After trained for ten days, 要用被动,因为从句意上看应该是接受了培训。
After training of ten days
以上这句话翻译成英语正确的形式是The most deeply impressed to me was that they all had experienced professional training.
After ten days of training
economy,economic,economical,special economic zone(SEZ)经济特区, economic results经济效益, economic infrastructure经济基础, economics经济学,cash crop经济作物,be hard up经济困难,be well off经济宽裕, economic takeoff经济起飞
1. 出租车起步价 flag down fare
2. 法定准备金率 required reserve ratio
3. 实体经济 real economy 虚拟经济 fictitious economy
4. 反盗版 anti-piracy 知识产权 intellectual property rights
5. 出口退税 tax rebates 人民币升值 the yuan’s appreciation
6. 信贷紧缩 credit crunch 次贷危机 subprime mortgage rate 最优惠贷款利率 prime rate
7. 翻盖手机 flip/clamshell 滑盖手机 slide phone 直板手机 bar phone
8. 经济适用房 economically affordable house
9. 安居工程 housing project for low-income urban residents
10 .住房保障制度 housing security system
11. 大宗交易系统 block trading system 竞价交易系统 bid trading system
12. 暴利税 windfall tax
13. 整容手术 cosmetic surgery (face –lifting)
14. 双眼皮手术 double eyelid operation 鼻子手术 nose job
15. 从紧的货币政策 tight monetary policy
16. 宽松的货币政策 easy monetary policy
17. 审慎的财政政策 prudent fiscal policy
18. 油价飙升 oil prices surge
19. 原油价飙升 crude oil prices surge
20. 石油输出国组织 organization of the petroleum exporting countries(OPEC)
21. 原油储备 crude oil stockpiles
22. 轻质原油 light sweet crude
23. 使人均GDP翻两番 to quadruple per capita GDP
24. 股权收购、股权投资 stake purchase ; take stakes
25. 世界巡演 worldwide tour 复出巡演 comeback tour
26. 个体工商户 self—employed people
27. 房屋中介 letting agent 保险经纪人 insurance agent 地产经纪人 estate agent
28. 直销 direct selling 传销 pyramid selling
29. 漫游费 roaming fee 单向收费 one -way charge 来电免费业务 free incoming calls
30. 吃回扣 to take/receive/get kickback
31. 洗钱 money laundering
32. 透支 overdraft
33. 股市牛年 bullish year
34. 上市子公司 listed subsidiary
35. 海关税收 customs revenue
36. 税收减免 tax break
37. 二流货的 cut—rate
38. 高端产品 high end product
39. 货币升值 revaluation
40. 跳槽 job—popping
41. 大片 blockbuster
42. 货币经纪人 money broker
43. 起征点 cutoff point
44. 暴发户;新贵 upstart
45. 养老保险 endowment insurance
46. 解雇金 severance pay
47. 勾销债款 write off
48. 高峰期 peak season
49. 职员总数 headcount
50. 买入股票 buy into
51. 出境游 outbound travel
52. 逃税 tax evasion
53. 公开募款 initial public offering
54. 新闻专线 newswire
55. 衰退 downturn
56. 由…推出 bow out
57. 便携式游戏机 PSP
58. 负有责任的 accountable
59. 精炼厂,炼油厂 refinery
60. 杀手 hit man
61. 官方证明书 clearance
62. 家禽流行病 epizonntic
63. 辞职;下台 step down
64. 门户网站 portal
65. 小轿车 sedan
66. 战略石油储备 strategic petroleum reserve
67. 半导体 semiconductor
68. 基准点,衡量标准 benchmark
69. 出口补贴 export subsidy
70. 对…不太重视 play down
71. 记账卡,签帐卡 charge card
72. 反托拉斯 anti—trust
73. 资产负债表 balance sheet
74. 最佳位置 最佳时期 sweet spot
75. 货存,库存量 inventory
76. 集体诉讼 class action
77. 反倾销 antidumping
78. 不足,赤字,差额 shortfall
79. 美国联邦储备系统 Federal Reserve
80. 资本净值 net worth
81. 汇丰银行 HSBC
82. 国际货币基金组织 IMF
83. 财务欺诈 accounting fraud
84. 国际套利资本 hot money
营销中心的沟通职责 the communication responsibility of the marketing center
顾客需求信息:demand information of customers
新品信息:information of new products
竞品情况:situation of compatible products
品种计划:variety plan
市场环境信息:information of the market environment
行业发展情况:developing situation of the industry
市场细分:subdivision of the market
市场定位:market positioning
顾客购买习惯:purchasing habits of customers
顾客购买力:purchasing power of customers
顾客满意信息:satisfaction information of customers
订货信息:information of ordering goods
顾客投诉:customers’ complaints
营销员培训要求:training request for the marketing employee
经销商培训要求:training request for the distributor
员工素质分析:workers’ educational level analysis
设计处:design division
市场部:market department
研发中心:research and invention center
定型:finalize the design
营销中心:marketing center
生产中心:production center
供应部:supply department
