

小思 2024-09-19 23
国际商务英语名称摘要: 国际商务英文简称international trade departmentinternational commerce商务英语缩略词(语)用简单的几个字母表达复杂的含...


international trade department

international commerce

商务英语缩略词(语)用简单的几个字母表达复杂的含义,具有言简意明,快速捷达的特点,广泛应用于国际贸易、国际金融、国际经济技术合作等领域,在商务这一语境的交际中起着十分重要的作用。商务英语缩略语(词)可以和自然词交织在一起在普通句中使用,和普通英语词语一样,具有同等的句法功能,但习惯上不用作谓语。然而在商务电报电传文稿中,甚至可以每个句子成份都用缩略语,而且动词缩略词也可以做谓语,同时还有简单的时态和语态区分:进行时与将来时用现在分词,过去时、完成时、被动语态用过去分词。如: 1)C.I.F.isthebasiswearetooffer. 到岸价是我们的报价基础。(C.I.F.在句中做主语) 2)AllyourpricesinthelistareonF.O.B.. 贵方表中的价格都是离岸价。(F.O.B.为介词宾语) 3)SendYRL/C. 请惠寄你方信用证。(YRL/C=yourletterofcredit,做宾语) 4)GDSARVD. 货物已抵达。(ARVD做谓语) L/COPNDLSTMON 信用证已于上周星期一开出(OPND做谓语) 5)YRL/CRCVDBFRGDSSENT 发货前收到贵方信用证。(YR做定语,L/C做主语,RCVD做谓语,BFRGDSSENT做状语) SHPARVGNXTMON 货船下周星期一抵达(ARVG做谓语) SHPGNOV20 将于十一月二十日装船(SHPG做谓语) 6)PleasequoteusC.I.F.Shanghai. 请报上海到岸价。(C.I.F.做宾语) 7)TheinsurancewecoverisWPA. 我们投保的是水渍险。(WPA做表语) 此外,英语缩略词还有单复数形式、修辞色彩和语体差异之别。 本文中所涉及到的图表、注解、公式等内容请以PDF格式阅读原文。

全球通:国际组织英文缩写 英文缩写 英文全称 中文全称GG 8 Summit Summit Group of Eight Summit 八国集团首脑会议G20 Group of Twenty 20国集团G24 Group of ...


国际商法:International Commercial Law国际贸易实务:International Trade Practice工商导论:Introduction to Business商务函电写作:Business Writing商务英语翻译 Business English Translation商务英语听说 Business English Listening商务英语阅读 Business English Reading市场营销学 Marketing and Sales报关与单证 Customs Declarations and Documentation


综合英语 Multi Purpose English、英语听力 English Listening、英语泛读 English Reading、英语口语 Oral English、英语国家概况 British Culture、国际贸易 International Trade、International Business国际商法 International Commerce、商务英语写作 Business English Writing、商务英语翻译 Business English Translation、国际商务英语 International Business English、外贸实务 Foreign Trade、国际市场营销学 International Marketing and Sales、电子商务 Electronic Commerce、国际金融 International Finance、会计基础 Fundamental Accounting、会计电算化 Computerized Accounting、涉外秘书 Foreign Secretary、报关员 Custom Processer。上海灵格风英语

国际商法:International Business Law国际贸易实务:International Trade Practice工商导论:Introduction to Business商务函电写作:Business Writing letters and telegrams商务英语翻译 Business English translation商务英语听说 Business English heard商务英语阅读 Business English reading市场营销学 Marketing报关与单证 Declarations and documents


国际商务英文是International business。






I'm a representative of International Business Machines Corporation .


The Graduate Certificate in International Business


International business English teaching quality hearing can not be guaranteed.


International business refers to any business activity that crosses national boundaries.


English is the lingua franca of international trade.

