

小思 2024-09-18 32
介绍可口可乐公司的英文ppt摘要: 可口可乐产品介绍ppt英文Since the October 1997 death of his legendary predecessor, Roberto Goizueta...


Since the October 1997 death of his legendary predecessor, Roberto Goizueta, Ivester has proved himself an aggressive leader who continues to push Coca-Cola further ahead of Pepsi through strategic acquisitions and new-product development. 自1997年可口可乐的富于传奇色彩的前任首席执行官罗伯特顾祖塔去世后,依万斯特就证明了自己是一位敢作敢为的领导者并且通过营销战略的成功和新产品开发而远远领先于百事可乐。 Most recently, Coke agreed to pay $ billion for international rights to the Cadbury Schweppes line of soft drinks. Coke's new bottled-water brand, Dasani, is scheduled to hit the marketplace in late spring. Even when Coke's earnings and stock price dropped precipitously last year in the wake of economic turmoil abroad, Ivester kept the company focused on shoring up its marketing and infrastructure for the long term. 最近,可口可乐公司同意支付卡德伯瑞斯克威堡软饮生产线18亿5千万美元作为国际授权。该公司生产可口可乐的新瓶装饮料达萨尼,该产品预计在春季晚些时候问世。尽管去年可口可乐公司的营业收入和股票价格因国外经济动荡的到来之际而大跌,依万斯特着重支持公司的市场推广和长期合作的客户关系。 BUSINESS PHILOSOPHY: "Everyone counts." 经营理念:“将每个人的积极性都调动起来。” Headache: "People who can't really see the long term." Wall Street began slamming Coke's stock in the fourth quarter when earnings nose-dived as a result of decreased sales and currency devaluations in places such as Russia and Brazil. 头疼的事:“人们没有长远发展眼光。”华尔街股市开始在第四个季度冲击可口可乐的股价,因为销售收入的减少和诸如俄罗斯和巴西等地区的货币贬值而造成的收入减少。 True story: A photograph from his trip to Egypt shows a group of tourists gazing at the Valley of the Kings--Ivester is staring into the garbage, counting Coke cans. 真人真事:在他去埃及旅行的一张照片上,可以看到,在一队旅游者正在凝望国王谷时,依万斯特却盯着垃圾堆看,数着可乐罐。 Management Style: Patient. "When we go to a new country, we're there forever--that's our time frame." 经营风格:稳健。“当我们打入一个新的国家的市场,我们就永远扎根下去---那就是我们的期限。” Personal strength: Math whiz. 个人强项:速算 Weak spot: "A lot of people say that he doesn't have the elan of Roberto," according to one beverage analyst. 弱点:“许多人说他没有罗伯特的锐气”,一位饮料分析家如是说。 Other interests: Owns six cars, including a 1932 Cadillac Phaeton. Shoots quail. Golfs. 其他爱好:有六辆汽车,包括一辆1932年的卡迪拉克。有射击恐惧症。爱好高尔夫。 Resume highlights: As a kid, living in a Georgia mill town, he raised chickens for spending money. In 1981, named youngest vice president in Coca-Cola's history. 职业生涯精彩部分:从孩提时代起就住在乔治亚州的磨房小镇,他靠养鸡来攒零花钱。在1981年他被提名为副总裁,成为可口可乐公司有史以来最年轻的副总裁。 How he got the job: Conceived of and executed the ingenious "49 percent solution" that removed Coke's low-return bottlers--and their heaps of debt--from the company's books by spinning them off as a separate company. 怎样得到这份工作:构想并实施了具有独创性的“49%解决方案”,这个方案使得可口可乐的低回报灌注机生产线以及它的一大堆债务从可口可乐公司的帐本上一笔勾销,并使之成立为一个独立的公司。 SECOND LOVE: Music, ranging from gospel to rock and roll. Saw Elton John perform in Atlanta this winter. 业余爱好:从福音音乐到摇滚乐都喜欢。在今年冬季观看了艾尔顿约翰在亚特兰大的个人演唱会。 Corporate goals: "To be the best partner for customers, best resident for the communities where we serve, and best employer." 公司目标:“做客户最佳合作伙伴,做社区的最佳居民、做公司的最佳雇员。” PERSONAL GOAL: "Maintain my curiosity." (He's obsessed with continuing his education.) 个人目标:“保持我的好奇心。”(他一直为是否接受继续教育而困惑) Financial reward: $ million in salary and bonus last year in addition to another $ million in restricted stock (which cannot be sold until he turns 62 or retires). 个人收入: 年薪360万美元,并且在去年有额外的168万美元受权限限制的股票(在资金回报率达到62%或在退休之前不能出售)满意请采纳

Coca-Cola is a carbonated soft drink sold in stores, restaurants and vending machines in more than 200 countries. It is produced by The Coca-Cola pany and is often referred to simply as Coke or (in European and American countries) as Cola or Pop. Originally intended as a patent medicine when it was invented in the late 19th century by John Stith Pemberton, Coca-Cola was bought out by busines *** an Asa Griggs Candler, whose marketing tactics led Coke to its dominance of the world soft drink market throughout the 20th century.

The pany produces concentrate, which is then sold to various licensed Coca-Cola bottlers throughout the world. The bottlers, who hold territorially exclusive contracts with the pany, produce finished product in cans and bottles from the concentrate in bination with filtered water and sweeteners. The bottlers then sell, distribute and merchandise Coca-Cola in cans and bottles to retail stores and vending machines. Such bottlers include Coca-Cola Enterprises, which is the largest single Coca-Cola bottler in North America and western Europe. The Coca-Cola pany also sells concentrate for fountain sales to major restaurants and food service distributors.

The Coca-Cola pany has, on occasion, introduced other cola drinks under the Coke brand name. The most mon of these is Diet Coke, which has bee a major diet cola. However, others exist, including Caffeine-Free Coca-Cola, Diet Coke Caffeine-Free, Cherry Coke, Coca-Cola Zero, Vanilla Coke and special editions with lemon and with lime and even with coffee.

In response to consumer insistence on a more natural product, the pany is in the process of phasing out E211, or sodium benzoate, the controversial additive linked to DNA damage and hyperactivity in children, of Diet Coke. The pany has stated that it plans to remove the controversial additive from its other products - including Sprite, and Oasis - as soon as a satisfactory alternative is discovered.


