

小思 2024-09-19 24
沟通的重要性英语摘要: 沟通是很重要的英语Many students may think it to be difficult to get along well with their claamat...


Many students may think it to be difficult to get along well with their claamates,however,it's not so hard as you have relation among you should be built on believing and can try to talk with them while you're free or in some acitvities,for instance,you can help them once they meet difficult problems in studying, ought to be concerned with your classmates,and I believe that they shall show you their 's true that not only in daily life,but also even most fo time you'll get in touch with your classmates,so you shall play with them,give them your course,once you strive,you'll finally succeed.

Communication as a necessary thing in our life, which means of the process of transmission and feedback of thoughts and feelings between people and between people and groups. Communication lies in being sincere to people, And we need to use some body language and expressions to express our ideas better. There is more to communication than just talk and gesture. Listening, understanding and interpreting are as much integral to communication as words - verbal, written or gestured. Yes, even gestures in communication play a crucial role in conveying and interpreting the message! Communication is an important bridge for building interpersonal relationships. It can be said that if there is no communication there is no interpersonal contact, People will be indifferent to each other, misunderstanding, the relationship will become rigid, there will be estrangement, distortion of the situation. Especially now the arrival of the information age, the impetuous young people and the change of social environment, Social division of labor is getting more and more detailed, information is emerging in an endless stream, and the modern industry urgently needs to exchange information, all of which cannot be separated from communication. Communication has increasingly become an indispensable part of our lives. Under the influence of the electronic age, young people are addicted to the virtual world. Therefore, I appeal that we should put down our mobile phones and step out of our own world


Communication is a sincere dialogue, an emotional exchange and an exchange of information. Communication can eliminate misunderstanding and calm anger.


If there is no communication, there is no interpersonal relationship!


In today's society, communication is needed between parents and children, between teachers and students, and between students.


If we can't even do this, then you can't stand up among your classmates!


Because friends hold high the torch of communication with each other, even if they are separated by the distance between heaven and earth, they can echo each other at a lonely night.


Importance of CommunicationCommunication is an integral instinct of all living things. The most important bearings of communication are best understood when there is a lack of it. The following article discusses how important communication is and why it plays such a vital role in our daily is more to communication than just talk and gesture. Listening, understanding and interpreting are as much integral to communication as words - verbal, written or gestured. Yes, even gestures in communication play a crucial role in conveying and interpreting the message! Similarly, how we communicate or express ourselves goes a great way towards determining how our expressions are interpreted. To quote Karl Popper, "It is impossible to speak in such a way that you cannot be misunderstood". Faulty or incomplete communication can completely mar the purpose of communicating and may result in damaging consequences. This is where understanding how important communication is and communicating the right way comes into picture. Not everyone is equally endowed with the ability to effectively express himself and this is where the significance of communication skills can be truly fathomed. Communicating the right way is equally important in every walk of like, be it in personal, professional or social life. Come, let's take a look at some major areas where right communication or a lack of it can have serious Communication ProcessThe communication process involves a sender or communication source, the subject matter of communication, expressions used for communicating (encoding), the medium of communication, receiver(s) of the communication and the interpretation thereof (decoding) and feedback. This can be diagrammatically represented as follows:-The last part, . FEEDBACK is crucial in determining whether the communication has been understood by the receiver in the same light as intended by the sender. Let us try and understand the importance of communication in different walks of our daily of Communication in BusinessThe success of any business lies as much in networking and building sound professional relationships as it does in individual tact and business acumen. Communication is a crucial decisive factor in business relations. It is very important to say the right things at the right time and at the right place when dealing with partners, customers, stakeholders, media and, sometimes, even competitors. Any miscommunication or ambiguity can pour pails of cold water on your hard work and ruin your chances of survival in today's competitive business environment. Maintaining professional etiquette in oral and written business communication is of utmost importance and must not be taken lightly. We should be grateful that we are living in an era of enlightenment where we have access to training on just about anything under the sun! Nowadays, many courses are available that provide training on developing business communication skills and correspondence and a lot of educational institutes conduct classes on ways to improve communication skills. Effective communication skills in business go a long way in sealing your financial of Communication in the WorkplaceThe most difficult part of running an organization is managing the human resources. This is one resource which doesn't work on any principle of management, economics, psychology or any other social science! This is the most random and volatile resource which must be managed with great dexterity to reach desired organizational goals. Communication is that lubricant which keeps this resource moving throughout the organizational machinery. The salience of communication in the workplace is manifold, as it involves communication along vertical, horizontal and parallel organizational levels and such communication should always follow the hierarchy prescribed by the organization. A breach of the hierarchical channel of communication is known as a Gang Plank and should be avoided as much as possible. Communication in the workplace involves interpersonal communication between colleagues, superior and subordinate and vice versa and workplace communication skills come handy in such situations. A clear understanding of the purpose of such communication, especially if it is of a vertical nature, along with the expectations of the sender and receiver are extremely important for the smooth running of an of Communication in LeadershipWhat is the role of a leader? A leader is expected to represent his/her followers and motivate them to reach heights of success through individual and collective effort. Communication is the best equipment a leader can employ to achieve this goal. Even ideals resting upon strong principles can fall flat and fail to motivate due to lack of effective communication skills. History is galore with examples of many national leaders who have moved the masses by their life-changing speeches and powerful writings! Abraham Lincoln and Martin Luther King Jr. are prominent examples of outstanding leadership through effective of Communication in RelationshipsI don't think I need to elaborate much on this, as we all have, some time or the other, experienced certain roadblocks and voids in our relationships owing to a lack of communication. Lack of communication in relationships result in frustrations, misunderstandings, unrealistic expectations, guilt and can create personal differences. It is difficult for people who share their lives with each other to coexist for long without having regular and smooth communication for oiling the machinery of the relationship. Relationship communication problems can only be solved through active and effective living beings, we need to express and understand the expressions of others. Like it or not, the human society thrives on communication. Civilizations have risen and fallen based upon how good they were at maintaining sound relations with the rest of the world. Communication is, indeed, the very lubricant that makes the machinery of human relations function smoothly. Therefore, the significance of communication cannot and should not be underestimated. Sometimes, difficult situations in life can be resolved by just sitting down and talking it out! Similarly, most personal, professional and social disasters can be averted by maintaining clear, appropriate and unambiguous communication. All we need is some effort on our part to identify and avoid barriers to effective communication to make our lives and the lives of those around us more at Buzzle:


沟通的重要性 The Importance of CommunicationCommunication is the activity of conveying information through the exchange of thought, messages, or information. There are many communicating methods, such as speech, visuals, signals, writing or body languages.It plays an important role in social lives of human beings, which some people consider that it’s the basic of human existence.On the one hand, it’s the communication that spreads information, making us know the news although it’s far from us. By communicating with others, people send and get information that helps us know about our surroundings. We all know that information is extremely important in our lives. On the other hand, communication builds personal relationship, which connects different people together. We live in the same society which makes personal relationship essential in lives. Only with communication can we build and keep good personal relationships with others. In addition, communication can eliminate misunderstandings and promote emotions. When we have misunderstandings with others, timely communicating is the only effective way to solve it.In short, communication is essential to all people that everyone should realize that. Therefore, we should learn how to communicate with other effectively.沟通是传递信息、交换思想的活动,有许多沟通的 方法,例如说话、视觉交流、信号、书写和身体语言等。沟通在人类的集体生活中发挥着重要的作用,有的人认为它是人类存在的基础。一方面,正是因为有了沟通,才使得信息得以传递,从而让我们知道很远的地方的消息。通过与人交流,人们发出信息以及获取信息,让我们熟知周围琐事,信息的重要性是众所周知的。另一方面,通过沟通交流,我们的人际关系得以建立,把人们相互连结在一起。我们共同生活在一个社会集体里,这就使得人际关系显得尤为重要。只有通过沟通交流才能建立和维系良好的人际关系。此外,沟通能消除误会、增进感情。我们与人产生误会是,及时沟通是解决问题唯一行之有效的办法。简单来说,我们每个人都应该认识到沟通的重要性,因此,我们应该学会如何有效地与人沟通。


Communication is a sincere dialogue, an emotional exchange and an exchange of information. Communication can eliminate misunderstanding and calm anger.


If there is no communication, there is no interpersonal relationship!


In today's society, communication is needed between parents and children, between teachers and students, and between students.


If we can't even do this, then you can't stand up among your classmates!


Because friends hold high the torch of communication with each other, even if they are separated by the distance between heaven and earth, they can echo each other at a lonely night.


人际交流可以简化为人与人之间的沟通!!沟通很重要~~The ability to communicate effectively is necessary to carry out the thoughts and visions of an organization to the people. Without communication, there is no way to express thoughts, ideas and feelings.There are many ways to provide communication from the organization to the people of your community. Whether through a phone, fax, email, letter, website, instant message softwares, social networking websites (facebook, twitter, myspace) and etc… Communication is a necessity as we use it to network, spread ideas, and promote. It also has many benefits, such as clarifying personal and/or workspace misunderstandings, promoting better revenue for an organization, and bringing awareness to the general public on issues.

1.沟通的重要性。可以翻译是:Importance of communication。2.有哪些因素会影响沟通?翻译是:What factors affect communication?


communication is very important


Communication is a sincere dialogue, an emotional exchange and an exchange of information. Communication can eliminate misunderstanding and calm anger.


If there is no communication, there is no interpersonal relationship!


In today's society, communication is needed between parents and children, between teachers and students, and between students.


If we can't even do this, then you can't stand up among your classmates!


Because friends hold high the torch of communication with each other, even if they are separated by the distance between heaven and earth, they can echo each other at a lonely night.


Importance of CommunicationCommunication is an integral instinct of all living things. The most important bearings of communication are best understood when there is a lack of it. The following article discusses how important communication is and why it plays such a vital role in our daily lives.There is more to communication than just talk and gesture. Listening, understanding and interpreting are as much integral to communication as words - verbal, written or gestured. Yes, even gestures in communication play a crucial role in conveying and interpreting the message! Similarly, how we communicate or express ourselves goes a great way towards determining how our expressions are interpreted. To quote Karl Popper, "It is impossible to speak in such a way that you cannot be misunderstood". Faulty or incomplete communication can completely mar the purpose of communicating and may result in damaging consequences. This is where understanding how important communication is and communicating the right way comes into picture. Not everyone is equally endowed with the ability to effectively express himself and this is where the significance of communication skills can be truly fathomed. Communicating the right way is equally important in every walk of like, be it in personal, professional or social life. Come, let's take a look at some major areas where right communication or a lack of it can have serious implications.The Communication ProcessThe communication process involves a sender or communication source, the subject matter of communication, expressions used for communicating (encoding), the medium of communication, receiver(s) of the communication and the interpretation thereof (decoding) and feedback. This can be diagrammatically represented as follows:-The last part, i.e. FEEDBACK is crucial in determining whether the communication has been understood by the receiver in the same light as intended by the sender. Let us try and understand the importance of communication in different walks of our daily lives.Gravity of Communication in BusinessThe success of any business lies as much in networking and building sound professional relationships as it does in individual tact and business acumen. Communication is a crucial decisive factor in business relations. It is very important to say the right things at the right time and at the right place when dealing with partners, customers, stakeholders, media and, sometimes, even competitors. Any miscommunication or ambiguity can pour pails of cold water on your hard work and ruin your chances of survival in today's competitive business environment. Maintaining professional etiquette in oral and written business communication is of utmost importance and must not be taken lightly. We should be grateful that we are living in an era of enlightenment where we have access to training on just about anything under the sun! Nowadays, many courses are available that provide training on developing business communication skills and correspondence and a lot of educational institutes conduct classes on ways to improve communication skills. Effective communication skills in business go a long way in sealing your financial success.Importance of Communication in the WorkplaceThe most difficult part of running an organization is managing the human resources. This is one resource which doesn't work on any principle of management, economics, psychology or any other social science! This is the most random and volatile resource which must be managed with great dexterity to reach desired organizational goals. Communication is that lubricant which keeps this resource moving throughout the organizational machinery. The salience of communication in the workplace is manifold, as it involves communication along vertical, horizontal and parallel organizational levels and such communication should always follow the hierarchy prescribed by the organization. A breach of the hierarchical channel of communication is known as a Gang Plank and should be avoided as much as possible. Communication in the workplace involves interpersonal communication between colleagues, superior and subordinate and vice versa and workplace communication skills come handy in such situations. A clear understanding of the purpose of such communication, especially if it is of a vertical nature, along with the expectations of the sender and receiver are extremely important for the smooth running of an organization.Importance of Communication in LeadershipWhat is the role of a leader? A leader is expected to represent his/her followers and motivate them to reach heights of success through individual and collective effort. Communication is the best equipment a leader can employ to achieve this goal. Even ideals resting upon strong principles can fall flat and fail to motivate due to lack of effective communication skills. History is galore with examples of many national leaders who have moved the masses by their life-changing speeches and powerful writings! Abraham Lincoln and Martin Luther King Jr. are prominent examples of outstanding leadership through effective communication.Significance of Communication in RelationshipsI don't think I need to elaborate much on this, as we all have, some time or the other, experienced certain roadblocks and voids in our relationships owing to a lack of communication. Lack of communication in relationships result in frustrations, misunderstandings, unrealistic expectations, guilt and can create personal differences. It is difficult for people who share their lives with each other to coexist for long without having regular and smooth communication for oiling the machinery of the relationship. Relationship communication problems can only be solved through active and effective communication.As living beings, we need to express and understand the expressions of others. Like it or not, the human society thrives on communication. Civilizations have risen and fallen based upon how good they were at maintaining sound relations with the rest of the world. Communication is, indeed, the very lubricant that makes the machinery of human relations function smoothly. Therefore, the significance of communication cannot and should not be underestimated. Sometimes, difficult situations in life can be resolved by just sitting down and talking it out! Similarly, most personal, professional and social disasters can be averted by maintaining clear, appropriate and unambiguous communication. All we need is some effort on our part to identify and avoid barriers to effective communication to make our lives and the lives of those around us better.Read more at Buzzle:

Communication as a necessary thing in our life, which means of the process of transmission and feedback of thoughts and feelings between people and between people and groups. Communication lies in being sincere to people, And we need to use some body language and expressions to express our ideas better. There is more to communication than just talk and gesture. Listening, understanding and interpreting are as much integral to communication as words - verbal, written or gestured. Yes, even gestures in communication play a crucial role in conveying and interpreting the message! Communication is an important bridge for building interpersonal relationships. It can be said that if there is no communication there is no interpersonal contact, People will be indifferent to each other, misunderstanding, the relationship will become rigid, there will be estrangement, distortion of the situation. Especially now the arrival of the information age, the impetuous young people and the change of social environment, Social division of labor is getting more and more detailed, information is emerging in an endless stream, and the modern industry urgently needs to exchange information, all of which cannot be separated from communication. Communication has increasingly become an indispensable part of our lives. Under the influence of the electronic age, young people are addicted to the virtual world. Therefore, I appeal that we should put down our mobile phones and step out of our own world


作文 是很多考生头痛的问题,更别说 英语作文 了,以下是我推荐的关于沟通的重要性英语作文,让我们一起来学习吧。



The cartoon aims at informing us of the significance of communication. Definitely,No one can deny the importance of it. Communication will enable us to achieve our objectives more rapidly. By communicating frequently and smoothly, we can have a better understanding among each others, reduce unnecessary conflicts and frictions and thus eventually improve the efficiency of cooperation. To further illustrate the importance of communication , I would like to take the Apple Incorporation as a case in point: how could it, with so many departments, staffs from diverse countries and backgrounds inside, and branch offices allocated all around the world, finally operate smoothly and achieve unprecedented market profits without an efficient communication.

From my perspective , at no time should we underestimate the power of communication. when misunderstanding others, we should communicate with them initiatively and detect the truth underlying bias. communication is the lubricant of success/happiness.” Henry Ford, a world-renowned entrepreneur also once said.


People are starting to recognize the importance of social communications exist in many forms:friends greet each other on their way to school; children discuss with their parents about a family vocation plan; scientists have conference with their colleagues to talk about the future of certain scientific life is composed of interpersonal 's logical and reasonable to conclude that interpersonal communications play a very important role in one's 's also very important to develop and maintain good interpersonal communication interpersonal communication skills can help one succeed in one's career,social life,and many other circumstances.


The Importance of The CommunicationWhat’s the most useful skill in our common life? Why is the language so important for the human-beings? How can you live a life? All the answer of the questions above is lead to the course, the principle mission we students need to accomplish is to gain more knowledge. And what about then? Life is the best teacher to make us mature. In the process to be mature, communication plays a decisive role. So I think the communication is the skill we should focus on.


Communication is the activity of conveying information through the exchange of thought, messages, or information. There are many communicating methods, such as speech, visuals, signals, writing or body languages. It plays an important role in social lives of human beings, which some people consider that it’s the basic of human existence. On the one hand, it’s the communication that spreads information, making us know the news although it’s far from us. By communicating with others, people send and get information that helps us know about our surroundings. We all know that information is extremely important in our lives. On the other hand, communication builds personal relationship, which connects different people together. We live in the same society which makes personal relationship essential in lives. Only with communication can we build and keep good personal relationships with others. In addition, communication can eliminate misunderstandings and promote emotions. When we have misunderstandings with others, timely communicating is the only effective way to solve it. In short, communication is essential to all people that everyone should realize that. Therefore, we should learn how to communicate with other effectively.

communication is very important

Importance of CommunicationCommunication is an integral instinct of all living things. The most important bearings of communication are best understood when there is a lack of it. The following article discusses how important communication is and why it plays such a vital role in our daily is more to communication than just talk and gesture. Listening, understanding and interpreting are as much integral to communication as words - verbal, written or gestured. Yes, even gestures in communication play a crucial role in conveying and interpreting the message! Similarly, how we communicate or express ourselves goes a great way towards determining how our expressions are interpreted. To quote Karl Popper, "It is impossible to speak in such a way that you cannot be misunderstood". Faulty or incomplete communication can completely mar the purpose of communicating and may result in damaging consequences. This is where understanding how important communication is and communicating the right way comes into picture. Not everyone is equally endowed with the ability to effectively express himself and this is where the significance of communication skills can be truly fathomed. Communicating the right way is equally important in every walk of like, be it in personal, professional or social life. Come, let's take a look at some major areas where right communication or a lack of it can have serious Communication ProcessThe communication process involves a sender or communication source, the subject matter of communication, expressions used for communicating (encoding), the medium of communication, receiver(s) of the communication and the interpretation thereof (decoding) and feedback. This can be diagrammatically represented as follows:-The last part, . FEEDBACK is crucial in determining whether the communication has been understood by the receiver in the same light as intended by the sender. Let us try and understand the importance of communication in different walks of our daily of Communication in BusinessThe success of any business lies as much in networking and building sound professional relationships as it does in individual tact and business acumen. Communication is a crucial decisive factor in business relations. It is very important to say the right things at the right time and at the right place when dealing with partners, customers, stakeholders, media and, sometimes, even competitors. Any miscommunication or ambiguity can pour pails of cold water on your hard work and ruin your chances of survival in today's competitive business environment. Maintaining professional etiquette in oral and written business communication is of utmost importance and must not be taken lightly. We should be grateful that we are living in an era of enlightenment where we have access to training on just about anything under the sun! Nowadays, many courses are available that provide training on developing business communication skills and correspondence and a lot of educational institutes conduct classes on ways to improve communication skills. Effective communication skills in business go a long way in sealing your financial of Communication in the WorkplaceThe most difficult part of running an organization is managing the human resources. This is one resource which doesn't work on any principle of management, economics, psychology or any other social science! This is the most random and volatile resource which must be managed with great dexterity to reach desired organizational goals. Communication is that lubricant which keeps this resource moving throughout the organizational machinery. The salience of communication in the workplace is manifold, as it involves communication along vertical, horizontal and parallel organizational levels and such communication should always follow the hierarchy prescribed by the organization. A breach of the hierarchical channel of communication is known as a Gang Plank and should be avoided as much as possible. Communication in the workplace involves interpersonal communication between colleagues, superior and subordinate and vice versa and workplace communication skills come handy in such situations. A clear understanding of the purpose of such communication, especially if it is of a vertical nature, along with the expectations of the sender and receiver are extremely important for the smooth running of an of Communication in LeadershipWhat is the role of a leader? A leader is expected to represent his/her followers and motivate them to reach heights of success through individual and collective effort. Communication is the best equipment a leader can employ to achieve this goal. Even ideals resting upon strong principles can fall flat and fail to motivate due to lack of effective communication skills. History is galore with examples of many national leaders who have moved the masses by their life-changing speeches and powerful writings! Abraham Lincoln and Martin Luther King Jr. are prominent examples of outstanding leadership through effective of Communication in RelationshipsI don't think I need to elaborate much on this, as we all have, some time or the other, experienced certain roadblocks and voids in our relationships owing to a lack of communication. Lack of communication in relationships result in frustrations, misunderstandings, unrealistic expectations, guilt and can create personal differences. It is difficult for people who share their lives with each other to coexist for long without having regular and smooth communication for oiling the machinery of the relationship. Relationship communication problems can only be solved through active and effective living beings, we need to express and understand the expressions of others. Like it or not, the human society thrives on communication. Civilizations have risen and fallen based upon how good they were at maintaining sound relations with the rest of the world. Communication is, indeed, the very lubricant that makes the machinery of human relations function smoothly. Therefore, the significance of communication cannot and should not be underestimated. Sometimes, difficult situations in life can be resolved by just sitting down and talking it out! Similarly, most personal, professional and social disasters can be averted by maintaining clear, appropriate and unambiguous communication. All we need is some effort on our part to identify and avoid barriers to effective communication to make our lives and the lives of those around us more at Buzzle:

Communication as a necessary thing in our life, which means of the process of transmission and feedback of thoughts and feelings between people and between people and groups. Communication lies in being sincere to people, And we need to use some body language and expressions to express our ideas better. There is more to communication than just talk and gesture. Listening, understanding and interpreting are as much integral to communication as words - verbal, written or gestured. Yes, even gestures in communication play a crucial role in conveying and interpreting the message! Communication is an important bridge for building interpersonal relationships. It can be said that if there is no communication there is no interpersonal contact, People will be indifferent to each other, misunderstanding, the relationship will become rigid, there will be estrangement, distortion of the situation. Especially now the arrival of the information age, the impetuous young people and the change of social environment, Social division of labor is getting more and more detailed, information is emerging in an endless stream, and the modern industry urgently needs to exchange information, all of which cannot be separated from communication. Communication has increasingly become an indispensable part of our lives. Under the influence of the electronic age, young people are addicted to the virtual world. Therefore, I appeal that we should put down our mobile phones and step out of our own world


1. 关于沟通重要性的诗句 关于沟通重要性的诗句 1.体现出“沟通”很重要的句子有哪些 1、在太空时代,最重要的空间是存在于耳朵与耳朵之间。——汤玛斯J·巴楼 2、要小心提防让你一直发言的人。——法朗克·马金尼·哈巴德(1968——1930) 3、倾听对方的任何一种意见或议论就是尊重,因为这说明我们认为对方有卓见、口才和聪明机智,反之,打瞌睡、走开或乱扯就是轻视。——霍布斯(英) 4、推心置腹的谈话就是心灵的展示。——温·卡维林 5、有许多隐藏在心中的秘密都是通过眼睛被泄露出来的,而不是通过嘴巴。——爱默生 6、当你思考准备说什么的时候,就做出一副彬彬有礼的样子,因为这样可以赢得时间。——卡罗尔(英) 7、每一个人都知道,聆听对沟通来说是重要的。……但是极少组织会小心聆听它们的员工以及它们的顾客的心声。——威廉·尼可尔斯 8、向随便什么人征求意见,叙述自己的痛苦,这会是一种幸福,可以跟穿越炎热沙漠的不幸者,从天上接到一滴凉水时的幸福相比。——司汤达 9、有效的沟通取决於沟通者对话题的充分掌握,而非措词的甜美---葛洛夫 10、沉默是一种处世哲学,用得好时,又是一种艺术。——朱自清 11、如果你要使别人喜欢你,如果你想他人对你产生兴趣,你注意的一点是:谈论别人感兴趣的事情。——戴尔·卡耐基 12、寻找自我,保持本色。 ——戴尔·卡耐基 13、有时你必须保持沉默,以便令人听到你的话语。——史丹尼斯罗J.列克(1909——1966) 14、所谓的「耳聪」,也就是「倾听」的意思。——艾默生 15、我们沟通得很好,并非决定于我们对事情述说得很好,而是决定于我们被了解得有多好。——安得鲁S.葛洛夫 16、在交谈中,判断比雄辩更重要。——格拉西安 17、不愿说理是固执;不会说理是傻瓜;不敢说理是奴隶。——德拉蒙德 18、一场争论可能是两个心灵之间的捷径。——哈·纪伯伦 2.沟通的重要性的名言有哪些 1、善长于沟通的管理者,也可能善长于掩饰真正的问题。 ——柯利斯·阿格利斯(哈佛大学教授)2、在交谈中,判断比雄辩更重要。——格拉西安3、与人交谈一次,往往比多年闭门劳作更能启发心智。 思想必定是在与人交往中产生,而在孤独中进行加工和表达。 ——列夫·托尔斯泰4、有许多隐藏在心中的秘密都是通过眼睛被泄露出来的,而不是通过嘴巴.——爱默生5、一场争论可能是两个心灵之间的捷径。 ——哈·纪伯伦5、将自己的热忱与经验融入谈话中,是打动人的速简方法,也是必然要件。如果你对自己的话不感兴趣,怎能期望他人感动。 ——戴尔·卡内基7、一个人必须知道该说什么, 一个人必须知道什么时候说, 一个人必须知道对谁说, 一个人必须知道怎么说 ----现代管理之父德鲁克8、如果希望成为一个善于谈话的人,那就先做一个致意倾听的人. ——戴尔·卡耐基9、如果你要使别人喜欢你,如果你想他人对你产生兴趣,你注意的一点是:谈论别人感兴趣的事情. ——戴尔·卡耐基10、现实生活中有些人之所以会出现交际的障碍,就是因为他们不懂的忘记一个重要的原则:让他人感到自己重要. ——戴尔·卡耐基11、有效的沟通取决於沟通者对议题的充分掌握,而非措辞的甜美 ------葛洛夫12、如果你是对的,就要试着温和地、技巧地让对方同意你;如果你错了,就要迅速而热诚地承认。这要比为自己争辩有效和有趣得多。 ——卡耐基【美】13、推心置腹的谈话就是心灵的展示。——温·卡维林14、每一个人都需要有人和他开诚布公地谈心。 一个人尽管可以十分英勇,但他也可能十分孤独。——海明威15、谈话,和作文一样,有主题,有腹稿,有层次,有头尾,不可语无伦次。 ——梁实秋16、谈话的艺术是听和被听的艺术。——赫兹里特17、「辩才」是一种将真理转化为语言的能力,而所使用的语言又能让聆听者完全理解---艾默生18、我们总是将焦点集中在内部沟通,而忘了对外与顾客的沟通---麦克法霖19、所谓的「耳聪」,也就是「倾听」的意思---艾默生20、最理想的朋友,是气质上互相倾慕,心灵上互相沟通,世界观上互相合拍,事业上目标一致的人。 ---周汉晖21、有效的沟通取决於沟通者对话题的充分掌握,而非措词的甜美---葛洛夫22、当我面对一群人,或是大众传播媒体谈话时,我总是假想自己是和「一个人」进行推心置腹的谈话---巴伯23、管理者的最基本功能是发展与维系一个畅通的沟通管道---巴纳德每一个人都需要有人和他开诚布公地谈心。一个人尽管可以十分英勇,但他也可能十分孤独。 ——海明威24、倾听对方的任何一种意见或议论就是尊重,因为这说明我们认为对方有卓见、口才和聪明机智,反之,打瞌睡、走开或乱扯就是轻视。——霍布斯【英】25、恰当地用字极具威力,每当我们用对了字眼……我们的精神和肉体都会有很大的转变,就在电光石火之间。 ——马克•吐温26、果想要改变自己的人生,就必须谨慎选用字眼,因为这些字眼能使你振奋、进取和乐观。——安东尼•罗宾斯【美】27、向随便什么人征求意见,叙述自己的痛苦,这会是一种幸福,可以跟穿越炎热沙漠的不幸者,从天上接到一滴凉水时的幸福相比。 ——司汤达28、推心置腹的谈话就是心灵的展示。——温•卡维林。 3.求诠释沟通交流重要性的名言和寓言故事 名言: 听君一些话,胜读十年书!(强调与知识渊博的人交流的好处) 防民之口,甚防于川!(强调不与百姓交流的危害) 《论语》真实故事:《子路、曾皙、冉有、公西华侍坐》 《子路、曾皙、冉有、公西华侍坐》先自《论语•先进》,是一篇反映孔子和他的学生谈论理想志趣的语录体散文,具有浓厚的文学色彩。因为文章记录了2500多年前孔子师徒五人的谈话,内容涉及到大量孔子如何教育学生的观念及方法,因此,我们完全可发把它当作是一篇教学故事或教育随笔来阅读,通过品味师生语言,体察细节描述,研习行文内容,可以从一个侧面了解到孔子作为老师所独具特色的教学理念及教育方法 4.人际交往的重要性的名言 可怕的还不是孤独和寂寞,而是你不得不同你不愿意交往的人打交道。 ——何怀宏 一个永远不欣赏别人的人,也就是一个永远也不被别人欣赏的人。 ——汪国真 不要害怕拒绝他人,如果自己的理由出于正当。 ——三毛 为别人尽最大的力量,最后就是为自己尽最大的力量。 ——(英)罗斯金 人好刚,我以柔胜之;人用术,我以诚感之;人使气,我以理屈之。 ——金缨 美好的东西时常是由于它是真诚的。 ——罗兰 5.关于沟通的名人名言 如果我们想要改变自己的人生,就必须谨慎选用字眼,务期这些字眼能使你振奋、进取和乐观。 ——安东尼·罗宾斯【美】 恰当地用字极具威力,每当我们用对了字眼……我们的精神和肉体都会有很大的转变,就在电光石火之间。 礼仪是微妙的东西,它既是人们交际所不可或缺的,又是不可过于计较的。 和别人相处要学的第一件事,就是对于他们寻求快乐的特别方式不要加以干涉,如果这些方式并没有强烈地妨碍我们的话。 谦和的态度,常会使别人难以拒绝你的要求,这也是一个人无往不胜的要诀。 人与人天天密切地接触,要互相付出代价的:要仅仅欣赏对方的优点,而不刺痛对方的缺点,也不被对方刺痛缺点,双方都需要有多方面的生活经验、理智和诚挚的热情。

