Hello,Welcome,thanks,Thanks agains,thanks a lot,Welcome next coming `````your money(一般都直接说~~~元)
Please place with us a deposit of twenty yuan.Two yuan per hourTwo point five per hourCan't I change my Chinese cigarette for yours?
hello do you have membership card?do you need a bag ? 99,8 in total100from youdo you have any chang?enter the codeplease sign it take it thank you see you next time
多少钱一小时:How much money it is for one hour?请预交20元押金:Please pay 20 yuan as deposit in advance.2元/2块5一小时:2 yuan /2 point 5 yuan per hour.换烟:Can I exchange my Chinese cigarettes for yours?
在酒店里所使用的英语会话,基本上是属于商业英语,与日常生活会话中所使用的英语略有不同,较注重礼节。正式英语通常会让人误解为极艰深的英语,其实,只要套用一定格式的句子和单词,就可以了。例如: 非正式英语 正式英语 What’s your name? May I have your name? 您贵姓? 请问您贵姓大名? Do you want some tea? Could you like some tea? 您要喝茶吗? 请问您想喝茶吗? Over here, please. Could you come this way please? 这边请。 请您往这边走好吗? * 不要说OK, Sure, Yeah等等,而要说Certainly, Sir. * Hey, uh-huh, Hang on 等等,也不适合在酒店中使用。 * 别说“I don’t know.”回答“不知道”是非常不礼貌的说法。 可以说“just a moment, please. I’ll check that for you.” (请稍候,我来帮您确认),然后请有能力处理的人前来协助。 * 对男性客人,尊称为Sir; 面对女性客人时尊称为Ms. 在招呼客人时,最好说“Excuse me, Sir(Ms)”, 不要直接称呼Mr.或Ms. 至于称呼小孩,可以直接使用Excuse me,但是不可以直接称呼boy或girl. * 正视对方的眼睛,以显示出你的信心和诚意。但必须注意,注视对方的眼睛,并不是无理地盯着对方看。 * 在面对语言不通的外籍人士时,一定要多加利用手势和肢体语言。但是使用手势时要特别小心,因为对于不同国家、民族而言,手势的意义也大不相同。 二.基本待客英语 (一)在正式的英语表现里,疑问基本句型可分为下列四种: 1. May I ~ 2. Could you ~ 3. Would you ~ 4.Shall I ~? 只要理解这四种基本的句型,就可以处理大部分业务上的状况。 1.自己要做什么事时,就使用May I ~ May I have your name, please? 请问尊姓大名 May I have your check-out time, please? 请问您什么时候结帐离开? May I see your passport, please? 请让我看一下您的护照好吗?
can i help you?what would you like?need any drink?(口语化)ok!hold a moment.等等,餐饮服务的表达要注意两点1.简洁、地道2.没有错误
最主要的就是要有一个对真诚的微笑,具体的专业术语的话下面仅供参考1.欢迎顾客:当顾客携带商品至收银台进行结帐时,收银员面带微笑,对顾客说:“欢迎光临!”2 .准确、快捷登录商品:商品扫描时,一手持袋,一手取商品刷条码后直接入袋(注:检验商品名称、商品重量、价格等),严格按入袋原则进行装袋(见附入袋原则)。切记登录完的商品必须与未登录的商品分开放置,避免混淆;严禁顾客将未付款商品带出收银区域。3 根据结帐金额,告知(面带微笑)顾客所购商品的总金额:“总共**元”,将空的购物篮从收银台拿开,叠放在一旁(保持购物篮清洁)。4 收取顾客支付的价款:首先确认顾客支付的金额,并检查是否为假钞,面带微笑地对顾客说:“收您***”;将顾客的现金放入钱箱,若顾客未付帐应礼貌性地重复一次,不可表现不耐烦的态度。5正确找零:;将大钞放在下面,零钱放上面,将现金交于顾客手中,热情、友好地对顾客说:“找您***元”,并向顾客道别:“欢迎再次光临!” 销售发票放于顾客所购商品袋中。(注:不可将所找零钱放于收银台上。)
<购物常用句子> 售货员: 1. Good morning / afternoon Miss/ . 早上好/下午好,小姐/先生。 2. Can I help you? May I help you?2. 能为你效劳吗?我能为您效劳吗? 3. Anything I can do for you? 有甚么可以为您效劳吗? 4. Our Toy Department is on the fifth floor . 我们玩具部在第五楼,请。 5. This way please!Turn left/ 。这边走,请!向左/右转。 6. Wele to our . 欢迎来到我们的商店! 7. You are wele!7.不客气。 8. Wele again bye .欢迎再来,再见。 9. Wait a moment please.请稍等一会。 10. Sorry to have kept you . 