

小思 2024-09-29 69
狮王英语美国冬令营2016摘要: 美国冬令营英语I took part in a three-day summer camp.亲:高老师祝你学习进步,每天都开心V_V!望采纳,thx!I participa...


I took part in a three-day summer camp.亲:高老师祝你学习进步,每天都开心V_V!望采纳,thx!

I participated in a three day summer camp

英语冬令营是大写的,原因在于:英语冬令营的中文翻译是,Winter camp,是由两个简单的英语单词组合而成的一个特定名词,开头首字母需要大写。希望您能够采纳!

i took part to a-three-days of summer camp.



当太阳从水平线上升起时,非洲大草原苏醒了,万兽群集,荣耀欢呼,共同庆贺狮王穆法沙和王后沙拉碧产下的小王子辛巴的诞生。充满智慧的老狒狒 ——巫师拉飞奇为小辛巴兴起行了洗礼,他捧起一把细沙撒在小辛巴头上。可是狮王的兄弟刀疤对辛巴的出生仇恨不已,他认为如果不是辛巴,自己将会继承王位,因此在他心中埋下了罪恶的种子。时光飞逝,辛巴已经长成健康、聪明的小狮子了,可他的叔叔刀疤却一刻也没有放弃对他的嫉恨。一次,在刀疤的引诱下,辛巴和好朋友娜娜去国界外的大象墓地探险,3只受刀疤指使的鬣狗开始围攻辛巴,辛巴和娜娜害怕极了。在这危急的时刻,狮王木法沙突然出现了,他怒吼一声,吓得鬣狗们拔腿就逃。辛巴和娜娜得救了。刀疤对辛巴被救十分恼怒,他阴险地决定杀掉木法沙,他向鬣狗们许诺等除掉木法沙和辛巴、自己当上国王后,就让他们顺理成章地进入狮子王国。几天以后,刀疤又引诱辛巴到了一个山谷,然后指使鬣狗们追击角马。大批角马朝辛巴狂奔过来,穆法沙又及时赶到,救出辛巴,可自己却被弟弟刀疤推下了山谷。洪水般的角马群冲过去了,辛巴在死寂的山谷里发现了一动不动的父亲。他心里悲痛而内疚,以为是自己害死了父亲。别有用心的刀疤极力怂恿辛巴逃走,同时又命令鬣狗们杀死他。辛巴在荆棘丛的掩护下逃脱了,鬣狗们向着辛巴逃远的背影尖叫道:“永远别再回来,回来就杀死你!”从此,刀疤登上了王位,并把鬣狗们引入了狮子王国。辛巴一路没命地奔逃,直到再也跑不动了,昏倒在地上。两位好心的朋友——机智聪明的猫鼬丁满和心地善良的野猪彭彭救了他。丁满和彭彭教导辛巴要无忧无虑,不想过去,不想未来,也没有责任,只要为今天而活就可以了。日子一天天过去了,辛巴成长为一头英俊的雄狮。一次偶然之间,辛巴和儿时的伙伴娜娜相遇了。娜娜告诉,自从刀疤当上国王后,大家就处在水深火热之中,她要辛巴回到狮子王国,可是辛巴没有答应。巫师拉法奇也找到辛巴,在他的劝说和父亲神灵的教导下,辛巴决定回狮子王国拯救子民。辛巴愤怒地向着刀疤挑战:“我回来啦,你选择吧,要么退位,要么接受挑战!”狡猾的刀疤并不想投降,他不断以辛巴害死父亲为借口责骂辛巴,好拖延时间。辛巴心中弃着内疚了愤,一不小心从岩石上滑了下去,以为辛巴必死无疑的刀疤告诉了他是自己杀了穆法沙的事实。愤怒之中,辛巴产生了无穷的力量,他奋力跃起,将刀疤一下打倒在地,并将这个卑鄙的叔叔赶下了国王崖,刀疤成了鬣狗们的一顿美餐。这时,大雨倾盆而下,好像在滋润干涸已久的土地。辛巴在母亲和朋友们的欢呼与祝福声中,正式宣布执掌政权。

