The earth's energy is gradually diminishing,people also face the deterioration of the environment,how to do? Save energy words. First of all,from the side with. Save every once electricity,save every 't litter,have the consciousness of environmental protection,from the side with,a bit of the minor matter,starts to let the world will no longer be polluted. 中文也给你好了. 地球上的能源正在逐渐减少,人们也面对着环境恶化,怎么办呢? 要节约能源的话. 首先,从身边做起. 节约每一度电,节约每一滴水.不乱扔垃圾,有环保意识,从身边做起,一点小事做起,才能让地球不再被污染.
Nowadays,the world is facing the big problem of energy energy that we can use is running out day by one day we will all end up drinking dirty water if we don't do something about are some things that everyone can do to help save energy. First,we must try to use our air conditioner less during the summer months,as this consumes a great deal of should try to remember to use less water while washing our must not let leaky taps run all should fix them as soon as should,also,try to close the fridge as quickly as will save a lot of electricity and is good for the fridge as thing we can do is to ride our bicycles instead of driving cars or riding "drink" lots of petrol,which es from oil,a nonrenewale energy 't forget to turn off the lights when leaving a doesn't take much time,but saves a lot of electricity. I hope more and more people will realize the importance of saving energy and do what they can to use less so that life will be good in the future.
Save ElectricityWe should save electricity to protect the environment. Turn off lights when not in use, unplug chargers, and use energy-efficient appliances. Small actions make a big difference. Let's conserve energy and create a sustainable future.
Title: Energy ConservationIn today's world, it is essential to practice energy conservation. By adopting simple habits like turning off lights when not in use, unplugging electronic devices, and using energy-efficient appliances, we can reduce our electricity consumption. Conserving electricity not only helps protect the environment but also saves money and ensures a sustainable future.
Save the Energy Resources Another round of energy crisis is knocking at the door. In 2004, world oil consumption reached a new record, causing oil price in the international market to skyrocket amazingly. As for China, it was reported that many traditional mineral cities in northeastern China had run into predicament, with their economy collapsed and workers unemployed, only because coal had been mined out. Fossil energy resources, including coal, oil and gas, are unlike sunlight, water power and wind power which are generated consistently. They’re not practically reproductive during human history. Once consumed, they’re gone forever. If they were to be exhausted before we could find sufficient reproductive resources to replace them with, we’d have to live in entire blackout again like our ancestors have done thousands of years ago. That’s of course not what anyone would want to see. Due to technical limitations, people still have to utilize these resources now. As a result, we must economize them most cleverly. New techniques should be developed and applied to reduce energy cost in industry and daily life. Alternative energy should be employed wherever possible. Eradicate any practice that wastes energy. Humans have overcome so many crises in history, and we’re sure to win this time also.
您好:Nowadays, the world is facing the big problem of energy shortages. The energy that we can use is running out day by day. Maybe one day we will all end up drinking dirty water if we don't do something about it. Here are some things that everyone can do to help save energy. First, we must try to use our air conditioner less during the summer months, as this consumes a great deal of electricity. Second, we should try to remember to use less water while washing our hair. Third, we must not let leaky taps run all day. We should fix them as soon as possible. We should, also, try to close the fridge as quickly as possible. This will save a lot of electricity and is good for the fridge as well. Another thing we can do is to ride our bicycles instead of driving cars or riding buses. They "drink" lots of petrol, which comes from oil,a nonrenewale energy resource. Finally, don't forget to turn off the lights when leaving a room. It doesn't take much time, but saves a lot of electricity. I hope more and more people will realize the importance of saving energy and do what they can to use less so that life will be good in the future.希望对您的学习有帮助【满意请采纳】O(∩_∩)O谢谢欢迎追问O(∩_∩)O~祝学习进步~
thousands of years ago, the enviornment on earth used to be so good that you'll think you are in the eden park. however, ever since the industrial revolution in the uk, the enviornment tured worse and worse due to many new machines that release waste gas into the air. nowadays, people pay much attention to the environment and we are all working hard to make it better. so of course the environment now is much better than before. but i hope that it'll be even better in the future
Save the Energy ResourcesAnother round of energy crisis is knocking at the door. In 2004, world oil consumption reached a new record, causing oil price in the international market to skyrocket amazingly. As for China, it was reported that many traditional mineral cities in northeastern China had run into predicament, with their economy collapsed and workers unemployed, only because coal had been mined out.Fossil energy resources, including coal, oil and gas, are unlike sunlight, water power and wind power which are generated consistently. They’re not practically reproductive during human history. Once consumed, they’re gone forever. If they were to be exhausted before we could find sufficient reproductive resources to replace them with, we’d have to live in entire blackout again like our ancestors have done thousands of years ago. That’s of course not what anyone would want to see.Due to technical limitations, people still have to utilize these resources now.As a result, we must economize them most cleverly. New techniques should be developed and applied to reduce energy cost in industry and daily life. Alternative energy should be employed wherever possible. Eradicate any practice that wastes energy. Humans have overcome so many crises in history, and we’re sure to win this time also.