The first Coca-Cola recipe was invented in Columbus, Geia at a drugstore by John Stith Pemberton, originally as a cocawine called Pemberton's French Wine Coca in may have been inspired by the formidable success of European Angelo Mariani's cocawine, Vin Mariani.

In 1886, when Atlanta and Fulton County passed prohibition legislation, Pemberton responded by developing Coca-Cola, essentially a non-alcoholic version of French Wine Cola. The original recipe was made without carbonated water, but was added later when Pemberton was mixing the drink for friends without the carbonated water and accidentally added it to a glass. His friends loved it more and he decided to continue making his drink with the carbonated water instead. The first sales were at Jacob's Pharmacy in Atlanta, Geia, on May 8, was initially sold as a patent medicine for five cents a glass at soda fountains, which were popular in the United States at the time due to the belief that carbonated water was good for the health. Pemberton claimed Coca-Cola cured many diseases, including *** addiction, dyspepsia, neurasthenia, headache, and impotence. Pemberton ran the first advertisement for the beverage on May 29 of the same year in the Atlanta Journal. For the first eight months only nine drinks were sold each day.[citation needed]

By 1888, three versions of Coca-Cola — sold by three separate businesses — were on the market. Asa Griggs Candler acquired a stake in Pemberton's pany in 1887 and incorporated it as the Coca Cola pany in 1888. The same year, while suffering from an ongoing addiction to *** , Pemberton sold the rights a second time to four more busines *** en: . Mayfield, . Murphey, . Mullahy and . Bloodworth. Meanwhile, Pemberton's alcoholic son Charley Pemberton began selling his own version of the product.

In an attempt to clarify the situation, John Pemberton declared that the name Coca-Cola belonged to Charley, but the other two manufacturers could continue to use the formula. So, in the summer of 1888, Candler sold his beverage under the names Yum Yum and Koke. After both failed to catch on, Candler set out to establish a legal claim to Coca-Cola in late 1888, in order to force his two petitors out of the business. Candler purchased exclusive rights to the formula from John Pemberton, Margaret Dozier and Woolfolk Walker. However, in 1914, Dozier came forward to claim her signature on the bill of sale had been fed, and subsequent *** ysis has indicated John Pemberton's signature was most likely a fery as well.

Old German Coca-Cola bottle 1892, Candler incorporated a second pany, The Coca-Cola pany (the current corporation), and in 1910, Candler had the earliest records of the pany burned, further obscuring its legal origins. Regardless, Candler began marketing the product, although the efficacy of his concerted advertising campaign would not be realized until much later. By the time of its 50th anniversary, the drink had reached the status of a national icon for the USA. In 1935, it was certified kosher by Rabbi Tobias Geffen, after the pany made minor changes in the sourcing of some ingredients.

Coke concentrate, or Coke syrup, was and is sold separately at pharmacies in *** all quantities, as an over-the-counter remedy for nausea or mildly upset stomach.




目前,全球每天有17亿人次的消费者在畅饮可口可乐公司的产品,大约每秒钟售出19,400瓶饮料,在2016年10月,可口可乐公司排2016年全球100大最有价值品牌第三名  ;可口可乐为中国消费者提供超过15个品牌50多种饮料选择,其系列产品在华的每天享用量达到亿杯,  可口可乐自1979年重返中国市场至2014年底,已累计投资超过90亿美元,目前在华建有43家工厂,系统员工约45,000人,其中99%为本地员工,  可口可乐及其装瓶厂在中国长期以来不遗余力地支持教育及公益事业,推广环境保护以及帮助当地社区的发展,捐资总额超过亿元人民币,另外,可口可乐亦是唯一一个全方位赞助在中国举办的特奥会、奥运会、残奥会、世博会、大运会及青奥会的企业。


1885年,美国佐治亚州的<>(约翰·彭伯顿),发明了深色的糖浆称为彭伯顿法国酒可乐(Pemberton's French Wine Coka)1885年 *** 发出禁酒令,因此彭伯顿发明无酒精的Pemberton's French Wine Coka。


那天,他正在搅拌做好了的饮料,发现它具有提神、镇静的作用以及减轻头痛,他将这种液体加入了糖浆和水,然后加上冰块,他尝了尝,味道好极了,不过在倒第二杯时,助手一不小心加入了苏打水(二氧化碳+水)这回味道更好了,合伙人罗宾逊(Frank )从糖浆的两种成分,激发出命名的灵感,这两种成分就是古柯(Coca)的叶子和可拉(Kola)的果实,罗宾逊为了整齐划一,将Kola的K改C,然后在两个词中间加一横,于是Coca-Cola便诞生了,第一份可口可乐售价为五美分。

Coca-Cola's rich history, enduring. Since the beginning of 1886, we began to Break the Earth. As you will see, we have only just begun. In 1886, John. Stig Division. Peng Compton in Atlanta, Georgia followed by the invention of Coca-Cola's global popularity. The chemical experts in the yard of his house, a modulation of the color of caramel syrup, and stored in a brass pot in the three-legged. For the first time, he will be "Coca-Cola," mounted on a water bottle in the corner to Jacob's pharmacy in the "distribution." In the cold next to the cabinet, five cents will be able to drink a cup of Coca-Cola. This year, Coca-Cola's average daily sales for the Cup 9. Coca-Cola soft drink industry is one of the world's leader of a group, headquartered in Atlanta, Georgia. Coupled with its global headquarters in the various branches of a total staff of more than 3. Coca-Cola logo with the logo for the company's flagship constitute trademark, as well as other more than 160 different brands of The Coca-Cola Company in the production or sale by us. And our branches are located in more than 200 countries around the world, in fact, 70% of the company's production and 80% of the profits come from outside the United States. ◆ scattered and unity Coca-Cola's most powerful energy that it will spread organically in the global business sector to form a unified management model. This model is bottled constitute the core of the system. Bottled by Coca-Cola Company is authorized to distribute our products, but operated by independent local companies. Their function is to the local authority, high quality production and sales. In our lives, Coca-Cola products everywhere. Our main trademarks in the world far-reaching implications, maverick; as Fanta, Sprite, Coca-Cola, of course, that such trademarks are well-known in many countries. We still have a number of prestigious brands in the world, so no matter where you are, you can enjoy the Coca-Cola to bring to you参考资料


