

小思 2024-09-19 16
计算机英语吕云翔第二版摘要: 计算机英语第二版吕云翔淘宝上一大把 看看评论就知道好不好然后再买 是吧!国外的计算机入门读物《Computing Essentials》(McGraw-Hill出版公司)...


淘宝上一大把 看看评论就知道好不好然后再买 是吧!

国外的计算机入门读物《Computing Essentials》(McGraw-Hill出版公司)被许多大学选用为计算机英语教材,效果极佳。这本书现在已经由高等教育出版社影印发行,书名是《计算机专业英语》。该书的特点是:时效性强(版本更新快),新颖实用,编排活泼。但对于中高级英语水平的专业开发人员未免有点太浅。一本非常适合于软件开发人员的《计算机英语》,该书已经由机械工业出版社出版,是该社"重点大学计算机教材"系列中的一本。需要说明的是该书最适合的读者对象为英语达到CET4的程序员,因为该书的选材直接来自国外计算机教材和出版物、技术文档和专业论文、IT精英的言论以及计算机方面的大百科全书。


你好,这个你不用担心,计算机科学与技术专业在大一会开设一门类似计算机基础应用的课,就是带你们入门的,所以不需要刻意去购买什么书籍,如果你想买,给你推荐下面三个:1、《计算机文化》作 者:(美)帕森斯,(美)奥贾 著,吕云翔,傅尔也 译,出 版 社:机械工业出版社,元,各大购书网站都能买到,我当年在学校图书馆看过,可以说是计算机入门经典。2、选一本计算机杂志看看,如《电脑爱好者》这样的,杂志主要起到科普和培养你的兴趣的作用3、经常访问一些计算机论坛,了解最新的资讯和技术,推荐你到起点(原雨林木风社区)、深度、CSDN和中关村在线看看有问题可以Hi我!PS:我觉得现在你最重要的就是培养兴趣,另外,暑假吗,好好玩玩,放松一下也很重要,祝你学习顺利哦!




翻译:计算机英语(第二版)姜同强——第二章第2 章计算机系统的组成原理本章主要介绍基本计算机系统的组成,包括计算机组成简介、系统总线、CPU组成、存储器子系统组成和输入/输出(I/O)子系统组成。 计算机组成简介计算机系统有硬件系统和软件系统组成。计算机硬件系统通常被分为3个主要部分或子系统:CPU\存储子系统和I/O子系统,如图2-1所示。, CPU 提供许多操作和控制计算机的功能.存储子系统用于存储被CPU 执行的程序及其数据.I/O子系统可使CPU 和输入/输出设备(比如个人计算机的键盘和显示器等)交互.计算机的所有部件都通过总线相连.我们首先介绍系统总线.2 .2 系统总线物理上.总线就是一束金属线.它们被用于连接计算机系统的各个部件.从一个部件向其他部件发送信息时,源部件输出数据到总线,目的部件从总线输入相应的数据.随着计算机系统复杂性的增加,使用总线比各个设备直接相连更加有效.使用总线比大量的直接连接需要更小的电路板空间和电力,组成CPU 的芯片或芯片组则需要更少的引脚.,1.地址总线在图中有3 种系统总线.图中最上面的总线是地址总线.当CPU 从存储器中读写数据或指令时,它必须指定CPU 要访间的存储单元的地址.CPU 输出地址到地址总线,存储器从地址总线输入地址并用此地址存取正确的存储单元.每一个I/O设备,比如键盘、显示器或磁盘驱动器都有一个惟一地址.当访问一个I/O 设备时,CPU 输出I/O设备的地址到地址总线.每一个设备都可读取地址并判定是否是CPU所需要的设备.与其他总线不同,地址总线总是从CPU 接收数据,而CPU从不读取地址总线.2 .数据总线数据通过数据总线进行传输.当CPU 从存储器中读取数据时,它首先输出该存储器的地址到地址总线,然后存储器将数据输出到数据总线,CPU 可以从数据总线读取数据。当向存储器写数据时,CPU 首先输出地址到地址总线,然后输出数据到教据总线.这样存储器就可以正确地读取数据并存放在正确的位置.I/O设备读取数据和写数据的过程是相似的.3 .控制总线控制总线与其他两种总线不同.地址总线由n 条线组成,以组合传输一个n位的地址值.与此相似,数据总线的线路也是协同工作以传输单个多位的值.与此不同,控制总线由独立的控制信号组成.这些控制信号指示数据是否读入CPU 或从CPU 写出,控制CPU 是访问存储器还是I/O设备,判断存储器或I/O设备是否准备好传输数据.尽管这种总线确实是由单向信号组成的,但大多数信号是CPU输出到存储器和I/O子系统,少数是由这些子系统输出到CPU . 系统可以具有总线型的层次结构.例如,用地址总线、数据总线和控制总线可以访问存储器和I/O控制器.反之,I/O控制器可以使用第二总线(通常被称为I/O总线或局部总线)访间所有I/O设备.在个人计算机中比较常见的一个局部总线是PCI 总线.2 . 3 CPU 组成在计算机中用于完成数据处理的部件称为中央处理器,简称CPU.在微型计算机中常称为微处理器.CPU主要由3 部分组成,如图2 一2 所示.1.寄存器组寄存器组存储指令执行过程的中间数据.顾名思义,寄存器组包括一组寄存器和一个总线或其他的通信设备.系统地址总线和数据总线与CPU 的这个部件交互.寄存器组还包括其他不被程序员直接访间的寄存器.相对简单的CPU 包含地址寄存器,临时存储寄存器和其他不是指令系统结构组成部分的寄存器. 2 .ALU算术逻辑单元(ALU )提供大多数的算术和逻辑操作,比如“加’或“与’操作.它从CPU