节约能源 【英文】Energy Conservation
节约能源是当今世界的一种重要社会意识,是指尽可能的减少能源的消耗、增加能源的利用率的一系列行为。 按照世界能源委员会1979年提出的节约能源定义是:采取技术上可行、经济上合理、环境和社会可接受的一切措施,来提高能源资源的利用效率。《中华人民共和国节约能源法》所称节约能源,是指加强用能管理,采取技术上可行、经济上合理以及环境和社会可以承受的措施,从能源生产到消费的各个环节,降低消耗、减少损失和污染物排放、制止浪费,有效、合理地利用能源。该法同时指出“节约资源是我国的基本国策。国家实施节约与开发并举、把节约放在首位的能源发展战略。”
大力发展第三产业,以专业化分工和提高社会效率为重点,积极发展生产性服务业;以满足人们需求和方便群众生活为中心,提升发展生活性服务业;要大力发展高技术产业,坚持走新型工业化道路,促进传统产业升级,提高高技术产业在工业中的比重。按照循环经济理念,加快园区生态化改造,推进生态农业园区建设,构建跨产业生态链,推进行业间废物循环。要推进企业清洁生产,从源头减少废物的产生,实现由末端治理向污染预防和生产全过程控制转变,促进企业能源消费、工业固体废弃物、包装废弃物的减量化与资源化利用,控制和减少污染物排放,提高资源利用效率。组织培育科技创新型企业,提高区域自主创新能 力。加强与科研院校合作,构建技术研发服务平台,着力抓好技术标准示范企业建设。要围绕资源高效循环利用,积极开展替代技术、减量技术、再利用技术、资源化技术、系统化技术等关键技术研究,突破制约循环经济发展的技术瓶颈。成立发展循环经济建设节约型社会工作机构,研究制定发展循环经济建设节约型社会的各项政策措施。要设立发展循环经济建设节约型社会专项资金,重点扶持循环经济发展项目、节能降耗活动、减量减排技术创新补助等。要把万元生产总值、化学需氧量和二氧化硫排放总量纳入国民经济和社会发展年度计划;要建立健全能源节约和环境保护的保障机制,将降耗减排指标纳入政府目标责任和干部考核体系。
1.节约用电 注意随手关灯。使用高效节能灯泡。美国的能源部门估计,单单使用高效节能灯泡代替传统电灯泡,就能避 免四亿吨二氧化碳被释放。节能灯最好不要短时间内开关,节能灯在开关时是最耗电的。白天可以干完的事不留着晚上做,洗衣服、写作业在天黑之前做完。早睡早起有利于身体健康,又环保节能。2.低碳烹调尽量节约厨房里的能源。食用油在加热时产生致癌物,并造成油烟污染居室环境。减少煎炒烹炸的菜肴,多煮食蔬菜。不要把饭锅和水壶装得太满,否则煮沸后溢出汤水,既浪费能源,又容易扑灭灶火,引发燃气泄漏。调整火苗的燃烧范围,使其不超过锅底外缘,取得最佳加热效果。如果锅小火大的话,火苗烧在锅底四周只会白白消耗燃气。 3.节约用水淘米水是很好的去污剂,可以留下来洗碗或者浇花。沾了油的锅和盘子要先用用过的餐巾纸擦干净,洗起来既节水省时,又可少用洗涤剂,减少水污染。冲洗衣服时,可以加入少量肥皂粉,因为洗衣粉遇到肥皂会减少很多泡沫,既省水又节约清洗的时间。洗脸、洗手用小脸盆接住水,然后倒进大桶收集起来。洗手、 洗澡、洗衣、洗菜的水和较干净的洗碗水,都可以收集起来洗抹布、擦地板、冲马桶。4.家用电器的节能使用 购买洗衣机、电视机或其他电器时,选择可靠的低耗节能产品。电视、电脑不用时及时切断电源,既节约用电又防止插座短路引发火灾的隐患。不用时关掉饮水机的电源。保持冰箱处于无霜状态。 5.循环再利用靠循环再利用的方法来进行材料的循环使用,可以减少生产新原料的数量,从而降低二氧化碳排放量。例如,纸和卡纸板等有机材料的循环再利用,可以避免从垃圾填埋地释放出来的沼气(一种能引起温室效应的气体,大部分是甲烷)。据统计,回收一吨废纸能生产800千克的再生纸,可以少砍17棵大树,节约一半以上的造纸原料,减少水污染。因此,节约用纸就是保护森林、保护环境。 6.节能的健身方式 假如所住楼房的楼梯通风采光状况良好,安全设施齐备,可以每天做「爬梯运动」,在节电的同时,健身、健心、健性情一次完成。手洗轻便的衣服,也是一种很好的运动。以站桩的姿势在洗衣池前站定,既锻炼脚力,又可使经常处于紧张状态的腰部和背部放松。双手同时搓洗衣服,节水节电的同时锻炼了手指灵活性和左右脑的协调能力。 7.节省取暖和制冷的能源 大部分家庭的能源都消耗在取暖和制冷上。只要有效地使用自然通风和避免房间过暖,就能简单地减少10%的费用和二氧化碳排放量。检查阁楼和空心墙隔热材料的质量。冬季检查门和窗边的缝隙是否密闭。