望采纳《狮子王》(The Lion King,1994年6月15日在美国首次上映),是“华特迪士尼公司”的第32部经典动画长片。主角为一头名叫“辛巴”(Simba)的狮子。本片从莎士比亚的《哈姆雷特》(又名《王子复仇记》)获得灵感,利用了当时最先进的2D动画技术,并且配上宏伟的交响乐,融合非洲当地原始音乐,荣获1994年奥斯卡最佳原著音乐和最佳电影主题曲两项大奖,成为迪士尼动画的里程碑作品之一。《狮子王》这股热浪随后席卷世界各地。此片配置了27中不同语言,在46个国家和地区都受到观众的热烈欢迎。在欧洲、拉美和非洲的20多个国家,该片成为历史上最受欢迎的英语影片,《狮子王》现在是电影史唯一进入票房排名前十名的卡通片,总票房收入现已超过7亿5千万美元!



《狮子王》(Simba The King Lion)是意大利Mondo TV于1995年出品的一部52集动画系列片,有两部续作。







ni jue de wo de yin wen shui ping zen me yang ?

Nice to hear from you again! As you know, this winter vacation, at the end of December, 2013, we English-lovers from all over the country will go to a four-day English Winter Camp in Dalian. Some English teachers from China, the USA, England and Australia will join us. In the camp, we will have an English speaking competition, watch some wonderful performances given by the students and visit some places of interest in Dalian. Besides, we will exchange our English learning experience and talk about our colorful school life in English. I think this winter camp will greatly improve my spoken English and I will make some new friends there. I do hope you will come and join us.

Hello , everyone!i am li hua, i come from haikou.

It is my pleasure to introduce you the of Hainan province,is a city near the has a population of also because it is very near the equator(赤道),it has a very long and hot summer,and people here do a lot water sports,like swimming and boating.

And the winter here is short and hope my introduction will help you to get a brief knowledge of you.

As a member of the school English club , I am thrilled about the trip to Amercia during the winter holidays. I think this will be a great opportunity for all memebers of the school English club to enhance their english speaking abilities , because as we all know , our pronunciation is not too good, we have our chinese accent. By going on this trip I think we can overcome this difficulty. About this trip , I want the school to arrange all the communication eqiupments and SIM CARDs of Amercia , so we can contact our parents when we get there, if that is possible. The school club organisation should give us a lesson on the america history , such as when did the Statue of LIberty was built, so when we visit such historic Sites when will know the background information about it.

Today is a special day for me. I graduate from middle school. Yesterday, I attended the high school entrance exam and I think I did very well in the exam. I am sure I can be admitted by the best senior school in my city. This morning, a big graduation ceremony is held in my school. All graduates and our teachers attend to it. Our president makes a speech in the ceremony, wishing us a good future and hoping us to come back school often. After the ceremony, we go back to our classroom to spend the last time together. We are reluctant to each other. I hope we can keep our relationship forever.

As a member of the school English club , I am thrilled about the trip to Amercia during the winter holidays. I think this will be a great opportunity for all memebers of the school English club to enhance their english speaking abilities , because as we all know , our pronunciation is not too good, we have our chinese accent. By going on this trip I think we can overcome this difficulty. About this trip , I want the school to arrange all the communication eqiupments and SIM CARDs of Amercia , so we can contact our parents when we get there, if that is possible. The school club organisation should give us a lesson on the america history , such as when did the Statue of LIberty was built, so when we visit such historic Sites when will know the background information about it.


Go summer camping去冬令营Go winter camping

I joined a three-day summer camp.

To summer camp.



作者:小思本文地址:http://aiyundongfang.com/yingyuxuexibaike/35560.html发布于 2024-09-29
