With the rapid development of the society, family life is becoming modernized. Years ago, people considered owing radios, sewing machines, watches and bicycles as being modernized. But in recent years, almost all families have TV sets, refrigerators and washing machines. It is very common to see people ride motorcycles or even drive private cars and more and more families have telephones, computers and air-conditioners.随着社会的快速发展,家庭生活日益现代化。几年前,人们认为拥有收音机,缝纫机,手表和自行车就是现代化。但是近些年来,几乎所有的家庭都拥有电视机,电冰箱和洗衣机,人们骑摩托车甚至驾驶私家车都很常见,越来越多的家庭拥有电话,电脑和空调。The modernization of family life brings us convenience and comfort. One may enjoy TV or radio programs, communicate with his friends through telephone or work with his computer while his washing machine, refrigerator and air-conditioners are running. And by car or motorcycle one can quickly reach wherever he wants to go.家庭生活的现代化给我们带来了方便和舒适感。人们可以在洗衣机,冰箱和空调都在运行的同时,看电视和电台节目,通过电话和朋友聊天,应用电脑进行工作。人们可以乘坐汽车或摩托车很快到达他们想要去的地方。In spite of this, these modern facilities also bring us disadvantages. For example, radiation from TV sets and computers is harmful to our health; improper driving of cars and motorcycles becomes the major cause of traffic accidents. The quietness of a family is often disturbed by a falsedialing or unwelcome phone call. But it is believed that these disadvantages will be disposed of with the improvement of modernization and our life will be more healthy and more comfortable.尽管如此,这些现代化的设施也给我们带来了诸多不便。例如,来自电视和电脑的辐射对我们的健康是有害的;汽车和摩托车的驾驶不当成为交通意外的主要原因。误打和不被欢迎的电话经常会打扰平静的家庭生活。但是应该相信随着社会现代化的推进这些缺点会逐渐减少,我们的生活也会变的越来越健康和舒适。有帮助请记得好评,新问题请重新发帖提问,谢谢
I have a happy family, there are three people in my family, my father, my mother and I. I go to school from Monday to Friday, on the weekends, I will go out with my parents, they always take me to different restaurants, we will taste different food. At night, my mother will tell me a story, then I can have a good dream, I love my family life.
my familyI am a Chinese society today many ordinary families a, a harmonious and warm full of happiness and a family of four: father, mother, I am.Home, what a familiar word, in my opinion, home is only a house, a family destination place. But "family" is different, "family" it is with their loved ones who formed a collective.Dad worked in the education for many years. Has made from a secondary school teacher before the headmaster; is still a high school for leadership. In my memory, my father is very busy every day. Father introverted, honest, work swayed by personal considerations. His sternest, often makes me feel fear. Apart from work, he has the greatest interest and hobbies are reading and stamp collecting. Every time I'm back, his bag there will always be more on a few new books (literature, history, philosophy area); father's interest in stamp collecting as inherent, as early as elementary school when he began to collect stamps now counting almost 10 000. These stamps are hidden in different categories of his stamp albums. ?Mom and Dad, just as an educator - years of primary school teachers in basic education. At school, she loved their jobs, strong sense of responsibility; at home, she was a loving mother, life will not take care of us without micro; the road of life often lead us to read some good books healthy and help us correct attitude to life. Mother's personality and lively, cheerful, and very fond of singing. I do not know is the cradle of teachers - Normal cast her in character, or of such a character that she chose the profession of primary school teachers. ?Now, Though both parents into the ranks of middle-aged, but in the good situation of reform and opening up, but the spirit of their more inspired, energetic and more full. ?My brother is a central figure in the family, one father and mother's favorite; one is their pride and joy. We are concerned about the times they have to, but spare us the shortcomings and flaws. The gift of a good brother, is reading in retaliation, he likes math, but love football, they inevitably affect the learning and therefore, my father always taught him to motherhood. ?I have very different interests and younger brother. Dad read many books, so I have a keen interest in literature, music quality of the mother, but also made me particularly sensitive to music, based on personality and family environment for many years, when I sit for three days of hesitation when they graduate a normal school.