不好意思让你久等了。 11. What size/ color would you like?11。你喜欢什么尺寸/颜色吗? ღ…。…。ღ…。…。ღ ღ…。…。ღ…。…。 ღღ 顾客: 1. I'm just seeing around thanks!1. 我只是周围看看,谢谢! 2. I'm looking for a skirt. 2. 我想买一条裙子。 3. Do you have this dress in my size?这件衣服有我的尺码吗? 4. Can I try this on? Or I'd like to try . 我可以试穿吗?我想试试这个。 5. Where is the dressing/ fitting room? 5. 更衣、试衣间在哪儿? 6. It seems a little big for me. 6. 对我来说好像有点儿大。 7. Do you have this skirt in another colours?7. 这条裙子有别的颜色吗? 8. Can you give me a discount?8. 能打折扣吗? 9. Ok I'll take one/ . 好的,我会买一件\它。 10. Can I pay with a credit card? Do you accept VISA card?10. 我可以用信用卡支付吗?你们接受信用卡吗? 11. Ok I'll pay by cash. 11. 好吧,我会付现金。 12. Can I have this with t- wrapped?12.可以替我把这个用礼品包装吗? ღ…。…。ღ…。…。ღ ღ…。…。ღ…。…。 ღღ *** Colour: red红、orange橙、 yellow黄、green绿、blue蓝、purple紫、light blue浅蓝、dark blue深蓝、pink粉红、white白色。 *** Size:S= *** all M= medium L= Large XL= extra- large 您好! 请参考 希望能帮到您呗!ヾ(◕‿◕)ノ 并祝主内平安 '''╭⌒╮⌒╮.' ''' '' ╬╬.╱◥██◣''o┈---︱田︱田田| '' ' ╬╬╬╬╬╬╬╬╬╬╬╬╬╬▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ 2014-06-30 23:16:00 补充: 不好意思喔! 忙会...收银员部分,稍后附上。 2014-06-30 23:59:13 补充: Cashier 收银员常用语: 顾客:How much is it? 顾客:一共是多少元? 收银员:The total is sixty dollars and fifty cents please! 收银员:一共是六十美元五十美分! 收银员:It should be niy five all together. 收银员: 一共是九十五元. 顾客: Ok here is one hundred. 顾客:好的,这里是一百。 收银员:Here is your change thank you. 收银员:这是找回你的零钱,谢谢你。 2014-07-01 00:00:42 补充: 请转看意见栏 2014-07-01 00:01:25 补充: 顾客: Keep the change,please! 顾客:不必找了。 收银员:There is a promotion going on for 10% off. 收银员:这个商品正在推广打九折。 收银员:Do you want plastic bags? 收银员:请问需要胶袋吗? 顾客:Yes we do. 需要的。 收银员: Cash or card? 现金支付还是刷咭? 收银员: Just enter the password. 请输入密码。 收银员:Sign here please.请在这里签名。 2014-07-01 00:02:37 补充: 收银员: Alright. Do you need your receipt? 好了,请问你需要收据吗? 顾客: Sorry can I have this dress refund?不好意思 这件衣服能退款吗? 收银员: I'm sorry but we usually don't do it. It is our policy. 对不起,我们通常不接受的,这是我们的规定。 2014-07-01 15:49:57 补充: My dear 猫咪Sir 哟! 台湾跟中国香港的知识+是在同一网站的吗? 我耶不知道怎么误打误撞的按了这题回答的哦! 欢迎 Yoyo 过来中国香港这边作答~ ╭∧---∧╮ │ [email protected]@. I ╰/) ⋈ (\╯ 参考: yoyo With all due respect 11. Ok I'll pay by cash. ~ wrong 11. Ok I'll pay in cash. pay by credit card (cheque debit card) pay in cash Sorry can I have this dress refund? Sorry can I return this dress for a full refund? 2014-07-03 05:30:22 补充: 8. Wele again bye bye. ~ ? Bye-bye! Please e again. Wele 多是初见面说 熟客早上来过 下午再来过 说 "Wele again" Wele again 很少顾客离开时说 顾客说了 "Thank you." 回应说 "You are wele." . 