

小思 2024-09-20 34
可以达到目的英文摘要: 在这可以达到英文arrive; get to; reach辨识reach是及物动词,后面必须加宾语.When will the plane reach?一句中,reach没有宾...


arrive; get to; reach辨识reach是及物动词,后面必须加宾语.When will the plane reach?一句中,reach没有宾语.get to是介词短语,同样必须加宾语.但但get不能表达“到达”的意思.这三个词都有\"到达\"的意思,可互换使用.arrive是个不及物动词,如果后跟地点需要加上介词at 或in,arrive at 一般接到达较小的地点,arrive in 接较大的地点;get to 多用于口语之中,相当于一个及物动词,当后面是地点副词时,要省略to;reach是个及物动词,后面可直接跟宾语.如:1. At what time did you arrive at the station?你是几点钟到火车站的?2. When did you get home?你什么时候到家的?3. The heat of summer has reached its climax.已经是夏季最热的天气了.

到达的英文表达有五种:reach; arrive; get to; come; fetch。一、reach英 [ri:tʃ] 美 [ritʃ]v.到达,走到;够…,抓…;完成n.手脚能够到的范围;范围,区域;影响的范围,管辖的范围He did not stop until he reached the door...他走到门边才停下。二、arrive英 [əˈraɪv] 美 [əˈraɪv]vi.到达,来;发生I was pleased to hear you arrived home safely.听说你平安到家我很高兴。三、get to英 [ɡet tu:] 美 [ɡɛt tu]到达;开始;达到…地步I need to get to Lyon by nightfall我需要在黄昏前到达里昂。四、come英 [kʌm] 美 [kʌm]vi.来;出现;开始;发生Has the train come through?火车到达了吗?五、fetch英 [fetʃ] 美 [fɛtʃ]vt.接来(某人);使发出;吸引;售得(若干价钱)vi.取来;抵达,到达;卖得(好价钱)And then, a few years later, he somehow fetched up in Rome.后来,过了几年,他不知怎么到了罗马。

问题一:"到达"用英语怎么说 要看什么到达了 如果是实际的人与物到达什么地方用arrive at/in reach 如果是达到什么程度 用achieve get to v. 到达, 接触到, 开始, 对...有影响 arrive ar.rive AHD:[…-rov“] D.J.[*6ra!v] K.K.[*6ra!v] v.intr.(不及物动词) ar.rived,ar.riv.ing,ar.rive畅 缩写 ar.,arr. To reach a destination. 到达:到达某目的地 To e at length; take place: 终于来到;发生: The day of reckoning has arrived. 结帐的日子到来了 To achieve success or recognition: 成功:取得胜利或认可: He had finally arrived as a designer. 作为设计师他终于成功了 e [kQm] vi. 来, 来临, 到达, 出现, 来(自), 出生(于), 开始 int. 嗨! vbl. 来, 到达, 合计为 问题二:达到要求英文怎么说 达到标准 英语说 meet the standards例句:这些居民小区的住房必须达到国家建设标准。All the apartments in these housing estates must meet state construction standar海s.词语解释:meet 不仅有见面、会见的意思,而且也表示“达到”有关标准的意思。 问题三:达到要求英文怎么说 Up To Grade meet requiremen亥 meet the qualification 问题四:用英语说,达到顶峰,怎么说 如果说什么什么在某个时间达到顶峰,可以说peaked 或 reached the highest point 如:the stocks peaked at 12:00 am, we reached the highest point in the afternoon 有其他疑问可以追问哦:) 问题五:"获得成功"用英语到底怎么说? gain success achieve success obtain success 问题六:完成目标用英语怎么说 呃,什么叫级别高一点的。不带这么歧视懒人啊。级别不高有时候是因为懒啊参加百度比较晚啊。 完成目标很多种说法啊 acplish (achieve/ realize/ attain/ plete/ reach) one's goal (objective / target/ aspiration/ mission/ task) 端看上下文啦。如果是商业目标、学习目标,那么用goal(s) 或objective(s) 或 target都行 如果是小的行动目标,大目标下面的分项,那么用mission 或task(s) 都行, mission 用单数,task可以单复数 aspiration 就有点像hope, 有点 *** 而且酝酿很久的目标了 至于动词,选择更多了,上面随便一个都行,当然,acplish 和attain 的级别比较高,尤其后者多出现在书面语里 例句 My goal for 2011 is to land an administrator position in a Top-100 panies. My professional expertise and extensive experience in the past decade assure that I will attain this goal. 我2011年的目标就是在供100强公司找到一份管理工作。我过去十年所接受的培训和广泛的经验确保我能实现这个目标。 问题七:“到底”用英语怎么说? on earth What on earth are亥you doing?你到底在干什么? 或者口语化一点:What the hell are you doing?你TM到底在干什么? 问题八:“达到最佳状态”用英语怎么说? 达到最佳状态be at one's best 她在自由式泳赛中处于最佳状态。 She was at her best in the freestyle petition. 问题九:“以达到。。。目的”怎么翻译英文 To reach/get the aim/goal of ... In order to... ...so that... to... 问题十:成功达到 用英语怎么说 成功达到:Success achieved make it 的基本意思:达到预定目标;及时抵达;走完路程;(病痛等)好转 《21世纪大英汉词典》释意: 1. [口语]达到预期目的,做到,获得成功,办成,及时赶到 2. [口语]病痛好转;得救,痊愈 3. 走完(一段路程)4. [美国俚语] *** , *** (with) 5. [美国俚语]相处很好,受尊重;受欢迎;被接受(with) 6. [美国俚语]感到满足;正合胃口;达到理想标准 7. [粗俗语](上瘾者)吸毒