A. 国际商务英语专业 感觉还不错,毕竟现在和外国人交流多,学好语言很重要。英语研究生只有两种科目;语言和文学。没有专门的国际商务英语这一研究生专业。本科毕业后可以从事翻译,外贸进出口,国际业务等 B. 国际商务是不是外语类专业 不是的,国际商务专业说白了其实跟国际贸易专业差不了多少,但其中回也含有部分英语课程答。 国际商务一般包含下列课程,你可以参考一下: 专业英语、管理学理论、微观经济学、宏观经济学、会计学、国际经济学、财政管理、国际营销学、国际金融、国际贸易法、货币银行学、国际营销学、中国对外贸易等必修课程,以及西方经济史、国际商务英语、国际金融实务、国际贸易实务、发展经济学、国际商务谈判、国际商务礼仪、外贸管理法、国际税法、跨国公司、人力资源管理、国际经济合作、国际投资法、电子商务、中国对外贸易、WTO专题、证券市场概论、财税法、国际贸易法、国际金融法、国际信贷与结算、欧洲联盟法、国际技术转让、商业伦理、心理学、社会学、海商法、审计学与审计法、公共关系学、合同法、公司法、组织行为学等选修课程。 C. 英语(国际商务)专业要考什么证书 不知道跟我们的一不一样,专业证书的话有专四、专八、BEC中级、BEC高级;另外你还可以尝试到外面考笔译、口译、和报关类的证书,都很有用的。 D. 英语专业好还是国际商务好啊 国际商务也是要学英语,而且很重要,但是同样的你就学不精,所以不如直接学英语 我是英语专业,专八其实很好过的,我一点都没准备也过了,不用太担心,因为未知所以恐惧嘛。 至于出路,假如你比较内向点就考老师,我现在就在考英语教师和三级笔译,希望 以后一遍当老师,一遍翻译点东西,赚外快的同时提高自己的能力,不至于把以前学过的东西都忘掉。 如果你善于交际,就学国际商务,或者大学的时候可以选英语专业然后选修商务类的课程。 祝你前程似锦 E. 英语作文:为何选择国际商务专业 What Are Some Reasons to Chose a College Major in International Business? Business is the most popular major of students entering into university. The International Business major is designed for student with an interest in not only fundamental concepts in business but also in other cultures and languages. Most International Business degree programs require petency in at least one foreign language. International Business begins where traditional business and foreign cultures intersect. A person with an interest in International Business must also have a keen interest in other countries and their languages and cultures. Without the knowledge of another culture and its language, true success in International Business will always be severely limited. Some reasons for choosing a college major in International Business include travel, cultural opportunities and varying majoring in International Business are especially intrigued by the idea of traveling to other countries. The International Business degree program is designed to open up students' horizons and expose them to possibilities in business outside the United States. In fact, many International Business degree programs require that students spend at least one semester studying abroad. This experience is good for the student because he or she can see some of the possibilities that exist upon About Other CulturesStudents enrolled in an International Business degree program are required to learn at least one foreign language. They also have the option to take additional elective classes that cover the history and culture of a particular country of interest. This learning may also be pounded by a semester spent studying abroad. Successful graates of an International Business degree program should have a genuine interest in other cultures to be PerspectivesWith a degree in International Business a student will learn to appreciate perspectives that may differ from his or her own. For example, issues related to business will be examined from multiple points of view. Successful business meetings, transactions or agreements depend on International Business graates understanding all sides of the issue, especially that of the person they want to deal with. F. 纯英语专业和国际商务英语专业哪个更好 英语一般是商务英语、旅游英语、教育英语等的总和。但是在高职高专院校中,这个专业第一年会学基础知识,第二年还是要分出具体方向的,也就是说,选择应用英语专业的话到时候还是要更进一步地选择学习方向。 应用英语主要是从事企、事业单位英语口译、笔译等翻译工作、外文科技资料管理和各行政机关的行政管理工作等,还涉外秘书,国际商务助理,商贸企业从业人员(接待、服务等),是以培养能够适应社会主义市场经济和现代科技发展的德、智、体全面发展的具有较强的英语听、说、读、写、译综合技能,即以英语为工作语言,熟悉相关专业知识并具备实际操作能力和熟练的电脑运用能力的高级应用型人才。 商务英语顾名思义就是用来从事商务活动方面的英语,是以适应职场生活的语言要求为目的; 商务英语也成为经贸英语,学习的是商务、贸易等方面的相关英语,很专业。专业词汇比较多,涉及方面也很广。就业前景也是最好的,因为在对口就业后工资待遇会相对较高,而且工作环境也相对较好 英语的范围要广一些的, 商务英语只是里面的一个分支。 相比之下,英语更好一些,因为日常用的多。 楼主, 送你一句话: 无论你做什么,成功也好失败也罢,都会有人在背后笑你。 为什么不按照自己的意愿走自己的路呢???? G. 英语(国际商务)专业将来能从事哪些工作 1. 小外贸公司,业务跟单 2. 生产型企业,业务或跟单 3. 文员(简单翻译即可) 4. 如果想到物流公司的话就学点报关,单证的课程。 H. 国际商务和英语专业应该选择哪个 外语只是一个工具而已,建议你学习国际商务。不过一般上大学之前充满理想,上了大学之后就开始每天颓废了,其实学什么都一样。。。关键看自己。 I. 英语国际商务专业课程 主要课程:综合英语抄、英袭语听力、英语阅读、英语视听说、英语语法、英语写作、口笔译实践、高级英语、语言学概论、英汉对比、英美概况、英美(商务)报刊选读、英美文学选读、国际商务导论、管理学原理、海商法、国际航运业务、跨文化交际、海事英语与翻译、海事法规英语、国际航运英语、国际物流英语、国际贸易英语、国际营销英语、国际金融英语、计算机应用以及第二外语等。 J. 我大学报的是国际商务专业,请问这个专业对英语水平要求高吗 首先应该是英语要求很高的。 其次英语是一门什么时候开始学都能学好的学科,自己大学时多花点功夫,可以学得很好的。