市场部:market department
广告媒体:advertisement media
营销中心:marketing center
广告处:advertisement division
营销大区:large section of marketing
品牌规划:trademark plan
财务部:financial department
业务部:business department
供应部:supply department
需求计划:requirements planning
生产中心:production center
储运部:warehousing and transportation department
业务部:business department
品质部:quality department
相关分厂:relevant branch factory
业务部:business department
人力资源部:human resources department
培训实施:implement of the training
研发中心的沟通职责 the communication responsibility of the research and invention center
竞品情况:situation of compatible products
新原料情况:situation of new material
新技术情况:situation of new technology
新原理情况:situation new principle
市场要求:requirement of the market
指令下达:send down the instruction
各研发部:each research and invention department
研发中心:research and invention center
研发计划:research and invention plan
新品:new products
市场部:market department
定型:finalize the design
研发中心:research and invention center
生产中心:production center
供应部:supply department
品质部:quality department
财务部:financial department
原材料进货:raw and processed materials merchandise purchases
品质部:quality department
供应部:supply department
中心化验室:central laboratory
储运处:warehousing and transportation division
生产现场:field of production
品质部:quality department
生产分厂:production branch factory
产成品:finished goods
品质部:quality department
储运处:warehousing and transportation division
顾客投诉:customers’ complaints
品质部:quality department
中心化验室:central laboratory
生产分厂:production branch factory
制定纠正措施:establishing rectification measures
品质培训计划:quality training plan
品质培训quality training
生产中心的沟通职责 the communication responsibility of the production center
人力资源部:human resources department
营销中心:marketing center
供应部:supply department
人员供应:personnel supply
要货计划:goods demand plan
原料供应:raw material supply
研发中心:research and invention center
生产工艺:manufacturing technique
生产中心:production center
原料储存:raw material storage
储运处:warehousing and transportation division
设备处:facility division
调度计划:dispatching plan
品质部:quality department
各生产分厂:each production branch factory
各生产班组:each production team
储运处:warehousing and transportation division
员工素质:educational level of workers
员工培训要求:workers’ training requirement
各生产分厂:each production branch factory
生产中心:production center
人力资源部:human resources department
培训计划:training plan
培训实施:training implementing
生产中心:production center
质量标准:quality standard
消耗标准:consumption standard
产量标准 output standard
现场标准:field standard
纪律标准 discipline standard
培训标准 training standard
其它标准 other standards
各制面分厂:each noodle producing branch factory
各生产班组:each production team
人力资源部:human resources department
生产中心:production center
人力资源部的沟通职责 the communication responsibility of the human resources department
各部门人员需求:personnel demand of each department
人员需求规划:personnel demand plan
人员变动情况:personnel alteration situation
人力资源部:human resources department
信息发布:information release
广告媒体:advertisement media
人员需求规划:personnel demand plan
公司各部门:each department of the company
内部招聘:recruitment inside the company
外部招聘:recruitment outside the company
岗前培训:training before taking the job
公司各部门:each department of the company
公司各部门培训规划:training plan of each department of the company
员工素质调查:investigation of workers’ educational level
公司培训要求:training requirement of the company
人力资源部:human resources department
培训计划:training plan
培训实施:training implementing
公司各部门:each department of the company
各用人部门:each staffing department
工作表现:task performance
工作纪律:task discipline
工作成绩:task achievement
人力资源部:human resources department
转岗:job transfer
晋降职:promotion or demotion
晋降薪:salary increase or decrease
其它激励:other inspiritment
解聘:dismissal from employment
