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已发送请查收CALIFORNIA California is the third largest state in the USA but has the largest population. It also has the distinction of being the most multicultural state in the USA, having attracted people from all over the world. The customs and languages of the immigrants live on in their new home. This diversity of culture is not surprising when you know the history of California. NATIVE AMERCANS Exactly when the first people arrived in what we now know as California, no one really knows. However, it is likely that Native Americans were living in California at least fifteen thousand years ago. Scientists believe that these settlers crossed the Bering Strait in the Arctic to America by means of a land bridge which existed in prehistoric times. In the 16th century, after the arrival of the Europeans, the native people suffered greatly. Thousands were killed or forced into slavery. In addition, many died from the diseases brought by the Europeans. However, some survived these terrible times, and today there are more Native Americans living in California than in any other state. THE SPANISH In the 18th century California was ruled by Spain. Spanish soldiers first arrived in South America in the early 16th century, when they fought against the native people and took their land. Two centuries later, the Spanish had settled in most parts of South America and along the northwest coast of what we now call the United States. Of the first Spanish to go to California, the majority were religious men, whose ministry was to teach the Catholic religion to the natives. In 1821, the people of Mexico gained their independence from Spain. California then became part of Mexico. In 1846 the United States declared war on Mexico, and after the war won by the USA, Mexico had to give California to the USA. However, there is still a strong Spanish influence in the state. That is why today over 40% of Californians speak Spanish as a first or second language. RUSSIANS In the early 1800s, Russian hunters, who had originally gone to Alaska, began settling in California. Today there are about 25,000 Russian-Americans living in and around San Francisco. GOLD MINERS In 1848, not long after the American-Mexican war, gold was discovered in California. The dream of becoming rich quickly attracted people from all over the world. The nearest, and therefore the first to arrive, were South Americans and people from the United States. Then adventurers from Europe and Asia soon followed. In fact, few achieved their dream of becoming rich. Some died or returned home, but most remained in California to make a life for themselves despite great hardship. They settled in the new towns or on farms. By the time California elected to become the thirty-first federal state of the USA in 1850, it was already a multicultural society. LATER A RRIVALS Although Chinese immigrants began to arrive during the Gold Rush Period, it was the building ofthe rail network from the west to the east coast that brought even larger numbers to California in the 1860s. Today, Chinese-Americans live in all parts of California, although a large percentage have chosen to stay in the "Chinatowns" of Los Angeles and San Francisco. Other immigrants such as Italians, mainly fishermen but also wine makers, arrived in California in the late 19th century. In 1911 immigrants from Denmark established a town of their own, which today still keeps up their Danish culture. By the 1920s the film industry was well established in Hollywood, California. The industry boom attracted Europeans including many Jewish people. Today California has the second largest Jewish population in the United States. Japanese farmers began arriving in California at the beginning of the 20th century, and since the 1980s a lot more have settled there. People from Africa have been living in California since the 1800s, when they moved north from Mexico. However, even more arrived between 1942 and 1945 to work in the ship and aircraft industries. MOST RECENT ARRIVALS In more recent decades, California has become home to more people from Asia, including Koreans, Cambodians, Vietnamese and Laotians. Since its beginning in the 1970s, the computer industry has attracted Indians and Pakistanis to California. THE FUTURE People from different parts of the world, attracted by the climate and the lifestyle, still immigrate to California. It is believed that before long the mix of nationalities will be so great that there will be no distinct major racial or cultural groups, but simply a mixture of many races and cultures. 美国加州 加州是美国第三大州,但人口最多。它也有被在美国最多元文化的国家的区别,有吸引了来自世界各地的人们。海关和移民的语言活在他们的新家园。这种文化的多样性是不奇怪当你知道美国加州的历史。 母语吴磊,阿拉伯 究竟当第一人抵达我们现在的加州所知,没有人真正知道。但是,很可能是在加利福尼亚州印第安人生活在至少1.5万年以前。科学家认为,这些定居者在越过白令海峡的北极通过大陆桥的存在意味着在史前时期到美国。在16世纪之后,欧洲人的到来,当地人民深受其害。数以千计的人死亡或奴役。此外,许多人死于由欧洲人带来的疾病。然而,一些幸存下来这些可怕的时代,今天有更多的印第安人居住在加州的比任何其他国家。 西班牙 在18世纪由西班牙统治加州。西班牙士兵首次抵达南美洲在16世纪初,当他们又打了当地人民对他们的土地了。两个世纪后,西班牙已经定居在南美洲的大部分地区和沿我们现在呼吁美国西北海岸。第一届西班牙语到加州,大部分是宗教的男子,其部是教天主教的本地人。 1821年,墨西哥人民从西班牙获得独立。加州则成为墨西哥的一部分。在1846年,美国宣布对墨西哥的战争,战争结束后由美国获胜,墨西哥不得不放弃到美国加利福尼亚州。但是,仍然有一个强大的国家西班牙的影响力。这就是为什么今天超过40%的加州发言作为第一或第二语言的西班牙语。 俄罗斯 在19世纪初,俄罗斯猎人,谁原本去阿拉斯加,开始在加利福尼亚州定居。今天,大约有2.5万俄罗斯和美国在旧金山附近居住。 淘金者 1848年,不久之后,美国与墨西哥战争,是在加利福尼亚州发现金矿。发展成为从世界各地吸引了人们快速致富的梦想。最近的,因此,第一个到达,是南美和美国人民。来自欧洲和亚洲然后冒险家紧随其后。事实上,很少有达到了他们的致富梦想。有些死亡或回家,但多数仍留在加州,尽管困难很大,使自己的生活。他们定居在新市镇或农场。由加州当选成为1850年的第三十一次的美国联邦州时,已经是一个多元文化的社会。 后来,一位RRIVALS 虽然中国移民开始在到达淘金时期,这是建设 从西到东的铁路网络沿岸,在19世纪60年代带来更大的编号,以加利福尼亚州。今天,中国的美国人居住在加州各地,虽然很大一部分选择了留在“唐人街”,洛杉矶和旧金山。 其他如意大利移民,主要是渔民,但也葡萄酒生产商,在加利福尼亚州来到了19世纪后期。 1911年从丹麦建立了一个移民城市自己,今天仍然保持了他们的丹麦文化。到1920年的电影业和好莱坞,加州成立。该行业的繁荣吸引了包括许多犹太人的欧洲人。今天,加利福尼亚州的美国第二大犹太居民。 日本农民开始在加利福尼亚州到达20世纪初,80年代以来,很多有在那里定居。来自非洲人民一直生活在加利福尼亚州自19世纪初,当他们从墨西哥北部。然而,更抵达1945年至1942年之间工作的船舶和飞机产业。 近来港的移民 在最近数十年来,加州有更多的人成为家来自亚洲,包括韩国,柬埔寨,越南和老挝。自20世纪70年代初,计算机行业吸引印度人和巴基斯坦人加州。 的未来 来自世界各地的人,受气候和生活方式所吸引,但移民到美国加州。可以相信,不久的民族组合将是如此之大,不会有明显的主要种族或文化团体,而是一个多种族和文化的交融。

