

小思 2024-09-19 21
进化发展英语摘要: 文化发展英语文化的英文是culture。读音:[ˈkʌltʃər]表达意思:文化,文明;(团体或组织中共同的)态度,习俗;文化群落,(处于历史上特定时期的)社会;艺术活...





固定搭配:popular culture 大众文化,通俗文化;流行文化。


1、But social workers say that this has created a culture of dependency, particularly in urban areas.


2、A culture of failure exists in some schools.


3、She speaks no Japanese and is unfamiliar with Japanese culture.


“一国两制” “One Country, Two Systems”“一中一台” "One China, OneTaiwan"“两个中国” "Two Chinas"(两岸)直接三通 Three Direct Links (Mail, Air AndShipping Services And Trade)两千三百万台湾同胞 23 Million Taiwan Compatriots两会(人大,政协) Two Conferences (Npc And Cppcc) “三个代表” “Three Represents” “三个代表”重要思想 The Important Thought Of Three Represents三八红旗手 Woman Pace-Setter三大历史任务 The Three Major HistoricalTasks三个有利于 Three Favorables三农问题 “ Agriculture, Countryside AndFarmer” Issues《中美三个联合公报》 The Three Sino-Us Joint Communiqués四个现代化(农、工、国防、科技)FourModernizations四项基本原则 Four Cardinal Principles四中全会 The Fourth Plenary Session和平共处五项原则 The Five Principles Of PeacefulCoexistence八项主张 The Eight-Point Proposal“八个坚持、八个反对” "Eight Do's" And "EightDon'ts"“八七”扶贫攻坚计划 The Seven-Year Program To Help 80 MillionPeople Out Of Poverty“九五”计划 The Ninth Five-Year Plan(1996-2000)“十五”计划 The Tenth Five-Year Plan(2001-2005)第十五届中央委员会 the 15th central committee of the communistparty of china (CPC)十六大 16th Party Congress十一届三中全会 The Third Plenary Session Of TheEleventh Central Committee“南南合作” “South -South Cooperation”“南北对话” “ North-South Dialog” “台独”,台湾独立 "TaiwanIndependence"“引进来”和“走出去”政策 “Bring In" And "GoingOut"够了吗?

剪纸( paper cutting)是中国最为流行的传统民间艺术形式之一。中国剪纸有一千五百多年的历史,在明朝和清朝时期(the Ming and Qing Dynasties)特别流行。人们常用剪纸美化居家境。特别是在春节和婚庆期间,剪纸被用来装饰门窗和房间,以增加喜庆的气氛。剪纸最常用的颜色是红色,象征健康和兴旺。中国剪纸在世界各地很受欢迎,经常被用作馈赠外国友人的礼物。Paper cutting is one of China’s most popular traditional folk arts. Chinese paper cutting has a history of more than 1,500 years. It was widespread particularly during the Ming and Qing Dynasties. People often beautify their homes with paper cuttings. During the Spring Festival and wedding celebrations, in particular, paper cuttings are used to decorate doors, windows and rooms in order to enhance the joyous atmosphere. The color most frequently used in paper cutting is red, which symbolizes health and prosperity. Chinese paper cutting is very popular around the world and it is often given as a present to foreign friends. 给你个题样吧,不知道的名词一般会告诉你,还有几天就要考试了,一起加油吧。

