《皇帝的新装》课本剧剧本 角色:皇帝、1、2、老部长、官员、小孩、小孩他爸爸、看游行大典的人。 [幕开时,有一座金碧辉煌的宫殿,在宫殿里面,有一位皇帝,他很喜欢穿新衣服,大家都说他在“更衣室”里,几乎每天,每夜,每个钟头都要换一件衣服!] [他把所有的钱都用在了衣服上,别人带他去逛公园,他不去,别人带他去逛超市,他也不去,就连坐火车,坐地铁,他都不去。] [有一天,皇帝就决定要举行游行大典了。就在这时,来了两个,告诉大臣他俩是织布能手。] [大臣跑回皇宫告诉皇帝。] 大臣:(气喘吁吁)有两个……个人说他……们是织……织布能手。 皇帝:啊,这太好啦!快让他们进来! [大臣把两个接到皇宫里来,让皇帝接见他们。] 皇帝:听说你们两个是织布能手,那么,你们又能织出什么样的布呢? 1:(神气)我们两个可以织出的布不仅有很美丽的色彩。另外,还有一种特殊功能,就是,聪明的人或称职的人看的见这布,笨的人或不称职的人看不见这布! 2:(连连点头)是呀!是呀!我们真的能织出这种布! (皇帝面露喜色,心里想我穿了这样的衣服,就可以看出我的王国里哪些人不称职,我就可以分辨出哪些人是聪明人,哪些人是傻子) [皇帝听了喜出望外,他就给了两个很多钱,然后命令他们马上织出这种布。] [两个七二连三的求皇帝给他们一些最好的金丝和金子,说是织布时要用,皇帝当然同意,可是,他们不仅没有放在织布机上,反而装进了腰包里,就连一根线,也没有放在织布机上。] [不久,这件事传开了,准备看游行大典的人都在盼望着看到这件衣服,就能知道邻居愚蠢不愚蠢,称职不称职了。] 皇帝:我想知道布织的怎么样了,召老部长进宫. 侍女:是 [老部长来到织布房,老大臣(拿下眼镜,揉了揉眼睛,带上眼镜,瞪大双眼心)] 老部长:(自言自语)这是怎么一回事儿,我什么东西也没看见 甲:老部长,您走进些,可以看得更仔细. 乙(指着空空的织布机):您看上面的布花纹是不是很美丽,色彩是不是很漂亮. 老部长:(自言自语)天哪!我怎么什么都没有看见?难道我是愚蠢的人吗?难道我是不称职的人吗?这真是滑稽。不行,我绝对不能让其他人知道。 1:您觉得这布怎么样? [老部长越想越害怕,不过,他还是没有把感想说出来。] 2:难道您一点意见都没有吗? 老部长:(拿出眼镜仔细看)啊,太美了,这是我从来没有看到的最美丽的布! 甲乙一起说:嗯,我们听到您的话真高兴,您看,这图案,衬着这花纹,尤如天上的彩云,正适合陛下高贵的身份.线与线之间的细处恰到好处,贴着身体,薄如羽翼!只有像老大臣这样又聪明又忠诚的人才能看到这块布! 老大臣一边点头一边露出满意的表情(老大臣撤,甲乙继续坐在纺织机旁忙碌) 老部长一字不漏的记了下来,以免待会儿回到皇帝那里,描述不出来。] [另外,两个又要求老部长给他们一些金丝和金子。] [不久,皇帝又派了另一名诚实的官员,但是,这位官员的运气并不比刚才那位老部长的运气好。他看了又看,怎么也看不见布料。] 官员:(默读)我的妈呀!我怎么什么都看不见?我绝对不能让皇帝知道,也绝对不能让其他人知道。 2:您觉得这布怎么样? 官员:啊!这布美极了,我特别喜欢这布。 1和2:(异口同声)谢谢您的夸奖。 [官员回到皇帝那里描述了花纹的色彩,还用了好多好词。] [最后,皇帝决定亲自带着大臣们去看看,其中也包括刚刚去过的老部长和官员。] [皇帝一来到织布房,就惊呆了!] 皇帝:(直冒冷汗)啊!我什么也没有看见呀!这真是荒唐!不成,我绝对不能让我的大臣们知道。 1:您觉得这种布料好吗? 皇帝:(举起大拇指)啊!这种布太美了,我表示100分得满意! [两个发了一阵暗笑。] 大臣:陛下,您就穿这件衣服去参加游行大典吧! [皇帝奖励了他们俩每个人一枚爵士的勋章。] [在游行大典的前夜,两个整夜没睡,他们用剪刀在空中瞎剪了一阵子,又用没有穿县的针在空中乱缝了一阵子。] 1和2:新衣服做好了! [第二天,皇帝去更衣室换衣服。] 1:请皇帝把衣服脱下来。 2:另外,这件衣服还有一个特点,就是,他柔软的像蜘蛛网一样,穿着他的人觉得他没有穿衣服,其实他穿了。 [皇帝听完他们的话,立刻把衣服脱了下来,脱的光光的,就连一件底裤,也没有穿上!只戴着皇冠!] [皇帝换好衣服,就走到了大街上,这时,大街上早已人如海了!] 看游行大典的人:啊!皇帝穿的衣服真美! [他们说这句话是因为不让别人知道他看不见衣服。] 小孩:瞧,皇帝没有穿衣服就上大街,真是羞死人了! 小孩的爸爸:上帝,你听见这个天真声音了吗? 看游行大典的人:皇帝并没有穿衣服,一个小孩说他没有穿衣服。 [人们把话题慢慢的传开了。] [皇帝有些发抖,因为他觉得老百姓们说的话是对的,可是,他还是摆出一副更神气样子。] 皇帝:(声音压的很低)哼!反正你们都是愚蠢的人,只有我最聪明! 英文译文 "The Emperor's New Clothes," a text play script Role: Emperor, a liar, liar 2, old ministers, officials, children, child his father, watching the procession ceremony people. [Curtain opened, there were a magnificent palace, in the palace inside, there is an emperor, he was very fond of wearing new clothes, everyone said that he is "changing room", almost every day, night, every hour must be changed a piece of clothing! ] [He put all the money spent on clothes, the others took him to the park, he can not go, someone else took him to the water and soil, he does not go, even ride the train, subway, he does not go. ] [One day, the emperor decided to hold a ceremony in a procession. At this point, two swindlers came to tell the Minister They are weaving experts. ] [Secretary of State ran back to the palace to tell the emperor. ] Minister: (panting) has two ... ... ... ... who said he personally is a weave ... ... experts weaving. Emperor: ah, it That's great! Fast so that they come in! [Secretary of State received a royal palace where the two swindlers come to the Emperor with them. ] Emperor: I heard that you two are weaving experts, then you can weave any kind of cloth do? Liar 1: (divine) We two can weave cloth is not only very beautiful colors. In addition, there is a special function, that is, smart or competent people will look at the see the cloth, stupid or incompetent person can not see the cloth! Cheater 2: (nods again and again) Yes! Yes! We really were able to weave this fabric! (Emperor cheeky happy expression, and thought I would wear such clothes, you can see who is the kingdom of my incompetence, I can tell what people are smart people, who are fool) [Emperor listened overjoyed, he gave the two swindlers a lot of money, and then ordered them immediately to weave this fabric. ] [2 cheater 72 with three of the demand of the emperor to give them some of the best gold and gold, saying that when you use weaving the emperor certainly agree, but they are not only not on the weaving machine, but put into the pockets years, even a line, nor on the weaving machine. ] [Shortly after this incident spread, and ready to see the procession ceremony, people are looking forward to seeing the clothes, we can know the neighbors are not stupid stupid, incompetent incompetent in. ] King: I would like to know how kind of woven cloth, and call the old minister of the palace. Maid: Yes [Old minister came to weaving room, the old Minister (took off her glasses, rubbed his eyes, wear glasses, Dengda eyes heart)] Old Minister: (to himself) This is about how children, I did things are not seen Liar A: Old Minister, you enter some, you can see more detail. Liar B (pointing to the empty loom): cloth pattern you see above is not very beautiful, the color is not very pretty. Old Minister: (to himself) God! I do not see how anything else? Do I have stupid people? Do I have incompetent people? This is really funny. No, I absolutely can not let other people know. Liar 1: Do you think this is how kind of fabric? [Old minister grew more and more afraid, but he still did not say it feelings. ] Cheater 2: Do you have a few comments not? Old Minister: (take a close look at glasses) ah, too beautiful, it is I have never seen the most beautiful cloth! Liar and B to say: ah, we are really glad to hear your words, you see, this pattern, whole placed on this pattern, just like heaven Choi, and this is His Majesty the noble status. Line and thin at just right between the lines and paste the body, thin wings! just like the old Ministers so intelligent and loyal people who can see another piece of cloth! Exposed side of the old minister he nodded with satisfaction that the expression (old minister to withdraw, liar and B continue to sit next to a busy textile machines) The old minister of the recorded word for word down, so that later the return to the emperor, where the description does not come out. ] [In addition, the two swindlers also requested the Minister to give them some of the old gold and gold. ] [Soon, the emperor had also sent another honest officials, however, luck is not higher than the official one moment that the old Minister of luck. He repeatedly pored over, how can not see fabric. ] Officials: (silent reading) My! How do I see anything? I absolutely can not let the emperor know that absolutely can not let other people know. Cheater 2: how do you think this kind of fabric? Officials: ah! This fabric looks extremely beautiful, I particularly like the cloth. Liar and a liar 2: (in unison) Thank you for the compliment. [Back to the emperor, where officials described the patterns of color, but also with a lot of good word. ] [Finally, the emperor has decided to take ministers to see, including recently visited the old ministers and officials. ] [The emperor came to a weaving room, it was shocked! ] Emperor: (straight cold sweats) ah! I did not see! This is ridiculous! Fail, I absolutely can not let my ministers to know. Liar 1: Do you think this fabric please? Emperor: (lifting the thumb) ah! This fabric is so beautiful, I said 100 share of satisfaction! [2 swindlers made a while snicker. ] Minister: Your Majesty, you will wear this dress to attend the ceremony procession bar! [Emperor rewarded the two of them each a medal, Sir. ] [Ceremony on the eve of the march, two swindlers all night, they used the scissors cut blind for a while in the air, and another did not wear the county chaotic sewing needle in the air for a while. ] Liar and a liar 2: new clothes is well! [The next day, the emperor to the locker room changing clothes. ] Liar 1: Please take off their clothes to the emperor. Cheater 2: In addition, there is a feature of this dress, that is, he was soft, like a spider's web, like, wearing his people that he did not wear clothes, in fact, he was wearing. [The emperor heard their words, once their clothes off down off the bare, even an underpants, no wear! Just wear the crown! ] [Emperor Huanhaoyifu, they reached the street, this time, the street person who had the sea! ] To see the procession ceremony for a person: ah! The emperor wearing clothes really beautiful! [They say this is because the clothes and let others know that he can not see. ] Children: Look, the emperor did not wear clothes on the street is really Xiusi people in! Child's father: God, do you hear the voice of this naive it? Celebration of people watching the procession: the emperor is not wearing clothes, one child said he did not wear clothes. [It slowly spread to the topic of conversation. ] [Emperor Some tremble, because he felt that people were saying is right, but he still put on a more spirited look. ] Emperor: (sound pressure is very low) hum! Anyway, you are stupid people, I am the only the most intelligent!
