industrial and agricultural economy along the line.








Grand Canal

The Grand Canal from Beijing to Hangzhou

京杭大运河The Beijing - Hangzhou Grand Canal 或 The capital Hang zhou Grand Canal ,简称运河,与万里长城并列为中国古代最伟大的工程。 京杭大运河北起北京,南至杭州,经北京、天津及河北、山东、江苏、浙江四省,沟通海河 、黄河、淮河、长江、钱塘江五大水系,全长1794公里。 京杭大运河始凿于公元前五世纪春秋末期,吴王夫差为伐齐凿河开沟(邗沟),至秦时苏州至镇江已能通航,以上称为江南运河。后经 隋炀帝开长拓宽,直到至元二十九年(1292)年,元世祖完成了京杭运河的全线贯通。 成为元、明、清时贯穿南北的大动脉,在交通运输中起着重要作用。 1949年以前只有其中一小段勉强维持季节通航,现江苏北段的400多公里河道千吨级驳 船可畅驶长江、淮河。1981年4月,我国新开辟的古运河无锡至扬州、无锡至杭州的旅游线路 ,引起了国外旅游者的极大兴趣。 京杭大运河是中国古代最伟大的水利工程,也是世界上最长的运河。 ------------------- The capital Hang zhou Grand Canal, the abbreviation canal, and to stand side by side serve as the engineering the greatest in China ancient times to the Great Wall. Beijing is risen in north in capital Hang zhou Grand Canal, and south is to Hangzhou, and economizing through Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei Province, Shandong, Jiangsu Province and Zhejiang four, linking up the big river system of Haihe River, Huanghe River, Huaihe River, Changjiang River and Qiantang River five, length overall is 1794 kilometers. Begins five centuries spring and autumn last phase of chisel before the Christian era in the capital Hang zhou Grand Canal, and Wu Wangfu is less than opening ditch ( Han's ditch ) for felling the neat chisel river, can open the navigation or air flight to Qin Dynasty time Suzhou to Zhenjiang, more than is called the south of the River canal. Afterwards opening growing and widening through Sui Yang emperor, until arriving first 29 years ( 1292 ) years, haves a thorough knowledge of in the all fronts that grandfather accomplished Hang Yunhe in capital in first lifetime. Run through the main artery of north and south when becoming the unit and the Ming Dynasty and unmixed, and is taking the important effect in the communications and transportation. Only among them one small section is keeped opening the navigation or air flight in season reluctantly before 1949, and the Changjiang River and Huaihe River can smooth(ly) be sailed to more than 400 kilometers of river course kiloton barges of Jiangsu Province north section at present. The ancient canal Wuxi that our country newly opened up caused the very big interest of abroad tour person to Yangzhou and Wuxi to the tour circuit of Hangzhou in April 1981. The irrgation works that the capital Hang zhou Grand Canal is the greatest in China ancient times, the canal that also is the longest on the world.


the Grant Canal from Beijing to Hangzhou大运河: [ dà yùn hé ] 1. the Grant Canal其它相关解释:

The River Of Bejing To Hangzhou

the Grand Canal在英语中可以指:⒈京杭大运河,亦作the Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal⒉威尼斯大运河(威尼斯语作Canałasso,意大利语作Canal Grande)⒊爱尔兰大运河(爱尔兰语作An Chanáil Mhór)⒋[~of Alsace ]阿尔萨斯大运河(法语作 Grand Canal d'Alsace)⒌[t- GRAND C-]Great Recycling and Northern Development Canal(北美的一个用水管理项目)的简写⒍韩半岛大运河(谚文作한반도 대운하 ),通常称为the Pan Korea Grand Waterway⒎尼加拉瓜大运河(西班牙语作Canal de Nicaragua),通常称为the Nicaragua Grand Canal 或 the Nicaragua Interoceanic Grand Canal


The Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal is the oldest canal in the world with the longest history and the largest engineering.

It is also one of the oldest canals. It is also known as the Great Great Wall and the Kaner Well. It is called the three great works of ancient China, and it is still used by the working people of ancient China. A great project is one of the symbols of Chinese cultural status.



The Grand Canal starts from Yuhang (now Hangzhou) in the south and goes to Shu County (now Beijing) in the north.

