

小思 2024-09-18 37
剑桥国际英语教程1听力原文摘要: 剑桥国际英语教程听力原文A:This is an monkeys are on the monkey is on the you see him on the tree...


A:This is an monkeys are on the monkey is on the you see him on the tree top?B:Yes ,I the monkey on the tree top the monkey on the tree top brown. Can I colour the other monkey brown,too?A:No, colour the other monkey ,Colour the other monkey you see the sun now?Draw a bird next to the sun and colour it beg your pardon?A:Sorry. Draw a bird next to the sun and colour it a bird and colour it : Very you see a boat in the see?B:Yes ,I the boat yellow and draw a boy on the the boat yellow and draw a boy on the : Very please draw two fish in the sea,one red fish and one green a red fish and a green draw a boy swimming in the a boy swimming in the I colour the boy?A:.

三级下册第十单元第三部分It’s a nice afternoon. Can you see two children playing in the garden?Yes, but what are they doing?Oh, they are throwing and catching the I can’t see the ball. Where is the ball?Please draw the ball between the two , draw a ball between the two children. Shall I colour the ball?Yes, colour it black and , the ball is now black and red. I finished ! Please colour the dog , which dog shall I colour?Oh, colour the dog under the table about the dog under the tree?Oh, yes, colour that dog I colour the birds in the sky, too?Just colour the second bird blue and the third bird right. Colour the second bird blue and the third bird . Now look. There is only one glass on the table. But there are two children. Please draw another glass on the I colour the glass? No, don’t colour the glass. But you can colour the flower should I colour? Should I colour them all?Just colour flower purple and the last flower pink. Are they beautiful now?Yes, can you find the plane in the sky?Yes, should I colour the plane , too?No, just write the word “plane” on the plane. Do you understand?Yes, let me write the word “plane” on the , you’ve done a great job.我最多就写这么多了……真的很抱歉没有全部写上……

Ted:Oh,I'm really you OK?Anna:I'm I'm not very good at am you from South America?Anna:Yes,I am was born in you grow up there?Anna:Yes,I did,but my family moved here ten years ago when I was in junior high where did you learn to skate?Here in the park. This is only my third 's my first you give me some lessons?Anna:Sure, just follow the way,my name is I am Anna. Nice to meet you.这是教师用本,抱歉,无法发到邮箱,希望对你有帮助。





新东方格格老师英音基础 重音.avi 凶猛笑的元音们-[ai].avi 缩读.avi 弱读.avi 连读.avi 老舍”和“老婶儿”-[ə]&[ɚ].avi 会笑的元音们-[o].avi 会笑的元音们-[ɔI ]&[au].avi 会笑的元音们 会笑的元音们 会笑的元音们-I (2).avi 会笑的元音们-a& 会笑的元音们-ʊ.avi 会笑的元音们-ɔ.avi

新版剑桥少儿英语 新编剑桥商务英语 剑桥国际商务英语 剑桥商务英语教程 剑桥国际英语教程 我只能送你一些我收集的一些免费的教程,你可以去看一看16



一个非常好的英语听力学习网站,或者 都不错。。




新东方格格老师英音基础 重音.avi 凶猛笑的元音们-[ai].avi 缩读.avi 弱读.avi 连读.avi 老舍”和“老婶儿”-[ə]&[ɚ].avi 会笑的元音们-[o].avi 会笑的元音们-[ɔI ]&[au].avi 会笑的元音们 会笑的元音们 会笑的元音们-I (2).avi 会笑的元音们-a& 会笑的元音们-ʊ.avi 会笑的元音们-ɔ.avi


