

小思 2024-09-19 24
简单的英文散文诗摘要: 英文散文诗简单也许上帝希望我们能够满足几个错误的人在会议上是正确的;twillingtowastetheirtimeonyou,当我们终于满足的人.-------SirThom...




古 英语诗歌 根植于英国,由最初的口头吟诵到后来的书面文学,其内容丰富,题材多样,在一千五百多年的发展过程中,其诗体韵律形式经历了一系的兴替和嬗变。下面是我带来的优美清新的英语 散文 诗,欢迎阅读!优美清新的 英语散文 诗篇一 总有另一片天 there is another sky There is another sky, Ever serene and fair, And there is another sunshine, Though it be darkness there; Never mind faded forests, Austin, Never mind silent fields - Here is a little forest, Whose leaf is ever green; Here is a brighter garden, Where not a frost has been; In its unfading flowers I hear the bright bee hum: Prithee, my brother, Into my garden come! 总有另一片天 晴空长宁如洗 艳阳如约而至 划开彼处幽暗 不必在枯萎的丛林的徜徉,Austin 切勿回望沉寂的原野 此处自有从林一簇 绿叶常开不落 此处别有明净嘉园 寒雾四时无侵 在永不凋零的花间 我听见蜜蜂在欢欣呤唱 请你,我的兄弟 请来我的花园畅游 优美清新的英语散文诗篇二 There's no earthly way of knowing What was in your heart 并没有现成的 方法 来了解你的心 When it stopped going 当心跳停止 The whole world shook 整个世界为之震动 A storm was blowing through you 暴风雨即将袭击你 Waiting for God to stop this 等待上帝去阻止这疯狂的一切 And up to your neck in darkness 你在黑暗中伸长脖子 Everyone around you was corrupted 你周围的人都被污染了 Saying somethin' 他们说 There's no dignity in death 死亡没有尊严 To sell the world your last breath 将你最后一口气出卖给全世界 They're still fighting over Everything you left over 你留下的所有,他们都在争夺 I saw you standing at the gates When Marlon Brando passed away Marlon Brando死去的时候我看到你站在门边 You had that look upon your face Advertising space 你与 广告 看板上的你有著同样的表情 And No one learned from your mistakes 没有人从你犯的错中吸取教训 We let our profit s go to waste 我们让我们的收益白白浪费 All that's left in any case Is Advertising space 在广告看板中也许能留下一些 Through your eyes The world was burning 在你的眼中看到世界在燃烧 Please be gentle 请温柔地对我 I'm still learning 我还在学习 You seemed to say As you kept turning up 当你的欲望被激发,你好象在这样说 They poisoned you with compromise 他们用和解毒害你 At what point did you realise 你如何能了解 Everybody loves your lies 所有人爱你的谎言 But you ahahh 但你 Special agent for the man Through watergate and vietnam No one really gave a damn 没有人在乎 Did you think the CIA did 你认为中央情报局在乎吗 I've seen your daughter 我见过你的女儿 Man shes cute 天啊她真漂亮 I was scared but I wanted to 我有点被吓到 Boy she looks a lot like you 天啊她跟你长得真像 优美清新的英语散文诗篇三 "Sic transit gloria mundi," "How doth the busy bee," "Dum vivimusvivamus," I stay mine enemy! Oh "veni, vidi, vici!" Oh caputcap-a-pie! And oh "memento mori" When I am far from thee! Hurrah forPeter Parley! Hurrah for Daniel Boone! Three cheers, sir, for thegentleman Who first observed the moon! Peter, put up thesunshine; Patti, arrange the stars; Tell Luna, tea is waiting, And callyour brother Mars! Put down the apple, Adam, And come away with me, Soshalt thou have a pippin From off my father's tree! I climb the "Hill ofScience," I "view the landscape o'er;" Such transcendental prospect, Ine'er beheld before! Unto the Legislature My country bids me go; I'lltake my india rubbers, In case the wind should blow! During myeducation, It was announced to me That gravitation, stumbling, Fellfrom an apple tree! The earth upon an axis Was once supposed toturn, By way of a gymnastic In honor of the sun! It was the braveColumbus, A sailing o'er the tide, Who notified the nations Of where Iwould reside! Mortality is fatal -- Gentility is fine, Rascality,heroic, Insolvency, sublime! Our Fathers being weary, Laid down onBunker Hill; And tho' full many a morning, Yet they are sleeping still,-- The trumpet, sir, shall wake them, In dreams I see them rise, Eachwith a solemn musket A marching to the skies! A coward will remain,Sir, Until the fight is done; But an immortal hero Will take his hat,and run! Good bye, Sir, I am going; My country calleth me; Allow me,Sir, at parting, To wipe my weeping e'e. In token of ourfriendship Accept this "Bonnie Doon," And when the hand that pluckedit Hath passed beyond the moon, The memory of my ashes Will consolationbe; Then, farewell, Tuscarora, And farewell, Sir, tothee!“世上的事情飞逝而过” “忙碌的蜜蜂又能如何?” “活着,我们就应生活” 我,不拒斥我的敌人! 呵,“来过了,看过了,征服了” 呵,从头到脚! 当我离你遥远的时候 “别忘记,死亡一直存在于左右” 欢呼,为彼特·帕雷! 欢呼,为丹尼尔·布奈! 还有三声喝彩,先生,献给 那第一个观察到月亮的绅士。 彼特,燃起日光吧 帕提,排列星斗吧 告诉月神,茶已经备好 再叫上你的兄弟战神。 请摘了那苹果,亚当 和我一起离开吧 你应当有这么一颗果子 来自我父亲的果树! 我攀爬“科学之峰” 我饱览各种景色; 这种超越 经验 的展望, 之前,我从未见过! 到议会来 我的国家命令我, 我要带上我的印度雨衣 以防刮起大风。 万有引力,磕绊了一下 从苹果树上跌落下来。 在学校的时候 这些都对我讲过。 人们曾经以为 地球绕轴旋转, 是以 体操 的方式 在向太阳表达敬意。 正是勇敢的哥伦布 在波涛间航行, 探明了许多国度 其间便有我居住的地方。 终有一死,已经注定—— 安然,是美好的 行恶,是冒险的 破产,让人心生敬意! 我们的先辈已经厌倦了 他们在邦克山上躺下; 无数个清晨降临过那里 但他们仍静静地睡着—— 先生,应当用喇叭唤醒他们 我在梦里看见他们纷纷起身 每人手握一杆神圣的毛瑟枪 向天空进发 懦夫呆立不动,先生 直到战争结束; 其间惟有一个不朽的英雄 抓起帽子,飞快离开! 再见了,先生,我要走了 我的国家在召唤我; 允许我,先生,在离别之前 揩干我流泪的双眼 作为我们友谊的标志 请收下这座“波尼·督恩”, 当曾摩挲过它的手已经高过云端 对我骨灰的回忆 将会成为一种慰藉 那时,再见了,塔斯卡罗拉 还有你,先生,再见了! 看了“优美清新的英语散文诗”的人还看了: 1. 优美清新的英文短诗歌 2. 简短的英文小诗 3. 英语优美散文诗欣赏 4. 优美的英文散文 5. 优美英文散文