关于 一年级的小学英语课件大家了解过多少呢?可能很多人都不是很清楚,下面就是我分享的一年级的小学英语课件范文 ,一起来看一下吧。
本节课是广州市教材小学英语(Success With English) Unit 4 I Like Green的第一课时,主要的颜色词汇有:red, yellow, orange, blue, green, purple. 在学生课标学习的基础上,教师利用网络的优势,为学生提供了3个小对话,指导学生进行自主学习。本节课融合了Story time部分重点句型 ”I like…”,并根据学生言语交际的需要,拓展了句型 ”What color do you like? “ 此外,教师还指导学生拓展学习了2个与本课学习主题相关的中文版改编的英文小故事(Little Bird and Seven Clouds & The story of the Rainbow),既融合新旧知,又丰富学生的语言积累,同时将情感教育渗透于英语教学中。
2.以旧句型 ”I have a… It is…” 操练新词汇,以旧促新,使到学生可以说”I have a bag/... It is red/…”,对单词的掌握达到更深层次。
3.熟练掌握句型”I like…”,初步掌握句型” What color do you like? “。初步达到集体演唱课本的小诗chant。
4.学生能够在师生对话的示范及key points的帮助下,联系自己的实际,运用所学词句和旧知 ” Hello,… I have …。 It is … What about you?” 进行同位俩俩说,提高学生的语言交际能力;
1.本单元是第一册的第4单元,前面已学习过了3单元,学生已能做到用英语进行简单的日常打招呼;e.g Hello/Hi! How are you? I’m fine. And you? 学会了能够运用句型:What’s this? How many…? I have a … It’s new/old. What about you? 进行俩俩对话。
3.学生已经掌握了俩俩交际的方法,教师说“Work in pairs”时学生就能知道如何开展俩俩交际活动。
4.部分学生学前学过英语,认识部分颜色的单词,如yellow, orange, red等。
2.游戏激趣策略:将游戏和语言运用结合起来,以旧句型 ”I have a … It is …” 操练新知,以旧促新,体现语言学习的循环性和联系性;
3.情景交际策略:通过情景的创设,在师生对话的示范和key points 的引导和帮助下,开展同位俩俩交际的活动;
4.整合策略:充分发挥多媒体网络的优势,为学生提供拓展听读的机会,通过拓展听读dialogue& story,丰富学生的语言积累,培养学生自主学习的能力。为了尊重学生的个性差异,选择了不同难度的2个故事,而且这些故事都是学生已经知道中文意思的故事,以降低学生理解的难度,增强学习的信心。
1.供学生自主听读的资源:3 short dialogues; 2 stories(Little Bird and Seven Clouds & the Story of Rainbow)
2.供学生交际的资源:Picture of the rainbow, 2 PPT& Key points (Let’s chat); 2 PPT for the stories.
第一环节: 课前热身、复习旧知
教师引导语: Hello, boys and girls. How are you?... Do you remember the chant “one, two…” Now let’s chant for our teachers, OK! …
2.看图会话 (见下图)
教师引导语: OK, boys and girls, we have learnt about school things and numbers in the previous lessons. Now let’s look at the picture. Who can make a dialogue with Miss Yu?
(1) 教师分别和2名学生进行对话内容的示范;
(2) 同位俩俩看图对话;
(3) 学生汇报表演。
第二环节: 故事导入,新知学习
教师引导语: Boys and girls, today the Rainbow family will come to our class. Do you want to know the Rainbow family? Now let’s say “Hello” to them. (彩虹家庭图如下)
教师利用学生资源促教,充分发挥小老师的作用,用 “Hello, red./ Hi, green, how are you? ”等句型呈现颜色单词。小老师说上述句型,其他小朋友跟着打招呼。
在颜色呈现的基础上,教师帮助学生对个别发音较难的词进行正音,如orange, green, purple等。
故事激趣,通过rainbow family的故事引入本课话题的学习,教师通过贴彩虹的活动,充分发挥学生做小老师的作用,让会的学生跟彩虹的家庭成员打招呼,通过这种形式呈现单词既能调动学生的积极主动性,让学生体验到成就感,又将新旧知识联系一起,以旧带新,使学生在一种真实的语境中学习新知。
教师利用学生所学句型: I have a … It is …,一人说颜色,另一人举起该颜色的物品并描述句子,将新词汇融入旧句型中进行运用。如
A: Red.
B: I have a bag. It is red.
为了照顾全体学生,让他们进一步熟练颜色,教师将Rainbow family 打招呼的活动以同位俩俩说的形式去开展,同时也能力好的学生能带动能力弱的学生,互帮互学;接着通过game,即听颜色,描述出相同颜色的任何事物的游戏,将新词汇融入旧句型中训练,使到学生在运用单词的过程中进一步巩固单词。
教师指导学生自主听读3个小对话( What color do you like?/ What’s your favourite color?/ Art Class),在听读之前,教师先通过示范说和请1-2名学生回答,提前渗透了句型”I like purple. What color do you like?”,之后再抛出问题,让学生带着问题有目的地去听读。
教师指导语: Boys and girls, I like the Rainbow family. Do you like the Rainbow family? … Yes, they are beautiful. They have red, orange, yellow, blue and green colors. En…I like purple. What about you? What color do you like?… (请1-2名较好的学生回答)
Good! What about they? Jiamin, …(用下图PPT将对话出现的人物呈现出来)
What color do they like? Let’s listen to their dialogues.
