在表示“(海、江、湖、池、河等大片的)水域”时, water常用复数形式,此时常与定冠词the连用。
absorb water 吸水
add water 添水
administer water 管理水
agitate water 摇动水
boil water 煮(沸)水
channel water 引水(浇地)
cut off water 断水
disturb water 搅动水
浇水 [jiāo shuǐ] 基本翻译 watering 网络释义 浇水:water | watering | water the flower 百科 浇水 就是直接用水将盆土或花圃浇透,多对速生花卉或过干土壤采用,一般不淋植株和叶片。百度百科、雅虎百科 详细 » 搜索 浇水 发财树如何浇水 自制浇水装置
胶水有好几种语法,分别是glue; gluewater; gum water; mucilage; gumwater
glue 英[glu:] 美[ɡlu] vt. 胶合; 紧附于; n. 胶水; 胶粘物; 粘聚力; [例句]Glue the fabric around the window用胶水把布料粘在窗户周围。[其他] 第三人称单数:glues 复数:glues 现在分词:glueing 过去式:glued过去分词:glued
胶水 [词典] glue; gluewater; gum water; mucilage; gumwater; [例句]我用纸和胶水制作了一个模型。I made a model out of paper and glue.
胶条 strip胶水 glue
胶条 strip胶水 glue
胶水有好几种语法,分别是glue; gluewater; gum water; mucilage; gumwater
胶水 [词典] glue; gluewater; gum water; mucilage; gumwater; [例句]我用纸和胶水制作了一个模型。I made a model out of paper and glue.
glue 英[glu:] 美[ɡlu] vt. 胶合; 紧附于; n. 胶水; 胶粘物; 粘聚力; [例句]Glue the fabric around the window用胶水把布料粘在窗户周围。[其他] 第三人称单数:glues 复数:glues 现在分词:glueing 过去式:glued过去分词:glued
你好!胶水glue 英[glu:] 美[ɡlu] vt. 胶合; 紧附于; n. 胶水; 胶粘物; 粘聚力; [例句]Glue the fabric around the window用胶水把布料粘在窗户周围。
翻译如下:胶水glue; gluewater; gum water; mucilage; gumwaterglue英 [glu:] 美 [ɡlu] vt.胶合;紧附于n.胶水;胶粘物;粘聚力例句:我用纸和胶水制作了一个模型。I made a model out of paper and glue.
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一、VHB acrylic胶带、压克力胶带:材料:丙希酸 厚度: ~ 等性能:粘着强度高,保持性能好,耐温优良;起到固定,密封,缓冲等作用。适用领域:汽车内外装饰件,电器、手机、电脑、智能锁等装饰件及产品内外零部件的固定。幕墙、电梯、门窗、太阳能板等粘。VHB acrylic tape:Carriers: AcrylicThickness: ~ : highly adhesive, maintain good performance, good temperature resistance; Function on fixed, sealing, buffering and so : automotive interior and exterior decorative parts, electrical appliances, decoration of mobile phones, computers,and fix products components.二、泡棉双面胶带:材料:PE,PU,EPDM等泡棉+日本进口胶粘剂厚度:等性能:粘着强度高,保持性能好,耐温优良;起到固定,密封,缓冲等作用。适用领域:汽车内外装饰件,电器、手机、电脑等装饰件及产品内外零部件的固定,粘式配线固定座。幕墙、电梯、门窗、太阳能板、石墨烯等粘。Foam double-sided tape:Carriers: PE, PU, EPDM, and glue importing from JapanThickness: ~ , : highly adhesive, maintain good performance, good temperature resistance; Function on fixed, sealing, buffering and so : automotive interior and exterior decorative parts, electrical appliances, decoration of mobile phones, computers,and fix products components.三、高粘绵纸双面胶带:材料:无纺布(白色,黑色或彩色胶带)厚度:等,性能:高粘结强度,性能稳定。耐温,耐溶剂性能良好。剥离纸可以换剥离膜。有带离型膜的可以选择,剥离时不容易断裂.适用领域:汽车,电器、手机、电脑等装饰件及产品内外零部件的固定。Highly adhesive double-sided tape:Material: Non-woven (white, black or colored tape)Thickness: ~ : highly adhesive strength, stable performance. Temperature resistance, solvent good : automotive interior and exterior decorative parts, electrical appliances, decoration of mobile phones, computers,and fix products components.四、薄膜胶带:材料:PET,PVC,PP、TPU、PE等薄膜+日本进口胶粘剂,厚度:等性能: 粘着强度高,保持性能好,耐温优良;起到固定,密封,绝缘,消音等作用。适用领域:电子标签,RFID标签,汽车内外部件,电器、手机、电脑,智能锁等装饰件,薄膜开关,面板及产品内外零部件的固定,以及各种硅橡胶材料.低聚能表面.Film Tape:Material: PET, PVC, PP, TPU、PEand glue importing from JapanThickness: ~ : highly adhesive, maintain good performance, good temperature resistance; Function on fixed, sealing, insulation and muffling and so : automotive interior and exterior decorative parts, electrical appliances, decoration of mobile phones, computers, film switch, board and fix products components.