That Coca-Cola Company is set up in 1892 ,general headquarter is set up in USA Qiao Ya Zhou Atlanta at present,is maximal the whole world drink company ,the binomial (Coca-Cola row owning the whole world 48% marketplace occupation ratio and the whole world first three big drink is first,Pepsi second,low quantity of heat Coca-Cola third),whose camp in 2001 is collected amounting to 20 ,92 million common stock stockholder's equity is 11 ,351 million Coca-Cola owns 160 kinds drink brands in 200 countries ,also is a maximal the whole world juice drink dealer (include the Minute Maid brand) including that soft drink ,motion drink ,milk kind drink the product ,juice ,tea and coffee,before first Coca-Cola of USA row be that the person gets the market share exceeding 40%,Sprite is that the quickest drink ,other brand include Berk then grow up,the fruit country and billow. 可口可乐公司成立于1892年,目前总部设在美国乔亚州亚特兰大,是全球最大的饮料公司,拥有全球48%市场占有率以及全球前三大饮料的二项(可口可乐排名第一,百事可乐第二,低热量可口可乐第三),其2001年营收达20,092百万美元,普通股股东权益则为11,351百万美元.可口可乐在200个国家拥有160种饮料品牌,包括汽水、运动饮料、乳类饮品、果汁、茶和咖啡,亦是全球最大的果汁饮料经销商(包括Minute Maid品牌),在美国排名第一的可口可乐为其取得超过40%的市场占有率,而雪碧则是成长最快的饮料,其它品牌包括伯克,水果国度以及大浪.

Coca-Cola's rich history, enduring. Since the beginning of 1886, we began to Break the Earth. As you will see, we have only just begun. In 1886, John. Stig Division. Peng pton in Atlanta, Geia followed by the invention of Coca-Cola's global popularity. The chemical experts in the yard of his house, a modulation of the color of caramel syrup, and stored in a brass pot in the three-legged. For the first time, he will be "Coca-Cola," mounted on a water bottle in the corner to Jacob's pharmacy in the "distribution." In the cold next to the cabi, five cents will be able to drink a cup of Coca-Cola. This year, Coca-Cola's average daily sales for the Cup 9. Coca-Cola soft drink industry is one of the world's leader of a group, headquartered in Atlanta, Geia. Coupled with its global headquarters in the various branches of a total staff of more than 3. Coca-Cola logo with the logo for the pany's flagship constitute trademark, as well as other more than 160 different brands of The Coca-Cola pany in the production or sale by us. And our branches are located in more than 200 countries around the world, in fact, 70% of the pany's production and 80% of the profits e from outside the United States. ◆ scattered and unity Coca-Cola's most powerful energy that it will spread anically in the global business sector to form a unified management model. This model is bottled constitute the core of the system. Bottled by Coca-Cola pany is authorized to distribute our products, but operated by independent local panies. Their function is to the local authority, high quality production and sales. In our lives, Coca-Cola products everywhere. Our main trademarks in the world far-reaching implications, maverick; as Fanta, Sprite, Coca-Cola, of course, that such trademarks are well-known in many countries. We still have a number of prestigious brands in the world, so no matter where you are, you can enjoy the Coca-Cola to bring to you



可口可乐的诞生[The birth of Coca-Cola]The image of Coke is youthful and modern. But Coke is not new. It is more than a century old. It was invented in 1886 by a pharmacist(药剂师) called John Styth Pemberton. Pemberton had a drugstore in Atlanta,where he sold liver pills,hair restorer(生发剂),cough mixtures(止咳药水) and other medicines. He made these preparations(制剂) to his own recipes but people could buy similar products at any drugstore. They loved his Indian Queen hairdye(染发剂),but there was nothing special about it. Pemberton wanted to make a product that people could buy only from him. He wanted them to have a reason to choose his shop rather than any other. Tonic(补药) is a drink that is supposed to do you good. In the old days,many chemists made and sold their own tonic wine. In 1885 Pemberton came up with French Wine Cola. It must have tasted rather like Coke. At first Pemberton put a little alcohol in it,but later he left it out. He is said to have mixed his brew(酿造的饮料) in the backyard in a three-legged brass pot like a witches’cauldron(女巫的大锅). Pemberton sold the new drink as a quick cure for headaches. But headaches or no headaches. his staff were soon watering down5 the syrup(含药糖浆) and drinking it to slake6 their thirst on hot days. Maybe he really had invented a new soft drink(软饮料) product. On saturday 8 May 1886 Pemberton took a jug(壶,罐) of syrup down the street to another drugstore,Jacobs’Pharmacy(药店)—to do a test. Jacobs’pharmacy had a soda7 fountain. This machine adds carbon dioxide to water to make fizzy(冒气泡的) soda, and then mixes it with syrup to make a refreshing8 drink. Stalls(货摊,摊位) selling ice cream and fizzy drinks made by soda fountains became known simply as soda fountains. The staff and customers of Jacobs’ pharmacy tried Pemberton’s headache cure mixed with soda and loved its taste. it was excellent,but it did not have a name. One of Pemberton’s partners,his book-keeper(记账人) Frank Robinson,suggested Coca-Cola Syrup and Extract—which became Coca-Cola for short. He thought the two Cs would go well in advertising. He wrote down the name in the simple flowing handwriting that he used in his account books(账簿). His script(笔迹,手迹) became the product’s trademark. Coca-Cola went on sale immediately at five cents a glass. 可口可乐的形象是有青春活力而时髦的,但可口可乐并不是新事物,它已经历一个多世纪的岁月,是1886年由药剂师约翰·斯蒂思·彭伯顿发明的。 彭伯顿在亚特兰大开了一家药店,他在那里卖利肝丸、生发剂、止咳药水和其他药品。他按自己的配方配制药剂,但人们可以在任何一家药店买到类似的产品。他的“印第安皇后”染发剂很受欢迎,但也没有什么独到之处。彭伯顿想要制作一种产品,人们只能在他这里买到,他想要大家有理由选择他的商店而不是其他商店。 补药是一种被认为对你有益的饮料。过去,许多药剂师自己制作并出售补酒。1885年,彭伯顿制作了法国可乐果酒,它的味道一定颇像可口可乐。一开始彭伯顿往里面放了点酒精,但他后来又不放了。据说他将酿造的饮料在后院的一口3条腿的黄铜锅里混合,那口锅就像女巫的大锅。 彭伯顿把他的新饮料当成头痛速效药来卖。但不久之后,他的职员不管头痛与否,都愿意将这种糖浆搀水冲淡,在热天解渴。也许他真的发明了一种新的软饮料产品。 1886年5月8日,星期六,彭伯顿拿了一罐糖浆到街上另一家药店(雅各布药店)去做试验。雅各布药店有个带龙头的汽水桶。这种机器把二氧化碳加到水里制成起泡的汽水,然后加入糖浆制成清凉提神的饮料。那些出售用汽水桶制出的冰激凌和汽水饮料的冷饮小卖部被人们简称为“汽水吧台”。 雅各布药店的职员和顾客试尝了彭伯顿的头痛药和汽水的混合物,很喜欢这种口味。那东西太棒了,但还没有名字。 彭伯顿的一个合作伙伴,他的记账员弗兰克·罗宾逊建议叫可口可乐浓缩糖浆——后来简称可口可乐。他认为用两个“C”开头的单词更有利于广告宣传。他用他在记账本上那种简单流畅的笔迹写下了这个名字。他的字迹成了这个产品的商标。可口可乐很快以每杯5美分的价格上市了。

