

小思 2024-09-18 34
考研英语一2011年小作文摘要: 2011年考研英语一小作文很多同学都知道,大作文对于我们来说,似乎有一个非常神奇的数字“三”。我们知道“道生一,一生二,二生三,三生万物”,这个“三”恰恰是考研英语大纲对写作的...


很多同学都知道,大作文对于我们来说,似乎有一个非常神奇的数字“三”。我们知道“道生一,一生二,二生三,三生万物”,这个“三”恰恰是考研英语大纲对写作的要求。 第一步:描写现象。 其实很多同学都了解,我们的考研英语写作为什么提到三方面,去浏览大纲的话,你发现它在确定我们考研英语写作的时候,明确指出:要求同学们在自己的作文当中,也就是200来字的大作文当中要非常真切地、确切地写出我们对整个考研英语写作技巧的要求。考研英语写作的“逻辑三段论”当中,你可以在第一个自然段,把你所看到真真切切的现象写出来,我们都知道什么叫“现象”,现象是我们看到的,在我们身边发生的事情,在我们试卷当中一个图画里所表达的东西,同学们也看到了一个新的东西,当你写出现象的时候,实际说的直白一点,你就已经会了英文写作的描写手法了。我们今天要考研,可能你第一个自然段一定是描写出来的,而且这种描写一定要客观。 第二步:透过现象看本质。 如果我们只把现象说出来,那不是考研的要求,因为考研的第二步要求的是什么?通过现象看你内在的本质,内在的本质又是什么东西?其实就是画外音。有的同学问我,丁老师,明年的考题会不会有画外音。如果你仔细想一想,远了不说,就从2001年到现在已经八年了,这八年的大作文考试当中,只有07年的大作文当中看到没有画外音,其他七年的考试都是有画外音的。比如我们考了,“爱心是一盏灯,越黑暗的地方越明亮”;我们也考了文化,国内文化和国际文化之间的关系;甚至我们都知道“养老足球赛”,这是跟和谐社会相背道的现象;同时我们也看到了,对贝克汉姆的盲目崇拜是不可为的,所以这些东西对同学们来讲,都是一种现象,随后给了你一个画外音。这时候同学看到,拿08年大作文来说,“你一条腿、我一条腿,你我一起走南闯北”,我们都知道,“你我一起”就在向我们传递着一种理念。当你第一自然段描写完看到的图画之后,第二自然段最重要的就是让同学们把这个现象下面的本质告诉我们。 第三步:议论。 最后该来说说议论了。毕竟我们写的是议论文,什么是议论呢?我发现很多同学,他们不能非常清晰地分清什么是说明,什么是议论,这造成了一种尴尬,很多同学都在该说明的时候把议论混进去了。但是你要知道,在真正你们的目标读者,就是判卷老师分析的过程中,他一定会重点要看你是不是把说明和议论分清楚了。所以同学要知道,到了今天,我们重要的备考阶段究竟是什么,你应该头脑非常清晰地能够把以上的内容弄清楚,那也就是我们要了解,我们在真正该说明的时候就去说明。 那么议论应该怎么去说呢?我们采取了一些措施和手段。比如一些丑恶现象我们要去解决它;当我们看到了“人”字结构相互支撑的时候,我们应该弘扬它、学习它,因为这样的话我们会如何如何,这是同学在这个时候要思考的。说到这儿同学可能已经感觉到了,这个所谓的“三”这个神奇的数字已经告诉了我们,我们在一篇大作文当中,理论上讲是三个段落的。这三个段落应该确切地说,按照它的写作手法来分,第一段应该是描写,第二段应该是说明,第三段确切地讲是我们的议论。 经常有同学问我要不要背文章,要背,但是不能盲目空洞的去背。因为,如果只有华丽的句子而文章美誉内容,分数肯定高不了。当然背句子对于提升写作水平很有帮助,但是希望大家一定要记住,当你的内容欠缺的时候,你所出的招数,就是这些美丽的词藻似乎失去了魅力,现在这个时候更应该努力地思考,思考什么?思考你身边的一些现象,思考你看到的每一道作文题,而并不是说只背那么几道小题,就一定能把这个时候的写作扣上,这种可能性是微乎其微的。所以说,其实写作是应该早复习的。



Write an essay of 160-200words based on the following drawing .In your essay ,you should

1) describe the drawing briefly

2) explain its intended measing and

3) give your comments

You should write neatly on ANSWER SHEET2.(20points)


Our surroundings are being polluted fast and man's present efforts can not prevent it. Time is bringing us more people, and more people will bring us more industry, more cars, larger cities and the growing use of man-made materials.

What can explain and solve this problem? The fact is that pollution is caused by man -- by his desire for a modern way of life. We make "increasing industrialization" our chief we are often ready to offer everything: clean air, pure water, good food, our health and the future of our is a constant flow of people from the countryside into the cities, eager for the benefits of our modern society. But as our technological achievements have grown in the last twentyyears, pollution has become a serious problem.

Isn't it time we stopped to ask ourselves where we are going-- and why? It makes one think of the story about the airline pilot who told his passengers over the loudspeaker,"I've some good news and some bad news. The good news is that we're making rapid progress at 530 miles per hour. The bad news is that we're lost and don't know where we're going. " The sad fact is that this becomes a true story when speaking of our modern society.

In my opinion, to protect environment, the government must take even more concrete measures. First, it should let people fully realize the importance of environmental protection through education. Second, much more efforts should be made to put the population planning policy into practice, because more people means more people means more pollution. Finally, those who destroy the environment intentionally should be severely punished. We should let them know that destroying environment means destroying mankind themselves.