reach,arrive in/at , get to


What method can we use to achieve the purpose?

in order to reach the aim of

In order to 最简单的,比如我们努力学习以达到有个好成绩的目的We study hard in order to have a good mark

to reach the goal of doing sth



French fries




1. I go to the chippy at least once a week.


2. I went and bought about six dollars' worth of potato chips.


3. We ate chips every night, but hardly ever had fish.


4. Fish and chips are packed with protein.


5. Large fries to go.


6. Avoid unhealthy foods such as hamburger and chips.


7. I stopped pigging out on chips and crisps.


8. Three portions of fish and chips, please.


9. There were no potatoes so we had fish and chips sans the chips.


10. a side order of fries


11. supersize portions of fries


12. I've never been a great one for fish and chips.


13. Potato chips are served for the children.


14. Back then I could bolt down three or four burgers and a pile of French fries.


15. We went to the chip shop and had the works : fish, chips, gherkins and mushy peas.

我们到薯条店去吃了套餐: 鱼 、 薯条 、 酸黄瓜还有豆泥.

1. Back then I could bolt down three or four burgers and a pile of French fries.


2. Yes. I'd like a hamburger and an order of French fries.


3. Do you want French fries with that?


4. Yes. I want three hamburgers and some French fries.


5. Some French fries and green beans, please.


6. With French fries and a mixed salad on the side.


7. I'd like a hamburger and French fries , please.


8. After shopping, mother and I have some French fries, milk and juice.

购物后, 母亲和我吃了一些薯条, 牛奶和果汁.

9. Will the wrappers ultimately say, " caution, French fries are fattening "?

有朝一日,麦当劳的包装纸上最终是否要印 “ 当心薯条导致发胖 ” 呢 ?

10. Oh, I'm quite fed up with French Fries and hamburgers.

噢, 我已经吃腻了炸薯条和汉堡包.

11. They come with French fries and crisp green salad.


12. Then I'll have ham and eggs with French fries.


13. While Americans live on cheeseburgers, hamburgers, cokes, and French fries.

而你们美国人主要吃汉堡包,三明治, 可乐, 炸薯条等.

14. B: The complete lunch includes cole slaw, French fries and a beverage.

乙: 全餐就是包括凉拌卷心菜, 法式炸土豆条和一杯饮料.

15. Would you like the French Fries or a baked potato?


“薯条”的英文chips读法:英 [tʃɪps]  美 [tʃips]

释义:n. [食品] 炸土豆条;小木片;(作赌注用的)圆形筹码;缺口(chip的复数形式)

Blue Chips火爆教头

corn chips玉米片

embedded chips嵌入式

Chocolate chips巧克力豆


1、He chewed some chips of cheese.


2、When you simply must have chips, look for brands with vegetables at the top of the ingredients list.






