

小思 09-20 7
介绍洗衣机的使用方法英文摘要: 使用方法英文介绍processmethodusageoperating instruction; operating manual; run book; service i...



operating instruction; operating manual; run book; service instructions

use methodor using methodor method of application

manualinstruction bookprospectusspecificationsinstruction


A washing machine is a machine designed to clean laundry, such as clothing, towels and sheets. The term is generally applied only to machines that use water as the primary cleaning solution, as opposed to dry cleaning (which uses alternative cleaning fluids, and is generally performed by specialist businesses) or even ultrasonic information:

All the important parts of the clothes washer are electrically controlled, including the inner drum, the valves, the pump , and the heating element. The programer is like the conductor of an orchestra, switching these things on and off in a sensible sequence that goes something like this: put your clothes in the machine and detergent either in the machine itself or in a tray up above. set the program you want and switch on the power. programmer opens the water valves so hot and cold water enter the machine and fill up the outer and inner drums. The water usually enters at the top and trickles down through the detergent tray, washing any soap there into the machine. programmer switches off the water valves. thermostat measures the temperature of the incoming water. If it's too cold, the programmer switches on the heating element. This works just like an electric kettle or water boiler. the water is hot enough, the programmer makes the drum rotate back and forth, sloshing the clothes through the soapy water. detergent pulls the dirt from your clothes and traps it in the water. programmer opens a valve so the water drains from the drums. Then it switches on the pump to help empty the water away. programmer opens the water valves again so clean water enters the drums. programmer makes the drum rotate back and forth so the clean water rinses the clothes. It empties the drum and repeats this process several times to get rid of all the soap. the clothes are rinsed, the programmer makes the drum rotate at really high speed—around 80 mph (130 km/h). The clothes are flung against the outside of the drum, but the water they contain is small enough to pass through the drum's tiny holes. This is how spinning gets your clothes dry. pump removes any remaining water and the wash cycle comes to an end. take your clothes out and marvel at how clean they are!

[How to operate a washing machine] The following is a step by step instruction that shows you how to operate a washing machine. First of all,open the door by pulling the door handle outwards,then place the laundry in the drum,one item at a time,shaking them out as much as the door has been closed,pull out the dispenser drawer until it stops. Secondly,measure out the amount of detergent required and pour it into the main wash compartment,while,if you wish to carry out the prewash,pour detergent into the compartment marked instead. Thirdly,pour fabric softener,if required,into the compartment aware that the amount used must not exceed the "MAX" mark in the close the drawer gently. Next,select the required example,you can depress RINSE HOLD or QUICKWASH button,if your laundry is lightly soiled. Finally,push the programme selector dial to pop it out and turn it clockwise to the programme you required.


灭火器 [miè huǒ qì]fire extinguisher关联词条:FIREX fire flap fire apparatus extinguisher fireextinguisher flame damper annihilator fire-suppression bottle quenching unit flame arrester fire annihilator fireannihilator fire beater fire swatter fire flapper

看完了说明书,他拿起了灭火器。Having seen the manual, he pick the extinguisher. 您会正确的使用灭火器吗?Can you use a fire extinguisher? 将灭火器瞄向起火点。Aim the extinguisher toward the fire. 灭火器是消防用具。A fire extinguisher is a fire-fighting implement. 孩子们在学习如何使用灭火器。Children are learning how to use fire extinguisher. 飞行教官携带灭火器飞奔300米赶到现场。The flying instructor had run 300 meters carrying a fire extinguisher to the scene. 万一有火灾,手头就有一个灭火器。There is a fire extinguisher on hand in case of a fire. 考虑设置灭火器及消防毯是容易在厨房。Consider installing a fire extinguisher and fire blanket which is easily accessible in the kitchen. 灭火器箱是用来长期固定存放各类手提式灭火器的箱体。Fire extinguisher case is for casing various portable fire extinguishers. 用灭火器扑灭基地各处被破坏所引发的大火。Use the fire extinguisher to put out fires that have broken out throughout the base. 拖到绘图页后,可以添加一个带有连接器的灭火器激励器头。Drag onto the page to add a single fire extinguisher actuator head with connectors. 他有一个灭火器。He had a fire extinguisher. 把那个灭火器给我.Bring me that fire extinguisher. 就是那个用灭火器的小子?This is that fire extinguisher guy?把灭火器对准了我。Aimed a fire extinguisher at me. "灭火器弄的,亲爱的,"大使冷冷地回答。'A fire extinguisher my dear,' answered the ambassador drily. 手提式干粉灭火器、手提式1211灭火器、推车式干粉灭火器。Portable dry-chemical fire extinguisher, portable 1211 fire extinguisher, go-cart dry-chemical fire extinguisher. 快点,谁再给我拿个灭火器啊Come on! Somebody get me another fire extinguisher!Provided by jukuu打开安装带并从支架上拆下灭火器。Open mounting straps and remove fire extinguisher from the  by jukuu昨天出了点事故,我用了灭火器。There was an incident last night with the fire  by jukuu

灭火器用英语说是:fire extinguisher。


1、An automatic sensing device that activates an alarm or extinguisher in case of fire.


