

小思 2024-09-19 23
海的女儿英文童话摘要: 海的女儿童话英文FAR out in the ocean, where the water is as blue as the prettiest cornflower, an...


FAR out in the ocean, where the water is as blue as the prettiest cornflower, and as clear as crystal, it is very, very deep. So deep, indeed, that no cable could fathom it. Many church steeples, piled one upon another, would not reach from the ground beneath to the surface of the water above.

There dwell the Sea King and his subjects. We must not imagine that there is nothing at the bottom of the sea but bare yellow sand. No, indeed; the most singular flowers and plants grow there; the leaves and stems of which are so pliant, that the slightest agitation of the water causes them to stir as if they had life. Fishes, both large and small, glide between the branches, as birds fly among the trees here upon land. In the deepest spot of all, stands the castle of the Sea King. Its walls are built of coral, and the long, gothic windows are of the clearest amber. The roof is formed of shells, that open and close as the water flows over them. Their appearance is very beautiful, for in each lies a glittering pearl, which would be fit for the diadem of a queen.

The Sea King had been a widower for many years, and hisaged mother kept house for him. She was a very wise woman, and exceedingly proud of her high birth; on that account she wore twelve oysters on her tail; while others, also of high rank, were only allowed to wear six. She was, however, deserving of very great praise, especially for her care of the little sea-princesses, her grand-daughters. They were six beautiful children; but the youngest was the prettiest of them all; her skin was as clear and delicate as a rose-leaf, and her eyes as blue as the deepest sea; but, like all the others, she had no feet, and her body ended in a fish's tail. All day long they played in the great halls of the castle, or among the living flowers that grew out of the walls. The large amber windows were open, and the fish swam in, just as the swallows fly into our houses when we open the windows, excepting that the fishes swam up to the princesses, ate out of their hands, and allowed themselves to be stroked. Outside the castle there was a beautiful garden, in which grew bright red and dark blue flowers, and blossoms like flames of fire; the fruit glittered like gold, and the leaves and stems waved to and fro continually. The earth itself was the finest sand, but blue as the flame of burning sulfur. Over everything lay a peculiar blue radiance, as if it were surrounded by the air from above, through which the blue sky shone, instead of the dark depths of the sea. In calm weather the sun could be seen, looking like a purple flower, with the light streaming from the calyx. Each of the young princesses had a little plot of ground in the garden, where she might dig and plant as she pleased. One arranged her flower-bed into the form of a whale; another thought it better to make hers like the figure of a little mermaid; but that of the youngest was round like the sun, and contained flowers as red as his rays at sunset.

She was a strange child, quiet and thoughtful; and while her sisters would be delighted with the wonderful things which they obtained from the wrecks of vessels, she cared for nothing but her pretty red flowers, like the sun, excepting a beautiful marble statue. It was the representation of a handsome boy, carved out of pure white stone, which had fallen to the bottom of the sea from a wreck. She planted by the statue a rose-colored weeping willow. It grew splendidly, and very soon hung its fresh branches over the statue, almost down to the blue sands. The shadow had a violet tint, and waved to and fro like the branches; it seemed as if the crown of the tree and the root were at play, and trying to kiss each other.

Nothing gave her so much pleasure as to hear about the world above the sea. She made her old grandmother tell her all she knew of the ships and of the towns, the people and the animals. To her it seemed most wonderful and beautiful to hear that the flowers of the land should have fragrance, and not those below the sea; that the trees of the forest should be green; and that the fishes among the trees could sing so sweetly, that it was quite a pleasure to hear them. Her grandmother called the little birds fishes, or she would not have understood her; for she had never seen birds.

"When you have reached your fifteenth year," said the grand-mother, "you will have permission to rise up out of the sea, to sit on the rocks inthe moonlight, while the great ships are sailing by; and then you will see both forests and towns."

In the following year, one of the sisters would be fifteen: but as each was a year younger than the other, the youngest would have to wait five years before her turn came to rise up from the bottom of the ocean, and see the earth as we do. However, each promised to tell the others what she saw on her first visit, and what she thought the most beautiful; for their grandmother could not tell them enough; there were so many things on which they wanted information. None of them longed so much for her turn to come as the youngest, she who had the longest time to wait, and who was so quiet and thoughtful. Many nights she stood by the open window, looking up through the dark blue water, and watching the fish as they splashed about with their fins and tails.

She could see the moon and stars shining faintly; but through the water they looked larger than they do to our eyes. When something like a black cloud passed between her and them, she knew that it was either a whale swimming over her head, or a ship full of human beings, who never imagined that a pretty little mermaid was standing beneath them, holding out her white hands towards the keel of their ship.

As soon as the eldest was fifteen, she was allowed to rise to the surface of the ocean. When she came back, she had hundreds of things to talk about; but the most beautiful, she said, was to lie in the moonlight, on a sandbank, in the quiet sea, near the coast, and to gaze on a large town nearby, where the lights were twinkling like hundreds of stars; to listen to the sounds of the music, the noise of carriages, and the voices of human beings, and then to hear the merry bells peal out from the church steeples; and because she could not go near to all those wonderful things, she longed for them more than ever.

Oh, did not the youngest sister listen eagerly to all these descriptions? and afterwards, when she stood at the open window looking up through the dark blue water, she thought of the great city, with all its bustle and noise, and even fancied she could hear the sound of the church bells, down in the depths of the sea.

In another year the second sister received permission to rise to the surface of the water, and to swim about where she pleased. She rose just as the sun was setting, and this, she said, was the most beautiful sight of all. The whole sky looked like gold, while violet and rose-colored clouds, which she could not describe, floated over her; and, still more rapidly than the clouds, flew a large flock of wild swans towards the setting sun, looking like a long white veil across the sea. She also swam towards the sun; but it sunk into the waves, and the rosy tints faded from the clouds and from the sea.

双语安徒生童话《海的女儿The Little Mermaid》

The little mermaid was interested in listening to the wonderful stories about the land from her grandmother. “When you are fifteen,” said her grandmother, “you will have permission to rise up out of the sea.” Her five elder sisters had already been there. She wished her birthday could come sooner. At last she reached her fifteenth year. She rose as lightly as a bubble to the surface of the water. The sea was calm, and a large ship lay on the water. There was music and song on board. The little mermaid swam close to the ship.She saw a number of well-dressed people. They were celebrating the prince’s sixteenth birthday. How handsome the young prince looked! The little mermaid could not take her eyes from him. Suddenly, the sea became restless, and a dreadful storm was coming. The ship was torn into pieces. The prince sank into the deep waves. The little mermaid remembered that humans could not live in the water, so she swam toward the prince and saved him. They floated together with the waves. The next morning the storm had stopped. The little mermaid laid the prince on the beach. She kissed him, and then hid herself behind some rocks. She saw a young girl come to him, and try to wake him up. He came to life again, and smiled upon the girl. But he sent no smile to the mermaid. He didn’t know that she had saved his life. This made her very unhappy. When he was led away into the palace, she dived sadly into the water, and returned to her father’s castle. Her sisters asked her what she had seen during her first visit to the surface of the water, but she told them nothing. She became silent and thoughtful.


《海的女儿》剧本英文版 The daughter of the sea Character :小人鱼(little mermaid、王子Prince、巫婆witch、龙王King、龙母queen、公主 princess、牧师priest、人鱼姐姐(5人)mermaid sisters旁白narrator、群众演员extras(舞dance) 故事内容: 旁白:Deep in the sea ,there lived the sea king ,who had been a widower for many years and his aged mother kept house for him and took care of his six daughters ,who were very happy and pretty .She always told them something : 龙母:The flowers of the land are beautiful ,and trees of the forest are green ,and birds can sing so sweetly 女儿们:When can we rise up out of sea ? 龙母: when you have reached your fifteenth year !You can see the rocks in the moon light ,while the great slips are sailing by; and then you will see both forests and towns. 女儿们:oh how wonderful ! 旁白:How time flies ! Five of these daughters had reached out of the sea , and saw many beautiful things. 大女儿:oh , what a beautiful day !I can hear the music ,I can play with ship .I see the big animals on the shore. That’s horse ! 二女儿:wa ho … The sun looks like a flower .The color of the sun is red .Who painted the wonderful sun ? 三女儿:where is it? Oh I rise up .I see the children playing on shore .I want to play with them. 四女儿:oh ,I arrive another world .It is different from my home .But I’m afraid of whales. 五女儿:What a surprise! All the world is white .In the deep sea, there are many kinds of flowers .but why there are many white flowers. Oh, no! It’s snow. 大女儿:Although the scene is wonderful .But our home is the best . 女儿们:Yes…We must go home ! (五个女儿退场,小人鱼上场) 旁白:Today,the youngest daughter was fifteen, two 小人鱼:Oh, I can rise out of the sea .What’s that ?Maybe it is an interesting thing? Oh, on! It’s a man .But why he lies on the shore .Wake up! Wake up… 王子:Where am I? What’s wrong ? 小人鱼:You met a storm .So I brought you here! 王子:so you have save me ? 小人鱼:yes! 王子:what’ s your name ? 小人鱼:my name is summary. 旁白:they have been together for several days and now they fall in love with each other .but they have to part. 王子:I must go home .the people need me ! I want to take you with me! 小人鱼:(crying)no, I ’ m just a fish. If I have a chance .I’ be a human being . Remember me! (王子退场,龙王龙母上场) 小人鱼:Dear father and grandmother I have fallen in love with a human being .I want to with him! 龙王:No way ! You are a fish .he is a human being! If you go with him .you will not happy . 龙母:that’ right ,my dear !It is not possible! 小人鱼:(crying)dad , grandmother I beg you ! I beg you! 龙王:(angry)no, no. (龙王龙母下场。巫婆上场) 小人鱼:what should I do? 巫婆:ha …Ha…I can help you . 小人鱼:who are you ? 巫婆:I am a witch. I change you into a human being .But cut your tongue as a payment . 小人鱼:(think for a while)ok . I’ll do it! (小人鱼、巫婆下场,王子和公主、牧师上场) 牧师:prince , are you pleased to marry the princess and love her forever? 王子:yes , I will. 牧师:And princess, are you pleased to marry the prince and share the happiness and sorrow with him? 公主:Yes, I am (a little shy) 牧师:Change the rings .Ok. Now you have got married, you should take care of each other from now on! Amen! 小人鱼:(Crying) oh, I am the most unhappy one in the world .but I love him so much . God , god .give me a chance !Oh, I am so cold .I am going to die . 旁白:Summary is died .but the prince never care about her.