在国际商务谈判中,对时间观差异应有所准备。谈判时限的控制也很重要。不同 文化 具有不同的时间观念。在商务谈判对话中也要拿捏好时间。下面我整理了商务谈判对话英文版,供你阅读参考。  商务谈判对话英文版:实用对话   A: Good morning, Miss. Glad to meet you.早上好,很高兴见到你。   B: Good morning, Mr.. gald to have the opportunity of visting your company and I hope to conclude some business with you。很兴奋能有机会. 拜访 贵公司,希望能与你们做成交易。   A:I think so ,and I don’t believe we’ve met.我们以前没有见过吧?   B: No, I don’t think we have. 我想没有。   A: My name is Li Sung-lin 我叫李松林。   B: My name is Cheery Smith. 您好,我是切莉史蜜斯   A: Here’s my name card. 这是我的名片。   B: And here’s mine. 这是我的。   A: I'm our sales representative, how do you do,what can I do for you.我是我们公司的销售代表,你是做什么的,有什么可以为你服务的吗?   B: Our company will buy in a batch of compters, as the procurement manager secretary,I want to get to know your product.我们公司要购进一批电脑,作为采购经理的秘书,我想了解一下你们的产品。   A:Our company engaged in import and export trade for 5 years, has many professional and qualified partners. Company in good standing, developed many long-term partners, look forward to working with you.我公司从事进出口贸易5年来,已经拥有很多专业的,资质良好的合作商。公司信誉良好,发展了很多长期合作伙伴,期待与你们的合作。   B:I want to know more about your company's products, I hope you can provide me with this. Believe that through the cooperation with your company, we will expand market share in China, China's consumer demand is very strong。我想了解下贵公司的产品,希望您能为我详细的介绍。相信通过与贵公司的合作,我们会扩大在中国的市场占有率,中国的消费需求很强劲   A: I should be very happy to give you any further information you need on it./我很乐意提供您所需要的关于它的进一步的信息。   A: we have imported a latest development, I wonder if you would like to have a look? 我们进口了一种新产品我想知道您是否可以看看货?   B:of couse. Ah, yes, this is the model I was interested in./啊,是的,这就是我所感兴趣的那种样式。   B: Yes, what are the specifications?/好的,都有哪些规格呢?   A: we have a wide selection of colors and designs. If I may refer you to page eight of the brochure you'll find all the specifications there./ 我们有很多式样和颜色可供选择。如果您看一下手册的第8页,就会在那儿找到所有的规格。   B: Ah, look what I care about is the quality of the goods. Now what about service life?/ 我关心的是货物的质量。哦,好的。关于使用寿命呢?   A: Our tests indicate that this model has a service life of at least 50, 000 hours.,about 10 years.我们的实验表明这种样式至少可以使用50,000小时,大约10年.   B: Is that an average figure for this type of equipment?/这是这种设备的平均数据吗?   A: Oh, no, far from it. That's about 10,000 hours longer than any other made in its price range./不是的,相差还很远。这种比在它的价格范围内的任何其他样式都要高出1万小时左右。   B: Really?That's impressive. 真的?这一点给我印象颇深。   A: of product is the best seller and it is really competitive in the word market. .我们的产品最畅销。我们的产品在国际市场上很有竞争力。   B:but what happens if something goes wrong when we're using it?/不过如果这种设备在我们使用的时候发生故障,该怎么办呢?   A: If that were to happen, just contact our nearest agent and they'll send someone round immediately./一旦发生那样的情况,同我们最近的办事处联系,他们会马上派人过去的。   B: I see. will you give us an indication of prices? 我明白了。你可以给我报一个指示性的价格吗?   A: unit price is 5000yuan.单价5000元   B: Do you offer discounts for plentiful purchases?大量购买,你们提供折扣吗?   A:Yes, we do indeed. Our ususal figure is around 5%, but that depends on the size of the order./是的,我们确实这样做。通常的数目是5%左右,但那还要根据订货的多少来定。   B: Oh,I think Your prices are much too high for us to accept. 