became a searcher,wanting to find out who I was and what made me unique. My view of myself was changing. I wanted a solid base to start from. I started to resist3 pressure to act in ways that I didn’t like any more,and I was delighted by who I really was. I came to feel much more sure that no one can ever take my place.Each of us holds a unique place in the world. You are special,no matter what others say or what you may think. So forget about being replaced. You can’t be.我成了一个探寻者,想要知道自己到底是谁,又是什么让我变得独一无二.我的人生观开始改变.我需要一个坚固的基础来发展,我忍受住压力,不再做自己不喜欢做的事.而且我为真实的我感到高兴.渐渐地我越发肯定自己无可替代.每个人在这个世界上都占有一个独一无二的位置.无论别人说什么,你自己怎么想,你都是特别的.所以,不要担心自己会被取代,因为你永远是惟一的.Just as you need air to breathe, you need opportunity to succeed. It takes more than just breathing in the fresh air of opportunity, however. You must make use of that opportunity. That's not up to the opportunity. That's up to you. It doesn't matter what "floor" the opportunity is on. What matters is what you do with it. 正如你需要空气来呼吸,你也需要机遇来获得成功.但是只吸进机遇的新鲜空气远远不够.你必须好好利用机遇.这并不取决于机遇本身,而是由你自己决定.你在什么时候得到机遇并不重要.重要的是你怎样把握机遇.