CALIFORNIA California is the third largest state in the USA but has the largest population. It also has the distinction of being the most multicultural state in the USA, having attracted people from all over the world. The customs and languages of the immigrants live on in their new home. This diversity of culture is not surprising when you know the history of California. NATIVE AMERCANS Exactly when the first people arrived in what we now know as California, no one really knows. However, it is likely that Native Americans were living in California at least fifteen thousand years ago. Scientists believe that these settlers crossed the Bering Strait in the Arctic to America by means of a land bridge which existed in prehistoric times. In the 16th century, after the arrival of the Europeans, the native people suffered greatly. Thousands were killed or forced into slavery. In addition, many died from the diseases brought by the Europeans. However, some survived these terrible times, and today there are more Native Americans living in California than in any other state. THE SPANISH In the 18th century California was ruled by Spain. Spanish soldiers first arrived in South America in the early 16th century, when they fought against the native people and took their land. Two centuries later, the Spanish had settled in most parts of South America and along the northwest coast of what we now call the United States. Of the first Spanish to go to California, the majority were religious men, whose ministry was to teach the Catholic religion to the natives. In 1821, the people of Mexico gained their independence from Spain. California then became part of Mexico. In 1846 the United States declared war on Mexico, and after the war won by the USA, Mexico had to give California to the USA. However, there is still a strong Spanish influence in the state. That is why today over 40% of Californians speak Spanish as a first or second language. RUSSIANS In the early 1800s, Russian hunters, who had originally gone to Alaska, began settling in California. Today there are about 25,000 Russian-Americans living in and around San Francisco. GOLD MINERS In 1848, not long after the American-Mexican war, gold was discovered in California. The dream of becoming rich quickly attracted people from all over the world. The nearest, and therefore the first to arrive, were South Americans and people from the United States. Then adventurers from Europe and Asia soon followed. In fact, few achieved their dream of becoming rich. Some died or returned home, but most remained in California to make a life for themselves despite great hardship. They settled in the new towns or on farms. By the time California elected to become the thirty-first federal state of the USA in 1850, it was already a multicultural society. LATER A RRIVALS Although Chinese immigrants began to arrive during the Gold Rush Period, it was the building ofthe rail network from the west to the east coast that brought even larger numbers to California in the 1860s. Today, Chinese-Americans live in all parts of California, although a large percentage have chosen to stay in the "Chinatowns" of Los Angeles and San Francisco. Other immigrants such as Italians, mainly fishermen but also wine makers, arrived in California in the late 19th century. In 1911 immigrants from Denmark established a town of their own, which today still keeps up their Danish culture. By the 1920s the film industry was well established in Hollywood, California. The industry boom attracted Europeans including many Jewish people. Today California has the second largest Jewish population in the United States. Japanese farmers began arriving in California at the beginning of the 20th century, and since the 1980s a lot more have settled there. People from Africa have been living in California since the 1800s, when they moved north from Mexico. However, even more arrived between 1942 and 1945 to work in the ship and aircraft industries. MOST RECENT ARRIVALS In more recent decades, California has become home to more people from Asia, including Koreans, Cambodians, Vietnamese and Laotians. Since its beginning in the 1970s, the computer industry has attracted Indians and Pakistanis to California. THE FUTURE People from different parts of the world, attracted by the climate and the lifestyle, still immigrate to California. It is believed that before long the mix of nationalities will be so great that there will be no distinct major racial or cultural groups, but simply a mixture of many races and cultures.


