tired of along with into back back usedto into是42页第2题
【答案】: 必修二 Unit1 1. 我拿不准这本书是谁的? I am not quite sure who that book belongs to. 2. 布朗先生来到中国寻找更美好的未来。 Mr Brown came to China in search of a better future. 3. 他为了做沙发而拆掉了两把旧椅子。 He took apart two old chairs in order to make a sofa. 约翰提到了几个法官的名字,他对他们评价不高。 John mentioned the names of a few judges whom he did not think highly of. 5. 毫无疑问,搜寻那些丢失的文物的工作还会继续下去。 There is no doubt that the search for those lost cultural relics will continue. 6. 当时两个国家正在打仗,大批军队被派往前线(战斗)。 When two countries were at war troops of soldiers were sent to the front line to fight. 7. 她给了我食物和衣服,没求任何回报。 She gave me food and clothes and she did not ask for anything in return.
我只能给你第二题答案wooden vase entronoe porintings farmen exploded sailors sinking local trial evidence worth
第一题的 concerned about4loose5go through6ignore7face to face8calm down9curtain10a series of
【答案】: 必修二 Unit1 1. 我拿不准这本书是谁的? I am not quite sure who that book belongs to. 2. 布朗先生来到中国寻找更美好的未来。 Mr Brown came to China in search of a better future. 3. 他为了做沙发而拆掉了两把旧椅子。 He took apart two old chairs in order to make a sofa. 约翰提到了几个法官的名字,他对他们评价不高。 John mentioned the names of a few judges whom he did not think highly of. 5. 毫无疑问,搜寻那些丢失的文物的工作还会继续下去。 There is no doubt that the search for those lost cultural relics will continue. 6. 当时两个国家正在打仗,大批军队被派往前线(战斗)。 When two countries were at war troops of soldiers were sent to the front line to fight. 7. 她给了我食物和衣服,没求任何回报。 She gave me food and clothes and she did not ask for anything in return.
The same lethargy, I am afraid, characterizes the use of all our faculties and senses. Only
选择题 doesn’t like meat .A.a lot B.a little C.at all答案:C2.—What are you in?—I’m in .class, class B.class, Class C.Class, Class答案:B填空1. We must brush our (牙齿)before going to bed.答案:'t_______(借)money to Andy any more! 答案:lend