1998年取得‘可口可乐’杯全国奥林匹克足球联赛冠军; 1999年取得全国青年足球锦标赛冠军...英文简介: Their personal names mean ‘auspicious’ and ‘happiness’ respectively.

That Coca-Cola Company is set up in 1892 , general headquarter is set up in USA Qiao Ya Zhou Atlanta at present, is maximal the whole world drink company , the binomial (Coca-Cola row owning the whole world 48% marketplace occupation ratio and the whole world first three big drink is first, Pepsi second, low quantity of heat Coca-Cola third), whose camp in 2001 is collected amounting to 20 , 92 million U. S. dollar, the common stock stockholder's equity is 11 , 351 million U. S. dollar then. But Coca-Cola owns 160 kinds drink brands in 200 countries , also is a maximal the whole world juice drink dealer (include the Minute Maid brand) including that soft drink , motion drink , milk kind drink the product , juice , tea and coffee,before first Coca-Cola of USA row be that the person gets the market share exceeding 40%, Sprite is that the quickest drink , other brand include Berk then grow up, the fruit country and billow.


Since the October 1997 death of his legendary predecessor, Roberto Goizueta, Ivester has proved himself an aggressive leader who continues to push Coca-Cola further ahead of Pepsi through strategic acquisitions and new-product development. 自1997年可口可乐的富于传奇色彩的前任首席执行官罗伯特顾祖塔去世后,依万斯特就证明了自己是一位敢作敢为的领导者并且通过营销战略的成功和新产品开发而远远领先于百事可乐。 Most recently, Coke agreed to pay $1.85 billion for international rights to the Cadbury Schweppes line of soft drinks. Coke's new bottled-water brand, Dasani, is scheduled to hit the marketplace in late spring. Even when Coke's earnings and stock price dropped precipitously last year in the wake of economic turmoil abroad, Ivester kept the company focused on shoring up its marketing and infrastructure for the long term. 最近,可口可乐公司同意支付卡德伯瑞斯克威堡软饮生产线18亿5千万美元作为国际授权。该公司生产可口可乐的新瓶装饮料达萨尼,该产品预计在春季晚些时候问世。尽管去年可口可乐公司的营业收入和股票价格因国外经济动荡的到来之际而大跌,依万斯特着重支持公司的市场推广和长期合作的客户关系。 BUSINESS PHILOSOPHY: "Everyone counts." 经营理念:“将每个人的积极性都调动起来。” Headache: "People who can't really see the long term." Wall Street began slamming Coke's stock in the fourth quarter when earnings nose-dived as a result of decreased sales and currency devaluations in places such as Russia and Brazil. 头疼的事:“人们没有长远发展眼光。”华尔街股市开始在第四个季度冲击可口可乐的股价,因为销售收入的减少和诸如俄罗斯和巴西等地区的货币贬值而造成的收入减少。 True story: A photograph from his trip to Egypt shows a group of tourists gazing at the Valley of the Kings--Ivester is staring into the garbage, counting Coke cans. 真人真事:在他去埃及旅行的一张照片上,可以看到,在一队旅游者正在凝望国王谷时,依万斯特却盯着垃圾堆看,数着可乐罐。 Management Style: Patient. "When we go to a new country, we're there forever--that's our time frame." 经营风格:稳健。“当我们打入一个新的国家的市场,我们就永远扎根下去---那就是我们的期限。” Personal strength: Math whiz. 个人强项:速算 Weak spot: "A lot of people say that he doesn't have the elan of Roberto," according to one beverage analyst. 弱点:“许多人说他没有罗伯特的锐气”,一位饮料分析家如是说。 Other interests: Owns six cars, including a 1932 Cadillac Phaeton. Shoots quail. Golfs. 其他爱好:有六辆汽车,包括一辆1932年的卡迪拉克。有射击恐惧症。爱好高尔夫。 Resume highlights: As a kid, living in a Georgia mill town, he raised chickens for spending money. In 1981, named youngest vice president in Coca-Cola's history. 职业生涯精彩部分:从孩提时代起就住在乔治亚州的磨房小镇,他靠养鸡来攒零花钱。在1981年他被提名为副总裁,成为可口可乐公司有史以来最年轻的副总裁。 How he got the job: Conceived of and executed the ingenious "49 percent solution" that removed Coke's low-return bottlers--and their heaps of debt--from the company's books by spinning them off as a separate company. 怎样得到这份工作:构想并实施了具有独创性的“49%解决方案”,这个方案使得可口可乐的低回报灌注机生产线以及它的一大堆债务从可口可乐公司的帐本上一笔勾销,并使之成立为一个独立的公司。 SECOND LOVE: Music, ranging from gospel to rock and roll. Saw Elton John perform in Atlanta this winter. 业余爱好:从福音音乐到摇滚乐都喜欢。在今年冬季观看了艾尔顿约翰在亚特兰大的个人演唱会。 Corporate goals: "To be the best partner for customers, best resident for the communities where we serve, and best employer." 公司目标:“做客户最佳合作伙伴,做社区的最佳居民、做公司的最佳雇员。” PERSONAL GOAL: "Maintain my curiosity." (He's obsessed with continuing his education.) 个人目标:“保持我的好奇心。”(他一直为是否接受继续教育而困惑) Financial reward: $3.6 million in salary and bonus last year in addition to another $16.8 million in restricted stock (which cannot be sold until he turns 62 or retires). 个人收入: 年薪360万美元,并且在去年有额外的168万美元受权限限制的股票(在资金回报率达到62%或在退休之前不能出售)满意请采纳