。can you cut down the price for me?我认为你的价格太高,我们不能接受。你们可以降低价格吗?   A:sorry, It would be very difficult to come down with the price. I can assure you our price is very favourable对不起,我们很难再降价了。.我可以保证我们的价格是优惠的。   B: I can't allow the price。It is a little high. we will buy a lot.我不能同意你们的价格,有点高。我们要买很多。   A: well,the discount is 7%.This is the lowest possible price.折扣百分之七,这是最低价了。   B: it can be considered. Now what about the payment? Could you accept D/P or D/A?可以考虑,您可以接受付款交单或承兑交单吗?   A:I'm afraid not,usually we only accept payment by irrevocable letter of credit payable against shipping documents.恐怕不行,通常我们只接受不可撤销的信用证,凭装运单据付款。   B :You know for this a large amount,an L/C is cost lost also ties up our you accept D/P or D/A,I would really appreciate it.您知道这么大的金额的信用证,费用很大,同时积压我们的资金。如果您能接受付款交单或承兑交单的话,我们会很感激的。   A:I am very sorry,but we require L/C for all of our clients.   李:对此我非常抱歉,我们对所有客户都是用信用证来付款。   B:Well,,opening an L/C doesn’t make any difference to you,but makes much to us.噢,李先生,开信用证对您来说没有影响,但对我们影响很大。 .   A:Actually it does,it gives us the protection of the bank.   李:事实上对我们也有影响的,它能给我们银行的保护。   B:If you can send goods in this month,I'll agree to payment by L/C.如果您在这个月前发货的话,我将同意开立信用证。   A:All right 好吧   B:And,I'd like to know your usual way of packing   并且我想了解一下你们的常规包装 方法 。   A:Of course we use canons. we also usually use nylon straps to reinforce them.当然是纸箱了。我们通常还用尼龙带加固。   B:the packing must be strong enough to withstand rough handling.我同意,包装必须十分坚固,以承受粗鲁的搬运。   A:Breakage never happened to our deliveries.我们的货物从未发生过破损现象If broken,we'll pay the cost.假如破损我们赔偿。   B:How do you usually move your goods? 你们习惯使用哪种方式运输?   A:we use ship, and if use ship ,we can assume transportation cost.轮船,并且用轮船,我们承担运费。   A:that is great,太好了   B: are pleased to place an order for 100 computers. Let’s sign the contract!,the quality must be instrict conformity with that of sample. Once a contract is signed,it has legal effect.好的,我们订100台电脑。让我们来签合同吧,质量必须与样品一样。合同一旦签署即具有法律效力。   A: of 's our principle in business to honor the contract and keep our promise."重合同,守信用"是我们经营的原则。 I'm glad that our negotiation has come to a successful conclusion.我很兴奋我们的谈判获得圆满成功。   商务谈判对话英文版:情景对话   Dialogue 1:   A: So, thank you for coming, everyone. It's really a pleasure to see you all here. First of all, may i suggest you take a look at the agenda i sent you? Would you like to make any comment on that?   B: Yes, i wonder if we can begin with shipment question first. We really need to come to an agreement on that before anything else.   A: That's true, but it's also a very difficult issue. That's the reason why i put it last. I thought it might be a good idea for us to start with the points we have in common. We'll move on to the shipment issue after that.   B: All right. That sounds reasonable.   A: Well, before we go any future, I would like to say strongly how i feel that it's in both our interest to reach an agreement today. The market is becoming even more competitive and our combied strength will give us some big advantages, not least in terms of the dealer network. Now, i think Richard would like to say a few words about that.   