

小思 2024-09-19 22
金融英语听说课本摘要: 金融英语听说课本答案刘文国主编的,,, 问题详细点啊,翻译哪里都有啊,有钱的话就不愁找不到咯 Basic(loss)/earnings per share(in cents)...


刘文国主编的,,, 问题详细点啊,翻译哪里都有啊,有钱的话就不愁找不到咯 Basic(loss)/earnings per share(in cents) 基本(亏损) /

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TextDo you view work as a burden or an opportunity? Are you the kind of person who looks for ways to save your energy or the kind that finds spending your energy satisfying? Why do people like to complain about work? Find the answers to question like these in the following PEOPLE WORKLeonard R. SaylesJobs and work do much more than most of us realize to provide happiness sand contentment. We're all used to thinking that work provides the material things of life -- the goods and services that make possible our modern civilization. But we are much less conscious of the extent to which work provides the more intangible, but more crucial, psychological well-being that can make the difference between a full and an empty , work has been associated with slavery and sin and punishment. And in our own day we are used to hearing the traditional complaints: "I can't wait for my vacation," "I wish I could stay home today," "My boss treats me poorly," "I've got too much work to do and not enough time to do it." Against this background, it may well come as a surprise to learn that not only psychologists but other behavioral scientists have come to accept the positive contribution of work to the individual's happiness and sense of personal achievement. Work is more than a necessity for most human beings; it is the focus of their lives, the source of their identity and than a punishment or a burden, work is the opportunity to realize one's potential. Many psychiatrists heading mental health clinics have observed its healing effect. A good many patients who feel depressed in clinics gain renewed self-confidence when gainfully employed and lose some, if not all, of their most acute symptoms. Increasingly, institutions dealing with mental health problems are establishing workshops wherein those too sick to get a job in "outside" industry can work, while every effort is exerted to arrange "real" jobs for those well enough to work the reverse is true, too. For large numbers of people, the absence of work is harmful to their health. Retirement often brings many problems surrounding the "What do I do with myself?" question, even though there may be no financial cares. Large numbers of people regularly get headaches and other illnesses on weekends when they don't have their jobs to go to, and must fend for themselves. It has been observed that unemployment, quite aside from exerting financial pressures, brings enormous psychological troubles and that many individuals deteriorate rapidly when why? Why should work be such a significant source of human satisfaction? A good share of the answer rests in the kind of pride that is stimulated by the job, by the activity of in AccomplishmentThe human being longs for a sense of being accomplished, of being able to do things, with his hand, with his mind, with his will. Each of us wants to feel he or she has the ability to do something that is meaningful and that serves as a tribute to our inherent is easiest to see this in the craftsman who lovingly shapes some cheap material into an object that may be either useful or beautiful or both. You can see