Plan of ViedoIntroductionNew InterchangeThe Video CourseCourse LengthMore About the Course ComponentsVideo in the ClassroomWhat Each Unit of the Video Activity Book ContainsGuidelines for Teaching the New Interchange VideoHow to Teach a Typical New Interchange Video Sequence1 Dream Date2 Documentary:Urban artist3 Kid sister4 Bigfoot Lives5 Documentary:Travel World6 Heartbreak Hotel7 Documentary:Saving Florida's Manatees8 Documentary:Salsa!9 Stress relief10 Documentary:Fort Steele Heritage Town11 If only12 Documentary:Need information?13 Car trouble14 Documentary;Behind the scenes in TV news15 Documentary:Environment or entertainement?A town debates16 Documentary:The ultimate challengeTranscripts for Video Sequences and DocumentariesAuthor's Acknowledgments教程特色: ●针对性强-专为非英语国家学习者设计,全球销量超过千万册●先锋教材-采用交际式教学法,体现了在语境中学语言的教学思想●时代气息-素材均取自于20世纪90年代以来的词汇、现象和资料●国际背景-多种国家和地区的人物、语言和场景●多元文化-内容上体现了英语的国际背景和多元文化●美国英语-美国英语为主●趣味生动-内容活泼幽默、色彩丰富鲜艳、语音地道悦耳●语法系统-有系统的语法讲解,既可用作主教材,也可用作听说辅助教材●方便教学-教师用书采用学生用书原页与详尽的教师指导左右对照的方式●配套齐全-配备有教师用书、录音带、VCD和CD-ROM,便于课堂教学和自学●考级教程-继剑桥少儿英语之后,剑桥英语五级证书考试的参考教程整套教材包括:●学生用书●教师用书●练习册●学生用音带●课堂用音带●录像(VCD)●录像活动用书●录像教师用书●多媒体光盘(CD-ROM)●教师资源包


《剑桥国际英语语音教程(英音版第3版)》是由北京语言大学出版社出版的。明确的读者对象及适用课型:适合大学英语专业初级、非英语专业中、高级的英语学习者在英语语音、英语听说课堂使用,同时也可用于自学。科学,系统的语音练习:逼真的口型图,详细的发音指导,互动的语音、音节、连读、重读与弱读、句子重音、语调、句子节奏等语音练习。最小对立体(minimal pairs)的对比发音训练特别适合中国学习者比较和纠正容易混淆的发音,在语音对比中更快更好地掌握英语发音的规律。丰富的词词汇短语、短句及对话近2000个单词以及相关的短语、短句和真实对话;600余幅插图,帮你提高学习效率。附赠MP3光盘纯正的英式语音+标准的英式语调,音质清晰,帮你掌握标准的剑桥英语发音。


《剑桥国际英语教程》由两个系列丛书组成,共分六级。New Interchange系列包括4个级别。入门级,1级,2级,3级。 入门级:针对没有英语基础的“真正”初学者,讲解基础语法结构、词汇和语言功能。

阅读活动包括:跨文化交际主题,生活方式主题,不同的价值观主题等取材真实的阅读篇章。完成以上4级的学习之后,学习者可以达到中级偏高水平。Passages系列包括两个系别。NNew Interchange的后续高级教程。

《剑桥国际英语教程》(Interchange)是专为非英语国家的学习者编写的综合英语教程,陪伴了全球外语学习者二十余载。此次外研社与剑桥大学出版社强强联手推出的《剑桥国际英语教程(第5版)》秉承作者Jack C. Richards教授广受认可的教学理念,通过全新的语料、全新的设计、全新的视听学习体验和全新的多媒体支持,为学习者带来全方位的学习体验。

剑桥大学出版社大中华区教师发展经理Nicolas Mayfield表示,“今天非常荣幸出席《剑桥国际英语教程(第5版)》的发布会,我们同外研社合作出版了教材的第二版、第三版和第五版,建立了深厚而长远的合作和友谊,剑桥大学出版社非常珍惜与外研社的伙伴关系,并且期待在未来与外研社进行长足的合作,出版更多如《剑桥国际英语教程》一样的优秀作品。”


新版《剑桥国际英语教程》(第3版)(Irnterchange Third Edition)是《剑桥国际英语教程》(New Interchange)的全面修订版。作为世界上最受欢迎,最有影响的英语教程之一,《剑桥国际英语教程》推动了中国传统语言学习模式的革新,加快了我国英语教学的国际化进程。新版总结了上一版在全球的课堂实践经验,为读者奉献了更时尚的内容、更丰富的语法训练和更多的听说实践机会。





我用过这门书适合成人使用(0基础的)有丰富的图画 主要以口语和听力为主缺点是价格比较贵!



作者:小思本文地址:http://aiyundongfang.com/yingyuxuexibaike/9166.html发布于 2024-09-18