1、国外的计算机入门读物《Computing Essentials》(McGraw-Hill出版公司)被许多大学选用为计算机英语教材,效果极佳。这本书现在已经由高等教育出版社影印发行,书名是《计算机专业英语》。该书的特点是:时效性强(版本更新快),新颖实用,编排活泼。











procedure (Sender: TObject; Button: TMouseButton; Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: Integer); var Temp: TButton; begin := Form1; // 问题A := Y; := X; := + 100; end; 这段代码如果缺了问题所在的那一段,那么按钮就不会出现,原因是什么呢?我才学OOP,您们如何理解这个Parent 呢?是不是说如果没有 Parent 那么Button 就没有生根的地方? 却是如此,我试了一下,如果Parent 写成 另外的一个很大的按钮(半个窗体大小的)或者组件,那么按钮就会在所定义的那个组件上面出现,不过这个问题 已经写了,还是问吧,老虾可不可以讲讲原理呢? 我是从Turbo Basic 转行到 Delphi, 现在全力学习 OOP 思想,请多关照! Parent为包含该控件的父控件,这不是OOP的思想,是‘MS的MDI思想’ 父组件,容器 unit Unit10; interface uses Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Variants, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms, Dialogs, ExtCtrls, StdCtrls; type TForm1 = class(TForm) Button1: TButton; Panel1: TPanel; Panel2: TPanel; procedure Button1Click(Sender: TObject); procedure Panel1Click(Sender: TObject); procedure Panel2Click(Sender: TObject); private { Private declarations } public { Public declarations } end; var Form1: TForm1; implementation {$R *.dfm} procedure (Sender: TObject); begin := Panel1; (0, 0, , ); end; procedure (Sender: TObject); begin := Panel1; (0, 0, , ); end; procedure (Sender: TObject); begin := Panel2; (0, 0, , ); end; end. 这个不是OOP的东西,windows的东西 当设置Parent时,会导致delphi调用DestroyHandle, 接着调用CreateHandle, 重建Button, 在CreateParams时, if Parent <> nil then WndParent := 取相应的Parent的Handle, 然后CreateWindowEx, 恐怕不能放到一个很大的按钮上,因为Parent必须是个容器,象:form,panel,groupbox…… >恐怕不能放到一个很大的按钮上,因为Parent必须是个容器,象:form,panel,groupbox The fact is I put the buttons on a very large button!!!!