诗歌作为一种特殊的文学体裁,有其独特的诗学和翻译原则。下面是我带来的优美英语 散文 诗歌,欢迎阅读!优美 英语散文 诗歌精选 Flute in Rain This is the sound of a flute In waves of twilight rain Days beyond our sight The autumn speaks again To a young man Distant and strange The past Is clearer than any book describes Yellow leaves blew Over the campus In a season clear and high Drawing that wonderful cool sense of emptiness Yellow leaves always But that pure flute fills the way Like wandering a July plateau Boundless grass in rolling hills Hooves in the midnight clay Yet I still hear the past Old autumn's footfalls Outside this high window Pigeons flashed at dusk On whose balcony do they now roost? The sound of a flute drifts loosely, drifts into distant space 雨中长笛 林莽 这是长笛的声音 黄昏的雨飘个不停 (可以把音量放得小一点) 那些日子已经远得看不见了 秋天在和一个少年的心灵对话 既遥远又陌生 那些逝去的日子 比书中描写得更确切 校园里的树叶黄了 飘了一地 心中的秋天更高远 高得让人发空 落叶在风中滚动 长笛却很纯净 纯净得有如漫步于高原的七月 草场无垠 马群在月光下漫游 而我还听到了那逝去的 深秋里的脚步声 就在这高高的楼窗前 夕阳里闪动的鸽群 现在不知在哪个阳台上躲雨 长笛的声音在飘 飘得很远 优美英语散文诗歌阅读 Thirst tonight all the light is shining for you tonight you are a small colony that remains for a long time, melancholy seeping from your body, with exquisite drops of water the moon is like a clean, fragrant body sound asleep, it gives off a seductive smell a night is pressed on either side by two days between them all, the dark circles around your eyes stay joyful what kind of clamour is piled up into your body? inconsolable, one feels some substance taking shape the walls in dreams blacken so that you see traces of triangular overflow the pores of the whole body open ungraspable meaning stars in the night sky shine with inhuman shine while your eyes are loaded with the sadness and content of remote antiquity and with them the agony of satisfaction as you look on gracefully, the power of a demon makes of this moment an indelible memory 渴望 今晚所有的光只为你照亮 今晚你是一小块殖民地 久久停留,忧郁从你身体内 渗出,带着细腻的水滴 月亮像一团光洁芬芳的肉体 酣睡,发出诱人的气息 两个白昼夹着一个夜晚 在它们之间,你黑色眼圈 保持着欣喜 怎样的喧嚣堆积成我的身体 无法安慰,感到有某种物体将形成 梦中的墙壁发黑 使你看见三角形泛滥的影子 全身每个毛孔都张开 不可捉摸的意义 星星在夜空毫无人性地闪耀 而你的眼睛装满 来自远古的悲哀和快意 带着心满意足的创痛 你优美的注视中,有着恶魔的力量 使这一刻,成为无法抹掉的记忆 优美英语散文诗歌学习 Song of the True Self By Walt Whitman (originally in English) Swiftly arose and spread around me the peace and knowledge that pass all the art and argument of the earth, And I know that the hand of God is the elder hand of my own, And I know that the spirit of God is the eldest brother of my own, And that all the men ever born are also my brothers .....and the women my sisters and lovers, And that a kelson* of the creation is love. And limitless are leaves stiff or drooping in the fields, And brown ants in the little wells beneath them, And mossy scabs of the worm fence, and heap'd stones, and elder, and mullein and poke-weed. 真我之歌 祥和与了悟迅即充溢我的四周 超越世间所有的技巧与争辩 我明白上帝的手就是我亘古的手 上帝的圣灵就是我的长兄 世间的男子也全是我的弟兄 世间的女子都是我的姊妹与爱人 造化的精髓就是爱 在田野里硬挺或下垂的叶子上 在叶下小洞的棕色蚂蚁群里 在篱笆上的苔痕、石堆、接骨木、毛蕊花和商陆草中 我看到无限 No American writer has had as powerful an influence in as many parts of the world and on asmany creative fields as the renowned nineteenth-century poet, essayist, journalist and mystic Walt Whitman(1819-1892).His profound impact on countless authors, artists and social thinkers stems from the spiritual insights and universalthemes expressed in his works, which resonate with the message of all the great Masters ofEast and West throughout the ages. 华特.惠特曼(Walt Whitman 1819-1892)是美国十九世纪著名的诗人、散文家、记者兼神 主义者,他对世界许多层面及不同创作领域所带来的影响既深且广,全美作家中无人能出其右。他的作品所蕴涵的灵性洞察力和宇宙观,对无数的作家、艺术家和社会思想家造成深远的影响,而且也与历年来东西方的大师们所传达的讯息相呼应.