如书写 bye-bye 要有 hyphen 2014-07-03 05:54:37 补充: 1. I'm just seeing around thanks! I'm browsing around. If you see around a building town exhibution museum.. e you visit it and look at the different parts of it. browse around = to look at goods in a shop without wanting to buy any particular thing. 2014-07-04 01:02:59 补充: Can I have this with t-wrapped?~ wrong Can I have this t-wrapped? "t-wrapped " is used as a past participle in this sentence. 2014-07-04 02:12:04 补充: 希望有用: The price tag is missing = 价格标签失了 There is a one-year warranty = 有为期一年的保养 No replacement without receipt = 没有收据不能替换 That camera is out of stock = 该照相机没有存货 These je are now on sale = 这些牛仔裤现减价 You overcharged me by $. = 你多收了我两元 欢迎 Yoyo 过来中国香港这边作答~ ╭∧---∧╮ │ .‿ │ ╰/) ⋈ (\\╯ Try buy a Situational English Conversations on Sale *** an---Cashier Q & A Book. The Chinese whispers information cannot be given due to I don't know Chinese . Newspaper said that Retail Sales fell in May by 20% China to HK. (1)Hello I am a saleman. Hello this is a sales campaign. This is the sales department of (----) (for Charity). This is the marketing director. A lower price than usual=sale prices=at a reduced price. The new model goes on sale now. All Korean video equipments (Star--Star)are on sale today. On sale or return Sir. (2)Cashier is a person whose job is to receive and pay out money in a bank shop dept. store hotel schools e If you want to be a cashier try learn 8 codes for pas *** ook tractions and 11 codes for no book tractions. This is the cashless hotel:- Can you use your Mastercard/Visa? This is the dept. store:- Can you pay with Octopus Card? This is the H & M body shop:- Can you pay with the Premier Card? This is the bank:- We've the cash dispenser machine Sir. You can get some money from your account after paying the "paper gold". Payments can be made by cheque or on cash Sir! If you're short of cash now you can borrow from 's a good 'll be happy to hear our phone-call advertisement you know. Here are some presents for you before you leave Sir ! A piggy bank container Sir ! "Thanks for your help." "You're wele Sir !" 2014-06-30 08:41:27 补充: Amendment-(1)Salesperson;assistant;representative of the shop;Supervisor head team-leader;manager;Shopkeeper to wholesaler Radio&TV shop Sam Sam=Sum Sum=Heart to Heart.(2)Cashier ordering recipe with price dishes to take away at $ Sir. 2014-06-30 08:47:23 补充: Amend yourself:-(2)Cashier in a Chi. restaurant !!!THX 2014-07-01 02:40:22 补充: Propose an amendment(1)shopping refund if not satisfied--all the colours of the rainbow--4 sizes for dresses. (2)How much? $ in grand total.