Oop basic thoughtOOP many originalities the thoughts are all come it in language of Simula, and at Smalltalk language of perfect get to expand morely with standardize in the process and to past of thought afresh say the OO the thought and OOPL is almost a synchronous development to promote the function type program design( functional- programming) different from the logic type program design( logic- programming) representative of near to in the actual calculation model of the machine is, the OOP almost did not lead into mathematics of the precision to copy the 叙 , but incline toward to build up an object model, the relation between entity in the reflection application realm that it can look like, its essence even is near to in a kind of mankind the calculation model of the philosophy view that the cognition thing here, cause a topic of nature, is that what is the OOP exactly?[D&T 1988][ 1991] ..In the OOP, the object conduct and actions calculation corpus, own own name, appearance and accept the outside news to the object model, new object of creation, the old object destroy by burning, sending out the news, responding to the news and then constitute the OOP to compute the root of the model. The creation of the object contain two kinds of basic kind of take the prototype( prototype) object as the foundation to produce the new kind of is to take type( class) as the foundation to produce the new concept of the prototype hases already been use in cognize psychology to come to explain the concept to study of pass and increase characteristic, the prototype is to attempt to pass to provide an object that has the representative as foundation to produce various new object, and continue to produce to even match the actual and applied object from prototype- entrust is also an object in the OOP abstract, the code share a kind within provided an or several object of in general use copy the 叙 .See from the formal standpoint, the type has something to do with type, so an equal hence from that type of in the output solid example such standpoint also will bring some antinomies, comparing the typical model is while inherit the system, the son gather( son) the behavior that the object and fathers gather( father) the of object and melt sex and may can hardly attain mutually, this also is in the OOP to was often quote from of- the sub- type( subtype) is unequal to son( subclass)[2002] of under a kind ofly the havings all the global view background of the object, still bore on a model foundation a kind of new object model that owns dollar( metaclass).Then the type is also a kind of other each of three kinds of basically different standpointseses defined three kinds of according to type( class- based), according to the object model of the prototype( prototype- based) and dollar( metaclass- based).And these three kinds of object models also caused many different program design languages.( if we temporarily put the aside to the difference of the static state and dynamic state)Yes, the C that we usually get in touch with++, the Javas all use according to the object model of the type, but in addition plenty more contiguous OOPL that we have no adopted the complete different object model, they is to use the content that another kind of standpoint explains the OOP.

procedure (Sender: TObject; Button: TMouseButton; Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: Integer); var Temp: TButton; begin Temp := (Form1); := Form1; // 问题A := Y; := X; := + 100; end; 这段代码如果缺了问题所在的那一段,那么按钮就不会出现,原因是什么呢?我才学OOP,您们如何理解这个Parent 呢?是不是说如果没有 Parent 那么Button 就没有生根的地方? 却是如此,我试了一下,如果Parent 写成 另外的一个很大的按钮(半个窗体大小的)或者组件,那么按钮就会在所定义的那个组件上面出现,不过这个问题 已经写了,还是问吧,老虾可不可以讲讲原理呢? 我是从Turbo Basic 转行到 Delphi, 现在全力学习 OOP 思想,请多关照!Parent为包含该控件的父控件,这不是OOP的思想,是‘MS的MDI思想’父组件,容器unit Unit10; interface uses Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Variants, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms, Dialogs, ExtCtrls, StdCtrls; type TForm1 = class(TForm) Button1: TButton; Panel1: TPanel; Panel2: TPanel; procedure Button1Click(Sender: TObject); procedure Panel1Click(Sender: TObject); procedure Panel2Click(Sender: TObject); private { Private declarations } public { Public declarations } end; var Form1: TForm1; implementation {$R *.dfm} procedure (Sender: TObject); begin := Panel1; (0, 0, , ); end; procedure (Sender: TObject); begin := Panel1; (0, 0, , ); end; procedure (Sender: TObject); begin := Panel2; (0, 0, , ); end; end. 这个不是OOP的东西,windows的东西 当设置Parent时,会导致delphi调用DestroyHandle, 接着调用CreateHandle, 重建Button, 在CreateParams时, if Parent <> nil then WndParent := 取相应的Parent的Handle, 然后CreateWindowEx,恐怕不能放到一个很大的按钮上,因为Parent必须是个容器,象:form,panel,groupbox……>恐怕不能放到一个很大的按钮上,因为Parent必须是个容器,象:form,panel,groupbox The fact is I put the buttons on a very large button!!!!