It passes through the four provinces of Zhejiang, Jiangsu, Shandong, Hebei, Tianjin and Beijing, and runs through the five major river systems of Haihe, Yellow River, Huaihe River, Yangtze River and Qiantang River.

The main source of water is Nansi Lake (Weishan Lake, Weishan County, Shandong Province).

The Grand Canal is about 1,797 kilometers long. The canal has played a huge role in the economic and cultural development and exchanges between China's north and south regions, especially the development of industrial and agricultural economy along the line.









the Grant Canal from Beijing to Hangzhou大运河: [ dà yùn hé ] 1. the Grant Canal其它相关解释:

Wuzhen is an ancient water-town in Zhejiang Province, which is located by the bank of Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal.

京杭大运河The Beijing - Hangzhou Grand Canal 或 The capital Hang zhou Grand Canal ,简称运河,与万里长城并列为中国古代最伟大的工程。 京杭大运河北起北京,南至杭州,经北京、天津及河北、山东、江苏、浙江四省,沟通海河 、黄河、淮河、长江、钱塘江五大水系,全长1794公里。 京杭大运河始凿于公元前五世纪春秋末期,吴王夫差为伐齐凿河开沟(邗沟),至秦时苏州至镇江已能通航,以上称为江南运河。后经 隋炀帝开长拓宽,直到至元二十九年(1292)年,元世祖完成了京杭运河的全线贯通。 成为元、明、清时贯穿南北的大动脉,在交通运输中起着重要作用。 1949年以前只有其中一小段勉强维持季节通航,现江苏北段的400多公里河道千吨级驳 船可畅驶长江、淮河。1981年4月,我国新开辟的古运河无锡至扬州、无锡至杭州的旅游线路 ,引起了国外旅游者的极大兴趣。 京杭大运河是中国古代最伟大的水利工程,也是世界上最长的运河。 ------------------- The capital Hang zhou Grand Canal, the abbreviation canal, and to stand side by side serve as the engineering the greatest in China ancient times to the Great Wall. Beijing is risen in north in capital Hang zhou Grand Canal, and south is to Hangzhou, and economizing through Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei Province, Shandong, Jiangsu Province and Zhejiang four, linking up the big river system of Haihe River, Huanghe River, Huaihe River, Changjiang River and Qiantang River five, length overall is 1794 kilometers. Begins five centuries spring and autumn last phase of chisel before the Christian era in the capital Hang zhou Grand Canal, and Wu Wangfu is less than opening ditch ( Han's ditch ) for felling the neat chisel river, can open the navigation or air flight to Qin Dynasty time Suzhou to Zhenjiang, more than is called the south of the River canal. Afterwards opening growing and widening through Sui Yang emperor, until arriving first 29 years ( 1292 ) years, haves a thorough knowledge of in the all fronts that grandfather accomplished Hang Yunhe in capital in first lifetime. Run through the main artery of north and south when becoming the unit and the Ming Dynasty and unmixed, and is taking the important effect in the communications and transportation. Only among them one small section is keeped opening the navigation or air flight in season reluctantly before 1949, and the Changjiang River and Huaihe River can smooth(ly) be sailed to more than 400 kilometers of river course kiloton barges of Jiangsu Province north section at present. The ancient canal Wuxi that our country newly opened up caused the very big interest of abroad tour person to Yangzhou and Wuxi to the tour circuit of Hangzhou in April 1981. The irrgation works that the capital Hang zhou Grand Canal is the greatest in China ancient times, the canal that also is the longest on the world.

The Grand Canal from Beijing to Hangzhou


The Beijing - Hangzhou Grand Canal

1、Wuzhen is an ancient water town in Zhejiang Province, located on the Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal.

2、Wuzhen, an ancient water town in Zhejiang Province, is situated on the Bank of the Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal.

3、Wuzhen is an ancient water town in zhejiang province, located on the beijing-hangzhou grand canal river.


















Wuzhen is an ancient water-town in Zhejiang Province, which is located by the bank of Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal.

The Beijing - Hangzhou Grand Canal 译文一目了然,简洁,精准(京-杭)!


作者:小思本文地址:http://aiyundongfang.com/yingyuxuexibaike/30426.html发布于 2024-09-19