2011年考研英语作文写作模板讲解 考研英语写作的文章一般包括一个开头段、若干扩展段和一个结尾段。开头段和结尾段一般比扩展段短。各种段落的作用、特点和写作方法如下所示。 一、开头段 开头段一定要语言精练,并且直接切入主题。开头段一般不对主题进行深入的探讨,具体的论证或叙述应该在扩展段进行。 开头段的常用核心句型: 1.The arguer may be right about…, but he seems to neglect (fail) to mention (takes into account) the fact that…. 2.As opposed to (Contrary to) widely (commonly / generally) held (accepted) belief (ideas / views), I believe (argue) that… 3.Although many people believe that…, I doubt (wonder)whether the argument bears much analysis (close examination). 4.The advantages of B outweigh any benefit we gained from (carry more weight than those of / are much greater than) A. 5.Although it is commonly (widely / generally) held (felt / accepted / agreed) that…, it is unlikely to be true that…. 6.There is an element of truth in this argument (statement), but it ignores a deeper and more basic (important / essential) fact (reason) that…. 7.It is true that (True, / To be sure, / Admittedly,)…, but this is not to say (it is unlikely / it doesn’t follow / it doesn’t mean / it won’t be the case) that…. 8.The main (obvious / great) problem (flaw / drawback) with (in) this argument (view / remark) is that it is ignorant of (blind to) the basic (bare) fact that…. 9.It would be possible (natural / reasonable) to think (believe / take the view) that…, but it would be absurd (wrong) to claim (argue) that…. 10.In all the discussion and debate over…, one important (basic) fact is generally overlooked (neglected). 11.There is absolutely (in fact) no (every) reason for us to believe (accept / resist / reject) that…. 12.Logical (Valid / Sound) as this argument and I wholeheartedly agree with it, it appears insignificant (absurd) when…is taken into consideration(account). 13.To assume (suggest) that…is far from being proved (to miss the point). 14.A close (careful) inspection (examination / scrutiny) of this argument would reveal how flimsy (groundless /fallacious) it is. 15.On the surface (At first thought), it (this) may seem a sound (an attractive) suggestion (solution / idea), but careful weighing on the mind (on closer analysis / on second thought), we find that… 16.Too much emphasis placed on (attention paid to / importance attached to)…may obscure (overlook / neglect) other facts…. 17.The danger (problem / fact / truth / point) is that…. 18.What the arguer fails to understand (consider / mention) is that…. 19.However just (logical / sound / valid) this argument may be, it only skims the surface of the problem. 20.Among the most convincing (important) reasons given (cited / offered / identified) by people for…, one should be stressed (emphasized / mentioned). 21.As far as I am concerned, however, I believe that…. 22.I believe that the title statement is valid because (of)…. 23.I agree with the above statement because I believe that…. 24.Although I appreciate that…, I cannot agree with the title statement. 25.There is a public controversy nowadays over the issue of…. Those who object to…argue that…. But people who favor…, on the other hand, argue that…. 26.Currently (In recent years / In the past few years / For many years now), there is (has been) a(n) general (widespread / growing / widely held) feeling towards (concern over / attitude towards / trend towards / awareness of / realization of / illusion of / belief in)…. 27.Now it is commonly (widely / generally / increasingly) believed (thought / held / accepted/ felt / recognized / acknowledged) that…. But I wonder (doubt) whether…. 28.These days we are often told that (often hear about)…, but is this really the case? 二、中间段 中间段是文章的正文,其作用是从不同的层面对文章主题进行具体和详实的解释和论证。 1、中间段的一般特征 ① 篇幅一般比开头段和结尾段长。 ② 每段有相应的主题句。 ③包含定义、解释、描写,说明主题思想的扩展句可以采用实例、数据或个人经历等写作手段。 ④不同种类的段落采用不同的扩展手段。 2.中间段的常用核心句型: 1.Although the popular belief is that…, a current (new / recent) study (survey / poll / investigation) indicates (shows / demonstrates) that…. 2.Common sense tells us that…. 3.The increase (change / failure / success) in…mainly (largely / partly) results from (arises from / is because of)…. 4.The increase (change / failure / success) in…is due to (owing to / attributable to) the fact that…. 5.Many people would claim that…. 6.One may attribute (ascribe / owe) the increase (decrease / change ) to…, but…is not by itself an adequate explanation. 7.One of the reasons given for…is that…. 8.What is also worth noticing is that…. 9.There are many (different / several /a number of / a variety of)causes (reasons) for this dramatic (marked / significant) growth (change / decline / increase) in…. First,…. Second,…. Finally,…. 10.There is no evidence to suggest that…. 11.Why are (is / do / did)…? For one thing,…. For another,…. 12.Another reason why I dispute the above statement is that…. 13.It gives rise to (lead to / bring /create) a host of problems (consequences). 14.There are numerous reasons why…, and I shall here explore only a few of the most important ones. 15.It will exert (have / produce) profound (far-reaching / remarkable / considerable / beneficial / favorable / undesirable / disastrous) effect (influence) on…. 16.A multitude of factors could account for (contribute to / lead to / result in / influence) the change (increase / decrease / success / failure / development) in…. 17.In 2000, it increased (rose / jumped / shot up) from 5 to 10 percent of the total (to 15 percent / by 15 percent). 18.By comparison with 2002, it decreased (dropped / fell) from 10 to 5 percent (to 15 percent / by 15 percent). 19.It accounts for 15 percent of the total. 20.There were 100 traffic accidents in April, an increase of 5 percent in a five-month period. 21.By 2002, only (less than / more than / almost / about / over/ as many as) three quarters (40 percent of / one out of five / one in four) college population (graduates / housewives) as against (as compared with) last year (2002) preferred to (liked)…. 22.With the development (improvement / rise / growth / general recognition / acknowledgement / realization) of…, vast changes awaits this country’s society. 23.Now people in growing (ever-increasing / significant) numbers are beginning (coming / getting) to believe (realize / recognize / understand / accept / see / be aware) that…. 24.According to a(n) recent (new / official) study (survey / report / poll),…. 25.History (Our society) is filled (abounds) with the examples of…. 26.The story (case / instance / situation) is not rare (isolated / unique), it is one of many examples (typical of dozens). 27.A (one) recent (new / general / nationwide) study (survey / poll / investigation) conducted (taken) at a university by (officials / scientists / experts) indicates (reveals / suggests / shows / proves / demonstrates) that…. 28.According to (As can be seen in / As is shown in) the figures (statistics / findings / data / graph / table) released (provided) by the government (an institute), it can be learned (seen / predicted) that…. 29.There is (no) good (every / little / sufficient / considerable / strong) evidence (proof) to 30.Personal experience (Examples I heard / read of) leads me to conclude that…. 31.We must admit the undeniable fact that…. 32.No one can deny (ignore / doubt / overlook / obscure / brush aside) the fact that…. 33.Experience (Evidence) suggests (shows) that…. 34.Take for example…who (that)…. 35.The same is true of…. 36.As the saying goes,“….” 三、结尾段 结尾段的核心句型: 1.From what has been discussed above (Taking into account all these factors / Judging from all evidence offered), we may safely draw (reach / come to / arrive at) the conclusion that…. 2.All the evidence (analysis) supports (justifies / confirms / warrants / points to) a(n) unshakable (unmistakable / sound / just) conclusion that…. 3.It is high time that we place (lay / put) great (special / considerable) emphasis on the improvement (development / increase / promotion) of…. 4.It is high time that we put an end to the deep-seated (unhealthy / undesirable / deplorable) situation (tendency / phenomenon) of…. 5.We must look (search / call / cry) for an immediate action (method / measure), because the present (current) situation (phenomenon / tendency / state / attitude) of…, if permitted (allowed) to continue (proceed), will surely (certainly) lead to (result in) the end (destruction / heavy cost) of…. 6.There is no easy (immediate / effective) solution (approach / answer / remedy) to the problem of…, but…might be useful (helpful / beneficial). 7.No easy method (solution / recipe / remedy) can be at hand (found / guaranteed) to solve (resolve / tackle) the problem of…, but the common (general / public) recognition of (realization of / awareness of / commitment to) the necessity (importance / significance) of…might be the first step towards change (on the right way / in the right direction). 8.Following these methods (suggestions) may not guarantee the success in (solution to)…, but the pay-off will be worth the effort. 9.Obviously (Clearly / No doubt), if we ignore (are blind to) the problem, there is every chance that…. 10.Unless there is a common realization of (general commitment to)…, it is very likely (the chances are good) that…. 11.There is little doubt (no denying) that serious (special / adequate / immediate / further) attention must be called (paid / devoted) to the problem of…. 12.It is necessary (essential / fundamental) that effective (quick / proper) action (steps /measures / remedies) should be taken to prevent (correct /check / end / fight) the situation (tendency / phenomenon). 13.It is hoped (suggested / recommended) that great (continuous / persistent / sustained / corporate) efforts should be made to control (check/ halt / promote) the growth (increase / rise) of…. 14.It is hoped that great efforts should be directed to (expended on / focused on) finding (developing / improving)…. 15.It remains to be seen whether…, but the prospect (outlook) is not quite encouraging (that rosy). 16.Anyhow, wider (more) education (publicity) should be given to the possible (potential / grave /serious / pernicious) consequences (effects) of…. 17.To reverse (check / control) the trend (tendency) is not a light task (an easy job), and it requires (demands / involves / entails) a different state of mind towards (attitude towards / outlook on)…. 18.For these reasons, I strongly recommend that…. 19.For the reasons given above, I feel that…. 四、段落扩展中的常用词语 1、总结关系过渡词语 generally speaking, generally, as a general rule, in general, on a larger scale, to take the idea further, to take the above opinion to an extreme, in a sense, in one sense, in a way, to some extent, in my opinion, in my view, as for me, as far as I am concerned, obviously, undoubtedly, in terms of, in conclusion, in short, in brief, in summary, in a word, on the whole, to sum up, to conclude 2、比较对比关系过渡词语 similarly, likewise, like, too, equally important, the same as, in common, in the same way, on the contrary, on the one hand, on the other hand, otherwise, in sharp contrast, whereas, rather than, conversely, instead, in/by contrast, but, however, yet, nevertheless 3、列举关系过渡词语 for example, for instance, as an example, as a case in point, such as, namely, that is, like, thus, first, second, third, finally, in the first place, initially, first of all, to begin with, to start with, what is more, furthermore, eventually, besides, in addition (to that), first and foremost, last but not least, next, also, moreover, for one thing, for another 4、因果关系过渡词语 because (of), as, since, for, owing to, due to, thanks to, on account of, as a result of, result in (from), consequently, for the reason that, as a consequence, consequently, if follows that, accordingly, therefore, hence 5、让步关系过渡词语 although, even though, after all, in spite of, despite, granted that 6、强调关系过渡词语 anyway, certainly, surely, obviously, to be sure, especially, particularly, above all, in deed, in fact, even worse, needless to say, most important of all, no doubt 。


