

小思 2024-09-18 68
节约用水的建议10条英语摘要: 节约资源的建议10条英语作文Now everybody advocates the environmental protection, but also has found o...


Now everybody advocates the environmental protection, but also has found out many environmental protection slogans: The protection environment protects us; The destruction environment, destroys our livelihood homeland; The soil cannot regenerate, prevents the soil pollution and the desertification,

reduces the soil erosion; The environment and the human coexistence, the resource development and the environmental protection are coordinated; The protection water environment, saves the water resources; Acquires the environment consciousness, protects the ecological environment; The use few plastic bags, are friendly to our environment ......Our Earth has one, needs us to protect together. what advantage does the that environmental protection bag have?

Not only it may use repeatedly, moreover is beneficial to the ecological environment. In the environmental protection bag's design, the many environmental protection warm-hearted public figures provide Hangzhou in abundance the beautiful scene the photographic work, wants to use in the environmental protection bag, the final lotus baby becomes in the environmental protection bag's design. The lotus baby is in 20xx bulletin photojournalist Xia Yang pats. In his blog, the net frie

Another round of energy crisis is knocking at the door. In 20xx, world oil consumption reached a new record, causing oil price in the international market to skyrocket amazingly.

As for China, it was reported that many traditional mineral cities in northeastern China had run into predicament, with their economy collapsed and workers unemployed, only because coal had been mined out.

Fossil energy resources, including coal, oil and gas, are unlike sunlight, water power and wind power which are generated consistently. They’re not practically reproductive during human history. Once consumed, they’re gone forever.

If they were to be exhausted before we could find sufficient reproductive resources to replace them with, we’d have to live in entire blackout again like our ancestors have done thousands of years ago. That’s of course not what anyone would want to see.

Due to technical limitations, people still have to utilize these resources now.

As a result, we must economize them most cleverly. New techniques should be developed and applied to reduce energy cost in industry and daily life. Alternative energy should be employed wherever possible. Eradicate any practice that wastes energy.

Humans have overcome so many crises in history, and we’re sure to win this time also.

如何节约用水10条英语(整理为一篇文章)How to Save waterWater is the source of life. It is the most precious resource in the world. Cherish water resources, start from a bit. Don't waste, know how to save water, reuse to create a better tomorrow. In daily life, we should call on people around us to wash their hands and turn off the tap, and the water after washing the dishes can also be taken to water the flowers. In addition, we also need to protect the environment, low-carbon should protect the water and avoid pollution. We want low carbon life, not disorderly felling, resulting in soil erosion. We should educate children to cherish water and not waste it. I hope everyone can cherish water resources. I hope that "the last drop of water is your tear" doesn't happen.如何节约用水水是生命之源,它是世界上最宝贵的资源。珍爱水资源,从点滴做起。不浪费、懂得节约水资源,反复利用才能创造更美好的明天。日常生活中,我们要呼吁身边的人洗手随手关龙头,洗完菜的水还可以拿去浇花。另外,我们还要保护环境,低碳生活。我们要保护水源,避免污染。我们要低碳生活,不乱砍乱伐,造成水土流失。我们要教育孩子从小珍惜水、不浪费水。希望大家能够人人做到珍爱水资源。我希望,那句“最后一滴水是你的眼泪”不会上演。

Tree-planting Day is coming !Why not go and plant trees ?

Trees are the oldest living things on Earth .They can clean the air and make our city more beautiful .They can also provide us with a lot of useful things .However ,people cut down many trees .Now there are fewer and fewer trees in the world .Trees are in danger .So we should care more about trees and plant more tree.

To help protect our environment ,we need more people to join us !Let’s go and plant trees !

Trees are our friend .





为了要帮助保护我们的环境,我们需要较多的人加入我们!让我们一起去和植树吧! 树是我们的朋友。

Another round of energy crisis is knocking at the door. In 2004, world oil

consumption reached a new record, causing oil price in the international market to

skyrocket amazingly. As for China, it was reported that many traditional mineral cities in northeastern China had run into predicament, with their economy collapsed and workers unemployed, only because coal had been mined out.

Fossil energy resources, including coal, oil and gas, are unlike sunlight, water power and wind power which are generated consistently. They’re not practically reproductive during human history. Once consumed, they’re gone forever. If they were to be exhausted before we could find sufficient reproductive resources to replace them with, we’d have to live in entire blackout again like our ancestors have done thousands of years ago. That’s of course not what anyone would want to see.

Due to technical limitations, people still have to utilize these resources now.

As a result, we must economize them most cleverly. New techniques should be developed and applied to reduce energy cost in industry and daily life. Alternative energy should be employed wherever possible. Eradicate any practice that wastes energy. Humans have overcome so many crises in history, and we’re sure to win this time also.

With the develope of society,many people begin to care about saving think saving energy is everyone's we should do well our instance,we need remeber to shut off the lamp when we leave a room without anyone else and shut off the tap when stop to use it to save we can take our bay to the

supermarket to buy can save most basica is we can't throw litter on the ground have one earth ,she is our only everyone do his best to protect her,she will be more beautiful.