汉斯·克里斯汀·安徒生 (1805-1875),丹麦19世纪童话作家,被誉为“世界儿童文学的太阳”。安徒生的代表作有《小锡兵》、《海的女儿》、《拇指姑娘》、《卖火柴的小女孩》、《丑小鸭》、《皇帝的新装》等。《海的女儿》故事结尾没有中国式的凄美,它是美好的,感人的。美人鱼没有听从巫婆的劝告,心甘情愿第二天天一亮就化作海浪,按常理,故事讲到这里就结束了,但是没有,安徒生赋予美人鱼更伟大的事业,将灵魂升华到整个宇宙万物,向人们诠释了一个道理,只要热情、坚强、毅力的事物,不论是大海、空气、云,还是风和雨,都有灵魂,从故事中,给人类的启示:缺乏热情、无坚强毅力的人,是一个没有灵魂的人。 以下是薄荷阅读MintReading配图以下英文原著《海的女儿》结束篇分享-- …Pulling back the bright red curtain of the Prince’s sleeping-place, the little sea-girl saw the beautiful Princess with her head resting on the Prince’s heart. Bent over the bed, she gave his head a kiss, and took a look at the sky in which the red light was getting brighter and brighter; then, after a quick look at the sharp knife, her eyes again became fixed on the Prince,who was saying the name of his Princess softly in his sleep. She only was in his thoughts. For a minute the knife was shaking in the hand of the little sea-girl; then she sent it far away from her into the waves; the water became red where it went in, and the drops which came up had the look of blood. Slowly, she took one more look at the Prince, and then gave a jump from the ship into the sea, and had the feeling that her body was changing into a wave’s white top. The sun came up over the sea, and its warm rays came down on the cold white wave-top which was the little sea-girl, who no longer had the feeling that she was going to her end. She saw the bright sun, and all round her there seemed to be hundreds of bright and beautiful beings made of air; she was able to see through them the white sails of the ships and the red clouds in the sky; their talk was like sweet music, but so soft that men had no power of hearing it, because they had no power of seeing the beings themselves. The little sea-girl saw that she had a body like theirs, and that she was getting higher and higher out of the sea. “Where am I?” she said, and the sound of her voice was very soft, like the voice of those who were with her; no music on earth was like it. “Among the daughters of the air,” was the answer of one of them, “a sea-girl has not a soul, and it is not possible for her to get one if she does not have the love of an earth-man. Her future is forever dependent on the power of another. But the daughters of the air, though they have not a soul, are able by their good acts to make one for themselves. We go on our wings to warm countries and make cold the burning air which is death to men overcome by disease. We take with us the sweet smell of flowers which makes them well again. After three hundred years, if in that time we have been working to do all the good in our power, we get a soul and take part in the happy existence of men. You, poor little sea-girl, have made an attempt with all your heart to do as we are doing; you have gone through pain without turning back, and made yourself our equal by your good acts; and now, by going on for three hundred years in the same way, you may get a soul.” Lifting her happy eyes in the direction of the sun, the little sea-girl had the feeling that they were becoming wet for the first time. On the ship all was motion and noise; she saw the Prince and his beautiful Princess looking for her; their eyes were fixed sadly on the white wave-tops as if they were conscious she had sent herself into the waves. Unseen, she gave a kiss to the Princess, a smile to the Prince, and then went up with the other daughters of the air to the high red clouds. “After three hundred years, we will come into the Happy Land,” said she. “And we may even get there before then,” said one of those with her softly. “Unseen we are able to go into the houses of men, where there are boys and girls, and for every day on which we come across a good boy or girl, who gives pleasure to his or her father and mother and has a right to their love, our time of waiting is made shorter. The boys and girls are not conscious when we go through the room that we give a smile of pleasure at their good behavior, because we are able to take one year off our three hundred years. But when we see a bad boy or girl we are sad and our eyes become wet, and for every drop which comes from our eyes a day is put on to the time of our waiting.”                                         ---  20180325下午


FAR out in the ocean, where the water is as blue as the prettiest cornflower, and as clear as crystal, it is very, very deep. So deep, indeed, that no cable could fathom it. Many church steeples, piled one upon another, would not reach from the ground beneath to the surface of the water above.

There dwell the Sea King and his subjects. We must not imagine that there is nothing at the bottom of the sea but bare yellow sand. No, indeed; the most singular flowers and plants grow there; the leaves and stems of which are so pliant, that the slightest agitation of the water causes them to stir as if they had life. Fishes, both large and small, glide between the branches, as birds fly among the trees here upon land. In the deepest spot of all, stands the castle of the Sea King. Its walls are built of coral, and the long, gothic windows are of the clearest amber. The roof is formed of shells, that open and close as the water flows over them. Their appearance is very beautiful, for in each lies a glittering pearl, which would be fit for the diadem of a queen.

The Sea King had been a widower for many years, and hisaged mother kept house for him. She was a very wise woman, and exceedingly proud of her high birth; on that account she wore twelve oysters on her tail; while others, also of high rank, were only allowed to wear six. She was, however, deserving of very great praise, especially for her care of the little sea-princesses, her grand-daughters. They were six beautiful children; but the youngest was the prettiest of them all; her skin was as clear and delicate as a rose-leaf, and her eyes as blue as the deepest sea; but, like all the others, she had no feet, and her body ended in a fish's tail. All day long they played in the great halls of the castle, or among the living flowers that grew out of the walls. The large amber windows were open, and the fish swam in, just as the swallows fly into our houses when we open the windows, excepting that the fishes swam up to the princesses, ate out of their hands, and allowed themselves to be stroked. Outside the castle there was a beautiful garden, in which grew bright red and dark blue flowers, and blossoms like flames of fire; the fruit glittered like gold, and the leaves and stems waved to and fro continually. The earth itself was the finest sand, but blue as the flame of burning sulfur. Over everything lay a peculiar blue radiance, as if it were surrounded by the air from above, through which the blue sky shone, instead of the dark depths of the sea. In calm weather the sun could be seen, looking like a purple flower, with the light streaming from the calyx. Each of the young princesses had a little plot of ground in the garden, where she might dig and plant as she pleased. One arranged her flower-bed into the form of a whale; another thought it better to make hers like the figure of a little mermaid; but that of the youngest was round like the sun, and contained flowers as red as his rays at sunset.

She was a strange child, quiet and thoughtful; and while her sisters would be delighted with the wonderful things which they obtained from the wrecks of vessels, she cared for nothing but her pretty red flowers, like the sun, excepting a beautiful marble statue. It was the representation of a handsome boy, carved out of pure white stone, which had fallen to the bottom of the sea from a wreck. She planted by the statue a rose-colored weeping willow. It grew splendidly, and very soon hung its fresh branches over the statue, almost down to the blue sands. The shadow had a violet tint, and waved to and fro like the branches; it seemed as if the crown of the tree and the root were at play, and trying to kiss each other.

Nothing gave her so much pleasure as to hear about the world above the sea. She made her old grandmother tell her all she knew of the ships and of the towns, the people and the animals. To her it seemed most wonderful and beautiful to hear that the flowers of the land should have fragrance, and not those below the sea; that the trees of the forest should be green; and that the fishes among the trees could sing so sweetly, that it was quite a pleasure to hear them. Her grandmother called the little birds fishes, or she would not have understood her; for she had never seen birds.