Oop basic thoughtMany originality of the OOP thought all come it is at the Simula language, and at Smalltalk language of perfect get to morely expand with standardize in the process with to before of thought of afresh say that OO thought and OOPL are an almost synchronous development to promote what the function type program design(logic-programming) of program design(functional-programming) and logic type represent close at the machine of actual calculation model different BE, the OOP almost led into precision of mathematics copy Xu, but a trait of builds up an object model, it can look like of reflect the relation of of apply entity in the realm, its essence is more close cognize at a kind of mankind thing adopt of the calculation model of philosophy from here a topic of nature, what be that be the OOP exactly is?[D&T 1988][ 1991] ..In the OOP, the object is to compute corpus, own an own name, appearance and accept connect of outside new object in the object model, the old object destroy, send out news and respond to news to constitute an OOP calculation the root of the model. The creation of object contains two kinds of basic kind takes prototype(prototype) object as foundation to produce new kind takes type(class) as the foundation creation new concept of prototype has already been used to hermeneutic concept to study in the cognition the psychology of pass and increase characteristic, the prototype is to attempt to pass to provide an object which has a representative as foundation to produce various new object, and continue to produce to match actual and applied object more from prototype-entrust is also that the object in the OOP is abstract, the code shares a kind within the in general use which provided a perhaps several objects copies from the formal standpoint, the type relates to type, so an equal hence from that type ofly gather of output solid so of the standpoint will also bring some antinomies, more typical be while inherit the system, the son gather(son) the behavior of that object and father gather(father) object to mutually melt sex and may can hardly attain, this is also in the OOP to be often quote from of-the sub- type(subtype) be unequal to son(subclass)[the Budd be 2002].But under the global view background that a kind of all all object, at type's model foundation last still is born 1 kind own the new object model of dollar(metaclass).Then the type is also a kind of other kinds of above standpoints with different root respectively defined 3 kinds according to the type(class-based), according to the object model of the prototype(prototype-based) and dollar(metaclass-based).And these three kinds of object models also caused many different program design languages.(if we temporarily put the difference of the static state and the dynamic state in the part)Yes, we usually contiguous C++, the Javas all use according to the object model of type, but in addition still had a lot of contiguous OOPLs that we have no to adopt completely different object model and they are use the content of moreover a kind of standpoint annotation OOP.