the carpenter or bricklayer stand aside and admire the product of his personal even where there is no obvious end product that is solely attributable to one person's skill, researchers have found that employees find pride in accomplishment. Our own research in hospitals suggests that even the houskeeping and laundry staffs take pride in the fact that in their own ways they are helping to cure sick people -- and thus accomplishing good 're often misled by the complaints surrounding difficult work; deep down most people regard their won capacity to conquer the tough job as the mark of their own unique personality. Complaining is just part of working After all, how else do you know who you are, except as you can demonstrate the ability of your mind to control you limbs ad hands and words? You are, in significant measure, what you can are deceived into thinking that people like to store up energy, to rest and save themselves as much as possible. Just the opposite. It is energy expenditure that is watch an employee who must deal with countless other people because his or her job is at some central point in a communications network: a salesman at a busy counter, a stock broker on the phone, a customer representative. They will tell you how much skill and experience it takes to answer countless questions and handle various kinds of personalities every hour of the day. Not everyone can interact with such persistence and over long hours, but those who do, pride themselves on a distinctive ability that contributes mightily to the running of the work is more than accomplishment and pride in being able to command the job, because except for a few craftsmen and artists most work takes place "out in the world," with an through other de corpsPerhasps an example will make the point:I remember viewing a half dozen me in a chair factory whose job it was to bend several pieces of steel and attach them so that a folding chair would result. While there were ten or twelve of these "teams" that worked together, one in particular was known for its perfect coordination and lightning-like efforts. The men knew they were good. They would work spurts for twenty or thirty minutes before taking a break -- to show themselves, bystanders and other groups what it was to be superbly skilled and self-controlled, to be the best in the I talked with them, each expressed enormous pride in being a part of the fastest, best team. And this sense of belonging to an accomplished work group is one of the distinctive satisfactions of the world of further word about work group satisfactions. Unlike may other aspects of life, relationships among people at work tend to be simpler, less complicated, somewhat less emotional. This is not to say there aren't arguments and jealousies, but, on the whole, behavioral research discloses that human relations at work are just easier, perhaps because they are more regular and predictable and thus simpler to adjust to than the sporadic, the more intense and less regular relationships in the community. And the work group also gently pressures its members to learn how to adjust to one another so that the "rough edges" are worked off because people know they must do certain things with and through one another each the team and the work group, there is the organization, whether it be company or hospital or university. The same pride in being