点睛注释:   1. make comments on sth 对某事进行评论   Example: Would you make comments on our women's garments in current design?您对我们流行女装款式有何评论 Oh look very nice! 哦,看起来很漂亮   2. have sth. in common: 有共同点   Example: The two firms have very little common in selling strategies. 这两家公司在销售策略上没有什么共同点。   3. in the interest of: 符合......的利益   Example: The stable and healthy business relations are in the interest of our sides. 稳定健康的贸易关系符合双方的利益。   Dialogue 2   A: Hello, Mr Wang, nice to see you again. How are you?   B: Fine, thank you ,and you?   A: I'm fine, we just moved in our new house. Everything is in a great mess. It's a nightmare. But i'll appreciate not having to spend so much time commuting to my work every day.   B: Yes, it took me nearly one hour to get here today. Bus service in this area is not so good.   A: Well, will you like a cup of coffee?   B: Thank you, that would be nice.   A: Milk or sugar?   B: Black will do, thank you.   A: So, how's business in your section?   B: Not too bad. We have a lot of work to do as far as our contract George is concerned this time.   A: Then i think you can say a few words about that first.   点睛注释   1. in a mess: 乱成一团   Example: Since 9 O' clock , Mr. Gill has been sorting out the shipping documents which are in a mess in the files.   从九点以来,吉尔小姐一直在整理文件夹里乱成一团的海运单据.   2. commute: 乘通勤车上班   Example: I commute to work from Shenyang to Fushun on weekdays.周一到周五我从沈阳到抚顺乘通勤车上班.   bus commuter 乘通勤汽车上班的人 train commuter 乘通勤火车上班的人   3. as far as sb./sth. be concerned: 就什么而言; 至于   Example: As far as i am concerned, i agree with Jack on this point.就我而言, 我同意杰克的观点.   、As far as color is concerned, Tom prefers black. 就颜色而言, 汤姆更喜欢黑色.   Dialogue 3   A: Will you have a cup of coffee, Mr. Wang?   B: No. Don't bother, please.   A: Of course, i don't know Smith at all, but you've got to be on your guard against George. I told you about our negotiating with him in New York three years ago, didn't I?   B: I am sure you did. Can we focus on the final packing today, Mr. Brown? We mustn't get stuck in the price. They are going to knock us down. We have got some room to maneuver.   A: That's right, George is the head of Marketing Department.   B: What we must keep in mind is that we can make a concession if they push us on staff cut.   A: Oh we don't need to worry about that, Mr. Wang. We will just play it by ear.   点睛注释   1. be on one's guard against sb./sth. 小心,防范   Example: We must be on our guard against pickpockets on a bus.在公交车上我们要小心扒手。   2. focus on sth. 集中精力于......之上   Example: We should focus our attention on the demands at the overseas market.我们应该集中注意一下海外市场的需求   3. knock sb. down 打倒,使屈服   Example: They are attempting to knock us down in terms of price.他们试图让我们在价格方面让步。   4. keep/bear sth. in mind 记住,牢记(英国都用remember)   Example: Please keep in mind that you'll arrive punctually for the meeting tomorrow.请记住明天开会要准时。   Bear in mind that you can always rely on me.要记住你永远可以依靠我。商务谈判对话英文版相关 文章 : 1. 商务谈判英语情景对话 2. 商务谈判开场介绍英语对话 3. 常用商务英语谈判对话-开场介绍篇 4. 商务商务谈判对话 5. 销售商务谈判会话 6. 模拟商务谈判对话剧本 7. 有关价格商务英语口语和情景对话





