

小思 2024-09-18 36
计划生育政策英文摘要: 优化生育政策英文1.Family planning policy is one of China's basic national policy, reproductive r...


1.Family planning policy is one of China's basic national policy, reproductive rights are also citizens of a basic natural rights. Today, reproductive rights more and more people have been concerned about, although in our Constitution, there is no clear provision for this, but as citizens of one of the basic natural rights is not words but name. Seriously examine the family planning policy, we can see that its citizens to protect reproductive rights and restrictions, and impact on social development also has dual character. New Era Under the new situation, the family planning policy should also have been adjusted to the requirements of social development2.The birth control policy is one of our country basic national policies, the birth power also is a citizen's basic natural right. Now, the birth power more and more are many is paid attention by the people, although in our country constitution, certainly not regarding this carries on explicitly stipulated, but it is does not say but as a citizen's basic natural right. Earnestly carefully examines the birth control policy, may see it to give birth the power to the citizen both to protect and limits, simultaneously the influence which develops to the society also has the dual character. Under the new time new situation, the birth control policy also should carry on the adjustment to adapt the request which the society develops3.The birth control policy is one of our country basic state policies, the birth power is also a citizen's basic inherent right. Now, the birth power more and more is paid attention to by the people, although in our country constitution, has not carried on regarding this stipulated explicitly, but it as a citizen's basic inherent right does not say but. Carefully examines the birth control policy earnestly, may see it to give birth the power to the citizen both to protect and limits, simultaneously also has the dual character to social development's influence. Under the new time new situation, the birth control policy should also make the adjustment to adapt the social development request 4.The child-bearing policy of the plan is one of the fundamental state policies of our country, it is a basic natural right of the citizen's too to bear right. Nowadays, bear right more and more and is paid close attention to by people, though in our country's constitution, go on, stipulate to this a basic natural right as citizen of it is not spoken and the name clearly. Scrutinize and plan the child-bearing policy conscientiously, can find out it bears right to protect as well as limit to the citizen, the impact on social development has a dual character too at the same time. New period should be adjusted and already met the needs of social development too while planning the child-bearing policy under the new situation

计划生育政策是我国基本国策之一,生育权也是公民的一项基本自然权利。Family planning policy is one of the basic policies in our country. The right to give birth is also one of the basci rights to citizens.当今,生育权越来越多的被人们所关注,虽然在我国宪法中,并没有对此进行明确规定,但是其作为公民的一项基本自然权利是不言而名的。Nowadays, the right of procreation has been emphasized gradually by all people. Although in our constitutions there is not any specific regulation to it, it has been regarded as a right should be given to any citizen.认真审视计划生育政策,可以看出它对公民生育权既保护又限制,同时对社会发展的影响也具有两面性。Making a survey on family planning policy seriously gives strictions as well as protections to citizens. Meanwhile, it has two-side impact on the development of the society.新时期新形势下,计划生育政策也应该进行调整已适应社会发展的要求。In the modern time and a new environment, such kind of policy should be adapted according to the requirement of society development.

The birth control policy is one of our country basic state policies, the birth power is also a citizen's basic inherent right. Now, the birth power more and more is paid attention to by the people, although in our country constitution, has not carried on regarding this stipulated explicitly, but it as a citizen's basic inherent right does not say but. Carefully examines the birth control policy earnestly, may see it to give birth the power to the citizen both to protect and limits, simultaneously also has the dual character to social development's influence. Under the new time new situation, the birth control policy should also make the adjustment to adapt the social development request.