Pepsi Cola is a non-alcoholic carbonated beverage produced and manufactured by PepsiCo. It is sold in stores, restaurants and from vending machines. The drink was first made in the 1890s bypharmacist Caleb Bradham in New Bern North Carolina. The brand was trademarked on June 16,1903. There have been many Pepsi variantsproduced over the years, including Diet Pepsi,Crystal Pepsi, Pepsi Max, Pepsi Samba, Pepsi Blue, Pepsi Gold, Pepsi Holiday Spice, Pepsi Jazz, Pepsi Next (available in Japan and South Korea), Pepsi Ice Cucumber (available in Japan as of June 12, 2007).HistoryRise in popularityDuring The Great Depression, Pepsi gained popularity following the introduction in 1934 of a 12-ounce bottle. Initially priced at 10 cents, sales were slow, but when the price was slashed to 5 cents, sales went through the roof. With twelve ounces a bottle instead of the six ounces Coca-Cola sold, Pepsi turned the price difference to its advantage with a slick radio advertising campaign, featuring the "Pepsi cola hits the spot / Twelve full ounces, that's a lot / Twice as much for a nickel, too / Pepsi-Cola is the drink for you,", encouraging price-watching consumers to switch to Pepsi, while obliquely referring to the Coca-Cola standard of six ounces a bottle for the price of five cents (a nickel), instead of the twelve ounces Pepsi sold at the same price. Coming at a time of economic crisis, the campaign succeeded in boosting Pepsi's status. From 1936 to 1938, Pepsi Cola's profits doubled.[1] Pepsi's success under Guth came while the Loft Candy business was faltering. Since he had initially used Loft's finances and facilities to establish the new Pepsi success, the near-bankrupt Loft Company sued Guth for possession of the Pepsi Cola company. A long legal battle then ensued, with Guth losing. Loft now owned Pepsi, and the two companies did a merger, then immediately spun the Loft company off.Niche marketingWalter Mack was named the new President of Pepsi-Cola and guided the company through the 1940s. Mack, who supportedprogressive causes, noticed that the company's strategy of using advertising for a general audience either ignored African Americans or used ethnic stereotypes in portraying blacks. He realized African Americans were an untapped niche market and that Pepsi stood to gain market share by targeting its advertising directly towards them.[2] To this end, he hired Hennan Smith, an advertising executive "from the Negro newspaper field"[3] to lead an all-black sales team, which had to be cut due to the onset of World War II. In 1947, Mack resumed his efforts, hiring Edward F. Boyd to lead a twelve-man team. They came up with advertising portraying black Americans in a positive light, such as one with a smiling mother holding a six pack of Pepsi while her son (a young Ron Brown, who grew up to be Secretary of Commerce[4]) reaches up for one. Another ad campaign, titled "Leaders in Their Fields", profiled twenty prominent African Americans such as Nobel Peace Prize winner Ralph Bunche and photographerGordon Parks. Boyd also led a sales team composed entirely of African Americans around the country to promote Pepsi. Racial segregation and Jim Crow laws were still in place throughout much of the U.S., so Boyd's team faced a great deal of discrimination as a result,[3] from insults by Pepsi co-workers to threats byKu Klux Klan.[4] On the other hand, they were able to use racism as a selling point, attacking Coke's reluctance to hire blacks and support by the chairman of Coke to segregationist Governor of GeorgiaHerman Talmadge.[2] As a result, Pepsi's market share as compared to Coke's shot up dramatically. After the sales team visited Chicago, Pepsi's share in the city overtook that of Coke for the first time.[2] This focus on the African American market caused some consternation within the company and among its affiliates. They did not want to seem focused on black customers for fear whites would be pushed away.[2] In a meeting at the Waldorf-Astoria Hotel, Mack tried to assuage the 500 bottlers in attendance by pandering to them, saying, "We don't want it to become known as the nigger drink."[5]After Mack left the company in 1950, support for the black sales team faded and it was cut.Coca-Cola cola (a type of carbonated soft drink) sold in stores, restaurants and vending machinesin more than 200 countries. It is produced by The Coca-Cola Company (NYSE:KO) and is often referred to simply as Coke. Originally intended as a patent medicine when it was invented in the late19th century by John Pemberton, Coca-Cola was bought out by businessman Asa Griggs Candler, whose marketing tactics led Coke to its dominance of the world soft drink market throughout the 20th century. Although faced with criticisms of its health effects and various allegations of wrongdoing by the company, Coca-Cola has remained a popular soft drink to the present day. The company actually produces concentrate for Coca-Cola, which is then sold to various Coca-Cola bottlers throughout the world. The bottlers, who hold territorially exclusive contracts with the company, produce finished product in cans and bottles from the concentrate in combination with filtered water and sweeteners. The bottlers then sell, distribute and merchandise Coca-Cola in cans and bottles to retail stores and vending machines. Such bottlers include Coca-Cola Enterprises, which is the single largest Coca-Cola bottler in North America, Australia, Asia and Europe. The Coca-Cola Company also sells concentrate for fountain sales to major restaurants and food service distributors. The Coca-Cola Company has, on occasion, introduced other cola drinks under the Coke brand name. The most common of these is Diet Coke, which has become a major diet cola. However, others exist, including Diet Coke Caffeine-Free , Cherry Coke, Coca-Cola Zero, Vanilla Coke and special editions with lemon and with lime, and even with coffee. The Coca-Cola Company owns and markets other soft drinks that do not carry the large Coca-Cola brand marking, such as Sprite, Fanta, Pibb, and others, but the Coca-Cola Company's trademark name can usually be found somewhere on the bottle. HistoryThe first Coca-Cola recipe was invented inCovington, Georgia, byJohn Stith Pemberton, originally as a cocawinecalled Pemberton's French Wine Coca in 1885.[1][2] He may have been inspired by the formidable success ofEuropean Angelo Mariani's cocawine, Vin Mariani. In 1885, when Atlanta and Fulton County passed Prohibitionlegislation, Pemberton responded by developing Coca-Cola, essentially a carbonated, non-alcoholic version of French Wine Cola.[3] The beverage was named Coca-Cola because, originally, the stimulant mixed in the beverage was coca leaves from South America, which the drug cocaine is derived from. In addition, the drink was flavored using kola nuts, also acting as the beverage's source of caffeine.[4] The first serving in 1886 cost US$0.05.[5] Pemberton called for five ounces of coca leaf per gallon of syrup, a significant dose, whereas, in 1891, Candler claimed his formula (altered extensively from Pemberton's original) contained only a tenth of this amount. Coca-Cola did once contain an estimated nine milligrams of cocaine per glass, but in 1903 it was removed.[6]After 1904, Coca-Cola started using, instead of fresh leaves, "spent" leaves - the leftovers of the cocaine-extraction process with cocaine trace levels left over at a molecular level.[7][8] To this day, Coca-Cola uses as an ingredient a non-narcotic coca leaf extract prepared at a Stepan Company plant in Maywood, New Jersey.[9] In the United States, Stepan Company is the only manufacturing plant authorized by the Federal Government to import and process the coca plant.[10] Coca-Cola was initially sold as a patent medicine for five cents a glass at soda fountains, which were popular in the United States at the time thanks to a belief that carbonated water was good for the health.[11] Pemberton claimed Coca-Cola cured many diseases, including morphine addiction,dyspepsia, neurasthenia, headache, and impotence. The first sales were made at Jacob's Pharmacy inAtlanta, Georgia, on May 8, 1886, and for the first eight months only nine drinks were sold each day. Pemberton ran the first advertisement for the beverage on May 29 of the same year in the Atlanta Journal.[12] By 1888, three versions of Coca-Cola — sold by three separate businesses — were on the market.Asa Griggs Candler acquired a stake in Pemberton's company in 1887 and incorporated it as the Coca Cola Company in 1888.[13] The same year, while suffering from an ongoing addiction to morphine, Pemberton sold the rights a second time to four more businessmen: J.C. Mayfield, A.O. Murphey, C.O. Mullahy and E.H. Bloodworth. Meanwhile, Pemberton's alcoholic son Charley Pemberton began selling his own version of the product.[14] In an attempt to clarify the situation, John Pemberton declared that the name Coca-Cola belonged to Charley, but the other two manufacturers could continue to use the formula. So, in the summer of 1888, Candler sold his beverage under the names Yum Yum and Koke. After both failed to catch on, Candler set out to establish a legal claim to Coca-Cola in late 1888, in order to force his two competitors out of the business. Candler purchased exclusive rights to the formula from John Pemberton, Margaret Dozier and Woolfolk Walker. However, in 1914, Dozier came forward to claim her signature on the bill of sale had been forged, and subsequent analysis has indicated John Pemberton's signature was most likely a forgery as well.[15] In 1892, Candler incorporated a second company, The Coca-Cola Company (the current corporation), and in 1910, Candler had the earliest records of the company burned, further obscuring its legal origins. Regardless, Candler began marketing the product, although the efficacy of his concerted advertising campaign would not be realized until much later. By the time of its 50th anniversary, the drink had reached the status of a national icon for the USA. In 1935, it was certified kosher by Rabbi Tobias Geffen, after the company made minor changes in the sourcing of some ingredients.[16] Coca-Cola was sold in bottles for the first time on March 12, 1894. Cans of Coke first appeared in 1955.[17] The first bottling of Coca-Cola occurred in Vicksburg, Mississippi, at the Biedenharn Candy Company in 1891. Its proprietor was Joseph A. Biedenharn. The original bottles were Biedenharn bottles, very different from the much later hobble-skirt design that is now so familiar. Asa Candler was tentative about bottling the drink, but the two entrepreneurs who proposed the idea were so persuasive that Candler signed a contract giving them control of the procedure. However, the loosely termed contract proved to be problematic for the company for decades to come. Legal matters were not helped by the decision of the bottlers to subcontract to other companies — in effect, becoming parent bottlers.[18] Coke concentrate, or Coke syrup, was and is sold separately at pharmacies in small quantities, as an over-the-counter remedy for nausea or mildly upset stomach.New CokeNew Coke stirred up a controversy when it replaced the original Coca-Cola in 1985. Coca-Cola Classic was reinstated within a few months of New Coke's introduction into the market.|This image is a candidate for speedy deletion. It will be deleted after Friday, 26 October 2007.On April 23, 1985, Coca-Cola, amid much publicity, attempted to change the formula of the drink. Some authorities believe that New Coke, as the reformulated drink was called, was invented specifically to respond to its commercial competitor,Pepsi[18] (which had more lemon oil and less orange oil, and used vanillin rather than vanilla). Double-blind taste tests indicated that most consumers preferred the taste of Pepsi to Coke. In taste tests, drinkers were more likely to respond positively to sweeter drinks, and Pepsi had the advantage over Coke because it was much sweeter. Coca-Cola tinkered with the formula and created "New Coke". Follow-up taste tests revealed that most consumers preferred the taste of New Coke to both Coke and Pepsi. The reformulation was led by the then-CEO of the company, Roberto Goizueta, and the president Don Keough. It is unclear what part long-time company president Robert W. Woodruff played in the reformulation. Goizueta claimed that Woodruff endorsed it a few months before his death in 1985; others have pointed out that, as the two men were alone when the matter was discussed, Goizueta might have misinterpreted the wishes of the dying Woodruff, who could speak only in monosyllables. It has also been alleged that Woodruff might not have been able to understand what Goizueta was telling him. The commercial failure of New Coke therefore came as a grievous blow to the management of theCoca-Cola Company. It is possible that customers would not have noticed the change if it had been made secretly or gradually, and thus brand loyalty could have been maintained. Coca-Cola management was unprepared, however, for the nostalgic sentiments the drink aroused in the American public; some compared changing the Coke formula to rewriting the American Constitution. The new Coca-Cola formula subsequently caused a public backlash. Gay Mullins, from Seattle, Washington, founded the Old Cola Drinkers of America organization, which attempted to sue the company, and lobbied for the formula of Old Coke to be released into the public domain. This and other protests caused the company to return to the old formula under the name Coca-Cola Classic on July 10, 1985. The company was later accused of performing this volte-face as an elaborate ruse to introduce a new product while reviving interest in the original. Donald Keough, company president at the time, responded to the accusation by declaring: "Some critics will say Coca-Cola made a marketing mistake. Some cynics will say that we planned the whole thing. The truth is we are not that dumb, and we are not that smart." The Coca-Cola Company is the world's largest consumer of natural vanilla extract. When New Coke was introduced in 1985, this had a severe impact on the economy of Madagascar, a prime vanilla exporter, since New Coke used vanillin, a less-expensive synthetic substitute. Purchases of vanilla more than halved during this period. But the flop of New Coke brought a recovery. Meanwhile, the market share for New Coke had dwindled to only 3% by 1986. The company renamed the product "Coke II" in 1992 (not to be confused with "Coke C2", a reduced-sugar cola launched by Coca-Cola in 2004). However, sales falloff caused a severe cutback in distribution. By 1998, it was sold in only a few places in the Midwestern U.S.21st centuryOn February 7, 2005, the Coca-Cola Company announced that in the second quarter of 2005 they planned a launch of a Diet Coke product sweetened with the artificial sweetener sucralose ("Splenda"), the same sweetener currently used in Pepsi One.[19][20] On March 21, 2005, it announced another diet product, "Coca-Cola Zero", sweetened partly with a blend of aspartame and acesulfame potassium. Recently Coca-Cola has begun to sell a new "healthy soda" Diet Coke with Vitamins B6, B12, Magnesium, Niacin, and Zinc, marketed as "Diet Coke Plus". As of April 2007, in Canada, the name "Coca-Cola Classic" has been changed back to "Coca-Cola" on its labeling on bottles and cans. According to a Coca-Cola customer-service representative, the word "Classic" has been taken off the cans, because "New Coke" is no longer in production, which eliminates the need to differentiate between the two. The formula has not been changed from Coca-Cola Classic.ProductionFormula Coca-cola and bubblesThe exact formula of Coca-Cola is a famous trade secret. The original copy of the formula is held in SunTrust Bank's main vault in Atlanta. Its predecessor, the Trust Company, was theunderwriter for the Coca-Cola Company's initial public offering in 1919. A popular myth states that only two executives have access to the formula, with each executive having only half the formula.[21] The truth is that while Coca-Cola does have a rule restricting access to only two executives, each knows the entire formula and others, in addition to the prescribed duo, have known the formulation process.[22]Franchised production model A Large Mexican bottle of Coca-Cola. The Mexican formula still uses cane sugar, and not high-fructose corn syrup.The actual production and distribution of Coca-Cola follows a franchising model. The Coca-Cola Company only produces a syrup concentrate, which it sells to various bottlers throughout the world who hold Coca-Cola franchises for one or more geographical areas. The bottlers produce the final drink by mixing the syrup with filtered water and sugar (or artificial sweeteners) and then carbonate it before filling it into cans and bottles, which the bottlers then sell and distribute to retail stores, vending machines, restaurants and food service distributors.[23] The Coca-Cola Company owns minority shares in some of its largest franchises, like Coca-Cola Enterprises, Coca-Cola Amatil, Coca-Cola Hellenic Bottling Company (CCHBC) andCoca-Cola FEMSA, but fully independent bottlers produce almost half of the volume sold in the world. Since independent bottlers add sugar and sweeteners, the sweetness of the drink differs in various parts of the world, to cater for local tastes.[24]


