在佩 文外语那学的成人也有啊。
I called the Yinhua, female, aged 22 years old, Korean, is the Changchun Institute of the 2008 session of the Inland Revenue fresh graduates, the specialty is international economic and trade (Russian directions). Professional presentations: Our professional and international trade in general the difference is that we are professionals at the university in 2004 to study not only theoretical knowledge of the relevant trade and college English, but also learning Russian and Russia's social culture. Mainly in a professional, bilingual supplement, molding compound personnel is our professional training objectives. Study: While studying at the school, I majored in international trade not only relevant aspects of the theory and practice of knowledge, but also the associated elective declaration knowledge, and in November 2007 to participate in a nationalexamination. Apart from the economic and trade, the English and Russian is the main course of our professional, in December 2006 adopted the CET - 4. Although Russian is, but through more than three years of study, also have heard that Russian literacy proficiency, and in June 2007 passed the University of Russian Grade 4. After-school time, I have also actively participated in the school's activities and sports. In line Volleyball, cooperation with the two consecutive years, students get the top three. In Chinese speech contests, new activities such as contests Spoken English has achieved outstanding results. Through participation in various activities, not only exercise their own organization and coordination capacity, and enhance the sense of responsibility when working, but also fully enjoy the pleasure of the activity, enhanced the friendship between the students. Senior simulation experiment last semester of course, I learned in the University of theoretical knowledge and apply it in practice so that the knowledge is a better understanding and enhanced the practical ability. Family: I was born in Yanbian, Jilin Province, an ordinary family, is the only child. Parents are engaged in accounting related work, the father of Yanbian in Jilin Forestry Group Ltd. audit on the map forestry work, the mother in Jilin Province Victoria Fung Service, parents stability, emotional harmony. Parents demanding to me at an early age, not only in learning the demanding to me it is still the ability to focus on other training. Warm harmonious family environment for the growth of I has provided good conditions. Growth experience: 1992.9 - 1998.7 primary Yanbian, Jilin Province, the second Experimental Primary School in the county map 1998.9 - 2001.7 junior high school in Yanbian, Jilin Province, the third of the county middle school plans 2001.9 - 2004.6 high school in Yanbian, Jilin Yanbian II 2004.8 - now in Jilin Province's Changchun University International Institute of Economics of Taxation In studying the process of growing up, outstanding, and won many schools incentives to the德智体comprehensive development. Social practice experience: 2005.10 - 2005.12 use of after-school time to do a tutor, students carried by the results have been greatly raised by parents at home. 2007.8 - 2006.9 use of after-school time to do the English magazine "examination and evaluation" of agents, together with the students of the increase in the university's magazine sales. Training experience: 2007 accept the customs declaration related training courses, and participated in the examination Hobbies: Love and friends from various spots for sightseeing, athletic, loved music and watching movies Personality characteristics: Optimistic, cheerful, pragmatic, and the ability to observe and learn, to hands-on, the pursuit of perfection
super jovial zebra 特快活的斑马 start from jumping-off point 0 从零起点开始
当然可以呀,零基础成人学习英语,第一就是要确立自己英语学习的目标,有了目标之后就朝这个学习目标努力,无论遇到的什么样的困难都要坚持下去,不能中途而废,这点很重要。第二,就是最好找一个优秀的英语培训机构,如果你时间充裕的话, 那就找全日制的英语学校,这样的效果会好很多,如果实在没有时间的话,那也要找业余制的课程,零基础最好不要自学学英语,那样效果非常缓慢,而且非常容易半途而废。第三,保持对英语的热情,每天都可以抽一些时间来学习英语,哪怕是每天记一个单词,也不要忘记英语学习了,保持对英语的热情, 你会发现英语学习是一件有趣的事情。
我还是强烈推荐新概念,你先可以听听一个录音,如果你能都听懂的话,就从新概念二开始。不会音标没有关系,跟着新概念的录音一句句的读,这个读不是傻读,是要模仿,录音怎么样的调儿,你也要模仿怎么样的调儿。单词是要慢慢积累的,每天能背多少个,这要根据你的时间安排,至于背单词的方法,就是你的兴趣和联想,还有就是固定的字母,这个你读的课文多了自然就有规律了。比如interestingint就3个字母这你能记住吧,然后就是ere,你就想成121。像走正步一样。这个单词你会读的时候就知道有个st(死特)的音。然后就是ing。这个ing是非常多见的。而且拼音里也有。很好记。 这个是我自己想出来的,结果那时候就记住了。现在想到这个单词还是用这个方法的。你就把背单词想想成跟玩的一样,不知不觉就记住了~!再强调一下,音标不会不是问题,呢只是一个辅助作用。真正的口语是模仿出来的~! 还有就是英语没有捷径可走。单词是日积月累的。
零点也就是十二点twelve o'clock p.m.
数字"0"(零)的英语表达方式有二: 1. zero 2. nought 例如: A million is 1 followed by six noughts.(一百万就是1后面跟有六个零.) nought 是在英式英语中的一些场合用. 在美式英语中,所有用"零"的场合一概用 zero 表示.
midnight 读法 英 ['mɪdnaɪt] 美 ['mɪdnaɪt]
1、n. 午夜,半夜12点钟
2、adj. 半夜的;漆黑的
1、at midnight 在午夜
2、burn the midnight oil 开夜车
3、midnight sun 夜半太阳(夏季在南极或北极能见到)
4、midnight blue 深蓝;深蓝色
1、about midnight 约在半夜时分
2、end one's midnight 结束午夜(的活动)
3、spend midnight 度过午夜
4、wear through midnight 挨过午夜
1、We finally got some shut-eye after midnight.
2、It was well after midnight by the time Anne returned to her apartment.
zero point 或者0:00 a.m.这个较常用而12:00 p.m.是指中午12点的~~^0^~望满意哦~~
只要愿意学,就能学好!佩 文外语那有成 人班哦。
你要学的话,可以到佩 文外语,他们教的好。
首先,学习英语是个循序渐进的过程。 1,兴趣. 这个最重要...无兴趣,就不能坚持,不能坚持,做什么都不行. 2,随身笔记(写) 随身带笔记本,碰到不认识的单词就记住,有时间查字典,养成习惯,而且一有空就把笔记本拿出来看..提高记忆效果...丰富自己的词汇量 3,尝试翻译 开始可以先找一些简单的句子自己试着翻译,不要怕错,翻译完了找人或者查资料,看看自己翻译对了没有,如果错了错在哪里.也要养成习惯.可以强化自己的语法概念,培养英语语境,分清中文语序与英文的不同. 4,英文小说(读) 有条件的话,买一些英文小说,英文幽默笑话之类的书,睡觉之前看看,第一次看到不认识的,可以标注下来(先不要查字典),并自己尝试理解.第二次再读,碰到不认识的,继续标注,然后查字典.由于有第一次的尝试理解,你对这个单词的印象会加深,有助于记忆. 5,听与读 可以买个学习机,也不贵,mp3也可以..网上很多下载学习资料,英文短文什么的.边听边在心里默念,培养语境,习惯和练习口语发音. --- PS:上面的方法前提是懂语法,音标都基础,如果不懂的话,可以买初中英文教材看,语法就那么几种,不难,而且还可以跟上面的1,2同时进行.音标更是固定的.. 上面是我自己的方式,到现在还在继续..呵呵..效果不错.. 而且这些方法不会影响你什么...完全可以在工作之余,路上,睡觉之前等等时候做都可以.. 希望对你有帮助.. 有其他好方法的朋友也说说吧...
在佩 文外语那学的成人也有啊。
只要愿意学,就能学好!佩 文外语那有成 人班哦。