相关部门审批:examine and approved by relevant department
人力资源部:human resources department
办理手续:fulfilling formalities
相关部门:relevant department
离职:leave the post
公司新闻:company’s news
公司报刊:company’s newspaper
外来文件:exterior documents
内部文件:interior documents
会议精神:spirit of the meeting
报刊信件:newspapers and letters
宣传材料:propaganda materials
行政部administrative department
各相关部门:each relevant department
基层员工:employees of grass roots
基层员工:employees of grass roots
合理化建议:rationalization proposal
各部门:each department
行政部administrative department
方针政策:guidelines and policies
上级领导:superior leaders
新闻单位:press units
政府人员:government agents
行政部administrative department
相关部门:relevant department
供应部的沟通责任 the communication responsibility of the supply department
营销中心:marketing center
生产中心:production center
研发中心:research and invention center
基建处:capital construction division
各部门:each department
促销品:sales promotion products
原材料:raw and processed materials
研发材料:research and invention materials
基建材料:capital construction materials
办公用品:office supplies
供应部:supply department
对供应商的评价:appraisement to the suppliers
董事会:board of directors
企业特别助理:special assistant of the enterprise
行政副总裁:administrative deputy president
财务副总裁:financial deputy president
企划部:Enterprise Planning Department
营销中心:marketing center
人力资源部:human resources department
储运部:warehousing and transportation department
生产中心:production center
供应部:supply department
监察委:supervision committee
研发中心:research and invention center
行政部administrative department
财务部:financial department
审计部:audit department
平面设计处:Graphic Design Division
广告处:advertisement Division
品牌规划处:trademark planning Division
市场部:market department
各营销大区:each large section of marketing
业务部:business department
各制面分厂:each noodle producing branch factory
各分公司:each branch company
设备处:facility division
动力工程处:power engineering division
质量管理处:quality control division
各研发部:each research and invention department
中心实验室:central laboratory
外联处:exterior communication division
1、socialist economy
英 [ˈsəʊʃəlɪst ɪˈkɒnəmi] 美 [ˈsoʊʃəlɪst ɪˈkɑːnəmi] 社会主义经济
例如:The relationship of the socialist economy to the capitalist economy is that of the leader to the led. 社会主义经济和资本主义经济是领导和被领导的关系。
2、economic policy
英 [ˌiːkəˈnɒmɪk ˈpɒləsi] 美 [ˌiːkəˈnɑːmɪk ˈpɑːləsi] 经济政策
例如:His administration's economic policy would focus on reining in inflation. 他的政府的经济政策将侧重于控制通货膨胀。
3、initial capital
英 [ɪˈnɪʃl ˈkæpɪtl] 美 [ɪˈnɪʃl ˈkæpɪtl] 原始股本;创办资本
例如:Companies limited by guarantee are rare as they do not raise initial capital from their shareholders. 担保有限公司比较少见,因为他们不向股东筹措原始资本。
英 [ɪnˈvestmənt] 美 [ɪnˈvestmənt] n.投资;投资额;投资物;值得买的东西;有用的投资物
例如:He said the government must introduce tax incentives to encourage investment. 他说政府必须推出税收激励政策来鼓励投资。
英 [ˈmʌni] 美 [ˈmʌni] n.钱;薪水;收入;钱币;钞票;财产;财富
例如:Can you lend me some money until tomorrow? 能借我点儿钱吗?明天就还。
英 [ˌriːvæljuˈeɪʃn] 美 [ˌriːvæljuˈeɪʃn] n.再评价;重估计
例如:Two other concepts related to the value of a currency are devaluation or revaluation. 另外两个涉及某种通货价值的概念是法定升值和法定贬值。
7、par value
英 [pɑː(r) ˈvæljuː] 美 [pɑːr ˈvæljuː] 面值,票面价值;名义价值,平价
例如:For investors, a common stock's par value is meaningless. 对于投资者而言,一只普通股的票面价值是没有意义的。