Coca-Cola was born in Atlanta, Georgia, USA on May 8, 1886. A local pharmacist, Dr John Styth Pemberton invented the drink at his home. His partner first used the now famous trademark "Coca-Cola. " The first year, sales averaged 9 drinks per day. Each drink sold for 5 cents. Today billions of gallons are consumed each year. "Coke" for short, is sold in 155 countries around the world. To protect the trade name, "Coca-Cola, Coke," and even the "familiar shaped bottle" are registered trademarks. 可口可乐于1886年5月8日诞生于美国佐治亚州的亚特兰大城市。当地的一位药剂师约翰· 斯蒂斯·彭伯顿在自己家中发明了这种饮料。他的合伙人首先使用了现今闻名全球的商标“可口可乐”。第一年饮料的平均销售为一天9罐。每一罐售价为5美分。而今,每年销量全球155个国家。为保护商标名称,“Coca-Cola, Coke”和甚至大家熟悉的形状独特的可乐瓶都被注册为专利商标。COKE FOR THE WORLD 行销全球的可乐 Promotion from the early years to present day has made Coke the world's most popular soft drink. In the early 1900's bottling plants were set up in a few countries outside the USA. Coke introduced the six-bottle carton so consumers could easily carry home the beverage. The Chicago World Fair in 1933 introduced the automatic "fountain dispenser." In 1928 Coke began a connection with the Olympics. During World War II, Coke set up bottling plants close to military camps. When the war ended, the plants remained in operation. Coca-Cola became the world's symbol of peace. Coke is now familiar world-wide.