Narrator: Once upon a time there was an emperor, he in order to be well dressed, do not spend all his money, he every day at one o'clock to change a set of clothes. One day, two swindlers came to town. Two swindlers: Your Majesty, we can weave the most beautiful cloth, but also out of the slit has a characteristic clothes -- any hopelessly incompetent and stupid people can not see the clothes. Beam with joy. The Emperor: that's the best clothes! I wear this dress, you can see my kingdom who is incompetent; you can tell who is a wise man, who is a fool. Yes, I want to ask them to immediately weave the cloth! (pointing to shout) Two swindlers: Your Majesty, we need a lot of the finest silk and the best gold! (greedy eyes) The Emperor: Well, how many you can. (waved) Two swindlers: thank his majesty. Narrator: liar put gold and silk are in his pocket. Two swindlers every day and night work, can the looms, as did nothing else, a few days later the emperor wants to have a look the fabric does, they sent him an honest old minister to the. Narrator: so, the old minister went to the two swindlers work room. A: you see, this is what a beautiful cloth. Narrator: oh! Old minister: (was particularly large eyes) how I saw nothing! You can not let others know. (mind) so beautiful cloth, really beautiful, I will tell your majesty. (applauded) Narrator: so, veteran reported majesty beautiful cloth, soon, the emperor also sent an official to go. Narrator: the official and the last official encounter. Liar: (trick) you look beautiful this cloth? Narrator: the swindler gave a description of his. Officer: Oh! It's beautiful! I am very satisfied. Narrator: in fact, officials saw nothing, but he was reluctant to admit . Soon, the emperor went to another and a group of men. Two swindlers: Your Majesty, see, what beautiful cloth! The Emperor: am I stupid? No! I can not let people know (mind). This cloth is too beautiful! I am twelve satisfied. (eye looks very happy) With the clerk: Your Majesty, is really beautiful! You can use this beautiful cloth to make clothes, to participate in the parade. Narrator: the emperor agreed, and the closure of the two swindlers jazz and the imperial court weavers, also presented one to hang in the buttonhole. When going to march to the ceremony, the emperor and his knights to take clothes. Two swindlers: Your Majesty, please see! What a beautiful! (raised two fingers) these are the trousers, the robe, this is the coat, the clothes is very gentle, worn on the human body and not like, is also its advantages. Knight: yes. Two swindlers: please take off your clothes majesty, we in the large mirror for you to wear. Narrator: the emperor took off all the clothes, two crooks go to the emperor wearing the affectation, the emperor has twisted the twist waist. A: Jesus christ! What a beautiful dress! It is a precious clothes. Narrator: in this way, they went from the emperor to follow in the parade, ministers dragged behind the emperor's clothes did not exist, they do not want to let people know that they are incompetent or stupid. People: darling! Your clothes are very beautiful! Really put off his incomparable beauty! (clap) Child: but he has nothing on! Dad: Jesus christ! Please listen to the voice of innocence! Narrator: so, word spread. People: he is not wearing any clothes! Narrator: (here to make corresponding action according to article) Emperor seems to think that people are saying is true, but he thought: I have to parade! Then, he looked more proud to move forward, and his ministers to go in behind him, dragging one hand did not exist in the rear apron.
旁 白:从前有一位皇帝,他为了穿得漂亮,不惜花掉他所有的钱,他每天每一点钟都要换一套衣服。有一天,有两个来到了城里。 Narrator: Once upon a time there was an emperor, he in order to be well dressed, do not spend all his money, he every day at one o'clock to change a set of clothes. One day, two swindlers came to town. 两个:尊敬的陛下,我们可以织出最美丽的布,而且能缝出来有一种特性的衣服——任何不称职和愚蠢得不可救药的人,都看不见这衣服。(眉飞色舞) Two swindlers: Your Majesty, we can weave the most beautiful cloth, but also out of the slit has a characteristic clothes -- any hopelessly incompetent and stupid people can not see the clothes. Beam with joy. 皇 帝:那真是最理想的衣服!我穿了这样的衣服,就可以看出我的王国里哪些人不称职;就可以辨别出哪些人是聪明人,哪些人是傻子。是的,我要叫他们马上织出这样的布来!(指着喊) The Emperor: that's the best clothes! I wear this dress, you can see my kingdom who is incompetent; you can tell who is a wise man, who is a fool. Yes, I want to ask them to immediately weave the cloth! (pointing to shout) 两个:陛下,我们需要大量的最细的生丝和最好的金子!(贪婪的目光) Two swindlers: Your Majesty, we need a lot of the finest silk and the best gold! (greedy eyes) 皇 帝:好,你们要多少都可以。(挥手) The Emperor: Well, how many you can. (waved) 两个:谢陛下。 Two swindlers: thank his majesty. 旁 白:把金子和生丝都装进了自己的口袋里。两个天天没日没夜的工作,可织布机上空空的,因为本来就什么都没有,几天后皇帝想让人去看看织得怎么样,就派了他一个诚实的老大臣去了。 Narrator: liar put gold and silk are in his pocket. Two swindlers every day and night work, can the looms, as did nothing else, a few days later the emperor wants to have a look the fabric does, they sent him an honest old minister to the. 旁白:于是,老大臣来到了两个工作的房间。 Narrator: so, the old minister went to the two swindlers work room.:您请看,这是多么美丽的布啊。 A: you see, this is what a beautiful cloth.旁白: 天啊!Narrator: oh! 老大臣:(眼睛睁得特别大)我怎么什么都没看见!不能让别人知道。(心里所想)这么美丽的布,真漂亮,我将要呈报陛下。(举手称赞) Old minister: (was particularly large eyes) how I saw nothing! You can not let others know. (mind) so beautiful cloth, really beautiful, I will tell your majesty. (applauded) 旁 白:这样,老臣报告了陛下布很漂亮,不久,皇帝又派一位官员去。 Narrator: so, veteran reported majesty beautiful cloth, soon, the emperor also sent an official to go. 旁白:这位官员又和上次的官员遭遇。 Narrator: the official and the last official encounter. :(故技重施)你看这段布美不美? Liar: (trick) you look beautiful this cloth? 旁白:对他进行了一番描述。 Narrator: the swindler gave a description of his. 官员:哦!这布真漂亮!我很满意。 Officer: Oh! It's beautiful! I am very satisfied. 旁白:其实官员什么也没看见,但他不愿“承认”。不久,皇帝又和一批随员去了。 Narrator: in fact, officials saw nothing, but he was reluctant to admit "". Soon, the emperor went to another and a group of men. 两个:陛下,请看,多么美丽的布! Two swindlers: Your Majesty, see, what beautiful cloth! 皇 帝:难道我愚蠢吗?不!我不能让别人知道(心里所想)。这布太漂亮了!我十二分满意。(目光看起来十分高兴) The Emperor: am I stupid? No! I can not let people know (mind). This cloth is too beautiful! I am twelve satisfied. (eye looks very happy) 随 员:陛下,真是美极了!您就用这美丽的布料去做成衣服,参加游行大典吧。 With the clerk: Your Majesty, is really beautiful! You can use this beautiful cloth to make clothes, to participate in the parade. 旁 白:皇帝答应了,并且封两个为爵士和御聘织师,还赠送一枚可以挂在扣眼上的勋章。到快要进行游行大典的时候,皇帝就和他的骑士取衣服。 Narrator: the emperor agreed, and the closure of the two swindlers jazz and the imperial court weavers, also presented one to hang in the buttonhole. When going to march to the ceremony, the emperor and his knights to take clothes. 两个:尊敬的陛下,请看!多么美丽!(举起双手指)这是裤子,这是袍子,这是外衣,这些衣服十分的轻柔,穿在人身上跟没有似的,也正是它的优点。 Two swindlers: Your Majesty, please see! What a beautiful! (raised two fingers) these are the trousers, the robe, this is the coat, the clothes is very gentle, worn on the human body and not like, is also its advantages. 骑 士:没错。 Knight: yes. 两个:请陛下您脱下衣服,我们在这大镜子前为您穿上。 Two swindlers: please take off your clothes majesty, we in the large mirror for you to wear. 旁 白:皇帝脱下了所有的衣服,两个装模作样的给皇帝穿了上去,皇帝也扭了扭腰肢。 Narrator: the emperor took off all the clothes, two crooks go to the emperor wearing the affectation, the emperor has twisted the twist waist. 大 家:上帝啊!多么美丽的衣服啊!真是一套贵重的衣服。 A: Jesus christ! What a beautiful dress! It is a precious clothes. 旁 白:就这样,皇帝跟随从们一起去参加了游行大典,大臣们在皇帝后面拖着根本不存在的衣服,他们不想让人知道自己不称职或者愚蠢。 Narrator: in this way, they went from the emperor to follow in the parade, ministers dragged behind the emperor's clothes did not exist, they do not want to let people know that they are incompetent or stupid. 百 姓:乖乖!陛下的新装真是太漂亮了!真是把他衬托的无比美丽!(拍手称赞) People: darling! Your clothes are very beautiful! Really put off his incomparable beauty! (clap) 孩 子:可他什么衣服也没有穿啊! Child: but he has nothing on! 爸 爸:上帝啊!请聆听这个纯真的声音! Dad: Jesus christ! Please listen to the voice of innocence! 旁 白:就这样,话传了开来。 Narrator: so, word spread. 人 们:他实在没穿什么衣服呀! People: he is not wearing any clothes! 旁 白:(此处要根据文章作出相应的动作)皇帝似乎觉得百姓们所说的话是真的,但他想:我必须把游行大典举行完毕!于是,他便以更高傲的神情向前走,他的大臣们在他身后走,手中拖着一条根本不存在的后裙。Narrator: (here to make corresponding action according to article) Emperor seems to think that people are saying is true, but he thought: I have to parade! Then, he looked more proud to move forward, and his ministers to go in behind him, dragging one hand did not exist in the rear apron.
《皇帝的新装》课本剧剧本 角色:皇帝、1、2、老部长、官员、小孩、小孩他爸爸、看游行大典的人。 [幕开时,有一座金碧辉煌的宫殿,在宫殿里面,有一位皇帝,他很喜欢穿新衣服,大家都说他在“更衣室”里,几乎每天,每夜,每个钟头都要换一件衣服!] [他把所有的钱都用在了衣服上,别人带他去逛公园,他不去,别人带他去逛超市,他也不去,就连坐火车,坐地铁,他都不去。] [有一天,皇帝就决定要举行游行大典了。就在这时,来了两个,告诉大臣他俩是织布能手。] [大臣跑回皇宫告诉皇帝。] 大臣:(气喘吁吁)有两个……个人说他……们是织……织布能手。 皇帝:啊,这太好啦!快让他们进来! [大臣把两个接到皇宫里来,让皇帝接见他们。] 皇帝:听说你们两个是织布能手,那么,你们又能织出什么样的布呢? 1:(神气)我们两个可以织出的布不仅有很美丽的色彩。另外,还有一种特殊功能,就是,聪明的人或称职的人看的见这布,笨的人或不称职的人看不见这布! 2:(连连点头)是呀!是呀!我们真的能织出这种布! (皇帝面露喜色,心里想我穿了这样的衣服,就可以看出我的王国里哪些人不称职,我就可以分辨出哪些人是聪明人,哪些人是傻子) [皇帝听了喜出望外,他就给了两个很多钱,然后命令他们马上织出这种布。] [两个七二连三的求皇帝给他们一些最好的金丝和金子,说是织布时要用,皇帝当然同意,可是,他们不仅没有放在织布机上,反而装进了腰包里,就连一根线,也没有放在织布机上。] [不久,这件事传开了,准备看游行大典的人都在盼望着看到这件衣服,就能知道邻居愚蠢不愚蠢,称职不称职了。] 皇帝:我想知道布织的怎么样了,召老部长进宫. 侍女:是 [老部长来到织布房,老大臣(拿下眼镜,揉了揉眼睛,带上眼镜,瞪大双眼心)] 老部长:(自言自语)这是怎么一回事儿,我什么东西也没看见 甲:老部长,您走进些,可以看得更仔细. 乙(指着空空的织布机):您看上面的布花纹是不是很美丽,色彩是不是很漂亮. 老部长:(自言自语)天哪!我怎么什么都没有看见?难道我是愚蠢的人吗?难道我是不称职的人吗?这真是滑稽。不行,我绝对不能让其他人知道。 1:您觉得这布怎么样? [老部长越想越害怕,不过,他还是没有把感想说出来。] 2:难道您一点意见都没有吗? 老部长:(拿出眼镜仔细看)啊,太美了,这是我从来没有看到的最美丽的布! 甲乙一起说:嗯,我们听到您的话真高兴,您看,这图案,衬着这花纹,尤如天上的彩云,正适合陛下高贵的身份.线与线之间的细处恰到好处,贴着身体,薄如羽翼!只有像老大臣这样又聪明又忠诚的人才能看到这块布! 老大臣一边点头一边露出满意的表情(老大臣撤,甲乙继续坐在纺织机旁忙碌) 老部长一字不漏的记了下来,以免待会儿回到皇帝那里,描述不出来。] [另外,两个又要求老部长给他们一些金丝和金子。] [不久,皇帝又派了另一名诚实的官员,但是,这位官员的运气并不比刚才那位老部长的运气好。他看了又看,怎么也看不见布料。] 官员:(默读)我的妈呀!我怎么什么都看不见?我绝对不能让皇帝知道,也绝对不能让其他人知道。 2:您觉得这布怎么样? 官员:啊!这布美极了,我特别喜欢这布。 1和2:(异口同声)谢谢您的夸奖。 [官员回到皇帝那里描述了花纹的色彩,还用了好多好词。] [最后,皇帝决定亲自带着大臣们去看看,其中也包括刚刚去过的老部长和官员。] [皇帝一来到织布房,就惊呆了!] 皇帝:(直冒冷汗)啊!我什么也没有看见呀!这真是荒唐!不成,我绝对不能让我的大臣们知道。 1:您觉得这种布料好吗? 皇帝:(举起大拇指)啊!这种布太美了,我表示100分得满意! [两个发了一阵暗笑。] 大臣:陛下,您就穿这件衣服去参加游行大典吧! [皇帝奖励了他们俩每个人一枚爵士的勋章。] [在游行大典的前夜,两个整夜没睡,他们用剪刀在空中瞎剪了一阵子,又用没有穿县的针在空中乱缝了一阵子。] 1和2:新衣服做好了! [第二天,皇帝去更衣室换衣服。] 1:请皇帝把衣服脱下来。 2:另外,这件衣服还有一个特点,就是,他柔软的像蜘蛛网一样,穿着他的人觉得他没有穿衣服,其实他穿了。 [皇帝听完他们的话,立刻把衣服脱了下来,脱的光光的,就连一件底裤,也没有穿上!只戴着皇冠!] [皇帝换好衣服,就走到了大街上,这时,大街上早已人如海了!] 看游行大典的人:啊!皇帝穿的衣服真美! [他们说这句话是因为不让别人知道他看不见衣服。] 小孩:瞧,皇帝没有穿衣服就上大街,真是羞死人了! 小孩的爸爸:上帝,你听见这个天真声音了吗? 看游行大典的人:皇帝并没有穿衣服,一个小孩说他没有穿衣服。 [人们把话题慢慢的传开了。] [皇帝有些发抖,因为他觉得老百姓们说的话是对的,可是,他还是摆出一副更神气样子。] 皇帝:(声音压的很低)哼!