学习,就要有灵魂,有精神和有热情,它们支持着你的全部!灵魂,认识到自我存在,认识到你该做的是什么;下面给大家带来一些关于高中英语选修七 英语单词 词汇,希望对大家有所帮助。


disability /?d?s??b?l?ti/ n.伤残;无力;无能

disabled /d?s?eb?ld/ adj.伤残的

hearing /?h?r??/ n.听力;听觉

eyesight /?a??sa?t/ n.视力

syndrome /?s?ndro?m/ n.综合病征;综合症状

infantile paralysis 小儿麻痹

Rosalyn n.罗莎琳(女名)

lap /l?p/ n.跑道的一圈;重叠部分;(人坐着时)大腿的上方

ambition /?m'b??n/ n.雄心;野心

ambitious /?m'b???s / adj.有雄心的;有野心的

dictation /d?k'te??n/ n.口授;听写(的文字)

Sally n. 萨利(女名)

noisy/'n??zi/ n.吵闹的;嘈杂的

suitable /'su?t?b(?)l/ adj.适合的;适宜的

entry /'entr?/ n.项目;进入;入口

beneficial /ben?'f??(?)l/ adj.有益的;受益的

Marty /'mɑ:ti/ 马蒂?菲尔丁

in other words 换句话说

clumsy /'kl?mz?/ adj. 笨拙的

bump /b?mp/ vi. 碰撞;撞击

outgoing /'a?tg????/ adj. 外向的;友好的;外出的;离开的

adapt /?'d?pt/ vt. 使适应;改编

adapt to 适合

bench /ben(t)?/ n. 长凳

cut out 切去;省略;停止(做某事)

microscope /'ma?kr?sk??p/ n. 显微镜

out of breath 上气不接下气

absence /'?bs(?)ns/ n. 缺席;不在某处

fellow /'fel??/ adj. 同伴的;同类的 n.同伴;同志;伙伴

annoy /?'n??/ vt. 使……不悦;惹恼

annoyed /?'n??d/ adj. 颇为生气的

annoyance /?'n???ns/ n. 烦恼

all in all 总而言之

firm /f??m/ n. 公司 adj.结实的;坚固的;坚定的

software /'s?ftw?r/ n. 软件

sit around 闲坐着

as well as 和;也

parrot /'p?r?t/ n. 鹦鹉

tank /t??k/ n. (盛液体、气体的)大容器;缸;大桶

tortoise /'t??rt?s/ n. 陆龟;龟

in many ways 在很多方面

psychology /sa?'k?l?d??/ n. 心理(学)