may wrinkle the skin, but to give up ent



导语: 散文诗散文诗兼有诗与散文特点的一种现代抒情文学体裁。下面我为大家推荐两篇优美的英文散文诗。


There's no straight way to walk.

Sometimes up, sometimes down.

Hope creates a heaven for us,

Despair makes a hell for us.






Some choices are waiting for me,

Which one on earth is better?

No God in the world can help me,

Choosing is the 1)byname of freedom,

Different choice makes different future.






It's stupid to put eyes on others.

I have to make up my own mind,

Going my way to the destination.




Facing success or failure,

It's no need to care too much.

Only if I've tried my best,

It’s enough for my simple life.





篇二: Love 爱情

I love you not because of who you are,but because of who I am when I am with you.


No man or woman is worth your tears,and the one who is ,won't make you cry.


The worst way to miss someone is to be sitting right beside them knowing you can't have them.


Never frown,even when you are sad,because you never know who is falling in love with your smile.


To the world you may be one person,but to one person you may be the world.


Don't waste your time on a man/woman,who isn't willing to waste their time on you.


Just because someone doesn't love you the way you want them to,doesn't mean they don't love you with all they have.


Don't try to hard,the best things come when you least expect them to.


Maybe God wants us to meet a few wrong people before meeting the right one,so that when we finally meet the person,we will know how to be grateful.


Don't cry because it is over,smile because it happened.


Life is a pure flame,and we live by an invisible sun within us.