2011年考研英语作文写作模板讲解 考研英语写作的文章一般包括一个开头段、若干扩展段和一个结尾段。开头段和结尾段一般比扩展段短。各种段落的作用、特点和写作方法如下所示。 一、开头段 开头段一定要语言精练,并且直接切入主题。开头段一般不对主题进行深入的探讨,具体的论证或叙述应该在扩展段进行。 开头段的常用核心句型: 1.The arguer may be right about…, but he seems to neglect (fail) to mention (takes into account) the fact that…. 2.As opposed to (Contrary to) widely (commonly / generally) held (accepted) belief (ideas / views), I believe (argue) that… 3.Although many people believe that…, I doubt (wonder)whether the argument bears much analysis (close examination). 4.The advantages of B outweigh any benefit we gained from (carry more weight than those of / are much greater than) A. 5.Although it is commonly (widely / generally) held (felt / accepted / agreed) that…, it is unlikely to be true that…. 6.There is an element of truth in this argument (statement), but it ignores a deeper and more basic (important / essential) fact (reason) that…. 7.It is true that (True, / To be sure, / Admittedly,)…, but this is not to say (it is unlikely / it doesn’t follow / it doesn’t mean / it won’t be the case) that…. 8.The main (obvious / great) problem (flaw / drawback) with (in) this argument (view / remark) is that it is ignorant of (blind to) the basic (bare) fact that…. 9.It would be possible (natural / reasonable) to think (believe / take the view) that…, but it would be absurd (wrong) to claim (argue) that…. 10.In all the discussion and debate over…, one important (basic) fact is generally overlooked (neglected). 11.There is absolutely (in fact) no (every) reason for us to believe (accept / resist / reject) that…. 12.Logical (Valid / Sound) as this argument and I wholeheartedly agree with it, it appears insignificant (absurd) when…is taken into consideration(account). 13.To assume (suggest) that…is far from being proved (to miss the point). 14.A close (careful) inspection (examination / scrutiny) of this argument would reveal how flimsy (groundless /fallacious) it is. 15.On the surface (At first thought), it (this) may seem a sound (an attractive) suggestion (solution / idea), but careful weighing on the mind (on closer analysis / on second thought), we find that… 16.Too much emphasis placed on (attention paid to / importance attached to)…may obscure (overlook / neglect) other facts…. 17.The danger (problem / fact / truth / point) is that…. 18.What the arguer fails to understand (consider / mention) is that…. 19.However just (logical / sound / valid) this argument may be, it only skims the surface of the problem. 20.Among the most convincing (important) reasons given (cited / offered / identified) by people for…, one should be stressed (emphasized / mentioned). 21.As far as I am concerned, however, I believe that…. 22.I believe that the title statement is valid because (of)…. 23.I agree with the above statement because I believe that…. 24.Although I appreciate that…, I cannot agree with the title statement. 25.There is a public controversy nowadays over the issue of…. Those who object to…argue that…. But people who favor…, on the other hand, argue that…. 26.Currently (In recent years / In the past few years / For many years now), there is (has been) a(n) general (widespread / growing / widely held) feeling towards (concern over / attitude towards / trend towards / awareness of / realization of / illusion of / belief in)…. 27.Now it is commonly (widely / generally / increasingly) believed (thought / held / accepted/ felt / recognized / acknowledged) that…. But I wonder (doubt) whether…. 28.These days we are often told that (often hear about)…, but is this really the case? 二、中间段 中间段是文章的正文,其作用是从不同的层面对文章主题进行具体和详实的解释和论证。 1、中间段的一般特征 ① 篇幅一般比开头段和结尾段长。 ② 每段有相应的主题句。 ③包含定义、解释、描写,说明主题思想的扩展句可以采用实例、数据或个人经历等写作手段。 ④不同种类的段落采用不同的扩展手段。 2.中间段的常用核心句型: 1.Although the popular belief is that…, a current (new / recent) study (survey / poll / investigation) indicates (shows / demonstrates) that…. 2.Common sense tells us that…. 3.The increase (change / failure / success) in…mainly (largely / partly) results from (arises from / is because of)…. 4.The increase (change / failure / success) in…is due to (owing to / attributable to) the fact that…. 5.Many people would claim that…. 6.One may attribute (ascribe / owe) the increase (decrease / change ) to…, but…is not by itself an adequate explanation. 7.One of the reasons given for…is that…. 8.What is also worth noticing is that…. 9.There are many (different / several /a number of / a variety of)causes (reasons) for this dramatic (marked / significant) growth (change / decline / increase) in…. First,…. Second,…. Finally,…. 10.There is no evidence to suggest that…. 11.Why are (is / do / did)…? For one thing,…. For another,…. 12.Another reason why I dispute the above statement is that…. 13.It gives rise to (lead to / bring /create) a host of problems (consequences). 14.There are numerous reasons why…, and I shall here explore only a few of the most important ones. 15.It will exert (have / produce) profound (far-reaching / remarkable / considerable / beneficial / favorable / undesirable / disastrous) effect (influence) on…. 16.A multitude of factors could account for (contribute to / lead to / result in / influence) the change (increase / decrease / success / failure / development) in…. 17.In 2000, it increased (rose / jumped / shot up) from 5 to 10 percent of the total (to 15 percent / by 15 percent). 18.By comparison with 2002, it decreased (dropped / fell) from 10 to 5 percent (to 15 percent / by 15 percent). 19.It accounts for 15 percent of the total. 20.There were 100 traffic accidents in April, an increase of 5 percent in a five-month period. 21.By 2002, only (less than / more than / almost / about / over/ as many as) three quarters (40 percent of / one out of five / one in four) college population (graduates / housewives) as against (as compared with) last year (2002) preferred to (liked)…. 22.With the development (improvement / rise / growth / general recognition / acknowledgement / realization) of…, vast changes awaits this country’s society. 23.Now people in growing (ever-increasing / significant) numbers are beginning (coming / getting) to believe (realize / recognize / understand / accept / see / be aware) that…. 24.According to a(n) recent (new / official) study (survey / report / poll),…. 25.History (Our society) is filled (abounds) with the examples of…. 26.The story (case / instance / situation) is not rare (isolated / unique), it is one of many examples (typical of dozens). 27.A (one) recent (new / general / nationwide) study (survey / poll / investigation) conducted (taken) at a university by (officials / scientists / experts) indicates (reveals / suggests / shows / proves / demonstrates) that…. 28.According to (As can be seen in / As is shown in) the figures (statistics / findings / data / graph / table) released (provided) by the government (an institute), it can be learned (seen / predicted) that…. 29.There is (no) good (every / little / sufficient / considerable / strong) evidence (proof) to 30.Personal experience (Examples I heard / read of) leads me to conclude that…. 31.We must admit the undeniable fact that…. 32.No one can deny (ignore / doubt / overlook / obscure / brush aside) the fact that…. 33.Experience (Evidence) suggests (shows) that…. 34.Take for example…who (that)…. 35.The same is true of…. 36.As the saying goes,“….” 三、结尾段 结尾段的核心句型: 1.From what has been discussed above (Taking into account all these factors / Judging from all evidence offered), we may safely draw (reach / come to / arrive at) the conclusion that…. 2.All the evidence (analysis) supports (justifies / confirms / warrants / points to) a(n) unshakable (unmistakable / sound / just) conclusion that…. 3.It is high time that we place (lay / put) great (special / considerable) emphasis on the improvement (development / increase / promotion) of…. 4.It is high time that we put an end to the deep-seated (unhealthy / undesirable / deplorable) situation (tendency / phenomenon) of…. 5.We must look (search / call / cry) for an immediate action (method / measure), because the present (current) situation (phenomenon / tendency / state / attitude) of…, if permitted (allowed) to continue (proceed), will surely (certainly) lead to (result in) the end (destruction / heavy cost) of…. 6.There is no easy (immediate / effective) solution (approach / answer / remedy) to the problem of…, but…might be useful (helpful / beneficial). 7.No easy method (solution / recipe / remedy) can be at hand (found / guaranteed) to solve (resolve / tackle) the problem of…, but the common (general / public) recognition of (realization of / awareness of / commitment to) the necessity (importance / significance) of…might be the first step towards change (on the right way / in the right direction). 8.Following these methods (suggestions) may not guarantee the success in (solution to)…, but the pay-off will be worth the effort. 9.Obviously (Clearly / No doubt), if we ignore (are blind to) the problem, there is every chance that…. 10.Unless there is a common realization of (general commitment to)…, it is very likely (the chances are good) that…. 11.There is little doubt (no denying) that serious (special / adequate / immediate / further) attention must be called (paid / devoted) to the problem of…. 12.It is necessary (essential / fundamental) that effective (quick / proper) action (steps /measures / remedies) should be taken to prevent (correct /check / end / fight) the situation (tendency / phenomenon). 13.It is hoped (suggested / recommended) that great (continuous / persistent / sustained / corporate) efforts should be made to control (check/ halt / promote) the growth (increase / rise) of…. 14.It is hoped that great efforts should be directed to (expended on / focused on) finding (developing / improving)…. 15.It remains to be seen whether…, but the prospect (outlook) is not quite encouraging (that rosy). 16.Anyhow, wider (more) education (publicity) should be given to the possible (potential / grave /serious / pernicious) consequences (effects) of…. 17.To reverse (check / control) the trend (tendency) is not a light task (an easy job), and it requires (demands / involves / entails) a different state of mind towards (attitude towards / outlook on)…. 18.For these reasons, I strongly recommend that…. 19.For the reasons given above, I feel that…. 四、段落扩展中的常用词语 1、总结关系过渡词语 generally speaking, generally, as a general rule, in general, on a larger scale, to take the idea further, to take the above opinion to an extreme, in a sense, in one sense, in a way, to some extent, in my opinion, in my view, as for me, as far as I am concerned, obviously, undoubtedly, in terms of, in conclusion, in short, in brief, in summary, in a word, on the whole, to sum up, to conclude 2、比较对比关系过渡词语 similarly, likewise, like, too, equally important, the same as, in common, in the same way, on the contrary, on the one hand, on the other hand, otherwise, in sharp contrast, whereas, rather than, conversely, instead, in/by contrast, but, however, yet, nevertheless 3、列举关系过渡词语 for example, for instance, as an example, as a case in point, such as, namely, that is, like, thus, first, second, third, finally, in the first place, initially, first of all, to begin with, to start with, what is more, furthermore, eventually, besides, in addition (to that), first and foremost, last but not least, next, also, moreover, for one thing, for another 4、因果关系过渡词语 because (of), as, since, for, owing to, due to, thanks to, on account of, as a result of, result in (from), consequently, for the reason that, as a consequence, consequently, if follows that, accordingly, therefore, hence 5、让步关系过渡词语 although, even though, after all, in spite of, despite, granted that 6、强调关系过渡词语 anyway, certainly, surely, obviously, to be sure, especially, particularly, above all, in deed, in fact, even worse, needless to say, most important of all, no doubt 。