2、Always have a fire extinguisher handy when working with a blowlamp.


3、Where is a fire extinguisher?



1、n. 火;炉火;火灾;热情;激情;磨难;炮火。

2、v. 点燃;烧制;烘制;激励;充满激情;解雇;着火;开枪。

例句:The fire raged.大火熊熊燃烧。


n.同 fire extinguisher,灭火器。

相关短语:用灭火器灭火Put out the fire with a fire extinguisher。

Fire extinguisher 灭火器



1 做听力,听一句写一句2 跟读,练口语。也是听一句跟读一句,录下来,比照,再跟读。不光要模仿其读音,还要注意其语音语调。3 做阅读分析,把文本进行整体分析,做精读。分析段意主旨,理清文章行文思路。然后总结整理词汇4 作为英语扩充阅读读物。VOA的题材有很多很多,可以当做扩展读物进行阅读和听力练习进行英语阅读的提高。

Special English又叫"慢速英语",是VOA电台专为全世界非英语国家初学英语的听众安排的一种简易、规范的英语广播节目。该节目创始于50年代末期,是VOA电台的专家们研究如何与世界各地的英语学习者进行交际的产物。它正式开播于1959年10月。当时只面向欧洲和中东,但由于这个节目适合许多国家英语学习者的需要,所以它的广播对象不久就扩大到世界其他地区,并很快在全世界范围内产生了广泛的影响。 Special English的主要特点 它是一种由美国人最常用的1500个基本单词为主体构成的美国英语。 它用简短、明晰的句子写作和广播 它以每分钟90个单词的速度,即2/3的Standard English(标准英语)速度进行广播。 Special English的节目可分为两大类:一类是新闻节目;一类是专题节目。 1. News:VOA Special English的新闻广播向听众提供世界范围内的政治、经济、军事、外交、国际关系、宗教、天气以及各种重大事件和珍闻奇事等各个方面的信息。 Special English的新闻节目每次长约十分钟,大都播出十条左右新闻,近一千个单词,每条新闻多为一分钟,但偶尔也有长达两分钟的要闻。除头条新闻外,每条新闻都由一个电头引导,这样显得结构分明,条理清晰,适宜初学英语的人收听。在节目结束之前,播音员常常用三四句话重播其中三条新闻的提要,以加深听众对要闻的印象。 2. Feature(一): Special English的专题节目(Feature Programs),从时间上看, 可分为两大类:一是每五分钟一次的专题,二是每十五分钟一次的专题。先介绍每五分钟一次的专题节目。 Special English五分钟一次的专题节目安排在Special English新闻节目之后和(或)每十五分钟一次的专题节目之前播出,每星期播七次。根据内容,可分为三个小类,即:Science Report(科学报道),逢星期一、三、五播出,每天播六遍;Agriculture Report每天播六遍;Word And Their Stories(词语掌故),逢星期六和星期天播出,每天播五遍。这三个专题各具特色,具有相对的独立性,听众每听完一个节目,都会获得一个完整的印象。 3. Feature(二): VOA Special English的专题节目,除五分钟一次的以外,还有的每十五分钟一次的节目。这类节目共有七个不同的小专题,以星期为单位循环,每天分四次重复播出一个专题,但星期日和星期六的两个专题每晚只播三遍,每次节目约十五分钟,继每次五分钟的专题节目之后播出。 这七个节目报道美国及世界其他国家的政治经济、科学文化、历史地理、自然风情、名人轶事、风俗习惯、音乐文艺、日常生活以及答听众问等。它们风格各异,又融知识性、趣味性、科学性、通俗性于一体,深受广大听众的喜爱。下面是VOA Special English的播音员量词向听众介绍这些专题节目的录音文字材料,对它们各自的名称和内容都作了简明扼要的说明: 这类专题节目的基本结构是,在特定的伴乐声中先报告当次节目的名称,并扼要介绍其主要内容,然后播送节目正文。最后,在伴乐声中报告节目主持人和撰稿人的姓名,以邀请听众在下周的这个时间继续收听该节目而结束。





Using the method of lower limb power car


Langdon fired back, smiling as h


英 [ˈmeθəd]   美 [ˈmɛθəd]  。





We can do it by the new method. 我们可以使用新方法来完成它。





Use of three in one breakfast machine



作者:小思本文地址:http://aiyundongfang.com/yingyuxuexibaike/34702.html发布于 09-20