part of a well-coordinated, successful unit is derived from being part of a larger collectivity. Working for a company that is though of as being part of the best in the community can provide employees with both status and self-confidence. They assume, usually with good reason, that others regard them more highly, even envy them, and that they are more competent than the average because of this association with a "winner," a prestigious institution. We in truth bask in the reflected glory of the institution, and we seek ways of asserting our membership so that others will know and can recognize our good Wordscontentmentn. happiness; satisfaction 满足civilizationn. 文明intangiblea. that can not be touched or grasped 触摸不到的cruciala. decisive; critical 决定性的,关键的pschologicala. of the soul or mind 心理的historicallyad. in the course of history, in accordance with or in respect to historyassociatevt. connect or bring together in one's mind 联想slavery n. the system of having slaves; the condition of being a slave 奴隶制度;奴隶身份sinn. behavior that is against the principles of morality; an immoral act 罪孽punishmentn. punishing or being punished 惩罚complaintn. complaining; a statement expressing unhappiness, pain, dissatisfaction 抱怨behaviorala. of or having to do with behavior 行为的contributionn. act of contributing; sth. contributednecessityn. sth. that is necessary; the condition of being necessary, needed or unavoidable 必需品;必要性focusn. the central point; centre of interest 焦点creativityn. the ability to produce new and orignal ideas and things; inventiveness创造性clinicn. building or part of a hospital where doctors give specialized medical treatment and advice; a medical institution for special purposes 诊所healv. (cause to) become healthy 治愈,愈合,痊愈depresseda. sad; low in spirits 精神抑郁的,情绪沮丧的depressvt. make sad, low in spiritsrenewvt. reestablish; give new life and freshness to 使更新gainfullyad. profitablyacutea. severe; strong 严重的,急性的symptom a. a change in the body's condition that indicates illness 症状institutionn. a society, club, college or any organization established for some public or social purpose 公共机构workshop n. a room of building which contains tools or machinery for making or repairing things 车间,工场whereinconj. in whichexertvt. use(strength, skill, etc.) 尽力reversen. the opposite; the other way round, the back 相反,背面absencen. non-existence; lackretirementn. instance of retiring or being retired; condition of being retired 退休financiala. relating to money 财政的;金融的weekendn. Saturday and Sunday, esp. when considered as a holiday from workfendvi. provide(for) 供养;照料unemploymentn. the state of being unemployedsignificanta. of noticeable importance or effect 重大的significance . be state of being satisfied 满足satisfactory . skilled, expert 有才艺的;有造诣的tributen. material evidence of one's worth, virtue, . existing as a natural and permanent part or quality of 内在的,生来的craftsmann. a highly skilled workman 手艺人,(名)工匠bicklayern. a workman who builds with bricksattributable a. that can be attributed 可归因于……的attribute vt. 