下面是我整理的一些常用 英语口语 经济词汇, 希望对大家有帮助。 1. 国民经济 NATIONAL ECONOMY。 2. 中国化 chinization 3. 对外经济贸易 FOREIGN ECONOMIC RELA 4. TIONS AND TRADE 5. 经济指标 economic indicators 6. 社会总产值 total product of society 7. 国民生产总值 GNP (Gross Domestic Product) 8. 国内生产总值 GDP (Gross Domestic Product) 9. 人均国内生产总值 GDP per capita 10. 工农业总产值 gross output value of industry and agriculture 11. 国民收入 national income 12. 购买力平价法 purchasing power parity 13. 财政收入 state revenue 14. 社会商品零售总额 total volume of retail sales 15. 社会零售物价总指数 general retail price index 16. 百分点 percentage points 17. "八五"划划 the 8th Five-Year Plan for National Economic and Social Development 18. 计划经济 planned economy 19. 统购统销 state monopoly over purchase and marketing 20. 市场经济 market economy 21. 指令性计划 mandatory plan 22. 指导性计划 guidance plan 23. 市场调节 market regulation 24. 建立市场经济、法制、民主监督和廉政"三个机制" establish operational mechanisms of market economy, rule by law, democratic supervision and incorruptible government 25. 抓好农业、交通能源、 教育 科技"三个基础" stress priorities over agriculture, transportation and energy supply, education and science and technology 26. 实现产业结构、生态环境和人口素质"三个优化" optimize industrial structure, ecological environment and the quality of population 27. 第一、二、三产业 primary, secondary and tertiary industries 28. 外向型经济 export-oriented economy 29. 创汇型企业 foreign exchange-earning enterprise 30. 劳动密集型 labor intensive 31. 技术、智力、资本密集型 technology, knowledge or capital intensive 32. 高附加值的深加工 down-stream processing with high added-value 33. 优化资源配置 optimize allocation of resources 34. 生产力 productive forces 35. 生产资料 capital goods 36. 科研成果产业化 industrialization of research findings 37. 火炬计划 Torch Plan 38. 技术入股 technology appraised as capital stock 39. 风险投资 venture investment/capital 40. 固定资产投资 investment in fixed assets 41. 折旧费 depreciation cost 42. 关系民生的产品 products vital to the people’s livelihood 43. 供大于求 oversupply 44. 供不应求 short supply 45. 经济过热 overheated economy 46.抑制炒房地产热 stem frenzied and speculative trading in the property market
After training of ten days
After six month's training,they begin /began to work.(用什么时态需要看这个句子的上下文)
After ten days of training
“ They started to work after six months' training.”【公益慈善翻译团】真诚为你解答!
Level of customer service It has already been stressed that there is a need to balance the level of customer with the cost of providing that service. This balance is not easy to define although it can be described quite easily as the point where the additional revenue for each increment of service is equal to the extra cost of providing that increment. It is seldom possible to devise a policy that is absolutely optimal in terms of the cost/service balance. Some companies adopt a cost minimization approach where specific service objectives are laid down and met at a minimum cost. Others choose service maximization approach where a distribution budget is fixed, and the “best” service supplied with this cost constraint. The most appropriate approach to adopt will depend on particular product , business or market saturators. One factor that is clear, however, is the relationship between cost and service. This is shown in Figure 3.2.The cost of providing a given service is markedly higher the nearer it reaches the “perfect service,” That is, the 100 percent mark. Thus, an increase of 2 percent in service levels will cost far more between 95 and 97 percent than between 70 and 72 percents. It should also be noted that a service increase on the customer’s perception of the service being provided, even though it is a costly improvement. Packaging In discussing the product, it is important to be aware of other relevant physical characteristics which can influence any decisions regarding the choice of logistics operation. In terms of the physical nature of a product, it is not generally presented to the logistics function in its primary form, but in the form of a package or unit load. These two elements are thus relevant to any discussion concerned with the relationship of the product and logistcs. Packing prepares goods for transport, distribution, storage, sale, and use. Thanks to packaging it is possible for products to be available anytime, anywhere that gives the consumer a great freedom of choice. The