1.Family planning policy is one of China's basic national policy, reproductive rights are also citizens of a basic natural rights. Today, reproductive rights more and more people have been concerned about, although in our Constitution, there is no clear provision for this, but as citizens of one of the basic natural rights is not words but name. Seriously examine the family planning policy, we can see that its citizens to protect reproductive rights and restrictions, and impact on social development also has dual character. New Era Under the new situation, the family planning policy should also have been adjusted to the requirements of social development2.The birth control policy is one of our country basic national policies, the birth power also is a citizen's basic natural right. Now, the birth power more and more are many is paid attention by the people, although in our country constitution, certainly not regarding this carries on explicitly stipulated, but it is does not say but as a citizen's basic natural right. Earnestly carefully examines the birth control policy, may see it to give birth the power to the citizen both to protect and limits, simultaneously the influence which develops to the society also has the dual character. Under the new time new situation, the birth control policy also should carry on the adjustment to adapt the request which the society develops3.The birth control policy is one of our country basic state policies, the birth power is also a citizen's basic inherent right. Now, the birth power more and more is paid attention to by the people, although in our country constitution, has not carried on regarding this stipulated explicitly, but it as a citizen's basic inherent right does not say but. Carefully examines the birth control policy earnestly, may see it to give birth the power to the citizen both to protect and limits, simultaneously also has the dual character to social development's influence. Under the new time new situation, the birth control policy should also make the adjustment to adapt the social development request 4.The child-bearing policy of the plan is one of the fundamental state policies of our country, it is a basic natural right of the citizen's too to bear right. Nowadays, bear right more and more and is paid close attention to by people, though in our country's constitution, go on, stipulate to this a basic natural right as citizen of it is not spoken and the name clearly. Scrutinize and plan the child-bearing policy conscientiously, can find out it bears right to protect as well as limit to the citizen, the impact on social development has a dual character too at the same time. New period should be adjusted and already met the needs of social development too while planning the child-bearing policy under the new situation

计划生育:one child policy 建议你到wikipedia自己看一下,很全 The Planned Birth policy(Simplified Chinese:计划生育;Pinyin:jìhuà shēngyù)is the birth control policy of the government of the People's Republic of China(PRC).It is known in Western society as the One-child Policy due...

计划生育 jìhuà shēngyù[family planning;birth control;planned parent-hood] 通过有效的控制生育的方法而制订子女人数和生育间隔时间的计划工作

国外一般用 family planning;我国的独生子女政策叫 one-child policy。祝你好运!