夏季天气不算十分炎热时,最好用扇子或电风扇代替空调。使用空调时,不要把温度调得太低。 8.经济型汽车 高能效汽车每公里产生更少二氧化碳。一般说来,汽车重量越大越耗油,产生的二氧化碳越多。与经济型的 小汽缸车相比,大型SUV汽车和豪华汽车排放至少两倍以上的二氧化碳。越野型汽车安全系数高,但比较耗油。自动档汽车的动力传递通过液压完成,在工作中会造成动力损失,尤其是在低速行驶或堵车中走走停停时,油耗更大。 9.自备购物袋或重复使用塑料袋购物 塑料的原料主要来自不可再生的煤、石油、天然气等矿物能源,节约塑料袋就是节约地球能源。我国每年塑料废弃量超过一百万吨,「用了就扔」的塑料袋不仅造成了资源的巨大浪费,而且使垃圾量剧增。 10.少用一次性制品 商场里充斥着一次性用品:一次性餐具、一次性牙刷、一次性雨衣、一次性签字笔……一次性用品给人们带来了短暂的便利,却给生态环境带来了灾难。它们加快了地球资源的耗竭,所产生的大量垃圾造成环境污染。以一次性筷子为例,我国每年向日本和韩国出口约150万立方米,需要损耗200万平方米的森林资源。 11. 合理使用电脑,打印机不用电脑时以待机代替屏幕保护,每台台式机每年可省电6.3度,相应减排二氧化碳6千克;每台笔记本电脑每年可省电1.5度,相应减排二氧化碳1.4千克.如果对全国保有的7700万台电脑都采取这一措施,那么每年可省电4.5亿度,减排二氧化碳43万吨.
The earth's energy is gradually diminishing, people also face the deterioration of the environment, how to do?Save energy words.First of all, from the side with.Save every once electricity, save every drop. Don't litter, have the consciousness of environmental protection, from the side with, a bit of the minor matter, starts to let the world will no longer be polluted.
The earth's energy is gradually diminishing, people also face the deterioration of the environment, how to do?Save energy words.First of all, from the side with.Save every once electricity, save every drop. Don't litter, have the consciousness of environmental protection, from the side with, a bit of the minor matter, starts to let the world will no longer be polluted.
Saving energy is of real importance.
一、音标: [ɪˈfɪʃnt]
二、释义:adj. 生效的,效率高的;(人)有能力的,能胜任的
三、近义词:able , competent
energy efficient 节能
efficient production 有效生产
efficient market 有效市场
efficient performance 经营效果
英文:Saving energy is very important
energy 读法 英 [ˈenədʒi] 美 [ˈenərdʒi]
n. [物] 能量;精力;活力;精神
1、energy star 能源之星 ; 动力之星 ; 能源之星认证 ; 能量物质之星
2、renewable energy 可再生能源 ; 再生能源 ; 可更新能源 ; 再生资源
She had started to devote her energies to teaching rather than performing.
2、energy作“能力”解时,其后面可用动词不定式作定语,但不可用v -ing形式。
power, vigour, force, energy这组词都有“力”的意思,其区别是: