

小思 2024-09-20 34
李娜英语学校摘要: 汉中李娜小学英语Na Li is the most incredible tennis player of China. Up to now ,she got four si...


Na Li is the most incredible tennis player of China. Up to now ,she got four single titles and two double titles of WTA, and what`s more she is the first chinese player who got the single title during the WTA tour. Besides she is the first top ten player of China who gets NO.7 right now. In 2008 Beijing Olympics Game, she reached to semifinal in the single game. And this year,she reached to the final of Australia open which was the first time for an Asinan player to get into final of a grand slam`s single. And we believe that she can make more miracles in the future.



Na Li is the most incredible tennis player of China. Up to now ,she got four single titles and two double titles of WTA, and what`s more she is the first chinese player who got the single title during the WTA tour. Besides she is the first top ten player of China who gets NO.7 right now. In 2008 Beijing Olympics Game, she reached to semifinal in the single game. And this year,she reached to the final of Australia open which was the first time for an Asinan player to get into final of a grand slam`s single. And we believe that she can make more miracles in the future.

阿狸,卡通形象,由清华大学美术学院视觉传达专业硕士学位毕业的Hans所创作,其形象为一只穿着白色短裤的、红色的小狐狸。 目前,阿狸的童话、壁纸、四格漫画、QQ表情已推出,并在不断更新中。搜狗拼音输入法用的皮肤中,有一个就专门用了狐狸阿狸的形象。以下就是几个皮肤名称:阿狸·不想上班、阿狸·不想起床、思意·阿狸-梦中的甜 教师姓名:付凌江个人简历:毕业于西北大学数学系,教育学学士,本科学历。巨人学校汉中分校教学部主管,付老师曾担任湖北黄冈数学教研组组长、政教处副主任。由于教育教学成绩优秀,多次被评为“先进教育工作者”,该教师严以律己,热爱教育,用辛勤的汗水浇灌着每一个学生的心房,让每一位学生都能找到正确的学习方法,从而考上理想的学校。教师姓名:黎旭丽个人简历:毕业于安康学院数学与应用数学专业,教育学学士,本科学历 中共党员。巨人教育数学教研室专职教师。性格开朗,思维活跃,用爱心,耐心以及责任心去关爱没一个学生,曾获得顶岗支教优秀奖,相信一片爱心的浇灌,一番耕耘的辛苦,才会有桃李的绚丽,稻麦的金黄。教师姓名:宁鹏军个人简历:数学教研室教师,毕业于数学与数学应用专业。有十年的一线教学经历,一直致力于小学数学的教育教学研究。注重学生学习习惯及数学思维的培养,善于抓住学生特点进行个性化教学。在教学中,主张以学生为主体的教学方式,充分调动学生的积极性,让学生的学习习惯由被动接受知识转为主动研习知识。教师姓名:李娜个人简历:巨人教育汉中分校英语教研组教师,英语专业四级,英语教育专业毕业。从英语教学多年,教学经验丰富。善于用情景教学法,肢体教学法,游戏教学法等多种教学手段。课堂气氛轻松活跃,教学形式丰富多样,注重培养学生对英语的兴趣。让学生在不知不觉中爱上英语。在每一堂课中都充分注意到听、说、读、写,四项技能的训练。教师姓名:曲馨个人简历:巨人教育汉中分校英语教研组教师 英语专业四级。性格活泼可敬,深受孩子喜欢。热爱英语教学,善于发现与创新,从细节中调动学生的积极性,并从中培养孩子学习英语兴趣。坚信“兴趣是最好的老师”。有好学精神,敢于接受新事物的挑战,乐于接受教学新理念的冲击。教师姓名:张芳个人简历:师范类汉语言文学专业毕业,中共党员。巨人学校汉中分校语文教研组组长。曾在东莞南华学校任语文教研组组长,多次参与指导作文大赛。基本功扎实,教学经验丰富,教学方法独特,课堂气氛活跃,善于拓展学生写作思路。使学生在“学中玩,在玩中学”,最终解决小学生“怕作文”的难题,是一名深受学生喜欢的老师。教师姓名:王海英个人简历:毕业湖南怀化学院,汉语言文学专业。巨人学校汉中分校语文组作文教师。06年在贵州省松桃县平头中心小任教务主任,多次被评为“优秀班主任”及“优秀教师”在统考统评中也多次获奖。教师姓名:钟智个人简历:毕业于陕西理工学院,汉语言文学专业。语文教研室专职教师。性格活泼开朗,热爱教育事业,喜欢和孩子们在一起,永远相信每个孩子都是最棒的。课堂教学严肃认真,在他的课堂中能够使学生学会思考,学会学习。咨询教师:唐旭东个人简历:毕业于西华师范大学,本科学历,中共党员。现任巨人学校汉中分校市场部主管。曾在四川南充龙门中学任高中教师,广州中山大学继续教育学院任行政管理专业班主任,学业规划师咨询教师:李文达个人简历:毕业于陕西理工学院 教育技术专业。现任巨人学校汉中分校咨询主管、咨询师。李老师从事教育咨询多年,热爱教育事业,工作认真踏实,勤于钻研,积极探索新的方法和新的教育理念,得到较多家长的认可。咨询教师:张鹏个人简历:毕业于西安交通大学数学学院,数学教研室助教,助理咨询师。挚爱教育事业,教学活泼,思维缜密,善于总结,常和孩子平等交流。让孩子真正地成为学习的主题,感受知识的奥妙。