D1: D2: D3:
教师由rainbow family自然过渡到新句型的学习,在指导学生自主听读对话之前,教师先通过问题提问提前渗透句型,同时也让学生明确他们听读的目的,提高听读的有效性。
3.反馈: 分两步进行反馈检查。
第2步:教师提供对话内容示范和相关的key points, 学生进行同位俩俩说,之后进行汇报表演(如下右图)。
在学生自主听读完对话之后,教师首先对学生的听读情况进行简单的反馈,让学生汇报对话人物喜欢的颜色;接着教师引导学生联系旧知,通过师生的示范和在PPT提供的key points的帮助下,学生同位进行俩俩说,培养学生的语言运用能力和交际能力。
在课的中间环节插入chant,目的是调节学生的学习情绪,使他们保持学习的兴趣,同时也通过听唱chant,学生对句型” I like…”更加上口、熟练。
第五环节: 拓展学习故事
教师指导学生拓展听读2个中文版改编的英文版故事 ( Little bird and Seven Clouds & the Story of Rainbow)。 其中这两个故事教师已在课前让学生阅读的中文版的内容,学生对故事的情节有了一定的了解。
教师指导语: Boys and girls, have you read these two Chinese stories?(小
鸟和七彩云,彩云的故事) … Do you like the stories? Do you want to read the stories in English? Today Miss Yu will give you these two English stories. I hope you can listen and try to tell the stories. OK? While you listen, please speak loudly. (故事图见下,文本附加最后)
Little Bird and Seven Clouds The Story of the Rainbow
Story 1: 看图回答问题 Story2: 看图排序
《I like green》是一节一年级英语跨越式的现场展示课例。本课例在“以语言运用为中心”和Blended learning(混合式学习)教学思想的指导下,为学生创设了比较真实的言语交际情境,提供了大量感知语言、实践语言的机会,使学生不断丰富语言,提高言语交际的能力,增强学习英语的信心。
本案例巧妙地运用了“整合”策略,充分体现了Blended learning(混合式学习)的优势
此外,在复习、新授、巩固等环节中,我注意旧知、新知、扩展内容的有机结合,实现语言的累积性发展。如在复习环节,教师通过看图说话,综合了前3个单元的词、句;在新授环节,学生通过向彩虹家庭打招呼的方式,既巩固了Unit 1打招呼的内容,也呈现了新知;在新单词巩固环节,让学生在游戏中说“I have …。 It’s new/old. It’s red./… ”就是第2单元重点句型和本课词句的有机结合;在句型运用环节,学生俩俩编对话的Key points(见上面的环节图片)就是Unit1、Unit2的词句和本课教学句型的综合运用。这种综合运用对于一周只有1节课而言的一年级英语教学来说尤为重要,从短短两个多月的试验可以看出,不仅学生学习的回生率相对于其他班低,更重要的是学生的语言越用越丰富。
在教学过程中,我注意引导学生“用中学、学中用”,使学生在言语交际的环境中学习新知,在运用语言的过程中巩固新知。新授、巩固、运用、扩展以及新旧知的综合都是在一定的语言交际情境中、根据言语交际的需要来融合新旧知,而不是停留在机械训练或者将新旧词句机械累加的层次上,这样不仅可以促进学生进一步掌握新知,使之在语言运用的过程中加深对词句的理解和运用能力,而且还可以有效地促进旧知的迁移运用,学生可以掌握旧知应用的语言环境,提高语言的灵活运用能力。如单词教学环节,我先是鼓励学生运用所学句型“Hello,…” 、“Hi …。 How are you? ”,创设富于趣味的打招呼情境呈现新知和融合新旧知;在呈现“I like …。”时,我又根据学生言语交际的需要扩展句型“What colour do you like?”,使之构成一个能用于真实交际语境的完整话语,为了交际而扩展,扩展是为了学生运用语言。
语言是在运用的过程中习得的,学习语言也是为了运用。在该案例中,我创设了真实的交际语境,并通过俩俩对话的方式以保证每一个学生都有充分的时间和机会进行言语交际。为了更好地帮助学生实现言语交际,我利用师生对话示范以及Key points帮助使学生从说什么、怎么说两个方面提供有效的指导。从课堂实施效果可以看出,尽管学生是才入学不多久的一年级学生,本案例的教学内容还是第一课时的内容,但绝大多数学生仍然能够做到教师所确定的教学目标,学生能够较好地利用文具,将新单词、新句型和旧知识结合起来自编成一段有情节的小对话。
首先 制作ppt有专用软件 microsoft office组件里的powerpoint或者wps中的wps演示。然后做ppt 无非就是演示文字图片视频音频,文字的输入:插入-文本框(横向竖向)。图片的插入:插入-图片-来自文件;背景图片:右键-背景-下拉箭头里面的其他-图片;音乐视频的插入:插入-声音和影片-来自文件的声音/影片;再就是动画:选中一个元素(文字、图片……),右键-自定义动画--(进入 飞出 ……);最后 做好ppt 最主要是多做 可以从网上下载一些好的模板学习 看人家的动画怎么做的 路径以及自定义动画什么的 当然 最方便的是 把别人的ppt种好的部分复制下来粘贴到你的ppt里面 然后加以修改推荐你一个网站 站长之家素材网站 里面好多精美的ppt模板免费下载 可以下载下来学习如果还有什么不懂 可以百度hi我希望我的回答能帮到你
房子 house房子 door门doorbell门铃doorstep台阶drain下水道drain-pipe排水管letter-box信箱 room屋子 window窗window-ledge窗台window-pane窗玻璃wall墙壁roof屋顶porch门廊 fence栏杆 path小路garden-gate花园门garage车库 border花坛sprinkler洒水器lawn草坪 skylight天窗clothes-line晾绳brick砖kitchen厨房bathroom洗手间bed床hose软塑管knob门扭 chair椅子sofa沙发armchair扶手椅table桌子carpet地毯stairs楼梯knob旋钮拉手hook钩子 study书房bedroom卧室drawing-room客厅bench长凳ceiling天花板key钥匙key-ring钥匙圈lock锁 dustpan簸箕broom扫帚mop拖布spade锨铲swatter苍蝇拍 厨房 kitchen implements炊具cupboard橱柜 餐具 table knife餐具刀fork叉子dish碟子plate盘子chopsticks筷子bowl碗spoon汤匙soup spoon汤勺 盆罐 a fruit bowl果盘basin盆子bottle瓶子jar罐bucket提桶sink池子 壶kettle flowerpot花盆tea pot茶壶coffee pot咖啡壶jam jar果酱瓶thermos热水瓶cup茶杯glass玻璃杯 锅具 roasting pan烤盘wok炒菜锅lid盖子frying-pan煎锅pressure-cooker高压锅casserole沙锅 pan锅saucepan长柄锅electrical pan 电饭锅 running water自来水fire火tongs夹子gas煤气 scoop半圆铲scissors剪刀carving knife切肉刀pocket-knife(penknife)小折刀potato peeler马铃薯削皮器 spatula锅铲ladle长把勺fish-slice煎鱼铲whisk打蛋器rolling-pin擀面棍 