企业内?a href='' target='_blank'>咳嗽绷己玫墓低ú唤瞿芄唤谑“旃?奔?提高工作效率,更好的为客户服务,以下是我为你整理的,欢迎大家阅读。   形容   除非你发问,否则你听不到有关你的公司的坏事。听到好讯息是容易的,但你须要挖掘才能得到坏讯息。——小汤玛斯J.华生   沉默是一种处世哲学,用得好时,又是一种艺术。——朱自清   不愿说理是固执;不会说理是傻瓜;不敢说理是奴隶。——德拉蒙德   「辩才」是一种将真理转化为语言的能力,而所使用的语言又能让聆听者完全理解。——艾默生   不傲才以骄人,不以宠而作威。   不会宽容人的人,是不配受到别人的宽容的 。   不善于倾听不同的声音,是管理者最大的疏忽 。   不尊重别人感情的,最终只会引起别人的讨厌和憎恨。   沉沉的黑夜都是白天的前奏。   充满著欢乐与斗争精神的人们,永远带着欢乐,欢迎雷霆与阳光。   当我面对一群人,或是大众传播媒体谈话时,我总是假想自己是和「一个人」进行推心置腹的谈话   你我是朋友,各拿一个苹果,彼此交换后仍是各有一个苹果;倘若你有一种思想,我有一种思想,彼此交流,那么我们每个人就有两种思想了。   如果你要别人喜欢你,或是改善你的人际关系;如果你想帮助自已也帮助别人,请记住这个原则:真诚地关心别人。   如烟往事俱忘却,心底无私天地宽   生活只有在平淡无味的人看来才是空虚而平淡无味的。   所谓的「耳聪」,也就是「倾听」的意思。   有效的沟通取决于沟通者对议题的充分掌握,而非措辞的甜美 。   在你发怒的时候,要紧闭你的嘴,免得增加你的怒气。   在与客户接触的每一件小事中都做到言必信,行必果,不断的加强同他们的联络和沟通,通过拜访和接洽,用对方所感受得到的发自内心的坦诚去感染对方。   推荐   只要自己相信自己,他人就会相信你。   重视诚信的价值观,拥有完整均衡的人生态度,善于用智慧选择最佳的解决方案,并能不断地追寻自己的理想和兴趣不断地学习和实践,妥善地处理好身边人际和沟通问题。   总要留点余地 ,顾及对方的面子。 所谓成功的谈判,应该是双方愉快地离开谈判桌,谈判的基本规则是没有哪一方是失败者,双方都是胜利者。   当我面对一群人,或是大众传播媒体谈话时,我总是假想自己是和「一个人」进行推心置腹的谈话。——巴伯   管理者的最基本功能是发展与维系一个畅通的沟通管道。——巴纳德   果想要改变自己的人生,就必须谨慎选用字眼,因为这些字眼能使你振奋进取和乐观。——安东尼•罗宾斯【美】   将自己的热忱与经验融入谈话中,是打动人的速简方法,也是必然要件。如果你对自己的话不感兴趣,怎能期望他人感动。——戴尔·卡内基   “辩才”是一种将真理转化为语言的能力,而所使用的语言又能让聆听者完全理解。——艾默生   当我面对一群人,或是大众传播媒体谈话时,我总是假想自己是和“一个人”进行推心置腹的谈话。——巴伯   管理者的最基本功能是发展与维系一个畅通的沟通管道。——巴纳德   果想要改变自己的人生,就必须谨慎选用字眼,因为这些字眼能使你振奋进取和乐观。——***美***安东尼·罗宾斯   将自己的热忱与经验融入谈话中,是打动人的速简方法,也是必然要件。如果你对自己的话不感兴趣,怎能期望他人感动。——戴尔·卡内基   讲话犹如演奏竖琴:既需要拨弄琴弦奏出音乐,也需要用手按住琴弦不让其出声。——霍姆斯   每一个人都需要有人和他开诚布公地谈心。一个人尽管可以十分英勇,但他也可能十分孤独。——海明威   恰当地用字极具威力,每当我们用对了字眼……我们的精神和肉体都会有很大的转变,就在电光石火之间。——马克·吐温   倾听对方的任何一种意见或议论就是尊重,因为这说明我们认为对方有卓见口才和聪明机智,反之,打瞌睡走开或乱扯就是轻视。——***英***霍布斯   如果你是对的,就要试着温和地技巧地让对方同意你;如果你错了,就要迅速而热诚地承认。这要比为自己争辩有效和有趣得多。——***美***卡耐基   沟通的重要性的热门谚语   如果你是对的,就要试着温和地技巧地让对方同意你;如果你错了,就要迅速而热诚地承认。这要比为自己争辩有效和有趣得多。——卡耐基【美】   倾听对方的任何一种意见或议论就是尊重,因为这说明我们认为对方有卓见口才和聪明机智,反之,打瞌睡走开或乱扯就是轻视。——霍布斯【英】   恰当地用字极具威力,每当我们用对了字眼……我们的精神和肉体都会有很大的转变,就在电光石火之间。——马克•吐温   每一个人都知道,聆听对沟通来说是重要的。……但是极少组织会小心聆听它们的员工以及它们的顾客的心声。——威廉·尼可尔斯   每一个人都需要有人和他开诚布公地谈心。一个人尽管可以十分英勇,但他也可能十分孤独。——海明威   讲话犹如演奏竖琴:既需要拨弄琴弦奏出音乐,也需要用手按住琴弦不让其出声。——霍姆斯   将自己的热忱与经验融入谈话中,是打动人的速简方法,也是必然要件。如果你对自己的话不感兴趣,怎能期望他人感动。——戴尔·卡内基   果想要改变自己的人生,就必须谨慎选用字眼,因为这些字眼能使你振奋进取和乐观。——安东尼•罗宾斯【美】   管理者的最基本功能是发展与维系一个畅通的沟通管道---巴纳德   鼓励自己最好的办法,就是鼓励别人。——马克·吐温【美】   发问只会造成片刻的尴尬。不发问将导致你一生的尴尬。——日本   对别人述说自己,这是一种天性;因此,认真对待别人向你述说的他自己的事,这是一种教养。——歌德【德】   当我面对一群人,或是大众传播媒体谈话时,我总是假想自己是和「一个人」进行推心置腹的谈话---巴伯   当你思考准备说什么的时候,就做出一副彬彬有礼的样子,因为这样可以赢得时间。——卡罗尔【英】   当你劝告别人时,若不顾及别人的自尊心,那么再好的言语都没有用的。   打断蠢人的话头,让他闭口,是失礼的,而让他说下去,却是残忍的。——富兰克林【美】