◆ 小作文“申请信”常用句式 1、I beg to apply for... 特此申请...... 2、I would like to apply for admission to your college. 我想申请进入贵校。 3、I am very much interested in going abroad to obtain an advanced degree in the field of... 我对出国留学攻读......学位很感兴趣。 4、I shall be much obliged if you will be so kind as to help me accomplish my long-cherished wish. 如果您能帮我实现这一梦寐以求的愿望,本人将不胜感激。 5、I should be very much obliged if you could grant my application. 如果能批准我的申请,我将万分感谢。 6、Thank you again for you time on this matter. 再次感谢您抽出时间处理这件事。 7、I would like to thank you for your generous help in this matter. 多谢您在这件事上慷慨相助。 8、Please make the arrangement at your earliest convenience. 如果方便,请您尽快安排此事。 9、Thanks in advance for your prompt attention. 先行感谢您及时的关注。 10、Thank you for your consideration and I am looking forward to an early reply. 多谢您的关注,希望尽早得到您的回复。



Write an essay of 160-200words based on the following drawing .In your essay ,you should

1) describe the drawing briefly

2) explain its intended measing and

3) give your comments

You should write neatly on ANSWER SHEET2.(20points)


Our surroundings are being polluted fast and man's present efforts can not prevent it. Time is bringing us more people, and more people will bring us more industry, more cars, larger cities and the growing use of man-made materials.