一、课程分析 该课大胆采用了新课标教学理念,创造性地使用教材,对课文内容进行创造性拓展与补充,改变传统教学过于注重传授知识的倾向,采用“任务型”教学模式,进行了一次实验和探究。“Tomorrow’s World”的中心话题是“谈未来”,内容主要涉及人类对未来网络空间的想象、猜测和思考。该课旨在激发学生的想象力,探讨未来的世界,达到使学生学会用英语交流、培养实际运用英语的能力。 二、学情分析 这个班虽然为普通平行班,英语基础较差,但是大部分学生的思维活动、学习热情、表现欲望和合作精神还是可以在平时的教学中不断提高和培养的。根据这些特点,教师可以采用与新课标要求相一致的新的教学方式,即活动式的教学法,这样面向全体学生便于调动全班学生的积极性,在师生互动、生生互动中实现教学任务和目标。 三、学习目标 1、展望未来,激发学生的想象力;2、学习使用有关预测和猜测和表达方式;3、培养学生用英语表达未来的生活状况,达到用英语交流、培养实际运用英语能力的目的;4、运用所学英语写出具有丰富想象力的短文。 四、设计理念 “Tomorrow’s World”一课倡导英语新课标理念下的合作学习。根据英语《课程标准》的指导思想,英语课程改革的重点是要改变传统教学过分重视语法和词汇知识的讲解与传授、即忽视对学生实际语言运用能力的培养的倾向,强调课程从学生的学习兴趣和认知水平出发,倡导学生体验参与、合作与交流的学习方式和“任务型”的教学模式,由学生共同努力来实现教学目标。教师要引导学生利用所学语言来完成任务,促进学生运用所学外语获取信息,处理信息,使用信息与人交流,让学生去发现问题、设计问题并解决问题,提高合作意识,培养合作精神,从而实现学生的主体地位,发展学生的综合语言运用能力。 五、教学媒体设计 指导学生将信息技术与英语学习相整合,教师鼓励学生利用网络资源及多媒体技术积极探索和运用知识。让学生展开想象,搜集有关资料,制成课件。多媒体及网络可使师生实现资源共享。通过多媒体及网络的运用,可以培养学生搜集和处理信息的能力,获取新知识的能力、分析和解决问题的能力以及合作与交流的能力,拓展学生学习的渠道。 六、教学流程 (一)课前准备 确定教学方式。采用“任务型”教学方式。首先让学生自愿分成几个学习小组,向他们提出要求,布置学习任务。在教师指导下,全班学生先分成正反两方,然后自愿组成5-6人的小组,教材Unit4的主要话题就是the future of cyberspace,故以该话题为核心,让学生从网络等渠道收集有关未来网络空间的材料,准备在课堂上交流。这个活动能够调动学生课外英语学习的积极性,锻炼学生以合作形式收集资料、处理信息的能力,为学生提供运用英语的机会。教师与各小组学生协商后,最后确定这个话题,即“Do you feel pessimistic or optimistic about the future of the internet? Why?”。各小组成员收集好素材,在教师的指导下进行取舍和整理,并制作成多媒体课件。教师课前对每组的课件进行审核,指导学生选取重要的信息。之后每组选一个代表准备上讲台讲解,教师要纠正学生的一些错误语法、发音以及不地道的语言,并对学生及时给予鼓励和表扬,鼓励学生即兴发挥,从而激发学生们更高的参与热情。 (点评:学生从收集素材到制作课件,充分展现了他们自主学习能力、合作探究与交流能力、富有个性的创造能力和表达能力。教师课前的指导作用是不容忽视的。教师要对每组的合作做出及时和积极的评价。) (二)导入 教师开始上课,首先让学生分成四个小组,抢答“How do you think computers and internet are going to affect our life?”。学生们积极举手回答,想象也非常丰富,一下子调动了学生们的积极性,使课堂气氛活跃起来。教师将几个可能用到的句型写在黑板上,如:“Suppose that…,imagine that…,It is likely that…,It is possible that…”指导学生运用。 (点评:如果能放一段有关未来网络空间的录像,导入“the future of cyberspace”主题,可能会收到更好的效果。) (三)实践 切入主题后,教师深入学生中间,给予激励性评价,询问学生是否分组准备好要说的话题,鼓励学生上台展示课件,讲解有关网络空间的未来。由每组学生派代表上讲台讲解,如,“I am optimistic about the future of the Internet, because the Net has become apart of our life. We do many things on it, such as…”etc.上台的几个学生代表表现得很好,有时还能即兴发挥,正反双方不时还有辩论。 (点评:当学生们看到同班同学能上台用英语结合图片资料,讲解未来网络世界时,表现出极大的兴趣。此时,教师应给予更多的激励性评价。上来发言的几个同学发挥得非常好。课堂充分体现了“以教师为主导,学生为主体”的教学理念。) (四)拓展 学生们探讨未来网络世界以后,教师又布置了一项任务,即分组讨论:“What you will be in the future”,将这堂课推向高潮,以小组的形式进行讨论、交流与合作,并选一名代表进行书写记录,最后读给全班听。学生讨论时,教师要给予指导,比如:What will you do? How will you prepare for? (点评:这样的合作学习能激励学生的创新热情,注重学生合作精神的培养。教师要多给予激励性评价。