"When you have reached your fifteenth year," said the grand-mother, "you will have permission to rise up out of the sea, to sit on the rocks inthe moonlight, while the great ships are sailing by; and then you will see both forests and towns."

In the following year, one of the sisters would be fifteen: but as each was a year younger than the other, the youngest would have to wait five years before her turn came to rise up from the bottom of the ocean, and see the earth as we do. However, each promised to tell the others what she saw on her first visit, and what she thought the most beautiful; for their grandmother could not tell them enough; there were so many things on which they wanted information. None of them longed so much for her turn to come as the youngest, she who had the longest time to wait, and who was so quiet and thoughtful. Many nights she stood by the open window, looking up through the dark blue water, and watching the fish as they splashed about with their fins and tails.

She could see the moon and stars shining faintly; but through the water they looked larger than they do to our eyes. When something like a black cloud passed between her and them, she knew that it was either a whale swimming over her head, or a ship full of human beings, who never imagined that a pretty little mermaid was standing beneath them, holding out her white hands towards the keel of their ship.

As soon as the eldest was fifteen, she was allowed to rise to the surface of the ocean. When she came back, she had hundreds of things to talk about; but the most beautiful, she said, was to lie in the moonlight, on a sandbank, in the quiet sea, near the coast, and to gaze on a large town nearby, where the lights were twinkling like hundreds of stars; to listen to the sounds of the music, the noise of carriages, and the voices of human beings, and then to hear the merry bells peal out from the church steeples; and because she could not go near to all those wonderful things, she longed for them more than ever.

Oh, did not the youngest sister listen eagerly to all these descriptions? and afterwards, when she stood at the open window looking up through the dark blue water, she thought of the great city, with all its bustle and noise, and even fancied she could hear the sound of the church bells, down in the depths of the sea.

In another year the second sister received permission to rise to the surface of the water, and to swim about where she pleased. She rose just as the sun was setting, and this, she said, was the most beautiful sight of all. The whole sky looked like gold, while violet and rose-colored clouds, which she could not describe, floated over her; and, still more rapidly than the clouds, flew a large flock of wild swans towards the setting sun, looking like a long white veil across the sea. She also swam towards the sun; but it sunk into the waves, and the rosy tints faded from the clouds and from the sea.