Water used to be mistaken to be an unlimited and renewable resource. Actually, water resource is very limited and precious. It is fortunate that now the public is starting to pay attention

Just as is depicted in the picture, just like saving money, the lovely and smiling piggy bank is collecting every drop of water falling from the water tap.

However, water shortage is still a serious problem threatening the existence and survival of the whole human being, and yet the phenomenon of wasting water can still easily be found

anywhere in our daily life.

For example, water taps are frequently left on by careless users. Someone even assumes that they have the right to waste water because they pay for it so that it has nothing to do with others. In fact, so precious is water that we cannot afford to waste it.

Water resource is indispensable not only in our daily life but also in the industry and agriculture. And water is the wealth of the whole mankind, and it is hard to imagine what the world would be like

when there is no more water.

Even though an increasing number of people have become aware of this emergency, further measures still need to be taken. On the macro level, the whole world should make a joint effort to fight against waste of water. On the micro level, publicizing activities, such as

broadcasting wonderful ways on how to save water on TV and other media, should be conducted. To store water means to store happiness and only by saving water can we save a better life for our offspring.






复制的,希望能帮到你Below is a list of 45 simple tips and suggestions as to how you can save water in your daily life and be an example for others of good water stewardship. How about printing the list - or a portion of it - in your club newsletter, or pass the ideas on to others?1. There are a number of ways to save water, and they all start with . When washing dishes by hand, don't let the water run while rinsing. Fill one sink with wash water and the other (or a plastic tub) with rinse . Soak pots and pans instead of letting the water run while you scrape them . Install an instant water heater near your kitchen sink so you don't have to run the water while it heats up. This also reduces energy . Insulate your water pipes. You'll get hot water faster plus avoid wasting water while it heats . If your dishwasher is new, cut back on rinsing. Newer models clean more thoroughly than older . Run your clothes washer and dishwasher only when they are full. You can save up to 1,000 gallons a . When buying new appliances, consider those that offer cycle and load size adjustments. They're more water and energy . For cold drinks keep a pitcher of water in the refrigerator instead of running the tap. This way, every drop goes down you and not the . Buy a water filter for your home to reduce bottled water . Wash your fruits and vegetables in a pan of water instead of running water from the tap, and reuse it to water . When cleaning out fish tanks, give the nutrient-rich water to your plants (inside or out) 13. When you give your pet freshwater, don't throw the old water down the drain. Use it to water your trees or . If you accidentally drop ice cubes when filling your glass from the freezer, don't throw them in the sink. Drop them in a house plant . If your shower fills a one-gallon bucket in less than 20 seconds, replace the showerhead with a water-efficient, low-flow . Shorten your shower by a minute or two and you'll save up to 150 gallons per . Turn off the water while you wash your hair to save up to 150 gallons a . When running a bath, plug the tub before turning the water on, then adjust the temperature as the tub fills . Turn off the water while brushing your teeth and save 25 gallons a . Turn off the water while you shave and save up to 300 gallons a . When you are washing your hands, don't let the water run while you . Conserve water because it is the right thing to do. Don't waste water just because someone else is footing the bill, such as when you are staying at a . Verify that your home is leak-free, because many homes have hidden water leaks. Read your water meter before and after a two-hour period when no water is being used. If the meter does not read exactly the same, there is a leak. 24. Grab a wrench and fix leakyfaucets by replacing washers. It's simple, inexpensive, and you can save 140 gallons a week. (If your faucet is dripping at the rate of one drop per second, you can expect to waste 2,700 gallons per year.)25. We're more likely to notice leaks indoors, but don't forget to check outdoor faucets, sprinklers and hoses for leaks. 26. Put food coloring in your toilet tank. If it seeps into the toilet bowl without flushing, you have a leak. Fixing it can save up to 1,000 gallons a month. 27. If your toilet was installed before 1992, reduce the amount of water used for each flush by inserting a displacement device in the tank (a brick works great!).28. Teach your children to turn off faucets tightly after each . Plant in the fall when conditions are cooler and rainfall is more plentiful. 30. Collect water from your roof to water your garden. 31. Water your plants deeply but less frequently to encourage deep root growth and drought . For hanging baskets, planters and pots, place ice cubes under the moss or dirt to give your plants a cool drink of water and help eliminate water overflow33. Aerate your lawn at least once a year so water can reach the roots rather than run off the surface 34. Use sprinklers that deliver big drops of water close to the ground. Smaller water drops and mist often evaporate before they hit the ground. Don't water your lawn on windy . Avoid over fertilizing your lawn. The application of fertilizers increases the need for water. Apply fertilizers which contain slow-release, water-insoluble forms of nitrogen. 36. Set a kitchen timer when wateringyour lawn or garden to remind you when to stop. A running hose can discharge up to 10 gallons a . Adjust your lawn mower to a higher setting. A taller lawn shades roots and holds soil moisture better than if it is closely . Wash your pets outdoors in an area of your lawn that needs . Consider using a commercial car wash that recycles water. If you wash your own car, park on the grass to do . Do not hose down your driveway or sidewalk. Use a broom to clean leaves and other debris from these areas. Using a hose to clean a driveway can waste hundreds of gallons of . Create an awareness of the need for water conservation among your children. Avoid the purchase of recreational water toys which require a constant stream of . Encourage your school system and local government to develop and promote water conservation among children and . Encourage your employer to promote water conservation at the workplace. Suggest that water conservation be put in the employee orientation manual and training . Patronize businesses which practice and promote water . When you save water, you save money on your utility bills too. Saving water is easy for everyone to do!