把……归因为housekeepingn. management of a home and its affairs 家政staffn. the group of workers who carry on a job (全体)员工capacityn. ability, power; the amount that sth. can hold or produce 能力;容量tough a. difficult to do or deal with 艰巨的uniquen. being the only one of its type 独特的limbn. the leg, arm. or wing of an animal 肢,翼oppositen. a person or thing that is entirely different from another 对立面,对立物countlessa. very many; too many to be countedbrokern. person who buys and sells for others 经纪人,掮客stock brokern. a person who buys and sells stocks and bonds for other for a commission 证券经纪人representativen. a person acting in place of one or more others 代表interactvi. act on each other 相互作用persistence n. the act or fact of keeping on doing sth in spite of difficulty or opposition 坚持persist a. clearly marking a person or thing as different from other 特殊的;与众不同的mightily ad. with power and strength; greatlyesprit de corpsn. (French) spirit of loyalty and devotion which unites the members of a group or society 团体精神,集体荣誉感coordinationn. harmonious adjustment or working together 协调coordinate 闪电bystandern. a person standing near but not taking part in an event or activity; onlooker 旁观者superblyad. magnificently; first classaspectn. one side or view of a subject 方面relationshipn. a friendship between people; connection 关系disclosemake known; show by uncovering 揭示sporadica. occurring now and then; occasional 零星发生的,偶尔的collectivityn. people collectively, especially as forming a community or state 集体collective . (high) social or professional position 地位,身份envyvt. feel admiration or ill-will toward (sb.) because he has the good fortune one wishes to have 羡慕;妒忌winnern. one that wins or seems destined to win or be successfulprestigiousa. having respect that results from the good reputation (of a person, nation, etc.)有声望的baskvi. sit or lie in enjoyable warmth and light (舒适地) 取暖,享受reflectvt. throw back (light, heat, sound or image) 反射;反映assertvt. demonstrate the existence of; declare forcefully 宣称,断言membershipn. the state of being a member, of a club, society, etc. all the members of a club, society, & Expressionsassociate with connect with (often mentally) 把…与…联系在一起rather thaninstead offend for oneselflook after oneself 照料自己,自行谋生aside frombesides, apart from 除…以外long for desire (to have )sth. strongly 渴望take pride infell please and happy because of 为…而感到得意store upput away for future use 储存,储备pride oneself onregard as a special reason for pride or satisfaction 以……自豪make the/one's pointprove that sth. is true 证明一个论点in particularespeciallyat workbusy at a job; doing workone the whole considering everything; in generalwork offget rid of, dispose 除去,清除

一 求英语+经济学达人回答下面3个问题 晕...我的英语水平有限,点出点来你再重新组织吧... 1.沉没成本 sunk cost Cherie should not go to the cafeteria,for the money spent on permit can't be changed whatever she does, it is a sunk cost. What's more, if she chose to go to the cafeteria, she would spend more money. A rational decision is just ignoring the permit. 2.替代品 substitute Apples are substitute for bananas. So when there's a fall in the price of apples,the demand of bananas will decrease, for people will consume apples instead of bananas.(Reflected in the diagram is the left-shift of Demand Curve)Yet the suppliers of bananas don't know the change (so Supply Curve remains). They will have to rece price to attract consumers, yet still can't sell all bananas(in the diagram the new equilibrium is below the initial one,both price and quantity decrease) 大概需要画个图,就是D曲线左移,均衡点变低。不知道够不够详细 3.我也不知道中文怎么讲,exploited opportunities==就是没有改进的余地,达到帕萨特最优 In a market where price is below equilibrium, the sellers' reservation price is lower that of buyers. So he can increase his price equal to that of buyers and gains more profit. Then the market reaches equilibrium and no one can benefit without someone loses, or to say no mutually benefitical exchanges. 