In ancient time due to traffic, differences between eastern and western culture, even two countries bordering the territory of China and India: each produced civilization and toward the direction of their development. Ancient India area is the birthplace of the four ancient civilizations, one of the many thousands of years and years of jing dynasty changes, with profound cultural foundation and precipitation. Ancient India in east and central Asia at the junction of the Indian Ocean, regional, close to the particularity of also makes for cultural exchange.Now of India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, a country has been in the past. Until the last century began split in the 1950s to Pakistan and India, Pakistan after 1970s and divided into Bangladesh and Bangladesh. India's domestic religious mainly Hindu is given priority to, also part of the muslims. For a long time the two sectarian conflicts, we often can see on TV because some and sectarian bloodshed, this kind of violent behavior, is very regretful.India is the world's second-largest population powers, having rich labor resources and energy. At the same time, much of the population has brought us a lot of trouble to India, education, medical rich-poor gap has become increasingly apparent contradictions. As we look to the postcard XX in some pictures: a red eyes, slum street beggars blemish on the edge of the pipe. These pictures are highlighted the modern India developing problems facing, also reflected in ancient India culture and contemporary India culture in modern some conflict.




英 ['prəʊgres]  美 ['prɑɡrɛs]

n. 进步,发展;前进

vi. 前进,进步;进行

n. (Progress)人名;(赞)普罗格雷斯

[ 复数 progresses 过去式 progressed 过去分词 progressed 现在分词 progressing 第三人称单数 progresses ]


英 [,iːvə'luːʃ(ə)n; 'ev-] 美 [ˌɛvəˈluʃən; (occas.) ˌ ivəˈluʃən]

n. 演变;进化论;进展

[ 复数 evolutions ]


英 ['blɒs(ə)m]  美 ['blɑsəm]

n. 花;开花期;兴旺期;花开的状态;漂亮的人

v. 开花;兴旺;成功发展

n. (Blossom) 布洛瑟姆(人名)


英 ['pʌljʊleɪt]  美

vi. 成长;发芽;产生;充满;繁殖

[ 过去式 pullulated 过去分词 pullulated 现在分词 pullulating 第三人称单数 pullulates ]


英 [dɪ'veləp]  美 [dɪ'vɛləp]

vt. 开发;进步;使成长;使显影

vi. 发育;生长;进化;显露

[ 过去式 developed 过去分词 developed 现在分词 developing 第三人称单数 develops ]


has made a great contribution to作出了巨大贡献 Mentholatum曼秀雷敦 man男子 evolution进化 television电视 November十一月 refrigerator冰箱 aptamer适配子 electricity电 我最近看了一篇关于英国的文章。 I recently read a article about the UK. 众所周知英国的“绅士风度”被世界所推崇,而文章中也提到了“绅士风度”。 Well-known British "gentleman" is respected the world, but the article also mentioned a "gentleman." 在你眼中绅士风度是怎么样的? In the eyes of a gentleman is how you like it?

以上意思:作出了巨大贡献曼秀雷敦男性 男子进化电视十一月冰箱适配子电力


翻译成英文是Society is constantly diversifying, but no matter how it changes下图是翻译截图

多元化用英语表达翻译如下:diversification / pluralism

Diversify, Diversification.多角化,多元化把(商业活动)扩展到多元化的领域 To extend(business activities)into disparate fields. 多元化的社会形态许多不同的民族、宗教或文化群体共存于一个国家的社会状况 A condition of society in which numerous distinct ethnic,religious,or cultural groups coexist within one nation. 多元化投资把(资金)分投在几个不同的公司或安全保护机构,为了在特殊的市场或工业倒闭的情况下可减少损失 To distribute(investments)among different companies or securities in order to limit losses in the event of a fall in a particular market or industry.

Diversify, Diversification.