psychologically /sa?'k?l?d??kl?/ adv. 心理(学)地;精神上地

make fun of 取笑

encouragement /?n'k?r?d?m(?)nt/ n. 鼓励;奖励

conduct /'k?nd?kt/ n. 行为;品行 vt. 指挥;管理;主持

mainstream /'me?nstri?m/ n. 主流;主要倾向

fulfilling /f?l'f?l??/ adj. 令人满意的;令人愉快的

never mind 不必担心

politics /'p?l?t?ks/ n. 政治(学)

abolish /?'b?l??/ vt. 废除;废止

abolition /?'b?l??n/ n. 废除;废止

resign /r?'za?n/ vi. & vt. 辞职;辞去(工作、职位等)

slavery /'sle?v(?)r?/ n. 奴隶制

literature /'l?t(?)r?t??/ n. 文学(作品);著作;文献

Barry Minto 巴里?明托

Mount Kilimanjaro n. 气力马扎罗山(位于坦桑尼亚;非洲最高山)

companion /k?m'p?nj?n/ n.同伴;伙伴

assistance /?'s?st(?)nt/ n.协助;援助

congratulate /k?n'gr?tj?le?t/ vt. 祝贺;庆贺

congratulation /k?n'gr?tj?le??n/ n.祝贺;贺词

bowling /'b??l??/ n.保龄球

graduation /gr?d??'e??(?)n/ n. 毕业 ;毕业典礼

certificate /s?'t?f?k?t/ n.证书

all the best (口语)(祝你)一切顺利

architect /'ɑ?k?tekt/ n. 建筑师

Sanders n.桑德斯(姓)

adequate /'?d?kw?t/ adj. 足够的;充分的

access /'?kses/ n.(接近的) 方法 ;通路;可接近性

accessible /?k'ses?b(?)l/ adj. 可接近的;可进入的;可使用的

wheelchair n. 轮椅

handy /'h?nd?/ adj. 方便的;有用的

earphone /'??f??n/ n. 耳机

impair /?m'pe?/ vt. 削弱;损伤

row /r??/ n. 一行;一排 vt . & vi.划(船)

basement /'be?sm(?)nt/ n. 地下室

outwards /'a?tw?dz/ adv. 向外

exit /'eks?t/ n. 出口;离开;退场

meet with 遇到;经历;会晤

approval /?'pru?v(?)l/ n. 赞成;认可

dignity /'d?gn?t?/ n. 尊严;高贵的品质

profit /'pr?f?t/ n. 收益;利润;盈利

italics /?'t?l?ks/ n.(pl) 斜体(字)

community /k?'mju?n?t?/ n. 社区;团体;社会


household /'ha?sh??ld/ adj.家庭的;家用的 n.一家人;家庭

fiction /'f?k?(?)n/ n.小说;虚构或想象出来的事

desire /d?'za??/ n.渴望;欲望;渴求 vt.希望得到;想要

Isaac Asimov 艾萨克?阿西莫夫

satisfaction /s?t?s'f?k?(?)n/ n.满意;满足;令人满意的事物

Larry Belmont 拉里?贝尔蒙特

test out 试验;考验

Claire n.克莱尔(女名)

bonus /'b??n?s/ n.额外津贴;奖金;红利

alarm /?'lɑ?m/ vt. 使警觉;使惊恐;惊动 n.警报;惊恐

alarmed /?'lɑ?md/ adj. 担心的;害怕的

apron /'e?pr(?)n/ n.围裙

sympathy /'s?mp?θ?/ n. 同情(心)

