Anything else? Anything I can help?
Anything else?最简洁和最口语化的。
anything else?else跟在名词后面,表示xxxx之外的,xxxx以外的。如:nothing else:没别的
Is there anything else ?.
口语化的就是What's up?正式点的就是What can I do for you? Is there anything?
What's going on?
Is there anything else?
anything else?
Is there anything else?
Anything else?
and what? anything else?then?
Any more?
any other questions? any questions? any more questions? 以上的QUESTIONS也可以PROBLEMS 代替
do you have questions else?
Do you have any problem?
问题一:还有什么问题吗?用英语翻译是? Do you have any problem? 问题二:还有什么问题吗英语单词 Is there any problem Any questions Yes? 问题三:“你还有什么问题么?”用英语怎么说 Do you have any questions? 问题四:你还有其他问题要问吗?的英语是? Any more questions? 很多情况下都是省略主语、疑问词等等直接这样问,比较干脆利落,而且直白地道。外国老师上了语言课课末都会这么问我们的。 如果一定要完整句式,建议是:Do you have any more que阀tions? 问题五:有什么问题吗?用英语怎么说 Any problem? 问题六:有问题吗 用英语怎么说 Is there a problem? What's your problem? ... 问题七:如果你还有什么其它的问题请告诉我。怎么说用英语? Let me know if you st俯ll have some other questions. 问题八:英文翻译:关于仪表方面,你还有什么问题吗? do you have any other questions about this instrument/meter? problem 暗含麻烦或棘手的事情,这不是中文泛指的那种“问题”,说白了你犯得是中国式英浮的毛病。instrument会有多种含义,比如也可指乐器,那么你更具体一下就好了,用meter, 这个就没有歧义,一听就明白了。 问题九:还有什么问题吗?用英语翻译是? Do you have any problem? 问题十:“你还有什么问题么?”用英语怎么说 Do you have any questions?