关于蓄电池的一篇检验报告。给海关过境用。希望有高手帮忙翻译下。因为比较 wear rubber acidproof alkali glove. Away from direct sunlight, heat and
远离英语短语如下:1、远离keep away from。2、远离far from。3、远离far away from。4、远离be away from。5、远离家园Far Away From Home。6、远离尘世far from the madding crowd。7、远离阳光staying out of the sun。8、远离压力Away From Stress。9、远离喧嚣 Stay away from noisy。
日语:太阳から离れて 韩语:멀리 햇빛
背诵 英语 短语 时,你是否喜欢远离喧嚣到安静的地方去呢?下面就由我为大家带来远离的英语短语词组,希望大家能有所收获。 远离的英语(短语篇) 1. 远离 keep away from 2. 远离 far from 3. 远离 far away from 4. 远离 be away from 5. 远离家园 Far Away From Home 6. 远离尘世 far from the madding crowd 7. 远离阳光 staying out of the sun 8. 远离压力 Away From Stress 9. 远离喧嚣 Stay away from noisy 10. 远离尘埃 Make the world go away 11. 远离香烟 Give up Smoking ; 12. 远离焦虑 Let Go of Your Anxieties 远离的英语( 句子 篇) 1、他远离人群。 1、He stood aloof from the crowd. 偏远的远离活动中心的;偏远的 2、Distant from a center of activity; remote. 腹地远离城区的地区,偏僻地区 3、A region remote from urban areas; backcountry. 没有人能够完全远离这个竞争社会。 4、Nobody can entirely keep away from this competitive world. 男孩说。「我想要一艘船,可以载我远离此地。 5、I want a boat that will take me far away from here. 炼铝厂的厂址将进一步远离消费者。 6、The location of smelters will move further away from the consumer. 客人停车的位置远离入口和集装箱上货区吗? 7、Is vistitor parking away from entrances and docks? 我的房子远离市区。 8、My house is far away from downtown. 远离大都市或 文化 中心的地区 9、A region situated beyond metropolitan centers of culture. far away from one's native village; 10、远离家乡 live far away from here; 11、居住在远离这儿的地方 The girl kept herself timidly aloof from the crowd. 12、这小女孩在晚会上一直胆怯地远离人群。 远离的英语(例句篇) 1. He spends his spare time visiting schools to warn pupils off drugs. 他用自己的业余时间访问学校,告诫小学生远离毒品。 2. I was anxious to get him here, away from family and friends. 我急于把他带到这儿,远离家人和朋友。 3. He continues to insulate his country from the contagion of foreign ideas. 他继续使本国远离外来思想的侵袭。 4. Keep away from the doors while the train is moving. 列车运行过程中要远离车门。 5. Tourists can visit outlying areas like the Napa Valley Wine Country. 游客可以前往像纳帕谷酒乡这样远离城市喧嚣的地方游览。 6. They sat in a corner, away from other diners. 他们坐在一个角落里,远离其他进餐者。 7. I shall conceal myself at a safe distance from the battlefield. 我会躲在一个远离战场的安全地带。 8. I will hold myself aloof from wrong and corruption. 我会让自己远离错误和腐败。 9. I am trying to recreate family life far from home. 我正试图在远离家园的地方重建家庭生活。 10. Television may actually be distancing the public from the war. 电视实际上可能让公众远离战争。 11. He has kept his wife and daughter out of the public eye. 他一直让妻子和女儿远离公众视线。 12. They were beyond the last straggling suburbs now. 他们现在已经远离了最远的零星分布的郊区了。 13. She had been cut adrift from everything she had known. 她远离了她所熟知的一切. 14. When good folks meet, evil men keep their distance. 好人相逢, 恶人远离. 15. People should keep away from the radioactive waste.
可以直接说 far away
be apart from
看你用在什么地方了:远离家乡用 far away from hometown!远离我用:stay away from me!保持远离我:keep away from me!