overweight /??v?'we?t/ adj.超重的;体重超常的

elegant /'el?g(?)nt/ adj.优雅的;高雅的;讲究的

Gladys Claffern 格拉迪斯?克拉芬

favour /'fe?v?/ n.喜爱;恩惠 vt.喜爱;偏袒

pile /pa?l/ n.堆;摞;叠vi.堆起;堆积vt.把……堆起;积聚

scan /sk?n/ vt.细看;仔细检查;粗略地看;浏览;扫描

fingernail /'f??g?ne?l/ n.手指甲

absurd /?b's??d/ adj.荒谬的;可笑的

haircut /'he?k?t/ n.发型;理发

makeup /me?k?p/ n.化妆品

accompany /?'k?mp?n?/ vt.陪伴;伴奏

cushion /'k??(?)n/ n.(坐、跪时用的)软垫;靠垫;垫子

bedding /'bed??/ n.寝具;铺盖

necklace /'nekl?s/ n.项链

clerk /klɑ?k/ n.售货员;职员;旅馆接待员

counter /'ka?nt?/ n. 柜台;计数器

ring up 给……打电话

turn around 转向;回转

awful /??f?l/ adj.极坏的;极讨厌的;可怕的;(口语)糟透的

affair /?'fe?/ n. 事务;事情;暖昧关系

armchair /ɑ?m't?e?/ n. 扶手椅;单座沙发

declare /d?'kle?/ vt. 宣布;声明;表明;宣称

cuisine /kw?'zi?n/ n. 烹饪(风味);菜肴

envy /'env?/ vt. 忌妒;羡慕

leave…alone 不管;别惹;让……一个人待着;和……单独在一起

digital /d?d??t(?)l/ adj. 数字的;数码的;手指的;脚趾的

mailbox /'me?lb?ks/ n. (美)邮筒;信箱

state /ste?t/ vt. 陈述;宣布

aside /?'sa?d/ adv. 在一边;向一边

set aside 将……放在一边;为……节省或保留(钱或时间)

grand /gr?nd/ adj. 大的;豪华的;雄伟的

Marion n. 玛丽安(女名)

alphabetical /?lf?'bet?k(?)l/ adj. 字母(表)的;按字母顺序的

receiver /r?'si?v?/ n. 收件人;接收机;电话听筒

in all 一共;总计

affection /?'fek?(?)n/ n. 喜爱;爱;感情;影响

bound /ba?nd/ adj. 一定的;密切相关的;装有封面的vt. 束缚;使跳跃n. 范围;跳跃

be bound to 一定做……

biography /ba?'?gr?f? / n. (由他人撰写的)传记;传记文学

holy /'h??l? / adj. 神的;上帝的;圣洁的

imagination /?,m?d??'ne??(?)n / n. 想象(力);创造力;幻想物

transfusion /tr?ns'fju??(?)n / n. 输血

part-time adj. 兼职的

master’s degree 硕士学位

staff /stɑ?f / n. 全体员工;手杖

Philadelphia n. 费城(美国宾西法尼亚州重要港口)

navy /'ne?v? / n. 海军;海军部队

junior / 'd?u?n?? / adj. 较年幼的;资历较浅的;地位较低的 n.年少者;晚辈;等级较低者

PhD=Doctor of Philosophy 哲学博士学位;博士学位

biochemistry / ba??(?)'kem?str? / n. 生物化学

Boston n. 波士顿(美国东北部城市)

talent / 't?l?nt / n. 天才;特殊能力;才干

chapter / 't??pt? / n. (书中的)章;篇;回

the Foundation 《基地》三部曲

empire / 'empa?? / n. 帝国

theoretical / 'empa?? / adj. 理论(上)的;假设的

framework / 'fre?mw??k / n. 框架;结构

thinking /θ??k?? / n. 思想;思考

divorce / d?'v??s / n. 离婚;断绝关系 vt.与……离婚;与……脱离

obey / ?(?)'be? / vt. & vi. 服从;顺从

disobey /d?s?'be? / vt. & vi. 不服从;违抗

assessment / ?'sesm?nt / n. 评价;评定


snorkel / 'sn??k(?)l / vi. 戴 潜水 通气管潜泳 n.(潜水艇或潜水者的)通气管

aquarium / ?'kwe?r??m / n. 水族馆;水族箱;养鱼缸

anecdote / '?n?kd??t / n. 轶事;奇闻

Clancy n. 克兰西(男名)

baleen / b?'li?n / n. 鲸须

baleen whale 须鲸

annual / '?nj??l / adj. 每年的;按年度计算的 n.年刊;年鉴

migration / ma?'gre??(?)n / n. 迁徙;迁居;移居

witness / 'w?tn?s / vt. 当场见到;目击 n.目击者;证人;证据

accommodation / ?k?m?'de??(?)n / n. 住所;住宿;调解

shore / ??? / n. 岸;海滨

offshore / '?f???/ adv.&adj. 近海(的);离岸(的)