反正你们都是愚蠢的人,只有我最聪明! 英文译文 "The Emperor's New Clothes," a text play script Role: Emperor, a liar, liar 2, old ministers, officials, children, child his father, watching the procession ceremony people. [Curtain opened, there were a magnificent palace, in the palace inside, there is an emperor, he was very fond of wearing new clothes, everyone said that he is "changing room", almost every day, night, every hour must be changed a piece of clothing! ] [He put all the money spent on clothes, the others took him to the park, he can not go, someone else took him to the water and soil, he does not go, even ride the train, subway, he does not go. ] [One day, the emperor decided to hold a ceremony in a procession. At this point, two swindlers came to tell the Minister They are weaving experts. ] [Secretary of State ran back to the palace to tell the emperor. ] Minister: (panting) has two ... ... ... ... who said he personally is a weave ... ... experts weaving. Emperor: ah, it That's great! Fast so that they come in! [Secretary of State received a royal palace where the two swindlers come to the Emperor with them. ] Emperor: I heard that you two are weaving experts, then you can weave any kind of cloth do? Liar 1: (divine) We two can weave cloth is not only very beautiful colors. In addition, there is a special function, that is, smart or competent people will look at the see the cloth, stupid or incompetent person can not see the cloth! Cheater 2: (nods again and again) Yes! Yes! We really were able to weave this fabric! (Emperor cheeky happy expression, and thought I would wear such clothes, you can see who is the kingdom of my incompetence, I can tell what people are smart people, who are fool) [Emperor listened overjoyed, he gave the two swindlers a lot of money, and then ordered them immediately to weave this fabric. ] [2 cheater 72 with three of the demand of the emperor to give them some of the best gold and gold, saying that when you use weaving the emperor certainly agree, but they are not only not on the weaving machine, but put into the pockets years, even a line, nor on the weaving machine. ] [Shortly after this incident spread, and ready to see the procession ceremony, people are looking forward to seeing the clothes, we can know the neighbors are not stupid stupid, incompetent incompetent in. ] King: I would like to know how kind of woven cloth, and call the old minister of the palace. Maid: Yes [Old minister came to weaving room, the old Minister (took off her glasses, rubbed his eyes, wear glasses, Dengda eyes heart)] Old Minister: (to himself) This is about how children, I did things are not seen Liar A: Old Minister, you enter some, you can see more detail. Liar B (pointing to the empty loom): cloth pattern you see above is not very beautiful, the color is not very pretty. Old Minister: (to himself) God! I do not see how anything else? Do I have stupid people? Do I have incompetent people? This is really funny. No, I absolutely can not let other people know. Liar 1: Do you think this is how kind of fabric? [Old minister grew more and more afraid, but he still did not say it feelings. ] Cheater 2: Do you have a few comments not? Old Minister: (take a close look at glasses) ah, too beautiful, it is I have never seen the most beautiful cloth! Liar and B to say: ah, we are really glad to hear your words, you see, this pattern, whole placed on this pattern, just like heaven Choi, and this is His Majesty the noble status. Line and thin at just right between the lines and paste the body, thin wings! just like the old Ministers so intelligent and loyal people who can see another piece of cloth! Exposed side of the old minister he nodded with satisfaction that the expression (old minister to withdraw, liar and B continue to sit next to a busy textile machines) The old minister of the recorded word for word down, so that later the return to the emperor, where the description does not come out. ] [In addition, the two swindlers also requested the Minister to give them some of the old gold and gold. ] [Soon, the emperor had also sent another honest officials, however, luck is not higher than the official one moment that the old Minister of luck. He repeatedly pored over, how can not see fabric. ] Officials: (silent reading) My! How do I see anything? I absolutely can not let the emperor know that absolutely can not let other people know. Cheater 2: how do you think this kind of fabric? Officials: ah! This fabric looks extremely beautiful, I particularly like the cloth. Liar and a liar 2: (in unison) Thank you for the compliment. [Back to the emperor, where officials described the patterns of color, but also with a lot of good word. ] [Finally, the emperor has decided to take ministers to see, including recently visited the old ministers and officials. ] [The emperor came to a weaving room, it was shocked! ] Emperor: (straight cold sweats) ah! I did not see! This is ridiculous! Fail, I absolutely can not let my ministers to know. Liar 1: Do you think this fabric please? Emperor: (lifting the thumb) ah! This fabric is so beautiful, I said 100 share of satisfaction! [2 swindlers made a while snicker. ] Minister: Your Majesty, you will wear this dress to attend the ceremony procession bar! [Emperor rewarded the two of them each a medal, Sir. ] [Ceremony on the eve of the march, two swindlers all night, they used the scissors cut blind for a while in the air, and another did not wear the county chaotic sewing needle in the air for a while. ] Liar and a liar 2: new clothes is well! [The next day, the emperor to the locker room changing clothes. ] Liar 1: Please take off their clothes to the emperor. Cheater 2: In addition, there is a feature of this dress, that is, he was soft, like a spider's web, like, wearing his people that he did not wear clothes, in fact, he was wearing. [The emperor heard their words, once their clothes off down off the bare, even an underpants, no wear! Just wear the crown! ] [Emperor Huanhaoyifu, they reached the street, this time, the street person who had the sea! ] To see the procession ceremony for a person: ah! The emperor wearing clothes really beautiful! [They say this is because the clothes and let others know that he can not see. ] Children: Look, the emperor did not wear clothes on the street is really Xiusi people in! Child's father: God, do you hear the voice of this naive it? Celebration of people watching the procession: the emperor is not wearing clothes, one child said he did not wear clothes. [It slowly spread to the topic of conversation. ] [Emperor Some tremble, because he felt that people were saying is right, but he still put on a more spirited look. ] Emperor: (sound pressure is very low) hum! Anyway, you are stupid people, I am the only the most intelligent!
Narrator: Once upon a time there was an emperor, he in order to be well dressed, do not spend all his money, he every day at one o'clock to change a set of clothes. One day, two swindlers came to town. Two swindlers: Your Majesty, we can weave the most beautiful cloth, but also out of the slit has a characteristic clothes -- any hopelessly incompetent and stupid people can not see the clothes. Beam with joy. The Emperor: that's the best clothes! I wear this dress, you can see my kingdom who is incompetent; you can tell who is a wise man, who is a fool. Yes, I want to ask them to immediately weave the cloth! (pointing to shout) Two swindlers: Your Majesty, we need a lot of the finest silk and the best gold! (greedy eyes) The Emperor: Well, how many you can. (waved) Two swindlers: thank his majesty. Narrator: liar put gold and silk are in his pocket. Two swindlers every day and night work, can the looms, as did nothing else, a few days later the emperor wants to have a look the fabric does, they sent him an honest old minister to the. Narrator: so, the old minister went to the two swindlers work room. A: you see, this is what a beautiful cloth. Narrator: oh! Old minister: (was particularly large eyes) how I saw nothing! You can not let others know. (mind) so beautiful cloth, really beautiful, I will tell your majesty. (applauded) Narrator: so, veteran reported majesty beautiful cloth, soon, the emperor also sent an official to go. Narrator: the official and the last official encounter. Liar: (trick) you look beautiful this cloth? Narrator: the swindler gave a description of his. Officer: Oh! It's beautiful! I am very satisfied. Narrator: in fact, officials saw nothing, but he was reluctant to admit . Soon, the emperor went to another and a group of men. Two swindlers: Your Majesty, see, what beautiful cloth! The Emperor: am I stupid? No! I can not let people know (mind). This cloth is too beautiful! I am twelve satisfied. (eye looks very happy) With the clerk: Your Majesty, is really beautiful! You can use this beautiful cloth to make clothes, to participate in the parade. Narrator: the emperor agreed, and the closure of the two swindlers jazz and the imperial court weavers, also presented one to hang in the buttonhole. When going to march to the ceremony, the emperor and his knights to take clothes. Two swindlers: Your Majesty, please see! What a beautiful! (raised two fingers) these are the trousers, the robe, this is the coat, the clothes is very gentle, worn on the human body and not like, is also its advantages. Knight: yes. Two swindlers: please take off your clothes majesty, we in the large mirror for you to wear. Narrator: the emperor took off all the clothes, two crooks go to the emperor wearing the affectation, the emperor has twisted the twist waist. A: Jesus christ! What a beautiful dress! It is a precious clothes. Narrator: in this way, they went from the emperor to follow in the parade, ministers dragged behind the emperor's clothes did not exist, they do not want to let people know that they are incompetent or stupid. People: darling! Your clothes are very beautiful! Really put off his incomparable beauty! (clap) Child: but he has nothing on! Dad: Jesus christ! Please listen to the voice of innocence! Narrator: so, word spread. People: he is not wearing any clothes! Narrator: (here to make corresponding action according to article) Emperor seems to think that people are saying is true, but he thought: I have to parade! Then, he looked more proud to move forward, and his ministers to go in behind him, dragging one hand did not exist in the rear apron.