That Coca-Cola Company is set up in 1892 ,general headquarter is set up in USA Qiao Ya Zhou Atlanta at present,is maximal the whole world drink company ,the binomial (Coca-Cola row owning the whole world 48% marketplace occupation ratio and the whole world first three big drink is first,Pepsi second,low quantity of heat Coca-Cola third),whose camp in 2001 is collected amounting to 20 ,92 million common stock stockholder's equity is 11 ,351 million Coca-Cola owns 160 kinds drink brands in 200 countries ,also is a maximal the whole world juice drink dealer (include the Minute Maid brand) including that soft drink ,motion drink ,milk kind drink the product ,juice ,tea and coffee,before first Coca-Cola of USA row be that the person gets the market share exceeding 40%,Sprite is that the quickest drink ,other brand include Berk then grow up,the fruit country and billow. 可口可乐公司成立于1892年,目前总部设在美国乔亚州亚特兰大,是全球最大的饮料公司,拥有全球48%市场占有率以及全球前三大饮料的二项(可口可乐排名第一,百事可乐第二,低热量可口可乐第三),其2001年营收达20,092百万美元,普通股股东权益则为11,351百万美元.可口可乐在200个国家拥有160种饮料品牌,包括汽水、运动饮料、乳类饮品、果汁、茶和咖啡,亦是全球最大的果汁饮料经销商(包括Minute Maid品牌),在美国排名第一的可口可乐为其取得超过40%的市场占有率,而雪碧则是成长最快的饮料,其它品牌包括伯克,水果国度以及大浪.

The Coca-Cola Company exists to benefit and refresh everyone it touches. Founded in 1886, our Company is the world's leading manufacturer, marketer, and distributor of nonalcoholic beverage concentrates and syrups, used to produce nearly 400 beverage brands. Our corporate headquarters are in Atlanta, with local operations in over 200 countries around the world.