五、 玻璃纤维胶带:材料:玻璃纤维网(直条型,井字型,单面或双面)厚度:性能:粘着性能强,抗拉性能好,不残胶,剪切时不变形适用领域:用于防火条,防火材料,陶瓷纤维,家具,木材,钢铁,船舶,机械,电器,电子等行业的重包装、部件固定、产品定位等。Glass fiber tape:Carriers: Glass fiber net (straight bar, well-shaped, single-sided or double-sided)Thickness: ~ : strong adhesive properties, good resistance tensile strength, non-residue adhesive,not shear : used for heavy packaging, components fixed, product positioning on furniture, wood, steel, shipbuilding, machinery, electrical appliances, electronics, ,六、保护膜:材料:PE,PET,PP厚度:性能:透明度高,抗刮拉性能好。有高中低粘着强度。剥离后不残胶,无鬼影。适用领域:汽车,电器,电子产品生产及销售过程中表面的保护,部件临时固定等。Protective tapes:Carriers: PE, PET, PPThickness: ~ : high transparency, anti-scratch pull good performance. There is three grade adhesive including lower, middle and high. No adhesive residue after peeling, no : Protecting surface of auto, electrical appliances, electronic products during production and selling, temporary fixation for components.七、密封防水胶带:材料:丁基胶厚度:性能:密封性能优良,耐老化性 适用领域:适用于多种管道焊缝、接头、三铜、弯头、死角部位的填补,以利于胶带的平滑过渡缠绕。建筑,汽车,电器绝缘密封防水等用途Waterproof sealing tape:Material: Butyl rubberThickness: ~ 5MMPerformance: excellent sealing performance, anti-agingApplications: Suitable for filling a variety of pipeline welds, joints, three copper, elbow, dead parts, in order to facilitate a smooth transition of wound tape. Waterproof sealing on construction, automotive, electrical insulation and others.八、 耐磨润滑胶带:材料:高分子聚乙烯,特富龙厚度:性能:自我润滑性好,耐磨性优良,耐冲击性,耐药品性好.使用领域:各种贴标机,自动售货机器的滑动面,导轨的保护,垫片保护wear-resistant lubricating and adhesive tape:Carriers: macromolecule polyethylene, TeflonThickness: ~ : Self-lubrication is good, excellent abrasion resistance, impact resistance, good chemical : all kinds of labeling machines, the sliding surface of automatic vending device , guide rail protection, gaskets to protect九、 单面海绵胶带:材料:PE,PU,EPDM、PORON、罗杰斯硅橡胶等海绵+日本进口胶粘剂(3M胶带)厚度:等性能: 粘着强度高,保持性能好,耐温优良;起到固定,密封,缓冲,消音,阻燃等作用。适用领域:汽车内外部件,电器、手机、电脑等装饰件及产品内外零部件的固定。Single-sided foam tape:Material: PE, PU, EPDM, PORONand glue importing from Japan(3M adhesive tape)Thickness: ~ 10MMPerformance: high strength adhesive to maintain good performance, excellent heat resistance; Function on fixed, sealing, cushioning, silencers and so : automotive interior and exterior decorative parts, electrical appliances, decoration of mobile phones, computers,and fix products components.
参考自:一、胶带最简单的说法无疑就是:TapeTape ,also adhesive tape,a strip of paper or plastic coated with adhesive, used to stick things together; Tape,亦作adhesive tape用于粘贴东西的(纸或塑料的)胶条,胶带 另外,rubber belt也有胶带的意思 二、anti-skid tape防滑胶带三、packing tape和gummed tape都有“包装用/封箱用胶带”的意思四、Insulating/insulation/insulative tape绝缘胶带五、透明胶带直译的话为:transparent adhesive tape 此外,cellulose tape也作透明胶带,另外,还有两个商标说法,即: Scotch tape〈美,商标〉透明胶带 Sellotape(商标)透明胶带(trademark)transparent adhesive tape六、双面胶的说法就多了: Double Faced Adhesive/gummedTape Double Sides Adhesive/gummedTape Double-sided adhesive/gummedtape Twin adhesive
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书book书包schoolbag 漫画书comicbook 明信片postcard
报纸newspaper 包bag 橡皮eraser 蜡笔crayon
卷笔刀sharpener 故事书story-book 笔记本notebook 语文书Chinesebook
英语书Englishbook 数学书mathbook 杂志magazine 词典dictionary
文具stationery 书包book bag 背包backpack = knapsack stapler 订书钉staples
回旋针 clips 胶水glue 透明胶带scotch tape 剪刀scissors
牛皮纸brown paper 电池battery 书签bookmark 手电筒flashlight
横格纸lined paper 笔记本notebook 记事本notepad