-------Sir Thomas Browne




古 英语诗歌 根植于英国,由最初的口头吟诵到后来的书面文学,其内容丰富,题材多样,在一千五百多年的发展过程中,其诗体韵律形式经历了一系的兴替和嬗变。下面是我带来的优美清新的英语 散文 诗,欢迎阅读!优美清新的 英语散文 诗篇一 总有另一片天 there is another sky There is another sky, Ever serene and fair, And there is another sunshine, Though it be darkness there; Never mind faded forests, Austin, Never mind silent fields - Here is a little forest, Whose leaf is ever green; Here is a brighter garden, Where not a frost has been; In its unfading flowers I hear the bright bee hum: Prithee, my brother, Into my garden come! 总有另一片天 晴空长宁如洗 艳阳如约而至 划开彼处幽暗 不必在枯萎的丛林的徜徉,Austin 切勿回望沉寂的原野 此处自有从林一簇 绿叶常开不落 此处别有明净嘉园 寒雾四时无侵 在永不凋零的花间 我听见蜜蜂在欢欣呤唱 请你,我的兄弟 请来我的花园畅游 优美清新的英语散文诗篇二 There's no earthly way of knowing What was in your heart 并没有现成的 方法 来了解你的心 When it stopped going 当心跳停止 The whole world shook 整个世界为之震动 A storm was blowing through you 暴风雨即将袭击你 Waiting for God to stop this 等待上帝去阻止这疯狂的一切 And up to your neck in darkness 你在黑暗中伸长脖子 Everyone around you was corrupted 你周围的人都被污染了 Saying somethin' 他们说 There's no dignity in death 死亡没有尊严 To sell the world your last breath 将你最后一口气出卖给全世界 They're still fighting over Everything you left over 你留下的所有,他们都在争夺 I saw you standing at the gates When Marlon Brando passed away Marlon Brando死去的时候我看到你站在门边 You had that look upon your face Advertising space 你与 广告 看板上的你有著同样的表情 And No one learned from your mistakes 没有人从你犯的错中吸取教训 We let our profit s go to waste 我们让我们的收益白白浪费 All that's left in any case Is Advertising space 在广告看板中也许能留下一些 Through your eyes The world was burning 在你的眼中看到世界在燃烧 Please be gentle 请温柔地对我 I'm still learning 我还在学习 You seemed to say As you kept turning up 当你的欲望被激发,你好象在这样说 They poisoned you with compromise 他们用和解毒害你 At what point did you realise 你如何能了解 Everybody loves your lies 所有人爱你的谎言 But you ahahh 但你 Special agent for the man Through watergate and vietnam No one really gave a damn 没有人在乎 Did you think the CIA did 你认为中央情报局在乎吗 I've seen your daughter 我见过你的女儿 Man shes cute 天啊她真漂亮 I was scared but I wanted to 我有点被吓到 Boy she looks a lot like you 天啊她跟你长得真像 优美清新的英语散文诗篇三 "Sic transit gloria mundi," "How doth the busy bee," "Dum vivimusvivamus," I stay mine enemy! Oh "veni, vidi, vici!" Oh caputcap-a-pie! And oh "memento mori" When I am far from thee! Hurrah forPeter Parley! Hurrah for Daniel Boone! Three cheers, sir, for thegentleman Who first observed the moon! Peter, put up thesunshine; Patti, arrange the stars; Tell Luna, tea is waiting, And callyour brother Mars! Put down the apple, Adam, And come away with me, Soshalt thou have a pippin From off my father's tree! I climb the "Hill ofScience," I "view the landscape o'er;" Such transcendental prospect, Ine'er beheld before! Unto the Legislature My country bids me go; I'lltake my india rubbers, In case the wind should blow! During myeducation, It was announced to me That gravitation, stumbling, Fellfrom an apple tree! The earth upon an axis Was once supposed toturn, By way of a gymnastic In honor of the sun! It was the braveColumbus, A sailing o'er the tide, Who notified the nations Of where Iwould reside! Mortality is fatal -- Gentility is fine, Rascality,heroic, Insolvency, sublime! Our Fathers being weary, Laid down onBunker Hill; And tho' full many a morning, Yet they are sleeping still,-- The trumpet, sir, shall wake them, In dreams I see them rise, Eachwith a solemn musket A marching to the skies! A coward will remain,Sir, Until the fight is done; But an immortal hero Will take his hat,and run! Good bye, Sir, I am going; My country calleth me; Allow me,Sir, at parting, To wipe my weeping e'e. In token of ourfriendship Accept this "Bonnie Doon," And when the hand that pluckedit Hath passed beyond the moon, The memory of my ashes Will consolationbe; Then, farewell, Tuscarora, And farewell, Sir, tothee!“世上的事情飞逝而过” “忙碌的蜜蜂又能如何?” “活着,我们就应生活” 我,不拒斥我的敌人! 呵,“来过了,看过了,征服了” 呵,从头到脚! 当我离你遥远的时候 “别忘记,死亡一直存在于左右” 欢呼,为彼特·帕雷! 欢呼,为丹尼尔·布奈! 还有三声喝彩,先生,献给 那第一个观察到月亮的绅士。 彼特,燃起日光吧 帕提,排列星斗吧 告诉月神,茶已经备好 再叫上你的兄弟战神。 请摘了那苹果,亚当 和我一起离开吧 你应当有这么一颗果子 来自我父亲的果树! 我攀爬“科学之峰” 我饱览各种景色; 这种超越 经验 的展望, 之前,我从未见过! 到议会来 我的国家命令我, 我要带上我的印度雨衣 以防刮起大风。 万有引力,磕绊了一下 从苹果树上跌落下来。 在学校的时候 这些都对我讲过。 人们曾经以为 地球绕轴旋转, 是以 体操 的方式 在向太阳表达敬意。 正是勇敢的哥伦布 在波涛间航行, 探明了许多国度 其间便有我居住的地方。 终有一死,已经注定—— 安然,是美好的 行恶,是冒险的 破产,让人心生敬意! 我们的先辈已经厌倦了 他们在邦克山上躺下; 无数个清晨降临过那里 但他们仍静静地睡着—— 先生,应当用喇叭唤醒他们 我在梦里看见他们纷纷起身 每人手握一杆神圣的毛瑟枪 向天空进发 懦夫呆立不动,先生 直到战争结束; 其间惟有一个不朽的英雄 抓起帽子,飞快离开! 再见了,先生,我要走了 我的国家在召唤我; 允许我,先生,在离别之前 揩干我流泪的双眼 作为我们友谊的标志 请收下这座“波尼·督恩”, 当曾摩挲过它的手已经高过云端 对我骨灰的回忆 将会成为一种慰藉 那时,再见了,塔斯卡罗拉 还有你,先生,再见了! 看了“优美清新的英语散文诗”的人还看了: 1. 优美清新的英文短诗歌 2. 简短的英文小诗 3. 英语优美散文诗欣赏 4. 优美的英文散文 5. 优美英文散文