旁 白:从前有一位皇帝,他为了穿得漂亮,不惜花掉他所有的钱,他每天每一点钟都要换一套衣服。有一天,有两个来到了城里。 Narrator: Once upon a time there was an emperor, he in order to be well dressed, do not spend all his money, he every day at one o'clock to change a set of clothes. One day, two swindlers came to town. 两个:尊敬的陛下,我们可以织出最美丽的布,而且能缝出来有一种特性的衣服——任何不称职和愚蠢得不可救药的人,都看不见这衣服。(眉飞色舞) Two swindlers: Your Majesty, we can weave the most beautiful cloth, but also out of the slit has a characteristic clothes -- any hopelessly incompetent and stupid people can not see the clothes. Beam with joy. 皇 帝:那真是最理想的衣服!我穿了这样的衣服,就可以看出我的王国里哪些人不称职;就可以辨别出哪些人是聪明人,哪些人是傻子。是的,我要叫他们马上织出这样的布来!(指着喊) The Emperor: that's the best clothes! I wear this dress, you can see my kingdom who is incompetent; you can tell who is a wise man, who is a fool. Yes, I want to ask them to immediately weave the cloth! (pointing to shout) 两个:陛下,我们需要大量的最细的生丝和最好的金子!(贪婪的目光) Two swindlers: Your Majesty, we need a lot of the finest silk and the best gold! (greedy eyes) 皇 帝:好,你们要多少都可以。(挥手) The Emperor: Well, how many you can. (waved) 两个:谢陛下。 Two swindlers: thank his majesty. 旁 白:把金子和生丝都装进了自己的口袋里。两个天天没日没夜的工作,可织布机上空空的,因为本来就什么都没有,几天后皇帝想让人去看看织得怎么样,就派了他一个诚实的老大臣去了。 Narrator: liar put gold and silk are in his pocket. Two swindlers every day and night work, can the looms, as did nothing else, a few days later the emperor wants to have a look the fabric does, they sent him an honest old minister to the. 旁白:于是,老大臣来到了两个工作的房间。 Narrator: so, the old minister went to the two swindlers work room.:您请看,这是多么美丽的布啊。 A: you see, this is what a beautiful cloth.旁白: 天啊!Narrator: oh! 老大臣:(眼睛睁得特别大)我怎么什么都没看见!不能让别人知道。(心里所想)这么美丽的布,真漂亮,我将要呈报陛下。(举手称赞) Old minister: (was particularly large eyes) how I saw nothing! You can not let others know. (mind) so beautiful cloth, really beautiful, I will tell your majesty. (applauded) 旁 白:这样,老臣报告了陛下布很漂亮,不久,皇帝又派一位官员去。 Narrator: so, veteran reported majesty beautiful cloth, soon, the emperor also sent an official to go. 旁白:这位官员又和上次的官员遭遇。 Narrator: the official and the last official encounter. :(故技重施)你看这段布美不美? Liar: (trick) you look beautiful this cloth? 旁白:对他进行了一番描述。 Narrator: the swindler gave a description of his. 官员:哦!这布真漂亮!我很满意。 Officer: Oh! It's beautiful! I am very satisfied. 旁白:其实官员什么也没看见,但他不愿“承认”。不久,皇帝又和一批随员去了。 Narrator: in fact, officials saw nothing, but he was reluctant to admit "". Soon, the emperor went to another and a group of men. 两个:陛下,请看,多么美丽的布! Two swindlers: Your Majesty, see, what beautiful cloth! 皇 帝:难道我愚蠢吗?不!我不能让别人知道(心里所想)。这布太漂亮了!我十二分满意。(目光看起来十分高兴) The Emperor: am I stupid? No! I can not let people know (mind). This cloth is too beautiful! I am twelve satisfied. (eye looks very happy) 随 员:陛下,真是美极了!您就用这美丽的布料去做成衣服,参加游行大典吧。 With the clerk: Your Majesty, is really beautiful! You can use this beautiful cloth to make clothes, to participate in the parade. 旁 白:皇帝答应了,并且封两个为爵士和御聘织师,还赠送一枚可以挂在扣眼上的勋章。到快要进行游行大典的时候,皇帝就和他的骑士取衣服。 Narrator: the emperor agreed, and the closure of the two swindlers jazz and the imperial court weavers, also presented one to hang in the buttonhole. When going to march to the ceremony, the emperor and his knights to take clothes. 两个:尊敬的陛下,请看!多么美丽!(举起双手指)这是裤子,这是袍子,这是外衣,这些衣服十分的轻柔,穿在人身上跟没有似的,也正是它的优点。 Two swindlers: Your Majesty, please see! What a beautiful! (raised two fingers) these are the trousers, the robe, this is the coat, the clothes is very gentle, worn on the human body and not like, is also its advantages. 骑 士:没错。 Knight: yes. 两个:请陛下您脱下衣服,我们在这大镜子前为您穿上。 Two swindlers: please take off your clothes majesty, we in the large mirror for you to wear. 旁 白:皇帝脱下了所有的衣服,两个装模作样的给皇帝穿了上去,皇帝也扭了扭腰肢。 Narrator: the emperor took off all the clothes, two crooks go to the emperor wearing the affectation, the emperor has twisted the twist waist. 大 家:上帝啊!多么美丽的衣服啊!真是一套贵重的衣服。 A: Jesus christ! What a beautiful dress! It is a precious clothes. 旁 白:就这样,皇帝跟随从们一起去参加了游行大典,大臣们在皇帝后面拖着根本不存在的衣服,他们不想让人知道自己不称职或者愚蠢。 Narrator: in this way, they went from the emperor to follow in the parade, ministers dragged behind the emperor's clothes did not exist, they do not want to let people know that they are incompetent or stupid. 百 姓:乖乖!陛下的新装真是太漂亮了!真是把他衬托的无比美丽!(拍手称赞) People: darling! Your clothes are very beautiful! Really put off his incomparable beauty! (clap) 孩 子:可他什么衣服也没有穿啊! Child: but he has nothing on! 爸 爸:上帝啊!请聆听这个纯真的声音! Dad: Jesus christ! Please listen to the voice of innocence! 旁 白:就这样,话传了开来。 Narrator: so, word spread. 人 们:他实在没穿什么衣服呀! People: he is not wearing any clothes! 旁 白:(此处要根据文章作出相应的动作)皇帝似乎觉得百姓们所说的话是真的,但他想:我必须把游行大典举行完毕!于是,他便以更高傲的神情向前走,他的大臣们在他身后走,手中拖着一条根本不存在的后裙。Narrator: (here to make corresponding action according to article) Emperor seems to think that people are saying is true, but he thought: I have to parade! Then, he looked more proud to move forward, and his ministers to go in behind him, dragging one hand did not exist in the rear apron.
旁 白:从前有一位皇帝,他为了穿得漂亮,不惜花掉他所有的钱,他每天每一点钟都要换一套衣服。有一天,有两个来到了城里。 Narrator: Once upon a time there was an emperor, he in order to be well dressed, do not spend all his money, he every day at one o'clock to change a set of clothes. One day, two swindlers came to town. 两个:尊敬的陛下,我们可以织出最美丽的布,而且能缝出来有一种特性的衣服——任何不称职和愚蠢得不可救药的人,都看不见这衣服。(眉飞色舞) Two swindlers: Your Majesty, we can weave the most beautiful cloth, but also out of the slit has a characteristic clothes -- any hopelessly incompetent and stupid people can not see the clothes. Beam with joy. 皇 帝:那真是最理想的衣服!我穿了这样的衣服,就可以看出我的王国里哪些人不称职;就可以辨别出哪些人是聪明人,哪些人是傻子。是的,我要叫他们马上织出这样的布来!(指着喊) The Emperor: that's the best clothes! I wear this dress, you can see my kingdom who is incompetent; you can tell who is a wise man, who is a fool. Yes, I want to ask them to immediately weave the cloth! (pointing to shout) 两个:陛下,我们需要大量的最细的生丝和最好的金子!(贪婪的目光) Two swindlers: Your Majesty, we need a lot of the finest silk and the best gold! (greedy eyes) 皇 帝:好,你们要多少都可以。(挥手) The Emperor: Well, how many you can. (waved) 两个:谢陛下。 Two swindlers: thank his majesty. 旁 白:把金子和生丝都装进了自己的口袋里。两个天天没日没夜的工作,可织布机上空空的,因为本来就什么都没有,几天后皇帝想让人去看看织得怎么样,就派了他一个诚实的老大臣去了。 Narrator: liar put gold and silk are in his pocket. Two swindlers every day and night work, can the looms, as did nothing else, a few days later the emperor wants to have a look the fabric does, they sent him an honest old minister to the. 旁白:于是,老大臣来到了两个工作的房间。 Narrator: so, the old minister went to the two swindlers work room.:您请看,这是多么美丽的布啊。 A: you see, this is what a beautiful cloth.旁白: 天啊!Narrator: oh! 老大臣:(眼睛睁得特别大)我怎么什么都没看见!不能让别人知道。(心里所想)这么美丽的布,真漂亮,我将要呈报陛下。(举手称赞) Old minister: (was particularly large eyes) how I saw nothing! You can not let others know. (mind) so beautiful cloth, really beautiful, I will tell your majesty. (applauded) 旁 白:这样,老臣报告了陛下布很漂亮,不久,皇帝又派一位官员去。 Narrator: so, veteran reported majesty beautiful cloth, soon, the emperor also sent an official to go. 旁白:这位官员又和上次的官员遭遇。 Narrator: the official and the last official encounter. :(故技重施)你看这段布美不美? Liar: (trick) you look beautiful this cloth? 旁白:对他进行了一番描述。 Narrator: the swindler gave a description of his. 官员:哦!这布真漂亮!我很满意。 Officer: Oh! It's beautiful! I am very satisfied. 旁白:其实官员什么也没看见,但他不愿“承认”。不久,皇帝又和一批随员去了。 Narrator: in fact, officials saw nothing, but he was reluctant to admit "". Soon, the emperor went to another and a group of men. 两个:陛下,请看,多么美丽的布! Two swindlers: Your Majesty, see, what beautiful cloth! 皇 帝:难道我愚蠢吗?不!我不能让别人知道(心里所想)。这布太漂亮了!我十二分满意。(目光看起来十分高兴) The Emperor: am I stupid? No! I can not let people know (mind). This cloth is too beautiful! I am twelve satisfied. (eye looks very happy) 随 员:陛下,真是美极了!您就用这美丽的布料去做成衣服,参加游行大典吧。 With the clerk: Your Majesty, is really beautiful! You can use this beautiful cloth to make clothes, to participate in the parade. 旁 白:皇帝答应了,并且封两个为爵士和御聘织师,还赠送一枚可以挂在扣眼上的勋章。到快要进行游行大典的时候,皇帝就和他的骑士取衣服。 Narrator: the emperor agreed, and the closure of the two swindlers jazz and the imperial court weavers, also presented one to hang in the buttonhole. When going to march to the ceremony, the emperor and his knights to take clothes. 两个:尊敬的陛下,请看!多么美丽!(举起双手指)这是裤子,这是袍子,这是外衣,这些衣服十分的轻柔,穿在人身上跟没有似的,也正是它的优点。 Two swindlers: Your Majesty, please see! What a beautiful! (raised two fingers) these are the trousers, the robe, this is the coat, the clothes is very gentle, worn on the human body and not like, is also its advantages. 骑 士:没错。 Knight: yes. 两个:请陛下您脱下衣服,我们在这大镜子前为您穿上。 Two swindlers: please take off your clothes majesty, we in the large mirror for you to wear. 旁 白:皇帝脱下了所有的衣服,两个装模作样的给皇帝穿了上去,皇帝也扭了扭腰肢。 Narrator: the emperor took off all the clothes, two crooks go to the emperor wearing the affectation, the emperor has twisted the twist waist. 大 家:上帝啊!多么美丽的衣服啊!真是一套贵重的衣服。 A: Jesus christ! What a beautiful dress! It is a precious clothes. 旁 白:就这样,皇帝跟随从们一起去参加了游行大典,大臣们在皇帝后面拖着根本不存在的衣服,他们不想让人知道自己不称职或者愚蠢。 Narrator: in this way, they went from the emperor to follow in the parade, ministers dragged behind the emperor's clothes did not exist, they do not want to let people know that they are incompetent or stupid. 百 姓:乖乖!陛下的新装真是太漂亮了!真是把他衬托的无比美丽!(拍手称赞) People: darling! Your clothes are very beautiful! Really put off his incomparable beauty! (clap) 孩 子:可他什么衣服也没有穿啊! Child: but he has nothing on! 爸 爸:上帝啊!请聆听这个纯真的声音! Dad: Jesus christ! Please listen to the voice of innocence! 旁 白:就这样,话传了开来。 Narrator: so, word spread. 人 们:他实在没穿什么衣服呀! People: he is not wearing any clothes! 旁 白:(此处要根据文章作出相应的动作)皇帝似乎觉得百姓们所说的话是真的,但他想:我必须把游行大典举行完毕!于是,他便以更高傲的神情向前走,他的大臣们在他身后走,手中拖着一条根本不存在的后裙。Narrator: (here to make corresponding action according to article) Emperor seems to think that people are saying is true, but he thought: I have to parade! Then, he looked more proud to move forward, and his ministers to go in behind him, dragging one hand did not exist in the rear apron.
