PETS考试将笔试和口试分成两个相对独立的考查成份。 笔试成绩是听力、英语知识运用、阅读理解和写作部分成绩的总和,满分100分,60分以上(含60分)为合格。口试满分5分,3分以上(含3分)为合格。 一次考试或相邻两次考试中笔试和口试均合格者可获得教育部考试中心颁发的相应级别的《全国英语等级考试合格证书》。 从2003年上半年的考试开始,PETS考试的单项合格成绩将可以保留到下一考次,即如果考生在一次考试中只有单项(笔试或口试)成绩合格,且在下一考次中另一项(口试或笔试)成绩合格,则也可获得由教育部考试中心发放的《全国英语等级考试合格证书》。2003年以前的成绩不予保留。 从2003年开始,单次考试中只有单项成绩合格且未获得《全国英语等级考试合格证书》的考生将可以获得由教育部考试中心制作的笔试(或口试)《成绩合格证》。2003年以前的合格成绩将不补发笔试(或口试)《成绩合格证》。 所有考生考试结束后将可以获得由省级考试机构制作的《考试成绩通知单》。 具体来讲:你所关心的是二级的英语口考试,考试时间是10分钟。 口试试卷使用英文指导语。 口试分A、B、C三节,测试考生英语口语的交际能力。 每次口试采取两名口试教师和两名考生的形式。一名口试教师不参与交谈,专事评分;另一名主持口试,随时与考生交谈并评分。专事评分的教师所给分数的权重占考生口试成绩的三分之二,主持口试的教师所给分数的权重占考生口试成绩的三分之一。 A节:考查考生初次见面时向人提供个人信息(如名字、出生地、职业、家庭等)的能力。该节约需2分钟时间。 B节:考查考生根据信息卡就具体事实互相问答的能力。信息卡上的信息涉及到日常生活、娱乐和社会活动,所用语言为英语和汉语。该节约需5分钟时间。 C节:考查考生提供详细信息及阐述个人观点的能力。口试教师将根据B节的话题向两个考生各提出2至3个问题。该节约需3分钟时间。 口试结构表 节 时间(分钟) 形式 为考生提 供的信息 考查要点 考生需提供的信息 分数 A 2 口试教师与考生对话 口试教师 提出的问题 提供个人信息 * 提供个人信息 * 谈论个人目前状况 * 谈论个人以往的经历 5 B 5 两考生对话 信息卡 * 询问具体事情 * 回答有关具体事情的询问 * 询问具体事情 * 回答有关具体事情的询问 C 3 口试教师与考生对话 口试教师 提出的问题 提供信息, 阐述观点 * 回答具体问题 * 阐述个人的观点 另一份参考是这样写的:PETS二级对口语是这样要求的: PETS二级考生应能在熟悉的情景中进行简单的对话,例如询问或传递基本的事实性信息,应能提供或者要求得到更清楚的阐述,同时也能表达简单的观点和态度。考生应能: 1.使用简单的单词、短语、句型组成句子: 2.恰当地运用已知的或固定的词组: 3.积极地交流,并能用简单的补救措施解决交流困难。 PETS-2口语考试哪一主题考得更多一些?本人觉得,PETS-2口语考试更多的是对个人的信息,这是常规的问题。它涉及到考试内容,还有两个人交际性的对话,有两个考生。每年话题都是围绕着学生们常见的生活情景,比如去图书馆借书、就餐、去看电影、去购物,还有运动等等。 其次希望考生通过图片来讲故事 。这些图片都是简单日常生活的话题。希望考生多练国家教育部推荐的一些教材,给出的相关内容话题,这些话题跟我们考试内容是息息相关的。PETS2的学生如果考二级口语的话基本上是在会话水平上。 常用的几大情景,银行、商店、购物、邮局等等,都会涉及到。一些最简单的、一般性的特殊疑问句,只要不出现语法错误就可以了。希望这位同学从这几个方面把握一下。 另外,对于PETS-2口语平时练习,要注意几个能力的培养。因为在PETS-2的口语考试中,考官会问你从事什么工作、家庭里有几个成员。同时还要掌握培养描述图片的能力,在考试过程中可能会给你几张图片,就是所谓的看图说话。在PETS3口语考试过程中还要注重讨论的能力,PETS3形式比较独特,除了考官以外还有两个考官跟考生进行交流,所以要有一些互动能力。 第三个资料 是个视频 :[公共英语]全国英语等级考试(PETS)-口试30天轻松过关-第2级-外文出版社 这本书所带的视频:你可以点击这去看 第四个资料是:一个模拟练习,模拟考场练习:题目1: 口试教师: Candidate B, you want to go to an exhibition, but you do not know anything about it. Ask your partner, Candidate A to give you some information about it. You can ask your questions by using the words on this card. (将Card 1B 递给考生B) Card 1B 请用英语提问以了解下列信息: 展览会名称:地点:时间:入场券: 根据本卡片可以提出一系列可以接受的问题,如: ·What is the name of the exhibition?