Negotiation takes place between human beings. It is the most common form of social interaction. Almost everybody in the world is involved in negotiations in one way or another for a good part of any given day. People negotiate over where to go for dinner, which movie to watch or how to split household chores.

Negotiation, in its modern sense, is defined in The Roots of Sound Rational Thinking as follows: the ability to deal with business affairs, to arrange by discussion the settlement of terms, to reach agreements through treaties and compromise, and to travel through challenging territory. All of these suggest a purposeful effort to resolve problems through talking and intellectual maneuvering. Negotiation includes consultation, bargaining, mediation, arbitration, and sometimes, even litigation.

Competitive style To try to gain all there is to gain


Accommodative style To be willing to yield all there is to yield


Avoidance style To try to stay out of negotiation


Compromising style To try to split the difference or find (妥协式谈判) an intermediate point according to some principle

Collaborative style To try to find the maximum possible (合作式谈判) gain for

both parties----by careful

exploration of the interests of all parties----and often by enlarging the pie

Vengeful style To try to harm the other


Self-inflicting style To act so as to harm oneself


Vengeful and self-inflicting style To try to harm the other and also

(报复和自损式谈判) oneself

People who go for the competitive style are known as hard-bargaining negotiators. They start off with outrageous

demands, using threats and other tactics to get what they want. One side typically starts out high and the other low. After several rounds of offer and counter-offer, the negotiators end up “splitting the difference”. In this form, negotiation is viewed as a game where each side tries to get the best deal for themselves. Neither side exhibits concern for the other side.

Principle of Collaborative Negotiation


Ⅰ. Collaborative Negotiation

Negotiation can also assume the form of collaborative style. It involves people with diverse interests working together to achieve mutually satisfying outcomes. Collaborative negotiation is known by many names. Some popular names include “problem-solving negotiation”, “consensus-building negotiation”, “interest-based negotiation”, “win-win negotiation”, “mutual gains negotiation”, and so on. The goal of collaborative negotiation is to manage the dispute so that the outcome is more constructive than

destructive. A destructive outcome results in damages and involves exploitation and coercion. A constructive outcome fosters communication, problem-solving, and improved relationships.

● The negotiation parties have both diverse and common interests.

● The common interests are valued and sought.

● The negotiation process can result in both parties gaining something.

● The negotiating arena is controlled by enlightened self-interest.

● Interdependence is recognized and enhanced.

● Limited resources do exist, but they can usually be expanded through cooperation and creativity.

● The goal is a mutually agreeable solution that is fair to all parties and effective for the community/group.

The collaborative negotiation focuses on interests rather positions. Integrative solutions are obtained by understanding other’s self-interests, not by jostling for positions.

The collaborative negotiation places value on relationship. It requires trust and relies on full disclosure of relevant


The disadvantages of this approach are:

● It may pressure an individual to compromise and accommodate in ways not in his best interest.

● It avoids confrontational strategies, which can be helpful at times.

● It increases vulnerability to deception and manipulation by a competitive opponent.

● It makes it hard to establish definite aspiration levels and bottom lines.

● It requires substantial skill and knowledge of the process.

● It requires strong confidence in one’s perceptions regarding the interests and needs of the other side.

Ⅱ. Principled Negotiation

In this form, each side of the negotiating parties attempt to meet the other side’s interest as well as their own. By thoroughly understanding their own interest as well as the other’s, both sides are often able to arrive at solutions neither alone could have envisioned or made possible. In this type of negotiation, each side recognizes and accepts the legitimate interests of the other side and they are committed to dealing with differences constructively in order to advance their own self-interests. This has been called “collaborative principled negotiation”, a concept set forth by Roger Fisher and William Ury in their book Getting to Yes: Negotiating Agreement Without Giving In.

Principled negotiation is particularly oriented to collaborative negotiations. However, it can be used in competitive negotiations and in other aspects of conflict management. It is a method that is centered around four considerations (PIOC):

● People: Separate the people from the problem.

● Interests: Focus on interests, not positions (interests always underlie positions).

● Options: Invent options for mutual gains.

● Insist on using objective criteria.

1. Separate the people from the problem Fisher and Ury pointed out that “negotiators are people first”. There are always relational and substantive issues in

negotiation. The relational issue tends to become entangled with the problem and the positional bargaining puts relational and substantive issues in conflict with each other. Fisher and Ury suggested that the negotiators separate the relationship from the substance and deal directly with the people problem.