计算机英语与其他专业英语的最大区别就在于它的“日新月异”,特点也不少:客观、严谨、准确、精练,专业术语多,缩略语经常出现,合成的新词多,介词短语、分词短语和名词性词组使用频繁,长句、祈使句和被动语态使用较多,方程与数字占有一定比列。因此要学好计算机英语,首先要不断地学习新的计算机技术,这样才能对相关内容有很好的理解,对于不断出现的新的计算机专业词汇要注意理解和记忆,在了解技术的基础上,结合对词汇的掌握就能很好地理解,多积累,就能不断提高自己的计算机英语的水平。KB:等于1024 Byte MB:等于1024 KB GB:等于1024 MB Byte:字节,等于8 bit(8个位的组合,共有256种电路状态),计算机一个文字以8 bit来表示bit:位,计算机数据最基本的单位,有0与1两种电路状态。Hub:集线器Mouse:鼠标Case:机箱Pin:针脚Power:电源Moniter:屏幕Scanner:扫描仪Speaker:喇叭Printer:打印机Modem:调制解调器MB(MotherBoard):主板Capture:影音采集卡HDD(Hard Disk Drive):硬盘KB(keyboard):键盘FDD(Floppy Disk Drive):软盘jumper:跳线(短路端子)CCT(Clock Cycle Time):时钟周期OS(Operating System):操作系统PC(Personal Computer):个人计算机CPU(Central Processing Unit):中央处理器 RAM(Random Access Memory):内存 CD-ROM(Compact Disk Read Only Memory):致密光盘只读存储器(只读光盘)DVD-ROM(Digital Versatile Disk Read Only Memory):DVD光驱CD-RW(Compact Disk ReWrtier):刻录机CRT(Cathode Ray Tube):使用阴极射线管的显示器LCD(Liquid Crystal Display):液晶屏幕USB(Universal Serial Bus):通行串行总线,用来连接外围装置IEEE1394(Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers):新的高速序列总线规格BIOS(Basic Input Output System):硬件(输入/输出)基本设置程序CMOS(Comelementary Metal-Oxide Semiconductor):储存BIOS基本设置数据的记忆芯片POST(Power On Self Test):开机检测DOS(Disk Operating System):磁盘操作系统,早期文字指领接口的操作系统Socket:插槽,CPU插槽种类有SocketA、Socket478等等ADC Analog-to-Digital Conventer 模数转换器ADO ActiveX Data Objects 动态数据对象AGP Accelerated Graphics Port 加速图形端口AI Artificial Intelligence 人工智能ANSI American National Standard Institute 美国国家标准协会AOL American On Line 美国在线 API Application Programming Interface 应用程序界面(编程接口)ASCII American Sandard Code for Information 美国信息交换标准代码InterchangeAVI Audio Video Interleaved 一种Windows的多媒体文件格式B5 Big-5 大五(码)BBS Bulletin Board System (电子)公告牌系统BMP BitMap 位图bps bits per second 位每秒钟CAD Computer Aided Design 电脑辅助设计CAI Computer Aided Instruction 电脑辅助教学CD-R Compact Disc - Recordable 可写光盘CD-ROM Compact Disc - Read Only Memory 只读光盘CD-RW Compact Disc - ReWritable 可擦写光盘CGI Common Gateway Interface 通用网关界面Computer Graphic Interface 计算机图形接口CMOS Complementary Metal Oxide 互补金属氧化物半导体Semiconductor CPU Central Processing Unit 中央处理器CRC Cyclical Redundancy Check 循环冗余检验CSS Cascading Style Sheets 级联样式表DMA Direct Memory Access 直接存储器存取DMI Desktop Management Interface 桌面管理界面DNS Digital Nervous System 数字神经系统Domain Name Server 域名服务器Domain Name System 域名系统DOS Disk Operating System 磁盘操作系统DRAM Dynamic Random Access Memory 动态随机存取存储器DVD Digital Video Disc 数字影像光盘DOS Disk Operating System 磁盘操作系统DRAM Dynamic Random Access Memory 动态随机存取存储器编辑本段1.图书信息   书 名: 计算机英语作 者:陈枫艳出版社: 清华大学出版社,北京交通大学出版社出版时间: 2010年04月ISBN: 9787811239447开本: 16开定价: 元内容简介  《计算机英语》旨在使读者掌握计算机专业英语术语,培养和提高读者阅读和笔译专业英语文献资料的能力,并通过课堂英语交流和团队式讨论题来提高学生英语口语运用能力。《计算机英语》中的英语短文语言地道、文字优美、融知识性、趣味性、实用性为一体。 全书共分15章,涵盖了计算机基础词汇、常用短主语、常见句型以及各种上计算机文献。每个单元由对话、课文、词汇和短语、注释、练习组成。《计算机英语》可以作为高职高专院校计算机专业的英语教材,也可供计算机专业人员及其他有兴趣的读者学习参考,同时,《计算机英语》可作为高等院校计算机基础的双语教材。编辑本段2.图书信息   书 名: 计算机英语作 者:苏兵,张淑荣 出版社: 化学工业出版社出版时间: 2009-8-1ISBN: 9787122056542开本: 16开定价: 元编辑本段内容简介  本书共分10个单元,总计三个项目,分别是:计算机硬件、计算机软件和计算机网络。每个单元都包括:典型的职业场景对话、有指导性的计算机专业英语类文章、辅助阅读的生词表、课堂练习、实用性的写作、巧用计算机的小知识点、基础语法、课后阅读材料等。文章是根据计算机系统结构要求的特点编写的,内容由浅入深,由易到难、循序渐进、图文并茂,理论与实际操作相结合。通过本课程的学习让学生学会用英文与别人谈论计算机方面的事情,掌握有关计算机专业方面的基本词汇、基本表达方法和较系统的英文计算机的知识,培养学生阅读计算机方面的简易文章和简易手册等的能力,加强了学生核心能力中的英语应用能力,为学生未来的职业发展打下良好的基础。本书可作为中职学生、中高级技工学生计算机英语教程,也可供计算机普通用户自学使用。编辑本段图书目录  Project One Computer Hardware (计算机硬件)Unit 1 What Is a Computer?Dialogue: Buy a New Computer (一)——Welcome a Foreign Customer (购买一台 新电脑 (一)——欢迎一位外国顾客)Text: What Is a Computer? (计算机是什么?)Exercise in ClassPractical Writing: 怎样设计名片How to Do: 如何维护你的计算机操作系统Grammar Focus:英语字母表和英语语音基本知识Tips: Monitor Settings(显示器设置)Text in Chinese:计算机是什么?Readings after Class: Hardware on the InsideUnit 2 Motherboard Installation GuideDialogue: Buy a New Computer (二)——Introduce IT Production(购买一台新电脑(二)——介绍IT产品)Text: Motherboard Installation Guide(主板安装指导)Exercise in ClassPractical Writing: 留言便条和预约便条How to Do: CPU的安装Grammar Focus:名词 (一)Tips: What is Bluetooth? (什么是“蓝牙”?)Text in Chinese:主板安装指导Readings after Class: ProcessorUnit 3 BIOS SetupDialogue: Buy a New Computer (三)——Negotiation (购买一台新电脑(三)——议价)Text: BIOS Setup (BIOS设置)Exercise in ClassPractical Writing: 邀请函How to Do: 如何清除CMOS内存和载入默认值Grammar Focus:名词(二)Tips: About Modem (调制解调器)Text in Chinese:BIOS设置Readings after Class: StorageProject Two Computer Software (计算机软件)Unit 4 Operating SystemDialogue: Buy a New Computer (四)——Install Software (购买一台新电脑(四)——安装软件)Text: Operating System (操作系统)Exercise in ClassPractical Writing: 咨询信How to Do: 如何为文档添加声音效果Grammar Focus:冠词Tips: Web Browsers (网页浏览器)Text in Chinese:操作系统Readings after Class: SoftwareUnit 5 Office AutomationDialogue: Typing Letters (录入信件)Text: Office Automation (办公自动化)Exercise in ClassPractical Writing: 感谢信How to Do: 如何清洁键盘Grammar Focus:代词Tips: Today’s Office (今天的办公室)Text in Chinese:办公自动化Readings after Class: ProgramsUnit 6 Computer VirusDialogue: Kill Computer Virus (杀毒)Text: Computer Virus (计算机病毒)Exercise in ClassPractical Writing: 道歉信How to Do: 如何处理计算机病毒Grammar Focus:动词Tips: What is Linux? (什么是Linux?)Text in Chinese:计算机病毒Readings after Class: Online learningUnit 7 What Is a Multimedia?Dialogue: Planning a Business Trip (计划一次商务旅行)Text: What Is Multimedia? (什么是多媒体?)Exercise in ClassPractical Writing: 简历How to Do: 如何网上购物Grammar Focus:数词Tips: What Does Multimedia Mean? (多媒体到底意味着什么?)……Project Three Computer Network [1](计算机网络)