� ·Where will it be held? ·When will it be held? ·How much is the ticket? Candidate A, here is something about the exhibition. Answer Candidate B's questions by using the information on this card.�(将Card 1A递给考生A) Card 1A 请根据下列信息回答问题: 展览会 名称:新技术展览会地点:国际展览中心时间:6月22日—27日上午9时—下午4时入场券:5元 借助本卡片上的信息可以回答考生B提出的问题,如: ·The exhibition is called New Technology Exhibition. ·It will be held at the International Exhibition Center. ·It will be held from 9:00 . to 4:00 . from June 22nd to 27th. ·Each ticket costs 5 yuan. � 注:考生A需借助信息卡对考生B提出的任何问题作出简短回答。 如信息卡不含某一所需信息,考生A可以表示歉意并说明自己不知道,也可以利用背景知识或想象力提供该信息。 考生进行完四、五个来回的对话后,口试教师要求其停止并按规定互换身份,利用一套新卡片进行对话。 ·继续性问答: 口试教师结合前面的内容向考生各提出下列几个问题。 Do you often go to exhibitions? Why? Who do you often go to exhibitions with? Which exhibition do you like best? Why 题目2: 口试教师: Candidate A, you want to go to an meeting, but you do not know anything about it. Ask your partner, Candidate C to give you some information about it. Using the words on this card to help you.(将Card 2A递给考生A) Card 2A 请用英语提问以了解下列信息:业务会议时间:地点:参加人员:议题: 根据本卡片可以提出一系列可以接受的问题,如: ·When will the meeting start? ·Where will it be held? ·Who will take part in it? ·What will be discussed in the meeting? � Candidate C, here is something about the meeting. Answer candidate A's questions by using the information on your card. (将Card 2C递给考生C) Card 2B 请根据下列信息回答问题:业务会议时间:下星期四上午9时地点:办公楼六层第二会议室参加人员:各部门负责人议题:新年计划 借助本卡片上的信息可以回答考生A提出的问题,如: ·The meeting will start at 9:00 on next Thursday morning. ·It will be held in No. 2 meeting room on the sixth floor of the office building. ·The persons who are in charge of the departments will take part in it. ·It will discuss about the new�year plan. � 注:考生B需借助信息卡对考生A提出的任何问题作出简短回答。如信息卡不含某一所需信息,考生B可以表示歉意并说明自己不知道,也可以利用背景知识或想象力提供该信息。 考生进行完四、五个来回的对话后,口试教师将要求其停止。 所以考试时间是掌握在考官手里,你如果有话就继续说,不要停,一直让老师说 ok you have finished, 你就可以说 thanks a you.. have a good day! 如果你还要其他的资料就去大家论坛 公共英语二级版块吧,希望的我回答让你满意,给我加分吧!请采纳。
这里有新托福口语的sample & answer是我曾经学托福的时候老师的博客,讲义的内容都在上面。新托福口语考试的part 1高中水平已经都可以进行回答,你可以根据自己的程度选择背诵几个。
1、Why do people have pets? 2、Which do you think are better pets,dogs or cats? Why?3、Is it cruel to keep pets inside an apartment all day ? Explain 、Do you think it is okay to eat meat ? Do you think it is okay to eat dog meat ? Why ?