pestle杵mortar臼funnel漏斗colander漏勺 酒水 beer啤酒wine白酒grape葡萄酒juice果汁water水soda water苏打水tea茶coffee咖啡milk牛奶 调料 garlic蒜ginger姜onion洋葱leek大葱pepper辣椒a clove of garlic一瓣蒜fennel茴香poppy罂粟 oil油salt盐suger糖vinegar醋soy sauce酱油sauce调味汁salad沙拉ketchup=catsup番茄酱butter奶油 sweet-and-sour糖醋汁house-keeper家庭主妇basket篮筐rubbish垃圾 food食物 rice米饭flour面noodles面条bun馒头bread圆长面包sliced loaf切片的面包doughnut面包圈 corn玉米soybean黄豆dumplings水饺bread and 'butter奶油面包,生活porridge粥soup汤 Fried bread stick油条Soybean milk豆浆Fried rice with egg蛋炒饭cereal麦片粥 Sliced noodles刀削面Spicy hot noodles麻辣面Sesame paste noodles麻酱面Rice noodles米粉 cake蛋糕 fruit cake干果蛋糕nutty cake果仁蛋糕nutty chocolate果仁巧克力biscuit饼干 fruit水果 water-mellon西瓜apple苹果pear梨banana香蕉orange橘子peach桃子plum李子grape葡萄jam果酱 straw-berry草莓cherry樱桃pine-apple菠萝coconut椰子peel果皮jelly果冻peelings削剥下的果菜皮 蔬菜 vegetable蔬菜cabbage卷心菜cauliflower菜花lotus藕pea豆角bean sprouts豆芽Chinese-vegetable白菜 mushroom蘑菇marrow西葫芦骨髓tomato番茄potato马铃薯spud土豆cucumber黄瓜lettuce莴苣bean扁豆 nut坚果 peanut花生chest-nut栗子brazil-nut巴西果walnut核桃hazel-nut榛子cashew nut腰果kernel果仁 egg蛋 omelette煎蛋egg鸡蛋eggshell蛋壳yolk蛋黄albumen蛋清Salted duck egg咸鸭蛋100-year egg皮蛋 nutrition营养starch淀粉protein蛋白质 meat肉 pork猪肉beef牛肉mutton羊肉bone骨skewer肉串扦barbecue烧烤kebabs烤肉串fat肥肉lean精瘦肉 pork chop猪排mutton chop羊排steak牛排 洗手间 toilet坐便器toilet paper卫生纸 paper basket废纸筐 piss尿 shit屎 fart屁roller-paper卷纸 toothbrush牙刷toothpaste牙膏toothpick牙签john,can,loo,bathroom,rest room,closet厕所 sauna桑拿shampoo香波bath-tub浴缸towel毛巾soap香皂comb梳子brush刷子mirrow镜子 nail clippers指甲钳johnny,rubber避孕套
housework家务活wash disheswash floorclean windows....
各式各样的房子 cottage 农舍; straw-roofed house 茅屋; apartment 公寓; skyscraper 摩天大楼; attic 阁楼; basement 地下室; mansion 大厦; public housing 经济适用房,居民楼; cabin 小木屋; duplex 双层公寓(两家合住,但各自分开);ranch house 带有车库的长形平房; town house 市区内二层楼或三层楼,多栋联建的住宅; mobile home (农、牧场主人住的)可移动房屋 房屋的结构(我的家) 首先是一扇 gate大门。进入大门,首先映入眼帘的就是有着整整齐齐lawn草坪的front dddd前院 了。前院的右边是garden 花园,再往旁边一点是个小pond 池塘。池塘旁边有一个pavilion凉亭。紧挨着房子是一个garage 车库。径直走到 front door 正门 按doorbell 门铃,我就会给你开门啦。 进到屋里倒是没有什么可供观赏的家具。Living room 客厅 里摆放着sofa 沙发 和用marble 大理石 制成的coffee table 茶几,在墙角有一个用来烘托气氛的fireplace壁炉。雨后的黄昏,一个人坐在壁炉前的armchair摇椅上,看着fishblowl鱼缸里的小鱼,心里别提有多惬意了。 穿过客厅,就可以看到摆放着长长的dining room table 餐桌 的dining room餐厅 了。 Kitchen 厨房里有refrigerator冰箱、microwave oven 微波炉 等household appliances家用电器。打开closet 壁橱,可以看到各种各样的utensils 炊具。 1楼有4间bedroom卧室。要到2楼参观,首先得顺着steep很陡的 corkscrew staircase 螺旋梯爬上去。上去后看到的第一间就是我那摆满bookshelf 书架的study书房。书房四周的墙壁上都贴满了粉红色的wallpaper壁纸。 在所有的 furniture家具当中,最显眼的就是墙上的built-in wardrobe 嵌入式衣柜了。房间的天花板上吊着长条状的fluorescent lamp荧光灯,放在桌子上的desk lamp台灯则是小小的glowing bulb白炽灯。屋里还有小型的air cleaner 空气清新器和humidifier加湿器。我的书桌上还放着一台desktop computer台式电脑 以及一个printer 打印机。Laptop computer笔记本电脑放在旁边的扶手椅上。
For Adam,the heaven is his for the person who is Adam's
descendant,the home is their heaven.(Voltaire)
any bad bird doesn't dirty the nest of itself
the family harmony is the most happiest thing,no matter he is King or farmer.(Goethe)
the happy family are all similar,unfortunate family have misfortunes of each's.(tolstoy)
幸福家庭是培育孩子成人的温床,家庭生活的乐趣是抵抗坏风气毒害的最好良剂。(卢梭 )
the happy family is the warm bed which brings up the children,the fun of family life is the best medicine that resists bad common practice poisons.(Rousseau)
我宁愿用一小杯真善美来组织一个美满的家庭,不愿用几大船家具组织一个索然无味的家庭。(海涅 )
I prefer to organise a fine family with a small cup honesty,kindness,beauty,instead of organising a boring family with several big boat furniture.(Heine)
