

小思 2024-09-19 24
连词英语练习题摘要: 英语连词练习题这么多的题啊1 can / dog / help / this / him 2 Fifi / help / can / the / blind / peopl...



1 can / dog / help / this / him 2 Fifi / help / can / the / blind / people 3 couldn’t / she / speak /then4 could / it / hear / the / people5 had / a / but / they / special/ dog6 couldn’t / they / help / the /people7 they / sit / around / tables / in England8 sit / in / lines / we / in / China9 morning / exercises/ we / do 10 every / morning / they / sing/ songs /together 11 English / children / can / fun / at / have / time /break12 every / day / they / homework / do 13.want\play\do\ you\ to\basketball\?the\ you\ ball\can\catch\?15.high\ but\can\really\you\jump\.16.other\got\team\thirty-six\The\points\.17.played\Sam`s\in\Yesterday\team\the\basketball\park\.18.at\I\do\can`t\2\all.19.about\There`s\show\a\dogs\TV20.many\dog\In\have\blind\England\special\people\a\.21.blind\Fifi\people\the\Can\help\?只有这些了,拿去做!采纳我的答案

1.You should not bend your near ticket.2 You should not stand near the edge of the platform.3 Parents ought to carry young children on the escalators.4 You should give your seat to a disabled person.5 You ought not to eat on the underground.6 We should get on this train.

1 can / dog / help / this / him 2 Fifi / help / can / the / blind / people 3 couldn’t / she / speak /then4 could / it / hear / the / people5 had / a / but / they / special/ dog6 couldn’t / they / help / the /people7 they / sit / around / tables / in England8 sit / in / lines / we / in / China9 morning / exercises/ we / do 10 every / morning / they / sing/ songs /together 11 English / children / can / fun / at / have / time /break12 every / day / they / homework / doax


你好,同学,才看到你向我们团队发来的求助题,现在为你解答 答案: 1. You should not bend your near ticket. 你不应该折弯你的短程票。 2. You should not stand near the edge of the platform. 你不应该站在月台的边上。 3. Parents ought to carry young children on the escalators. 父母应该在电梯上抱着小孩。 4. You should give your seat to a disabled person. 你应该给残疾人让座。 5. You ought not to eat on the underground. 你不应该在地铁上吃东西。 6. We should get on this train. 我们应该上这列火车。希望能帮到你,祝更上一层楼O(∩_∩)O有不明白的请继续追问,可以详谈嘛(*^__^*)

浅谈连词有哪些?如何分类?连词是连接单词、 词组 、从句与句子的词,是虚词,因此它不独立担任句子成分。连词主要分为两大类:并列连词和从属连词。从属连词是用来引导各类从句的引导词,只能结合各类从句一并学习。并列连词按连接关系分以下四类:(1)表并列关系的and, both…and, neither…nor(2)表选择关系的or, either…or(3)表转折关系的but,while,only,however(4)表因果关系的for, so等。按连词形式分为独立连词和关联连词。1.独立连词:and,or,but, for2.关联连词是一类成对使用的连词,如:both……and……,either……or……neither……nor……not only……but also……not only…but…not……but…….as well例句:Rice and potatoes are common food.Many trees lose their leaves in winter, but evergreen trees do not.许多树木在冬天会落叶,但常绿树木不会。Either the windows were opened or the door was opened.要么窗户打开了,要么门打开了。并列连词非常简单,同时又非常重要,在破解长难句时,第一步就是找并列。如果并列句没找对,就彻底乱套了。这种既简单又重要的知识点务必掌握。以上内容是语法书和教材的通常说法,但我仍有几点疑惑:并列句中的因果关系与原因状语从句是什么关系?如何辨别?for和because,since,as词义都是因为,为什么for属于并列连词,而其他三个是从属连词?它们用法上有啥区别?希望大家在评论区留言讨论。

1.You should not bend your near ticket.2 You should not stand near the edge of the platform.3 Parents ought to carry young children on the escalators.4 You should give your seat to a disabled person.5 You ought not to eat on the underground.6 We should get on this train.




Are you going to have a picnic on sunday?I saw her name in the newspaper yerterday you tell me the way to the museum?Will you please give me  an envelope and some paper ?

They  had   a chat    after dinner      in       the sitting-room.    My  favourite   holiday      is   pointed  to  the woman  beside him. The      teachers     and  the students are  getting    very excited.  The  glasses  are in  the  box  now.

Would you like to perform at the 's send out the invitations. It is time to say goodbye to our friends.

He asked us about the shool you known these questions to  the  answers?They were  surprised a  snake that crossed the road. The way to learn english is to practice.    The twenty  pecent of students  don't  play sports at all.