1、n. 差异,缺口;缝隙(gap的复数形式)

2、v. 裂开;使豁裂(gap的第三人称单数形式)


1、Trade gaps合约期间

2、exhaustion gaps竭尽缺口

3、Kirkwood gaps柯克伍德缝

4、cultural gaps文化空白

问题一:请问薯条的英文单词怎么写,怎么读 10分 french fries 问题二:薯条的单词怎么写 薯条 French fries [名] 油炸马铃薯细条,French fries,一种洋快餐; 有时也用chips,但是chips多翻译为薯片。fry本意是油炸,fries表炸薯条是用特征表示全体. 望采纳! 问题三:薯条,用英语怎么说??? 英式英语:Potato Chips 美式英语:French Fries 薯条的真正的来源地是比利时。早在1680年的时候,比利时人就开始制作这种薯条了。在第一次世界大战的时候,美国士兵在比利时吃到了这种薯条,觉得特别美味,从而变得流行起来。但他们想当然的称其为“French”,是因为当时在比利时军队中的通用语言是法语,他们就以为是“法国的薯条”了。 如有帮助,请采纳,谢谢! 如果满意,请点赞,你的鼓励将是我继续回答问题的动力! 问题四:薯条的英语单词怎么读 炸薯条英文为French fries 音标为[frentf][fraiz] (前一个音标的后面的f应该去掉横线。就是正确的音标了) 谐音福软尺 福ruai斯 问题五:薯条的英语单词怎么写 薯条的英语单词是French fries,详细信息如下: French fries 英 [frent? fra?z] 美 [fr?nt? fra?z] 【词典】炸薯条 例句: I like chicken, French fries and bread. 我喜欢鸡肉,炸薯条和面包。 问题六:薯条的英语 French fries potato chips 两个都说,但是都很生硬,后者会出现在菜单上,我有在西餐厅看到过,前者是小学教的,基本不会用的,至少我没听英国美国人说过也没在菜单上看过 口语一半直接说chips 身边的外国朋友都是这么说的~ 问题七:一份薯条 英文怎么说 I'd like a French fries.就可以了 an order of French fries pl激ase. 也可以 一份你可以用a或者 an order of 这些是最标准的说法了


The Great Wall was built by very huge stones and on it you can see moutains .祝学习进步,天天进步!满意请采纳!有问题追问!谢谢!:)

关于长城的英语作文(带汉语翻译)关于长城的英语作文:What impresses me most in Beijing is the Great Wall which is one of the greatest projects in the world。 It's not only the cultural heritage, but also a symbol of China。 "It's glorious。" I think。 It looks like a big dragon running across the mountainous area。 It starts Shanhaiguan in the east to Jiayuguan in the west。 It's so long that nobody can walk from the beginning to the end。汉文翻译:在北京给我印象最深的是长城,是世界上最大的项目之一。它不仅仅是文化遗产,也是中国的象征。我觉得它很辉煌,它就像一条巨龙穿越山区。从东面的山海关开始一向延伸到西边的嘉峪关。太长了以至于没有人能从走到尾。分享免费一对一欧美外教试课给大家:【免费领取,外教一对一精品课程】,课均不到20元,每天都能跟着外教学习专业的英语写作。学英语推荐阿卡索线上课程学习,有证的专业外教一对一上课指导,每位教师都经过严格的挑选,皆具有教师资格证,保证教学质量,点击上方蓝字链接即可领取。不知道如何选择英语机构,可以百度咨询“阿卡索vivi老师”;如果想下载免费英语资源,可以百度搜索“阿卡索官网论坛”。关于长城的英语作文80子字左右长城是我国古代人民创造的伟大奇迹之一,写长城的英语作文应该掌握相关的专有单词、语法结构以及固定短语等英语常用用法,结合我多年的英语积累,我给大家准备三篇有关长城的英语作文,由简到难,字数由少到多,希望大家喜欢~【一】

1月20日我要去长城我看见了许多山和许多树而且还有很多植物I'm going to the Great Wall in January 20th. I saw many mountains and many trees and many 月20日我要去长城我看见了许多山和许多树而且还有很多植物I'm going to the Great Wall in January 20th. I saw many mountains and many trees and many plants.