Li Na is the most incredible tennis player of China. Up to now ,she got four single titles and two double titles of WTA, and what`s more she is the first chinese player who got the single title during the WTA tour. Besides she is the first top ten player of China who gets NO.7 right now. In 2008 Beijing Olympics Game, she reached to semifinal in the single game. And this year,she reached to the final of Australia open which was the first time for an Asinan player to get into final of a grand slam`s single. And we believe that she can make more miracles in the future.



Na Li is the most incredible tennis player of China. Up to now ,she got four single titles and two double titles of WTA, and what`s more she is the first chinese player who got the single title during the WTA tour. Besides she is the first top ten player of China who gets NO.7 right now. In 2008 Beijing Olympics Game, she reached to semifinal in the single game. And this year,she reached to the final of Australia open which was the first time for an Asinan player to get into final of a grand slam`s single. And we believe that she can make more miracles in the future.



Na Li is the most incredible tennis player of China. Up to now ,she got four single titles and two double titles of WTA, and what`s more she is the first chinese player who got the single title during the WTA tour. Besides she is the first top ten player of China who gets NO.7 right now. In 2008 Beijing Olympics Game, she reached to semifinal in the single game. And this year,she reached to the final of Australia open which was the first time for an Asinan player to get into final of a grand slam`s single. And we believe that she can make more miracles in the future.



Na Li is the most incredible tennis player of China. Up to now ,she got four single titles and two double titles of WTA, and what`s more she is the first chinese player who got the single title during the WTA tour. Besides she is the first top ten player of China who gets NO.7 right now. In 2008 Beijing Olympics Game, she reached to semifinal in the single game. And this year,she reached to the final of Australia open which was the first time for an Asinan player to get into final of a grand slam`s single. And we believe that she can make more miracles in the future.



Li Na, born on February 26, 1982 in Wuhan, Hubei Province, is a Chinese woman tennis player.


Beijing 2008 Olympic Games women's singles fourth, 2011 French Open, 2014 Australian Open women's singles champion, the first Asian Grand Slam women's singles champion, the highest ranking in Asian history women's singles in the world. Graduated from Huazhong University of Science and Technology.


In 1989, 6-year-old Li Na began to practice tennis. He became a professional player in 1999. At the end of 2002, Li Na went to Huazhong University of Science and Technology to study journalism.


In 2004, with the encouragement and support of her husband Jiangshan, she chose to return. In 2008, Li Na won the fourth place in women's singles in Beijing Olympic Games.


In 2011, Li Na won the runner-up in her first Grand Slam singles final at the Australian Open and topped the women's singles competition at the French O












Na Li is the most incredible tennis player of China. Up to now ,she got four single titles and two double titles of WTA, and what`s more she is the first chinese player who got the single title during the WTA tour. Besides she is the first top ten player of China who gets NO.7 right now. In 2008 Beijing Olympics Game, she reached to semifinal in the single game. And this year,she reached to the final of Australia open which was the first time for an Asinan player to get into final of a grand slam`s single. And we believe that she can make more miracles in the future.






作者:小思本文地址:http://aiyundongfang.com/yingyuxuexibaike/34672.html发布于 2024-09-20