Control the water output of the tap.


Use water saving toilet or device to control water flow.


Turn off the tap immediately, and carefully check whether the tap is turned off before going out and going to bed.


Washing dishes and chopsticks with rice washing water can reduce the pollution and water consumption of detergent.


Try to shorten the time of bathing every day.


When brushing your teeth, turn off the tap first and use a mouthwash cup to hold water.


Wash your face with a basin instead of water.


When washing dishes and vegetables, first fill out the required amount of water, and get rid of the bad habit of letting the water flow wildly with the tap on.


When doing housework, first take an appropriate amount of water in a bucket, and then carry out subsequent wiping and cleaning.


Put all the fruits and vegetables in a basin and wash them slowly in a small stream.

如何节约用水10条英语(整理为一篇文章)How to Save waterWater is the source of life. It is the most precious resource in the world. Cherish water resources, start from a bit. Don't waste, know how to save water, reuse to create a better tomorrow. In daily life, we should call on people around us to wash their hands and turn off the tap, and the water after washing the dishes can also be taken to water the flowers. In addition, we also need to protect the environment, low-carbon should protect the water and avoid pollution. We want low carbon life, not disorderly felling, resulting in soil erosion. We should educate children to cherish water and not waste it. I hope everyone can cherish water resources. I hope that "the last drop of water is your tear" doesn't happen.如何节约用水水是生命之源,它是世界上最宝贵的资源。珍爱水资源,从点滴做起。不浪费、懂得节约水资源,反复利用才能创造更美好的明天。日常生活中,我们要呼吁身边的人洗手随手关龙头,洗完菜的水还可以拿去浇花。另外,我们还要保护环境,低碳生活。我们要保护水源,避免污染。我们要低碳生活,不乱砍乱伐,造成水土流失。我们要教育孩子从小珍惜水、不浪费水。希望大家能够人人做到珍爱水资源。我希望,那句“最后一滴水是你的眼泪”不会上演。

First, water conservation tips:1, toys for children intimate partner. But some toys (such as water spray guns) need to consume water, not worthy of recommendation, particularly in the areas of water scarcity, but also should not be used. There are some naughty young people, leading in the water below a big fight with each other水仗water, water scattered, very happy, insidious, clean the wet ground, in the past, the pedestrian was scared, a large number of Water is also wasted. More bad!2, washing utensils in the home water-saving washing utensils, the best dishes on the first paper to remove the oil, and then hot water again, and finally with more warm water or cold running , take a bath of water-saving:With shower nozzle: (1) Institute of regulating temperature. (2) not to head to open water from start to finish, and should not open. (3) as far as possible before you get wet from head to toe, on the whole body soapTu, the last running water. Do not separate shampoo, washing upper body, lower body and foot washing. (4) to concentrate on taking a bath, seize the time, do not refrain from being washed or side chat edge. Let alone in the bathroom and a good friend of a big fight. To remember: Time is the water! (5) not to use the opportunity to take a bath "in passing" the clothes, shoes. Bathing in the bathtub, we should pay attention: Do not over water, pots 1/3-1/4 , water-saving toilets:(1) If you think that the toilet tank is too large, can be a piece of bricktank filled with water or a large drink bottles, in order to reduce the volume of flushing water every time. It should be noted, bricks or drink bottles of water tanks on the prejudice component of the local campaign. (2) water tank leakage is always the most influent rubber sealing lax than irrigation, water filled with later flow away from the overflow hole; outlet sealing rubber lax devascularization not take water into the pipes do not stopped to water. (3) domestic wastewater collection flush toilets, you can use a strip of water, saving water. (4) garbage regardless of size, thickness, should be clear from the garbage channel, rather than water from the toilet to the waterWater is a kind of liquid. It has no taste or smell. It is transparent, too. Water is useful and is important to us. Why? For example, we use water to water the plants. We use water to wash our face or to have a bath. We drink water or we will die…Water is also very important for China. There are hundred millions of steres of water in China, but everyone can only use 2300 steres. It is only twenty–five per sent in the too long ago, there was a man called Jacques Cousteau. He loved the beautiful colors, and the beautiful fish in the sea. However, when he returned some years later, the colorful coral reefs were dead and grey because the factory near the sea poured waste water into the sea. Jacques Cousteau decided to tell people how important it was to save the environment under the sea. He started the“ Cousteau Society ” to help protect life in the sea. Now there are over 30000 members all over the world. Since water covers most of the earth, Cousteau knew that we should keep the sea clean. We should not litter the sea, and should clean up the dirty parts. As water is very important to our environment, he encouraged everyone to take part in protecting our lakes, rivers, sea and are still a few people who are not protecting the water now in the world. For example, some factories pour waste things into the rivers, lakes or into the sea near by. The water there has become very dirty and we can’t use them at all. Although there are seventy–five per sent of water in the world, we can only use fresh water, that there is only a little. So we should use little water when we need to use it. For example, I do not use too much water when I am washing my face or having a bath… It is important for us to keep the water clean. You may ask yourself, have I ever poured or thrown dirty things into the water? If your answer is “No”, that means you have already helped to protect the environment. It is our duty to protect the environment. You may ask yourself again, have I ever helped to clean up the water? If your answer is “Yes”, that means that you have already done something useful to improve the water. If we use up all the water, it is difficult for us to get it from anywhere, including the universe. It is terrible to think that people are too thirsty to live! I believe, that if everyone helps to protect the water, the water must be protected. You do not want to “kill” your son or your grandson, do you? So now let us to protect the water! Please don’t let the last drop of water on the earth is we human’s tear!