opposite / '?p?z?t / prep. 在……对面 adj. 相对的;相反的

yell / jel / vi. 大叫;呼喊 n.叫声;喊声

pause / p??z / vi. & n. 暂停;中止

oar / ?? / n. 桨;橹

telescope / 'tel?sk??p / n. 望远镜

teamwork / 'ti?mw??k / n. 协作;配合

blow-hole n. (鲸鱼的)鼻孔;(隧道的)通风口

dive /da?v/ vi. & n. 跳水(的动作);潜水(的动作);俯冲

flee /fli:/ vi. (fled, fled) 逃避;逃跑 vt. 逃离

harpoon /hɑ:?pu:n/ n. (捕鲸用的)鱼叉

drag /dr?g/ vt. 拖;拉;扯

depth /depθ/ n. 深(度);深处

meantime /?mi:nta?m/ adv. 其间;同时

in the meantime 在此期间;与此同时

lip /l?p/ n. 一片嘴唇;(容器或洞的)边,口

overboard /???v?b?:d/ adv. 越过船舷进入水中

urge /?:d?/ vt. 催促;极力主张;驱策

abandon /??b?nd?n/ vt. 放弃;遗弃;抛弃

shark /?ɑ:k/ n. 鲨鱼

Help (...)out 帮助(某人)摆脱困境或危难

relationship /r??le??n??p/ n. 关系;血缘关系;交往

conservation /?k?ns??ve??n/ n. 保存;保护

iceberg /?a?sb?:g/ n. 冰山

jog /d??g/ vi. 慢跑 vt.轻推;轻撞

seaside /?si:sa?d/ n. & adj. 海边(的);海滨(的)

net /net/ n. 网;网状物;网络

target /?tɑ:g?t/ n. 目标;靶;受批评的对象

tide /ta?d/ n. 潮(汐);潮水;潮流

driftnet /driftnet/ n. 流网

dimension /da??men?n/ n. 维(数);方面;侧面

reflect /r??flekt/ vi. 思考 vt.映射;反射;思考

pure /pj??(r)/ adj. 纯的;纯粹的;纯洁的

cell /sel/ n. 细胞;(蜂房的)巢室

aware /??we?(r)/ adj. 意识到的;知道的

a) be/become aware of 对……知道、明白;意识到……

vivid /?v?v?d/ adj. 生动的;鲜明的;鲜艳的

neat /ni:t/ adj. (口)好的;整齐的;匀称的

seaweed /?si:wi:d/ n. 海草;海藻

narrow /?n?r??/ adj. 狭窄的;有限的;狭隘的

flashlight /?fl??la?t/ n. 闪光信号灯;手电筒;闪光灯

upside down 上下翻转

suck /s?k/ vt. & vi. 吮吸

sea-slug n. 海蛞蝓

turtle /?t?:tl/ n. 海龟;龟;甲鱼

eel /i:l/ n. 鳗;鳝

sharp /?ɑ:p/ adj. 锐利的;锋利的;敏捷的

tasty /?te?sti/ adj. 好吃的;可口的

giant /?d?a??nt/ adj. 巨人的;巨大的 n. 巨人;伟人

clam /kɑ:m/ n. 蛤

grey /ɡre?/ adj. & n. 灰色(的)

scare /ske?(r)/ vt. 恐吓 vi.受惊吓

a) (be) scared to death 吓死了

shallow /???l??/ adj. 浅的;肤浅的;浅显的

steep /sti:p/ adj. 陡峭的

boundary /?ba?ndri/ n. 界限;分界线

Antarctic /?n?tɑ:kt?k/ adj. 南极的

the Antarctic 南极洲

awesome /??:s?m/ adj. 使人敬畏的;令人畏惧的

leap /li:p/ vi. & n. (leapt, leaped;leapt, leaped) 跳;跳跃 vt. 跳过(障碍)

seal /si:l/ n. 海豹;封条;印章

refund / ?ri?f?nd / vt. 退还;偿还 n.退款

pension / 'pen?(?)n/ n. 养老金;退休金

pensioner / 'pen?(?)n? / n. 领取养老金者

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作者:小思本文地址:http://aiyundongfang.com/lingjichu/29518.html发布于 2024-09-19