这种活动将英语教学的听、说、读和写四步有机地结合起来,充分培养了学生用英语交流和实际运用英语的能力。) (五)放音乐 最后放一首英文歌曲,名字叫“What will be, will be”,歌曲的主题也是:“What will you be in the future”,学生们跟着优美的旋律唱起来,没想到唱得非常好听。唱完后布置写作作业。 Home work: Write a passage about what you will be in the future. (点评:学生们唱得很好,这首歌刚好与这节课的主题相吻合,恰到好处,效果非常好,使课堂教学内容得以升华。从英语的角度来说,这首歌和作业的设计使整个教学流程达到了听、说、读、写完美的结合。从而获得和加强了学生实际应用英语的能力,使学生感悟学习英语的乐趣。) 结束语 此节课上得比较成功,虽然是普通平行班,但整个课堂气氛都很活跃。这堂课的亮点是充分体现了“以学生为主体”的教学理念,在教师的指导下将课堂“还”给学生,学生们发言及表演的时间占了整节课的三分之二,由过去的教师“教”为主转变为学生“学”为主。在学生们的发言及表演中看到了学生们每个人的闪光点,加强了师生之间的沟通与互动,调动了全体学生学习英语的积极性,培养了他们的合作精神和实际运用英语的能力。 课后反思 1、“Tomorrow’s World”一课无论从教学内容、教学方法还是从教学手段上都实行了创新设计与构思,同时有效地采用了课程标准中所倡导的“任务型”教学途径,激发了学生的学习兴趣,培养了学生的交际英语能力。如何变“接受性学习”为“创造性学习”,关键在于教师。在教学中教师要努力地创设民主和谐的学习氛围。英语教师的角色不再是单纯的知识传授者,而是学生学习的组织者、引导者、参与者和促进者。在课堂上,教师有时可以组织讨论,有时可以让学生辩论,有时甚至可以让学生上讲台当老师。 2、“Tomorrow’s World”一课是一次有益的教学方式的创新尝试。其巧用教材,对课文内容进行创造性拓展与补充;尤其是鼓励学生收集素材,制作课件,上台讲解,值得推广,此举可提高同学们的合作交流意识,同时还可不断改进同学们的口语表达能力和综合运用语言的能力,在“Tomorrow’s World”一课的基础上,今后可加大力度进一步培养学生的自主、合作与探究精神。教师要不断学习,拓宽课程设计的思维空间,发挥学生想象力,开启学生创新思维。在教学中,教师根据教材正确地诱发学生的想象力。比如,让学生想象“What will life be in the future”,通过想象,学生就能自由地表达他们的思想。 3、“Tomorrow’s World”教学过程中,教师应在各个环节进行及时评价,效果会更好。还可在各小组之间展开竞争,通过自评与互评的方式,评出课件、讲解员等,以此来激励学生的参与意识,更能使学生体验自信与成功的乐趣,从而激发学生更大的学习激情和参与热情。 4、该课是将信息技术与英语教学相整合的一个例子。以多媒体计算机及网络技术为核心的现代教育技术作为一种创新型教学手段,有利于适时拓展教学容量,限度地挖掘学生的创造力。例如,教师在教“Tomorrow’s World”一课时,引导学生按照各自的爱好,利用信息技术自主制作课件,根据讨论话题“the future of cyberspace”,设计了“Crime in cyberspace”,“Hackers”,“Shopping in the net”,and“Virtual reality”等几个板块,呈现出未来网络空间的各种状况,并用英语简单地描述未来情况。学生在这些课件呈现的课堂活动中丰富了想象,拓展了思维。注意信息技术与英语教学的整合,不仅老师、而且学生也将信息技术运用到英语的教与学当中。 教学有法,教无定法。不足之处还需加以改进,不断完善。教师在教学过程中应不拘一格,综合学生、教材、教法及自身教学风格,创造性地开展教学活动,激活学生的学习热情,激发学生的学习兴趣,激励学生的学习信心,永葆英语课的新鲜、趣味、活泼。因此,在英语教学中教师要精心设计课堂教学,注重教学方法,要重视让学生在创造性的学习活动中获得愉悦的心理体验,这种体验一方面来自教师对学生的评价,更主要的是让学生在自主发现的活动中获得。学生几个人一组,全身心地投入到活动中去,有的负责收集资料,有的负责制作课件,有的上台表演,创造力得到充分的体现。学生在体验中享受到了快乐,在快乐中发挥了创造力。 把信息技术引入英语教学,引起了英语教学方式和方法的革命性变革。但是,目前我们教师大量进行的课件设计,主要都是教学方式和方法方面的整合。实际上,信息技术更重要的是用于教学资源的开发,特别是指导学生将信息技术与英语学习相整合,比如收集资料,制作课件,并在课堂上交流。教育的过程本身就是一种探索与创造,教师要不断探索课堂教学的新思路、新方法,引导学生发现、探究、解决问题,才能培养学生的开拓精神和创新意识,逐步培养其独立获得知识、创造性运用知识的能力。
1). To learn the knowledge of the cultural relics.