不知道合不合你的意思... 二 求新编英语教程1练习册(英语专业用)[主编---李观仪]的参考答案 哈,上海外国语学院主编的一本《新编英语教程课文辅导》就有全部的答案。TopWay的,扉页有只举重的青蛙的那一本。 三 经济学专业课程 最佳答案经济类的主要有 金融学 国际经济与贸易 经济学 财政学 ,我学校的财务管理和会计学是回分在了管理学院的。经济类的上上述四个专业学的基础课程都一样,只是在专业必修课上的要求不同,但是也可以在专业选修上学习同一个课程,比如说,公司治理是金融学的必选课,但不是国际经济与贸易的专业课,而是选修课。所以,只要你选了其中一个专业,你几乎可以和其三个专业一样的课程。 经济学类专业的基础课程包括,高数,线性代数,概率论,宏观经济学,微观经济学,基础会计,财务会计,统计学,投资学,经济法,国际经济学,专业英语。差别主要在于,金融学主要侧重银行和证券行业,所以有商业银行管理和货币银行学和金融工程三个专业必修课;国际经济与贸易主要侧重对外贸易和海关,所以重点学国际经济学和国际金融学和报关实务;财政学主要侧重财政和税后系统,所以重点学财答政学和税收筹划;而经济学比较注重理论研究,所以方向不是那么明确,但是几乎都可以学到其他三个专业的课程。希望你能够充分的搜集信息,最终顺利的入读你所希望的院校和专业!祝你好运! 以上回答你满意么? 四 财经专业英语教程(第三版)课后习题答案 我也要 241909829@qq~~ 五 [经济学 专业英语课程 UNIT 4 Proction- Part 2 Case study ]问题如下 上面的两问可以看做是两种相反的运动趋势,问题的分析还是成本与收益法,但此时成本和收益应该是广义上的,而不仅仅是但从金钱上考虑的,还应该包括时间、交易成本和不确定性(好好查查交易成本概念,比如像搜寻、获取信息、监督与执行成本)。 1.根据世界银行的全球研究结果,一个国家的财富更多取决于法律制度和教育,如日本、欧洲国家,而尼日利亚、刚果却很穷,这些国家政治腐败和基础设施很差。 2.还有产业集聚的因素,如苏州工业园区、中关村、浦东新区等等,相关产业聚集在一起节约了很多交易成本。 第一问中出现这种情况的一个很重要原因是随着中国的发展,工资水平逐渐提高使得劳动成本迅速提高,一些劳动密集型企业转移到越南和孟加拉国等一些劳动力成本较低的国家。例如70年代NIKE亚洲生产基地主要在韩国,随着韩国的快速发展而逐渐转移到中国,现在随着中国的发展慢慢转移到越南等国。 第二问提问太宽泛,没有具体已知情况,但也无碍。例如许多国家工资水平比中国高,但还在国外投资的主要原因可能在于其它国家制度和法律及基础设施更加完善,一般该类投资属于附加值较高的产业,如资本密集型和技术密集型产业,像计算机产业、生物产业、金融产业等。举个例子,在美国办企业执照仅需两三天,在香港需要两三个星期,在大陆需要两三个月,导致交易成本差距太大。 PS:英语文章自己写,应该没人会写的,同时这也是一个锻炼的过程。 六 经济学专业英语教程第三版上的课文翻译 下载借贷宝,注册邀请码CHZU7CX 终极邀请码,注册就得70元红包。关注借贷宝你网络搜下就知道了。 七 大学本科经济学专业公司财务管理的一道英文题,求过程和答案。谢谢! 这个题目的意思是这样的:Culligan公司拥有流动资产5,000元,固定资产净值为23,000,流动负债为4,300元,长专期负债为13,000元。请问这个属公司的股东权益金额是多少?营运资本金额是多少? 翻译过来就很清晰了, 股东权益=23,000+5,000-4,300-13,000=10,700元, 营运资本=23,000-4,300=18,700元 用英语解答如下 current assets+ fixed assets =current liabilities +long-term debt +shareholders’ equity 5,000+23,000=4,300+13,000+shareholders’ equity shareholders’ equity=10,700$ working capital=current assets-current liabilities=23,000-4,300=18,700$ 八 财经专业英语教程第四版课后习题翻译 有个经济学人中文网,里面有财经、经济各类的文章,而且有网友翻译,可以参考着看看,可以积累一些常用的经济类、金融类词汇! 查看更多答案>> 九 谁有管理学专业英语教程(第二版.上,邱东林主编)习题答案,请大家 二手网看一下吧




本人推荐: 国内教材:中国人民大学出版社出版,黄达主编 《金融学》 国内译本:中国人民大学出版社,米什金 《货币金融学》。 中国人民大学出版社,莫顿、博迪合著 《金融学》。 金融专业的研究生入学考试:英语、数学4(微积分、线形代数、概率论)、政治(马哲、毛概、邓论、三个代表、时世政治、马克思主义政治经济学)、专业科(微观经济、宏观经济、国际金融、货币银行、证券学)。 这是初试.复试就不清楚了,呵呵




account number 帐目编号 depositor 存户 pay-in slip 存款单 a deposit form 存款单 a banding machine 自动存取机 to deposit 存款 deposit receipt 存款收据 private deposits 私人存款 certificate of deposit 存单 deposit book, passbook 存折 credit card 信用卡 principal 本金 overdraft, overdraw 透支 to counter sign 双签 to endorse 背书 endorser 背书人 to cash 兑现 to honor a cheque 兑付 to dishonor a cheque 拒付 to suspend payment 止付 cheque,check 支票 cheque book 支票本 order cheque 记名支票 bearer cheque 不记名支票 crossed cheque 横线支票 blank cheque 空白支票 rubber cheque 空头支票 cheque stub, counterfoil 票根 cash cheque 现金支票 traveler's cheque 旅行支票 cheque for transfer 转帐支票 outstanding cheque 未付支票 canceled cheque 已付支票 forged cheque 伪支票 Bandar's note 庄票,银票 banker 银行家 president 行长 savings bank 储蓄银行 Chase Bank 大通银行 National City Bank of New York 花旗银行 Hongkong Shanghai Banking Corporation 汇丰银行 Chartered Bank of India, Australia and China 麦加利银行 Banque de I'IndoChine 东方汇理银行 central bank, national bank, banker's bank 中央银行 bank of issue, bank of circulation 发行币银行 commercial bank 商业银行,储蓄信贷银行 member bank, credit bank 储蓄信贷银行 discount bank 贴现银行 exchange bank 汇兑银行 requesting bank 委托开证银行 issuing bank, opening bank 