1. There is a skeleton1 in every house.
2. The family is one of nature's masterpieces.
3. Be it ever so humble2, there is no place like home.
4. Home is the place where, when you have to go there, it has to take you in.
5. We never know the love of the parents until we become parents ourselves.
6. All happy families are like one another; each unhappy family is unhappy in its own way.
7. If you want your children to keep their feet on the ground, put some responsibility on their shoulders.
Endures for a while uneventfully, draws back a step of boundlessness忍一时风平浪静 退一步海阔天空
幸福的家庭都是相似的;不幸的家庭各有各自的不幸。the happy family are all similar,unfortunate family have misfortunes of each's.
With the advance of science television has played a vital part in the day-to- day life of the people in developed or developing countries and its influence is simply astounding when I was young my family did not own a television set; so whenever we were free my younger sister and I would slip to a neighbor's where to watch their TV awhile Al though TV programs in those days were generally inferior we still had a good time for as young and indiscriminate children we were interested only in novelty and excitement Not until my family had bought a television set did I quit the habit of fooling around with my younger sister then this wonder of scientific wonders did do us a great service we now had more chances to chat with each other in front of the box I hope our television companies will keep on upgrading their programs so that the viewers can be benefited both morally and intellectually I t is our conviction hat television in addition its entertaining aspect should be educational as well.
随着科学的进步,电视中发挥了重要组成部分 每天到人们的日常生活是发达国家还是发展中国家,其影响力让人吃惊,当我年轻时 我的家庭没有自己的电视机,所以每当我们是免费的我和妹妹,我滑到邻居家在哪里 看着自己的电视一会儿基地在那些日子里,虽然电视节目普遍不如我们仍然有一个为年轻的好时机 我们只有在新鲜和兴奋不感兴趣,直到我的家人买了一台电视机没有滥用儿童 我放弃了在外面混了我妹妹那么这个科学奇迹,我们不知道他做一个伟大的服务,我们的习惯 现在有更多机会互相聊天了在中,我希望我们的电视公司将不断提高方面的其他的 的节目,使观众能够受惠在道义上和理智上,我t是我们的信念,帽子电视 此外它的娱乐性方面应该是教育也。
Many people think that TV can't teach you anything and most TV programs are just silly. True, there are a lot of shows that are anything but good. But if you watch, you will find that TV is still a powerful educational tool. With the emergence of the public TV in our country we now have more helpings of food for the mind. Take the travelogue "the world we live in" it provides us not only with vicarious travel experience but also with the histories and cultures of various nations. Spec live, what they wear and how they talk even though I can’t afford to travel to those countries. My family often sit together to watch a program and discuss it afterward. Sometimes my parents ask us what we would do in a similar situation and this gives us the opportunity to rethink. We should not forget that TV can be an excellent teacher. In this era of mass media we believe that TV, if guided into the right channel, can really fire our imagination and contribute to family cohesion.
很多人认为,电视不能教你什么 和大多数的电视节目都是愚蠢的。诚然,有很多的节目是什么,但大有好处。但是如果你看,你会 发现,电视仍然是一个有力的教育工具。随着我国公共电视,我们现在有更多的出现 粮食你们帮助的想法。采取游记“的.世界里,我们在”它不仅使我们的生活替代旅行 经验,但也与历史和各民族的文化。规格生活,他们穿什么和如何讲,即使 虽然我不能前往这些国家。我的家人经常坐在一起观看了节目,并讨论 之后。有时,我的父母问我们,我们会做类似的情况,这使我们有机会重新思考。 我们不应该忘记,电视可以是一个优秀的教师。在这个大众传播媒介,我们认为时代,电视,如果引入了 右声道,才能真正火我们的想象力和促进家庭的凝聚力。
Whatever people may say to the contrary, I have on use for TV. I know there are many people who go along with me, even though they seem to be willing to fall under the spell of the box every time they turn it on. What a waste of time! Let me count the ways TV plays havoc among the members of my family who are all bitten by the TV bug. First, we keep our eyes on the TV screen, forgetting what are in the dishes at suppertime. Second, on occasion we quarrel like anything with one another over which program to watch. Third, as long term faithful TV viewers we all wear glasses—a sad phenomenon for which we alone are responsible. Fourth, sometimes, misdirected by what we see on TV, we lose our sense and go against our parents' wishes. These are the things I hold against TV, and there are many others;. In fine, TV does d9isturb the peace of my family and for the sake of my family I really wish my mother could throw away that damned thing wrongly dubbed "the greatest invention of the twentieth century."