who is your favorite star and why?how do you think part-time jobs?when you are grown up,what do you want to do ?其他的可以去普特英语网看看哈
高考英语口试考的内容分为五大部分:第一部分Quick Response(10%) ;第二部分Question Raising(20%) ;第三部分Reading(10%) ;第四部分Topic Talking(30%) ;第五部分Picture Describing(30%) ;
1、第一部分Quick Response(10%) 要求考生针对所听到的情景在规定的时间内进行应答。例如: —Fineweather,isn’tit?(情景)—Yes,it is.(考生)
2、第二部分Question Raising(20%) 要求考生针对所读出的情景在规定的时间内进行应答,这里要求考生必须听懂或看懂题目的内容和要求。历年考试都给出两个情景并要求考生根据每个情景各提出两个问题,一个是一般疑问句,另一个是特殊疑问句。
如果考生都提一般疑问句或都提特殊疑问句,那么就只能给一半的分数。当然,还要看问句是否正确,如果不正确则不能给分。此类题型如下: Mary has just returned from plan to go there her about the countryor anything you are interested in.(情景) Which place would you recommend me to visit there?(考生)(特殊疑问句)
Is it easy to apply for scholarship in Australia?(考生)(一般疑问句) 3、第三部分Reading(10%) 要求考生朗读所给的文章,难度相当于高中阶段所学的相关英语课文。
4、第四部分Topic Talking(30%) 要求考生针对所给的话题讲述自己的观点。此类话题往往涉及到社会、家庭、学校、环保、道德、网络等方面。这些都是与日常生活密切相关的或比较热门的话题。 历年考试中,这些话题和第三部分的朗读内容有关。
5、第五部分Picture Describing(30%) 要求考生针对所给的图片完整地进行叙述,所给的往往是四副连贯的图片,围绕一个主题展开。所以,要求考生叙述要连贯,用词要丰富,语音语调要正确并有吸引力等。
1.不难,也就高一高二的水平。PETS-2是中下级,通过该级考试的考生,其英语水平基本满足进入高等院校继续学习的要求,同时也基本符合诸如宾馆前台服务员、一般银行职员、涉外企业一般员工,以及同层次其他工作在对外交往中的基本需要。 2.流程,先笔试后口试,二级的笔试是120分钟,口试是10分钟,笔试就是选择题和填空题,口试是2个老师对2名同学,就是说你会有一个搭档。我没考过PETS,我考的雅思,现在在英国,我来给你说说我的经验。首先,口语是听出来说出来的,教材和培训班都没有什么明显的作用。自己找找人说,找不到人就自己跟自己说,像我有的时候说出一句中文之后会自己想想这句话用英文怎么说,久而久之也有可以了。我高考之后不到一个月就去考了雅思,也没上什么培训班啥的。还有,不要紧张,一紧张就说不出来了。没什么了,我听人说过PETS的考试,很简单,说白了就是给人镀金的。祝你好运吧。
我去年刚考完PETS二级,不是很难,分为三部分两人一同进入,一般是两个考官第一,考官提问,一般是两到三个问题,难度较小,掌握基本词汇和会话便可,比如:What subject do you have?/do you like you school ? why?第二,考官给你和另一人各一张对话资料,中文,你需翻译成英文,首先A问B答,然后B问A答,这里你不要讲究自己讲的有没有语法错误,只需流利第三,考官问你三到四个问题,话题和刚才的对话资料有关,回答却是无关,难度不大,随机应变就好总分5分,只要3分就可通过,放心,一般来说问题不大
Questions: (Warm-up questions) Can you say something about your grandparents? What do you think elderly people need most? (Please give your reasons.) Some people find a new job after they retire. What do you think about that? What kind of jobs do you think are available for elderly people? Why? What can elderly people do to stay healthy? What should we do to show our concern for elderly people? Discussion: Whether early retirement should be encouraged in China. Please describe people’s life after retirement as shown in your pictures and comment on them. C1: Traveling C2: Learning something new. C3: Taking care of grandchildren. C4: Having a good time. Last questions: Why do some people prefer late retirement to early retirement? Do you think elderly people would like to live in homes for the elderly? (Please explain.) Do you think jogging is good exercise for elderly people? (Please explain.) What can people do for their community after they retire? Do elderly people like living with their children or grandchildren? (Why or why not?) Topic Area: Information Technology Topic: Surfing the Net Questions: (Warm-up questions) It is easy for you to access the Internet? ([If yes] How often? [If not] Why not?) People often say we are now living in a small world. What’s your opinion? What do you think is the most convenient means of communication? (Please give your reasons.) Mobile phones are popular with teenagers. Do you think it’s a good thing? (Why or why not?) More and more people are using mobile phones. What do you think about that How do you usually communicate with your family and friends? Discussion: Whether student access to certain Internet sites should be controlled. Please talk about surfing the Net with respect to the advantages and disadvantages listed on your card: C1: useful information / harmful information C2: communication via the Internet / junk email, computer viruses, etc. C3: e-learning / overindulging in computer games C4: e-shopping / computer crimes Last questions: What’s your advice to classmates and friends who spend too much time surfing the Net? It’s said that students who major in information technology are likely to get a good job. What’s your opinion? Do you think e-learning is an