What can explain and solve this problem? The fact is that pollution is caused by man -- by his desire for a modern way of life. We make "increasing industrialization" our chief we are often ready to offer everything: clean air, pure water, good food, our health and the future of our is a constant flow of people from the countryside into the cities, eager for the benefits of our modern society. But as our technological achievements have grown in the last twentyyears, pollution has become a serious problem.

Isn't it time we stopped to ask ourselves where we are going-- and why? It makes one think of the story about the airline pilot who told his passengers over the loudspeaker,"I've some good news and some bad news. The good news is that we're making rapid progress at 530 miles per hour. The bad news is that we're lost and don't know where we're going. " The sad fact is that this becomes a true story when speaking of our modern society.

In my opinion, to protect environment, the government must take even more concrete measures. First, it should let people fully realize the importance of environmental protection through education. Second, much more efforts should be made to put the population planning policy into practice, because more people means more people means more pollution. Finally, those who destroy the environment intentionally should be severely punished. We should let them know that destroying environment means destroying mankind themselves.




Write an essay of 160-200words based on the following drawing .In your essay ,you should

1) describe the drawing briefly

2) explain its intended measing and

3) give your comments

You should write neatly on ANSWER SHEET2.(20points)


Our surroundings are being polluted fast and man's present efforts can not prevent it. Time is bringing us more people, and more people will bring us more industry, more cars, larger cities and the growing use of man-made materials.

What can explain and solve this problem? The fact is that pollution is caused by man -- by his desire for a modern way of life. We make "increasing industrialization" our chief we are often ready to offer everything: clean air, pure water, good food, our health and the future of our is a constant flow of people from the countryside into the cities, eager for the benefits of our modern society. But as our technological achievements have grown in the last twentyyears, pollution has become a serious problem.

Isn't it time we stopped to ask ourselves where we are going-- and why? It makes one think of the story about the airline pilot who told his passengers over the loudspeaker,"I've some good news and some bad news. The good news is that we're making rapid progress at 530 miles per hour. The bad news is that we're lost and don't know where we're going. " The sad fact is that this becomes a true story when speaking of our modern society.

In my opinion, to protect environment, the government must take even more concrete measures. First, it should let people fully realize the importance of environmental protection through education. Second, much more efforts should be made to put the population planning policy into practice, because more people means more people means more pollution. Finally, those who destroy the environment intentionally should be severely punished. We should let them know that destroying environment means destroying mankind themselves.