2). Discuss how to protect our cultural relics.
3).Reading and understanding, catching the history and information of the Amber Room.
4). Functional item, how to tell the story about the Amber Room
5). Finish the comprehending exercises after the reading passage.
6). Use scanning; skimming and careful reading to learn the story of the Amber Room.
Key points
To understand cultural relics.
How to tell the story about the Amber Room
Talk about cultural relics at home and abroad in English freely.
To learn the story of the amber room.
1). Guessing:
Teacher present some pictures and statements ,let the students guess whtat or where it is.
The Great Wall; The Pyramid ; Taj Mahal
2)Teacher show some pictures. They are all very famous places in China or in the world. Ask the students to think these over:
A. Can you name them out?
Who have the right to own and confirm them?
(The shown pictures: Group 1;①Yuanmingyuan; ②Forbidden City
Group 2: ③Ming Dynasty vase ;④Taj Mahal; ⑤ivory dragon boat
and Mogao Caves)
Step I: Pre-reading
1).Ok, you have know something about cultural relics, have you ever seen a piece of amber?And what do you know about it?
Show some pictures of amber. Let students know what the amber is and its value.
color yellow- brown
feel like feel as hard as stone
Amber is the fossil(化石) form of resin(树脂) from trees.
It takes millions of years to form.
2). Can you imagine a house made of amber?Please preview “In search of the amber room.”
Step II: Fsat reading and thinking about the title:
1). Teacher give students the following questions to think:
When you see this title, what do you want to know?
What is the Amber Room?
Why was it called the Amber Room?
What was it made for?
What happened to it?
Why to search for it?
(Ask the students just remember these questions in their mind not find the answers.)
2). Fast reading to get the main idea:
The Amber Room , which _________________sent to the Russian people as a _____, was ____by the _____________ soldiers .
(Students read the passage quickly and fill in the blans)
3). Now, let the students try to answer the questions in part 1). (PPT 7)
(Teacher may give some necessary help)
Step III: Scanning
Ask the students to scan all the names of the person appeared in the text and find out what did they do to the amber room. Join the correct parts of the sentences together. (exercise 1 on page 2)
After do the above exercise ,teacher give students a picture of the people in the text and let the students try to tell theclue of the story according to the persons. (PPT 9)
Step IV: Skimming
Ask students to skim the passage and complete exercise 2 on page2.
( 3 ) How did the Amber Room become one of the wonders of the world?
( 5 ) How was a new Amber Room built?
( 4 ) How did the Amber Room get lost?
( 1 ) How was the Amber Room made?
( 2 ) Why did the King of Prussia give the Amber Room to the Czar of Russia as a gift?
Step V: Careful reading
Let the students read the text carefully and try to find some details to complete the form on PPT 11.
Step VI: Role play
Just now you have learnt the story of The Amber Room, now suppose you are a guide of The Amber Room, how will you intrduce the amber room to the visitors?
( Give students about 3 minutes to have a discussion in group of four ,then ask some of groups to make a role play before all the class.)
1. Read the story of The Amber Room again after class.
2. Write the introduction of the Amber Room you have discussed in class.
3. Prepare for next period by underline the difficult points in the text.
Blackboard Design
Unit 1 Cultural relics
Warming up & pre-reading
What is cultural relics?
cultural relic is sth. that survived for a long time
cultural relic may be a part of old thing has remained when the rest of it had been destroyed
C. a cultural relic is something rather rare
Knowledge and ability: To help the Ss know about the history of the Amber room and develop their reading skills.
Process and method: Ss acquire knowledge and improve ability through discussion and competition.