Scene 1场景1:皇宫Characters:the Emperor ,Soldier-A and Soldier-B(人物:皇帝,士兵A, 士兵 B)Narrator:Many years ago there lived an emperor. He was veryfond of new clothes that he spent all his money in order to obtain them; hisonly wish was to always be well dressed. He had a coat for every hour of theday. One day, the Emperor said (to Soldiers):旁白:很久以前有一个皇帝,他非常喜欢新衣服,因此他把他所有的钱都花在衣服上,他唯一的愿望就是每时每刻都能穿得很漂亮。在一天里,他每个钟头都要换一套新的衣服。有一天,皇帝(对士兵说……)Emperor:Are there any new things about clothes today?皇帝:今天有没有有关新衣服的消息? Soldier-A:Today man came to our city. They said they were thebest weavers in the world.士兵A:今天有两个人来到我们的城市,他们说自己是世界上最好的织工。Soldier-B:And that they could produce the finest cloth, whichwas not only beautiful, but the clothes couldn’t be seen to any man who stupid.士兵B: 他们还说他们能织出最美丽的布。这些布不仅仅非常好看,而且用它缝出来的衣服,凡是愚蠢的人都看不见。Emperor:That must be wonderful cloth, if I dress in a suitmade of this cloth, I can find out which men are unfit for their places orstupid. I must ask them to weave for me right now.皇帝:这一定是非常奇异的布,如果我能够穿上这种布做成的衣服,我就能够找出我的王国里哪些人是不称职的,哪些人是愚蠢的。我要叫他们马上织出这种布。Emperor:(to soldier-A) Find them and ask them make cloth forme.皇帝:把他们找来,叫他们来给我织布。Soldier-A:Yes, right away.士兵A:好的,我立刻去。Emperor:(to soldier-B) Set up two rooms for them.皇帝:准备两间房子给他们。Soldier-B:Yes, right away.士兵B:是的,我立刻去做。 Scene 2场景2:织布机房,投影片画面上有织布机,有灯光。Characters:Narratoe, Weaver A, Weaver BNarrator:The two weavers were asked to work in the two newrooms. They pretended to be very hard at work, but they did nothing whatever inthe rooms. They asked for the finest silk and the most precious gold-cloth, andworked in the empty rooms till late at night.旁白:两个织工被叫到两间新房子工作。他们假装努力工作,实际上却什么都没有做。他们要求找来最好的丝绸和最贵的金纺布料,假装在那些空房间里工作到深夜。(表演建议:解说时,两个在机房里做着织布的动作,按剧情表演。 Scene 3场景3:皇宫(与场景1 同)Characters: the Emperor ,Old Minister (皇帝,老大臣)Emperor:(几天后皇帝在皇宫里走来走去) I should very much like to know how they are getting on with thecloth. But if I can not see it, I am stupid. I don't want that. I must sendsomebody else to look.皇帝:我很想知道他们的织布究竟织得怎样了。但如果我看不见的话,那就说明我是愚蠢的人。我不能这样做,我应该先派一个人去看看。Emperor:( to the old minister)You an honest man. So I want youto take a look at my new cloth and report back to me.皇帝:(对老大臣说)你是个诚实聪明的人,所以我派你去看一看我的新布料,然后向我汇报。Old Minister:Yes, right away.老大臣:我现在就去。 Scene 4场景4(与场景2同) Characters:Minister,Weaver-A, Weaver-B〉Old Minister:(老大臣来到那两间新房子。边看、边想着……看了看,走到台的一侧,对观众说) Oh!my god! I cannot seeanything at all.大臣:我的天啊!我什么都看不见。Weaver-A:Hello! Mr. Minister, come closer and you'll see.织工A:你好,大臣先生,你可以走近点,看清楚一点。Weaver-B:Oh, , did you see these beautiful colors. How wonderful it is!织工B:啊,大臣先生,看见这些漂亮的颜色吗?多么美啊!Narrator:The poor minister tried his very best, but he couldsee nothing, for there was nothing to be thought, "Oh dear, can Ibe so stupid? I should never have thought so, and nobody must know it! Is itpossible that I am not fit for my office? No, no, I cannot say that I wasunable to see the cloth.旁白:这个可怜的大臣尽他最大的努力去看,可是他什么都看不到,因为那里根本就什么东西都没有。大臣想:天啊,难道是我愚蠢的人?我从来都没怀疑过自己,也不能让任何人知道。难道是我不适合这个位置?不,不,我不能说我没有看到布。Weaver-A:Haveyou nothing to say?织工A:现在你有什么意见吗?Old Minister:Oh, it is very pretty. Very very beautiful! Whatbeautiful patterns(式样)! Whatbright colors! I will tell the Emperor this is the best cloth in the world.老大臣:啊,多么美啊,美极了!多么漂亮的式样啊,多么美丽的色彩啊!我会呈报皇帝这是天下最好的布。Weaver-A and Weaver-B:We are happyto hear that. 织工A和B:听到你的话我们真高兴。Narrator:Theweavers told the cloth to him. The old minister listened carefully, so that hecould relate it back to the Emperor. Then the weavers asked for more money,silk and gold. They kept everything for themselves, and pretended to work hard.旁白:织工们向大臣描述这些布的颜色和花纹,大臣注意的听着,以便照样说给皇帝听。然后两个织工要求更多的钱,丝和金子。他们把所有东西都装进了自己的腰包,还是继续在空空的机架上假装工作。 Scene 4场景4皇宫Characters: theEmperor, Young MinisterEmperor (to the Young Minister):I always thoughtyou were more honest than the old minister. So you go and see how they weregetting on, and if the cloth is nearly finished or not.皇帝(对年轻大臣说):我一直都认为你老大臣更诚实,因此你去看看他们进行得怎样,看看布是不是快织好了。Young Minister:Thank you for your praise.年轻大臣:谢谢您的夸奖。 Scene 5场景5:织布机房,同场景2)Characters: Young Minister,Weaver-A Weaver-B〉Narrator:Like the old minister, he looked and looked but couldsee nothing, as there was nothing to be seen.旁白:就像老臣一样,他看了又看,但是什么也没看见,因为那里本来就没有东西。(建议表演:年轻达成像那个老的大臣一样,他看了又看,非常疑惑的样子。) Weavers:Is it a beautiful piece of cloth?织工们:这块布漂亮吗?Young Minister:(想一想,走到一侧,对观众说) I am not stupid, it is therefore my goodappointment for which I am not fit. It is very strange, but I must not let anyone know.年轻达成:我并不愚蠢,可能是我不适合担当现在的官职。这真够奇怪的,但是我不能让其他人知道。Young Minister:It is excellent!年轻大臣:这真是太美了!Weavers:Thank you very much. You are a very clever man. Pleaseask the king to come review our product.织工们:谢谢,你真是一位聪明的人,你可以回去请皇帝来看我们的杰作了。Young Minister:I will tell the king.年轻大臣:我会向皇帝报告的。Narrator:The weavers described to him the colors and explainedthe curious pattern. The Official listened attentively, so that he might relateto the Emperor what they said. Everybody in the whole town talked about theprecious cloth.旁白:织工们向他描述这些布奇异的颜色和花纹,年轻达成注意的听着,以便回到皇帝那去,可以照样说出来。城市里所有的人都在谈论这些奇异的布。 Scene 6场景:在织布机房里Characters: the Emperor,Official-A , Official-B,Narrator:In the end, the Emperor decided to see the cloth. Hecame to the rooms with all his staff. 旁白:最后,皇帝决定亲自去看看。他跟着他的大臣们来到机房。Emperor:( 看了看,走到台侧惊讶地对着观众说)What is this? I don’t see anything at all. Am I stupid? Am I unfitto be emperor? How terrible it is.(转向两个,说)Really, your cloth has ourmost gracious approval.皇帝:怎么回事?我什么都看不见,难道我愚蠢?还是我不适合当皇帝呢?好可怕啊。啊,你们的布我非常赞赏。Narrator:All his attendants with him could see nothing at all.旁白:皇帝的随从们都没有看到任何东西。Official-A, Official-B:It is very beautiful.(装作赞美的样子)官员A和B:太漂亮了。Official-B:It is the most beautiful cloth what I have seen in my life.官员B: 这是我一生中所见过的最漂亮的布。Official-A:You can wear the new clothes at a great processionwhich will soon take place.官员A: 你可以穿着新衣服参加即将举办的盛大游行队伍。Emperor:I will appoint you as Imperial Court weavers.皇帝:(对两个说)我将雇佣你们为宫廷纺织师。 Scene 7场景7:在皇宫里Characters: the Emperor,Official-A, Official-B, Weaver-A andWeaver-BNarrator:The whole night before the procession, the weaverspretended to work. Everyone saw that they were busy to finish the emperor's newsuit.旁白: 举行游行大典的前一天晚上,两个织工假装在工作。人们可以看出他们是在忙着赶制皇帝的新装。Weaver-A and Weaver-B:Theemperor's new suit is ready now.织工们:皇帝的新装做好了。Narrator:The Weavers held their arms up as if they heldsomething in their hands .旁白:织工们把他们的手臂高高举起,好象他们手里拿着什么东西。Weaver-A:These are the trousers!织工A:这是裤子。Weaver-B:This is the coat!织工B:这是大衣。Weaver-A:Here is the cloak!织工A:这是斗篷。Weaver-B:Try on your new clothes. You will find them as lightas the air.织工B:试试您的新衣服吧。您将发现他们轻的就像空气。All the Officials:Indeed!所有官员:是啊。Weaver-A:Please your Majesty now to take off your dress, andput on these new suits before the large mirror.织工A:现在请陛下脱去衣服,我们要在这个大镜子面前为陛下换上新装。 Narrator:The emperor undressed, and the Weavers pretended toput the new suit upon him, and the emperor looked at himself in the mirror fromevery side.旁白:皇帝脱去身上的衣服,织工们假装给他穿上新衣,皇帝在镜子前转换着角度看着镜子里的自己。Official-A:How wonderful they look!官员A:这衣服真好看啊!Official-B:How well they fit!官员B:这衣服真合身啊!Young Minister:What a beautiful colours!How nice the cloth is!年轻大臣:多好看的花纹啊!这真是一套华丽的衣服! Scene 8场景8:在大街上Characters: theEmperor,Official-A, Official-Bresident-Aresident-B, the father and a little boyNarrator:The emperor marched in the procession under abeautiful canopy. People who saw him on the street exclaimed in surprise.旁白:皇帝在那个富丽的华盖下游行着,所有站在街上和窗户的人都在惊叫着。Resident-A:Indeed, the emperor's new suit is nice!居民A:真的,皇帝的新装真的无与伦比!那长袍多适合他啊!Resident-B: Yes,of course I saw it . Itis very wonderful.居民B:是啊,我当然看见了,这真是奇妙啊。Narrator:Nobody wished to let others know he saw nothing, for then he wouldhave been unfit for his office or too stupid. Never were the emperor's clothesmore admired.旁白:没有人想让别人知道他什么都看不见,因为这样他会暴露自己的不称职,或者是太愚蠢。皇帝的衣服从来没有得到这样普遍的称赞。Little boy:But he has nothing on at all.小男孩:可是他什么都没有穿啊。Father:Good heavens! Listen to the voice of an innocentchild.父亲:上帝啊,你听听这小孩子纯真的声音。Narrator:At once, everyone whispered to the other what thechild had said.旁白:同时大家把这小孩子讲的话传播开来。Resident-A:But he has nothing on at all.居民A: 他什么也没有穿。Resident-B:But he has nothing on at all.居民B:他什么也没有穿。Narrator:At last all the people cried out. The emperor thoughtthat they may be right, but he must finish the parade. 旁白:后来所有的人都在大叫。皇帝想也许老百姓说的话是对的。不过他对自己说,现在我必须把这个游行大典举行完毕。Narrator:And the officials walked with still greater dignity,as if they carried the train which did not exist.旁白:他的内臣们仍旧庄严地跟在他的后面,手中托着一个并不存在的长袍。