Coca-Cola is a carbonated soft drink sold in stores, restaurants and vending machines in more than 200 countries. It is produced by The Coca-Cola pany and is often referred to simply as Coke or (in European and American countries) as Cola or Pop. Originally intended as a patent medicine when it was invented in the late 19th century by John Stith Pemberton, Coca-Cola was bought out by busines *** an Asa Griggs Candler, whose marketing tactics led Coke to its dominance of the world soft drink market throughout the 20th century.

The pany produces concentrate, which is then sold to various licensed Coca-Cola bottlers throughout the world. The bottlers, who hold territorially exclusive contracts with the pany, produce finished product in cans and bottles from the concentrate in bination with filtered water and sweeteners. The bottlers then sell, distribute and merchandise Coca-Cola in cans and bottles to retail stores and vending machines. Such bottlers include Coca-Cola Enterprises, which is the largest single Coca-Cola bottler in North America and western Europe. The Coca-Cola pany also sells concentrate for fountain sales to major restaurants and food service distributors.

The Coca-Cola pany has, on occasion, introduced other cola drinks under the Coke brand name. The most mon of these is Diet Coke, which has bee a major diet cola. However, others exist, including Caffeine-Free Coca-Cola, Diet Coke Caffeine-Free, Cherry Coke, Coca-Cola Zero, Vanilla Coke and special editions with lemon and with lime and even with coffee.

In response to consumer insistence on a more natural product, the pany is in the process of phasing out E211, or sodium benzoate, the controversial additive linked to DNA damage and hyperactivity in children, of Diet Coke. The pany has stated that it plans to remove the controversial additive from its other products - including Sprite, and Oasis - as soon as a satisfactory alternative is discovered.


The first Coca-Cola recipe was invented in Columbus, Geia at a drugstore by John Stith Pemberton, originally as a cocawine called Pemberton's French Wine Coca in may have been inspired by the formidable success of European Angelo Mariani's cocawine, Vin Mariani.

In 1886, when Atlanta and Fulton County passed prohibition legislation, Pemberton responded by developing Coca-Cola, essentially a non-alcoholic version of French Wine Cola. The original recipe was made without carbonated water, but was added later when Pemberton was mixing the drink for friends without the carbonated water and accidentally added it to a glass. His friends loved it more and he decided to continue making his drink with the carbonated water instead. The first sales were at Jacob's Pharmacy in Atlanta, Geia, on May 8, was initially sold as a patent medicine for five cents a glass at soda fountains, which were popular in the United States at the time due to the belief that carbonated water was good for the health. Pemberton claimed Coca-Cola cured many diseases, including *** addiction, dyspepsia, neurasthenia, headache, and impotence. Pemberton ran the first advertisement for the beverage on May 29 of the same year in the Atlanta Journal. For the first eight months only nine drinks were sold each day.[citation needed]

By 1888, three versions of Coca-Cola — sold by three separate businesses — were on the market. Asa Griggs Candler acquired a stake in Pemberton's pany in 1887 and incorporated it as the Coca Cola pany in 1888. The same year, while suffering from an ongoing addiction to *** , Pemberton sold the rights a second time to four more busines *** en: . Mayfield, . Murphey, . Mullahy and . Bloodworth. Meanwhile, Pemberton's alcoholic son Charley Pemberton began selling his own version of the product.

In an attempt to clarify the situation, John Pemberton declared that the name Coca-Cola belonged to Charley, but the other two manufacturers could continue to use the formula. So, in the summer of 1888, Candler sold his beverage under the names Yum Yum and Koke. After both failed to catch on, Candler set out to establish a legal claim to Coca-Cola in late 1888, in order to force his two petitors out of the business. Candler purchased exclusive rights to the formula from John Pemberton, Margaret Dozier and Woolfolk Walker. However, in 1914, Dozier came forward to claim her signature on the bill of sale had been fed, and subsequent *** ysis has indicated John Pemberton's signature was most likely a fery as well.

Old German Coca-Cola bottle 1892, Candler incorporated a second pany, The Coca-Cola pany (the current corporation), and in 1910, Candler had the earliest records of the pany burned, further obscuring its legal origins. Regardless, Candler began marketing the product, although the efficacy of his concerted advertising campaign would not be realized until much later. By the time of its 50th anniversary, the drink had reached the status of a national icon for the USA. In 1935, it was certified kosher by Rabbi Tobias Geffen, after the pany made minor changes in the sourcing of some ingredients.

Coke concentrate, or Coke syrup, was and is sold separately at pharmacies in *** all quantities, as an over-the-counter remedy for nausea or mildly upset stomach.




目前,全球每天有17亿人次的消费者在畅饮可口可乐公司的产品,大约每秒钟售出19,400瓶饮料,在2016年10月,可口可乐公司排2016年全球100大最有价值品牌第三名  ;可口可乐为中国消费者提供超过15个品牌50多种饮料选择,其系列产品在华的每天享用量达到亿杯,  可口可乐自1979年重返中国市场至2014年底,已累计投资超过90亿美元,目前在华建有43家工厂,系统员工约45,000人,其中99%为本地员工,  可口可乐及其装瓶厂在中国长期以来不遗余力地支持教育及公益事业,推广环境保护以及帮助当地社区的发展,捐资总额超过亿元人民币,另外,可口可乐亦是唯一一个全方位赞助在中国举办的特奥会、奥运会、残奥会、世博会、大运会及青奥会的企业。


1885年,美国佐治亚州的<>(约翰·彭伯顿),发明了深色的糖浆称为彭伯顿法国酒可乐(Pemberton's French Wine Coka)1885年 *** 发出禁酒令,因此彭伯顿发明无酒精的Pemberton's French Wine Coka。


那天,他正在搅拌做好了的饮料,发现它具有提神、镇静的作用以及减轻头痛,他将这种液体加入了糖浆和水,然后加上冰块,他尝了尝,味道好极了,不过在倒第二杯时,助手一不小心加入了苏打水(二氧化碳+水)这回味道更好了,合伙人罗宾逊(Frank )从糖浆的两种成分,激发出命名的灵感,这两种成分就是古柯(Coca)的叶子和可拉(Kola)的果实,罗宾逊为了整齐划一,将Kola的K改C,然后在两个词中间加一横,于是Coca-Cola便诞生了,第一份可口可乐售价为五美分。


作者:小思本文地址:http://aiyundongfang.com/yingyuxuexibaike/8910.html发布于 2024-09-18