无论人们会向 相反,我对电视的使用。我知道有很多人谁跟我一起去,虽然他们似乎愿意 属于法术的方块每次打开它。什么是浪费时间!让我来逐一电视剧浩劫中 谁是我的家人都是错误的电视咬伤的成员。首先,我们一直在电视屏幕上我们的眼睛,忘记了是什么 在吃晚饭的菜肴。第二,有时我们吵架彼此喜欢在哪个程序看什么。三, 作为长期忠实的电视观众,我们都戴眼镜,一个可悲的现象,我们完全负责。第四,有时, 对于我们在电视上看到有偏差,我们失去了意义,违背父母的意愿。这一切都是我认为对 电视,还有许多其他的;。在罚款,电视不d9isturb我的家庭和平和我的家人为了我真的希望 我的母亲可以扔掉那该死的东西误称为“二十世纪最伟大的发明。”
With the rapid progress made in mass media the television set has become one of the most important appliances in a home and there is every indication that TV is playing an increasingly important role in our daily life. TV can provide us with he quickest and most convincing information. We can stay at home and know what is happening around us or hundred miles away. Watching TV programs has become one of the major activities in many homes today. A wide range of TV programs can cater to different tastes. My folks always sit side by side after supper in the living room to watch evening news and, while listening to the newscaster, air their own views. In addition to news programs, my family are also aficionados of sports programs. When a sports program is due on the air, we would prepare some refreshments and drinks and when it really appeared on he screen we would watch it with rapt attention like a group of crazies. If a team representing our country scored or missed, father or brother would get excited and yell and sometimes the dog next door would bark after them. On such occasions I think commercials are not made to appear for nothing for, among other things, they do serve as a tranquilizer when TV watchers are beside themselves with excitement. At times a contest was not yet over while mother had already prepared her meal. Mother would wait till the end of the contest if we were not hungry, and then we would begin to dine. TV provides us with not only information but also entertainment and through TV we can also learn a lot about modern life. Incidentally, TV also plays a role in keeping a family together and that is another reason I like it.
随着 的迅速进展,电视机已成为家庭中最重要的设备之一,大众媒体在那里 种种迹象表明,电视是发挥我们的日常生活中越来越重要的作用。电视可以说我们提供最快 最有说服力的信息。我们可以留在家中,知道什么是我们周围发生的事情或几百英里以外。看电视 项目已成为许多家庭的主要活动之一。一个电视节目能广泛满足不同 口味。我父母总是并存后,在客厅看晚饭晚间新闻,虽然听着 新闻广播员,空气自己的看法。除了新闻节目,我的家庭也是体育节目爱好者。当 体育节目是在由于飞机在飞行,我们会准备一些点心和饮料,当他真的在屏幕上,我们似乎 会看的像一个疯子组凝神它。如果一支球队代表我国取得或遗漏,父亲或 弟弟兴奋和呼喊,有时隔壁的狗后,他们将树皮。在这些场合,我觉得 广告是没有什么出庭,除其他外,他们作为镇静剂的时候看电视 忍不住心情激动。在次比赛尚未结束,而母亲已准备饭餐。母亲 要等到比赛结束了,如果我们不挨饿,然后我们将开始吃饭。电视不仅提供了我们 信息,而且还通过电视娱乐和我们也可以学到很多关于现代生活。顺便说一句,电视也发挥了 角色保持家庭在一起,另一个原因就是我喜欢它。
This is a photo of my family. There are four people in it. They are my father, my mother, my sister and I. This is my father. He is thirty-six. He is a teacher. This is my mother. She is thirty-five. She is a doctor.?
The girl is my sister. She is a student. The boy is me. I'm a student, too.
My parents
I have a busy father and a kind mother.
My father is a businessman. He is 42 years old. He is short. He likes reading newspapers after meals. He watches TV in the evening. He goes to work by car. He has got a nice black car. He often plays golf with his friends on the weekend. He does not often eat dinner with us.
My mother is a housewife. She doesn’t work. She stays at home. She is beautiful. She has long hair. She does housework in the morning. She often goes shopping in the afternoon. She is kind, but she is strict to my study. She likes reading. She watches TV at night, too.
I love my parents. And they love me too.
My mother
My mother has no idea that her ninetieth birthday is coming up. She has no notion of the time of day, the day of the week. the season of the year, the year of the century. No notion of the approaching millennium. And no idea any longer, who I am. Her forgetting of me happened just a few months ago, after I had been traveling for more than a month and hadn't been to see her. When I came back, she asked me if I were her niece, l said no, I was her daughter. "Does that mean I had you?" she asked. 1 said yes. "Where was I when l had you?" she asked me. I told her she was in a hospital in Far Rockaway. New York. "So much has happened to me in my life." she said "You can't expect me to remember everything."
My mother was once a beautiful woman, but all her teeth are gone now. Toothless. No woman can be considered beautiful. Whenever I visit her in the nursing home, she is sitting at the table in the common dining room, her head in her hands, rocking. Medication has eased her anxiety, but nothing moves her from her stupor except occasional moments of fear, too deep for medication. This is a room that has no windows, that lets in no light, in which an overlarge TV is constantly blaring, sending images that no one looks at where the floors are beige tiles, the walls cream colored at the bottom, papered halfway up with a pattern of nearly invisible grayish leaves. Many of the residents sit staring, slack-jawed, open mouthed. I find it impossible to imagine what they might be looking at.