Emotion, attitude and values: to arouse Ss's awareness of protecting the cultural relics. Understand cultural relics belong to the whole world and the human beings.
important point: Understand the content of the whole passage and master the different reading skills,such as ,skimming, scanning and so on.
difficult point : how to solve the questions and find the useful information using the reading skills.
Lead in
1. show some pictures .
2. show the pictures and a short video of amber room.
purpose: motive Ss's interest.
Hi, everyone. Let’s look at the screen. I’ll present you some pictures. They are all about cultural relics. Some of them are cultural sites. Some of them are natural sites. Only an international professional organization from UN has the right to decide on and name them.
Look at the photos here. What do you know about the substance of “amber”? What do know
about the cultural relics “the Amber Room”?
Now, boys and girls, I met a “moral dilemma”. That means I must make a choice between the interests of the family and the interests of the society. Things are like this: My old granny happened to find an ancient vase under a tree in the earth of our garden. It’s so beautiful and special. Now, my family fell into a moral dilemma. Can you help us to make a decision?
A: What should we do?
B: Can we keep it for ourselves or report it to the government?
C: Have you come across such a situation — to make a difficult choice?
listen and answer the questions:
Play tape. Ss get the main idea of the passage.
1. Have you ever seen a piece of amber?
What do you know about it?
2. look at the title and the picture. predict what it is about. Then skim it quickly and see if you were right.
1st time:
read by yourself as quickly as you can.
join the correct parts of the sentences together.
2nd time:choices and T/F
compete between boys and girls.
3rd time:
answer some question. Ask ss to think over and discuss.
purpose: understand the text better and arouse Ss's awareness of competition. Grasp the main information.
Discussion and report
Think over of what we discuss in the part of warming up: I find myself falling into the dilemma.
you discuss together ,and write down the outline of a report.
work in group
fill in the blanks (summary).
make a report .
use the useful information in the passage.
1.知识目标: 1)Students should learn some useful words and phrases: musician, clap, passer-by, form, extra, earn, advertisement, 2 attractive, instrument, loosely, actor dream of, be honest with, play jokes on, or so, break up. 3)Students should understand the general idea of the passage 2.语言能力目标: 1)Develop the Ss’skills of skimming, scanning and careful reading. 2) Train the Ss to find the key words and the topic sentences. 3)Encourage the Ssto guess the new words according the reading. 3.情感态度与文化意识目标: 1)Encourage the Ss to share the different kinds of music. 2)Improve the cooperation and share among the students.
1、教学重点: understudend the passage better find the main idea of each paragraph 2、教学难点: the reading ability the skills of reading
Step I Leading-in
播放一段小视频,内容为歌曲 If you are happy的英文版本,通过介绍演唱乐队twins引出本单元话题。随后,展示几张国内外流行乐队的图片,转入对本课阅读内容的探讨。
Step II While reading
Task I. Fast reading 快速大声阅读文章,完成练习1和2.
1. Read the passage and try to find out:
1) How many bands are mentioned in the passage? What are their names?
2) Which band is “The Band That Wasn’t”?
the passage quickly and match main ideas with paragraphs.
How the Monkees formed the band?
Dreaming of being famous.
How the Monkees became popular and developed as a real band?
The common way that bands form.
Task II. Careful reading 分段阅读。分别默读每一段,完成相应练习。
1. () Read carefully find out how do people form a band.
Step 1
To practice music ____________________.
Step 2
To play __________________________.
Step 3
To give performances ____________________________.
Step 6
To make records __________________.
2. (Para. 3&4) Put the following steps in the right order. 小组合作,比赛式进行。
A. Had to use actors
B. Broke up, then reunited
C. Produced their own records
D. Produced a new record
E. Relied on other musicians
F. Sang their own songs
G. To find four musicians
H. Advertised in a newspaper
I. Sang songs by others
J. Pretended to sing
The right order__________________________________
Step III Post-reading
Task I. Promotion and discussion.小组讨论,分组展示。
This is a press conference and your favorite band The Monkees is here. What do you want to say to them or what else do you want to know about them? Work in groups and do a role play. Four of you play as members of The Monkees and the others work as journalists. And you can refer to the following questions.