When I was in my first year, I did not pay attention to saving food. I eat a lot of white flowers on the table every day in the bowl.

After a few days, I left the rice actually almost a bowl so much. My mother saw me so waste of food, decided to take me to the field on Sunday to walk, take a look, I am happy to jump a few feet high.

To the Sunday, I was going to pull the car to the field, the mother said: "the baby, the car is broken, we had to go." Along the way, violent sun like a fire, let me feel very hot, Bean big sweat constantly from the forehead seepage.

Field is green, like a piece of green blanket shop there. In this green blanket, there are many people busy doing farm work, and some in the rake field, and some in the pick seedlings, and some ... ... you see, there is a 30-year-old peasant uncle is throwing seedlings, He took out a green plate from a peculiar board and sprinkled it into fields to grow himself. Every time he throws a seedling, the sweat on his arm is flying with the seedlings to the fields. In addition, there is a peasant mother in the weeding, her mother gently bent down, with that clean hands to contact the dirty weeds and sludge, although the weeds removed, but dirty their clean hands. The fire of the sun shines on the back of every farmer, sweat wet through each of their clothes, each farmer came out from the fields, are a smelly sweat.

Suddenly, I saw my sixty-year-old grandmother is also working in the ground, she bent down only about five or six minutes and stood up and stretched waist, and constantly beat his waist with his hand. Full of sweat are too late to rub, is a drop of drop in the field. This time. I can not help but think of a poem: "hoe Wo day when the afternoon, sweat dripping under the soil. Who knows plate lunch.

After returning home, I thought and thought, that he was so wasteful food before it is too should not, and I determined to cherish the hard-won every grain of food.










Food, for us is very important, without food, we can hardly survive.

Now, because of global warming, environmental degradation, climate anomalies, some places of food grain harvest, so that food shortages, food prices soaring, many poor because of soaring food prices can not afford food, hungry to live Miserable life. Food has become a big problem in the world.

Food, it is too important for people, conservation and care has become a topic of people.

Remember that a child, kindergarten teachers to teach us to sing "Who knows the plate of Chinese food, grain are hard" like food to save the children's songs, education, we cherish every grain of food, do not waste; mother also made an example, she always in the rice Very carefully Taomi, the drop of rice carefully picked up into the pot. It made me understand the food.

In the language class in primary school, the teacher asked us to use the "hard-won" sentence, I did not hesitate to write: "We want to cherish the farmer's kind of hard-earned food." The teacher in my sentence hit a Bright red hook

However, I also found that there is a lot of waste of food phenomenon: the school is not a lot of students to eat lunch, but can always find the white flowers in the trash; in the restaurant, some people eat a lot of meals, Eat to the drained, so that both money and waste of food. These phenomena are really distressing.

In order to save the food, I and my father and mother also paid a lot of effort: I have every meal of the bowl of rice grilled clean; outside to eat, Mom and Dad never extravagant waste, how much to eat how much. Once, my mother watched me eat so clean, then half-jokingly said: "Today, my son's bowl can not wash." I heard, my heart beautiful.

We must cherish the food, do not waste food, because the spoil of food is to spoil the efforts of farmers uncle, a waste of food is a waste of farmers uncle's labor.

what! As long as everyone is saving food, protect the ecological environment, love the earth resources, I believe that the world will become more beautiful!





When I was young, with my grandmother grandpa live together, the older generation of people thinking is very traditional, they often teach me at the dinner table, we must cherish the food, can not waste a grain of rice, I followed them to develop This good habit.

Every day after I finished the school cafeteria, will be carefully on the plate to the remaining rice, seriously use chopsticks to add, I will not let his bowl leftovers. In contrast to other students, I see a lot of people are a few rice to eat a few mouthfuls do not eat, there are many dishes, but also so, endless food, they are all thrown in a plastic bucket.

I think since you can not eat so much food, why not let the dinner when the uncle Shao Sheng it. Causing so much unnecessary waste, let me look in the eyes really feel distressed, to know that there are many places where people do not eat it.

I called on everyone to eat later, we must do what we can, do not cause unnecessary food waste.