When I walk into the dining room on the day of my mother's birthday, I see that she has already been served lunch. The staff has forgotten to hold it back. Though I told them a week ago that I would be providing lunch. She hasn’t touched anything on her tray except a piece of carrot cake, which she holds in her hands. The icing is smeared on her hands and face. I don't want my friends to see her smeared with icing, so I wet a paper towel and wipe her. This fills me with a terrible tenderness, recalling, as it does. a gesture I have performed for my children. As I wipe my mother's face, I see that her skin is still beautiful I hold her chin in my hand and kiss her forehead. I tell her it's her birthday, that she's ninety years old. "How did that happen?" she asks. "I can't understand how that could happen."
l have brought her a bouquet of crimson, yellow, and salmon-pink snapdragons. She likes the flowers very much. She likes the name. "Snapdragons. It seems like an animal that's going to bite inc. But it's not an animal, it's a plant. That's a funny thing,"
I have bought food that I hope will please my mother, and that will be easy for her to eat: orzo salad with little pieces of crayfish cut into it, potato salad, small chunks of marinated tomatoes. I have bought paper plates with a rust-colored background, upon which are painted yellow and gold flowers and blue leaves.
My friends Nola and Gary come for my mother's birthday. When we are about to leave, I tell my mother that I'm going on vacation, mat I won't see her for three weeks, that 1 am going to the sea. "How will I stand that, how will I stand that's she says, but I know that a minute after I’m gone she'll forget I was there.
I‘m a girl,and I'm 'm a student in a middle 'm in Grade like are four people in my family,my parents,my little brother and parents love me very father is a doctor,and my mother is a love them for my brother,He is two years younger than me,and he is a student in a primary feel so happy.
Last Year my father lost her job. At that time my parents felt a bit sad.
I encouraged my father and said i was old enough and could do something to help.
In order to help my parents ,I took a part time job on weekends in the KFC near my home.
Luckily,it didn't take long time for my father to find a new job in a company.
With the money I earned through working bought a pair of new shoes for my father to celebrate
the good news. My parents were deeply moved.
I said. We are a happy family whether we are rich or poor.
I have a happy, happy family.
My father, the advantage. Dad ready to help others. Since we bought a printer back home. Relatives and friends need to print something, came to find my father. Gave the information to us, the friend went away. When he finished print, just call me to send it in the past. My mother said that here is bad there bad there.
Dad is very good at math, and sometimes I don't math problem you can ask him to help. He like the teacher, read the question first, yourself, the equations. After these ready, began to thin to speak up for me. The formula or the equations listed from that place, he said. Then let me repeat. It is difficult to imagine the math problem is a piece of cake in his hand. Every time he told me the topic, understand fast, high efficiency, less time consuming. This is a major bright spot.
My mother much more special, have financial and life, and nutrition. Want to buy something in the home, to her this. Mom's food is delicious, and safety, and nutrition. Every cook according to her diet. My father is the most like to eat bacon, every time want to toward to my mother. Mother said: "eat many bacon can harm the body, should eat less." So our bacon rarely eat, bacon this year and last year. It is hard to want to these.
My brother is the most naughty home, one of the most annoying people. He is the most headache, when you eat. You don't give he said a good word, he is not to eat. He is running around the house while eating, also can't catch him. After we finished eating, he is still in a bite to eat slowly. When he was playing in the room, don't know how many things he broke.
Look, this is our family. The typical character in our house is my brother.
Summer vacation, my mother took me to akzo. Look to my brother home, I saw the elder brother home beautiful fish tank, the rectangle big body, like a transparent crystal palace. There were so many fish tank! A large map, silver dragon, goldfish, cleaners and so on, from a distance, they are like one family in harmony, all day in the lush aquatic joyfully swimming, they constantly wags her tail, free, carefree, how beautiful!
It is my favorite goldfish. Goldfish on the head with a pair of intense big eyes, like two black gems, it has a O glyph of mouth, the mouth constantly spit bubbles, like a child to eat bubble gum, speak hesitatingly, very happy. Goldfish pianpian body, as if he had been squeezed, it have many scales, glittering; Goldfish tail like was just about to open the fan, swing continually, that is in the balance. I saw it like a carefree, really want to became a goldfish.
I also like cleaners, you see him often pursed mouth, looks very ugly, but it always gives it his quietly work hard, the dirt on the drain tank. Unlike other fish, just you happy, no matter others.
Once, brother, let me feed a fish, I can directly pour half a bottle of fish food into the fish tank, the fish will swim to try to overtake each other in fierce eat fish food, especially that a few small fish, because they are too greedy, result to support dead, I'm sorry, brother comfort I said: "it doesn't matter, this fish is you support dead, next time you have the experience of the fish."
Leave the elder brother home, I looked at it also reluctant to that group of lively and lovely goldfish. I like the happy family.
"In the great Anshan of Zhushan Town, there are only a few families. There is often a thin little boy dragging slender bamboo and his family in dense bamboo grove. The child put the bamboo back, grandpa with a blunt knife cut into one a piece of bamboo chopsticks, to the town to sell. Sometimes, the little boy and mother dragged the whole bundle of bamboos down to the hill. Every time after listening to my father telling the story, although it is difficult to understand dad hard childhood life, but from my fathers growth story in understanding that dad was such a spirit of industriousness and stamina training.