Diversified strategy again call multi-field strategy, is a business enterprise don't take single industry development as to depend on, in the meantime conduct different product of more than two kinds of basic economic uses or service of a kind of development strategy.its contents includes a product diversification, market diversification, invest diversification and capital diversification.general meaning comes up to say, diversified management of the business enterprise much points for the product a diversification. and product of diversified strategy again include two basic type:diversified related and not- related diversification.related diversification means business enterprise according to point a business enterprise lately- developed business with original business mutual has a strategic top of adaptability, they are in the technique, craft, sell outlet and market management the technique, and product...etc. have together or close by characteristics.Korea of three star the company is a good example, it with electronics industry is predominant business, produce of the product include personal calculator, cellular phone, flat panel figures LCD TV, MP3 players and DVD player.rather than related diversification calls mixture diversification or compound diversification, point a business enterprise lately- developed business with original business of don't have obvious strategic adaptability, the product increased is a new product, the service realm is also Hsinshih field.the in general use company of the United States is that a height of typical model is diversified not- related business enterprise, in general use company not only own NBC company, also produce a motorcycle, the power station and refrigerator is various products and still publish credit card in the meantime and involve insurance and believe loan business, they of of the business have no directly related contact.The resources of business enterprise is always limited, the resources here since include a funds, production equipments, talented person etc. visible resources;again include prestige, brand, manage ability etc. invisible resources.diversified management on the other hand will scatter a business enterprise limited funds, will also scatter a management layer on the other hand of energy.various professions give attention to both in the meantime and easily take care of a thing and miss the other and influence and originally possessed industry thus of good development.Pepsi-Cola's precept in this aspect is a good example. in the 70's in 20th century, the Pepsi-Cola group continues and procures and necessarily wins a guest, tower gram-shell Er, be willing to get a radicle three fast food shops, the marketing network attempt and pass fast food shop, the latent consumer fight for Pepsi-Cola, however more and more of company resources and management layer the energy is consumed at and the competition of the McDonald's in, the specific weight making the original core of Pepsi-Cola business-cola produced descends to the total business and measures of 35%, the 1/3 of the operating revenue, company beverage the share on the American market get behind with 11 percentage points of Coca-Cola in 1996, is biggestly 20 in the last years margins once, in the meantime at in addition to Middle East each global all encounter fiasco on the market.This is the business enterprise to practice diversified phenomenon that the strategy often appears. many developments of professions will make the business enterprise managed the difficulty enlargement of work, especially the business enterprise gets into to 1 has nothing to do with oneself product or industry of all new realm, the business enterprise manages a layer to impossibly acquaint with the specialized knowledge of that product or profession at the in a short time, and cans not make use of current knowledge level to conduct the unit manager's suggestion and accomplishment to the fitting evaluation as well, hard to the management of the new industry make of wise effective decision, the decision will make the original management industry suffered loss once mistaking.in this aspect, even if the Suo Ni giant like this, there is also the time to suffer a los .the end of 80's in 20th century, the Suo Ni distinctly invests news medium of entertainment industry.can say, the Suo Ni got into 1 by himself/herself completely unfamiliar profession, make electric appliances production the Suo Ni company of the birth know to the showbiz entertainment industry it and is hard to do very few a decision of advisability, in the meantime the headquarters manager also have no time to acquaint with new profession, can not the accomplishment of the fitting evaluation branch, have never canned give the instruction in time, especially neglected American entertainment field the manufacturing cost goes up day by day of trend, make the Suo Ni deeply sunk into a high manufacturing cost fee in the middle, resulted in to carry on the back count the result of USD 1,000,000,000.Any things all have both sides, diversified strategy is also a pair blades sword, business enterprise while carrying on diversified management, from total can help a business enterprise to dissolve risk up speaking, but it also exists this latent crisis in the meantime, if adopting isn't appropriate, then will injure the resources allocation of reasonable in the business enterprise inner part and influence the market competition ability of business enterprise thus.

多元化战略 Multiplication strategy一元化战略 Unification strategy


翻译成英文是Society is constantly diversifying, but no matter how it changes下图是翻译截图



[词典] diversification; Diversity; pluralism


The idea behind diversification is to invest in a large number of a ssets so that aloss in any particular investment is minimized by gains in others.