《皇帝的新装》课本剧剧本 角色:皇帝、1、2、老部长、官员、小孩、小孩他爸爸、看游行大典的人。 [幕开时,有一座金碧辉煌的宫殿,在宫殿里面,有一位皇帝,他很喜欢穿新衣服,大家都说他在“更衣室”里,几乎每天,每夜,每个钟头都要换一件衣服!] [他把所有的钱都用在了衣服上,别人带他去逛公园,他不去,别人带他去逛超市,他也不去,就连坐火车,坐地铁,他都不去。] [有一天,皇帝就决定要举行游行大典了。就在这时,来了两个,告诉大臣他俩是织布能手。] [大臣跑回皇宫告诉皇帝。] 大臣:(气喘吁吁)有两个……个人说他……们是织……织布能手。 皇帝:啊,这太好啦!快让他们进来! [大臣把两个接到皇宫里来,让皇帝接见他们。] 皇帝:听说你们两个是织布能手,那么,你们又能织出什么样的布呢? 1:(神气)我们两个可以织出的布不仅有很美丽的色彩。另外,还有一种特殊功能,就是,聪明的人或称职的人看的见这布,笨的人或不称职的人看不见这布! 2:(连连点头)是呀!是呀!我们真的能织出这种布! (皇帝面露喜色,心里想我穿了这样的衣服,就可以看出我的王国里哪些人不称职,我就可以分辨出哪些人是聪明人,哪些人是傻子) [皇帝听了喜出望外,他就给了两个很多钱,然后命令他们马上织出这种布。] [两个七二连三的求皇帝给他们一些最好的金丝和金子,说是织布时要用,皇帝当然同意,可是,他们不仅没有放在织布机上,反而装进了腰包里,就连一根线,也没有放在织布机上。] [不久,这件事传开了,准备看游行大典的人都在盼望着看到这件衣服,就能知道邻居愚蠢不愚蠢,称职不称职了。] 皇帝:我想知道布织的怎么样了,召老部长进宫. 侍女:是 [老部长来到织布房,老大臣(拿下眼镜,揉了揉眼睛,带上眼镜,瞪大双眼心)] 老部长:(自言自语)这是怎么一回事儿,我什么东西也没看见 甲:老部长,您走进些,可以看得更仔细. 乙(指着空空的织布机):您看上面的布花纹是不是很美丽,色彩是不是很漂亮. 老部长:(自言自语)天哪!我怎么什么都没有看见?难道我是愚蠢的人吗?难道我是不称职的人吗?这真是滑稽。不行,我绝对不能让其他人知道。 1:您觉得这布怎么样? [老部长越想越害怕,不过,他还是没有把感想说出来。] 2:难道您一点意见都没有吗? 老部长:(拿出眼镜仔细看)啊,太美了,这是我从来没有看到的最美丽的布! 甲乙一起说:嗯,我们听到您的话真高兴,您看,这图案,衬着这花纹,尤如天上的彩云,正适合陛下高贵的身份.线与线之间的细处恰到好处,贴着身体,薄如羽翼!只有像老大臣这样又聪明又忠诚的人才能看到这块布! 老大臣一边点头一边露出满意的表情(老大臣撤,甲乙继续坐在纺织机旁忙碌) 老部长一字不漏的记了下来,以免待会儿回到皇帝那里,描述不出来。] [另外,两个又要求老部长给他们一些金丝和金子。] [不久,皇帝又派了另一名诚实的官员,但是,这位官员的运气并不比刚才那位老部长的运气好。他看了又看,怎么也看不见布料。] 官员:(默读)我的妈呀!我怎么什么都看不见?我绝对不能让皇帝知道,也绝对不能让其他人知道。 2:您觉得这布怎么样? 官员:啊!这布美极了,我特别喜欢这布。 1和2:(异口同声)谢谢您的夸奖。 [官员回到皇帝那里描述了花纹的色彩,还用了好多好词。] [最后,皇帝决定亲自带着大臣们去看看,其中也包括刚刚去过的老部长和官员。] [皇帝一来到织布房,就惊呆了!] 皇帝:(直冒冷汗)啊!我什么也没有看见呀!这真是荒唐!不成,我绝对不能让我的大臣们知道。 1:您觉得这种布料好吗? 皇帝:(举起大拇指)啊!这种布太美了,我表示100分得满意! [两个发了一阵暗笑。] 大臣:陛下,您就穿这件衣服去参加游行大典吧! [皇帝奖励了他们俩每个人一枚爵士的勋章。] [在游行大典的前夜,两个整夜没睡,他们用剪刀在空中瞎剪了一阵子,又用没有穿县的针在空中乱缝了一阵子。] 1和2:新衣服做好了! [第二天,皇帝去更衣室换衣服。] 1:请皇帝把衣服脱下来。 2:另外,这件衣服还有一个特点,就是,他柔软的像蜘蛛网一样,穿着他的人觉得他没有穿衣服,其实他穿了。 [皇帝听完他们的话,立刻把衣服脱了下来,脱的光光的,就连一件底裤,也没有穿上!只戴着皇冠!] [皇帝换好衣服,就走到了大街上,这时,大街上早已人如海了!] 看游行大典的人:啊!皇帝穿的衣服真美! [他们说这句话是因为不让别人知道他看不见衣服。] 小孩:瞧,皇帝没有穿衣服就上大街,真是羞死人了! 小孩的爸爸:上帝,你听见这个天真声音了吗? 看游行大典的人:皇帝并没有穿衣服,一个小孩说他没有穿衣服。 [人们把话题慢慢的传开了。] [皇帝有些发抖,因为他觉得老百姓们说的话是对的,可是,他还是摆出一副更神气样子。] 皇帝:(声音压的很低)哼!反正你们都是愚蠢的人,只有我最聪明! 英文译文 "The Emperor's New Clothes," a text play script Role: Emperor, a liar, liar 2, old ministers, officials, children, child his father, watching the procession ceremony people. [Curtain opened, there were a magnificent palace, in the palace inside, there is an emperor, he was very fond of wearing new clothes, everyone said that he is "changing room", almost every day, night, every hour must be changed a piece of clothing! ] [He put all the money spent on clothes, the others took him to the park, he can not go, someone else took him to the water and soil, he does not go, even ride the train, subway, he does not go. ] [One day, the emperor decided to hold a ceremony in a procession. At this point, two swindlers came to tell the Minister They are weaving experts. ] [Secretary of State ran back to the palace to tell the emperor. ] Minister: (panting) has two ... ... ... ... who said he personally is a weave ... ... experts weaving. Emperor: ah, it That's great! Fast so that they come in! [Secretary of State received a royal palace where the two swindlers come to the Emperor with them. ] Emperor: I heard that you two are weaving experts, then you can weave any kind of cloth do? Liar 1: (divine) We two can weave cloth is not only very beautiful colors. In addition, there is a special function, that is, smart or competent people will look at the see the cloth, stupid or incompetent person can not see the cloth! Cheater 2: (nods again and again) Yes! Yes! We really were able to weave this fabric! (Emperor cheeky happy expression, and thought I would wear such clothes, you can see who is the kingdom of my incompetence, I can tell what people are smart people, who are fool) [Emperor listened overjoyed, he gave the two swindlers a lot of money, and then ordered them immediately to weave this fabric. ] [2 cheater 72 with three of the demand of the emperor to give them some of the best gold and gold, saying that when you use weaving the emperor certainly agree, but they are not only not on the weaving machine, but put into the pockets years, even a line, nor on the weaving machine. ] [Shortly after this incident spread, and ready to see the procession ceremony, people are looking forward to seeing the clothes, we can know the neighbors are not stupid stupid, incompetent incompetent in. ] King: I would like to know how kind of woven cloth, and call the old minister of the palace. Maid: Yes [Old minister came to weaving room, the old Minister (took off her glasses, rubbed his eyes, wear glasses, Dengda eyes heart)] Old Minister: (to himself) This is about how children, I did things are not seen Liar A: Old Minister, you enter some, you can see more detail. Liar B (pointing to the empty loom): cloth pattern you see above is not very beautiful, the color is not very pretty. Old Minister: (to himself) God! I do not see how anything else? Do I have stupid people? Do I have incompetent people? This is really funny. No, I absolutely can not let other people know. Liar 1: Do you think this is how kind of fabric? [Old minister grew more and more afraid, but he still did not say it feelings. ] Cheater 2: Do you have a few comments not? Old Minister: (take a close look at glasses) ah, too beautiful, it is I have never seen the most beautiful cloth! Liar and B to say: ah, we are really glad to hear your words, you see, this pattern, whole placed on this pattern, just like heaven Choi, and this is His Majesty the noble status. Line and thin at just right between the lines and paste the body, thin wings! just like the old Ministers so intelligent and loyal people who can see another piece of cloth! Exposed side of the old minister he nodded with satisfaction that the expression (old minister to withdraw, liar and B continue to sit next to a busy textile machines) The old minister of the recorded word for word down, so that later the return to the emperor, where the description does not come out. ] [In addition, the two swindlers also requested the Minister to give them some of the old gold and gold. ] [Soon, the emperor had also sent another honest officials, however, luck is not higher than the official one moment that the old Minister of luck. He repeatedly pored over, how can not see fabric. ] Officials: (silent reading) My! How do I see anything? I absolutely can not let the emperor know that absolutely can not let other people know. Cheater 2: how do you think this kind of fabric? Officials: ah! This fabric looks extremely beautiful, I particularly like the cloth. Liar and a liar 2: (in unison) Thank you for the compliment. [Back to the emperor, where officials described the patterns of color, but also with a lot of good word. ] [Finally, the emperor has decided to take ministers to see, including recently visited the old ministers and officials. ] [The emperor came to a weaving room, it was shocked! ] Emperor: (straight cold sweats) ah! I did not see! This is ridiculous! Fail, I absolutely can not let my ministers to know. Liar 1: Do you think this fabric please? Emperor: (lifting the thumb) ah! This fabric is so beautiful, I said 100 share of satisfaction! [2 swindlers made a while snicker. ] Minister: Your Majesty, you will wear this dress to attend the ceremony procession bar! [Emperor rewarded the two of them each a medal, Sir. ] [Ceremony on the eve of the march, two swindlers all night, they used the scissors cut blind for a while in the air, and another did not wear the county chaotic sewing needle in the air for a while. ] Liar and a liar 2: new clothes is well! [The next day, the emperor to the locker room changing clothes. ] Liar 1: Please take off their clothes to the emperor. Cheater 2: In addition, there is a feature of this dress, that is, he was soft, like a spider's web, like, wearing his people that he did not wear clothes, in fact, he was wearing. [The emperor heard their words, once their clothes off down off the bare, even an underpants, no wear! Just wear the crown! ] [Emperor Huanhaoyifu, they reached the street, this time, the street person who had the sea! ] To see the procession ceremony for a person: ah! The emperor wearing clothes really beautiful! [They say this is because the clothes and let others know that he can not see. ] Children: Look, the emperor did not wear clothes on the street is really Xiusi people in! Child's father: God, do you hear the voice of this naive it? Celebration of people watching the procession: the emperor is not wearing clothes, one child said he did not wear clothes. [It slowly spread to the topic of conversation. ] [Emperor Some tremble, because he felt that people were saying is right, but he still put on a more spirited look. ] Emperor: (sound pressure is very low) hum! Anyway, you are stupid people, I am the only the most intelligent!
1805年4月2日出生于丹麦费恩岛奥登塞小镇。 1816年11岁时父亲过世。 1819年14岁时独自离家到哥本哈根,寻求创作机会。 1822年8月发表作品《尝试集》,含诗剧及故事共三篇。此集子因其出身寒微而无出版机会,但已引起文化界某些人士的注意。10月,进入中等教会学校补习文化,共读六年,对其教育方式感到痛苦不已;不过这六年中大量阅读名家作品,也练习创作诗篇、歌剧。1827年,离开学校回到哥本哈根。发表诗歌,受到 上流社会 评论家称赞,鼓起安徒生对写作的信心。 1829年,写出长篇幻想游记《阿马格岛漫游记》出版,第一版销售一空。出版商立刻以优厚条件买下第二版,安徒生因此从饥饿的压迫中解脱。喜剧《在尼古拉耶夫塔上的爱情》在皇家歌剧院上演。同年也出版第一本诗集。
丹麦作家。1805年4月2日生于丹麦菲英岛欧登塞的贫民区。父亲是个穷鞋匠,曾志一书,以威廉·克里斯蒂安·瓦尔特的笔名发表。这个笔名包括了威廉·莎士比亚、安徒生自己和司各特的名字。1827年发表第一首诗《垂死的小孩》,1829年,他进入哥本哈根大学学习。他的第一部重要作品《1828和1829年从霍尔门运河至阿迈厄岛东角步行记》于1829年问世。这是一部富于幽默感的游记,颇有德国作家霍夫曼的文风。这部游记的出版使安徒生得到了社会的初步承认。此后他继续从事戏剧创作。1831年他去德国旅行,归途中写了旅游札记。1833年去意大利,创作了一部诗剧《埃格内特和美人鱼》和一部以意大利为背景的长篇小说《即兴诗人》(1835)。小说出版后不久,就被翻译成德文和英文,标志着作者开始享有国际声誉。 简要资料1805年4月2日出生于丹麦费恩岛奥登塞小镇。 1816年11岁时父亲过世。 1819年14岁时独自离家到哥本哈根,寻求创作机会。 1822年8月发表作品《尝试集》,含诗剧及故事共三篇。此集子因其出身寒微而无出版机会,但已引起文化界某些人士的注意。10月,进入中等教会学校补习文化,共读六年,对其教育方式感到痛苦不已;不过这六年中大量阅读名家作品,也练习创作诗篇、歌剧。1827年,离开学校回到哥本哈根。发表诗歌,受到 上流社会 评论家称赞,鼓起安徒生对写作的信心。 1829年,写出长篇幻想游记《阿马格岛漫游记》出版,第一版销售一空。出版商立刻以优厚条件买下第二版,安徒生因此从饥饿的压迫中解脱。喜剧《在尼古拉耶夫塔上的爱情》在皇家歌剧院上演。同年也出版第一本诗集。 1830年,初恋失败。开始旅行;第二本诗集出版。 1831-1834年,恋爱再度失败,遭逢母丧,不久出版长篇自传体小说《即兴诗人》。 1835年30岁时开始写童话,出版第一本童话集,仅61页的小册子,内含《打火匣》、《小克劳斯和大克劳斯》、《豌豆上的公主》、《小意达的花儿》共四篇。作品并未获得一致好评,甚至有人认为他没有写童话的天份,建议他放弃,但安徒生说:“这才是我不朽的工作呢!” 1844年,写出自传性作品《丑小鸭》。 1846年,写出《卖火柴的小女孩》。 1970年出版晚期最长一篇作品《幸运的贝儿》,共七万余字,是以他自己的生活感受为基础写成的,但不完全是自传。 1867年,被故乡奥登塞选为荣誉市民。 1875年8月4日上午11时,因肝癌逝世于朋友的乡间别墅。丧礼备极哀荣,享年70岁。安徒生作品目录长篇小说(6):《即兴诗人》(1835),《奥·特》(1836),《不过是个提琴手》(1837),《两位男爵夫人》(1848),《生乎?死乎》(1857),《幸运儿》(1870)。 剧本(25):诗剧《阿夫索尔》(1822?),《圣尼古拉教堂钟楼的爱情》(1829),歌剧《拉默穆尔的新娘》(1832),歌剧《乌鸦》(1832),诗剧《埃格纳特的人鱼》(1834),轻歌舞剧《离别与相逢》(1835),歌剧《司普洛峨的神》(1839),《黑白混血儿》(1840),《摩尔人的女儿》(1840),《幸福之花》(1844),独幕诗剧《国王的梦想》(1844),《梨树上的鸟儿》(1845),《小基尔斯滕》(1846),《科莫河边的婚礼》(1848),四幕喜剧《比珠宝还珍贵》(1850),歌剧《北欧的女神》(1850),《新房产》(1850),《睡魔》(1850),喜剧《海尔德摩尔》(1851),喜剧《接骨木妈妈》(1851),喜剧《出身并非名门》(1863),喜剧《长桥》(1863),三幕剧《西班牙客人》(1865),独幕剧《初来者》(年代不明),《罗斯基里达之夜》(年代不明)。 游记(6):《1828年和1829年从霍尔门运河至阿迈厄岛东角步行记》(1829),《瑞典纪行》(1851),《西班牙风光》(1863),《访问葡萄牙》(1866)。 自传(3):《小传》(1832),《我一生真实的故事》(1847),《我的童话人生》(1855)。 诗(4):《诗集》(一,1829),《诗集》(二,1830),诗集《幻想与现实》(1830),诗集《一年的十二个月》(1832)。 童话共计156篇