Dear classmates, do you usually save food? Saving food is the traditional virtues of our Chinese nation, I eat at noon to the cafeteria, see some students are a waste of food, white flowers and fragrant dishes are drained, really distressed ah!

Take the waste of food for the sake of it Some students are picky eaters, eat a few mouthfuls of rice on the drained, saying that this meal is their own do not like to eat; some students flames, soup, walking panic to sprinkle rice soup on the ground; Students eat a lot of rice to stay on the table, fell in the bowl. These are wasting food! Maybe you think that waste this little bit nothing, but if we all waste this little bit, then it is a surprising loss! Do you want to wait until we are hungry and poor when we think of the sweet and delicious rice? At this time, I can not help but think of a poem of Li Shen: "hoe Wo day when the afternoon, sweat drops under the soil. Who knows plate lunch.

In fact, save food, do it very simple: do not eat rice when you eat, do not drop rice tablets.

For our health, students, let us hand in hand to supervise each other, cherish the food together!








Today is the World Food Day, I see several shots from the TV.

Lens one: a kindergarten, the children around the table in the meal, before the meal back "hoe Wo day ... ...". There was not a grain of rice on the table.

Lens II: a university canteen, white flowers of rice, and leftovers, the students were poured into the sewage bucket.

Lens three: Beijing a hotel, full of chicken and duck meat at the table, finished, and left a lot, actually no one package.

Lens four: Africa poor areas, due to hunger a lot of children dying. Those children are particularly large head, neck particularly thin, their eyes white big black, eyes very helpless. Next to their mother, eyes full of frustration, hunger is devouring their lives.

I did not know that there were so many people in the world who were starving. I think, why do people do not understand the greater the value of food? Why can not we save food and support those who are hungry?

From today, I do not waste food, I also call you: save food, start from me.




This is a well-known ancient poetry, and today's society to promote the conservation of food, the campus is often the occurrence of such a waste of food. Happening. Love food and food do not coincide. With the rich material life, the phenomenon of waste of food is also more and more serious.

At noon to eat, some students because they can not eat, put the food into the swill bucket, every day down, wasted into a habit, then want to get the grain are hard, no wonder many people sigh: 90 after what things are not cherished, so good The rice is so white drained, how can not feel bad? Each grain of food is full of peasant uncle's effort and sweat. If we were to waste this time, chances are to return to the era of supply of food plans, then regret too late. Holding the fruits of hard work of others to waste, is not worthy of conscience, how much food can make us waste?

"Save food, love food and food" can not just stay in the language, but also to be reflected in the action. Everyone to act together, saving food is no longer far away!





In daily life can be seen everywhere in the waste phenomenon, maybe we did not realize that they are also a waste.

With the father into the luxury hotel, greeted the smooth glass table placed a variety of delicacies, the table around the Jia Peng is laughing, people happily touch the cup, happy to talk. Some of the wine after ear heat no one who pay the chop chop chop chop chop chop chop chop chop chop chop chop chop chop chop chop chop chop chop chop chop chop chop chop chop chop chop chop chop chop chop chop chop chop chop chop chop chop chop chop chop chop chop chop chop chop chop chop chop chop chop chop chop chop chop chop chop chop chop chop chop chop chop chop chop chop chop chop chop Full of a bowl of soup looking forward to the guests to patronize ... ... perhaps in a corner of the world, some elderly people kneeling on the streets begging, and some children face thin and thin, more terrible is the roadside struggling bones.

Unconsciously the banquet is over, people bohemed out, I looked back at the rest of the food for a long time do not want to leave, I determined to pack those meals home, but how can not speak, and finally waved by his father away. Home, my heart can not be calm for a long time, there is an inexplicable guilt, those grain figure always show in front of me, I am deeply ashamed of my behavior, I think my lavish in a sense Is "crime".

Perhaps I can not stop the waste, but with my meager power can end their own waste, everything you insist on the long past the savings into the habit of my behavior.





"This is a song in my childhood, my mother did not know how many times in my ear said, but also told me that the song Thousands of times to cherish the food, but the children of the times I do not understand how to cherish the food has a huge meaning, remember once:

I am at home with relish eating my favorite: rice, fragrant rice, golden pot bottom, ah, do not mention how delicious, and I after dinner, the table covered with my rice, My mother a look and resorted to the "magic spell": "hoe Wo day ... ... this ancient poem difficult to you do not know?" I heard, quickly put away the rice ... ...

Classmates, if you do not have such an experience, you can think about the meaning of this ancient poem, scorching sun, burning sun baked the earth, however, when the farmers uncle in the hard cultivation, sweat is also a drop Dripping into the soil, farmers uncle with sweat, with hard work in exchange for our food, who care about the rice in the plate, each grain is the peasant uncle with labor sweat in exchange for it!

Students must remember: "cherish food, start from me".







Xiao Ming is very smart, academic performance in the class has been among the best, but he has a shortcoming, that is not frugal.

One day home from school, my mother has cooked rice, and the end of the fragrant bread. Xiao Ming breath to eat a steamed bread, and picked up a bread to eat up, but eat two full, and he casually threw out, just listen to "snapped" soon as, just hit the good friend from the outside Small bright.