2011年考研英语作文写作模板讲解 考研英语写作的文章一般包括一个开头段、若干扩展段和一个结尾段。开头段和结尾段一般比扩展段短。各种段落的作用、特点和写作方法如下所示。 一、开头段 开头段一定要语言精练,并且直接切入主题。开头段一般不对主题进行深入的探讨,具体的论证或叙述应该在扩展段进行。 开头段的常用核心句型: 1.The arguer may be right about…, but he seems to neglect (fail) to mention (takes into account) the fact that…. 2.As opposed to (Contrary to) widely (commonly / generally) held (accepted) belief (ideas / views), I believe (argue) that… 3.Although many people believe that…, I doubt (wonder)whether the argument bears much analysis (close examination). 4.The advantages of B outweigh any benefit we gained from (carry more weight than those of / are much greater than) A. 5.Although it is commonly (widely / generally) held (felt / accepted / agreed) that…, it is unlikely to be true that…. 6.There is an element of truth in this argument (statement), but it ignores a deeper and more basic (important / essential) fact (reason) that…. 7.It is true that (True, / To be sure, / Admittedly,)…, but this is not to say (it is unlikely / it doesn’t follow / it doesn’t mean / it won’t be the case) that…. 8.The main (obvious / great) problem (flaw / drawback) with (in) this argument (view / remark) is that it is ignorant of (blind to) the basic (bare) fact that…. 9.It would be possible (natural / reasonable) to think (believe / take the view) that…, but it would be absurd (wrong) to claim (argue) that…. 10.In all the discussion and debate over…, one important (basic) fact is generally overlooked (neglected). 11.There is absolutely (in fact) no (every) reason for us to believe (accept / resist / reject) that…. 12.Logical (Valid / Sound) as this argument and I wholeheartedly agree with it, it appears insignificant (absurd) when…is taken into consideration(account). 13.To assume (suggest) that…is far from being proved (to miss the point). 14.A close (careful) inspection (examination / scrutiny) of this argument would reveal how flimsy (groundless /fallacious) it is. 15.On the surface (At first thought), it (this) may seem a sound (an attractive) suggestion (solution / idea), but careful weighing on the mind (on closer analysis / on second thought), we find that… 16.Too much emphasis placed on (attention paid to / importance attached to)…may obscure (overlook / neglect) other facts…. 17.The danger (problem / fact / truth / point) is that…. 18.What the arguer fails to understand (consider / mention) is that…. 19.However just (logical / sound / valid) this argument may be, it only skims the surface of the problem. 20.Among the most convincing (important) reasons given (cited / offered / identified) by people for…, one should be stressed (emphasized / mentioned). 21.As far as I am concerned, however, I believe that…. 22.I believe that the title statement is valid because (of)…. 23.I agree with the above statement because I believe that…. 24.Although I appreciate that…, I cannot agree with the title statement. 25.There is a public controversy nowadays over the issue of…. Those who object to…argue that…. But people who favor…, on the other hand, argue that…. 26.Currently (In recent years / In the past few years / For many years now), there is (has been) a(n) general (widespread / growing / widely held) feeling towards (concern over / attitude towards / trend towards / awareness of / realization of / illusion of / belief in)…. 27.Now it is commonly (widely / generally / increasingly) believed (thought / held / accepted/ felt / recognized / acknowledged) that…. But I wonder (doubt) whether…. 28.These days we are often told that (often hear about)…, but is this really the case? 二、中间段 中间段是文章的正文,其作用是从不同的层面对文章主题进行具体和详实的解释和论证。 1、中间段的一般特征 ① 篇幅一般比开头段和结尾段长。 ② 每段有相应的主题句。 ③包含定义、解释、描写,说明主题思想的扩展句可以采用实例、数据或个人经历等写作手段。 ④不同种类的段落采用不同的扩展手段。 2.中间段的常用核心句型: 1.Although the popular belief is that…, a current (new / recent) study (survey / poll / investigation) indicates (shows / demonstrates) that…. 2.Common sense tells us that…. 3.The increase (change / failure / success) in…mainly (largely / partly) results from (arises from / is because of)…. 4.The increase (change / failure / success) in…is due to (owing to / attributable to) the fact that…. 5.Many people would claim that…. 6.One may attribute (ascribe / owe) the increase (decrease / change ) to…, but…is not by itself an adequate explanation. 7.One of the reasons given for…is that…. 8.What is also worth noticing is that…. 9.There are many (different / several /a number of / a variety of)causes (reasons) for this dramatic (marked / significant) growth (change / decline / increase) in…. First,…. Second,…. Finally,…. 10.There is no evidence to suggest that…. 11.Why are (is / do / did)…? For one thing,…. For another,…. 12.Another reason why I dispute the above statement is that…. 13.It gives rise to (lead to / bring /create) a host of problems (consequences). 14.There are numerous reasons why…, and I shall here explore only a few of the most important ones. 15.It will exert (have / produce) profound (far-reaching / remarkable / considerable / beneficial / favorable / undesirable / disastrous) effect (influence) on…. 16.A multitude of factors could account for (contribute to / lead to / result in / influence) the change (increase / decrease / success / failure / development) in…. 17.In 2000, it increased (rose / jumped / shot up) from 5 to 10 percent of the total (to 15 percent / by 15 percent). 18.By comparison with 2002, it decreased (dropped / fell) from 10 to 5 percent (to 15 percent / by 15 percent). 19.It accounts for 15 percent of the total. 20.There were 100 traffic accidents in April, an increase of 5 percent in a five-month period. 21.By 2002, only (less than / more than / almost / about / over/ as many as) three quarters (40 percent of / one out of five / one in four) college population (graduates / housewives) as against (as compared with) last year (2002) preferred to (liked)…. 22.With the development (improvement / rise / growth / general recognition / acknowledgement / realization) of…, vast changes awaits this country’s society. 23.Now people in growing (ever-increasing / significant) numbers are beginning (coming / getting) to believe (realize / recognize / understand / accept / see / be aware) that…. 24.According to a(n) recent (new / official) study (survey / report / poll),…. 25.History (Our society) is filled (abounds) with the examples of…. 26.The story (case / instance / situation) is not rare (isolated / unique), it is one of many examples (typical of dozens). 27.A (one) recent (new / general / nationwide) study (survey / poll / investigation) conducted (taken) at a university by (officials / scientists / experts) indicates (reveals / suggests / shows / proves / demonstrates) that…. 28.According to (As can be seen in / As is shown in) the figures (statistics / findings / data / graph / table) released (provided) by the government (an institute), it can be learned (seen / predicted) that…. 29.There is (no) good (every / little / sufficient / considerable / strong) evidence (proof) to 30.Personal experience (Examples I heard / read of) leads me to conclude that…. 31.We must admit the undeniable fact that…. 32.No one can deny (ignore / doubt / overlook / obscure / brush aside) the fact that…. 33.Experience (Evidence) suggests (shows) that…. 34.Take for example…who (that)…. 35.The same is true of…. 36.As the saying goes,“….” 三、结尾段 结尾段的核心句型: 1.From what has been discussed above (Taking into account all these factors / Judging from all evidence offered), we may safely draw (reach / come to / arrive at) the conclusion that…. 2.All the evidence (analysis) supports (justifies / confirms / warrants / points to) a(n) unshakable (unmistakable / sound / just) conclusion that…. 3.It is high time that we place (lay / put) great (special / considerable) emphasis on the improvement (development / increase / promotion) of…. 4.It is high time that we put an end to the deep-seated (unhealthy / undesirable / deplorable) situation (tendency / phenomenon) of…. 5.We must look (search / call / cry) for an immediate action (method / measure), because the present (current) situation (phenomenon / tendency / state / attitude) of…, if permitted (allowed) to continue (proceed), will surely (certainly) lead to (result in) the end (destruction / heavy cost) of…. 6.There is no easy (immediate / effective) solution (approach / answer / remedy) to the problem of…, but…might be useful (helpful / beneficial). 7.No easy method (solution / recipe / remedy) can be at hand (found / guaranteed) to solve (resolve / tackle) the problem of…, but the common (general / public) recognition of (realization of / awareness of / commitment to) the necessity (importance / significance) of…might be the first step towards change (on the right way / in the right direction). 8.Following these methods (suggestions) may not guarantee the success in (solution to)…, but the pay-off will be worth the effort. 9.Obviously (Clearly / No doubt), if we ignore (are blind to) the problem, there is every chance that…. 10.Unless there is a common realization of (general commitment to)…, it is very likely (the chances are good) that…. 11.There is little doubt (no denying) that serious (special / adequate / immediate / further) attention must be called (paid / devoted) to the problem of…. 12.It is necessary (essential / fundamental) that effective (quick / proper) action (steps /measures / remedies) should be taken to prevent (correct /check / end / fight) the situation (tendency / phenomenon). 13.It is hoped (suggested / recommended) that great (continuous / persistent / sustained / corporate) efforts should be made to control (check/ halt / promote) the growth (increase / rise) of…. 14.It is hoped that great efforts should be directed to (expended on / focused on) finding (developing / improving)…. 15.It remains to be seen whether…, but the prospect (outlook) is not quite encouraging (that rosy). 16.Anyhow, wider (more) education (publicity) should be given to the possible (potential / grave /serious / pernicious) consequences (effects) of…. 17.To reverse (check / control) the trend (tendency) is not a light task (an easy job), and it requires (demands / involves / entails) a different state of mind towards (attitude towards / outlook on)…. 18.For these reasons, I strongly recommend that…. 19.For the reasons given above, I feel that…. 四、段落扩展中的常用词语 1、总结关系过渡词语 generally speaking, generally, as a general rule, in general, on a larger scale, to take the idea further, to take the above opinion to an extreme, in a sense, in one sense, in a way, to some extent, in my opinion, in my view, as for me, as far as I am concerned, obviously, undoubtedly, in terms of, in conclusion, in short, in brief, in summary, in a word, on the whole, to sum up, to conclude 2、比较对比关系过渡词语 similarly, likewise, like, too, equally important, the same as, in common, in the same way, on the contrary, on the one hand, on the other hand, otherwise, in sharp contrast, whereas, rather than, conversely, instead, in/by contrast, but, however, yet, nevertheless 3、列举关系过渡词语 for example, for instance, as an example, as a case in point, such as, namely, that is, like, thus, first, second, third, finally, in the first place, initially, first of all, to begin with, to start with, what is more, furthermore, eventually, besides, in addition (to that), first and foremost, last but not least, next, also, moreover, for one thing, for another 4、因果关系过渡词语 because (of), as, since, for, owing to, due to, thanks to, on account of, as a result of, result in (from), consequently, for the reason that, as a consequence, consequently, if follows that, accordingly, therefore, hence 5、让步关系过渡词语 although, even though, after all, in spite of, despite, granted that 6、强调关系过渡词语 anyway, certainly, surely, obviously, to be sure, especially, particularly, above all, in deed, in fact, even worse, needless to say, most important of all, no doubt 。




Write an essay of 160-200words based on the following drawing .In your essay ,you should

1) describe the drawing briefly

2) explain its intended measing and

3) give your comments

You should write neatly on ANSWER SHEET2.(20points)


Our surroundings are being polluted fast and man's present efforts can not prevent it. Time is bringing us more people, and more people will bring us more industry, more cars, larger cities and the growing use of man-made materials.