"A carefree little girl who plays with grandma in the field every day. Grandma grabs the Scarab and beetle in the Bush, and puts it in the little girls skirt pocket. The little girl is working with her grandmother in the field, and its so happy to have an insect company. Grandma and the little girl always tell a funny story, sunset, the little girl and her hands together to hum songs back to the courtyard of the house. After dinner, the little girl will play with a group of playmates in the courtyard of the quadrangle courtyard, sitting on the sturdy trunk, holding sparkling fireflies on both hands, playing with pleasure. Wow! This is my favorite moms life when I was a child. I used to have a smiling face every day, because she had always had an optimistic and cheerful mood because of a happy childhood.
When I know myself, I think Im really lucky, because I have a brother who loves me always with me. My brother is my idol. He is a sports master. He not only can swim very well, but also runs very fast. He writes good handwriting. The long and handsome brother is also very fond of reading, the speed of the endorsement is more speed, really let me be envious! When I was young, when my father and mother went to work, my brother and I were at my grandmothers house. My grandmother would take care of us. My brother would play bricks with me, and we would play electric, read and chat together. My brother would be my best playmate.
Mother said, long and round and fat I, with my mother when a little like, I like math, do not like the back of the society, this is the same as my mother when I was young. In mathematics, then difficult questions I want to challenge it, I saw a figure full of energy, but they want to doze off back society! Im learning to swim now, and Im still trying to learn butterfly. I also like singing very much. When I take a bath every day, I open my throat and sing loudly. At school, I am a member of the choir.
I am a happy little boy, growing up in a happy family, thanks mom and dad for my efforts to create a happy family; grandma love; thank you to accompany and take care of my brother, I love my family, I will try my best to be a good boy, I love to bring happiness family.
My family is one of the countless families in todays Chinese society, a harmonious family full of happiness and warmth: father, mother, brother and me.
Dad has been engaged in education for many years. He used to be a middle school teacher and a teacher. He is still a leader in a middle school. My father is busy every day in my memory. Dads introverted, honest, work not swayed by personal considerations. He often makes me feel fear serious in speech and manner. In addition to his work, his greatest interests and hobbies are reading and collecting stamps. Every time he came back from a business trip, he always had several new books (literature, history and Philosophy) in his traveling bag. His fathers stamp collecting interest seemed to be innate. When he was in primary school, he began collecting stamps, and now he has counted nearly 10000. These stamps are all classified in his stamp collection.
Mother and dad are also an educator - elementary school teachers who have been engaged in basic education for many years. In the school, she loves her job and has a strong sense of responsibility. At home, she is a loving mother who doesnt care for us in life. She often guides us to read some healthy and useful books and help us straighten our life attitude. Mothers character is lively, cheerful, and very fond of singing. I do not know the teachers blue - the normal school made her such a character, or this character made her finally choose the primary school teacher.
Now, although both father and mother have entered the ranks of middle age, but in the great situation of reform and opening up, their spirit is more exciting and more energetic.
My brother and I are key figures in the home, one is a pearl in the palm is a mom and Dad; their darlings. They are concerned about us, but never let go of our shortcomings and faults. My brother is very good talent, he started reading, love mathematics, more interested in football, sometimes also affect learning, father often taught him to good at giving systematic guidance.
My interest is quite different from my brother. My father made me be learned in books, literary interest, mothers music quality, and I am particularly sensitive to music, the influence of such personality and family environment based on many years, when I graduate when he decided to apply for the normal school.
One of my residential buildings in the south of the city is not noticed. But in my mind, it is so warm. He gives my family affection and gives me joy, because there is daddys care, his mothers love and his brothers innocence.
One of my family is an ordinary family, one of countless ordinary families.
"My family is lovely, tidy and healthy..." Often hear the people sing this song, although we cant talk about what a happy, but at least its interesting!
My dearest mother is pretty and intelligent good woman, she will go to work every day, my mother work, always talk about interesting work, we make the inexperienced baby all uproarious.
Although my father is not what dignitaries, nor what the general manager, chairman of the board, but not the rich second generations, he is just an ordinary office worker, but in my eyes, he is not only a great man, he is my most handsome dad, although he has a bad habit of smoking, but I will love him for a lifetime.
My brother like a teacher, repeating a series of mathematical law closely, make me confused, but he is also my game companion, because he will accompany me and my sister to play dodge ball, will play cards with us, but also magic to us, although it is a small trick, but my sister and I still see terrified, relish.
My sister is best to take care of the child, like a nanny. Every time when travel, small lovely girl always like us through self-assured or supercilious, but my sisters presence, she was just talking to us, so I often have children so envious of her sister edge.
I was a lively child, although lively, but I love reading Little Bookworm, a book where I was wandering figure, so I only read textbooks, extra-curricular knowledge is pretty good. I hope that in school have competitors to hone their own, so I found a strong enemy, she is not only good work, good popularity, but I am also not much, in the course of time, my this little band girl and he had become close friends, you is really wonderful ah!
Mom, Dad, brother, sister and I formed a full of happiness, fun, loving family, we want this happiness passed from generation to generation, to children, then they put the handed down from one generation of love continue to pass, let each generation full taste of happiness this is my family.
My Parents and IThere are three people in my family, my parents and I. We live happily together. Every morning, mother makes breakfast for us. Sometimes, it’s my father’s job. And then, father drives mother and me to school. My mother is an English teacher in my school. We have lunch and dinner at home. Sometime, my father eats outside, but he would call and tell us advanced. My family is a traditional Chinese family. Father is the backbone and mother takes care of our daily lives. I don’t have to worry about anything and all I have to do is working hard on my study. I have a happy family.