双语安徒生童话《海的女儿The Little Mermaid》

Far out in the ocean, where the water is as blue as the prettiest cornflower, and as clear as crystal, it is very, very deep; so deep, indeed, that no cable could fathom it: many church steeples, piled one upon another, would not reach from the ground beneath to the surface of the water above. There dwell the Sea King and his subjects. 在海的远处,水是那么蓝,像最美丽的矢车菊花瓣,同时又是那么清,像最明亮的玻璃。然而它是很深很深,深得任何锚链都达不到底。要想从海底一直达到水面,必须有许多许多教堂尖塔一个接着一个地联起来才成。海底的人就住在这下面。 We must not imagine that there is nothing at the bottom of the sea but bare yellow sand. No, indeed; the most singular flowers and plants grow there; the leaves and stems of which are so pliant, that the slightest agitation of the water causes them to stir as if they had life. Fishes, both large and small, glide between the branches, as birds fly among the trees here upon land. In the deepest spot of all, stands the castle of the Sea King. Its walls are built of coral, and the long, gothic windows are of the clearest amber. The roof is formed of shells, that open and close as the water flows over them. Their appearance is very beautiful, for in each lies a glittering pearl, which would be fit for the diadem of a queen. 不过人们千万不要以为那儿只是一片铺满了白砂的海底。不是的,那儿生长着最奇异的树木和植物。它们的枝干和叶子是那么柔软,只要水轻微地流动一下,它们就摇动起来,好像它们是活着的东西。所有的大小鱼儿在这些枝子中间游来游去,像是天空的飞鸟。海里最深的地方是海王宫殿所在的处所。它的墙是用珊瑚砌成的,它那些尖顶的高窗子是用最亮的琥珀做成的;不过屋顶上却铺着黑色的蚌壳,它们随着水的流动可以自动地开合。这是怪好看的,国为每一颗蚌壳里面含有亮晶晶的珍珠。随便哪一颗珍珠都可以成为皇后帽子上最主要的装饰品。 The Sea King had been a widower for many years, and his aged mother kept house for him. She was a very wise woman, and exceedingly proud of her high birth; on that account she wore twelve oysters on her tail; while others, also of high rank, were only allowed to wear six. She was, however, deserving of very great praise, especially for her care of the little sea-princesses, her grand-daughters. They were six beautiful children; but the youngest was the prettiest of them all; her skin was as clear and delicate as a rose-leaf, and her eyes as blue as the deepest sea; but, like all the others, she had no feet, and her body ended in a fish's tail. 住在那底下的海王已经做了好多年的鳏夫,但是他有老母亲为他管理家务。她是一个聪明的女人,可是对于自己高贵的出身总是感到不可一世,因此她的尾巴上老戴着一打的牡蛎——其余的显贵只能每人戴上半打。除此以外,她是值得大大的称赞的,特别是因为她非常爱那些小小的海公主——她的一些孙女。她们是六个美丽的孩子,而她们之中,那个顶小的要算是最美丽的了。她的皮肤又光又嫩,像玫瑰的花瓣,她的眼睛是蔚蓝色的,像最深的湖水。不过,跟其他的公主一样,她没有腿:她身体的下部是一条鱼尾。 All day long they played in the great halls of the castle, or among the living flowers that grew out of the walls. The large amber windows were open, and the fish swam in, just as the swallows fly into our houses when we open the windows, excepting that the fishes swam up to the princesses, ate out of their hands, and allowed themselves to be stroked. 她们可以把整个漫长的日子花费在皇宫里,在墙上生有鲜花的大厅里。那些琥珀镶的大窗子是开着的,鱼儿向着她们游来,正如我们打开窗子的时候,燕子会飞进来一样。不过鱼儿一直游向这些小小的公主,在她们的手里找东西吃,让她们来抚摸自己。 Outside the castle there was a beautiful garden, in which grew bright red and dark blue flowers, and blossoms like flames of fire; the fruit glittered like gold, and the leaves and stems waved to and fro continually. The earth itself was the finest sand, but blue as the flame of burning sulphur. Over everything lay a peculiar blue radiance, as if it were surrounded by the air from above, through which the blue sky shone, instead of the dark depths of the sea. In calm weather the sun could be seen, looking like a purple flower, with the light streaming from the calyx. 宫殿外面有一个很大的花园,里边生长着许多火红和深蓝色的树木;树上的果子亮得像黄金,花朵开得像焚烧着的火,花枝和叶子在不停地摇动。地上全是最细的砂子,但是蓝得像硫黄发出的光焰。在那儿,处处都闪着一种奇异的、蓝色的光彩。你很容易以为你是高高地在空中而不是在海底,你的头上和脚下全是一片蓝天。当海是非常沉静的时候,你可瞥见太阳:它像一朵紫色的花,从它的花萼里射出各种色彩的光。 Each of the young princesses had a little plot of ground in the garden, where she might dig and plant as she pleased. One arranged her flower-bed into the form of a whale; another thought it better to make hers like the figure of a little mermaid; but that of the youngest was round like the sun, and contained flowers as red as his rays at sunset. She was a strange child, quiet and thoughtful; and while her sisters would be delighted with the wonderful things which they obtained from the wrecks of vessels, she cared for nothing but her pretty red flowers, like the sun, excepting a beautiful marble statue. It was the representation of a handsome boy, carved out of pure white stone, which had fallen to the bottom of the sea from a wreck. She planted by the statue a rose-colored weeping willow. It grew splendidly, and very soon hung its fresh branches over the statue, almost down to the blue sands. The shadow had a violet tint, and waved to and fro like the branches; it seemed as if the crown of the tree and the root were at play, and trying to kiss each other. 在花园里,每一位小公主有自己的一小块地方,在那上面她可以随意栽种。有的把自己的花坛布置得像一条鲸鱼,有的觉得把自己的花坛布置得像一个小人鱼。可是最年幼的那位却把自己的花坛布置得圆圆的,像一轮太阳,同时她也只种像太阳一样红的花朵。她是一个古怪的孩子,不大爱讲话,总是静静地在想什么东西。当别的姊妹们用她们从沉船里所获得的最奇异的东西来装饰她们的花园的时候,她除了像高空的太阳一样艳红的花朵以外,只愿意有一个美丽的大理石像。这石像代表一个美丽的男子,它是用一块洁白的石头雕出来的,跟一条遭难的船一同沉到海底。她在这石像旁边种了一株像玫瑰花那样红的垂柳。这树长得非常茂盛。它新鲜的枝叶垂向这个石像、一直垂到那蓝色的砂底。它的倒影带有一种紫蓝的色调。像它的枝条一样,这影子也从不静止,树根和树顶看起来好像在做着互相亲吻的游戏。 Nothing gave her so much pleasure as to hear about the world above the sea. She made her old grandmother tell her all she knew of the ships and of the towns, the people and the animals. To her it seemed most wonderful and beautiful to hear that the flowers of the land should have fragrance, and not those below the sea; that the trees of the forest should be green; and that the fishes among the trees could sing so sweetly, that it was quite a pleasure to hear them. Her grandmother called the little birds fishes, or she would not have understood her; for she had never seen birds. 她的愉快是听些关于上面人类的世界的故事。她的老祖母不得不把自己所有一切关于船只和城市、人类和动物的知识讲给她听。特别使她感到美好的一件事情是:地上的花儿能散发出香气来,而海底上的花儿却不能;地上的森林是绿色的,而且人们所看到的在树枝间游来游去的鱼儿会唱得那么清脆和好听,叫人感到愉快。老祖母所说的“鱼儿”事实上就是小鸟,但是假如她不这样讲的话,小公主就听不懂她的故事了,因为她还从来没有看到过一只小鸟。 "When you have reached your fifteenth year," said the grand-mother, "you will have permission to rise up out of the sea, to sit on the rocks in the moonlight, while the great ships are sailing by; and then you will see both forests and towns." “等你满了十五岁的时候,”老祖母说,“我就准许你浮到海面上去。那时你可以坐在月光底下的石头上面,看巨大的船只在你身边驶过去。你也可以看到树林和城市。” In the following year, one of the sisters would be fifteen: but as each was a year younger than the other, the youngest would have to wait five years before her turn came to rise up from the bottom of the ocean, and see the earth as we do. However, each promised to tell the others what she saw on her first visit, and what she thought the most beautiful; for their grandmother could not tell them enough; there were so many things on which they wanted information. 在这快要到来的一年,这些姊妹中有一位到了十五岁;可是其余的呢——晤,她们一个比一个小一岁。因此最年幼的那位公主还要足足地等五个年头才能够从海底浮上来,来看看我们的这个世界。不过每一位答应下一位说,她要把她第一天所看到和发现的东西讲给大家听,因为她们的祖母所讲的确是不太够——她们所希望了解的东西真不知有多少! None of them longed so much for her turn to come as the youngest, she who had the longest time to wait, and who was so quiet and thoughtful. Many nights she stood by the open window, looking up through the dark blue water, and watching the fish as they splashed about with their fins and tails. She could see the moon and stars shining faintly; but through the water they looked larger than they do to our eyes. When something like a black cloud passed between her and them, she knew that it was either a whale swimming over her head, or a ship full of human beings, who never imagined that a pretty little mermaid was standing beneath them, holding out her white hands towards the keel of their ship. 她们谁也没有像年幼的那位妹妹渴望得厉害,而她恰恰要等待得最久,同时她是那么地沉默和富于深思。不知有多少夜晚她站在开着的窗子旁边,透过深蓝色的水朝上面凝望,凝望着鱼儿挥动着它们的尾巴和翅。她还看到月亮和星星——当然,它们射出的光有些发淡,但是透过一层水,它们看起来要比在我们人眼中大得多。假如有一块类似黑云的东西在它们下面浮过去的话,她便知道这不是一条鲸鱼在她上面游过去,便是一条装载着许多旅客的船在开行。可是这些旅客们再也想像不到,他们下面有一位美丽的小人鱼,在朝着他们船的龙骨伸出她一双洁白的手。 As soon as the eldest was fifteen, she was allowed to rise to the surface of the ocean. 现在的那位公主已经到了十五岁,可以升到水面上去了。 When she came back, she had hundreds of things to talk about; but the most beautiful, she said, was to lie in the moonlight, on a sandbank, in the quiet sea, near the coast, and to gaze on a large town nearby, where the lights were twinkling like hundreds of stars; to listen to the sounds of the music, the noise of carriages, and the voices of human beings, and then to hear the merry bells peal out from the church steeples; and because she could not go near to all those wonderful things, she longed for them more than ever. 当她回来的时候,她有无数的事情要讲:不过她说,最美的事情是当海上风平浪静的时候,在月光底下躺在一个沙滩上面,紧贴着海岸凝望那大城市里亮得像无数星星似的灯光,静听音乐、闹声、以及马车和人的声音,观看教堂的圆塔和尖塔,倾听叮当的钟声。正因为她不能到那儿去,所以她也就最渴望这些东西。 Oh, did not the youngest sister listen eagerly to all these descriptions? and afterwards, when she stood at the open window looking up through the dark blue water, she thought of the great city, with all its bustle and noise, and even fancied she could hear the sound of the church bells, down in the depths of the sea. 啊,最小的那位妹妹听得多么入神啊!当她晚间站在开着的窗子旁边、透过深蓝色的水朝上面望的时候,她就想起了那个大城市以及它里面熙熙攘攘的声音。于是她似乎能听到教堂的钟声在向她这里飘来。 In another year the second sister received permission to rise to the surface of the water, and to swim about where she pleased. She rose just as the sun was setting, and this, she said, was the most beautiful sight of all. The whole sky looked like gold, while violet and rose-colored clouds, which she could not describe, floated over her; and, still more rapidly than the clouds, flew a large flock of wild swans towards the setting sun, looking like a long white veil across the sea. She also swam towards the sun; but it sunk into the waves, and the rosy tints faded from the clouds and from the sea. 第二年第二个姐姐得到许可,可以浮出水面,可以随便向什么地方游去。她跳出水面的时候,太阳刚刚下落;她觉得这景象真是美极了。她说,这时整个的天空看起来像一块黄金,而云块呢——唔,她真没有办法把它们的美形容出来!它们在她头上掠过,一忽儿红,一忽儿紫。不过,比它们飞得还要快的、像一片又自又长的面纱,是一群掠过水面的野天鹅。它们是飞向太阳,她也向太阳游去。可是太阳落了。一片玫瑰色的晚霞,慢慢地在海面和云块之间消逝了。 The third sister's turn followed; she was the boldest of them all, and she swam up a broad river that emptied itself into the sea. On the banks she saw green hills covered with beautiful vines; palaces and castles peeped out from amid the proud trees of the forest; she heard the birds singing, and the rays of the sun were so powerful that she was obliged often to dive down under the water to cool her burning face. In a narrow creek she found a whole troop of little human children, quite naked, and sporting about in the water; she wanted to play with them, but they fled in a great fright; and then a little black animal came to the water; it was a dog, but she did not know that, for she had never before seen one. This animal barked at her so terribly that she became frightened, and rushed back to the open sea. But she said she should never forget the beautiful forest, the green hills, and the pretty little children who could swim in the water, although they had not fish's tails. 又过了一年,第三个姐姐浮上去了。她是她们中胆的一位,因此她游向一条流进海里的大河里去了。她看到一些美丽的青山,上面种满了一行一行的葡萄。宫殿和田庄在郁茂的树林中隐隐地露在外面;她听到各种鸟儿唱得多么美好,太阳照得多么暖和,她有时不得不沉入水里,好使得她灼热的面孔能够得到一点清凉。在一个小河湾里她碰到一群人间的小孩子;他们光着身子,在水里游来游去。她倒很想跟他们玩一会儿,可是他们吓了一跳,逃走了。于是一个小小的黑色动物走了过来——这是一条小狗,是她从来没有看到过的小狗。它对她汪汪地叫得那么凶狠,弄得她害怕起来,赶快逃到大海里去。可是她永远忘记不了那壮丽的森林,那绿色的山,那些能够在水里游泳的可爱的小宝宝——虽然他们没有像鱼那样的尾巴。 The fourth sister was more timid; she remained in the midst of the sea, but she said it was quite as beautiful there as nearer the land. She could see for so many miles around her, and the sky above looked like a bell of glass. She had seen the ships, but at such a great distance that they looked like sea-gulls. The dolphins sported in the waves, and the great whales spouted water from their nostrils till it seemed as if a hundred fountains were playing in every direction. 第四个姐姐可不是那么大胆了。她停留在荒凉的大海上面。她说,最美的事儿就是停在海上:因为你可以从这儿向四周很远很远的地方望去,同时天空悬在上面像一个巨大的玻璃钟。她看到过船只,不过这些船只离她很远,看起来像一只海鸥。她看到过快乐的海豚翻着筋斗,庞大的鲸鱼从鼻孔里喷出水来,好像有无数的喷泉在围绕着它们一样。 The fifth sister's birthday occurred in the winter; so when her turn came, she saw what the others had not seen the first time they went up. The sea looked quite green, and large icebergs were floating about, each like a pearl, she said, but larger and loftier than the churches built by men. They were of the most singular shapes, and glittered like diamonds. She had seated herself upon one of the largest, and let the wind play with her long hair, and she remarked that all the ships sailed by rapidly, and steered as far away as they could from the iceberg, as if they were afraid of it. Towards evening, as the sun went down, dark clouds covered the sky, the thunder rolled and the lightning flashed, and the red light glowed on the icebergs as they rocked and tossed on the heaving sea. On all the ships the sails were reefed with fear and trembling, while she sat calmly on the floating iceberg, watching the blue lightning, as it darted its forked flashes into the sea. 现在临到那第五个姐姐了。她的生日恰恰是在冬天,所以她能看到其他的姐姐们在第一次浮出海面时所没有看到过的东西。海染上了一片绿色,巨大的冰山在四周移动。她说每一座冰山看起来像一颗珠子,然而却比人类所建造的教堂塔还要大得多。它们以种种奇奇怪怪的形状出现;它们像钻石似的射出光彩。她曾经在一个的冰山上坐过,让海风吹着她细长的头发,所有的船只,绕过她坐着的那块地方,惊惶地远远避开。不过在黄昏的时分,天上忽然布起了一片乌云。电闪起来了,雷轰起未了。黑色的巨浪掀起整片整片的冰块,使它们在血红的雷电中闪着光。所有的船只都收下了帆,造成一种惊惶和恐怖的气氛,但是她却安静地坐在那浮动的冰山上,望着蓝色的网电,弯弯曲曲地射进反光的海里。 When first the sisters had permission to rise to the surface, they were each delighted with the new and beautiful sights they saw; but now, as grown-up girls, they could go when they pleased, and they had become indifferent about it. They wished themselves back again in the water, and after a month had passed they said it was much more beautiful down below, and pleasanter to be at home. 这些姊妹们中随便哪一位,只要是第一次升到海面上去,总是非常高兴地观看这些新鲜和美丽的东西。可是现在呢,她们已经是大女孩子了,可以随便浮近她们喜欢去的地方,因此这些东西就不再太引起她们的兴趣了。她们渴望回到家里来。一个来月以后,她们就说:究竟还是住在海里好——家里是多么舒服啊! Yet often, in the evening hours, the five sisters would twine their arms round each other, and rise to the surface, in a row. They had more beautiful voices than any human being could have; and before the approach of a storm, and when they expected a ship would be lost, they swam before the vessel, and sang sweetly of the delights to be found in the depths of the sea, and begging the sailors not to fear if they sank to the bottom. But the sailors could not understand the song, they took it for the howling of the storm. And these things were never to be beautiful for them; for if the ship sank, the men were drowned, and their dead bodies alone reached the palace of the Sea King. 在黄昏的时候,这五个姊妹常常手挽着手地浮上来,在水面上排成一行。她们能唱出好听的歌声——比任何人类的声音还要美丽。当风暴快要到来、她们认为有些船只快要出事的时候,她们就浮到这些船的面前,唱起非常美丽的歌来,说是海底下是多么可爱,同时告诉这些水手不要害怕沉到海底;然而这些人却听不懂她们的歌词。他们以为这是巨风的声息。他们也想不到他们会在海底看到什么美好的东西,因为如果船沉了的话,上面的人也就淹死了,他们只有作为死人才能到达海王的官殿。 When the sisters rose, arm-in-arm, through the water in this way, their youngest sister would stand quite alone, looking after them, ready to cry, only that the mermaids have no tears, and therefore they suffer more. 有一天晚上,当姊妹们这么手挽着手地浮出海面的时候,最小的那位妹妹单独地呆在后面,瞧着她们。看样子她好像是想要哭一场似的,不过人鱼是没有眼泪的,因此她更感到难受。 "Oh, were I but fifteen years old," said she: "I know that I shall love the world up there, and all the people who live in it." “啊,我多么希望我已经有十五岁啊!”她说。“我知道我将会喜欢上面的世界,喜欢住在那个世界里的人们的。” At last she reached her fifteenth year. 最后她真的到了十五岁了。 "Well, now, you are grown up," said the old dowager, her grandmother; "so you must let me adorn you like your other sisters;" and she placed a wreath of white lilies in her hair, and every flower leaf was half a pearl. Then the old lady ordered eight great oysters to attach themselves to the tail of the princess to show her high rank. “你知道,你现在可以离开我们的手了,”她的祖母老皇太后说。“来吧,让我把你打扮得像你的那些姐姐一样吧。”于是她在这小姑娘的头发上戴上一个百合花编的花环,不过这花的每一个花瓣是半颗珍珠。老太太又叫八个大牡蛎紧紧地附贴在公主的尾上,来表示她高贵的地位。 "But they hurt me so," said the little mermaid. “这叫我真难受!”小人鱼说。 "Pride must suffer pain," replied the old lady. “当然咯,为了漂亮,一个人是应该吃点苦头的,”老祖母说。 Oh, how gladly she would have shaken off all this grandeur, and laid aside the heavy wreath! The red flowers in her own garden would have suited her much better, but she could not help herself: so she said, "Farewell," and rose as lightly as a bubble to the surface of the water. 哎,她倒真想能摆脱这些装饰品,把这沉重的花环扔向一边!她花园里的那些红花,她戴起来要适合得多,但是她不敢这样办。“再会吧!”她说。于是她轻盈和明朗得像一个水泡,冒出水面了。