What can explain and solve this problem? The fact is that pollution is caused by man -- by his desire for a modern way of life. We make "increasing industrialization" our chief we are often ready to offer everything: clean air, pure water, good food, our health and the future of our is a constant flow of people from the countryside into the cities, eager for the benefits of our modern society. But as our technological achievements have grown in the last twentyyears, pollution has become a serious problem.

Isn't it time we stopped to ask ourselves where we are going-- and why? It makes one think of the story about the airline pilot who told his passengers over the loudspeaker,"I've some good news and some bad news. The good news is that we're making rapid progress at 530 miles per hour. The bad news is that we're lost and don't know where we're going. " The sad fact is that this becomes a true story when speaking of our modern society.

In my opinion, to protect environment, the government must take even more concrete measures. First, it should let people fully realize the importance of environmental protection through education. Second, much more efforts should be made to put the population planning policy into practice, because more people means more people means more pollution. Finally, those who destroy the environment intentionally should be severely punished. We should let them know that destroying environment means destroying mankind themselves.

2011年考研英语作文写作模板讲解 考研英语写作的文章一般包括一个开头段、若干扩展段和一个结尾段。开头段和结尾段一般比扩展段短。各种段落的作用、特点和写作方法如下所示。 一、开头段 开头段一定要语言精练,并且直接切入主题。开头段一般不对主题进行深入的探讨,具体的论证或叙述应该在扩展段进行。 开头段的常用核心句型: 1.The arguer may be right about…, but he seems to neglect (fail) to mention (takes into account) the fact that…. 2.As opposed to (Contrary to) widely (commonly / generally) held (accepted) belief (ideas / views), I believe (argue) that… 3.Although many people believe that…, I doubt (wonder)whether the argument bears much analysis (close examination). 4.The advantages of B outweigh any benefit we gained from (carry more weight than those of / are much greater than) A. 5.Although it is commonly (widely / generally) held (felt / accepted / agreed) that…, it is unlikely to be true that…. 6.There is an element of truth in this argument (statement), but it ignores a deeper and more basic (important / essential) fact (reason) that…. 7.It is true that (True, / To be sure, / Admittedly,)…, but this is not to say (it is unlikely / it doesn’t follow / it doesn’t mean / it won’t be the case) that…. 8.The main (obvious / great) problem (flaw / drawback) with (in) this argument (view / remark) is that it is ignorant of (blind to) the basic (bare) fact that…. 9.It would be possible (natural / reasonable) to think (believe / take the view) that…, but it would be absurd (wrong) to claim (argue) that…. 10.In all the discussion and debate over…, one important (basic) fact is generally overlooked (neglected). 11.There is absolutely (in fact) no (every) reason for us to believe (accept / resist / reject) that…. 12.Logical (Valid / Sound) as this argument and I wholeheartedly agree with it, it appears insignificant (absurd) when…is taken into consideration(account). 13.To assume (suggest) that…is far from being proved (to miss the point). 14.A close (careful) inspection (examination / scrutiny) of this argument would reveal how flimsy (groundless /fallacious) it is. 15.On the surface (At first thought), it (this) may seem a sound (an attractive) suggestion (solution / idea), but careful weighing on the mind (on closer analysis / on second thought), we find that… 16.Too much emphasis placed on (attention paid to / importance attached to)…may obscure (overlook / neglect) other facts…. 17.The danger (problem / fact / truth / point) is that…. 18.What the arguer fails to understand (consider / mention) is that…. 19.However just (logical / sound / valid) this argument may be, it only skims the surface of the problem. 20.Among the most convincing (important) reasons given (cited / offered / identified) by people for…, one should be stressed (emphasized / mentioned). 21.As far as I am concerned, however, I believe that…. 22.I believe that the title statement is valid because (of)…. 23.I agree with the above statement because I believe that…. 24.Although I appreciate that…, I cannot agree with the title statement. 25.There is a public controversy nowadays over the issue of…. Those who object to…argue that…. But people who favor…, on the other hand, argue that…. 26.Currently (In recent years / In the past few years / For many years now), there is (has been) a(n) general (widespread / growing / widely held) feeling towards (concern over / attitude towards / trend towards / awareness of / realization of / illusion of / belief in)…. 27.Now it is commonly (widely / generally / increasingly) believed (thought / held / accepted/ felt / recognized / acknowledged) that…. But I wonder (doubt) whether…. 28.These days we are often told that (often hear about)…, but is this really the case? 二、中间段 中间段是文章的正文,其作用是从不同的层面对文章主题进行具体和详实的解释和论证。 1、中间段的一般特征 ① 篇幅一般比开头段和结尾段长。 ② 每段有相应的主题句。 ③包含定义、解释、描写,说明主题思想的扩展句可以采用实例、数据或个人经历等写作手段。 ④不同种类的段落采用不同的扩展手段。 2.中间段的常用核心句型: 1.Although the popular belief is that…, a current (new / recent) study (survey / poll / investigation) indicates (shows / demonstrates) that…. 2.Common sense tells us that…. 3.The increase (change / failure / success) in…mainly (largely / partly) results from (arises from / is because of)…. 4.The increase (change / failure / success) in…is due to (owing to / attributable to) the fact that…. 5.Many people would claim that…. 6.One may attribute (ascribe / owe) the increase (decrease / change ) to…, but…is not by itself an adequate explanation. 7.One of the reasons given for…is that…. 8.What is also worth noticing is that…. 9.There are many (different / several /a number of / a variety of)causes (reasons) for this dramatic (marked / significant) growth (change / decline / increase) in…. First,…. Second,…. Finally,…. 10.There is no evidence to suggest that…. 11.Why are (is / do / did)…? For one thing,…. For another,…. 12.Another reason why I dispute the above statement is that…. 13.It gives rise to (lead to / bring /create) a host of problems (consequences). 14.There are numerous reasons why…, and I shall here explore only a few of the most important ones. 15.It will exert (have / produce) profound (far-reaching / remarkable / considerable / beneficial / favorable / undesirable / disastrous) effect (influence) on…. 16.A multitude of factors could account for (contribute to / lead to / result in / influence) the change (increase / decrease / success / failure / development) in…. 17.In 2000, it increased (rose / jumped / shot up) from 5 to 10 percent of the total (to 15 percent / by 15 percent). 18.By comparison with 2002, it decreased (dropped / fell) from 10 to 5 percent (to 15 percent / by 15 percent). 19.It accounts for 15 percent of the total. 20.There were 100 traffic accidents in April, an increase of 5 percent in a five-month period. 