分类: 外语/出国 解析: 推荐几本供参考,第三本我通读过,不过内容肤浅, 涉及的技术生霉了.最后一本挺好,不过要通读,英语得有一定的基础.最好有CET-6水平. 计算机专业英语教程(第3版) 【作者】 金志权 张幸儿[同作者作品] 【丛书名】 高等学校专业英语教材 【出版社】 电子工业出版社 liu-yi/HTML/COMPUTER/books/ComputerEnglish上面有不少关于这方面的内容,很不错,你可以去看看. 《计算机英语(第三版)实用教程 》 出 版 社: 清华大学出版社 作 者: 刘兆毓等 计算机英语教程 出 版 社: 清华大学出版社 ISBN:*********** 作者:周生炳 本书旨在提高读者阅读计算机英语文献的能力。选题多样,素材取自国外最新计算机著作、学术期刊、白皮书和网页,软件、硬件、网络、应用并重,兼顾技术和文化,内容涉及计算机科学各领域的当前现状和最新发展。 全书共14单元,分别介绍计算机历史、计算机软件、计算机硬件、计算机网络、高级移动计算、因特网、万维网与电子商务、数字媒体、计算智能、隐私与加密、计算机犯罪与安全、在线游戏、军事应用及IT职业培训。每单元包括若干篇课文,每篇课文均提供词汇、缩略语和注释。前13单元配有阅读理解练习。 本书适合计算机专业高年级学生、研究生使用,也可作为各类培训人员计算机文献阅读教材。