珍爱生命,远离英文 Cherish the life and get far away from English
to the best of one's abilityas far as possibleeg:请大家尽量发表意见Please voice your opinions as fully as possible.
as far as possible
to the full
尽量记住 Keep in mind ; Try to remember
尽量模仿 Imitate as far as possible
尽量提前 try to advance
尽量耐心 Try to be patient
尽量靠近 as close to
尽量做好 make the best of
尽量匹配 maximum match
1. I have tried to pack a good deal into a few words.
2. Try to eat at least four slices of bread a day.
3. Try to view situations more objectively, especially with regard to work.
4. Relax as much as possible and keep breathing steadily.
5. I try to offend the least amount of people possible.
6. The coffee-table is glass, to be as unobtrusive as possible.
7. I'lltry to get on the flight down to Karachi tonight.
8. Avoid trips to the country while the pollen count is high.
9. This war had to be fought fast and relatively bloodlessly.
10. He slowly flexed his muscles and tried to stand.
11. Social workers went to great pains to acknowledge men's domestic rights.
12. Try to rest the injured limb as much as possible.
13. Try gradually to quiet them down as bedtime approaches.
14. If you continue to smoke, keep trying to break the habit.
15. I recommend that you avoid processed foods whenever possible.
1. 拜托用英语怎么说
2. 到目前为止用英语怎么说
3. 至少用英语怎么说
4. 最受欢迎的英文怎么说
5. 不久之后用英语怎么说
6. 大师用英语怎么说 例句翻译
我们应尽量照顾这些孩子 We should do our best to take care of these children 或 We should try our hardest to take care of these children 或 We should do what we can to take care of these children
try 试图努力尽量的意思 try to do try one's best to do 尽某人最大努力
far away from home离家很远,远离家乡也有一首英文歌叫《far away from home》He is far away from home and wife and children. 他远离家乡、妻子和儿女。Without you I'll be so far away from home. 无你相伴我将远离家园。
far away from English or keep away from English, 学习快乐,谢谢。
far (away)from祝你学习进步,更上一层楼!请记得采纳,谢谢!(*^__^*)
远离的英文表达:be away from音标:英[bi əˈweɪ frəm]美[bi əˈweɪ frəm]
远离英文keep away from。
1、He is quite dangerous; you'd better keep away from him.
2、Keep away from the edge of the cliff.
3、Keep away from the doors while the train is moving
4、Keep away from the horse's hind feet.
5、He is a dangerous person; keep away from him.
away from 远离,离开;避开痛苦。
far away 遥远的。
right away 立刻。
far away from 远离;离…远。
go away 走开。
straight away 马上;即刻。
do away with v. 废除,去掉;弄死。
away from her 柳暗花明(电影名称)。
far and away 无疑地;显然地。
离??????not 很远的地方根本???? 被捉住在...??? 与one's 方式??? 战斗 在旧布?????? 想到?????? 以这些词?????? 在回归?????? 汗,这是翻译出来的,不是人工翻译~“????”问号是中文,就是无法翻译的,我选的是英文翻译中文,请问是不是语法有错误喔。为什么翻译出来的怪怪的~
far away、far away from、away from、far from的区别为:指代不同、用法不同、侧重点不同。一、指代不同1、far away:在远处。2、far away from:离…很远。3、away from:离开。4、far from:远远不。二、用法不同1、far away:away是表示方位的副词,其基本意思是“离开”。用在动词或短语动词之后表示与“离开”有关的各种不同的意思。可以表示“离开”的状态,也可表示“离开”的动作。2、far away from:除用于动词之后组成短语动词的情况之外,away在句中主要用作状语、表语或补语。偶尔也可用作定语,这时必须前置而不可后置。3、away from:from的本意是“来源”,由此引申出“根据事物的来源判断”。4、far from:far的基本意思是“远”,可指距离的远,也可指时间的远。指距离时,一般用于否定句或疑问句,在肯定句中,多用a long way代替far。三、侧重点不同1、far away:作表语或状语。2、far away from:from具有指向性,有特定的目标。3、away from:away是表示具体的“远”。4、far from:后接名词,动名词或形容词。