散文是 prose随笔是jottings散文和随笔不一样滴!~



Snacks are I suppose defined as things that we eat between regular meals. In fact, if you are eating something and it is not breakfast, lunch or dinner-time then it is a snack. So, if you are having an apple sometime in the afternoon then that apple is a snack. However, on the whole when we talk about snacks we are not really talki

ng about fruit and healthy things. The category of snacks is usually filled with things that are not so good for us.

What are these traditional snacks? Chips, or as they are called in Britain, crisps, are a favourite snack and as with most popular snacks they are not a healthy option (选择). Laden with grease (油脂) because of their origin in the fat fryer (油炸用的食品) they are the dieters curse (咒骂). Another great favourite is chocolate and again it is a food option that is well capable of converting a sleek (光滑的) physique (体形) into something a little more wobbly (不稳定的)!

Regarding the healthiness of snacks a big problem of so many of the regular popular options out there is generally their low quality. What you might buy in the stores on the high streets has been mass produced with all sorts of rubbish added to boost the flavour at minimum (最小的) cost. If you were to actually get many of these snack types made at home then they would probably be a lot better for you. For instance, chocolate comes from South America. The original examples of chocolate are very different to what we are now used to. Our chocolate has so much sugar and fat added to it that it would be quite unpalatable (不好吃的) to someone used to the traditional version. However, because we have all been brought up on food and snacks with no subtlety (狡猾,微妙) of flavour then we cannot appreciate the more traditional examples of snacks.

So because of this way our snacks are made we have developed a love-hate relationship with them. Our taste buds (味蕾) demand the satisfaction only snacks can give but the diet industry condemns (指责) them as the road to obesity (肥胖). So there is a conflict between the advertising of snacks and promotion of the lifestyle associated with them of having a good time and the attack on them as dangerous to our health from the just as aggressive diet industry. My advice, is to ignore the propaganda of both sides and enjoy snacks for what they are, which means bearing in mind that too much is too bad.











Time of gear creak, four feet gradually, near and far. Although the four seasons are not clear, they are also regular.

The wind of summer is running in this land gently and vividly, so it is free and pure.

The gentle wind kissed the river willow, across the hair, across a clean heart. However, breeze is always a willow Liulv dressing, can not afford this baptism, wandering, litter, and soil to a final. In the end, the blight of the leaves has failed to live up to a deep feeling. As the final song people don't see, not just disappear, I had to retire from two, Qian Feng, do not meet.

The ancient willow without former Ambilight, the rest of the atmosphere, after years of precipitation, the Mosuo hundred thousand peaks.

Green, like a silk lake of silk, clean, clean, no noise, but no one can ignore its existence. At the end of the hanging river willow in the water, durian, in the water across a gentle ripples slightly traces.

Qingshiban Road, after rain washed black, quaint atmosphere transfer a historical story, confused, a red dream shake, if the return Liufeng snow. The pale blue gown, Jun pull posture, deep eyes, a nation reflects the trials of a long journey. With the common people, to see the vast world.

Qingshiban stood on one side of the water, a grass, covered with thatch, simple house, the inside of the display is more simple. A plank bed, a candlestick, and some boards in the corner. Although it is simple, but very clean, see the intention of the master.

There lived an old man, not frail, is not strong, sometimes revealed a lot of weakness. A deaf and dumb old man. The wrinkled face could not see a glimmer of complaint about life, a melancholy about the situation

The summer rain is strong, the night rain is escaped inadvertently, to sway the world. The early morning crystal is clear and hangs on the tip of the grass. A flourish of vigor and vitality

The old man slowly pushed away the crumbling door and walked to the river. He stepped out of a foot and stepped into the boat. After stepping steadily, he got off the boat on the stone bank. Pick up the pulp and shake it gently. The boat, the willow leaves, the lake water, swaying in the wind into a harmonious picture.


作者:小思本文地址:http://aiyundongfang.com/yingyuxuexibaike/27929.html发布于 2024-09-19