感恩生活,给予我酸甜苦辣,让我的人生千姿百态;感恩生活,给予我磨练,让我的生命春光灿烂;感恩生活,给予我梦想,让我的脑海拥有曙光;感恩生活,给予我挫折,让我那折射的翅膀续接希望;感恩生活给予我锻造,让我有着海纳百川的情怀;感恩生活给予我一个你;让我的一生不在乏味孤寂…… 要我怎么感谢你,当我走向你,本想收获一声问候,你却给予我一个熊抱;要我怎么感谢你,当我走向你,本想收获一缕春风,你却给予我整个太阳;要我怎么感谢你,当我走向你,本想收获一句牵挂,你却给予我千言万语;要我怎么感谢你,当我走向你,本想收获一个微笑,你却给予我无穷欢愉;要我怎么感谢你,当我走向你,本想收获一片绿叶,你却给予我一片花海……

The world today is a very petitive place. Therefore, it is necessary to develop some skills to increase one’s chances of suess. Many skills, for example, leadership, a second language, and technical skills such as puter programming, are very useful today. However, I believe that the most useful skill is the ability to municatewell with others. It is impossible to overstate the importance of good munication skills. In today’s society we have to work cooperatively with others. A good municator finds it easier to put forth his ideas clearly. In this way there will be fewer misunderstandings, which can lead to bad feelings as well as lost time and effort. In addition, a person with good munication skills is a good mediator and negotiator. He or she can play a valuable role in resolving disputes and enhancing cooperation. This means that a good municator is often a natural leader. Finally, with good munication skills, it is easier to persuade others to aept your point of view. Having your views and plans approved of by others is a vital step on the way to suess. For all the above reasons, it is my belief that strong munication skills are the most important to have. Good munication is important in all situations, so a skillful municator will always be in high demand. From joozone..

参考作文地带整理翻译: 考研英语作文范文:善于沟通是一项重要技能 现今的世界竞争十分激烈,因此,必须培养一些技能以增加自己成功的机会。许多技能,如领导能力、第二语言能力,以及技术能力,如电脑程式设计等,现在都非常有用。然而,我认为最有用的技能是擅长和别人沟通的能力。 良好的沟通技巧,其重要性再怎么强调也不为过。在现今的社会中,我们必须与他人合作。擅长沟通的人比较容易能将自己的意见清楚地表达出来。如此一来,便能减少误会,以免造成不良的感觉,甚至浪费时间和力气。此外,具有良好沟通技巧的人会是一个优秀的调停者与协商者,在解决纷争、加强合作时可以扮演重要的角色。这就表示,善于沟通的人常常就是天生的领导者。最后,具有良好的沟通技巧使你比较容易说服别人来接受你的观点,而你的意见和计划能被别人认同是迈向成功很重要的一步。 基于上述理由,我相信,卓越的沟通技巧是最重要的必备技能。良好的沟通在所有的情况中都非常重要。所以,善于沟通的人总是非常受欢迎的。

I like municating with people. Like doing sth喜欢做某事 Like to do sth喜欢去做某事

The world today is a very petitive place. Therefore, it is necessary to develop some skills to increase one’s chances of suess. Many skills, for example, leadership, a second language, and technical skills such as puter programming, are very useful today. However, I believe that the most useful skill is the ability to municatewell with others. It is impossible to overstate the importance of good munication skills. In today’s society we have to work cooperatively with others. A good municator finds it easier to put forth his ideas clearly. In this way there will be fewer misunderstandings, which can lead to bad feelings as well as lost time and effort. In addition, a person with good munication skills is a good mediator and negotiator. He or she can play a valuable role in resolving disputes and enhancing cooperation. This means that a good municator is often a natural leader. Finally, with good munication skills, it is easier to persuade others to aept your point of view. Having your views and plans approved of by others is a vital step on the way to suess. For all the above reasons, it is my belief that strong munication skills are the most important to have. Good munication is important in all situations, so a skillful municator will always be in high demand. From joozone..