旁 白:从前有一位皇帝,他为了穿得漂亮,不惜花掉他所有的钱,他每天每一点钟都要换一套衣服。有一天,有两个来到了城里。 Narrator: Once upon a time there was an emperor, he in order to be well dressed, do not spend all his money, he every day at one o'clock to change a set of clothes. One day, two swindlers came to town. 两个:尊敬的陛下,我们可以织出最美丽的布,而且能缝出来有一种特性的衣服——任何不称职和愚蠢得不可救药的人,都看不见这衣服。(眉飞色舞) Two swindlers: Your Majesty, we can weave the most beautiful cloth, but also out of the slit has a characteristic clothes -- any hopelessly incompetent and stupid people can not see the clothes. Beam with joy. 皇 帝:那真是最理想的衣服!我穿了这样的衣服,就可以看出我的王国里哪些人不称职;就可以辨别出哪些人是聪明人,哪些人是傻子。是的,我要叫他们马上织出这样的布来!(指着喊) The Emperor: that's the best clothes! I wear this dress, you can see my kingdom who is incompetent; you can tell who is a wise man, who is a fool. Yes, I want to ask them to immediately weave the cloth! (pointing to shout) 两个:陛下,我们需要大量的最细的生丝和最好的金子!(贪婪的目光) Two swindlers: Your Majesty, we need a lot of the finest silk and the best gold! (greedy eyes) 皇 帝:好,你们要多少都可以。(挥手) The Emperor: Well, how many you can. (waved) 两个:谢陛下。 Two swindlers: thank his majesty. 旁 白:把金子和生丝都装进了自己的口袋里。两个天天没日没夜的工作,可织布机上空空的,因为本来就什么都没有,几天后皇帝想让人去看看织得怎么样,就派了他一个诚实的老大臣去了。 Narrator: liar put gold and silk are in his pocket. Two swindlers every day and night work, can the looms, as did nothing else, a few days later the emperor wants to have a look the fabric does, they sent him an honest old minister to the. 旁白:于是,老大臣来到了两个工作的房间。 Narrator: so, the old minister went to the two swindlers work room.:您请看,这是多么美丽的布啊。 A: you see, this is what a beautiful cloth.旁白: 天啊!Narrator: oh! 老大臣:(眼睛睁得特别大)我怎么什么都没看见!不能让别人知道。(心里所想)这么美丽的布,真漂亮,我将要呈报陛下。(举手称赞) Old minister: (was particularly large eyes) how I saw nothing! You can not let others know. (mind) so beautiful cloth, really beautiful, I will tell your majesty. (applauded) 旁 白:这样,老臣报告了陛下布很漂亮,不久,皇帝又派一位官员去。 Narrator: so, veteran reported majesty beautiful cloth, soon, the emperor also sent an official to go. 旁白:这位官员又和上次的官员遭遇。 Narrator: the official and the last official encounter. :(故技重施)你看这段布美不美? Liar: (trick) you look beautiful this cloth? 旁白:对他进行了一番描述。 Narrator: the swindler gave a description of his. 官员:哦!这布真漂亮!我很满意。 Officer: Oh! It's beautiful! I am very satisfied. 旁白:其实官员什么也没看见,但他不愿“承认”。不久,皇帝又和一批随员去了。 Narrator: in fact, officials saw nothing, but he was reluctant to admit "". Soon, the emperor went to another and a group of men. 两个:陛下,请看,多么美丽的布! Two swindlers: Your Majesty, see, what beautiful cloth! 皇 帝:难道我愚蠢吗?不!我不能让别人知道(心里所想)。这布太漂亮了!我十二分满意。(目光看起来十分高兴) The Emperor: am I stupid? No! I can not let people know (mind). This cloth is too beautiful! I am twelve satisfied. (eye looks very happy) 随 员:陛下,真是美极了!您就用这美丽的布料去做成衣服,参加游行大典吧。 With the clerk: Your Majesty, is really beautiful! You can use this beautiful cloth to make clothes, to participate in the parade. 旁 白:皇帝答应了,并且封两个为爵士和御聘织师,还赠送一枚可以挂在扣眼上的勋章。到快要进行游行大典的时候,皇帝就和他的骑士取衣服。 Narrator: the emperor agreed, and the closure of the two swindlers jazz and the imperial court weavers, also presented one to hang in the buttonhole. When going to march to the ceremony, the emperor and his knights to take clothes. 两个:尊敬的陛下,请看!多么美丽!(举起双手指)这是裤子,这是袍子,这是外衣,这些衣服十分的轻柔,穿在人身上跟没有似的,也正是它的优点。 Two swindlers: Your Majesty, please see! What a beautiful! (raised two fingers) these are the trousers, the robe, this is the coat, the clothes is very gentle, worn on the human body and not like, is also its advantages. 骑 士:没错。 Knight: yes. 两个:请陛下您脱下衣服,我们在这大镜子前为您穿上。 Two swindlers: please take off your clothes majesty, we in the large mirror for you to wear. 旁 白:皇帝脱下了所有的衣服,两个装模作样的给皇帝穿了上去,皇帝也扭了扭腰肢。 Narrator: the emperor took off all the clothes, two crooks go to the emperor wearing the affectation, the emperor has twisted the twist waist. 大 家:上帝啊!多么美丽的衣服啊!真是一套贵重的衣服。 A: Jesus christ! What a beautiful dress! It is a precious clothes. 旁 白:就这样,皇帝跟随从们一起去参加了游行大典,大臣们在皇帝后面拖着根本不存在的衣服,他们不想让人知道自己不称职或者愚蠢。 Narrator: in this way, they went from the emperor to follow in the parade, ministers dragged behind the emperor's clothes did not exist, they do not want to let people know that they are incompetent or stupid. 百 姓:乖乖!陛下的新装真是太漂亮了!真是把他衬托的无比美丽!(拍手称赞) People: darling! Your clothes are very beautiful! Really put off his incomparable beauty! (clap) 孩 子:可他什么衣服也没有穿啊! Child: but he has nothing on! 爸 爸:上帝啊!请聆听这个纯真的声音! Dad: Jesus christ! Please listen to the voice of innocence! 旁 白:就这样,话传了开来。 Narrator: so, word spread. 人 们:他实在没穿什么衣服呀! People: he is not wearing any clothes! 旁 白:(此处要根据文章作出相应的动作)皇帝似乎觉得百姓们所说的话是真的,但他想:我必须把游行大典举行完毕!于是,他便以更高傲的神情向前走,他的大臣们在他身后走,手中拖着一条根本不存在的后裙。Narrator: (here to make corresponding action according to article) Emperor seems to think that people are saying is true, but he thought: I have to parade! Then, he looked more proud to move forward, and his ministers to go in behind him, dragging one hand did not exist in the rear apron.
皇帝的新装剧本是这样的:(英文)The play's characters: the Emperor, the two crooks, three people (including children and his father), 3 entourage (including the old ministers and officials), a knight, a narration NARRATOR: There was once an emperor, he was to wear pretty, hesitate to spend all his money, he should o'clock every day for each set of clothes. Finally, one day, two swindlers came to town. Two swindlers: Dear Your Majesty, we can weave the most beautiful cloth, but also have a feature sewing clothes out - any hopelessly incompetent and stupid people can not see the clothes. (Exultant) Emperor: it was so wonderful! This will not only have beautiful clothes can know who and where my country is not commensurate with their positions, which are wise, who is stupid, and you immediately as I weave! (Pointing shouting) Two swindlers: Your Majesty, we need a lot of the finest silk and the best gold! (Greedy eyes) Emperor: Well, how many you can. (Waving) Two swindlers: thank His Majesty. (Bangui) NARRATOR: The two swindlers weaving day and night every day, can the looms, as did nothing else, a few days later the Emperor would like people to see how well organized, they sent him an honest old minister went. Old minister: God! How I saw nothing! Can not let others know. (Are thinking) is the most beautiful cloth, so beautiful, I will be reported to His Majesty. (Hands commended) NARRATOR: This veteran reported Majesty beautiful cloth, and soon, the emperor also sent an official to go. Officials: Oh! This cloth so beautiful! I am very satisfied. NARRATOR: In fact, officials saw nothing, but he would not "recognize." Soon, the emperor went to another and a group of his party. Two swindlers: His Majesty, see, how beautiful fabric! King: Do I stupid? No! I can not let people know (are thinking). This cloth is too beautiful! My twelfth of the satisfaction. (Eyes look very happy) Suite: majesty, is very beautiful! You go with this beautiful fabric made of clothes, it participated in the procession ceremony. NARRATOR: The emperor agreed, and the closure of two crooks recruited for the Jazz and the Royal weaving division, also presented one to hang in the buttonholes on the medal. Going to march to the ceremony, when the emperor and his knights to take on the clothes. Two swindlers: Dear Your Majesty, see! How beautiful! (Hold up both hands means) This is pants, this is the coat, this is a jacket, the dress is a soft, worn in the human body with no like, it is also its advantages. Riding disabilities: Yes. Two swindlers: Please take off your clothes Majesty, we in this big mirror for you to wear. NARRATOR: The emperor took off all the clothes, the two bumbling crooks go to the emperor wearing the emperor has twisted the twist waist. Big House: God, ah! How beautiful clothes ah! Is really a precious clothes. NARRATOR: And so they went from the emperor to follow the procession attended the ceremony, ministers dragged behind the emperor's clothes did not exist, they do not want people to know they are incompetent or stupid. 100 name: Boy! His Majesty's New Clothes was so beautiful! Really set off his incomparable beauty! (Hands commended) Children: can he be without clothes ah! Dad Dad: God ah! Please listen to the voice of innocence! White side: this way, if transfer had suggested. People: He is not wearing any clothes ah! NARRATOR: The emperor seems to think that people are saying is true, but he thought: I have to march at the ceremony finished! Then, he looked more proud to move forward, and his ministers to go in behind him, dragging one hand after the skirts that did not exist.(中文)剧中的人物:皇帝、两个、三位百姓(包括孩子和他的爸爸)、三位随从人员(包括老大臣和官员)、一名骑士、一名旁白 旁 白:从前有一位皇帝,他为了穿得漂亮,不惜花掉他所有的钱,他每天每一点钟都要换一套衣服。终于,有一天,有两个来到了城里。 两个:尊敬的陛下,我们可以织出最美丽的布,而且能缝出来有一种特性的衣服——任何不称职和愚蠢得不可救药的人,都看不见这衣服。(眉飞色舞) 皇 帝:真是太好了!这样不仅可以有美丽的衣服还可以知道我的国里谁和自己的职位不相称,哪些人聪明,哪些人傻了,你们马上为我织布!(指着喊) 两个:陛下,我们需要大量的最细的生丝和最好的金子!(贪婪的目光) 皇 帝:好,你们要多少都可以。(挥手) 两个:谢陛下。(半跪) 旁 白:两个天天没日没夜的织布,可织布机上空空的,因为本来就什么都没有,几天后皇帝想让人去看看织得怎么样,就派了他一个诚实的老大臣去了。 老大臣:天啊!我怎么什么都没看见!不能让别人知道。(心里所想)这么美丽的布,真漂亮,我将要呈报陛下。(举手称赞) 旁 白:这样,老臣报告了陛下布很漂亮,不久,皇帝又派一位官员去。 官 员:哦!这布真漂亮!我很满意。 旁 白:其实官员什么也没看见,但他不愿“承认”。不久,皇帝又和一批随员去了。 两个:陛下,请看,多么美丽的布! 皇 帝:难道我愚蠢吗?不!我不能让别人知道(心里所想)。这布太漂亮了!我十二分满意。(目光看起来十分高兴) 随 员:陛下,真是美极了!您就用这美丽的布料去做成衣服,参加游行大典吧。 旁 白:皇帝答应了,并且封两个为爵士和御聘织师,还赠送一枚可以挂在扣眼上的勋章。到快要进行游行大典的时候,皇帝就和他的骑士取衣服。 两个:尊敬的陛下,请看!多么美丽!(举起双手指)这是裤子,这是袍子,这是外衣,这些衣服十分的轻柔,穿在人身上跟没有似的,也正是它的优点。 骑 士:没错。 两个:请陛下您脱下衣服,我们在这大镜子前为您穿上。 旁 白:皇帝脱下了所有的衣服,两个装模作样的给皇帝穿了上去,皇帝也扭了扭腰肢。 大 家:上帝啊!多么美丽的衣服啊!真是一套贵重的衣服。 旁 白:就这样,皇帝跟随从们一起去参加了游行大典,大臣们在皇帝后面拖着根本不存在的衣服,他们不想让人知道自己不称职或者愚蠢。 百 姓:乖乖!陛下的新装真是太漂亮了!真是把他衬托的无比美丽!(举手称赞) 孩 子:可他什么衣服也没有穿啊! 爸 爸:上帝啊!请聆听这个纯真的声音! 旁 白:就这样,话传了开来。 人 们:他实在没穿什么衣服呀! 旁 白:皇帝似乎觉得百姓们所说的话是真的,但他想:我必须把游行大典举行完毕!于是,他便以更高傲的神情向前走,他的大臣们在他身后走,手中拖着一条根本不存在的后裙。 背景也不是很难布置:菜市场,国王的宫殿,以及几件衣服,小学生都做的到