1. How did your band start?
2. What are the differences between… and… ?
did you change to sing your own songs?
’s your future plan?
5. What do you want to say to ....?
Task II. Summary of the passage 归纳总结所学。
The article is _________ (main) about the band --______ Monkees. It _________(believe) that many people want to be famous singers or musicians, _______ they form a band through different ______(way) .
However, there is a band ______ is different from others. At first, they sang the songs ________ (write) by other musicians. Later, they played and sang _____ (they) own songs. After _______(reunite) in the 1980s, they made _____ new record in the 1990s.
Step IV Homework
1. write a news report about the Monkees based on the interview.
the song I'm a believer by the Monkees.
Step V enjoy the song I’m a believer by The are the lines.
The Monkees------Now I'm A Believer
作词:Neil Diamond
I thought love was only true in fairy tales
Meant for someone else but not for me
Love was out to get me, that's the way it seemed
Disappointment haunted all my dreams
Then I saw her face, now I'm a believer
Not a trace of doubt in my mind
I'm in love, I'm a believer
I couldn't leave her if I tried
I thought love was more or less a given thing
Seems the more I gave the less I got
What's the use in tryin'? All you get is pain
When I needed sunshine I got rain
Then I saw her face, now I'm a believer
Not a trace of doubt in my mind
I'm in love, I'm a believer
I couldn't leave her if I tried
To learn to talk about kinds of music
To learn to read about bands
To study The Attributive Clause (in/ for/ with/ by+which/ whom)
To learn to write an e-mail
To study The Attributive Clause (in/ for/ with/ by+which/ whom)
To learn to write an e-mail
I. Warming up
Warming up by describing
Good morning, class. Today we are going to talk about an interesting topic --- music. As we know, music is a kind of art of making pleasing combinations of sounds in rhythm, harmony and counterpoint. Music can produce a lively and happy atmosphere and bring people relaxation after hard work, which can reduce the tiredness. Listening to music also makes people feel happy and nice. How many do you know about music? Can you tell about different kinds of music? Now turn to page 33, look at the pictures, read the captions and listen to the different kinds of music. See if you can guess which music matches with which picture.
Warming up by discussing
Hi, everyone. Do you like music? How much do you know about music? Can you tell about the different kinds of music? Please turn to page 33. Look at the pictures. Let’s listen to some music. Let’s see if you can guess which music matches with which picture.
Classical music Country music Rock ‘n’ Roll
Rap Orchestra Folk music
Yes, you are right. I’m sure you will really enjoy yourselves after listening to all these beautiful music. What kind of music do you like better, Chinese or Western, classical or modern? Why? How does music make you feel? Why do you like to listen to music? Let’s discuss these questions in small groups. Try to share your opinions with one another.
II. Pre-reading
and saying
Have you heard about any of the famous bands in the world? List some if you can.
For reference: I’ve heard about “The Beatles”, “Back Street Boys”, “The Eagles”, “West life” and “Pink Floyd”.
, talking and sharing
Let’s listen to some pieces of music from different bands. Work in groups of four. Tell your group mates which band you like best. Why? Then the group leader is to stand up and share the group idea with the class.
For reference: I am from Group 1. Our group likes “The Beatles” best. We like their style of performances. Listening to their performances, we will feel relaxed, amused, and their performances make us think a lot about life.
Do you know anything about “The Monkees”?
For reference: “The Monkees” is a band that was first popular in the 1960s in America. Unlike most bands of the time, the Monkees were not formed by its members but rather by TV producers. They were a fictional band in the TV show of the same name. The band was composed of Mike Nesmith, Mickey Dolenz, Davy Jones, and Peter Tork. All the members had some musical experience. Let’s come to the reading --- The Band That Wasn’t and find more about them.
III. Reading
aloud to the recording
Now please listen and read aloud to the recording of the text THE BAND THAT WASN’T. Pay attention to the pronunciation of each word and the pauses within each sentence. I will play the tape twice and you shall read aloud twice, too.
and underlining
Next you are to read and underline all the useful expressions or collocations in the passage. Copy them to your notebook after class as homework.