1 A detectives were waiting(); They were expecting(); detectives were waiting(); others were waiting();two detectives were keeping guard() B 1 When the plane arrived, some of the detectives were waiting inside the main building while others were waiting on the airfield. 2 When two of the detectives opened the parcel, two others were keeping guard at the door. C (sample answers) 1 I was getting into my bath when you telephoned me. 2 I was reading Hamlet when you saw me in the library this morning. 3 I was saying that you must see the new film when you interruped me. D 1 was leavingKarrived 2 worked/ was workingKwas sitting/ sat3 was walkingKmet 4 was readingKheard 5 was preparingKset/ was setting 6 droppedKspok2 1 He gave all his books away. 2 She woke the children up early this morning. 4 They cut the king's head off. 5 Put your hat and coat on. 7 Help me to lift this table up. 8 Take your shoes off and put your slippers on. 11 They have pulled the old building Make your mind up. 14 She threw all those old newspapers away. 3 1 b 2 c 3 c 4 d 5 a 6 c 7 d 8 a 9 c 10 b 11a 12 b

《新视野大学英语读写教程(第二版)第一册》 课后答案Unit1III. 1. rewarding 2. communicate 3. access 5. positive 6. commitment 7. virtual 9. minimum 10. opportunitiesIV. 1. up 2. into 3. from 4. with 5. to 6. up 7. of 8. in9. for . Structure