《I Really Like You》 卡莉·蕾·吉普森

歌名:《I Really Like You》

填词:卡莉·蕾·吉普森,J Cash,Peter Svensson


I really wanna stop     But I just gotta taste for it

我真的很想让自己停下    但我忍不住想要“尝尝”你

I feel like I could fly with the ball on the moon

像是漂浮在月球上的氢气球一般 感觉自己在空中飘荡

So honey hold my hand you like making me wait for it

亲爱的 就请紧握我的手 让我再耐心等待

I feel I could die walking up to the room oh yeah


Late night watching television  But how we get in this position

昨夜还一起看着电视  此刻就热火缠绵

It's way too soon I know this isn't love

发展太快了 我知道这并非爱

But I need to tell you something


I really really really really really really like you


And I want you do you want me do you want me too

我渴望你 你渴望我吗 你也像我一样渴望吗

I really really really really really really like you


And I want you do you want me do you want me too

我渴望你 你渴望我吗 你也像我一样渴望吗

Oh did I say too much  I'm so in my head  我是不是透露太多

When we're out of touch  当我们不再触碰彼此时

I really really really really really really like you


And I want you do you want me do you want me too

我渴望你 你渴望我吗 你也像我一样渴望吗

It's like everything you say is a sweet revelation


All I wanna do is get into your head 我只想占据你的脑海

Yeah we could stay alone you and me and this temptation

我们可以独处 就你和我 感受那难以抗拒的诱惑

Sipping on your lips hanging on by thread baby

你抿着嘴唇 亲爱的要小心 你小命不保了哦

Late night watching television  昨夜还一起看着电视

But how we get in this position  此刻就热火缠绵

It's way too soon I know this isn't love

发展太快了 我知道这并非爱

But I need to tell you something  但我想要告诉你

I really really really really really really like you


And I want you do you want me do you want me too

我渴望你 你渴望我吗 你也像我一样渴望吗

I really really really really really really like you


And I want you do you want me do you want me too

我渴望你 你渴望我吗 你也像我一样渴望吗

Oh did I say too much  I'm so in my head


When we're out of touch  当我们不再触碰彼此时

I really really really really really really like you


And I want you do you want me do you want me too

我渴望你 你渴望我吗 你也像我一样渴望吗

Who gave you eyes like that  Said you could keep them

谁赐给你那迷人的双眸  并告诉你 你将永远拥有

I don't know how to act  The way I should be leaving

我不知道该怎么做  我应该离开了吧

I'm running out of time  Going out of my mind

时间快不够了  我快要失去理智

I need to tell you something  Yeah I need to tell you something

我必须要告诉你一件事  我需要告诉你

Yeah I really really really really really really like you


And I want you do you want me do you want me too

我渴望你 你渴望我吗 你也像我一样渴望吗

I really really really really really really like you


And I want you do you want me do you want me too

我渴望你 你渴望我吗 你也像我一样渴望吗

Oh did I say too much  I'm so in my head


When we're out of touch  当我们不再触碰彼此时

I really really really really really really like you


And I want you do you want me do you want me too

我渴望你 你渴望我吗 你也像我一样渴望吗

I really really really really really really like you


And I want you do you want me do you want me too

我渴望你 你渴望我吗 你也像我一样渴望吗

I really really really really really really like you


And I want you do you want me do you want me too

我渴望你 你渴望我吗 你也像我一样渴望吗


《I Really Like You》是由卡莉·蕾·吉普森、Jacob Kasher Hindlin和 Peter Svensson创作,并由后者制作。这首歌的创作时间点是在一段感情经历中,具体发生在表白为时过早,但对方却已无心等待的时候,或是情侣两情相悦的阶段


《I Really Like You》跟《Call Me Maybe》最大不同点只在于换了个副词玩耍。前者玩耍“Maybe”,后者玩耍“Really”,两首歌都是洗脑节奏。而且变本加厉,三分钟时长歌曲里密集分布着67个“Really”。卡莉·蕾·吉普森活像个安利推销员,嘴里不停滚动着广告词。

歌曲风格照搬往年稚气,卖萌节奏配搭甜腻歌词,充斥着旧味道。这份旧人情颇有效果,至少呈现出上口传唱反响。但上口并不意味着优质,《I Really Like You》只不过是按照流行模板生套出的流水线成品,携带强烈快餐属性。相对于《Call Me Maybe》的俏皮可爱,《I Really Like You》落得枯燥乏味。

1、歌词: YES OK(×3) 这是一个秘密已做好决定 Tonight Tonight 用心去回应你给的真心 All right All right 不管多远的距离 越努力就越靠近 My my dream My my my dream HEY 青春有你的相遇 种下我们的约定 My my dream My my my dream HEY 你的目光为我撑腰 撑腰 小小的我勇敢去闯 勇敢去闯 用最好的模样 去最美的地方 要住进你的心里呀 约定吧 一起绽放 YES OK(×4) 出发 Ba La Ba La Ba YES OK(×4) 多远都可以到达 和我一起追吧OK 不怕多远的距离 绝不放弃的坚定 My my dream My my my dream HEY 青春有你的相遇 实现我们的约定 My my dream My my my dream HEY 你的目光为我撑腰 撑腰 小小的我勇敢去闯 勇敢去闯 用最好的模样 去最美的地方 要住进你的心里呀 约定吧 一起绽放 YES OK(×4) 出发 Ba La Ba La Ba YES OK(×4) 多远都可以到达 和我一起追吧 Pick me 和我一起吧 HEY HEY HEY Pick me 和我一起吧 HEY HEY HEY Pick me 你的目光为我撑腰 撑腰 小小的我勇敢去闯 勇敢去闯 用最好的模样 去最美的地方 要住进你的心里呀 约定吧 一起绽放 YES OK(×4) 出发 Ba La Ba La Ba YES OK(×4) 多远都可以到达 和我一起追吧 YES OK(×4) HEY HEY HEY Pick me HEY HEY YES OK(×4) HEY HEY HEY Pick me HEY HEY YES OK 2、《YES!OK!》是由《青春有你第二季》全体训练生演唱的主题曲,于2020年3月18日全网上线。