Collocations from THE BAND THAT WASN’T
dream of doing , at a concert , with sb. clapping and enjoying …, sing karaoke , be honest with oneself, get to form a band, high school students, practice one’s music, play to passers-by, in the subway, earn some extra money, begin as a TV show, play jokes on…, be based loosely on…, the TV organizers, make good music, put an advertisement in a newspaper, look for rock musicians, pretend to do sth., the attractive performances, be copied by…, support them fiercely, become more serious about…, play their own instruments, produce one’s own records, start touring, break up, in the mid-1980s, a celebration of one’s time as a real band
to identify the topic sentence of each paragraph
Skim the text and identify the topic sentence of each paragraph. You may find it either at the beginning, the middle or the end of the paragraph.
1st paragraph: How do people get to form a band?
2nd paragraph: Most musicians meet and form a band.
3rd paragraph: One band started as a TV show.
4th paragraph: “The Monkees” became even more popular than “The Beatles”.
and transferring information
Read the text again to complete the tables, which list how people formed a band and how The Monkees was formed by the TV organizers and became a real band.
How do people get to form a band?
Members High school students
Reasons They like to write and play music.
Places They practice their music in someone’s home.
Forms They may play to passers-by in the street or subway.
Results They can earn some extra money. They may also have a chance to dream of becoming famous.
How was The Monkees formed and became a real band?
The Monkees in 1968 (left to right): Micky Dolenz, Peter Tork, Mike Nesmith & Davy Jones
beginning of the band It began as a TV show.
style of the performance They played jokes on each other as well as played music.
first music and jokes Most of them were based loosely on the band called “The Beatles”.
development of the band They became more serious about their work and started to play their own instruments and write their own songs like a real band. They produced their own records and started touring and playing their own music.
changes of the band The band broke up in about 1970, but reunited in the mid-1980s. They produced a new record in 1996, which was a celebration of their time as a real band.
4. Reading and understanding difficult sentences
As you have read the text times, you can surely tell which sentences are difficult to understand. Now put your questions concerning the difficult points to me.
IV. Closing down
Closing down by doing exercises
To end the lesson you are to do the comprehending exercises No. 1, 2, 3 and 4.
Closing down by having a discussion
Do you think the TV organizers were right to call “The Monkees” a band when they did not sing or write their own songs? Why?
For reference: I don’t think the TV organizers were right to call “The Monkees” a band when they did not sing or write their own songs because singing and writing its own songs was the basis of a band.
Do you agree that the jokes were more important than the music for this band? Give a reason.
For reference: Yes. I think it is the jokes that really attract more fans.
No. I think the purpose of forming a band is getting people to enjoy the spirit of music. It’s more important than playing jokes just to make people laugh.
Closing down by retelling the form of the band The Monkees.
I shall write some key words and expressions on the board. You are to retell the form of the band according to these words.
Unit 5 Music
【答案】: 必修二 Unit1 1. 我拿不准这本书是谁的? I am not quite sure who that book belongs to. 2. 布朗先生来到中国寻找更美好的未来。 Mr Brown came to China in search of a better future. 3. 他为了做沙发而拆掉了两把旧椅子。 He took apart two old chairs in order to make a sofa. 约翰提到了几个法官的名字,他对他们评价不高。 John mentioned the names of a few judges whom he did not think highly of. 5. 毫无疑问,搜寻那些丢失的文物的工作还会继续下去。 There is no doubt that the search for those lost cultural relics will continue. 6. 当时两个国家正在打仗,大批军队被派往前线(战斗)。 When two countries were at war troops of soldiers were sent to the front line to fight. 7. 她给了我食物和衣服,没求任何回报。 She gave me food and clothes and she did not ask for anything in return.