i ,mine,pen,have,this,your,is,that,is


连词   1. You look tired. ________ working indoors you should be out for a walk.   A. Ahead of   B. Instead of   C. In front of   D. In spite of   2. I’m looking for a babysitter (保姆). She must be ________ too old ________ too young.   A. neither; nor   B. both; and   C. either; or   D. not only; but also   3.—I won’t go to the party tomorrow.   —________ you told me you would. What’s happening?   A. But   B. So   C. And   D. Or   4. Jim has been in the factory for two years _______ he left school.   A. when   B. since   C. as soon as   D. whether   5. Mike is good at playing basketball ______ Bruce does well in football.   A. when   B. until   C. since   D. while   6. Stop cutting trees, _______ the earth will become worse and worse.   A. and   B. but   C. or   D. then   7. Mr. Brown knows little Japanese, _______ he can’t understand the instructions on the bottle of the pills.   A. so   B. or   C. but   D. for   8. Stop smoking, ______ you will get better soon.   A. and   B. or   C. that   D. after   9. I was about to leave the office ______ the telephone rang.   A. when   B. after   C. before   D. while   10. A lot of new buildings have been put up in our university. It is no longer the same _____ it used to be.   A. like what   B. that   C. as   D. what   11. ________ our football team failed in the match, we did our best.   A. Though   B. But   C. Because   D. As   12. It was very late, _______ the students still went on repairing their desks and chairs.   A. and   B. or   C. so   D. but   13.—You’d better remember what I said yesterday, _____ others will laugh at you.   —Sure. I’ll do it _____ you told me.   A. or; as   B. and; as   C. or; after   D. and; after   14. I won’t believe you _______ I see it with my own eyes.   A. if   B. when   C. until   D. while   15. I must finish the work ______ I go home.   A. before   B. when   C. until   D. if   参考答案:1~5 BAABD 6~10CAAAC 11~15 ADACA


I visited my grandparents last week。我上星期去看望我的祖父母了。【解析:某人做某事,+时间】I was very happy last week上周我非常开心。【解析:主系表的结构】What did you do last sunday?上星期天你做了什么?【解析:did是助动词的过去式】过去的时态,在翻译中,往往可以突出一个“了”求采纳!谢谢【俊狼猎英】不懂请追问,感谢您的支持

I visited my grandparent last week.I was very happpy last week.What did you do last Sunday.


第六题: I saw a very interesting film yesterday.


最近我打算写一系列英文发音朗读技巧,大约需要写7篇文章。这是英语专业学生在大学第一个学期就要学习的课程,为日后所有的英语学习、听力和口语打下坚实的基础。 文章关注一组词、一句话层面(意群)的朗读技巧,而不关注音标和单词的读音,因为前面已经写过该如何做,参见旧文 。 每篇文章先讲述理论,再给出例句和读音。 建议小伙伴们学习理论之后进行跟读练习,再录音自己的朗读,对比差距,尽量向标准靠拢。欢迎回复录音给我,我给大家纠音。先介绍一个概念: 意群 。一个句子按着意思和结构划分,能划分成具有一定意义的若干个短语词组,一个词组就是一个意群。同一意群中的词与词关系紧密,不能随意拆分,否则会引起误解。 而 连读 就是在同一个意群内进行的,是在说话较快时自然产生的一种语言现象。顾名思义,就是把 两个单词连起来读,像是一个单词 ,通常是借助元音实现。与此相对的是停顿,停顿是在一个意群与另一个意群之间进行的。 此外,英语当中也存在 弱读, 这是连读的基础。 一般情况下,在非重读音节里, a、o、u等元音字母往往都弱化成/ə/ 音,e、i、y等元音字母往往都弱化成/i/ 音。比如are原本的/a:/会被弱化成/ə/。此处先了解这个知识点,弱读还有更多内容我们后面再讲。 在英语中,连读有三种基本类型: 第一,辅音+元音。在同一个群里,如前一单词以辅音结尾,后一单词以元音开头,即可把这两个单词连起来读,叫做连读。 比如hold on 这个动词词组,在表示坚持、不要挂电话的意思时是同一个意群。而且前面的单词hold以辅音音素/d/结尾,后面紧接以元音音素开头的on,所以/d/和//可以连读,不再是hold on 而是 hol don。 第二,元音/i//i://u/+元音。如果前一个单词以元音结尾,后一个单词以元音开头,那么这两个单词也可以连起来读,叫做元音连读。 比如she is,前词结尾e和后词开头i都是/i/的音,可以连读,读音比单独/i/稍微拉长即可。 第三,/r/+元音。如前一单词以字母r结尾,后一单词以元音开头,即可把/r/和后面的元音连读起来,叫做r音连读。如果前一个单词是以re结尾,读音要以/ə/结尾,比如there is。 要使用这三个连读技巧的地方包括但不限于: 动词/名词+of、on、in、up、at、out等的词组; 动词/there、here等代词+I、it、us、your、other等人称代词; 前面+定冠词a; 前面(人称代词、名词等)+ is/are/am。 例句和视频。视频比较老、内容也很细致,时长一个小时,本篇文章提到的在0:0-3:31:



有一些连读的词要记住 比如 辅音[s]+元音 It’s easy. [itsi:,zi] I have lots of friends.[lɔtsǝv,] Let’s eat lunch. [letsi:t, ]辅音[z] +元音 He’s angry. [zæ,ŋgrili ] She’s in trouble. [zin] Where’s our car? [zauǝ] 辅音[m] +元音 Am I too late? [æ,mai,] Come on in. [kʌmʌn'in]What time is it now? [tai’mizi,t] 辅音[n] +元音 You can ask later. [‘kænʌsk] Turn off [tǝ:nɔf] in an hour [inǝ’nauǝ]clean and tidy [kli:nǝnd]辅音[r] +元音 Your every wish will be done. Our exam was long. Your answer is right. far away [fa:rǝ’ wei]pair of shoes [pєərəv’]for instance [fɔ:in’ stəns]还有好多 我建议多听写英语的绕舌 比如阿姆的歌 虽然里面有很多俚语 但对你是很有帮助的 时间长了 你自然知道哪里要连读了


作者:小思本文地址:http://aiyundongfang.com/lingjichu/27523.html发布于 2024-09-19