Xiao Ming said: "I'm sorry, I am not intentional." Xiao Liang said: "It does not matter, I have something to find you." Poem "hoe Wo" I forgot. "Xiao Ming said:" I back to you. Afternoon, sweat dripping under the soil. Who knows the plate of Chinese food, grain are hard.

Xiao Liang said: "What is the meaning of this poem?" Xiao Ming said: "is very simple. That is to say that farmers are not easy to plant crops, we should save food." Xiao Liang raised his hand, said: This is half of the bread who throw it? "Xiao Ming's blush.

Since then, Xiao Ming has developed a good habit of saving.






Food is one of the main substances that we add to physical fitness, but we can see the phenomenon of food.

Now our life is rich, waste is also increased with the increase in life, eat half of the bread, eat a bun, eat the rest of the white rice, drink the rest of the soup, these difficult times to eat and eat Less than the food was thrown into the trash. Maybe some people say that wasting such a little thing does not matter! But you have not thought about, if everyone throw away that little, then the world will waste a lot of food ah? Zhuge Liang often warned his son; "gentleman trip, static "This sentence tells us that life is simple, you can cultivate a person's virtue, waste is a shameful act, only thrift can be respected by others."

We have learned from the kindergarten: "Who knows the Chinese food, grain are hard." Because I grew up from the countryside, the best experience of the meaning of this poem. In the countryside, the summer can be seen everywhere the villagers wore the summer is still in the ground weeding work, which is a great spirit ah, there are bow standing in the hot water filled with seedlings, which is how Hard thing ah. When I saw the time I was completely shocked, and only know how to drop a drop of blood the meaning of this sentence. Although I grew up in the countryside, but the family rarely let me work on the ground, so I do not know so tired. All this is my director, my mother took me to go back to the time to find, understand.

In the remote mountain there are many children can not eat rice, eat a dumplings can be considered very extravagant, but we do not know how to cherish the beautiful life, the food is like garbage drained, we do not feel ashamed?

So let's take care of food and save food!




This is a well-known ancient poetry, and today's society to promote the conservation of food, the campus is often the occurrence of such a waste of food. Happening. Love food and food do not coincide. With the rich material life, the phenomenon of waste of food is also more and more serious.

At noon to eat, some students because they can not eat, put the food into the swill bucket, every day down, wasted into a habit, then want to get the grain are hard, no wonder many people sigh: 90 after what things are not cherished, so good The rice is so white drained, how can not feel bad?

Each grain of food is full of peasant uncle's effort and sweat. If we were to waste this time, chances are to return to the era of supply of food plans, then regret too late. Holding the fruits of hard work of others to waste, is not worthy of conscience, how much food can make us waste?

"Save food, love food and food" can not just stay in the language, but also to be reflected in the action. Everyone to act together, saving food is no longer far away!






以下是 无 英文写作翻译频道为大家整理的《高中英语作文:节约粮食》,供大家参考。更多内容请看本站 写作翻译 频道。 As a child, I am so luck. I don’t need to worry about food. I always have enough delicious food, live in a big house, and have beautiful clothes to dress. I am so happy that I have no idea to treasure all these things. I am a kind of particular about food. I often eat a little for one dish and the throw it away, because I have many choices. I will be full after eating several dishes. But one day, I watch a piece of news on TV. It is about some Africa children who are suffering starvation. They are so poor. They are not only having no food to eat but also having little water to drink. A bowl of rice is very rare for them. Seeing their longing eyes, I feel guilty. I am regret about wasting food before. How can I waste so much rare food? From now on, I will try my best to save food, to do something for them. 作为一个孩子,我是如此的幸运。我不用担心食品的问题。我总是有充足的美味食物,住在大房子里面,穿着漂亮的衣服。我是如此的幸福,所以我都没想过要珍惜这一切。我可以说得上是挑食的人。我经常吃一样菜只吃一点点,然后就扔掉了,因为我有很多的选择。吃了几道菜后我就会饱了。但是有一天,我在电视上看到一个新闻。那是关于正在遭受饥饿的非洲儿童。他们是如此的可怜。他们既没有食物也没有多少水可以喝。一碗白饭对他们是那么的弥足珍贵。看到他们那双渴望的眼睛,我感到很内疚。我很后悔一直在浪费食物。我怎么能浪费那么珍贵的食物呢?从现在开始,我会努力节约粮食,为他们尽一份力。

现在,我们的生活水平有了很大的提高,粮食是宝贵的,要节约粮食,可我们该如何节约粮食呢?节约粮食应当从我们做起,下面我整理关于节约粮食英语 名言 大全,欢迎阅读。



Grain calculations in six months.


Dish in each grain is hard!


A porridge one meal sweat for.


Don't take charge of daily expensive.


Food is a hard-earned!


On bread and water out.


Abnormally and grains kexin.


Good place, suffering with money.


Treasure grain, saving food.


Treasure grain, starts from me!


Precious little clothing clothing, precious little to eat food.


A break, wrecked not sorrow.