开证银行 advising bank, notifying bank 通知银行 negotiation bank 议付银行 confirming bank 保兑银行 paying bank 付款银行 associate banker of collection 代收银行 consigned banker of collection 委托银行 clearing bank 清算银行 local bank 本地银行 domestic bank 国内银行 overseas bank 国外银行 unincorporated bank 钱庄 branch bank 银行分行 trustee savings bank 信托储蓄银行 trust company 信托公司 financial trust 金融信托公司 unit trust 信托投资公司 trust institution 银行的信托部 credit department 银行的信用部 commercial credit company(discount company) 商业信贷公司(贴现公司) neighborhood savings bank, bank of deposit 街道储蓄所 credit union 合作银行 credit bureau 商业兴信所 self-service bank 无人银行 land bank 土地银行 construction bank 建设银行 industrial and commercial bank 工商银行 bank of communications 交通银行 mutual savings bank 互助储蓄银行 post office savings bank 邮局储蓄银行 mortgage bank, building society 抵押银行 industrial bank 实业银行 home loan bank 家宅贷款银行 reserve bank 准备银行 chartered bank 特许银行 corresponding bank 往来银行 merchant bank, accepting bank 承兑银行 investment bank 投资银行 import and export bank (EXIMBANK) 进出口银行 joint venture bank 合资银行 money shop, native bank 钱庄 credit cooperatives 信用社 clearing house 票据交换所 public accounting 公共会计 business accounting 商业会计 cost accounting 成本会计 depreciation accounting 折旧会计 computerized accounting 电脑化会计 general ledger 总帐 subsidiary ledger 分户帐 cash book 现金出纳帐 cash account 现金帐 journal, day-book 日记帐,流水帐 bad debts 坏帐 investment 投资 surplus 结余 idle capital 游资 economic cycle 经济周期 economic boom 经济繁荣 economic recession 经济衰退 economic depression 经济萧条 economic crisis 经济危机 economic recovery 经济复苏 inflation 通货膨胀 deflation 通货收缩 devaluation 货币贬值 revaluation 货币增值 international balance of payment 国际收支 favourable balance 顺差 adverse balance 逆差 hard currency 硬通货 soft currency 软通货 international monetary system 国际货币制度 the purchasing power of money 货币购买力 money in circulation 货币流通量 note issue 纸币发行量 national budget 国家预算 national gross product 国民生产总值 public bond 公债 stock, share 股票 debenture 债券 treasury bill 国库券 debt chain 债务链 direct exchange 直接(对角)套汇 indirect exchange 间接(三角)套汇 cross rate, arbitrage rate 套汇汇率 foreign currency (exchange) reserve 外汇储备 foreign exchange fluctuation 外汇波动 foreign exchange crisis 外汇危机 discount 贴现 discount rate, bank rate 贴现率 gold reserve 黄金储备 money (financial) market 金融市场 stock exchange 股票交易所 broker 经纪人 commission 佣金 bookkeeping 簿记 bookkeeper 簿记员 an application form 申请单 bank statement 对帐单 letter of credit 信用证 strong room, vault 保险库 equitable tax system 等价税则 specimen signature 签字式样 银行业务例文 定期存款的条件为年利6%, 存期6个月以上,只要金额1,000元,我们均乐意接受。 We shall be pleased to receive a fixed deposit for any amount more than $1,000, for a period over six months at the rate of 6% p.a. 谨同函寄上新开定期存款第500号存折一份,面额100,000元,请查收为荷。该面额等于您寄来换新的旧存=折本金加上利息之和。 Enclosed please find a new deposit certificate No. 500 for $100,000, which represents the principal and interest of the old certificate you sent us for renewal. 如存款为100元以上,我们将乐意接受。 We shall be glad to receive deposits of 100 yen and upward.

finance [英]['faɪnæns] [美][fəˈnæns, faɪ-, ˈfaɪˌnæns]释义: n.财政;金融;财源;资金 vt.为…供给资金, 从事金融活动;赊货给…;掌握财政banking[英][ˈbæŋkɪŋ] [美][ˈbæŋkɪŋ] 释义:n.银行业务;银行家的职业;筑堤v.堆积( bank的现在分词);筑(堤);将(钱)存入银行;(转弯时)倾斜飞行希望你喜欢我的答案!