It is a feasible to deal with a substantive problem and maintain a good working relationship between negotiating parties. People problems are usually caused by inaccurate perception, inappropriate emotions and poor communication. In order to deal with those problems, three techniques are recommended for both parties to follow: A. Establish an accurate perception.

● Conflict, very often, is not caused by what happens, but by how people perceive what happens.

● Increase the capability of each party to see the other side’s point of view (for example, by reversing roles).

● Avoid blaming the other party for your problems.

● Discuss each other’s perceptions of the problem.

● Get the other party to participate in the mutual activities.

● Seek to make negotiation proposals consistent with the other party’s values.

B. Cultivate appropriate emotion.

● Your emotion affects that of the other party.

● Recognize and understand emotions of both parties.

● Make emotions explicit and legitimate.

● Allow the other party to let off steam.

● Stay calm with the other party’s emotional outbursts.

C. Strive for better communication.

● Negotiation is a process of communicating between parties for the purpose of reaching a joint decision.

● Be an active listener and acknowledge what is being said.

● Speak to be understood.

● Avoid criticism that may hurt the other party’s feelings.

● Speak for a purpose.

2. Focus on interests, not positions

In such a case, negotiators need to distinguish between interests and positions and focus on interests not positions. A position is what you want or must have. An interest is why you want what you want. Positions can be thought of as a one-dimensional point in a space of infinite possible solutions. Positions are symbolic representations of a participant’s underlying motivating interests. In negotiation, there are many kinds of interests: multiple interests, shared interests, compatible interests and conflicting interests. Indentifying shared and compatible

interests as “common ground” can be helpful in establishing a found for additional discussions. “Easy points of agreement” can be indentified and the principles underlying those easy points of agreement can often be extrapolated to help

resolve other issues. Methods for focusing on interests instead of positions are as follows:

A. Identify the self-interests.

● Explore and recognize the interests of the other party that stand in your way.

● Examine the different interests of different people on the other side.

● Respect your counterparty as human beings and recognize the needs and interests that underlie their positions. B. Discuss interests with the other party.

● Give your interests a vivid description. Be specific.

● Demonstrate your understanding of the other party’s interests and acknowledge them as part of the overall problem

that you are trying to solve.

● Discuss the problems before proposing a solution.

● Direct the discussion to the present and the future. Stay away from the difficulties of the past.

● Be hard on the problem but soft on the people.

3. Invent options for mutual gains

Here are the steps for overcoming the obstacles and developing multiple solution options: A. Separate the act of inventing options from the act of judging them.

● Run a brainstorming session.

☆ Before brainstorming:

■ Define your propose----what you would like to achieve at meeting.

■ Choose a few participant (between five and eight people)

■ Change the environment----select a time and place distinguishing the session from regular discussions.

■ Design an informal atmosphere----talking over a drink, meeting at a vacation lodge or any other forms that

make participants feel relaxed.

■ Choose a facilitator----a facilitator is needed to keep the meeting on track, make sure everyone gets a chance

to speak, and stimulate discussion by asking questions.

☆ During brainstorming:

■ Seat the participants side by side facing the problem.

■ Clarify the ground rules, including the no-criticism rule.

■ Brainstorm.

■ Record the idea in full view.

☆ After brainstorm:

■ Check the most promising ideas----mark those ideas that participants think are the best.

■ Explore improvements for promising ideas----take one promising idea and explore ways to make it better and


■ Set up a time to evaluate ideas and make a decision.

● Consider brainstorming with the other side; it can be very valuable.

B. Develop as many options as possible before choosing one.

● Adopt the four types of thinking in generating options.

● Look at the problem through the eyes of different experts.

● Develop different versions of agreement.

● Change the scope of a proposed agreement----break the problem into smaller units.

C. Search for mutual gains.

● Identify shared interests.

● Dovetail differing interests.

4. Insist on using objective criteria The guidelines for objective criteria are:

● Independent of wills of all parties.

● Legitimate and practical.

● Acceptable to all parties.

After identifying objective criteria and procedures, it is time to discuss them with the other party. There are three basic points to remember: A. Frame each issue as a joint search for objective criteria. B. Reason and be open to reason as to which standards are most appropriate and how they should be applied. C. Never yield to pressure, only to principle----yield to an argument or presentation that is based on reason and principle,

not to one based on pressure.