21.By 2002, only (less than / more than / almost / about / over/ as many as) three quarters (40 percent of / one out of five / one in four) college population (graduates / housewives) as against (as compared with) last year (2002) preferred to (liked)…. 22.With the development (improvement / rise / growth / general recognition / acknowledgement / realization) of…, vast changes awaits this country’s society. 23.Now people in growing (ever-increasing / significant) numbers are beginning (coming / getting) to believe (realize / recognize / understand / accept / see / be aware) that…. 24.According to a(n) recent (new / official) study (survey / report / poll),…. 25.History (Our society) is filled (abounds) with the examples of…. 26.The story (case / instance / situation) is not rare (isolated / unique), it is one of many examples (typical of dozens). 27.A (one) recent (new / general / nationwide) study (survey / poll / investigation) conducted (taken) at a university by (officials / scientists / experts) indicates (reveals / suggests / shows / proves / demonstrates) that…. 28.According to (As can be seen in / As is shown in) the figures (statistics / findings / data / graph / table) released (provided) by the government (an institute), it can be learned (seen / predicted) that…. 29.There is (no) good (every / little / sufficient / considerable / strong) evidence (proof) to 30.Personal experience (Examples I heard / read of) leads me to conclude that…. 31.We must admit the undeniable fact that…. 32.No one can deny (ignore / doubt / overlook / obscure / brush aside) the fact that…. 33.Experience (Evidence) suggests (shows) that…. 34.Take for example…who (that)…. 35.The same is true of…. 36.As the saying goes,“….” 三、结尾段 结尾段的核心句型: 1.From what has been discussed above (Taking into account all these factors / Judging from all evidence offered), we may safely draw (reach / come to / arrive at) the conclusion that…. 2.All the evidence (analysis) supports (justifies / confirms / warrants / points to) a(n) unshakable (unmistakable / sound / just) conclusion that…. 3.It is high time that we place (lay / put) great (special / considerable) emphasis on the improvement (development / increase / promotion) of…. 4.It is high time that we put an end to the deep-seated (unhealthy / undesirable / deplorable) situation (tendency / phenomenon) of…. 5.We must look (search / call / cry) for an immediate action (method / measure), because the present (current) situation (phenomenon / tendency / state / attitude) of…, if permitted (allowed) to continue (proceed), will surely (certainly) lead to (result in) the end (destruction / heavy cost) of…. 6.There is no easy (immediate / effective) solution (approach / answer / remedy) to the problem of…, but…might be useful (helpful / beneficial). 7.No easy method (solution / recipe / remedy) can be at hand (found / guaranteed) to solve (resolve / tackle) the problem of…, but the common (general / public) recognition of (realization of / awareness of / commitment to) the necessity (importance / significance) of…might be the first step towards change (on the right way / in the right direction). 8.Following these methods (suggestions) may not guarantee the success in (solution to)…, but the pay-off will be worth the effort. 9.Obviously (Clearly / No doubt), if we ignore (are blind to) the problem, there is every chance that…. 10.Unless there is a common realization of (general commitment to)…, it is very likely (the chances are good) that…. 11.There is little doubt (no denying) that serious (special / adequate / immediate / further) attention must be called (paid / devoted) to the problem of…. 12.It is necessary (essential / fundamental) that effective (quick / proper) action (steps /measures / remedies) should be taken to prevent (correct /check / end / fight) the situation (tendency / phenomenon). 13.It is hoped (suggested / recommended) that great (continuous / persistent / sustained / corporate) efforts should be made to control (check/ halt / promote) the growth (increase / rise) of…. 14.It is hoped that great efforts should be directed to (expended on / focused on) finding (developing / improving)…. 15.It remains to be seen whether…, but the prospect (outlook) is not quite encouraging (that rosy). 16.Anyhow, wider (more) education (publicity) should be given to the possible (potential / grave /serious / pernicious) consequences (effects) of…. 17.To reverse (check / control) the trend (tendency) is not a light task (an easy job), and it requires (demands / involves / entails) a different state of mind towards (attitude towards / outlook on)…. 18.For these reasons, I strongly recommend that…. 19.For the reasons given above, I feel that…. 四、段落扩展中的常用词语 1、总结关系过渡词语 generally speaking, generally, as a general rule, in general, on a larger scale, to take the idea further, to take the above opinion to an extreme, in a sense, in one sense, in a way, to some extent, in my opinion, in my view, as for me, as far as I am concerned, obviously, undoubtedly, in terms of, in conclusion, in short, in brief, in summary, in a word, on the whole, to sum up, to conclude 2、比较对比关系过渡词语 similarly, likewise, like, too, equally important, the same as, in common, in the same way, on the contrary, on the one hand, on the other hand, otherwise, in sharp contrast, whereas, rather than, conversely, instead, in/by contrast, but, however, yet, nevertheless 3、列举关系过渡词语 for example, for instance, as an example, as a case in point, such as, namely, that is, like, thus, first, second, third, finally, in the first place, initially, first of all, to begin with, to start with, what is more, furthermore, eventually, besides, in addition (to that), first and foremost, last but not least, next, also, moreover, for one thing, for another 4、因果关系过渡词语 because (of), as, since, for, owing to, due to, thanks to, on account of, as a result of, result in (from), consequently, for the reason that, as a consequence, consequently, if follows that, accordingly, therefore, hence 5、让步关系过渡词语 although, even though, after all, in spite of, despite, granted that 6、强调关系过渡词语 anyway, certainly, surely, obviously, to be sure, especially, particularly, above all, in deed, in fact, even worse, needless to say, most important of all, no doubt 。

◆ 小作文“申请信”常用句式 1、I beg to apply for... 特此申请...... 2、I would like to apply for admission to your college. 我想申请进入贵校。 3、I am very much interested in going abroad to obtain an advanced degree in the field of... 我对出国留学攻读......学位很感兴趣。 4、I shall be much obliged if you will be so kind as to help me accomplish my long-cherished wish. 如果您能帮我实现这一梦寐以求的愿望,本人将不胜感激。 5、I should be very much obliged if you could grant my application. 如果能批准我的申请,我将万分感谢。 6、Thank you again for you time on this matter. 再次感谢您抽出时间处理这件事。 7、I would like to thank you for your generous help in this matter. 多谢您在这件事上慷慨相助。 8、Please make the arrangement at your earliest convenience. 如果方便,请您尽快安排此事。 9、Thanks in advance for your prompt attention. 先行感谢您及时的关注。 10、Thank you for your consideration and I am looking forward to an early reply. 多谢您的关注,希望尽早得到您的回复。







作者:小思本文地址:http://aiyundongfang.com/yingyuxuexibaike/5157.html发布于 2024-09-18