新视野大学英语听说教程(第二版)第二册答案新视野大学英语听说教程【第二版】第二册Unit 1 International Clock TalkShort a . Sit quietly and listen to him 2. A blank stare3. Put it a different way 4. speak up in class5. In turn/ a great deal of Homework ListeningTask 1 2 age, size and future years with distance that month light year in space measurements the down and break up possibly even older新视野大学英语听说教程【第二版】第二册Unit 2 All that Glitters Is Olympic GoldShort a ListeningTask 1 2 the ball something the job or activity it out of the park it over very successful a job or activity something much it is worth to my selling price新视野大学英语听说教程【第二版】第二册Unit 3 Pros and Cons of mixed MarriagesShort 9. A a by oldListening and OK the kitchen bowl of ice don’t need to write it down 5. a plate of bacon and eggsSupplementary ListeningTask 1 2 3 care about marriages . longer to get married people a blind date their cultural traditions for the other a relationship their chances someone over the Internet新视野大学英语听说教程【第二版】第二册Unit 4 A Hunk of Burning LoveShort a along ListeningTask 1 2 3 a question be of all school records results of the acceptable TOFEL score English training accept students regular more information pass classes新视野大学英语听说教程【第二版】第二册Unit 5 Enough of worries and tearsShort a the light touches and falls rise with you place go there your together all creatures me explain10. in the great circle of lifeHomework ListeningTask 1 2 3 million new cases increased treatments results it has spread coming back by half 15 women新视野大学英语听说教程【第二版】第二册Unit 6 What’s in a name?Warming conversations conversation dialog decisions in ’s wrong with mean a minute a challenge he’s doing? his imaginedHomeworkTask 1 2 3 government reform law forced to top importance on for goal 40 percent and performing students after-school help新视野大学英语听说教程【第二版】第二册Unit 7 Relax or DieShort 9. D a real hard a miracle occasions ListeningTask 1 2 3 mental health the the results the what treatment drugs likely to serious disorders many serious cases later新视野大学英语听说教程【第二版】第二册Unit 8 Life Outside of WorkShort 9. A a light had gone remember ’t go the right way we suffer ’re really tested the highest this government and this country give your hopes and good spirits 10. in our heartsHomework ListeningTask 1 2 3 much they expect to learn reporting charged with pressure a warning not be held responsible influenced that decision reason to stop earnings hide bad news新视野大学英语听说教程【第二版】第二册Unit 9 Only Losers QuitShort Conversations1C a on in part of life own destiny gave you that out box of chocolates got the cancer little flowers on itHomework ListeningTask 1 2 3 a plan cancer prevention and control leading cause of the rise populations common forms, action is needed cancer testing新视野大学英语听说教程【第二版】第二册Unit 10 The Tragedy of WarWarming a greater responsibility saved lives . honor defending something and Discussion1. A Japanese pen friend. 2. He had always criticized the nuclear . Around 140,000 people. 4. . ListeningTask 1 2 payments money expected to out of money out of for itself with the the poor federal workers

Unit 1 Meeting people Part A Exercise 1 1 w: very well, thank you .And you ? 2 m: Hello,Nice to meet too. 3 w: How do you do ?It’s good to see you . 4 w: Just fine ,thanks. 5 w; Not too bad, thanks. 6 m: Great ! What about you Part B Conversation 1 Exercise 1 1 B 2 C Exercise 2 1:Somewhere, 2:a friend of Emi , my best friend , 3: Emi’s house , 4:remember Conversation 2 Exercise 1 1 D 2 C Exercise 2 1;Santa Barbara , California 2;London work for a few months3:Rosefield High / the same higt snhool 1989 Part C Pair work 1 Hi, I’ m… 2 Hi, my name is… 3 Hi, Tom 4 Hello, Tony. 5 It’s T-o-n-y 6 I’m from 7 I’m a student 8 Nice to meet you too 9 Neither am I / Me , neither’ 10 You, too. 2 A 1 Monica and Bradley are the two speakers in the conversation 2 It took place in a fast-food restaurant 3 Bradley took Monica’s table because there were no other tables free. 4 No, she was unhappy at fist 5 Yes ,she finally agreed to let bradley share her table because she found him nice and polite . 