Save food, for the benefit of humanity.


Treasure grain, grab from baby!


Treasure grain is to cherish life!


Home has mangoku grain, swing heap is not long.


Waste of food is the biggest crime!


A spoonful of rice storage, one thousand days a stone grain.


Alcohol, tobacco, savings, unavoidably ask for.


There is no kind of gold, from the industry and thrift.


Food into the storehouse, mo forget and drought disasters.


Precious little garment clothing, precious little rice with rice to eat.


Life honest valuable, the grain price is higher!


Province to eat it, wear it new.


A full province, hungry in a bucket.


Please remember: food is not easy!


(a minute, more work in the kitchen.


Every year there are stored, lean years no shortage.


Harvest mangoku, also want to simple fare.


Behold dishes, each all pain.


Food, more vegetables also want to prepare a few POTS.


Grain mangoku, also want to simple fare.


The mouth is bottomless. Eat more than small bet.


Food is life, the knowledge to save souls.


Save fat have waste saving DuHuang, days drought.


Food no net, sick, not more flies.


The world is our, food is one of the world!


Save food glorious, shame on waste food.


Set up the ideas of grain and cherish the work achievement.


The fallen leftovers, outflow is sweat.

节约粮食英语 谚语


Love clothes always warm, love food always full.


Benefits are comfortable and pains are spent.


Although the grain is small, it is not easy to play hard.


Store a spoonful of rice a day and a stone a thousand days.


Drinking water should be thought of and eating frugally.


Three years of rotten rice to build tall buildings, three years of porridge to buy a cow.


Make a careful budget for half a year.


Economy is glorious and everyone praises it; waste is shameful and everyone smells it.


Rain falls into a river, and grain becomes a barrel.


Establish the awareness of saving grain and cherish the fruits of labor.


Food is used for food and clothing, not for waste.


Cherishing food means loving life.


Cherish clothes and clothes, but eat meals.


Eat and drink, save money and spend the famine.


Although the grain is small, please don't throw it away, diligence and thrift leave a good name.


Oppose wasting food.


Whether to eat or to eat at home, whether to wear clothes or rough clothes.


To cherish food is to love life.


Cherish clothes and clothes, and eat and eat.


A meal saves a mouthful and a bushel a year.


Civilization, courtesy and orderliness.



23、Keep your own chopsticks and bowls to protect the environment.


24、Ninety-nine workers work on a grain of rice.


25、From simplicity to luxury, from luxury to frugality.


26、A good harvest of ten thousand stones, but also rough tea and light rice.


27、If you have grain in reserve, don't worry about it.


28、Food is the essence of the people.


29、Diligence and thrift fill the barn with grain, but big hands and big feet leave the barn bare.


30、Save one or two grains a day and store them in warehouses for ten years.


31、One or two coals, one piece of charcoal, accumulate less into more cooked rice.


32、Don't forget to be hungry when you are full!


33、No matter how much grain there is, we should prepare pots of wild vegetables.


34、Every grain in the dish is hard work!


35、Cherish food, everyone has a responsibility!


36、Rice grains want sweat, at the expense of grain when self-regret.


37、Ten spoons make a bowl of rice.


38、A grain of rice, a thousand drops of sweat, grain sweat beads change.


39、Save rice today, oil tomorrow and buy a yellow cattle next year.


40、What falls is leftovers, what flows away is sweat and blood.


关于节约粮食英语名言大全相关 文章 :

★ 有关节约粮食的谚语大全

★ 关于节约粮食经典谚语大全

★ 关于节约粮食的名言

★ 英语励志名言名句大全

★ 名人名言英语短句摘抄

★ 节约粮食的名言句子摘抄

★ 有关节约粮食的俗语有哪些

★ 经典谚语的英文大全

★ 关于友谊的英语名言大全


如何节约用水10条英语(整理为一篇文章)How to Save waterWater is the source of life. It is the most precious resource in the world. Cherish water resources, start from a bit. Don't waste, know how to save water, reuse to create a better tomorrow. In daily life, we should call on people around us to wash their hands and turn off the tap, and the water after washing the dishes can also be taken to water the flowers. In addition, we also need to protect the environment, low-carbon should protect the water and avoid pollution. We want low carbon life, not disorderly felling, resulting in soil erosion. We should educate children to cherish water and not waste it. I hope everyone can cherish water resources. I hope that "the last drop of water is your tear" doesn't happen.如何节约用水水是生命之源,它是世界上最宝贵的资源。珍爱水资源,从点滴做起。不浪费、懂得节约水资源,反复利用才能创造更美好的明天。日常生活中,我们要呼吁身边的人洗手随手关龙头,洗完菜的水还可以拿去浇花。另外,我们还要保护环境,低碳生活。我们要保护水源,避免污染。我们要低碳生活,不乱砍乱伐,造成水土流失。我们要教育孩子从小珍惜水、不浪费水。希望大家能够人人做到珍爱水资源。我希望,那句“最后一滴水是你的眼泪”不会上演。