efficient way of learning? (Why or why not?) What websites do you often visit? (Why?) What do you think is the future of e-business? Topic Area: University Life Topic: Coping with Stress Questions: (Warm-up questions) What do you think of campus life? How’s the food in your school dining hall? How often do you have tests? What if you don’t do well on the tests? How do you usually spend your weekends? What would you do if you feel lonely on campus? Discussion: How to cope with the stress students may experience while studying at school Please talk about the kind of pressure college students may experience as specified on your card: C1: Academic pressure. C2: Financial pressure. C3: Job-hunting pressure. C4: Emotional pressure. Last questions: Why is it important for college students to learn to cope with stress? Do you think it a good habit to stay up late before an examination? (Why or why not?) Do you think pressure is always a bad thing? (Why or why not?) Do you thing school authorities are paying enough attention to students’ psychological health? (Please explain.) Do you think psychological counseling can help students relieve their stress? (Why or why not?) Topic area: Modern Cities Topic: Improvement of Housing Part I. Warm-up questions 1. How do you like city life? Which aspect of city life do you find most enjoyable? 2. What are the advantages of living in the city? 3. What are the disadvantages of living in the city? 4. What do you think of people’s living conditions in your hometown? 5. What are the major industries in your hometown? 6. Why do some people prefer to live in the countryside? 7. What do you think is special about your hometown? Part II. Discussion and cards Discussion: What impact these changes have on people’s life? Pictures of improvement and changes in housing. Talk about the improvement of housing with regard to …….as shown in the pictures on your card. (Before China carried out reforms and started opening up.) (After China carried out reforms and started opening up.) Card 1 : living space 高低床,餐桌, 锅碗瓢盆等挤在一间小屋子vs 宽敞客厅,复式楼 Card 2: furniture and facilities 高低床,简陋餐桌,煤炉,锅碗瓢盆等挤在一间小屋子v s沙发,冰箱,电视,HI FI, 柜式空调 Card 3: the surroundings and public services 满街挂满晾晒衣服,早餐摊点,垃圾堆, 拥挤的弄堂,公厕,当街洗衣VS 干净整洁的生活小区,健身区,喷泉, 停车库 Card 4: the variety of architecture 平房, 职工大院, 街道狭窄, 低于6层的楼房VS 高楼, 别墅,喷泉,宽敞的生活小区 Part III. Last questions: 1. Are you satisfied with the living conditions in your dormitory? Why or why not? 2. Why shouldn’t students be encouraged t live off campus? 3. Do you think public transportation in this city is convenient? (please give your reasons) 4. Do you think technology make our life easier and more enjoyable? Why do you think so? you say something about the changes in home ownership over theyears Topic area: University Life Topic: Planning for the Summer vacation Part I. Warm-up questions 1. Do you find your life on campus enjoyable? (please explain) 2. How do you spend the last winter vacation? 3. How do you usually spend your weekends? 4. What optional courses do you take? (why do you choose them?) 5. Did it take you long to get adapted to campus life? (please explain) Part II. Discussion and cards Discussion: in what way summer vacations benefit students? Cards: Suppose you are going to spend your summer vacation …. Say something about your plans. Card 1 : traveling Card 2: taking a summer job Card 3: taking summer courses Card 4: working as a volunteer Part III. Last questions: 1. Is it advisable for students to travel to remote areas during the summer vacation? (why or why not?) 2. What are the possible risks involved in traveling? 3. Have you ever thought of doing something for your family during the summer vacation? (please elaborate) 4. Do you think most students make good use of their summer vacation?(why do you think so?) 5. What precautions should college students take while traveling during the summer vacation? 6. During the discussion, why did you say that ….?