收 银 员 常 用 词 汇1、Credit Card 用信用卡2、in cash 用现金3、exit 安全出口4、enter 入口5、Service Center 服务中心6、Promotion 特价,促销价7、Information 问询处8、Current price 现价9、Original price 原价10、any dramges or losses must be paid for 损坏需赔11、offering 请求12、ansewer 回答收 银 员 常 用 英 语问候1、Good morning (afternoon,evening),sir(madam) !先生(女士),早晨(下午,晚上)好。2、You are welcome.欢迎光临。3、Welcome to come here again !欢迎你再来!4、Have a good day .祝你愉快。5、Come back and see us.欢迎您有空再来。6、Thank you sir,please come back ,I hope you enjoy your stay.谢谢您,请再度光临,希望您对我们的服务满意。工作7、Will this be charge or cash?刷卡还是付现金?8、It has a little dear.这个比较贵。9、This trousers are very cheap.这条裤子很便宜。10、You should pay me fifty-five Yuan.需要付我55元。11、Please keep your turn.请大家排好队。12、Do you have 3 Jiao small change.您有3角零钱吗?13、I am a cashier.我是收银员。14、How much,please?请问多少钱?15、Excuse me,do you have any small change?请问您有零钱吗?16、You should pay me two yuan more.请再付两元钱。17、Is this the sales price?这是减价后的价格吗?18、Let’s see what it’ll all cost?看看总共要多少钱?19、We don’t give discounts.我们不打折。20、Could you check it again?可不可以麻烦再确认一次帐单?21、We like to pay separately.我们想分开算帐。22、Let’s go dutch.各付各的。23、Keep away from children.谨防儿童使用。感谢与应答24、Thanks.谢谢。25、Thanks a lot.非常感谢。26、Thank you.谢谢你。27、Thank you very much.真的非常感谢你。28、That’s very kind of you.你真好。29、Thanks! But I’m almost finished.谢谢,我就要做完了。30、It’s most thoughtful of you.你想得真周到。31、I’m really very grateful to you.我非常感激你。32、I’m much obliged to you.我真的非常感激你。33、Thank you anyway/all the same.不管怎么说都得谢谢你。34、Not at all.别客气。35、That’s all right.这没什么。36、Don’t mention it.别客气。37、Never mind.没关系。38、You’re welcome.不客气。39、It was the least I could do.这是我应该做的。40、I’m so glad you like it.你喜欢它我很高兴。意见与争论41、What do you feel?你觉得怎么样?42、What’s your opinion?你有什么看法?43、Do you agree with me?你同意吗?44、Don’t you agree/think so?你觉得是吗?45、OK with you?你同意吗?46、I absolutely agree.我绝对同意。47、I couldn’t agree more.我非常同意。48、I don’t agree with you.我不同意你的说法。
<购物常用句子> 售货员: 1. Good morning / afternoon Miss/ . 早上好/下午好,小姐/先生。 2. Can I help you? May I help you?2. 能为你效劳吗?我能为您效劳吗? 3. Anything I can do for you? 有甚么可以为您效劳吗? 4. Our Toy Department is on the fifth floor . 我们玩具部在第五楼,请。 5. This way please!Turn left/ 。这边走,请!向左/右转。 6. Wele to our . 欢迎来到我们的商店! 7. You are wele!7.不客气。 8. Wele again bye .欢迎再来,再见。 9. Wait a moment please.请稍等一会。 10. Sorry to have kept you . 不好意思让你久等了。 11. What size/ color would you like?11。你喜欢什么尺寸/颜色吗? ღ…。…。ღ…。…。ღ ღ…。…。ღ…。…。 ღღ 顾客: 1. I'm just seeing around thanks!1. 我只是周围看看,谢谢! 2. I'm looking for a skirt. 2. 我想买一条裙子。 3. Do you have this dress in my size?这件衣服有我的尺码吗? 4. Can I try this on? Or I'd like to try . 我可以试穿吗?我想试试这个。 5. Where is the dressing/ fitting room? 5. 更衣、试衣间在哪儿? 6. It seems a little big for me. 6. 对我来说好像有点儿大。 7. Do you have this skirt in another colours?7. 这条裙子有别的颜色吗? 8. Can you give me a discount?8. 能打折扣吗? 9. Ok I'll take one/ . 好的,我会买一件\它。 10. Can I pay with a credit card? Do you accept VISA card?10. 我可以用信用卡支付吗?你们接受信用卡吗? 11. Ok I'll pay by cash. 11. 好吧,我会付现金。 12. Can I have this with t- wrapped?12.可以替我把这个用礼品包装吗? ღ…。…。ღ…。…。ღ ღ…。…。ღ…。…。 ღღ *** Colour: red红、orange橙、 yellow黄、green绿、blue蓝、purple紫、light blue浅蓝、dark blue深蓝、pink粉红、white白色。 *** Size:S= *** all M= medium L= Large XL= extra- large 您好! 请参考 希望能帮到您呗!ヾ(◕‿◕)ノ 并祝主内平安 '''╭⌒╮⌒╮.' ''' '' ╬╬.╱◥██◣''o┈---︱田︱田田| '' ' ╬╬╬╬╬╬╬╬╬╬╬╬╬╬▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ 2014-06-30 23:16:00 补充: 不好意思喔! 忙会...收银员部分,稍后附上。 2014-06-30 23:59:13 补充: Cashier 收银员常用语: 顾客:How much is it? 顾客:一共是多少元? 收银员:The total is sixty dollars and fifty cents please! 收银员:一共是六十美元五十美分! 收银员:It should be niy five all together. 收银员: 一共是九十五元. 顾客: Ok here is one hundred. 顾客:好的,这里是一百。 收银员:Here is your change thank you. 收银员:这是找回你的零钱,谢谢你。 