书 名 计算机英语(第2版)丛 书 名 21世纪高等学校计算机规划教材——精品系列标准书号 ISBN 978-7-115-27081-8编目分类 TP3作 者 司爱侠 张强华 编著译 者 --责任编辑 武恩玉开 本 16 开印 张 字 数 564 千字页 数 335 页装 帧 平装版 次 第2版第1次二版时间 2012年3月本 印 次 2012年3月首 印 数 -- 册定 价  元 本书是为培养计算机人才的专业英语能力而编写的教材,主要内容包括:计算机硬件和软件基础、外部设备、操作系统、数据结构、C语言、数据库、面向对象编程、计算机网络、因特网及其相关技术、多媒体、网络安全、云计算以及物联网等。全书以单元为单位,每个单元由以下几部分组成:课文——选材广泛,风格多样,切合实际;单词——给出课文中出现的新词,读者由此可以积累专业的基本词汇;常用词组——给出本单元所涉及的常用词组;难句讲解——讲解课文中出现的疑难句子,培养读者的阅读理解能力;习题——针对课文的练习,巩固学习效果,其中的真题再现由作者遴选历年软件水平考试专业英语试题,并提供参考答案,这对参加这些考试的读者十分有用;练习答案——供读者对照检查。本书既可作为高等院校计算机相关专业、网络专业、电子商务专业、信息管理专业的教材,也可供相应的培训班使用或作为相关技术人员的自学教材。 Unit 1 1Text A How Computers Work 1New Words 4Phrases 6Abbreviations 7Notes 7Exercises 8Text B PC Hardware Basic 10New Words 13Phrases 15Abbreviations 15Reading Material Computer Basic Concept 16Reference Translation 19Text A 计算机如何运行 19Unit 2 22Text A Computer Periphery Device 22New Words 24Phrases 26Abbreviations 27Notes 27Exercises 28Text B The Five Generations of Computers 30New Words 31Phrases 32Abbreviations 33Reading Material Computer Hardware Basic 34Reference Translation 37Text A 计算机外围设备 37Unit 3 39Text A Computer Software 39New Words 42Phrases 44Abbreviations 44Notes 45Exercises 45Text B Computer Programming 48New Words 50Phrases 51Abbreviations 52Reading Material Computer Programming Basic 52Reference Translation 56Text A 计算机软件 56Unit 4 59Text A Operating System 59New Words 61Phrases 62Abbreviations 63Notes 63Exercises 64Text B An Overview of the UNIX Operating System 66New Words 69Phrases 70Reading Material OS 71Reference Translation 74Text A 操作系统 74Unit 5 77Text A Data Structure 77New Words 79Phrases 80Abbreviations 80Notes 80Exercises 81Text B The Types of Data Structure 84New Words 87Phrases 88Abbreviations 89Reading Material Data and Data Organizing 90Reference Translation 93Text A 数据结构 93Unit 6 95Text A C Language 95New Words 98Phrases 98Abbreviations 99Notes 99Exercises 100Text B C++ Programming Language 102New Words 104Phrases 104Reading Material Introduction to Some Common Programming Languages 105Reference Translation 109Text A C语言 109Unit 7 111Text A Database (1) 111New Words 113Phrases 114Abbreviations 115Notes 115Exercises 116Text B Database (2) 118New Words 121Phrases 122Abbreviations 122Reading Material Database Glossary 123Reference Translation 127Text A 数据库 (1) 127Unit 8 130Text A Object Oriented Programming Concepts 130New Words 132Phrases 133Abbreviations 133Notes 133Exercises 134Text B Computer Graphics 137New Words 139Phrases 140Abbreviations 141Reading Material OOP 141Reference Translation 145Text A 面向对象编程概念 145Unit 9 148Text A Computer Network 148New Words 152Phrases 153Abbreviations 154Notes 154Exercises 156Text B Wireless Networking 158New Words 161Phrases 162Abbreviations 162Reading Material Network Basic Technology 163Reference Translation 168Text A 计算机网络 168Unit 10 172Text A Internet and Its Related Technologies 172New Words 176Phrases 177Abbreviations 177Notes 178Exercises 179Text B Characteristics of Web Programming Languages 181New Words 184Phrases 185Abbreviations 185Reading Material Internet Basic Technology 186Reference Translation 190Text A 因特网及其相关技术 190Unit 11 193Text A The Concept of Multimedia 193New Words 196Phrases 197Abbreviations 197Notes 198Exercises 198Text B Artificial Intelligence 201New Words 203Phrases 204Abbreviations 204Reading Material How Streaming Video and Audio Work 205Reference Translation 211Text A 多媒体概念 211Unit 12 214Text A The Network Security 214New Words 217Phrases 219Abbreviations 219Notes 220Exercises 221Text B The Difference Between a Virus, Worm and Trojan Horse 223New Words 225Phrases 226Reading Material Computer Security 226Reference Translation 231Text A 网络安全 231Unit 13 234Text A Cloud Computing 234New Words 238Phrases 239Abbreviations 240Notes 240Exercises 241Text B Parallel Computing 244New Words 249Phrases 249Reading Material Distributed Computing 250Reference Translation 254Text A 云计算 254Unit 14 258Text A Internet of Things Vision 258New Words 262Phrases 264Notes 264Exercises 265Text B The Evolution of the Internet of Things 269New Words 273Phrases 274Abbreviations 275Reading Material RFID 275Reference Translation 282Text A 物联网景象 282附录A 词汇总表 286附录B 计算机英语词汇特点及翻译技巧 334


作者:小思本文地址:http://aiyundongfang.com/yingyuxuexibaike/29691.html发布于 2024-09-19