"多元化战略":" Diversified strategy";"一元化战略":" a dollar turns the strategy"

Diversified strategy again call multi-field strategy, is a business enterprise don't take single industry development as to depend on, in the meantime conduct different product of more than two kinds of basic economic uses or service of a kind of development strategy.its contents includes a product diversification, market diversification, invest diversification and capital diversification.general meaning comes up to say, diversified management of the business enterprise much points for the product a diversification. and product of diversified strategy again include two basic type:diversified related and not- related diversification.related diversification means business enterprise according to point a business enterprise lately- developed business with original business mutual has a strategic top of adaptability, they are in the technique, craft, sell outlet and market management the technique, and product...etc. have together or close by characteristics.Korea of three star the company is a good example, it with electronics industry is predominant business, produce of the product include personal calculator, cellular phone, flat panel figures LCD TV, MP3 players and DVD player.rather than related diversification calls mixture diversification or compound diversification, point a business enterprise lately- developed business with original business of don't have obvious strategic adaptability, the product increased is a new product, the service realm is also Hsinshih field.the in general use company of the United States is that a height of typical model is diversified not- related business enterprise, in general use company not only own NBC company, also produce a motorcycle, the power station and refrigerator is various products and still publish credit card in the meantime and involve insurance and believe loan business, they of of the business have no directly related contact.The resources of business enterprise is always limited, the resources here since include a funds, production equipments, talented person etc. visible resources;again include prestige, brand, manage ability etc. invisible resources.diversified management on the other hand will scatter a business enterprise limited funds, will also scatter a management layer on the other hand of energy.various professions give attention to both in the meantime and easily take care of a thing and miss the other and influence and originally possessed industry thus of good development.Pepsi-Cola's precept in this aspect is a good example. in the 70's in 20th century, the Pepsi-Cola group continues and procures and necessarily wins a guest, tower gram-shell Er, be willing to get a radicle three fast food shops, the marketing network attempt and pass fast food shop, the latent consumer fight for Pepsi-Cola, however more and more of company resources and management layer the energy is consumed at and the competition of the McDonald's in, the specific weight making the original core of Pepsi-Cola business-cola produced descends to the total business and measures of 35%, the 1/3 of the operating revenue, company beverage the share on the American market get behind with 11 percentage points of Coca-Cola in 1996, is biggestly 20 in the last years margins once, in the meantime at in addition to Middle East each global all encounter fiasco on the market.This is the business enterprise to practice diversified phenomenon that the strategy often appears. many developments of professions will make the business enterprise managed the difficulty enlargement of work, especially the business enterprise gets into to 1 has nothing to do with oneself product or industry of all new realm, the business enterprise manages a layer to impossibly acquaint with the specialized knowledge of that product or profession at the in a short time, and cans not make use of current knowledge level to conduct the unit manager's suggestion and accomplishment to the fitting evaluation as well, hard to the management of the new industry make of wise effective decision, the decision will make the original management industry suffered loss once mistaking.in this aspect, even if the Suo Ni giant like this, there is also the time to suffer a los .the end of 80's in 20th century, the Suo Ni distinctly invests news medium of entertainment industry.can say, the Suo Ni got into 1 by himself/herself completely unfamiliar profession, make electric appliances production the Suo Ni company of the birth know to the showbiz entertainment industry it and is hard to do very few a decision of advisability, in the meantime the headquarters manager also have no time to acquaint with new profession, can not the accomplishment of the fitting evaluation branch, have never canned give the instruction in time, especially neglected American entertainment field the manufacturing cost goes up day by day of trend, make the Suo Ni deeply sunk into a high manufacturing cost fee in the middle, resulted in to carry on the back count the result of USD 1,000,000,000.Any things all have both sides, diversified strategy is also a pair blades sword, business enterprise while carrying on diversified management, from total can help a business enterprise to dissolve risk up speaking, but it also exists this latent crisis in the meantime, if adopting isn't appropriate, then will injure the resources allocation of reasonable in the business enterprise inner part and influence the market competition ability of business enterprise thus.


作者:小思本文地址:http://aiyundongfang.com/yingyuxuexibaike/29131.html发布于 2024-09-19