Communication is the munication beeen people to build a bridge. 1 low-key. No significant mountain, watertight, can not obvious, do not reveal the rich, not play, not grandstanding, not Jixianduneng. Along with others more low-key, there will be good karma, people will be well, something good with. Zeng low-key life, to win good karma; low-key life of Liu Bei, Zhuge Liang Highlighting Please out, won country. Low into the sea, low-cost human king. 2 tolerant. Not tolerant of others who do not deserve fiving others. So the people overlooked, neglect, damage, misunderstandings, five and fet, no heart, not look for an opportunity to retaliate. "Tatu leisurely world can hardly contain the matter, the opening will laugh all ridiculous." Hugo said: "The world's most wide ocean, wider than the ocean is the sky, wider than the sky is the human mind." In dealing with people, if you can have such as Maitreya as be tolerant to diversity of mind, but also What people can not tolerate it? 3. Be modest. Not placent, not arrogant, does not claim credit, not attracted, the halo of glory set on someone else's neck. Edison was known as "King of the invention." His life provides humans with the size of about o thousand invention, an average of about 15 days. He invented the electric light, telegraph, movies, trams, telephone, batteries, generators, phonograph, etc., and changed profoundly affect human life. His great contribution to human civilization made incalculable. "Great" word crown in front of his name, I am afraid the world is not controversial. People say he is a genius. And he said, "Genius is one percent inspiration and niy - nine percent perspiration." In the face of great achievements, he stressed the talent but not the sweat, which is modest. 4 more generous. Do not care about, not Tripe farms, not carefully, do not begrudge the money, exchanges warm and generous, kind to others, demanding their own, generous people, Zhang Yi Choi light, the hand on the shot. Generous person popular, popular go anywhere, but a mean person except hang outside money, nothing. Generosity is actually a kind of wisdom. 5 more enthusia *** . He says "Talmud" on: "Please keep your courtesy and enthusia *** , no matter to God, to your friends, or against your enemy." Interpersonal munication is interactive, so to e up with their own enthusia *** , positive engagement truth to be with propriety, enlighten them with reason. Enthusia *** than any violent easier to change people's mind, there is no passion, relationships will bee cold, bleak. 6 more frank. Real frank with people is the principle. If you say the wrong thing because of bad temper, hurt people, you have to have the courage to admit a mistake and apologize:. "I'm sorry, I'm a bad temper, to say should not say, I apologize to you"; if dialect no letter, you have to honestly show their point of view: "my friends, you lose the trust, and I am a little disappointed, I hope not to be repeated." 7 more generous. A *** all amount of heart, the more trouble, the majority of the mind, wisdom fertility. Generous person cardinal, the overall situation, in order to acmodate a heart to treat people and things around. Mao was a great man named Wu orchid farmers cursing, not only did not blame Mao Zedong her, but said she was "a good man dare to speak the truth."; Sage Confucius travel around the world to Zheng, he had been a student in front of Zheng who demoted to "lost dog" Confucius this insulting language laugh. With people is to have Mao Zedong, Confucius generosity. "Friends of the public lost a *** all amount, a large cluster of friends." 8 more sincere. Honest is the interpersonal relationships to ensure continuity and development, beeen honest people, in order to understand each other, aeptance, trust, unity in order to get along. Zhang pick up shoes for the elderly in good faith to obtain the original book "grandfather Art of War"; Lu Xun Qu Qiubai most difficult times, adventure to be sincere and selfless help to make them fed a true friendship. 9 more equality. Only differences in social roles and responsibilities range beeen people, without distinction or distinction, with people to equality, equal treatment, mutual respect, neither haughty nor humble. Can not see the leadership destroy eyebrow bow to see people airs, it is for the little man, absolutely not desirable. Equality is a steelyard, how you people, you people will be like. No equality there is no intercourse. 10 some kind. And human kind, gentle attitude, no one is willing to associate with; on the contrary, aggressive, frosty, scowling, no one would like much of a thousand miles. Ji is a kind of affinity, it closer relations beeen people. The clerk kindly, full of surplus guests; kindly teacher and students closer; amiable elderly, children and grandchildren around the knee. Nice pair of kindly eyes, a *** iling face is nice, is one kind cordial greetings, is a kind of spiritual munication bridge. 11 cautious. Defenses can not do without, there is not harm the heart. Took to the workplace, all sorts of people will be exposed to Huiyanshizhu cautious contacts. An old saying: "with the good living, such as irises and orchids into the room, long and not *** ell their fragrance, that of men and the poor with Habitat, such as the Baoyuzhisi, a long time without its foul *** ell, also carry with them of. . "to choose the good people contacts and cross, like-minded people choose and pay. Ya son of the piano case, the song "Mountain and Flowing Water" Writing Masterpieces Concert; Liu Bei, Guan Yu, Zhang Fei fall in love, Taoyuan trio, formed Damon and Pythias. 12 more aggressive. Initiative is a gesture, which is not superior, secrecy gesture. The meeting, party time, after work, to go with the time, waiting for the bus, you can take the initiative to greet someone, to find a mon ic discussed this relationship beeen the o will naturally near. 13 more optimistic. There are o kinds of people in the world, one is optimistic person, a pessimistic person. Optimistic person, would chant, "as the old lady happy evening Song, Ming everywhere Castle Peak sunset", and pessimistic people will lament the face of Dusk "sunset is magnificent, it is almost dusk." And optimistic person exchanges themselves will bee optimistic. "Smiling people open to the world", "hand do not fight *** iling people," no one will be refused and optimistic people. 14 tolerate more. In the exchanges, contrary to the wishes of his own encounter with things, to control his emotions, not easily vent their dissatisfaction or anger. Forbearance a moment, calm, take a step back, a brighter future. Mazda as in tolerance, its energy debate, it is better able to. Do not think there is always a defeat, one can resolute self-worry. 15 more trusorthy. An old saying: "When a man apt to promise, of a horse." "No letters, can not pay" trusorthy with people is the premise of the word to get people's trust. Shang Yang trusorthy, win hearts and minds, the suess of political reform; "Yu-ion" in the rich, untrusorthy, the results of drowning in the river. 16 made less. His tongue to stay third, lowly little opening, ridiculed ridiculed intolerable, bluster will to disaster. When to say it does not retain, MO opening should not say when. To say the words out, spilled water, is difficult to recover. Then more is better then less, then less is better, then good. Some words rot in the stomach than to say it is better. 17 some kind. Everyone likes to good people, change the position, standing on each other's perspective, if you're a good person, then with people still difficult? In the workplace or, in life or, misunderstandings beeen people, estrangement, resentment, etc. will our, as long as some good-natured, mutual understanding, misunderstanding, resentment can bee a moving and nostalgic memories .

How to Communicate with Others? Communicating with others is a big problem in daily life. Some people are easy to talk to oters, but some others not. When you want to talk to someone, firstly you should find some ics to talk about, but the ics should not included the privacy,such as age, marriage or wage. Secondly, pay attention to your attitude that do not make others feel unfortable. Comfort is the basic of munication. Thirdly, pay attention to your body language. Body language can tran *** it much information, such as your attitude, manners or something you do not realize. Finally, focus on your pacing. Don't talk too fast or too slow.