我帮你从一本口语书找了一下,现摘两篇给你,看看是否适合:第一篇是关于是否该养宠物:Should People Keep Pets?There is much discussion today about whether it is good for people to keep pets at home in students believe that keeping pets at home can bring up the children’s sense of responsibility and loving. Besides, pets sometimes are the guards of our family. We feel safer when there is a pet at home. However, the other students don’t think so. In their eyes, keeping pets makes our environment dirty, causing a lot of diseases. Moreover, people have to spend a lot of money on keeping pets. They think that it is a waste of is no doubt that animals are very lovely, so I think it’s a good idea to keep pets at home. But we must prevent them from be harmful to our human beings.第二篇是关于人生理想的:【参考范文】I hope to become a university student. My elder sister has studied in a university for one year and she told me that there were many advantages to be a university student. For example, university students can learn more specialized subjects and there will be more time and room for them to arrange their own things. In addition, university students can choose some subjects they like and they have more opportunities to look for the jobs in spare time. They can join many associations to show themselves and get some important experience. Those attract me so much. I will work hard to achieve success in the Collge Entrance Examination.
whats your opinion of the earthquake that happened in china?as a matter of facts. none of us would want such things happen in our own country. but it actualy happened , we should show our responsibilities to help those victims. being an civilian of our society, its neccessary to give then a hand whether we know them or not, we should stick together as a team. helping each other. so that we could defeat it, just like what we've did before, nothing could block on our way.
话说你给的分也真少了点 1. What do you think university students can do to manage their time the best? 你认为大学的学生如何可以管理自己的时间把自己做到最好? I think we should do more planning to make full use of their time together. For example, learning, living, entertainment, sports and more. Every day own a little planning, give yourself time to arrange some rest and relaxation, not only can we maintain the passion to learn, but also make our body will not be too tired. 2. Beijing Olympic Games the Chinese people the greatest achievement? Why? 举办北京奥运会中,中国人最大的成就是什么?为什么? Different social roles has its own expectations, are made from their own social roles in which the requirements of the Olympic Games or claim, expect to achieve their goals. Therefore, certain social roles is the biggest harvest of results, not necessarily the largest role in some social gains. People always maximize their own interests to identify, evaluate the results of events, "the greatest harvest" is difficult to form a unified understanding. But in my heart the people of Beijing Olympic Games has left the world a dynamic, reform and opening up, ethnic harmony and peaceful development of the national image, leaving a healthy and promising, hospitality, civility, politeness, dedicated national image and win the world people today agree that China's development, and this is one of the greatest achievements of the Chinese 3. Please list the pros and cons of marriage with foreigners 和外国人结婚的优缺点。 I think the advantage is that foreigners in general quality of the high points, but they are more adept at communicating, not because a small or a small misunderstanding and quarrel. Furthermore, a very practical thing that the legal rights of residence in foreign countries. Others have included medical, health, insurance, welfare advantages are more attractive. With your disadvantages of different cultures, so when the inevitable communication barriers Furthermore you are not familiar with the environment of foreign countries, if they lose them you will feel a loss. Finally, the case of children and their parents should also be a big problem. relationship between college students should be encouraged to do? Why or why not? 大学生之间的浪漫关系应该被鼓励吗?为什么或者为什么不? I think it should go with the flow. Although the exact dating in college will affect learning, but, if in the right direction, it should be able to expand more good than harm. However, not encouraged to aim for, because the deliberate pursuit of this is a vicious cycle of university life is certainly not good. can parents and children improve their mutual understanding? 如何能提高他们的父母和孩子相互理解? Parents and children should be more exchanges, more exchanges do not mean a single language, but many of the exchanges. Parents should be more contacts with their children, often with the activities, to travel, to participate in activities together (should be the child's permission to attend) and so on. In doing these things should also understand a child's circle of friends, children and friends can also communicate with their friends welcome the children home to play. Able to communicate regularly and the kids understand what they like now, to understand fashion items, so the children can maintain communication topic. Infiltration in the exchange from time to time under the parental mean, slowly let your children understand the parents hard to understand the well-intentioned parents, the use of spiritual encouragement, to promote exchanges in the entertainment activities, enhance family. between the name and character it? Please explain. 