《皇帝的新装》课本剧剧本 角色:皇帝、1、2、老部长、官员、小孩、小孩他爸爸、看游行大典的人。 [幕开时,有一座金碧辉煌的宫殿,在宫殿里面,有一位皇帝,他很喜欢穿新衣服,大家都说他在“更衣室”里,几乎每天,每夜,每个钟头都要换一件衣服!] [他把所有的钱都用在了衣服上,别人带他去逛公园,他不去,别人带他去逛超市,他也不去,就连坐火车,坐地铁,他都不去。] [有一天,皇帝就决定要举行游行大典了。就在这时,来了两个,告诉大臣他俩是织布能手。] [大臣跑回皇宫告诉皇帝。] 大臣:(气喘吁吁)有两个……个人说他……们是织……织布能手。 皇帝:啊,这太好啦!快让他们进来! [大臣把两个接到皇宫里来,让皇帝接见他们。] 皇帝:听说你们两个是织布能手,那么,你们又能织出什么样的布呢? 1:(神气)我们两个可以织出的布不仅有很美丽的色彩。另外,还有一种特殊功能,就是,聪明的人或称职的人看的见这布,笨的人或不称职的人看不见这布! 2:(连连点头)是呀!是呀!我们真的能织出这种布! (皇帝面露喜色,心里想我穿了这样的衣服,就可以看出我的王国里哪些人不称职,我就可以分辨出哪些人是聪明人,哪些人是傻子) [皇帝听了喜出望外,他就给了两个很多钱,然后命令他们马上织出这种布。] [两个七二连三的求皇帝给他们一些最好的金丝和金子,说是织布时要用,皇帝当然同意,可是,他们不仅没有放在织布机上,反而装进了腰包里,就连一根线,也没有放在织布机上。] [不久,这件事传开了,准备看游行大典的人都在盼望着看到这件衣服,就能知道邻居愚蠢不愚蠢,称职不称职了。] 皇帝:我想知道布织的怎么样了,召老部长进宫. 侍女:是 [老部长来到织布房,老大臣(拿下眼镜,揉了揉眼睛,带上眼镜,瞪大双眼心)] 老部长:(自言自语)这是怎么一回事儿,我什么东西也没看见 甲:老部长,您走进些,可以看得更仔细. 乙(指着空空的织布机):您看上面的布花纹是不是很美丽,色彩是不是很漂亮. 老部长:(自言自语)天哪!我怎么什么都没有看见?难道我是愚蠢的人吗?难道我是不称职的人吗?这真是滑稽。不行,我绝对不能让其他人知道。 1:您觉得这布怎么样? [老部长越想越害怕,不过,他还是没有把感想说出来。] 2:难道您一点意见都没有吗? 老部长:(拿出眼镜仔细看)啊,太美了,这是我从来没有看到的最美丽的布! 甲乙一起说:嗯,我们听到您的话真高兴,您看,这图案,衬着这花纹,尤如天上的彩云,正适合陛下高贵的身份.线与线之间的细处恰到好处,贴着身体,薄如羽翼!只有像老大臣这样又聪明又忠诚的人才能看到这块布! 老大臣一边点头一边露出满意的表情(老大臣撤,甲乙继续坐在纺织机旁忙碌) 老部长一字不漏的记了下来,以免待会儿回到皇帝那里,描述不出来。] [另外,两个又要求老部长给他们一些金丝和金子。] [不久,皇帝又派了另一名诚实的官员,但是,这位官员的运气并不比刚才那位老部长的运气好。他看了又看,怎么也看不见布料。] 官员:(默读)我的妈呀!我怎么什么都看不见?我绝对不能让皇帝知道,也绝对不能让其他人知道。 2:您觉得这布怎么样? 官员:啊!这布美极了,我特别喜欢这布。 1和2:(异口同声)谢谢您的夸奖。 [官员回到皇帝那里描述了花纹的色彩,还用了好多好词。] [最后,皇帝决定亲自带着大臣们去看看,其中也包括刚刚去过的老部长和官员。] [皇帝一来到织布房,就惊呆了!] 皇帝:(直冒冷汗)啊!我什么也没有看见呀!这真是荒唐!不成,我绝对不能让我的大臣们知道。 1:您觉得这种布料好吗? 皇帝:(举起大拇指)啊!这种布太美了,我表示100分得满意! [两个发了一阵暗笑。] 大臣:陛下,您就穿这件衣服去参加游行大典吧! [皇帝奖励了他们俩每个人一枚爵士的勋章。] [在游行大典的前夜,两个整夜没睡,他们用剪刀在空中瞎剪了一阵子,又用没有穿县的针在空中乱缝了一阵子。] 1和2:新衣服做好了! [第二天,皇帝去更衣室换衣服。] 1:请皇帝把衣服脱下来。 2:另外,这件衣服还有一个特点,就是,他柔软的像蜘蛛网一样,穿着他的人觉得他没有穿衣服,其实他穿了。 [皇帝听完他们的话,立刻把衣服脱了下来,脱的光光的,就连一件底裤,也没有穿上!只戴着皇冠!] [皇帝换好衣服,就走到了大街上,这时,大街上早已人如海了!] 看游行大典的人:啊!皇帝穿的衣服真美! [他们说这句话是因为不让别人知道他看不见衣服。] 小孩:瞧,皇帝没有穿衣服就上大街,真是羞死人了! 小孩的爸爸:上帝,你听见这个天真声音了吗? 看游行大典的人:皇帝并没有穿衣服,一个小孩说他没有穿衣服。 [人们把话题慢慢的传开了。] [皇帝有些发抖,因为他觉得老百姓们说的话是对的,可是,他还是摆出一副更神气样子。] 皇帝:(声音压的很低)哼!反正你们都是愚蠢的人,只有我最聪明! 英文译文 "The Emperor's New Clothes," a text play script Role: Emperor, a liar, liar 2, old ministers, officials, children, child his father, watching the procession ceremony people. [Curtain opened, there were a magnificent palace, in the palace inside, there is an emperor, he was very fond of wearing new clothes, everyone said that he is "changing room", almost every day, night, every hour must be changed a piece of clothing! ] [He put all the money spent on clothes, the others took him to the park, he can not go, someone else took him to the water and soil, he does not go, even ride the train, subway, he does not go. ] [One day, the emperor decided to hold a ceremony in a procession. At this point, two swindlers came to tell the Minister They are weaving experts. ] [Secretary of State ran back to the palace to tell the emperor. ] Minister: (panting) has two ... ... ... ... who said he personally is a weave ... ... experts weaving. Emperor: ah, it That's great! Fast so that they come in! [Secretary of State received a royal palace where the two swindlers come to the Emperor with them. ] Emperor: I heard that you two are weaving experts, then you can weave any kind of cloth do? Liar 1: (divine) We two can weave cloth is not only very beautiful colors. In addition, there is a special function, that is, smart or competent people will look at the see the cloth, stupid or incompetent person can not see the cloth! Cheater 2: (nods again and again) Yes! Yes! We really were able to weave this fabric! (Emperor cheeky happy expression, and thought I would wear such clothes, you can see who is the kingdom of my incompetence, I can tell what people are smart people, who are fool) [Emperor listened overjoyed, he gave the two swindlers a lot of money, and then ordered them immediately to weave this fabric. ] [2 cheater 72 with three of the demand of the emperor to give them some of the best gold and gold, saying that when you use weaving the emperor certainly agree, but they are not only not on the weaving machine, but put into the pockets years, even a line, nor on the weaving machine. ] [Shortly after this incident spread, and ready to see the procession ceremony, people are looking forward to seeing the clothes, we can know the neighbors are not stupid stupid, incompetent incompetent in. ] King: I would like to know how kind of woven cloth, and call the old minister of the palace. Maid: Yes [Old minister came to weaving room, the old Minister (took off her glasses, rubbed his eyes, wear glasses, Dengda eyes heart)] Old Minister: (to himself) This is about how children, I did things are not seen Liar A: Old Minister, you enter some, you can see more detail. Liar B (pointing to the empty loom): cloth pattern you see above is not very beautiful, the color is not very pretty. Old Minister: (to himself) God! I do not see how anything else? Do I have stupid people? Do I have incompetent people? This is really funny. No, I absolutely can not let other people know. Liar 1: Do you think this is how kind of fabric? [Old minister grew more and more afraid, but he still did not say it feelings. ] Cheater 2: Do you have a few comments not? Old Minister: (take a close look at glasses) ah, too beautiful, it is I have never seen the most beautiful cloth! Liar and B to say: ah, we are really glad to hear your words, you see, this pattern, whole placed on this pattern, just like heaven Choi, and this is His Majesty the noble status. Line and thin at just right between the lines and paste the body, thin wings! just like the old Ministers so intelligent and loyal people who can see another piece of cloth! Exposed side of the old minister he nodded with satisfaction that the expression (old minister to withdraw, liar and B continue to sit next to a busy textile machines) The old minister of the recorded word for word down, so that later the return to the emperor, where the description does not come out. ] [In addition, the two swindlers also requested the Minister to give them some of the old gold and gold. ] [Soon, the emperor had also sent another honest officials, however, luck is not higher than the official one moment that the old Minister of luck. He repeatedly pored over, how can not see fabric. ] Officials: (silent reading) My! How do I see anything? I absolutely can not let the emperor know that absolutely can not let other people know. Cheater 2: how do you think this kind of fabric? Officials: ah! This fabric looks extremely beautiful, I particularly like the cloth. Liar and a liar 2: (in unison) Thank you for the compliment. [Back to the emperor, where officials described the patterns of color, but also with a lot of good word. ] [Finally, the emperor has decided to take ministers to see, including recently visited the old ministers and officials. ] [The emperor came to a weaving room, it was shocked! ] Emperor: (straight cold sweats) ah! I did not see! This is ridiculous! Fail, I absolutely can not let my ministers to know. Liar 1: Do you think this fabric please? Emperor: (lifting the thumb) ah! This fabric is so beautiful, I said 100 share of satisfaction! [2 swindlers made a while snicker. ] Minister: Your Majesty, you will wear this dress to attend the ceremony procession bar! [Emperor rewarded the two of them each a medal, Sir. ] [Ceremony on the eve of the march, two swindlers all night, they used the scissors cut blind for a while in the air, and another did not wear the county chaotic sewing needle in the air for a while. ] Liar and a liar 2: new clothes is well! [The next day, the emperor to the locker room changing clothes. ] Liar 1: Please take off their clothes to the emperor. Cheater 2: In addition, there is a feature of this dress, that is, he was soft, like a spider's web, like, wearing his people that he did not wear clothes, in fact, he was wearing. [The emperor heard their words, once their clothes off down off the bare, even an underpants, no wear! Just wear the crown! ] [Emperor Huanhaoyifu, they reached the street, this time, the street person who had the sea! ] To see the procession ceremony for a person: ah! The emperor wearing clothes really beautiful! [They say this is because the clothes and let others know that he can not see. ] Children: Look, the emperor did not wear clothes on the street is really Xiusi people in! Child's father: God, do you hear the voice of this naive it? Celebration of people watching the procession: the emperor is not wearing clothes, one child said he did not wear clothes. [It slowly spread to the topic of conversation. ] [Emperor Some tremble, because he felt that people were saying is right, but he still put on a more spirited look. ] Emperor: (sound pressure is very low) hum! Anyway, you are stupid people, I am the only the most intelligent!