翻译成:Some policies of encouraging birth rate in aging countries

国家的计生政策,以前禁止多生,现在鼓励多生。随着全面放开三胎生育,五十年来,中国的计生政策发生了重大转变。你可能会批评决策者,“知道现在鼓励生三胎,你们早干嘛去了?”然而,即使在2016年,国家仍然要求计划生育基本国策必须长期坚持,这也就意味着管理者仍希望中国人口基数能逐渐降下来。可是,为什么2016年同时又放开了二胎?五年后的今天,又再次放开三胎呢?另外,20世纪70年代末才开始严格执行“一胎化”的计生政策?回答这个问题,我们需要设身处地地穿越到当年的历史进程中,了解在那种条件下做出这些决策的原因。我们把时间切换到1949年。新中国刚成立,百废待兴。当时普遍的观点是“人多力量大!”所以那时候国家鼓励生育。并且,我们还会苏联的作法,给予生育多的妇人以“英雄母亲”、“光荣母亲”的称谓。这种做法带来了很明显的效果。_ 1953年,每一次全国人口普查结果显示,中国总人口突破6亿,比1949年增长超过1亿多人口,人口自然增长率超过20‰。随后,有学者和相关人士建言实施“计划生育”,“控制人口”。但由于这十年里,我们在经济发展道路上走了不少弯路,计划生育政策并未得到切实推广。_ 1964年,第二次全国人口普查结果显示,中国总人口高达7.23亿,截止1969年中国总人口超过8亿。就这样,到了20世纪70年代末,这时在60年代生育高峰期出生的人口即将成年,家庭负担普遍沉重。而且,那时知青开始大规模返城,政府在粮食供给、就业安置、住房分配等问题上都面临极大压力。无论政府还是民众,很容易产生“人口”大于“人手”的直观感受。另外,计划经济体制下的农民、工人被绑定在公社、单位中,按照指令从事生产。严重的体制束缚、趋于常规化的革命动员使个体很难维持较高激励,生产技术和工具又更新缓慢,单位生产率徘徊不前。人口增加的同时人均收益下降,陷入“内卷化”困境。此外,建国后为了维持高积累,国家常年汲取大量工农业剩余,民众生活水平始终处于温饱线附近,任何一点人均收入的下降都变得难以忍受这种背景之下,迫切需要为“中国为何落后”寻找理由,人口顺理成章地成为众矢之的。人口增长与经济落后之间存在太多相关,以至于绝大多数人都觉得这一定是种因果。八十年代初,国家开始从严执行“计生”政策,短短一两年间,“一胎化”确立并成为此后中国三十余年的主导性人口控制原则。_ 1982年7月,第三次全国人口普查数据显示中国大陆人口总数突破10亿_ 1990年,第四次全国人口普查显示中国大陆总人口达11.3亿。_ 2000年,第五次全国人口普查显示,中国大陆人口约12.66亿,总和生育率仅为1.22,处于世界最低水平。_ 2010年,第六次全国人口普查显示,中国大陆总人口达13.4亿,总和生育率仅为1.18,处于世界最低水平。_ 2020年,第六次全国人口普查显示,中国大陆总人口达14.1亿,总和生育率为1.3,处于世界最低水平。注:总和生育率(英文中称:total fertility rate,简称TFR),也称总生育率,是指该国家或地区的妇女在育龄期间,每个妇女平均的生育子女数。大家看人口普查报告有没有发现问题,从2000年开始,总和生育率开始低于世界水平。【拓展资料】我知道你们肯定会想到一个理由:“一胎化”政策到来的后果。其一,经济越发达,城市化率越高,年轻人生育欲望就越低。根据归纳总结,发达国家,只要城市化率超过70%,生育率就会迅速跌到2.0以下。第二,不孕不育率越来越高。2018年,根据中国人口协会、国家卫健委发布的数据,中国育龄夫妇的不孕不育率从20年前的2.5%-3%攀升到近年12%-15%左右,不孕不育者约5000万。受环境污染、生育年龄推迟、生活压力等因素影响,不孕人数还在不断增加。即使我们按照总和生育率1.3计算,也少生了近3000万小孩。第三,城市化性别错配。主要矛盾可以这样形容:农村光棍多,城市剩女多。总和生育率低了,人口总量下降,这不是好事吗?是好事,但不能太急。你可知道,保持人口数量不下降的总和生育率指标是2.1以上,而2020年我们总和生育率只有1.3。中国人口最好的政策就是让人口数量逐步下降,同时人口质量逐步上升,也就是实现人口下降软着陆。按照统计局公布的数据,我国育龄妇女的生育意愿是1.8,所以未来国家人口政策大的方向是保证育龄妇女这个1.8的生育意愿变成实实在在的生育率。

地道翻译:Family planning policy is one of China's basic national policy,and reproductive rights is a basic natural right of all citizens. Today, people are more and more concerned about reproductive rights, although there is no clear provision for this in our Constitution,it is indubitable as one of the basic natural rights of citizens.Seriously examine the family planning policy, we can see that it protects reproductive rights of citizens as well as restricts it, and it also has dual impacts on social development. Under new situations in the new era,the family planning policy should also be adjusted to the requirements of social development.











计划生育:one child policy 建议你到wikipedia自己看一下,很全 The Planned Birth policy(Simplified Chinese:计划生育;Pinyin:jìhuà shēngyù)is the birth control policy of the government of the People's Republic of China(PRC).It is known in Western society as the One-child Policy due...

计划生育有英语。Family planning上面的family planning就是计划生育的意思。


实行计划生育:Practise family planning


作者:小思本文地址:http://aiyundongfang.com/yingyuxuexibaike/9265.html发布于 2024-09-18