packaging of a product is broadly determined for product promotion and product protection, the latter being the function that is particularly pertinent to logistics. There are also some other factor that need to be considered when designing packaging for logistics purpose. In addition to product protection, package should be easy to handle, convenient to store, readily identifiable, secure and of a shape that makes best use of space-usually cubic rather than cylindrical. Once again, there are trade-offs that exist between these factors. These trade-offs will concern the product and the logistics operation itself. It is important to appreciate that for those involved in logistics the package is the product that is stored and moved and so, where possible should be given the characteristics that help rather than harder the logistics process. Packaging is very much a part of the total logistics function and the design and use of packaging has implications for other functions such as production, marketing and quality control, as well as for overall logistics costs and performance. The implications for other logistic functions There are many ways in which the need to hold stock affects other logistic functions and vice versa. It is essential for effective planning that the various costs associated with inventory are minimized in relation to other logistics costs. As already discussed in previous chapters it requires a process of balance between these functions to avoid any sub-optimization and to create a cost-effective total solution. With this in mind it is useful to review those areas where this balance may be needed. The number of depots in a distribution system significantly affects the overall cost of that system. The reasons given for having a large number of depots are generally the perceived need to have a “local presence” within a market and the need to provide a given level of service to customers. A distribution system that does have many depots will require high stock levels specifically with respect to the amount of safety stock held. In addition, a large number of depots are likely to mean fairly small delivery areas reflecting poor stock turn and higher unit costs in the warehouse. Many companies have, in recent years undertaken depot rationalization exercises whereby they have cut significantly the number of depots within their distribution network. This particularly applies to retail and to manufacturing companies. Although this leads to an increase in local transport costs because delivery distance are greater, there are larger savings to be made in inventory reduction-specifically in safety stock reduction. A simple rule to thumb exists for estimating these savings, known as the “square root law”. Basically, the law states that the total safety stock-holding in a distribution system is proportional to the square root to the number of depot locations. the law thus gives a broad indication of prospective inventory savings form any depot reduction. Another major factor to be considered is the effect that an excess of inventory can have on the size and operation of a depot. This might be for a number of reasons such as obsolete stock, dead stock, unnecessary; that extra outside storage is required, or that the depot operation is hindered through a shortage of working space. Setting customer service priorities Whilst it should be the objective of any logistics system to provide all customers with the level of service they require, it must be recognized that because no budget is unlimited, there will inevitably need to be service priorities. In this connection the Pareto, or 80/20 rule, can