《I Really Like You》


填      词:卡莉·蕾·吉普森,J Cash,Peter Svensson

I really wanna stop


But I just gotta taste for it


I feel like I could fly with the ball on the moon

像是漂浮在月球上的氢气球一般 感觉自己在空中飘荡

So honey hold my hand you like making me wait for it

亲爱的 就请紧握我的手 让我再耐心等待

I feel I could die walking up to the room oh yeah


Late night watching television


But how we get in this position


It's way too soon I know this isn't love

发展太快了 我知道这并非爱

But I need to tell you something


I really really really really really really like you


And I want you do you want me do you want me too

我渴望你 你渴望我吗 你也像我一样渴望吗

I really really really really really really like you


And I want you do you want me do you want me too

我渴望你 你渴望我吗 你也像我一样渴望吗

Oh did I say too much


When we're out of touch


I'm so in my head


I really really really really really really like you


And I want you do you want me do you want me too

我渴望你 你渴望我吗 你也像我一样渴望吗

It's like everything you say is a sweet revelation


All I wanna do is get into your head


Yeah we could stay alone you and me and this temptation

我们可以独处 就你和我 感受那难以抗拒的诱惑

Sipping on your lips hanging on by thread baby

你抿着嘴唇 亲爱的要小心 你小命不保了哦

Late night watching television


But how we get in this position


It's way too soon I know this isn't love

发展太快了 我知道这并非爱

But I need to tell you something


I really really really really really really like you


And I want you do you want me do you want me too

我渴望你 你渴望我吗 你也像我一样渴望吗

I really really really really really really like you


And I want you do you want me do you want me too

我渴望你 你渴望我吗 你也像我一样渴望吗

Oh did I say too much


I'm so in my head


When we're out of touch


I really really really really really really like you


And I want you do you want me do you want me too

我渴望你 你渴望我吗 你也像我一样渴望吗

Who gave you eyes like that


Said you could keep them

并告诉你 你将永远拥有

I don't know how to act


The way I should be leaving


I'm running out of time


Going out of my mind


I need to tell you something


Yeah I need to tell you something


Yeah I really really really really really really like you


And I want you do you want me do you want me too

我渴望你 你渴望我吗 你也像我一样渴望吗

I really really really really really really like you


And I want you do you want me do you want me too

我渴望你 你渴望我吗 你也像我一样渴望吗

Oh did I say too much


I'm so in my head


When we're out of touch


I really really really really really really like you


And I want you do you want me do you want me too

我渴望你 你渴望我吗 你也像我一样渴望吗

I really really really really really really like you


And I want you do you want me do you want me too

我渴望你 你渴望我吗 你也像我一样渴望吗

I really really really really really really like you


And I want you do you want me do you want me too

我渴望你 你渴望我吗 你也像我一样渴望吗

卡莉·蕾·吉普森(Carly Rae Jepsen),1985年11月21日出生于加拿大哥伦比亚省,加拿大女歌手。


2007年夏天,22岁的卡莉·蕾·吉普森参加了加拿大当地的“Canadian Idol”选秀节目,获得了第3名;

2008年9月,发行了首张专辑《Tug Of War》;

2011年9月,发行单曲《Call Me Maybe》;在美国公告牌Hot 100单曲榜中九周夺冠,获得了第55届格莱美的年度最佳新人奖提名;

2012年,被贾斯汀·比伯签下随后发行第二张专辑《Kiss》 ;

2013年,凭借《Call Me Maybe》获得MTV日本音乐录影带奖最佳新晋艺人音乐录影带奖和第11届华鼎奖全球最受欢迎女歌手奖 ;

2015年3月推出单曲《I Really Like You》,3月6日,该曲的MV推出,汤姆·汉克斯担任MV主角 ;8月21日发行第三张录音室专辑《Emotion》。



作者:小思本文地址:http://aiyundongfang.com/yingyuxuexibaike/34676.html发布于 2024-09-20