The little mermaid was interested in listening to the wonderful stories about the land from her grandmother. “When you are fifteen,” said her grandmother, “you will have permission to rise up out of the sea.” Her five elder sisters had already been there. She wished her birthday could come sooner. At last she reached her fifteenth year. She rose as lightly as a bubble to the surface of the water. The sea was calm, and a large ship lay on the water. There was music and song on board. The little mermaid swam close to the saw a number of well-dressed people. They were celebrating the prince’s sixteenth birthday. How handsome the young prince looked! The little mermaid could not take her eyes from him. Suddenly, the sea became restless, and a dreadful storm was coming. The ship was torn into pieces. The prince sank into the deep waves. The little mermaid remembered that humans could not live in the water, so she swam toward the prince and saved him. They floated together with the waves. The next morning the storm had stopped. The little mermaid laid the prince on the beach. She kissed him, and then hid herself behind some rocks. She saw a young girl come to him, and try to wake him up. He came to life again, and smiled upon the girl. But he sent no smile to the mermaid. He didn’t know that she had saved his life. This made her very unhappy. When he was led away into the palace, she dived sadly into the water, and returned to her father’s castle. Her sisters asked her what she had seen during her first visit to the surface of the water, but she told them nothing. She became silent and thoughtful.


The daughter of the sea(海的女儿)Character :小人鱼、王子、巫婆、龙王、龙母、公主、牧师、人鱼姐姐(5人)旁白、群众演员(舞) 故事内容:旁白:Deep in the sea (在海底),there lived the sea king(他们住在海王国) ,who had been a widower for many years(住在那里已经有许多年的) and his aged mother kept house for him and took care of his six daughters(他的皇后,国王,和6个女儿) ,who were very happy and pretty(他们非常开心和都过得很好) .She always told them something (她总是告诉她们一些东西):龙母:The flowers of the land are beautiful (鲜花很漂亮),and trees of the forest are green(树是绿油油的) ,and birds can sing so sweetly(还有小鸟能在天空中歌唱)女儿们:When can we rise up out of sea ?(我们什么时候才能离开大海到外面去看看)龙母: when you have reached your fifteenth year (等到你们16岁时)!You can see the rocks in the moon light(你可以在月光下看见河) ,while the great slips are sailing by; and then you will see both forests and towns.女儿们:oh how wonderful !旁白:How time flies (时间过得很快)! Five of these daughters had reached out of the sea (五个女儿终于可以离开大海到外面去看看了), and saw many beautiful things(她们看见许多漂亮的东西).大女儿:oh , what a beautiful day(噢,多么漂亮的日子) !I can hear the music(我能听见音乐) ,I can play with ship(我能旅行) .I see the big animals on the shore(我看见有好大的动物在岸上). That’s horse(那是一只马) !二女儿:wa ho … The sun looks like a flower(那太阳看起来很像花朵) .The color of the sun is red (那太阳的颜色是红色的).Who painted the wonderful sun ?三女儿:where is it(那是什么?)? Oh I rise up .I see the children playing on shore(我看见孩子们在大地上玩耍) .I want to play with them(我想和他们一起玩).四女儿:oh ,I arrive another world(这是另外的一个世界) .It is different from my home (这和我们家不同).But I’m afraid of whales.五女儿:What a surprise(多么惊喜)! All the world is white(全部世界都是白色的) .In the deep sea(在海底), there are many kinds of flowers(那里有许多花) .but why there are many white flowers(但是没有白色的花). Oh, no(噢,不)! It’s snow(那是雪). 大女儿:Although the scene is wonderful .But our home is the best (不过我们最好该回家了).女儿们:Yes…We must go home (是的,我们必须回家了)!(五个女儿退场,小人鱼上场)旁白:Today(今天) ,the youngest daughter was fifteen, two(小人鱼也16岁了)小人鱼:Oh, I can rise out of the sea (噢,我终于能离开大海了了).What’s that (那是什么)?Maybe it is an interesting thing(或许那是个有趣的东西) ? Oh, on (噢,不)! It’s a man (那是一个男人).But why he lies on the shore(但是为什么他躺在海滩上) .Wake up! Wake up…王子:Where am I (我在哪里)? What’s wrong(有什么问题) ?小人鱼:You met a storm (你遇见了麻烦).So I brought you here(所以我带你离开这) !王子:so you have save me ?小人鱼:yes(是的) !王子:what’ s your name (你叫什么名字)?小人鱼:my name is summary(我的名字叫"苏美娅"(大概是吧,我不会翻译人名啦)).旁白:they have been together for several days and now they fall in love with each other .but they have to part.王子:I must go home(我必须回家了) .the people need me (人民需要我)! I want to take you with me(我想带你回去和我在一起)!小人鱼:(crying)(流着泪)no, I ’ m just a fish(不,我只是一条鱼). If I have a chance .I ‘be a human being . Remember me(记得我)!(王子退场,龙王龙母上场)小人鱼:dear father and grandmother I have fallen in love with a human being(亲爱的父亲的奶奶,现在我有了一个深爱的人) .I want to with him (我想的他在一起)!龙王:no way(不可以) ! You are a fish(你是一条鱼) .he is a human being(而他是一个人类) !If you go with him (如果你和他在一起).you will not happy(你不会开心的) .龙母:that’ right (说得对),my dear(我的宝贝) !It is not possible(这不可能的)!小人鱼:(crying)(流着泪)dad (父亲), grandmother I beg you ! I beg you !龙王:(angry)no,no.(不、不)(龙王龙母下场。巫婆上场)小人鱼:what should I do(我该怎么办)?巫婆:ha …Ha…I can help you(哈…哈…我能帮你) .小人鱼:who are you (你是谁)?巫婆:I am a witch(我是巫婆). I change you into a human being .But cut your tongue as a payment .小人鱼:(think for a while)(想了一会)ok . I’ll do it(可以,我愿意)!(小人鱼、巫婆下场,王子和公主、牧师上场)牧师:prince(王子) , are you pleased to marry the princess and love her forever?王子:yes , I will(是的,我将要).牧师:and princess(公主), are you pleased to marry the prince and share the happiness and sorrow with him ?公主:yes, I am(是的,我可以)(a little shy)(有一点伤心)牧师:change the rings (交换戒指).ok . Now you have got married ,you should take care of each other from now on! Amen(阿门)! 小人鱼:(crying)(流着泪)oh(噢) , I am the most unhappy one in the world (我最不快乐的日子是在世界上).but I love him so much (但是我还是非常爱他). God ,god(上帝,上帝) .give me a ch

旁白:Deep in the sea ,there lived the sea king ,who had been a widower for many years and his aged mother kept house for him and took care of his six daughters ,who were very happy and pretty .She always told them something.


老祖母:The flowers of the land are beautiful,and trees of the forest are green,and birds can sing so sweetly


女儿们:When can we rise up out of sea ?


老祖母: when you have reached your fifteenth year !You can see the rocks in the moon light ,while the great slips are sailing by; and then you will see both forests and towns.


女儿们:oh how wonderful !


旁白:How time flies ! Five of these daughters had reached out of the sea , and saw many beautiful things.


大女儿:oh , what a beautiful day !I can hear the music,I can play with ship .I see the big animals on the shore. That's horse !


二女儿:wa ho … The sun looks like a flower .The color of the sun is red .Who painted the wonderful sun ?


三女儿:where is it? Oh I rise up .I see the children playing on shore .I want to play with them.


四女儿:oh ,I arrive another is different from my home .But I’m afraid of whales.


五女儿:What a surprise! All the world is the deep sea, there are many kinds of why there are many white flowers. Oh, no! It’s snow.


大女儿:Although the scene is wonderful .But our home is the best.


女儿们:Yes…We must go home!



旁白:Today ,the youngest daughter was fifteen.


小人鱼:Oh, I can rise out of the sea .What’s that ?Maybe it is an interesting thing? Oh, on ! It’s a man .But why he lies on the up! Wake up…


王子:Where am I? What’s wrong?


小人鱼:You met a I brought you here !


王子:so you have save me ?


小人鱼:yes !


王子:what's your name?


小人鱼:my name is summary


旁白:they have been together for several days and now they fall in love with each other .but they have to part.


王子:I must go people need me! I want to take you with me!


小人鱼:no, I ’ m just a fish. If I have a chance .I'be a human being . Remember me!



小人鱼:dear father and grandmother I have fallen in love with a human want to with him!


龙王:no way ! You are a fish .he is a human being !If you go with him .you will not happy .


老祖母:that’ right,my dear !It is not possible!


小人鱼:dad , grandmother I beg you ! I beg you !





小人鱼:what should I do?


巫婆:ha …Ha…I can help you .


小人鱼:who are you?


巫婆:I am a witch. I change you into a human being .But cut your tongue as a payment .


小人鱼:ok . I’ll do it!



牧师:prince, are you pleased to marry the princess and love her forever?


王子:yes , I will.


牧师:and princess, are you pleased to marry the prince and share the happiness and sorrow with him ?

(公主,你愿意嫁给王子吗,无论富贵贫穷,无论健康疾病 )

公主:yes, I am.


牧师:change the rings you have got married ,you should take care of each other from now on! Amen!


小人鱼:oh , I am the most unhappy one in the world .but I love him so , me a chance !Oh, I am so am going to die.


旁白:summary is died .but the prince never care about he.





《海的女儿》剧本英文版 The daughter of the sea Character :小人鱼(little mermaid、王子Prince、巫婆witch、龙王King、龙母queen、公主 princess、牧师priest、人鱼姐姐(5人)mermaid sisters旁白narrator、群众演员extras(舞dance) 故事内容: 旁白:Deep in the sea ,there lived the sea king ,who had been a widower for many years and his aged mother kept house for him and took care of his six daughters ,who were very happy and pretty .She always told them something : 龙母:The flowers of the land are beautiful ,and trees of the forest are green ,and birds can sing so sweetly 女儿们:When can we rise up out of sea ? 龙母: when you have reached your fifteenth year !You can see the rocks in the moon light ,while the great slips are sailing by; and then you will see both forests and towns. 女儿们:oh how wonderful ! 旁白:How time flies ! Five of these daughters had reached out of the sea , and saw many beautiful things. 大女儿:oh , what a beautiful day !I can hear the music ,I can play with ship .I see the big animals on the shore. That’s horse ! 二女儿:wa ho … The sun looks like a flower .The color of the sun is red .Who painted the wonderful sun ? 三女儿:where is it? Oh I rise up .I see the children playing on shore .I want to play with them. 四女儿:oh ,I arrive another world .It is different from my home .But I’m afraid of whales. 五女儿:What a surprise! All the world is white .In the deep sea, there are many kinds of flowers .but why there are many white flowers. Oh, no! It’s snow. 大女儿:Although the scene is wonderful .But our home is the best . 女儿们:Yes…We must go home ! (五个女儿退场,小人鱼上场) 旁白:Today,the youngest daughter was fifteen, two 小人鱼:Oh, I can rise out of the sea .What’s that ?Maybe it is an interesting thing? Oh, on! It’s a man .But why he lies on the shore .Wake up! Wake up… 王子:Where am I? What’s wrong ? 小人鱼:You met a storm .So I brought you here! 王子:so you have save me ? 小人鱼:yes! 王子:what’ s your name ? 小人鱼:my name is summary. 旁白:they have been together for several days and now they fall in love with each other .but they have to part. 王子:I must go home .the people need me ! I want to take you with me! 小人鱼:(crying)no, I ’ m just a fish. If I have a chance .I’ be a human being . Remember me! (王子退场,龙王龙母上场) 小人鱼:Dear father and grandmother I have fallen in love with a human being .I want to with him! 龙王:No way ! You are a fish .he is a human being! If you go with him .you will not happy . 龙母:that’ right ,my dear !It is not possible! 小人鱼:(crying)dad , grandmother I beg you ! I beg you! 龙王:(angry)no, no. (龙王龙母下场。巫婆上场) 小人鱼:what should I do? 巫婆:ha …Ha…I can help you . 小人鱼:who are you ? 巫婆:I am a witch. I change you into a human being .But cut your tongue as a payment . 小人鱼:(think for a while)ok . I’ll do it! (小人鱼、巫婆下场,王子和公主、牧师上场) 牧师:prince , are you pleased to marry the princess and love her forever? 王子:yes , I will. 牧师:And princess, are you pleased to marry the prince and share the happiness and sorrow with him? 公主:Yes, I am (a little shy) 牧师:Change the rings .Ok. Now you have got married, you should take care of each other from now on! Amen! 小人鱼:(Crying) oh, I am the most unhappy one in the world .but I love him so much . God , god .give me a chance !Oh, I am so cold .I am going to die . 旁白:Summary is died .but the prince never care about her.

The daughter of the sea(海的女儿)Character :小人鱼、王子、巫婆、龙王、龙母、公主、牧师、人鱼姐姐(5人)旁白、群众演员(舞) 故事内容:旁白:Deep in the sea (在海底),there lived the sea king(他们住在海王国) ,who had been a widower for many years(住在那里已经有许多年的) and his aged mother kept house for him and took care of his six daughters(他的皇后,国王,和6个女儿) ,who were very happy and pretty(他们非常开心和都过得很好) .She always told them something (她总是告诉她们一些东西):龙母:The flowers of the land are beautiful (鲜花很漂亮),and trees of the forest are green(树是绿油油的) ,and birds can sing so sweetly(还有小鸟能在天空中歌唱)女儿们:When can we rise up out of sea ?(我们什么时候才能离开大海到外面去看看)龙母: when you have reached your fifteenth year (等到你们16岁时)!You can see the rocks in the moon light(你可以在月光下看见河) ,while the great slips are sailing by; and then you will see both forests and towns.女儿们:oh how wonderful !旁白:How time flies (时间过得很快)! Five of these daughters had reached out of the sea (五个女儿终于可以离开大海到外面去看看了), and saw many beautiful things(她们看见许多漂亮的东西).大女儿:oh , what a beautiful day(噢,多么漂亮的日子) !I can hear the music(我能听见音乐) ,I can play with ship(我能旅行) .I see the big animals on the shore(我看见有好大的动物在岸上). That’s horse(那是一只马) !二女儿:wa ho … The sun looks like a flower(那太阳看起来很像花朵) .The color of the sun is red (那太阳的颜色是红色的).Who painted the wonderful sun ?三女儿:where is it(那是什么?)? Oh I rise up .I see the children playing on shore(我看见孩子们在大地上玩耍) .I want to play with them(我想和他们一起玩).四女儿:oh ,I arrive another world(这是另外的一个世界) .It is different from my home (这和我们家不同).But I’m afraid of whales.五女儿:What a surprise(多么惊喜)! All the world is white(全部世界都是白色的) .In the deep sea(在海底), there are many kinds of flowers(那里有许多花) .but why there are many white flowers(但是没有白色的花). Oh, no(噢,不)! It’s snow(那是雪). 大女儿:Although the scene is wonderful .But our home is the best (不过我们最好该回家了).女儿们:Yes…We must go home (是的,我们必须回家了)!(五个女儿退场,小人鱼上场)旁白:Today(今天) ,the youngest daughter was fifteen, two(小人鱼也16岁了)小人鱼:Oh, I can rise out of the sea (噢,我终于能离开大海了了).What’s that (那是什么)?Maybe it is an interesting thing(或许那是个有趣的东西) ? Oh, on (噢,不)! It’s a man (那是一个男人).But why he lies on the shore(但是为什么他躺在海滩上) .Wake up! Wake up…王子:Where am I (我在哪里)? What’s wrong(有什么问题) ?小人鱼:You met a storm (你遇见了麻烦).So I brought you here(所以我带你离开这) !王子:so you have save me ?小人鱼:yes(是的) !王子:what’ s your name (你叫什么名字)?小人鱼:my name is summary(我的名字叫"苏美娅"(大概是吧,我不会翻译人名啦)).旁白:they have been together for several days and now they fall in love with each other .but they have to part.王子:I must go home(我必须回家了) .the people need me (人民需要我)! I want to take you with me(我想带你回去和我在一起)!小人鱼:(crying)(流着泪)no, I ’ m just a fish(不,我只是一条鱼). If I have a chance .I ‘be a human being . Remember me(记得我)!(王子退场,龙王龙母上场)小人鱼:dear father and grandmother I have fallen in love with a human being(亲爱的父亲的奶奶,现在我有了一个深爱的人) .I want to with him (我想的他在一起)!龙王:no way(不可以) ! You are a fish(你是一条鱼) .he is a human being(而他是一个人类) !If you go with him (如果你和他在一起).you will not happy(你不会开心的) .龙母:that’ right (说得对),my dear(我的宝贝) !It is not possible(这不可能的)!小人鱼:(crying)(流着泪)dad (父亲), grandmother I beg you ! I beg you !龙王:(angry)no,no.(不、不)(龙王龙母下场。巫婆上场)小人鱼:what should I do(我该怎么办)?巫婆:ha …Ha…I can help you(哈…哈…我能帮你) .小人鱼:who are you (你是谁)?巫婆:I am a witch(我是巫婆). I change you into a human being .But cut your tongue as a payment .小人鱼:(think for a while)(想了一会)ok . I’ll do it(可以,我愿意)!(小人鱼、巫婆下场,王子和公主、牧师上场)牧师:prince(王子) , are you pleased to marry the princess and love her forever?王子:yes , I will(是的,我将要).牧师:and princess(公主), are you pleased to marry the prince and share the happiness and sorrow with him ?公主:yes, I am(是的,我可以)(a little shy)(有一点伤心)牧师:change the rings (交换戒指).ok . Now you have got married ,you should take care of each other from now on! Amen(阿门)! 小人鱼:(crying)(流着泪)oh(噢) , I am the most unhappy one in the world (我最不快乐的日子是在世界上).but I love him so much (但是我还是非常爱他). God ,god(上帝,上帝) .give me a chance !Oh, I am so cold(噢,我非常伤心) .I am going to die (我将要死去).旁白:summary is died(苏美娅已经死了) .but the prince never care about her(但是那个王子从来不知道她).



In order to pursue the noble and immortal soul of a person, the sea Princess Mermaid abandons the free life of the seabed and the life of 300 years, abandons the beautiful singing voice in the hands of the vicious witch, endures the great pain brought by turning the fish tail into human leg, and uses her love, her heart and her young life.

To pursue the soul of the eternal and noble person, and to share all eternal happiness through "good work". The writer eulogizes the mermaid's pursuit of love, soul and ideal, and shows her good and pure character, strong perseverance and sacrifice spirit.











旁白:Deep in the sea ,there lived the sea king ,who had been a widower for many years and his aged mother kept house for him and took care of his six daughters ,who were very happy and pretty .She always told them something.


老祖母:The flowers of the land are beautiful,and trees of the forest are green,and birds can sing so sweetly


女儿们:When can we rise up out of sea ?


老祖母: when you have reached your fifteenth year !You can see the rocks in the moon light ,while the great slips are sailing by; and then you will see both forests and towns.


女儿们:oh how wonderful !


旁白:How time flies ! Five of these daughters had reached out of the sea , and saw many beautiful things.


大女儿:oh , what a beautiful day !I can hear the music,I can play with ship .I see the big animals on the shore. That's horse !


二女儿:wa ho … The sun looks like a flower .The color of the sun is red .Who painted the wonderful sun ?


三女儿:where is it? Oh I rise up .I see the children playing on shore .I want to play with them.


四女儿:oh ,I arrive another is different from my home .But I’m afraid of whales.


五女儿:What a surprise! All the world is the deep sea, there are many kinds of why there are many white flowers. Oh, no! It’s snow.


大女儿:Although the scene is wonderful .But our home is the best.


女儿们:Yes…We must go home!



旁白:Today ,the youngest daughter was fifteen.


小人鱼:Oh, I can rise out of the sea .What’s that ?Maybe it is an interesting thing? Oh, on ! It’s a man .But why he lies on the up! Wake up…


王子:Where am I? What’s wrong?


小人鱼:You met a I brought you here !


王子:so you have save me ?


小人鱼:yes !


王子:what's your name?


小人鱼:my name is summary


旁白:they have been together for several days and now they fall in love with each other .but they have to part.


王子:I must go people need me! I want to take you with me!


小人鱼:no, I ’ m just a fish. If I have a chance .I'be a human being . Remember me!



小人鱼:dear father and grandmother I have fallen in love with a human want to with him!


龙王:no way ! You are a fish .he is a human being !If you go with him .you will not happy .


老祖母:that’ right,my dear !It is not possible!


小人鱼:dad , grandmother I beg you ! I beg you !





小人鱼:what should I do?


巫婆:ha …Ha…I can help you .


小人鱼:who are you?


巫婆:I am a witch. I change you into a human being .But cut your tongue as a payment .


小人鱼:ok . I’ll do it!



牧师:prince, are you pleased to marry the princess and love her forever?


王子:yes , I will.


牧师:and princess, are you pleased to marry the prince and share the happiness and sorrow with him ?

(公主,你愿意嫁给王子吗,无论富贵贫穷,无论健康疾病 )

公主:yes, I am.


牧师:change the rings you have got married ,you should take care of each other from now on! Amen!


小人鱼:oh , I am the most unhappy one in the world .but I love him so , me a chance !Oh, I am so am going to die.


旁白:summary is died .but the prince never care about he.