tired of along with into back back usedto into是42页第2题
我只能给你第二题答案wooden vase entronoe porintings farmen exploded sailors sinking local trial evidence worth
第一题的 concerned about4loose5go through6ignore7face to face8calm down9curtain10a series of
【答案】: 必修二 Unit1 1. 我拿不准这本书是谁的? I am not quite sure who that book belongs to. 2. 布朗先生来到中国寻找更美好的未来。 Mr Brown came to China in search of a better future. 3. 他为了做沙发而拆掉了两把旧椅子。 He took apart two old chairs in order to make a sofa. 约翰提到了几个法官的名字,他对他们评价不高。 John mentioned the names of a few judges whom he did not think highly of. 5. 毫无疑问,搜寻那些丢失的文物的工作还会继续下去。 There is no doubt that the search for those lost cultural relics will continue. 6. 当时两个国家正在打仗,大批军队被派往前线(战斗)。 When two countries were at war troops of soldiers were sent to the front line to fight. 7. 她给了我食物和衣服,没求任何回报。 She gave me food and clothes and she did not ask for anything in return.
【答案】: Unit 2 1. 只有在希腊出生的人才能成为古代奥运会的参赛者。 Only those who were born in Greece could be admitted as competitors in the ancient Olympic Games. 2. 运动员们一个接一个地离开了奥运村。 One after another the athletes left the Olympic village. 3.他和儿子讨价还价后答应他:如果孩子努力学习,他就会带他去看2008年的北京奥运会。 He made a bargain with his son and promised him that he would take him to the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games if he worked hard. 4. 有许多运动员虽然没有为自己赢得奥运奖牌的荣誉,却以运动家的精神帮助别人实现了这个梦想。 There are many athletes who did not win the glory of an Olympic medal for themselves, but helped others to realize their dream by their sportsmanship. 5. 志愿者将帮助人们找到前往体操馆和体育场的正确的路。 Volunteers will help people find their way to the gymnasia / gymnasiums and stadia / stadiums.
wooden,vase worth,paintings, former exploded, sailors, sinking,local trial, evidence,entrance
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3. 当他寻找到他一直想找到的想法时,尽管他想睡,却不能睡着 hunt for sth是搜寻、寻找的意思 4. 许多人一生追名逐利,却始终实现不了。 hunt after有追猎的意思 请参看
第一题:dress up. turn up set off took up get off looked up packed up make up blew up put up 第二题:obvious sadness agricultural in memory of indepengence arrival feasts clothing 就这两大题吧。。
答案我已经发给你了,请检视你的百度私信! 如果对你有所帮助,请点选本页面中的“选为满意回答”按钮,谢谢!
1. I can't tell who/whom this book belongs to. 2. Mr Brown came to China in search of a better life. 3. He took apart o old chairs to make a couch/sofa. 4. John referred to the names of several judges and didn't think highly of them. 5. There is no doubt that the work of searching for lost cultural relics will continue. 6. At that time the o countries were at war and large troops of army were sent to the front. 7. She gave me food and clothes, asking for nothing in return. 如果对你有所帮助,请点选本页面中的“选为满意回答”按钮,谢谢!
Feelings: 1) before: curious, anxious, surprise, amazed, puzzled, confused 2) after: shocked, horrified, relieved, worried, scared, angry, sad, terrified, frightened, hopeless, hopeful, unbelievalbe, encouraged等
Damage: 1) before: cracks, pipes, burst 2) after: great destructions, houses in ruins, roads detroyed, water, gas and electricity hard to get people killed or injured cracks cut across roads and c *** s hills of rocks became dirt children lost parents等
Events: 1) before: animals behaved strangely lights in sky sounds of planes well waster rose and fell 2) after: ruins second quake army came
Rescue work: calm practical hard-working selfless helpful brave couragous kind thoughtful prepared tireless understanding anized strong-willed determined等 如果你满意我的答案,敬请点选“选为满意回答”,谢谢!
二 1. I remember the day when our band was formed as if it was yesterday. 2. The guitar with which Dave posed our first hit is in a music museum. 3. The name by which we were to bee famous was chosen by Mike's mum. 4. The show at which we played our first hits was in America. 5. The singer with whom we practised the most was Freddy. 6. The musicians in whom we have great interest toured Europe with us.
三 of which, who, at which, for which, in which, during/in which, without whom 如果对你有所帮助,请点选本页面中的“选为满意回答”按钮,谢谢!