2014-07-01 00:00:42 补充: 请转看意见栏 2014-07-01 00:01:25 补充: 顾客: Keep the change,please! 顾客:不必找了。 收银员:There is a promotion going on for 10% off. 收银员:这个商品正在推广打九折。 收银员:Do you want plastic bags? 收银员:请问需要胶袋吗? 顾客:Yes we do. 需要的。 收银员: Cash or card? 现金支付还是刷咭? 收银员: Just enter the password. 请输入密码。 收银员:Sign here please.请在这里签名。 2014-07-01 00:02:37 补充: 收银员: Alright. Do you need your receipt? 好了,请问你需要收据吗? 顾客: Sorry can I have this dress refund?不好意思 这件衣服能退款吗? 收银员: I'm sorry but we usually don't do it. It is our policy. 对不起,我们通常不接受的,这是我们的规定。 2014-07-01 15:49:57 补充: My dear 猫咪Sir 哟! 台湾跟中国香港的知识+是在同一网站的吗? 我耶不知道怎么误打误撞的按了这题回答的哦! 欢迎 Yoyo 过来中国香港这边作答~ ╭∧---∧╮ │ [email protected]@. I ╰/) ⋈ (\╯ 参考: yoyo With all due respect 11. Ok I'll pay by cash. ~ wrong 11. Ok I'll pay in cash. pay by credit card (cheque debit card) pay in cash Sorry can I have this dress refund? Sorry can I return this dress for a full refund? 2014-07-03 05:30:22 补充: 8. Wele again bye bye. ~ ? Bye-bye! Please e again. Wele 多是初见面说 熟客早上来过 下午再来过 说 "Wele again" Wele again 很少顾客离开时说 顾客说了 "Thank you." 回应说 "You are wele." . 如书写 bye-bye 要有 hyphen 2014-07-03 05:54:37 补充: 1. I'm just seeing around thanks! I'm browsing around. If you see around a building town exhibution museum.. e you visit it and look at the different parts of it. browse around = to look at goods in a shop without wanting to buy any particular thing. 2014-07-04 01:02:59 补充: Can I have this with t-wrapped?~ wrong Can I have this t-wrapped? "t-wrapped " is used as a past participle in this sentence. 2014-07-04 02:12:04 补充: 希望有用: The price tag is missing = 价格标签失了 There is a one-year warranty = 有为期一年的保养 No replacement without receipt = 没有收据不能替换 That camera is out of stock = 该照相机没有存货 These je are now on sale = 这些牛仔裤现减价 You overcharged me by $. = 你多收了我两元 欢迎 Yoyo 过来中国香港这边作答~ ╭∧---∧╮ │ .‿ │ ╰/) ⋈ (\\╯ Try buy a Situational English Conversations on Sale *** an---Cashier Q & A Book. The Chinese whispers information cannot be given due to I don't know Chinese . Newspaper said that Retail Sales fell in May by 20% China to HK. (1)Hello I am a saleman. Hello this is a sales campaign. This is the sales department of (----) (for Charity). This is the marketing director. A lower price than usual=sale prices=at a reduced price. The new model goes on sale now. All Korean video equipments (Star--Star)are on sale today. On sale or return Sir. (2)Cashier is a person whose job is to receive and pay out money in a bank shop dept. store hotel schools e If you want to be a cashier try learn 8 codes for pas *** ook tractions and 11 codes for no book tractions. This is the cashless hotel:- Can you use your Mastercard/Visa? This is the dept. store:- Can you pay with Octopus Card? This is the H & M body shop:- Can you pay with the Premier Card? This is the bank:- We've the cash dispenser machine Sir. You can get some money from your account after paying the "paper gold". Payments can be made by cheque or on cash Sir! If you're short of cash now you can borrow from 's a good 'll be happy to hear our phone-call advertisement you know. Here are some presents for you before you leave Sir ! A piggy bank container Sir ! "Thanks for your help." "You're wele Sir !" 2014-06-30 08:41:27 补充: Amendment-(1)Salesperson;assistant;representative of the shop;Supervisor head team-leader;manager;Shopkeeper to wholesaler Radio&TV shop Sam Sam=Sum Sum=Heart to Heart.(2)Cashier ordering recipe with price dishes to take away at $ Sir. 2014-06-30 08:47:23 补充: Amend yourself:-(2)Cashier in a Chi. restaurant !!!THX 2014-07-01 02:40:22 补充: Propose an amendment(1)shopping refund if not satisfied--all the colours of the rainbow--4 sizes for dresses. (2)How much? $ in grand total.