刚踏上社会的年轻人,面对纷繁而庞 杂的社会,常常感到迷惑和不安,有人可能觉得自己的地位实在渺小,有人可能觉得自己的能力实在有限……对如何在这个社会上站住脚表现得没有信心。实际上, 社会都是由人构成的,初步掌握些社交心理和社交技巧,有助于提高自己的处世能力。 从一般的角度讲,在社交时应主要掌握以下心理原 则: 是互酬原则。人际交往时,人与人之间的关系是相互的,其行为具有互酬性。因此,在我们的交往中,应该常常 想到“给予”而不是“索取”;相反,如果取而不予,就会失去朋友。 是自我袒露的原则。一个人把自我向别人敞开比死死关闭更能使人感到 满足,而且,这种好的感觉也会再次传染给别的人。 是真诚评价的原则。人们在交往的过程中,免不了要互相议论、互相评价,对人评价的态 度要诚恳,情感要真挚,如果恶意诽谤,口是心非,或者阳奉阴违,了会 遭致别人的不安与反感。最后是互利性的原则。要解决人际关系不协调的矛盾,就要采用互利的原则,“互利”就是矛盾双方都能接受的调节。 最 后是互利性的原则。要解决人际关系不协调的矛盾,就要采用互利的原则,“互利”就是矛盾双方都能接受的调节。如果只让一方获利,那么朋友就会远离。甚者 一方从另一方身上获利还进行毁坏他人,那就会成为敌人。 那么,什么是好的人际关系呢? 人 际交往的核心部分,一是合作,二是沟通。美国社会心理学爱舒尔茨认为,一般来讲,人际关系有三种类型: 其一是谦让型。其特征是 “朝向他人”,无论遇见何人,总是想到 “他喜欢我吗?”。 其二是进取型。其特征是“对抗他人”,无论遇到何人,总是想知道该人力量的 大小,或该人对自己有无用处。 其三,是分离型。其特征是“疏离他人”,无论遇到何人,总是想保持一定的距离,以避免他人对自己的干扰, 这样的人,好像什么都与他无关,事事高高挂起,不太关心周围的世界。 什么可能导致人际关系的破坏? 所谓人际关系的破坏,指人际关系失去平衡,造成人际关系破坏的原因,通常来自两个方面: 个人品质的缺陷 自 私——私心过重,精得可怕。或损人利已,或落井下石,或乘人之危,或一毛不拔,使人们与他交往望而却步,甚至化友 为敌。 虚伪——虚情 假意,表里不一。台上握手,台下踢脚;嘴上甜蜜蜜,心中一把刀;平时好,关键时刻踢—脚。 骄傲——自我膨胀,蔑视他人。相互尊重,才能 取得认同。 刁钻——拨弄是非,制造矛盾,破坏团结,破坏人际关系。在一个群体 里,常有一些心术不正的人,散布流言,挑拨离间。他们破坏了群体内的团结。 管理工作的不足 沟通不 良。 在组织的上下级之间、平行部门和同事之间沟通不良,造成互不了解,互不信任,甚至互相猜疑,互抱成见,影响人际关系的和谐。 过分 竞争。任何一个组织,没有竞争则缺乏活力,容易形成不思进取、得过且过的消极文化;但内部过分竞争,则会使同事成为对手,处处互留一手、互相戒备,难于互 相帮助、主动协作。 非正式组织的消极作用。由于正式组织管理不善,凝聚力下降,给非正式组织以很大的生存空间,广大职工在许多非 正式组织的团体压力下活动,往往造成帮派心理,排除异己,打击先进,庸俗关系学盛行,人际关系遭到扭曲和破坏。 政策和领导方式不 当。或者由于分配政策、人事升降政策不合理,造成人际之间的不公平;或者由于领导专断,缺乏民主作风,盛气凌人,使得职工的不满情绪较大,人际关系失去平 衡。 如何建立良好的人际关系呢? 培养良好的个性:如果有不良品 质,即使交游很广,也难得有知心朋友;相反,如果你具有促进人际吸引的优秀品质,就会容易被别人引为......知已。 善于体察别人的真正需要: 这些需要概括起来包括包容的需要、控制的需求、感情的需求。在人际交往中,我们不但要考虑到对方的个性品质,也要考虑对方的需求,因为人际交往的基础是互 补,只索取而不奉献的关系是很难维持的。 掌握一定的人际交往技巧:掌握一定的人际交往技巧有助于提高自己的处世能力。人与人之间的 交往不是随心所欲的,而是有一定目的,并运用一定方法进行交往的。交往方法越好,人际关系 越容易维持紧密。建议大家多读一些待人接物方面的书籍,有助于理性地理解社会,为走上更广阔的人生之路作好准备。 人 际交往技巧: 记住别人的姓或名,主动与人打招呼,称呼要得当,让别人觉得礼貌相 待、倍受重视,给人以平易近人的印象。 举止大方、坦然自若,使别人感到轻松、自在,激发交往动机。 培养开朗、活 泼的个性,让对方觉得和你在一起是愉快的。 培养幽默风趣的言行,幽默而不失分寸,风趣而不显轻浮,给人以美的享受。与人交往要谦虚, 待人要和气,尊重他人,否则事与愿违。 做到心平气和、不乱发牢骚,这样不仅自己快乐、涵养性高,别人也会心情愉悦。 要 注意语言的魅力:安慰受创伤的人,鼓励失败的人。恭维真正取得成就的人,帮助有困难的人。 处事果断、富有主见、精神饱满、充满自信的 人容易激发别人的交往动机,博得别人的信认,产生使人乐意交往的魅力。 人际 关系大师卡耐基如是说: “人性的弱点”:极度的自尊和自己的“第一重要性”。 与人交往不可批评、指责或抱怨,应真诚赞赏和欣赏 要别人喜欢你,留下一 个微笑 最重要的是引起别人内心迫切的渴望,并表示真诚的关切 最重要的是尊 重他,让他认为自己是重要人物,满足他的成就感 卡耐基还说:“记住他的名字,并把他叫 出来!”

Communicating with others is a big problem in daily life. Some people are easy to talk to oters, but some others not. When you want to talk to someone, firstly you should find some ics to talk about, but the ics should not included the private,such as age, marriage or wage. Secondly, pay attention to your attitude that do not make others feel unfortable. Comfort is the basic of munication. Thirdly, pay attention to your body language. Body language can tran *** it much information, such as your attitude, manners or something you do not realize. Finally, focus on your pacing. Don't talk too fast or too slow.

人与人之间的沟通,在不同的地方,沟通的情况也不同. 在城市里,如果你去吃饭,别人都不想和你坐一桌,有时候没桌子时可能会和你坐一桌,但是只要有了空桌,和你拼桌的人就会立即到那张桌子上吃饭.在小地方就不同了,基本大家都认识,有的人放著空桌不坐,跑去和好朋友坐.这一点是因为城市里老是出现抢劫的行为,让他们变成这样的是那些抢劫的人. 在城市,作为一两年的邻居可能还不知道对方姓什么.在村镇里就不同了,一条街,可能岁的小朋友也能说出大部分的姓名.作为邻居,还会互相帮帮忙.一次,爷爷婆婆出去了,我和妹妹在家,康婆婆知道了来我家帮我们看家,直到12点多,婆婆才回来,康婆婆也帮我们看家看到12点多才回去. 在城市里的小孩和大人,大部分缺乏友情,是因为他们不喜欢去和别人沟通.

He that converses not knows nothing. 不和人交谈的人一无所知。 Reading maketh a full man, conference a ready man, and writing an exact man. 读书使人渊博,交谈使人机敏,写作使人严谨。 Think with the wise, but talk with the vulgar. 同智者一起考虑,与俗人一起交谈。


作者:小思本文地址:http://aiyundongfang.com/lingjichu/29070.html发布于 2024-09-19
