

小思 2024-09-18 45
核能的英文介绍摘要: 地核的介绍英文太阳系八大行星之一,地球自西向东自转,同时又围绕太阳公转.地球自转与公转运动的结合使其产生了地球上的昼夜交替和四季变化(地球自转和公转的速度是不均匀的).同时,由...


太阳系八大行星之一,地球自西向东自转,同时又围绕太阳公转.地球自转与公转运动的结合使其产生了地球上的昼夜交替和四季变化(地球自转和公转的速度是不均匀的).同时,由于受到太阳、月球、和附近行星的引力作用以及地球大气、海洋和地球内部物质的等各种因素的影响,地球自转轴在空间和地球本体内的方向都要产生变化.地球自转产生的惯性离心力使得球形的地球由两极向赤道逐渐膨胀,成为目前的略扁的旋转椭球体,极半径比赤道半径短约21千米. 阿地球是由一系列的同心层组成.地球内部有核(地核)、幔(地幔)、壳(地壳)结构.地球外部有水圈和大气圈,还有磁层,形成了围绕固态地球的美丽外套. 地球作为一个行星,远在56亿年以前产生于原始太阳星云. One of the eight planets of the solar system,the earth rotation from the west to the east,and orbit the sun.The earth rotation and the combination of the revolution movement so as to produce a day and night on earth and seasons change (the earth rotation and the speed of the revolution is not uniform).At the same time,because of the sun,the moon,and by nearby planets gravity and the earth's atmosphere,ocean and earth's internal material factors,the earth spin axis in space and the direction of the earth in the body to produce change.The earth rotation inertia centrifugal force produced by the poles of the earth makes spherical gradually expand to the equator,become the current slightly flat spin ellipsoid body,extremely radius than the equator short radius about 21 km. O earth consists of a series of concentric layers.The interior of the earth have nuclear (core),curtain (mantle),shell (crust) structure.The earth's outer have hydrosphere and atmosphere,and magnetic layer,formed around of the solid earth beautiful coat. The earth as a planet,far before 5.6 billion years produced in the primitive solar nebula.

the core of earth,楼上那个太通俗了





地幔位于地壳和地核之间的中间层,平均厚度为2 800余千米。1914年,美国地震学家B.古登堡根据地震波走时测定地核和地幔之间的分界面深度为2 900千米。这个数值相当准确,与新近算得的数值只差15千米。地幔又分为上地幔(350千米深度以上)和下地幔。上地幔中存在一个地震波的低速层,低速层之上为相对坚硬的上地幔的顶部。通常把上地幔顶部与地壳合称岩石圈。全球的岩石圈板块组成了地球最外层的构造,地球表层的构造运动主要在岩石圈的范围内进行。



地幔下面是地核,地核的平均厚度约3 400千米。地核还可分为外地核、过渡层和内地核三层,外地核厚度约2 080千米,物质大致成液态,可流动;过渡层的厚度约140千米;内地核是一个半径为1 250千米的球心,物质大概是固态的,主要由铁、镍等金属元素构成。地核的温度和压力都很高,估计温度在5 000℃以上,压力达1.32亿千帕以上,密度为每立方厘米13克。美国一些科学家用实验方法推算出地幔与核交界处的温度为3 500℃以上,外核与内核交界处温度为6 300℃,核心温度约6 600℃。


地心_翻译地心 [词典] [地] the earth's core; [电影] The Heart of the World; [例句]这是因为我们离开了来自地球的地心引力的拉力。It's because we leave the pull of gravity that comes from the earth.


核能(Nuclear Energy) Nowadays,energy can be obtained through various sources such as oil,coal,natural gas,solar heat,wind,etc.But the conventional energy like oil,coals are being used up rapidly,and solar heat can't become widely used immediately for technological reason.In my opinion,unclear energy will take the place of conventional energy,because people now can control this energy freely,and unclear energy is non-polluting,inexhaustible,and it's much safer than coal and oil.Coal and oil are burned,they also produce many harmful gases,and the air has been seriously polluted by such gases,which will threaten people's living environment.And many accident happened because of the wrong use of such energies. However,such things can't happen when we use nuclear energy,Though when the nuclear leaks out,it will do great harm to people' s health and the environment.We can do enough work to avoid such things,and limited such things at a low percentage.