收 银 员 常 用 词 汇1、Credit Card 用信用卡2、in cash 用现金3、exit 安全出口4、enter 入口5、Service Center 服务中心6、Promotion 特价,促销价7、Information 问询处8、Current price 现价9、Original price 原价10、any dramges or losses must be paid for 损坏需赔11、offering 请求12、ansewer 回答收 银 员 常 用 英 语问候1、Good morning (afternoon,evening),sir(madam) !先生(女士),早晨(下午,晚上)好。2、You are welcome.欢迎光临。3、Welcome to come here again !欢迎你再来!4、Have a good day .祝你愉快。5、Come back and see us.欢迎您有空再来。6、Thank you sir,please come back ,I hope you enjoy your stay.谢谢您,请再度光临,希望您对我们的服务满意。工作7、Will this be charge or cash?刷卡还是付现金?8、It has a little dear.这个比较贵。9、This trousers are very cheap.这条裤子很便宜。10、You should pay me fifty-five Yuan.需要付我55元。11、Please keep your turn.请大家排好队。12、Do you have 3 Jiao small change.您有3角零钱吗?13、I am a cashier.我是收银员。14、How much,please?请问多少钱?15、Excuse me,do you have any small change?请问您有零钱吗?16、You should pay me two yuan more.请再付两元钱。17、Is this the sales price?这是减价后的价格吗?18、Let’s see what it’ll all cost?看看总共要多少钱?19、We don’t give discounts.我们不打折。20、Could you check it again?可不可以麻烦再确认一次帐单?21、We like to pay separately.我们想分开算帐。22、Let’s go dutch.各付各的。23、Keep away from children.谨防儿童使用。感谢与应答24、Thanks.谢谢。25、Thanks a lot.非常感谢。26、Thank you.谢谢你。27、Thank you very much.真的非常感谢你。28、That’s very kind of you.你真好。29、Thanks! But I’m almost finished.谢谢,我就要做完了。30、It’s most thoughtful of you.你想得真周到。31、I’m really very grateful to you.我非常感激你。32、I’m much obliged to you.我真的非常感激你。33、Thank you anyway/all the same.不管怎么说都得谢谢你。34、Not at all.别客气。35、That’s all right.这没什么。36、Don’t mention it.别客气。37、Never mind.没关系。38、You’re welcome.不客气。39、It was the least I could do.这是我应该做的。40、I’m so glad you like it.你喜欢它我很高兴。意见与争论41、What do you feel?你觉得怎么样?42、What’s your opinion?你有什么看法?43、Do you agree with me?你同意吗?44、Don’t you agree/think so?你觉得是吗?45、OK with you?你同意吗?46、I absolutely agree.我绝对同意。47、I couldn’t agree more.我非常同意。48、I don’t agree with you.我不同意你的说法。
1.你好 有会员卡吗? Hi do you have membership card? 2.需要袋子吗?(塑料) Do you need a bag? 3.一共是(、) The total is ninety nine dollars and eighty cents (A hundred dollars and ninety cents, A hundred fifty dollars and ten cents) 4.收您100元(收您、110、151) I have a hundred dollars from you 角有吗? do you have thirty cents? 6.找您2角(、) 20cents is your change 7.请输入密码 please enter your password 8.请签名 Please sign here 9.东西拿好 谢谢 再见! Take care of your belongings, thank you, bye
hello do you have membership card?do you need a bag ? 99,8 in total100from youdo you have any chang?enter the codeplease sign it take it thank you see you next time