provide us with the basis for developing a more cost-effective service strategy. Fundamentally, the service issue is that since not all our customers are equally profitable nor are our produces equally profitable, should not the highest service be given to key customers and key products? Since we can assume that money decision as a resource allocation issue. This figure shows how a typical company might find its profits varying by customer and by product. The curve is traditionally divided into three categories: the top 20 percent of products and customers by profitability are the “A” category; the next 50 percent or so are labeled “B” and the find 30 percent are category “C”. The precise split between the categories is arbitrary, as the shape of distribution will vary from business to business and from market to market. 客户服务水平 业内已经开始强调在客户服务水平和提供服务的成本之间取得平衡是有必要的。尽管我们可以用一个点来简单地描述这个平衡,在这个点上额外一单位服务的增加带来的收入增加等于提供这份服务的额外支出,但是这种平衡是不容易定义的。根据成本/服务平衡设计一个绝对最优的策略几乎是不可能的。一些公司采取一种成本最小化的方法,放弃了某些特殊的服务目标从而满足成本最小。其他一些公司选择使服务最大化的同时销售预算已经固定了,他们是在成本约束的情况下提供“最佳”服务。 如何采取最合适的方法取决于特殊产品,行业和市场饱和度。 然而有一个因素是清楚的,那就是成本和服务之间的关系,表现在图像3.2中。当假设的服务越接近于“完美服务”,即图中100%所标注的,其成本曲线在图中标的越高。因此,在区间95%-97%之间,服务水平上升2%所增加的成本远远高于区间70%-72%。同时,我们也应该注意客户对所提供服务的感知的增加也提升了服务水平,尽管它是一个昂贵的提升。 包装 在讨论一个产品的时候,重要的是还要意识到产品的其他一些相关物理特性,这将影响到我们对物流操作选择做出的任何决定。根据产品的物理性质,通常物流运行所面对的产品不是它的原始形态,而是一个整体包裹或分拆的单位装载物。因此,这两个基本原则关系到任何关于产品和物流关系的讨论。包装为货物的运输,配发,储存,销售和使用做准备。幸亏有包装,产品才有可能在任意时间,任意地点都是可获得的,给了消费者很大的选择自由。包装广泛地用于产品推广和产品保护,后一个功能和物流息息相关。当我们为了物流目的设计包装时,还需要考虑其他一些因素。除了产品保护功能,包装还应该是容易处理的,方便储藏的和易于识别的、安全的。其形状应该是能够最大限度利用空间的立方体而不是圆柱体。 另外,这些因素中存在着一些权衡。这些权衡关系到产品和物流操作本身。很重要的一点是要认识到物流中的产品包装本身就是被储存、被移动的产品,它的特性要尽可能地有助于物流过程而不是拖累。 包装是整个物流运行中很重要的一部分而且包装的设计和使用会影响到其他一些运行功能,比如生产,营销,和质量控制就像影响整个物流成本和成效一样。 对其他物流功能的影响 物流中有多种方式由于保持一定库存的需要影响到其他一些物流功能,反之亦然。行之有效的计划对于在处理和物流成本关系的过程中最小化各种各样涉及到库存的成本是至关重要的。在前面的章节中已经讨论了在那些功能中的权衡过程可以避免任何局部的最优化而创造一个成本效益最优的整体解决方案。怀着这样的想法,回顾那些可能需要进行权衡的领域有用的。 配发系统的库房数量显著的影响系统的总成本。设立大量库房的理由一般是感觉到需要在一片市场里进行“本地供货”和提供给客户一定水平的服务。一个确实有很多库房的配发系统要求高的存货水平以维持安全的存货持有数量。另外,大量的库房很可能意味着非常小的发货范围从而反映了仓库中低效的存货周转和更高的单位成本。 许多公司最近几年实施了库房合理化的实践,基于此他们大量削减了配发网络中的库房数量。这特别被应用于零售和制造业的企业。尽管由于发货距离的增加导致了本地运输成本的增加,但是存货的减少特别是安全存货数量的减少得到更多的节省。 存在一个简单的法则去估计这些节省,就是著名的“平方根法则”。这个法则主要表述了一个配发系统中总的安全存货持有根据库房点的数量被按比例计入平方根。因此,法则给出一个关于库房减少、预期存货成本节省的主要指标。 另外一个要考虑的主要因素是超额的存货对库房规模和管理所可能产生的影响。超额可能有这些原因,例如陈旧存货,滞销存货,多余的;这样就要求额外的室外储藏,或因为工作空间短缺打乱了库房的管理。 设置客户服务优先 既然任何物流系统的目标是给所有客户提供他们所需的服务水平,我们必须认识到因为没有无限的预算,就不可避免的需要设置服务优先。关于这一点,怕累托最优,或二八法则提供给我们发展一个更有成效的服务策略的基础。从根本上来说,这个服务问题就是既然不是所有顾客都具有相同的可盈利水平,我们的产品也不具相同的赢利性,我们不应该将最高水平的服务提供给关键的客户和关键的产品吗?既然我们可以将资源分配问题假定为货币决策问题。 这个图像显示了一个典型企业怎样发现其利润根据客户和产品发生变化。 曲线被习惯性的分成了三种类型:利润率最高的20%的产品和客户属于"A"类,次之的50%用“B"表示,剩下的30%属于"C"类。各个分类之间精确的分裂是比较主观的,因为分布的形态会随着行业的不同、市场的不同而发生变化。
带有利息借出的股票一般被考虑为借方的资产. 借方预期在规定时间内股票将会被归还, 外加一定的年利. 贷方可以考虑该股票为资产, 或作为保留股票以供立即开销. 如果他用来做资本, 他用股票来支付生产劳力, 来进一步生产制造利润, 然后不借助其它资源或收入来偿还资本和利息. 如果股票被保留以供立即开销, 他的角色就好像一个败家子, 这样股票就花在辛勤工作的人支持下不可避免存在的有闲阶级身上. 在这种情况下, 如果不转让或侵占其它资源收入, 例如转让地产或启用租金, 他将不能偿还本金或利金.带有利息借出的股票毫无疑问偶尔会被同时用于上述两种用途, 但用于前一种要常见的多. 借贷以供开销的人很快就会遭殃, 而借方一般会后悔其决定. 不考虑高利贷, 为了这样的目的借贷在所有情况下都是违反双方利益的. 虽然我们可能有时会以借方或贷方的身份进行这样的借贷. 考虑人们的自身利益, 可以确定这样的借贷不可能如想象般经常发生. 随便问一个拥有最基本谨慎态度的富人: 愿意把自己大部分股票借给两种人里的哪一种, 一种会用来生财, 一种会随便花掉. 他将会嘲笑你的问题. 因此, 即使不以节俭出名的大部分借方中, 勤俭节约的人还是大大超过闲散奢侈的.唯一股票经常被借给, 而不被预期会用来生利的是以按揭借贷的乡绅. 虽然他们借贷极少只是为了开销. 他们借的可以说在借前就被花掉了. 他们通常开销很大, 都来自商人和店铺的赊账, 以至于必须带利借贷以还债. 借贷的资本取代赊账资本, 这些乡绅的地租不够偿还. 这种情况严格说来不算是正式的借贷以开销, 而是取代之前开销掉的资本. 补充:这种情况下同样的货物, 例如硬币或纸币, 在几天内可能用于三宗不同的借贷, 以及三宗不同的购买, 每一宗都包括全部货物价值. 3个借方A,B,C 赋予3个贷方W,X,Y的是进行这些购买的权利注:前面全文中的STOCK翻完才发现不一定指股票, 而是指代更一般的资本.
After ten days of training
After six month's training,they begin /began to work.(用什么时态需要看这个句子的上下文)
After training of ten days