First, water conservation tips:1, toys for children intimate partner. But some toys (such as water spray guns) need to consume water, not worthy of recommendation, particularly in the areas of water scarcity, but also should not be used. There are some naughty young people, leading in the water below a big fight with each other水仗water, water scattered, very happy, insidious, clean the wet ground, in the past, the pedestrian was scared, a large number of Water is also wasted. More bad!2, washing utensils in the home water-saving washing utensils, the best dishes on the first paper to remove the oil, and then hot water again, and finally with more warm water or cold running , take a bath of water-saving:With shower nozzle: (1) Institute of regulating temperature. (2) not to head to open water from start to finish, and should not open. (3) as far as possible before you get wet from head to toe, on the whole body soapTu, the last running water. Do not separate shampoo, washing upper body, lower body and foot washing. (4) to concentrate on taking a bath, seize the time, do not refrain from being washed or side chat edge. Let alone in the bathroom and a good friend of a big fight. To remember: Time is the water! (5) not to use the opportunity to take a bath "in passing" the clothes, shoes. Bathing in the bathtub, we should pay attention: Do not over water, pots 1/3-1/4 , water-saving toilets:(1) If you think that the toilet tank is too large, can be a piece of bricktank filled with water or a large drink bottles, in order to reduce the volume of flushing water every time. It should be noted, bricks or drink bottles of water tanks on the prejudice component of the local campaign. (2) water tank leakage is always the most influent rubber sealing lax than irrigation, water filled with later flow away from the overflow hole; outlet sealing rubber lax devascularization not take water into the pipes do not stopped to water. (3) domestic wastewater collection flush toilets, you can use a strip of water, saving water. (4) garbage regardless of size, thickness, should be clear from the garbage channel, rather than water from the toilet to the waterWater is a kind of liquid. It has no taste or smell. It is transparent, too. Water is useful and is important to us. Why? For example, we use water to water the plants. We use water to wash our face or to have a bath. We drink water or we will die…Water is also very important for China. There are hundred millions of steres of water in China, but everyone can only use 2300 steres. It is only twenty–five per sent in the too long ago, there was a man called Jacques Cousteau. He loved the beautiful colors, and the beautiful fish in the sea. However, when he returned some years later, the colorful coral reefs were dead and grey because the factory near the sea poured waste water into the sea. Jacques Cousteau decided to tell people how important it was to save the environment under the sea. He started the“ Cousteau Society ” to help protect life in the sea. Now there are over 30000 members all over the world. Since water covers most of the earth, Cousteau knew that we should keep the sea clean. We should not litter the sea, and should clean up the dirty parts. As water is very important to our environment, he encouraged everyone to take part in protecting our lakes, rivers, sea and are still a few people who are not protecting the water now in the world. For example, some factories pour waste things into the rivers, lakes or into the sea near by. The water there has become very dirty and we can’t use them at all. Although there are seventy–five per sent of water in the world, we can only use fresh water, that there is only a little. So we should use little water when we need to use it. For example, I do not use too much water when I am washing my face or having a bath… It is important for us to keep the water clean. You may ask yourself, have I ever poured or thrown dirty things into the water? If your answer is “No”, that means you have already helped to protect the environment. It is our duty to protect the environment. You may ask yourself again, have I ever helped to clean up the water? If your answer is “Yes”, that means that you have already done something useful to improve the water. If we use up all the water, it is difficult for us to get it from anywhere, including the universe. It is terrible to think that people are too thirsty to live! I believe, that if everyone helps to protect the water, the water must be protected. You do not want to “kill” your son or your grandson, do you? So now let us to protect the water! Please don’t let the last drop of water on the earth is we human’s tear!

1、Saving water is an important measure to implement sustainable development strategy.


2、Strive to create a water-saving city and implement sustainable development.


3、Vigorously popularize water-saving domestic water appliances.


4、Saving water and protecting water resources is the common responsibility of the whole society.


5、Open source and throttling pay equal attention to, throttling priority pollution control for this scientific open source, comprehensive utilization.


6、The state shall implement planned water use and practice strict water conservation.


7、Cherish water love water saving,start from me.


8、We will continue to give top priority to water conservation and strive to build water-conserving cities.


9、Saving water benefits mankind, but benefits the present and future generations.


10、Manage water according to law, use water scientifically and save water consciously.


11、Strengthen the management of water saving in cities, save and protect urban water resources.


12、Efforts should be made to build a water-saving economy and society.


13、We should protect water resources, promote the development of the western region, save every drop of water and jointly create a water-saving city.


14、Saving water is the responsibility and obligation of every citizen.


15、Water is the source of life, the blood of industry and the lifeline of city.


16、To cherish water is to cherish the life that is allowed to contradict each other.


17、Please cherish every drop of water.


18、Water shortage in the world, China and cities, please save water.


19、It is shameful to waste water and glorious to save water.


20、Water is an irreplaceable precious resource.


21、To save water, it is important to use water rationally and scientifically.


22、Establish a good custom that everyone cherishes and saves water.


节约用水小窍门(Tips about saving water)







作者:小思本文地址:http://aiyundongfang.com/lingjichu/6890.html发布于 2024-09-18