名字和性格之间有联系吗?请解释。 名字和性格之间有联系吗?请解释。 I think the character is a child develop, and there is no special link with the name. Unless those people from an early age to understand the deeper meaning of his name, but that for a child, which is impossible. Of course, we can not deny that those who have the name of harmonic overtones can affect a child's personality. 7. What are some of the constructive methods people use to deal with stress? 什么是人们用来处理压力建设性的方法有哪些? To find a true friend to talk Internet to talk with people who do not know Looking for good friends, eat and drink, alcohol can reduce the psychological pressure, but do not drink too much, otherwise the wine into the feeling of sadness Yeah. The next day I will be a lot easier. Shopping, buy some of my favorite stuff, to encourage their own look. Cry, cry, help people reduce stress. Go to a KTV singing, Watch the movie at home by myself 8. Please list in the choice of occupation, people often consider the factors and ranked them by importance. 请列举在选择职业时,人们通常考虑的因素,并把它们按重要程度排列。 First, it must be because the work itself interests you, you love this work brings life to your lifestyle and the state; Next, choose a job, depending on the job can bring you added value, not just remuneration. To be really protected, can not rely on saving money, but increase the ability to rely on reserves. If you increase the reserve capacity, even if you want to leave you because of various changes in his job and the company is located, you can also find a new job immediately and continue in a new environment to protect their lives. Finally, you choose to take, "with whom to do. " Have the same values and work with people more likely to reach a tacit understanding and consensus, will work to become pleasant and relaxing, a lot less communication barriers. As a result, work efficiency and work quality will be greatly enhanced. 9. What society can do to help people with disabilities? 什么社会能做去帮助残疾人? I think that helps the disabled, first of all we want them in a position of equality with us up. This is a psychological respect. Moreover, society should create a series of public facilities and improve disabled disability benefits system to ensure that they do not have the pressure of survival can not be solved. Finally, the community should as much as possible to provide people with disabilities to work, then they have a place to realize their value of life. 10. What the war taught us? What we can do to avoid war? 什么战争教给我们?什么我们能做去避免战争? War tells us that fire will only lead to bloodshed and sorrow. We should learn to respect and to cherish, the world's most important is peace. To avoid war, the best way is to strengthen its own defense, as otherwise it will be like Iraq. The second is to increase their economy and raise national income, is to enhance the military power to promote economic. Third, to establish good diplomatic relations, so many countries as possible Increase the contact between the economic, cultural and other aspects of more exchanges. But do not take the initiative to challenge other countries to respect his country's cultural and religious beliefs, and strive to maintain world peace.
同学你好,你的考试是几分钟的?我简单的写一些,希望能激起你的灵感。回答的时候注意尽量使用简单句和通俗易懂的单词。还有关联词很重要哦。记住不要死记硬背,灵活些运用。祝你好运哦 下面是我的答案,我的伙伴们会帮你补充的。1. Oral english class is my first choice because we freshmen lack practicing our spoken english in our daily oral english class would get us together and inspire us to open our heart to others. In order to encourage more students to participate in the class,our teachers should add some games such as imitating and singing ,etc. Besides,they should prepare more gifts to us . 2。Firstly,successful students like to discipline themselves in every way ; Secondly, they have scheduled their everyday study before waking up ; Thirdly, they never put today’s work to tomorrow . ADVICE: Firstly, I would ease her that exams are only served as a tool to measure your certain period of study;Secondly,I would remind her of some previous experience others have gotten;Thirdly, I would encourage her to overcome the shadow of self-despised and analize her common mistakes so as to achieve a good mark next time. 3.略 said that “Do not be afraid of are born achieved some have greatness thrust upon them .” Stevie Wonder , who has greatness thrust uopn him is one of my idols. Although he has suffered impairment of sight when he was young ,he never give up his music dream. That’s the reason why he achieved so many the book “Three Days to See”, Helen told us that only the deaf appreciate hearing, only the blind realize the manifold blessings that lie in sight. I also have my dream is …..
作为一个大学新生,你期望在大学里学怎样的英语课?你对老师们有什么建议吗?什么样的学习习惯在成功的学生中看起来比较普遍。如果一个学生害怕考试,你能给她或他怎样的意见?你能描述一下当你第一次离开父母和家乡时的情景吗?你喜欢Stevie Wonder吗?你对他的成就怎么看?你对未来有什么理想吗?你有信心去实现你的梦想吗?你的自我形象是什么?你脑子中的理想形象是什么?什么样的因素会帮助我们建立自我形象。