核能(或称原子能)是通过核反应从原子核释放的能量,符合阿尔伯特·爱因斯坦的质能方程E=mc2 ,其中E=能量,m=质量,c=光速。核能可通过三种核反应之一释放:1、核裂变,较重的原子核分裂释放结合能。2、核聚变,较轻的原子核聚合在一起释放结合能。3、核衰变,原子核自发衰变过程中释放能量。核能是人类最具希望的未来能源之一。人们开发核能的途径有两条:一是重元素的裂变,如铀的裂变;二是轻元素的聚变,如氘、氚、锂等。重元素的裂变技术,己得到实际性的应用;而轻元素聚变技术,也正在积极研究之中。可不论是重元素铀,还是轻元素氘、氚,在海洋中都有相当巨大的储藏量。

(nuclear energy) at present, energy can be obtained from various sources such as oil, coal, natural gas, solar energy, wind energy, etc., but conventional energy such as oil and coal are rapidly exhausted.

I think that due to technical reasons, solar heat can not be widely used immediately, and non clean energy will replace traditional energy, because people can freely control this energy and it is not polluted Dyeing, inexhaustible, is much safer than coal and oil.

Coal and oil combustion will also produce a lot of harmful gases, the air has been seriously polluted by these gases, threatening people's living environment and many accidents are due to the wrong use of this energy.

However, when we use nuclear energy, such things will not happen, although when the nuclear leakage, it will cause great harm to people's health and the environment, we can do enough to avoid these things, I believe that if we use nuclear energy in the right way, it will provide us with enough energy without any harm to us.





Nuclear energy can be developed and used safely.请采纳谢谢



核武器核能是nuclear energy~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~希望对你有所帮助,望采纳~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

nuclear 英[ˈnjuːkliə(r)] 美[ˈnuːkliər] adj. 原子能的; 核能的; 核武器的; 核子的; 原子核的; [例句]They rejected a demand for the removal of all nuclear weapons from UK soil.他们拒绝了将所有核武器从英国国土上撤除的要求。望采纳

核能(或称原子能)是通过核反应从原子核释放的能量,符合阿尔伯特·爱因斯坦的质能方程E=mc2 ,其中E=能量,m=质量,c=光速。核能可通过三种核反应之一释放:1、核裂变,较重的原子核分裂释放结合能。2、核聚变,较轻的原子核聚合在一起释放结合能。3、核衰变,原子核自发衰变过程中释放能量。核能是人类最具希望的未来能源之一。人们开发核能的途径有两条:一是重元素的裂变,如铀的裂变;二是轻元素的聚变,如氘、氚、锂等。重元素的裂变技术,己得到实际性的应用;而轻元素聚变技术,也正在积极研究之中。可不论是重元素铀,还是轻元素氘、氚,在海洋中都有相当巨大的储藏量。


(nuclear energy) at present, energy can be obtained from various sources such as oil, coal, natural gas, solar energy, wind energy, etc., but conventional energy such as oil and coal are rapidly exhausted.

I think that due to technical reasons, solar heat can not be widely used immediately, and non clean energy will replace traditional energy, because people can freely control this energy and it is not polluted Dyeing, inexhaustible, is much safer than coal and oil.

Coal and oil combustion will also produce a lot of harmful gases, the air has been seriously polluted by these gases, threatening people's living environment and many accidents are due to the wrong use of this energy.

However, when we use nuclear energy, such things will not happen, although when the nuclear leakage, it will cause great harm to people's health and the environment, we can do enough to avoid these things, I believe that if we use nuclear energy in the right way, it will provide us with enough energy without any harm to us.






核能,原子能核武器是nuclear weapon

核能(英语:Nuclear energy),又称原子能,是由组成原子核的粒子之间发生的反应释放出的能量。核能(或称原子能)是通过核反应从原子核释放的能量,符合阿尔伯特·爱因斯坦的质能方程E=mc² ,其中E=能量,m=质量,c=光速。核能可通过三种核反应之一释放:1、核裂变,较重的原子核分裂释放结合能。2、核聚变,较轻的原子核聚合在一起释放结合能。3、核衰变,原子核自发衰变过程中释放能量。


产地写:origin 就可以了,

the origin of-----

producing area

“产地”英语:place of production/origin;locality of growth;producing area。



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作者:小思本文地址:http://aiyundongfang.com/yingyuxuexibaike/9218.html发布于 2024-09-18