6 She realized that she had met Bradley before at Emi’s house 7 She was Monica’s best friend and also a friend of Bradley’s B 1 Yes he is 2 He is from Santa barabara , California 3 He went to Rosefield Higt 4 He graduated in 1989 5 He is an arstist 6 He is in london now . He has just an exhibition of some of his paintings in a small gallery in the city. 7 She is a math teacher at Rosefield Higt Part D Exercise 1 A 2 D 3 B Unit 2 Exercise 1 1: M1 let me introduce you 2: W I’d like you to meet 3: W introduce you to 4: W1 Let me introduce myself . My name is W2 I’m 5: M comeand meet this is this is Part B Conversation1 Exercise1 1 c 2a 3a Exercise2 Publishing company three book projets free time for herself busy five have lunch Conversation2 v 1 c 2 d PartC A 1 She is an assistant editor in a publishing company 2 She is working on three book projects 3 she feels great 4 She used to like a lot of free time for herself and to be with her friends 5 She enjoys being busy 6 She is in a shap 7 It’s lunch time 8 She is looking around in the shop 9 No , she isn’t .She doesn’t like to spend a lot of money on clothes 10 She is going to have lunch with her friend Laura ,whom she has met in the shop B 1 He is Engish 2 He takes picture /is a photographer / works for a travel magazine in Italy 3 He is going to Portugal 4 No , he isn’t 5 He is going to take some photographs 7 No, he isn’t .He is taking the trip by sea 8 She is going home to Germany 9 Yes , she is .She studies medicine 10 They are going to have coffee together PartD higt school three years the same university happy the street have lunch nearest restaurant the window stories about their lives keep in touch

高收入群体的侧重性。根据查询建设工程教育网相关资料显示,原题:下列选项中不属于普惠金融特征的是( )。A.业务的全面性。B.服务的公平性。C.高收入群体的侧重性。D.消费者权益的保护。答案:B.服务的公平性。普惠金融具有以下特征:(1)业务的全面性;(2)服务的公平性;(3)参与的广泛性;(4)服务的便捷性;(5)发展的可持续性;(6)低收入群体的侧重性;(7)消费者权益的保护;(8)内涵的动态性。



刘文国主编的,,, 问题详细点啊,翻译哪里都有啊,有钱的话就不愁找不到咯 Basic(loss)/earnings per share(in cents) 基本(亏损) /

金融英语 金融知识,对学生进行金融英语听说读写等方面的综合训练等。 金融英语语法结构专项训练――21世纪金融英语系列教材 金融英语常用语法结构系统性训练,又关注常用金融英语单词与词组的运用和搭配,努力为读者缩短从学习公共英语到拓展金融英语的过渡期打下扎实的基矗全书共分20个单元。每个单元设有选择题和指纠题,并配有金融英语单词与词组的中英文对照表。另外还附有全部练习的参考答案和注解,以便读者自学参考。本书可作为金融 ... 敢说商贸金融英语 敢说商贸金融英语 金融业务两个部分,比较全面地展示了商贸金融活动的英语会话范例,易于模仿。学习者通过精心研读和积极操练,可以在较短的时间内很快提高自己的商贸英语和金融英语口语运用能力,巩固专业词汇,充实知识内涵,为成为社会急需的商贸、金融专业人才打下坚实的基矗 金融英语――口语与听力 金融英语――口语与听力 金融制度各种银行业务等.书中还包括 常用的金融英语词汇和词组,对各课的语法,词汇难点作了详细的注释,附有参考译文,适合金融专业师生,金融工作人员,英语学习者,配套录音带3盒。 实用国际金融英语 金融知识的阐述向读者介绍国际金融所涉及的基本理论,帮助其提高英语理解水平。本书是在作者十多年的国际金融研究和实际工作的基础上,参考国际货币基金组织、世界银行等国际性金融组织的惯例、国际知名金融专家的论著编写而成,内容包括:国际收支和国际储备、外汇和外汇市尝国际结算、金融市尝国际金融组织和国际金融 ... 金融英语阅读 金融英语阅读是根据高校英语专业教学大纲的要求编写的可供金融及经贸院校的高年级学生、高校英语专业3年级学生从事涉外金融业务的工作人员及广大自学者使用。 全书共30课,每课包括课文、课文注译、与课文内容相关的问题与阅读理解。其内容覆盖面广、信息量大,其中的补充材料即与课文的内容密切相关,又立意较新、理 ... 金融英语(基础类) 金融英语岗位资格证书考试用书。由上海国际金融学院、外交部高级译审、上海外国语学院翻译学院、花旗银行、美林集团、博思艾伦咨询公司等权威机构代表组成的金融英语项目专家委员会,经反复修订,历时两年精心完成。本教材根据金融混业经营趋势和中国入世后需要编写。具有实用性、实务性和实战性特点。适应范围为银行 ... 别忘记评优秀吖```````````


作者:小思本文地址:http://aiyundongfang.com/yingyuxuexibaike/28999.html发布于 2024-09-19