The daughter of the sea(海的女儿)Character :小人鱼、王子、巫婆、龙王、龙母、公主、牧师、人鱼姐姐(5人)旁白、群众演员(舞) 故事内容:旁白:Deep in the sea (在海底),there lived the sea king(他们住在海王国) ,who had been a widower for many years(住在那里已经有许多年的) and his aged mother kept house for him and took care of his six daughters(他的皇后,国王,和6个女儿) ,who were very happy and pretty(他们非常开心和都过得很好) .She always told them something (她总是告诉她们一些东西):龙母:The flowers of the land are beautiful (鲜花很漂亮),and trees of the forest are green(树是绿油油的) ,and birds can sing so sweetly(还有小鸟能在天空中歌唱)女儿们:When can we rise up out of sea ?(我们什么时候才能离开大海到外面去看看)龙母: when you have reached your fifteenth year (等到你们16岁时)!You can see the rocks in the moon light(你可以在月光下看见河) ,while the great slips are sailing by; and then you will see both forests and towns.女儿们:oh how wonderful !旁白:How time flies (时间过得很快)! Five of these daughters had reached out of the sea (五个女儿终于可以离开大海到外面去看看了), and saw many beautiful things(她们看见许多漂亮的东西).大女儿:oh , what a beautiful day(噢,多么漂亮的日子) !I can hear the music(我能听见音乐) ,I can play with ship(我能旅行) .I see the big animals on the shore(我看见有好大的动物在岸上). That’s horse(那是一只马) !二女儿:wa ho … The sun looks like a flower(那太阳看起来很像花朵) .The color of the sun is red (那太阳的颜色是红色的).Who painted the wonderful sun ?三女儿:where is it(那是什么?)? Oh I rise up .I see the children playing on shore(我看见孩子们在大地上玩耍) .I want to play with them(我想和他们一起玩).四女儿:oh ,I arrive another world(这是另外的一个世界) .It is different from my home (这和我们家不同).But I’m afraid of whales.五女儿:What a surprise(多么惊喜)! All the world is white(全部世界都是白色的) .In the deep sea(在海底), there are many kinds of flowers(那里有许多花) .but why there are many white flowers(但是没有白色的花). Oh, no(噢,不)! It’s snow(那是雪). 大女儿:Although the scene is wonderful .But our home is the best (不过我们最好该回家了).女儿们:Yes…We must go home (是的,我们必须回家了)!(五个女儿退场,小人鱼上场)旁白:Today(今天) ,the youngest daughter was fifteen, two(小人鱼也16岁了)小人鱼:Oh, I can rise out of the sea (噢,我终于能离开大海了了).What’s that (那是什么)?Maybe it is an interesting thing(或许那是个有趣的东西) ? Oh, on (噢,不)! It’s a man (那是一个男人).But why he lies on the shore(但是为什么他躺在海滩上) .Wake up! Wake up…王子:Where am I (我在哪里)? What’s wrong(有什么问题) ?小人鱼:You met a storm (你遇见了麻烦).So I brought you here(所以我带你离开这) !王子:so you have save me ?小人鱼:yes(是的) !王子:what’ s your name (你叫什么名字)?小人鱼:my name is summary(我的名字叫"苏美娅"(大概是吧,我不会翻译人名啦)).旁白:they have been together for several days and now they fall in love with each other .but they have to part.王子:I must go home(我必须回家了) .the people need me (人民需要我)! I want to take you with me(我想带你回去和我在一起)!小人鱼:(crying)(流着泪)no, I ’ m just a fish(不,我只是一条鱼). If I have a chance .I ‘be a human being . Remember me(记得我)!(王子退场,龙王龙母上场)小人鱼:dear father and grandmother I have fallen in love with a human being(亲爱的父亲的奶奶,现在我有了一个深爱的人) .I want to with him (我想的他在一起)!龙王:no way(不可以) ! You are a fish(你是一条鱼) .he is a human being(而他是一个人类) !If you go with him (如果你和他在一起).you will not happy(你不会开心的) .龙母:that’ right (说得对),my dear(我的宝贝) !It is not possible(这不可能的)!小人鱼:(crying)(流着泪)dad (父亲), grandmother I beg you ! I beg you !龙王:(angry)no,no.(不、不)(龙王龙母下场。巫婆上场)小人鱼:what should I do(我该怎么办)?巫婆:ha …Ha…I can help you(哈…哈…我能帮你) .小人鱼:who are you (你是谁)?巫婆:I am a witch(我是巫婆). I change you into a human being .But cut your tongue as a payment .小人鱼:(think for a while)(想了一会)ok . I’ll do it(可以,我愿意)!(小人鱼、巫婆下场,王子和公主、牧师上场)牧师:prince(王子) , are you pleased to marry the princess and love her forever?王子:yes , I will(是的,我将要).牧师:and princess(公主), are you pleased to marry the prince and share the happiness and sorrow with him ?公主:yes, I am(是的,我可以)(a little shy)(有一点伤心)牧师:change the rings (交换戒指).ok . Now you have got married ,you should take care of each other from now on! Amen(阿门)! 小人鱼:(crying)(流着泪)oh(噢) , I am the most unhappy one in the world (我最不快乐的日子是在世界上).but I love him so much (但是我还是非常爱他). God ,god(上帝,上帝) .give me a chance !Oh, I am so cold(噢,我非常伤心) .I am going to die (我将要死去).旁白:summary is died(苏美娅已经死了) .but the prince never care about her(但是那个王子从来不知道她).

Jack And BeansFormerly, some was called Jake the boy, he and the mother lived in together; In Jake's family is extremely poor, only then a , the one day cow also could not squeeze out the milk to come finally again; Therefore, the mother said that,“Jake! You pulled the cow in the town to sell!”“Is, mother!” Therefore, Jake then the path town on the way, Jake was stopped by calling out by a strange old person: “Young people! I use these beans to trade your cow? This is some mysterious beans, may by an evening, as long as the sky like that high!” “Mysterious bean? That too has been good!”Therefore Jake has then traded the cow the Jake happy region bean is going home; But, was scolded actually by the mother: “A big cow, only then trades some small beans!”The mother is in a pet, throws the bean to the window soon as the second day early morning, Jake wakes, discovered outside the window resembles some does not suit, as soon as quickly arrives with the mother outside the room to look: Ha! Yesterday evening the bean which lost from the window, already was longer much high, good high .........Jake thought that,“That old person said does not have the mistake, really long to likely sky general high, really is the marvelous bean. “Good! Steadily high, I must have a look but actually!” A Jake leap jumped the bean subtree to come up, he was suitable the bough upward to crawl. Finally, Jake crawled cloud above; In there, some path is continuous under, Jake was suitable the path to walk continuously a while, he has discovered a giant castle entrance, is standing a fat giant woman.“Granny, my belly good hungry, you may give me a thing to eat?”Jake asked. “! Really pitiful! These foods give you, you quickly eat! If eats too slowly, my husband came back, he can eat you!” The woman tells Jake at the same time, at the same time took the bread, has formed dough into a piecrust-like layer, and the , in this time, “Good! Steadily high, I must have a look but actually!” A Jake leap jumped the bean subtree to come up, he was suitable the bough upward to crawl. Finally, Jake crawled cloud above; In there, some path is continuous under, Jake was suitable the path to walk continuously a while, he has discovered a giant castle entrance, is standing a fat giant woman.“Granny, my belly good hungry, you may give me a thing to eat?”Jake asked. “! Really pitiful! These foods give you, you quickly eat! If eats too slowly, my husband came back, he can eat you!” The woman tells Jake at the same time, at the same time took the bread, has formed dough into a piecrust-like layer, and the , in this time, The giant finished eating after two calves, puts out many gold coins from the bag to come, to place on the table the number number, has fallen asleep ..............This time, Jake only then hurried to crawl from the pot, has held a giant's gold coin bag, was sliding along the bean and the mother two people, will have the gold coin later the day to feel better , the gold coin finally used up. Therefore, Jake once more was suitable the bean subtree upward to crawl, arrived the castle, has hidden, crossed soon, the giant came back. The giant places a hen on the table, then treats the hen to say: “The hen, the hen quickly lays an egg!” The speech only then said, the hen has given birth to a golden egg on puff the earth fault. Jake likely previous dissimilarity, when the giant has fallen asleep, only then hugs the hen to run away goes home. Third time, Jake arrives in giant's castle; Soon, the giant brings an attractive harp to come back. As soon as the bastard places the harp on the table, the harp starts to send out the wonderful musical sound to come automatically, Jake looked too has really liked. When Jake one the giant falls asleep, then grasps the harp to want to , harp actually “Was bad! Bad!”Has called. As soon as the giant wakes, sets out to have to pursue Jake. Jake slides very quickly down from the bean subtree. “Do not run away! Your this slightly mixes the ball!” The giant is sliding down with Jake by the bean subtree, Jake worries more slippery quicker, finally arrived the ground. “Mother! Gives me quickly the axe!” The Jake aunt received the axe personally, hurries to make an effort to chop the bean bough, “the card grasps, the card grasps .....” “Whish!” Crash-bang, crash-bang, the tree down, the giant also has finally but actually fallen the ground from the midair, died on the scene. From now, Jake and the mother close right up against the hen which lives Jin Dan under, accompanies in the automatic sound production harp, happy day.


作者:小思本文地址:http://aiyundongfang.com/yingyuxuexibaike/28306.html发布于 2024-09-19