利益分配原则 Principle of Interest Distribution

In negotiations at the domestic level, there are two types of interests involved: personal and organizational; at the international level, there are three: personal, organizational and national.

Organizational Roles Principles and Agents

Principle of Trust in Negotiation


Trust is something of great importance in negotiation. Professor Richard C. Reuben defined it as “a state involving expectations about another’s motives and actions with respect to oneself in situations entailing risk of uncertainty”. In the outline of his Negotiation----Law 5810, he states that there are three types of trust in professional relationships:

● Deterrence-based trust (威慑型信任)

☆ Calculus-based trust (预计型信任)

● Knowledge-based trust (了解型信任)

● Identification-based trust (识别型信任)

Ⅰ. Trust Building in Negotiation

1. Speak their language 2. Manage your reputation

3. Make dependence a factor

4. Make unilateral concessions 5. Name your concessions

6. Explain your demands

In their book entitled The Only Negotiating Guide You Will Ever Need, Peter B. Stark and Jane Flaherty list fifteen things that a negotiator can do to build trust with his counterpart.

1. Demonstrate your competence 2. Make sure the nonverbal signals you are sending match the words you are saying

3. Maintain a professional appearance 4. Communicate your good intentions

5. Do what you say you are going to do 6. Go beyond the conventional relationship

7. Listen 8. Over-communicate

9. Discuss the indiscussibles 10. Provide accurate information, without any hidden agenda

11. Be honest----even when it costs you something 12. Be patient

13. Uphold fairness

14. Negotiate for abundance, not scarcity 15. Take calculated risks

Ⅱ. Maximizing Joint Gain

Principle of Distributive, Integrative & Complex Negotiation


Ⅰ. Distributive Negotiation

Jennifer E. Beer listed a set of distributive bargaining strategies in Culture at work:

1. Preparation 2. Opening offers

3. Exchange information and arguments 4. Concessions and decisions

Ⅱ. Integrative Negotiation

【拓展】 商务英语谈判技巧语言艺术

Using effective questioning



例如,你可以这样问"What are you hoping to achieve today?

Recovering from offending someone



你可以说"If I seemed sharp a few moments ago,be assured that it was only due to my determination to make this work."

Showing humility


谈判是双方沟通的过程,所以必须避免陷于一连串的"I' m right,you' re wrong"的情形。展现亲和力尊重那些对象,千万不要装做已有所有答案,请把一些议题的控制权让给别人。

你可以说"That' s more your area of expertise than mine,so I' d like to hear more."

Recovering from negotiation breakdown



你可以说"What happened last week was unacceptable as it was l we move on?"In business,skilled negotiation can be the difference between making a million dollar contract and being fired.


intl 是 international 的 简写

intl abbr.国际的(international)

国际(International)的缩写是Int'linternational读音英 [ɪntə'næʃ(ə)n(ə)l] 美 [,ɪntɚ'næʃnəl] 释义n.国际比赛;国际性组织adj.国际的;世界的短语TransparencyInternational 透明国际;国际透明组织;透明国际组织;国际透明度组织InternationalFinance [金融] 国际金融;国际金融学;国际融资;国际金融投资学InternationalMarketing 国际营销;国际市场营销;国际市场学;国际市场营销学例句1、How do you readthe present international dispute? 你对目前的国际争端有何看法? 2、We want[need] a peaceful international environment. 我们需要一个和平的国际环境。 3、China will host anexhibition of international garment machinery. 中国将主办国际服装机械展览会。

国际的英文是international,缩写是 INT,没有两个英文字母的缩写。

英 [ˌɪntəˈnæʃnəl]   美 [ˌɪntərˈnæʃnəl]

adj.  国际的; 两国(或以上)国家的; 超越国界的; 国际关系的;

n.  国际组织; 国际体育比赛; 外国居留者; 国际股票;


1. The Kravchenko trial became a cause célèbre in Paris and internationally.


2.Robertsfield is Liberia's only international airport.


3. It was his responsibility for foreign affairs that gained him international prestige.


4. The judge called the decision "a flagrant violation of international law"


5. By his international achievements he leaves a fitting monument to his beliefs.



作者:小思本文地址:http://aiyundongfang.com/lingjichu/27172.html发布于 2024-09-19
