

小思 09-20 10
黄粱一梦英语摘要: 黄粱一梦英文A pipe dream twenty years is still not understand love also don't understand.Hav...


A pipe dream twenty years is still not understand love also don't understand.

Having been in an unrealistic dream for twenty yearsI still don't understand love

vanishing point ~~可以去爱词霸里面看看哦~~



黄粱美梦是一个汉语成语,很多人望文生义,以为是在黄粱上做美梦,其实不然。以下是我整理的黄粱美梦的成语故事及解析,欢迎阅读。 成语解释:黄粱:小米。煮一锅小米饭的时间;做了一场好梦。比喻虚幻的梦想。 成语出处:唐沈既济《枕中记》:“怪曰:‘岂其梦寐耶?’翁笑曰:‘人世之事亦犹是矣。’” 成语繁体:黄粱美梦 成语简拼:HLMM 成语注音:ㄏㄨㄤˊ 一ㄤˊ ㄇㄟˇ ㄇㄥˋ 常用程度:常用成语 成语字数:四字成语 感情色彩:中性成语 成语用法:黄粱美梦偏正式;作主语、宾语、定语;含贬义。 成语结构:偏正式成语 成语年代:古代成语 成语正音:黄,不能读作“huānɡ”。 成语辨形:粱,不能写作“梁”。 成语辨析:黄粱美梦与“南柯一梦”;都可比喻虚幻的事情一场空。但黄粱美梦指有美好境遇的'梦;“南柯一梦”泛指一场梦;并不特指好梦或恶梦。 近义词:南柯一梦、白日做梦、黄粱一梦 反义词:如梦方醒 成语例子:他规划的远景只不过是黄粱美梦罢了。 英语翻译:fond dream 俄语翻译:несыточная мечтá 成语故事:青年卢生,旅途经过邯郸,住在一家客店里。道人吕洞宾也住在这家客店里,卢生同吕翁谈话之间,连连怨叹自己穷因的境况。吕翁便从行李中取出一个枕头来,对卢生说:“你枕着这个枕头睡,就可以获得荣华富贵。”这时,店主人正在煮饭(黄色的小米饭), 离开饭时间尚早,卢生就枕着这个枕头,先睡一会。不想一玫下去立刻做起梦来。 在梦里,他娶了清河崔府里一位高贵而美丽的小姐,生活阔绰,十分体面。第二年,又考中“进士”,后来步步高升,做官一直做到“节度使”,“御史大夫”,还当了十年“宰相”,后来以受封为“燕国公”。五个儿子,都和名门望族对了亲,而且也都做了大官:一共有十几个孙子,个个都聪明出众。真是子孙满堂,福禄齐全。他一直活到八十多岁才寿终正寝。梦一结束,他也就醒来了。这时,他才发发觉原来一场梦,店主人煮的粱黄饭还没有熟哩。卢生想想几十年荣华富贵,竟是短暂的一梦,很觉惊异。吕翁笑道:“人生就是这样!要想真正的享受荣华富贵,必须靠自己的双手去努力,去创造。”

a pipe dream/Vanishing Point

The unreal dream.翻译过来就是“虚幻的梦”。

Huang Liang a dream




最标准的是:Huang Liang a dream

LuSheng youth, after handan, live in a seaman. In the living happily lu dongbin is somewhere in between, LuShengTong lu's talk, because of his poor with hatred. Lv bag out from the semblance of a pillow, LuSheng said: "you sleep with the pillow, the pillow can get splendor." At this moment, the shopkeeper was cooking (the little yellow rice), leaving it is still early time, LuSheng meal is resting on the pillow, sleep. Like a dream to go immediately start mei. In the dream, he took in a CuiFu qinghe noble and beautiful lady, responsible, very decent life. The next year, and later, "jinshi" exceeded otherregions officials have risen, ""," the jie-du-shi ", when a decade later, "prime minister" to be named as "male" yan. Five sons, and to the noble family, but also have made big officer: a total of 10 grandchildren, everyone is clever. Children are full, ferro is complete. He lived to be over 80 just died. Dream ended, he woke up. At this time, he was only a dream that hair, the shopkeeper cooked rice haven't ripe yellow beams. LuSheng think decades splendor, brief dream, amazing. Lydia's smile: "life is so! Want to really enjoy prosperity and must rely on his hands to work, to create".


Huang Liang a dream

黄粱一梦 [词典] [电影] Thirty Day Princess; [例句]即便对于出口国而言,这种做法带来的好处也只会是黄粱一梦,因为限制措施会对定价机制形成阻碍。Even for the exporting country, the gains are illusory, because the curbs thwart the price mechanism.

a pipe dream/Vanishing Point



Huang MengjiaWong Mang Ka


作者:小思本文地址:http://aiyundongfang.com/yingyuxuexibaike/34766.html发布于 09-20
