《萤火虫找朋友》旁白(爸爸):夏天的晚上,萤火虫提着小灯笼,在草丛里飞来飞去,他在干什么呢?萤火虫(石头饰)上:我在找朋友,我想和朋友们一起玩。萤火虫飞呀飞,听见草里有响声。他用小灯笼一照,看见一只小蝴蝶(妈妈饰),萤火虫就叫:“小蝴蝶,小蝴蝶”小蝴蝶停下来,问:“干什么?”萤火虫说:“你愿意做我的好朋友吗?”小蝴蝶回答:“我愿意!”萤火虫高兴地说:“那你就和我一起玩吧!”小蝴蝶说:“好的,一会儿我就跟你一起玩。现在我要帮妈妈去找小弟弟。你来得正好,帮我照照路吧!”萤火虫说:“我不能给你照路,我要去找朋友!”说完他提着灯笼飞走了。萤火虫飞呀飞,听见草里有响声,他用小灯笼一照,看见一只小蚂蚁(妈妈饰)。小蚂蚁背着一个大口袋,一直往前跑。萤火虫就叫:“小蚂蚁!小蚂蚁!”小蚂蚁问:“干吗呀?”萤火虫说:“你愿意作我的好朋友吗?”小蚂蚁说:“我愿意。”萤火虫说:“那你就跟我一起玩吧!”小蚂蚁说:“一会儿我就跟你玩,现在我要把东西送回家。我迷路了,你来的正好,帮我照照路吧!”萤火虫说:“我不能给你照路,我要去找朋友!”他说完就又提着小灯笼飞走了。萤火虫继续飞呀飞旁白(爸爸):夏天的晚上,萤火虫提着小灯笼在草丛里飞来飞去。他在干吗呀?他在找朋友。为什么他老找不到朋友呢?O.S:It's a sunmmer evening,there is a firefly flying around with his lantern. He is flying and flying ,what is he doing?firefly:I am looking for a friend,I want to play with my good friends
全英文的!::甲:亲爱的观众朋友们,大家晚上好!(鞠躬) 乙:Good evening everyone ,Dear my friends。 甲:你说什么? 乙:我说英语啊! 甲:英语?英国老鼠?好家伙,来一中半个学期,成了洋鬼子了。 乙:这不是洋鬼子。这是世界普通话嘛——English.你懂吗? 甲:哦,世界普通话。我也会说。世界不懂话嘛。我说给你听。 乙:你说说给我听! 甲:…… 乙:这是什么东东呀? 甲:哈,听不懂就对了。这就是你说的世界不懂话。说了谁也听不懂的话。 乙:咳,你这个人,什么年代了,还这么落后,我说的可是正宗英语,现在 已经成了世界通用的语言了,所以 叫世界普通话。就象中国普通话一样普及。 甲:是嘛。你这么说,我倒要见识见识了。 乙:你想学英语? 甲:废话。不学不就象你说的,落后了嘛? 乙;对,你真聪明! 甲:你可以教我嘛? 乙;好啊! 甲:太谢谢你了,那,比如,见了面用英语怎么打招呼呀? 乙:这很容易,招手:Hello…… 甲:哦,(学)二楼!这真的容易。见了面,上二楼,叫我吃饭啊! 乙:不是二楼!是Hello。 甲:哦,不是二楼,是下楼?让我下楼,又不让我吃饭了?咳…… 乙:你这人真是的,你饿晕了吗?总吃什么饭啊,什么二楼,下楼。还下流呢!看来你真不是学英语的料。不教你了, 甲:哎!不要生气啊,你就再教教我嘛。 乙:好吧!谁叫我是个大好人呢? 甲:那么,你叫什么名字,怎么说? 乙:我叫韦东。 甲:不是,我是问你,英语“你叫什么名字”怎么说。 乙:哦,你听啊,What's your name? 甲:(壮话)闻是用name(重复),哦,英语真了不起! 乙:怎么了? 甲:我们是壮族的啊!你听啊,英语也和我们壮话一样,教育我们,人家放屁了,千万不要在后面跟着,好好(讲壮话)跟了放屁的人,不是好臭嘛,是吧! 乙:这怎么是壮话呢?还跟什么放屁连在一起,乱七八糟的。 甲:(傻笑)呵呵。 乙:我可告诉你,你还想不想学英语? 甲:(赶忙)想学,想学。不就和我们壮话一样嘛。 乙:听了啊,是,就是yes。 甲:咽死!咽死!这多么不吉利啊! 乙:你说什么? 甲:咽死,咽死,不说什么! 乙:好,不呢,英语就是no。 甲:哦,不,英语是这个,脑! 乙:不是脑袋,是NO。 甲:不就是脑——嘛! 乙:对 甲:“教室”,用英语怎么说? 乙:教室是“Class room。” 甲:格拉格rem,格拉格rem,你们的教室是在木楼上面嘛? 乙:没有啊! 甲:那你们教室也够吵的啦! 乙:为什么? 甲:格拉格rem 格拉格rem 不是同学们在教室里又唱又跳让地板(格拉格rem 格拉格rem) 乙:哇!你这人,想象力还挺丰富的。 甲:是嘛!这样,记英语单词也就快了嘛! 乙:真有你的! 甲:让你这么一教,我很快就学会了英语啦。 乙:好啊?那你就把刚才我教给你的英语给我说一遍。 甲:好,听着啊——(说不出来) 乙:快说呀! 甲:你急什么急呀!我不正准备呢嘛?(又说不出来) 乙:看见了吧?说不出来了!我说你不好好学,怎么说好英语呢? 甲:谁说我学不好英语啦?听啊,见了面说二楼,然后说我what's your name?如果name了我。那你就会咽死,因为上面“格拉格rem,格拉格rem” 乙:都什么乱七八糟的。
喜羊羊与灰太狼学生英语小品剧本,片名:一把“枪”.剧情:喜羊羊一伙儿在一起玩,灰太狼突然袭击,进行抓捕,把美羊羊、懒羊羊抓走了。慢羊羊糊涂地给了喜羊羊一把假枪,喜羊羊与暖羊羊去狼堡解救美羊羊、懒羊羊。它们被喜羊羊与沸羊羊和暖羊羊用一只假枪解救,回到羊村后才发现这是假枪。最后以红太狼灰太狼被定住结束。道具:两把玩具枪。人数:五名男生,三名女生(其中一名稍胖)出场人物:喜羊羊Pleasant Goat 美羊羊Pretty Goat 懒羊羊Lazy Goat 沸羊羊 Force Goat暖羊羊Warm Goat 慢羊羊 Slowly Goat(Village Head) 灰太狼 Big Big Wolf 红太狼 Red Big Wolf情节对话:(喜羊羊、美羊羊、沸羊羊、懒羊羊、慢羊羊还有暖羊羊在一起;灰太狼和红太狼在旁边隐蔽)喜:What can we play today?美:We have nothing to play.It’s dull!懒:I have a good idea. (睡意朦胧)喜、沸:What idea do you have? (好奇)懒:Let’s sleep! (自信满满)暖、慢:Oh,no!You are very lazy!(无奈指责)灰:Ha!Dear goats,I’m coming!(灰太狼小声→大声,出现在羊面前)美:Ah!Look,Big-big-wolf!Run away! (惊恐了一大跳)(羊们开始逃跑,灰太狼追着美羊羊)灰:Ha-ha!I’m sure that it’s a good and delicious goat!(灰太狼紧追美羊羊)美:Pleasant-goat!Please help me! Help,help,help! (神情紧张)灰:It’s too late!My favourite goat.(十分贪婪,并抓住了美羊羊)喜:Pretty-goat,I have nothing to do.But I’ll save you!(灰太狼抓住了美羊羊后,又开始抓其它羊)懒:Don’t touch me!Help me!(也神情紧张)灰:Ha!Little fat goat.I’m hungry now. My wife is waiting for me.Haha! (灰太狼又抓住了懒羊羊,于是逮着懒羊羊,美羊羊走向狼堡,最后进入了狼堡)-------------------地点转换(在狼堡)----------------------------红:Wa!Big big wolf!You are very good! Oh,two goats! (激动)灰:Wife.I’m going to cook them soon!Today we’ll have a super dinner,I’m looking forward to eating goats the first(灰太狼和红太狼准备煮羊)-----------------------地点转换(在青青草原)----------------------慢:What to do?Pleasant-goat,find a way quickly,be quick! (着急)沸:Pleasant goat!Find a way!喜:There’s only one key.Let’s goto wolf’s houseand save them!暖:What? I am very worried about that!It’s too dangerous !(表现出害怕的样子)慢:Ng.This is only one key.I’m wating for you.You must save Pretty-goat and Lazy goat .And this is a special gun.Big-big-wolf won’t move for an hour.Give you,Pleasant goat. (慢羊羊拿出一把枪,深沉地给了喜羊羊)喜:That’s great!Let’s go.Warm goat and Force goat! (握住拳头)暖,沸:Ok,let’s go to wolf’s house! ( 气势磅礴)(喜羊羊它们向狼堡走去;灰太狼与红太狼正得意洋洋)-----------------------地点转换(在狼堡)---------------------------红:Two Little goats.You will finish!I’ll eat you! (贪婪野蛮)美:Oh,no.I believe Pleasant goat can save me! Yes?Lazy goat?What are you doing?(无助)懒:Let me sleep,xu.(乐观派)美:Ah!Don’t sleep!I am very afraid ! If you don’t sleep,I will give you candy!懒:Really?I love candy !(懒羊羊突然醒了,美羊羊点点头)(喜羊羊,沸羊羊,暖羊羊到达,并使劲敲门)灰:Who?Oh, wife.Maybe are the other goats!Let me catch them.(喜羊羊拿住枪,准备瞄准;灰太狼打开门)灰:Oh,it’s pleasant goat!I’ll get you for my dinner!喜:Big-big-wolf.Goodbye!(Bang!!!!!!!!!!!)(开枪)(灰太狼突然动不了了)暖:Wa!Pleasant goat,you are very great!(赞美)灰:Pleasant-goat!What do you do? Why can’t I move?!(喜羊羊笑了笑,把枪给了沸羊羊)喜:Force goat,give you gun.Let me save them.沸:Ok!...Ng.Red big wolf!you will finish!(喜羊羊救了美羊羊,懒羊羊,沸羊羊把枪对准红太狼)红:What are you going to do?little fat goats? (害怕)沸:Goodbye,Red big wolf!(bang!!!!!)(沸羊羊向红太狼开枪;红太狼动不了了)美,懒:Thank you,Pleasant-goat!(感激不尽)暖:Lazy goat, pretty goat,Run away quickly!(美羊羊,懒羊羊逃了出来)红:Big-big-wolf,I hate you!Ah! (红太狼挣扎)美:Mr. Big-big-wolf and Red big wolf,goodbye! (亲切)懒:Pretty-goat,where’s my candy? (天真好奇)美:Oh!Lovely lazy goat,I have no candy.Sorry?Don’t blame me! (违约)懒:What?My candy!My God!...Ai,Let me sleep,xu.(无奈的)暖:Don’t sleep!Lazy goat!We will go to our house! (命令)(懒羊羊随即被叫醒,并打了个哈欠,之后羊群到达羊村)慢:Pleasant goat,you’re very good!Give me special gun.(迎接)沸:Here you are.Village Head.慢:Ah,that’s not ture the special gun.This is ture!(激动地拿出真枪)暖:Ah?If this……(疑惑无比)慢:If this false gun,Big big wolf can’t move for ten days!(大声)懒:Ha ha.Ng……And do we win?喜,沸,暖,美:Yes!We win! (羊们笑着说)-----------------------地点转换(在狼堡)---------------------------红:Big-big-wolf,Where are our goats?Where?you, you,I hate you!Ah!You are foolish! (动不了了)灰:Wu……Awful pleasant-goat,I must eat you the first!And I’m sure come back soon(哭着说)剧本原创编辑:天津大港二中刘耀文臧宇涵班俊良指导老师:温老师友情提示:请参考以下人物特征表演喜羊羊机智、勇敢、乐观,永远带着微笑,也是族群里跑得最快的羊,每次都识破灰太狼的阴谋诡计、拯救了羊羊族群的生命,是羊氏部落的小英雄美羊羊爱美、爱打扮、心灵手巧,能用任何东西编织出能用来打扮的饰物。还是营养学家、美容师、模特儿、服装师......一切与“美”有关的,她都非常精通。在羊村里最受羊仔们欢迎,是大家跟风学习模仿的对象。懒羊羊青青草原上最聪明的一只小肥羊,因为比别人聪明,干活、读书都比别的羊快,所以有很多时间可以用来睡觉。他不爱运动,只是聪明机智,而且临危不乱,总是一派大智若愚、举重若轻的感觉。沸羊羊最健壮的羊,也是最鲁莽的一只羊,最喜欢的事是健身。无论对什么羊都是看不顺眼,经常是板着脸孔,一副很酷的样子,对所有事情总是持反对意见。以为自己英伟不凡,天下无敌,其实什么都无能为力。慢羊羊羊部落中最年长的长者,博览群书,平时最爱搞搞小发明小创造,是个乌龙发明家。发明时往往害得自己吃尽苦头,但危急是发明的东西又能派上用场,但是因为年纪老,每个行地动都慢吞吞,把身旁的羊急死。暖羊羊羊学校新来的转学生,个性温驯、友善、有一副菩萨心肠,认为世上没有坏人,所以从不随便伤害任何人,包括一草一木,甚至是灰太狼。可是她力大无穷,难以控制,往往只是轻轻拍拍肩膀,便可将对方拍扁。越想表示友好,越容易伤害旁人-----令她十分苦恼。灰太狼灰太狼是雄性大灰狼,住在草原边上的树林,是一个奸诈但又愚蠢的笨坏蛋,平时在家爱钻研办法,练习偷鸡摸狗的技巧,一有机会就去骚扰羊部落,永远想偷羊吃,永远被喜羊羊识破打败,怕老婆,经常是老婆出口,他出手,事情没办好,就要受狼老婆的处罚。红太狼红太狼是灰太狼的老婆,一只好吃懒做、凶悍无比的母狼,贪婪、虚荣、忌妒、邪恶、狠毒,虽然长得很不怎么样,却是身材妖冶,还自己打 扮得豪华高贵,总认为自己是天下最美的女人,所以对于任何美的东西,她都要想方设法毁掉。
of any elephant. I had almost made up my mind that the
The little girl liked wearing a red coat. So everybody called her Little Red Coat.One day, her grandma had a cold. Her mother said to Little Red Coat, “my dear, send some bananas and cakes to your grandma.”As she walked through the forest, a wolf saw her, “Hello, litter girl. Where are you going?”“I’m going to my grandma’s house. She has got a cold.” Said Little Red Coat.“Where does she live?” asked the wolf.“She lives in the house near the forest. There are some big trees in front of her house.” Said Little Red Coat. “Bye-bye, little girl.” The wolf ran to the grandma’s house.Grandma asked, “Who is it?”“It’s me, Little Red Coat.” said the wolf.“Come in, please.”The big wolf opened the door and walked into the room. He ate Grandma up.He put on Grandma’s coat and trousers. Then he lay in bed.Little Red Coat walked into her grandma’s room. “What big eyes you have got, Grandma!” she said.“Because I want to see your pretty face.”said the wolf.“What a big mouth you have got, Grandma!”she said.“Because I want to eat you, my dear.”said the wolf.“Oh, no!”cried the little girl.The bad wolf ate Little Red Coat, too.The wolf was sleeping on Grandma’s bed.At this time, a hunter came and saw the wolf. “What a big stomach he has got! Grandma must be in his stomach.”thought the hunter.The hunter cut open the wolf. Grandma and Little Red Coat were still alive. They jumped out of the wolf.Grandma and Little Red Coat were very happy. “Thank you.”they said to the hunter. 帮你沾来的,呵呵
(Original script)(William carry his bag to school)William: Today is my very first day at campus, I heard of campus is a ivory tower and full of joy, in there,I can broaden my horizon and follow my interest to making friends, especially the association of campus is a shinning view, look ,there is a hip-hop association, I will go there, follow me.Association : Howdy, guys, come here.Are you a freshman?William: Yeah. Could you tell me something about your association?Association:Of course. Firstly, let me ask you some questions.Do you want to show your talent? (YES)Do you want to enrich your campus life? (YES)Do you want to be a star? (YES)So, this is the stage what you want, we’ll give you many chances to show your style. Come on, no hesitation.W: Okay, that’s great, I will join you.Voice-over:A month later, William had come to know that he has a lot of things to do, he is confused there.William: This is my homework, and this is my activity, which one I should choose? Oh my god, who can help me?Voice-over:At that time, the learning angel and the hip-hop fairy come to his mind at the same time.Learning Angel: To be or not to be, that is a question. Litter William, Shakespeare is calling you. This is the ocean of knowledge , the heaven of literature. Please take your book and come to my world.W: Okay, angel , wait me …wait me.Voice-over: Suddenly, the hip-hop fairy is coming.Hip-pop fairy: Yo yo yo! Everybody! Push you hands up.(Singing)Buddy you’re a boy make a big noise playing in the street gonna be a big man someday, you’ve got the mud on your face, big disgrace, kicking your can all over the place. Singing, we will we will rock you. Singing, we will we will rock you.What’s boy? Come with me, we have a big party. Hurry up!William: Wow, so cool, take me away.(leave his book on the floor)Learning Angel:No! Stop!(Face to William)You can’t do it. It is time to study.(Face to Hip-pop fairy)And you, who are you?(The tone with provocation)Hip-pop fairy: It’s none of your business, it’s time for fun, get out of his world, he should come with me.Learning Angel: No! You can’t! Shut up!Hip-pop fairy: What? What? ( Disputing)William: All right… all right. Calm down…. calm down guys!We must have a talk!Learning Angel and Hip-hop fairy: Okay…okay. (Calm down)William: (Face to Learning Angel)You, you’re the important part of my life, I know I should pay more attention to you.But, you(Face to Hip-hop fairy),without you, my life is not complete.(Face to audiences)Learning angel is my right hand, Hip-hop fairy is my left hand, you should get well alone with each other and work together, I need you to create my beautiful campus life.Learning Angel: Okay, William is right.Hip-hop fairy: Yes, I really think we should be friends.(shake hands)(Singing together)William: They’re the girl on my mind and I know I’m thinking of them, on my way through the day and the night the stars shine above me.L/H: We have been heard some words about the guy he is too much stronger, and we will singing the song, hoping we will happy together.W/L/H: Our hearts go sha la la la la,sha la la in the moring,oh sha la la la la, sha la la in the sunshine,our hearts go sha la la la la,sha la la in the evening ,oh sha la la la la ,sha la la la la just for you.W/L/H: We hope all of you could find a right position of your life, balance your study and entertainment, make you life full of joy and create some unforgettable memories, at last , we hope you will “make it better”.The end…-
The little girl liked wearing a red coat. So everybody called her Little Red Coat.One day, her grandma had a cold. Her mother said to Little Red Coat, “my dear, send some bananas and cakes to your grandma.”As she walked through the forest, a wolf saw her, “Hello, litter girl. Where are you going?”“I’m going to my grandma’s house. She has got a cold.” Said Little Red Coat.“Where does she live?” asked the wolf.“She lives in the house near the forest. There are some big trees in front of her house.” Said Little Red Coat. “Bye-bye, little girl.” The wolf ran to the grandma’s house.Grandma asked, “Who is it?”“It’s me, Little Red Coat.” said the wolf.“Come in, please.”The big wolf opened the door and walked into the room. He ate Grandma up.He put on Grandma’s coat and trousers. Then he lay in bed.Little Red Coat walked into her grandma’s room. “What big eyes you have got, Grandma!” she said.“Because I want to see your pretty face.”said the wolf.“What a big mouth you have got, Grandma!”she said.“Because I want to eat you, my dear.”said the wolf.“Oh, no!”cried the little girl.The bad wolf ate Little Red Coat, too.The wolf was sleeping on Grandma’s bed.At this time, a hunter came and saw the wolf. “What a big stomach he has got! Grandma must be in his stomach.”thought the hunter.The hunter cut open the wolf. Grandma and Little Red Coat were still alive. They jumped out of the wolf.Grandma and Little Red Coat were very happy. “Thank you.”they said to the hunter.
《男孩和他的树》a boy and his treea long ago,there was a huge apple tree. a little boy love to come and play around it everyday.he climbed to the tree top,ate the apples,took a nap under the shadow…he loved the tree and the tree loved to play with him.time went by…the little boy had grown up and he no longer played around the tree everyday.one day,the boy came back to the tree and he looked."come and play with me ,"the tree asked the boy ."i am no longer a kid, i don't play around trees anymore."the boy replied,"i want toys.i need money to buy them.""sorry,but i don't have money…but you can pick all my apples and sell them.so,you will have money."the boy was so excited .he grabbed all the apples on the tree and left happily.the boy never came back after he picked the apples.the tree was sad.one day,the boy returned and the tree was so excited."come and play with me ,"the tree said."i don't have time to play.i have to work for my family.we need a house for shelter.can you help me?""sorry,but i don't have a house .but you can chop off my branches to build your house."so the boy cut all the branches of the tree and left happily.the tree was glad to see him happy but the boy never came back since then.the tree was again lonely and sad.one hot summer day,the boy returned and the tree was delighted."come and play with me !"the tree said."i am sad and getting old.iwant to go sailing to relax myself.can you give a boat?""use my truck to build your boat.you can sail faraway and be happy."so the boy cut the tree truck to make a boat .he went sailing and never showed up for a long time.finally, the boy returned after he left for so many years."sorry,my boy.but i don't have anything for you anymore.no more apples for for you…“the tree said."i don't have teeth to bite."the boy replied."no more truck foe you to climb on.""i am too old for that now."the boy said."i really can give you anything…the only thing left is my dying roots."the tree said with tears."i don't need much now,just a place to rest.i am tired after all these year" the boy replied."good!old tree roots is the best place to lean on and rest. come,come sit down with me and rest."the boy sat down and the tree was glad and smiled with tears……this is a story of everyone. the tree is our parent. when we were young, we loved to play with mom and dad……when we grown up, we left them…only came to them when we need something or when we are in trouble.no matter what,parents will alway be there and give everything they could to make you happy.you may think the boy is cruel to the tree but that how all of us are treating our parent.time is too slow for those who wait,too swiftfor those who fear,too long for those who grieve,too short for those who rejoice,but for those who love,time is eternity.
搞笑英语微电影剧本《Whose treat》(英语5人搞笑微电影剧本)演员:A—— ,B—— ,C—— ,D—— ,旁白—— 编剧: 摄影: 后期制作: 插曲:场景一《铃儿响叮当》场景二《雪绒花》场景三《泰坦尼克号主题曲》场景四《flash》场景五《never say goodbye》或者《字母歌》道具:一份报纸(最好是英文的),三份试卷(白纸即可),100元,64元找零,布娃娃(场景一:未定空地____5个人都到, 拍摄)旁白:One day ,some yang people want to get takeout as their dinner 一天,几个年轻人想叫外卖吃(直接录旁白,念完时候镜头落在四个人身上)A: let’s get takeout ,please?(旁白念完直接开始)B:why not? I like it .(开心,满足)C:It's up to you .(看着A)D:OK,but i have a good idea……(手托下巴,卖关子)A:go on ,please(请求语气)D:we always ”going Dutch “,.it‘s time to enjoy someone’s treat……我们总是AA制,这次找个人请客吧(扫一眼大家,继续卖关子)C: but how should we drag the unfortunate? talk to us,please(请求)D:(笑)OK,OK…….Each of us tell a joke, if not making others laugh, just pay !我们每人讲一个笑话,如果不能把其他人逗笑,就买单哦。(得意)A,B,C:good idea!(大家拍手,异口同声)A:Let me tell a joke first .the title is” I'm Glad “.A school teacher was telling her pupils the importance of making others glad. 我先讲吧,题目是“我很高兴”。一个老师正在对学生讲使别人高兴的重要性。现在,她说(切到场景二,到一个教室,或有椅子的地方,把笑话表演出来,, 拍)旁白:Now, she said现在,她说赵雪:children ,has anyone of you ever made someone else glad?你们当中有谁让别人高兴过?王鹏:teacher, I've made someone glad yesterday.昨天我就使别人高兴过。赵雪:Well done. Who was that?做得好,是谁呢?王鹏:My granny.我奶奶。赵雪:Good boy. Now tell us how you made your grand mother glad.好孩子,现在告诉我们,你是怎样使你奶奶高兴的。王鹏:Please, teacher, I went to see her yesterday, and stayed with her three hours. Then I said to her, ‘Granny, I'm going home,’ and she said, ‘Well, I'm glad’!是这样的,老师。我昨天去看她,在她那儿呆了三个小时。然后我跟她说:‘奶奶,我要回家了。’她说:‘啊,我很高兴!’(切回场景一,BCD哈哈大笑A见状很开心,)A:oh, i got it !我做到了(很开心)B:yeah,yeah, maybe you just tell your own story .(指着A说完捂嘴笑)A: I……(要解释,被B拦下)B:OK,now ,It's my turn .”a gentle reminder”is the title.Having been married a long time, my husband sometimes needs a gentle reminder of a special occasion. 婚后已久,我丈夫往往在一个特别事情上需要委婉的提醒。(切换场景三,移至餐厅或有椅子的地方, 拍摄,)B:On the morning of our 35th anniversary, we were sitting at the breakfast table when I hinted, 在我们结婚35周年纪念的早上,我们正坐在早餐桌旁,我暗示道:(录旁白形式)双:"Honey, do you realize that we've been sitting in these same two seats for exactly 35 years?"“亲爱的,你意识到我们在这两个相同的座位上已坐了整整35年了吗?” B:Putting down the newspaper, he looked straight at me and said,他放下报纸,眼睛直直地望着我:田:"So, you want to switch seats?"“因此,你想交换座位吗?”(切回场景一,ACD哈哈大笑中,)B:so, i got it,(对C)maybe you will like the man in the future (笑)it‘s your turnC: oh,no ,he is stupid (不屑),my title is “girl,oh little girl”题目是“让人无奈的孩子”When they're together, my five-year-old daughter and her cousin tend to cause mayhem. (['meɪhem] )one Saturday, I put my foot down.我五岁的女儿和她的表妹在一起的时候,总要招来大乱。一个星期六,我开始抗议了。(切至场景四,某空地, 拍摄): "All right, you two,"No screaming , grabbing, whining, hitting, teasing, tattling, breaking toys, scratching or fighting."“好啦,你们两个,”我严厉地说,“不许叫喊,不许乱拿,不许哭闹,不许乱敲,不许取笑,不许扯淡,不许弄坏玩具,不许乱抓,不许打架。” (转身要走),双:“come on ,MengMeng, let's get dirty . "“来, ,我们来把自己弄脏吧。”(切回场景一,ABD哈哈笑)B:OK,we three all did it ,now,(对D)only you leftD:i’m very afraid now,maybe I’ll fail it . Let me try .it’s “A dollar per point”一分一块钱A professor was giving a big test one day to his students.一天,教授正在给学生们监考。 (切场景五,至 教室, 拍摄)D(旁白形式):He handed out all of the tests and went back to his desk to wait.他发下试卷,然后回到讲台前等待。( 轩演教授, 坐中间, 演学生,考试时, 左顾右盼很着急,交卷子时, 左看看右看看掏出100元夹在卷子里并且写了一句话A dollar per point.)Once the test was over the students all handed the tests back in. "考试结束了,学生们纷纷交回试卷The professor noticed that one of the students had attached a $100 bill to his test with a note saying "A dollar per point."考试结束了,学生们纷纷交回试卷。教授发现一张试卷上别着一张百元钞票,还有一张纸条写着:“一分一块钱。”The next class the professor handed the tests back out. And walk up to the student ,said,第二堂课,教授把试卷都发回学生们手中。走到那个 旁,田:”here are your test and $64 change“这是你的试卷还有64块钱的找零。(邱大囧)(切回场景一,ABC死憋住不笑,各种憋)D:well,my treat(很无奈)OK,you win……i’ll buy it right now(走开)(ABC终于放声大笑,落幕)原网址
英语搞笑话剧《孔雀东南飞》作者:佚名 文章来源:本站原创 点击数:7713 更新时间:2005-11-27Wanderseveryfivemiles焦仲卿Johnny(Jforshort)刘兰芝Lunch(Lforshort)焦母Johnny’smother(JMforshort)刘母Lunch’smother(LMforshort)太守之子Mayor’sson(MSforshort)强盗Burglars(ABandC)Prologue本文转自:小品剧本,简历封面,免费电影(J作被打状跑上台,内砸出一卷纸筒,J被打中,狼狈不堪)J:EverybodysaysthatI’mhenpecked,butinfact,I’masstrongasatiger,(小声)whilemywifeisWuSong.(指着上台处的门大声道)I’mnotafraidofyou!(内砸出一脸盆,J接住当成盾牌护着头)Then,I’mafraidofwhom?MywifeLunchisthemostfamouswomanintheneighbor-hood.Sheisbraverthanme,smarterthanmeandstrongerthanme.AllthisIdonotcare.Ionlywanthertobetenderthanme.Butsheisnot!Havingawifelikethisisjustlikelivinginthehell!(内又砸出一卷纸筒,击中J)MyGod!Whocanhelpme?(下)Act1(序幕结束时,JM作窃听状)JM(拄拐棍上):Ican!(对门内)Lunch!Lunch!Whereareyou?L(扎着围裙,拿着锅铲,从门内跳出来):I’mhere!What’supmum?JM:I’vetoldyouagainandagainthatyoushouldcallme“mymostbeautifulgracefulanddearestmother-in-law”.L:OK.Mymostbeautifulgracefulanddearestmother-in-law,what’sup?JM:Sinceyoumarriedmysonyouhavebehavedsobadly.Youhavebeensorude,sobrusque,solazy……L:But……JM:Neverinterruptme!L:Neverinterruptme!SinceImarriedyourson,thatterribleJohnny,Ihavebeenworkinghardalldaylong,cookingandwashing.Ihaveraisedtensofthousandsofpigsandducksandchickenand……JM:Butallthoseyouhavedonearenotasvaluableasagrandson!L(生气地挥动着锅铲):Oh,youwantagrandson,don’tyou?(开始解围裙)Goandaskyourson.I’mleaving!(扯下围裙,扔在JM的脸上,下)Act2(LM坐在台上打毛线,L拿着锅铲上)L:Mum,I’mback!LM:Youareback?Why?Whathappened?L:Iwaskickedoutbymymostbeautifulgracefulanddearestmother–in-law.LM(惊讶,但随即露出幸灾乐祸的神情):See!Ihavealreadytoldyou!WhenyouinsistedonmarryingthatterribleJohnny,Itoldyouthatheisuglystupidandpoor,butyoudidnotlistentome.Lookatyourself……L:But,mum……LM:Neverinterruptme!L:Mum,I’mnotinterruptingyou.IjustwanttotellyouthatyouarealwaysrightOK?AndI’llmarrywhomeveryouwantmeto.LM(大喜):Nicegirl!Justnow,Imetthemayor’ssoninthemarket.Hesaid:“IfyoudaughterHaven’tbeenmarried,Ireallyreallywanttomarryher!”Nowyouarefreeagain,I’llgoandtellhim.(下)L(惊愕):What?Themayor’sson?Themostfamousplayboyintheneighbor-hood?(手中的锅铲掉在地上)WhatasillythingIhavedone!(下)Act3本文转自:小品剧本,简历封面,免费电影(J睡眼惺忪上)J(边走边道):Lunch!Lunch!Wherearemysocks?(走了几步,在地上捡起袜子)Heretheyare!(闻一下) Er!Howsmelly!Theyarestilldirty!(突然想起)Lunchhasgone!Ihavetowashthemmyself.(他的肚子似乎咕咕叫了起来)Oh,I’msohungry!Butthere’snobreakfast!(捡起地上的围裙)ThisiswhatLunchalwayswears!Imisshersomuch,andherexcellentcookingskill!Nowshehasgone.Ihavetocookformymotherandmyself.JM(上):Where’smybreakfast?Where’sLunch?Hasn’tshegotupyet?J:Mum,can’tyouremember?Lunchhasgone!JM(沉吟片刻):Well,totellyouthetruthJohnny,asonwithoutawifeisuseless.Lunchisanicegirl,goandtakeherback!J(立正敬礼):Yesmadam!Act4(J开心地走着,忽然跳出来三个强盗)A:Heyyou!Stopandlistentous!Theroadisbuiltbyme!(抬脚重重地踩在一块大石头上)B:AndIplantedonetree!(亦抬脚踩在同一块石头上)C:Ifyouwanttogobythisstreet---(欲踩石头,但踩到了A的脚)AB&C:Giveusallyourmoney!J(搜遍了每一个口袋,掏出1角硬币):Is1maoenough?(三强盗晕倒状,接着三人聚在一边商量)A:Whatbadluck!Thisguyisbroken!B:Ifwecannotrobanymoneytoday,wewillhavenothingtoeattonight!C:Iheardthatthemayor’ssonisgoingtomarryMissLiuLanzhinextmonth.WEcangoandrobthewedding!A&B:Goodidea!J(惊讶):What?What?Lunchisgoingtogetmarried?It’simpossible!AB&C:Why?Aprettygirlandarichman,whatagoodcouple!J:ButLunchismywife!Wehaven’tgotdivorcedyet!(突然有了主意)I’vegotanidea!Youaregoingtorobthewedding,don’tyou?I’llgowithyou.YoutakethemoneyandItakethebride.B:Haveyougotanyexperience?J:No.ButI’vegotthis!(J脱下鞋子从里面摸出一张支票,上书$1,000,000)Act5(转眼已到了婚礼之期.MS意气风发用红绸牵着新娘上,J盖着红盖头极不情愿地被拉上台)(J和三强盗跃至台中)ABC&J:Heyyou!Stopandlistentous!A:Theroadisbuiltbyme!B:AndIplantedonetree.C:Ifyouwanttogobythisstreet---J:Giveusallyourmoney!(L听到J的声音,掀起了盖头)L(惊喜万分):Johnny!(不顾一切地飞奔到J的身边并躲到了的身后)(MS大怒,挥拳向J打来.J矮身一躲,MS打中了J身后的L,L晕倒)J(火冒三丈):Howdareyoubeatmywife!(挥拳向MS冲去)(J与MS混战,JM上,以拐杖击晕MS)(J将MS胸前的新郎标志扯下戴在自己胸前)J(扶起L,关切地问):Honey,howareyou?L(哭状):Ihurtalot!J:Don’tcrybaby.I’llgoandfetchthemedicine. (下)L(起身去追):Waitforme! (跑下)(音乐起 CanYouCelebrate)
角色分配: 小白兔甲 玲玲 小白兔乙 佳佳,玲玲的弟弟。 大白兔 兔妈妈 刺猬 珍珍 家猫 了了 家鼠 憨憨 田鼠 宽宽 小花蛇 小青 小姑娘 雪儿 老保姆 第一场 森林 日 〈晨雾缭绕。百鸟争鸣。玲玲和弟弟佳佳在采拾蘑菇和菌子。〉 佳佳:啊!早晨真好,空气真新鲜,鸟儿唱的真好听。 佳佳:(调皮地)姐姐,为什么我要叫你姐姐,不叫别的? 玲玲:因为我比你大,我又是个女孩,所以你要叫我姐姐。 佳佳:爸爸为什么叫你玲玲,叫我佳佳? 玲玲:啊!那是因为我们每个人都应该有个名字啊! 佳佳:玲玲!多好听的名字呀!就象叮咚的泉水;那我也叫你玲玲好吗? 玲玲:随便吧!玲玲是我姐姐也是我。 佳佳:(顽皮)玲玲,啊啊!玲玲!早上好! 玲玲:调皮!!我们把蘑菇洗干净拿回去,爸爸一定会很高兴。 佳佳:那我们就在这儿洗吧!多清澈的水呀! 〈两人高高兴兴的洗着蘑菇,水中倒映出他们的影子。两人都开心地笑了。这时,一阵难听的歌声由远而近。〉 叮咚丁咚划水响 小青我早早进水塘 树上鸟儿叫 水里青丝荡 自由自在多快乐呀 自由自在多舒畅 小青:是谁这么早就把池塘里搅得哗哗响啦!难道嫌这潭水太清凉了吗? 玲玲:啊!小青!早上好! 小青:早上好!玲玲! 佳佳:瞧他长得多丑哇! 玲玲:别乱说,佳佳!他是小青,我们的森林朋友。(抱歉地)对不起,小青!我弟弟他不认识你,请别生气。 小青:大人不计小人过啦,我不会生气的?我有个不好的消息要告诉你们,昨天我在清溪别墅的花园里休息,碰见了家猫了了,他说他可爱的小主人雪儿近来很忧伤妈妈去世了,爸爸工作又忙,除了老保姆,没有一个亲人,多么孤独呀! 玲玲:哦,可怜的雪儿,我真希望能替她分担痛苦。 小青:(为获得同志而激动)真的?那我们怎么办呢? 佳佳:(翻着眼珠想,抓抓头发)恩! 玲玲:我们回去妈妈商量一下,或者有好办法! 小青:好!好!我们到雪儿的花园里碰头。快去吧,佳佳!帮你姐姐收拾收拾。(兴奋地)回头见! 玲玲:回头见,小青! 第二场 〈玲玲和佳佳的家,兔妈妈在门前洗着萝卜。〉 佳佳:妈妈!妈妈!帮帮我们吧!雪儿,雪儿。(声泪俱下) 兔妈妈:(惊诧地,关切地)怎么啦!孩子们!(疑惑地)雪儿?雪儿是谁?她怎么了? 佳佳:(哭)雪儿!噢!雪儿! 玲玲:雪儿就是林子边清溪农庄的小主人,她的妈妈不久前去世了爸爸又不能陪伴她,就把她送到这里来,整天一个人,好孤独。 兔妈妈:哦!是这样。孩子们,你们喜欢雪儿吗? 玲玲和佳佳:当然喜欢。 兔妈妈:那你们一定乐意帮助她,使她快乐了?是吗? 佳佳:(跳起来)是的是的。妈妈!怎么样才能让她高兴呢? 兔妈妈:(思考的样子)恩,你们多邀几个小朋友,去看望雪儿。唱你们最动听的歌;跳你们最美的舞。雪儿会笑起来的! 佳佳:(高兴地跳起来)哦!雪儿雪儿。 玲玲:那我们现在就去找小青。快走啊!佳佳。 佳佳:走啦!(二人跑下) 兔妈妈:哎!玲玲,带上这个,你们的礼物。(递上一篮蘑菇) 佳佳;谢谢妈妈! 兔妈妈:(望着他们远去的身影,摇摇头)嘿嘿!这善良的小淘气。 第三场 〈太阳升起来了。森林里雾霭漫漫,阳光穿过叶隙,在潮湿的草地上留下点点光斑。田鼠和家鼠对面而坐,正在分享春笋。〉 憨憨:(眉飞色舞)我说宽宽,你这春笋真新鲜啦!(大口地吃,快活地)又鲜又嫩。 宽宽;是吗?那你就多吃点吧!要知道你的鸡爪和猪骨头也真够香的。 憨憨:(庆幸地)啊!要不是雪儿。(在胸前划十字)那头该死的猫是不会让我弄到这些好吃的东西的,哦,雪儿!愿让上帝赐给你快乐,你不能整天这样愁眉苦脸啦! 〈远处,玲玲和佳佳上。〉 佳佳:(兴致勃勃)喂!什么事让你们愁眉苦脸!你们俩皱眉的模样都一样啦!(故意地)到底是叫你们老鼠呢?还是叫你们田鼠? 宽宽:(不以为然)随便啦,我们俩反正是亲戚关系。 玲玲:你们听说雪儿的事了吗? 宽宽:我们正好说着呢。 玲玲:那你们想去看雪儿吗? 憨憨:(犹疑地)这个?老猫能让我们去吗?。 玲玲:会的,我们在花园等你们。 憨憨:那好吧! 第四场 〈老橡树下,珍珍和小青对峙着,气氛很紧张。〉 珍珍:好了,不要在我面前说那些甜言蜜语了。你的如簧巧舌在我面前吃不开。(撇着嘴)你的脚下有一个水洼,它像镜子一样照出你这可狰的模样。(停顿,轻蔑地)妖怪一样的身子,顽石一样的脑袋,血红的信子,连这世界上最聪明的人类都怕你们。今天撞在我的手上,我决不会放过你。 小青;瞧你,我的朋友,在说些什么呀!是的,我们的队伍里有那么些毒蛇,他们心狠手辣,犯下了不可饶恕的罪恶。可是我们蛇大多数是好的。我们乐于助人,有同情心,和你们一样渴望自由和友情。对森林美好的未来怀着热烈的憧憬。请相信我!我还要看朋友去,请让开! 珍珍:哈……哈……哈!多美丽的词藻,多么动人的演说呀!可惜你今天用错了地方,也认错了人。我的眼睛有多么雪亮,蚯蚓在地下耕耘我看得见;蜂鸟在枝叶嗡嗡也逃不过我的耳朵。你的朋友?你也配有朋友? 小青:是的,我有很多的朋友。瞧,他们来啦!玲玲,佳佳。 (玲玲和佳佳上。) 玲玲:小青!你怎么在这儿耽搁?你忘了要去看雪儿吗? 小青:(无可奈何)很可悲,玲玲,我正被人拦路抢杀呢! 玲玲:什么? 珍珍:啊!玲玲。别听他瞎说。我正在履行我的义务,为森林里的朋友们除去这个祸害。 玲玲:错了,全错了。珍珍大叔,小青是个善良的人,他不会做那些伤天害理的事的,刚才我们正在商量一起去看雪儿的。这还是小青的主意呢! (憨憨和宽宽上。) 憨憨:喂!我说朋友们你们在争论什么呀!怎么我发现空气里充满了火药味哪? 佳佳:憨憨。 憨憨:哦!佳佳,到底怎么哪?(对小青)出什么事啦!小青,你们都哭丧着脸干吗?哎呀!珍珍大叔,你好哇!老长时间不见你老了,我挺想你的。怎么,大叔你的嘴巴已经够长的了,为什么还要气嘟嘟的,难道还嫌短了吗? 宽宽:呲呲呲!憨憨。你可真让我腮梆子打颤,珍珍大叔是你寒碜的吗? 珍珍:喂!好了好了。别闹了,(对憨憨)憨憨,你刚才蛮亲热地叫小青,你们不是仇家吗? 憨憨:什么?我和小青?仇家?不不。珍珍大叔,小青还是我的救命恩人哪!有一次在山后面的阴沟里多亏他救了我,要不然我早就成了那黑上蛇的口中美味了。我们是生死之交哪!(对小青)小青! 小青:(不好意思)不要提起,不要提起。 珍珍:(感觉到自己的唐突,不自然的)啊!哈哈哈!看来真是我错了。小青,大叔错怪你了。大叔给你陪个不是。 玲玲:好了,我们去花园吧! 第五场 (雪儿的卧房,雪儿在窗前失神地望着窗外。) 雪儿:(独白)世界真安静啦!好象一切东西全死去了。像我那可爱的妈妈,再也听不到她的声音,再也看不到她的身影。没有欢笑,没有希望。上帝呀!你真不公平,让我孤苦无依。 (雪儿离开窗户,坐到椅子上发愣。) 敲门声。保姆的声音:雪儿!雪儿! 保姆:(嗔怨)雪儿!该吃饭了? 雪儿:(无精打采)我不想吃。 保姆:不想吃?那可不行,你这样会伤身体的。孩子!无论怎么说你还小,我相信上帝他会把欢乐还给你的。去吧!吃饭去吧! 雪儿:我想喝水。 保姆:好吧!我这就去端。(保姆下) 雪儿:(独白)上帝?难道真有上帝。上帝如果真能让我快乐,那他为什么要夺去的我的妈妈?我还是到厨房去走走吧。 第六场 (花园里,春光明媚,草地如毡。了了舒服的躺着,眯着眼。) 了了:(独白)啊,一个人躺在这安静的草地上,嗅着这淡淡的花香,晒着暖暖的阳光真惬意呀!我真不知道世界上还有什么不称心的了。可是,雪儿?(一想到雪儿,不由得皱了一下眉头)哼!看样子做人的还是不如我们啦!(突然,警惕)恩!我好象闻到了憨憨的气味。篱笆那儿有动静,这家伙好大的胆儿,大白天也敢在外面溜达。(蹦起来)让我去看个究竟。 〈篱笆边,玲玲等几人在听憨憨讲话。〉 憨憨:我说朋友们,你们都是为雪儿而来的,不过,恕我直言,我想你们知道给雪儿带来了什么? 佳佳:有哇!我们给雪儿带来了新鲜的蘑菇。 宽宽:哎!哎!我说憨憨。我早上刚采的鲜笋都被你给吃光了,这会儿你叫我上哪儿去找哇? 小青:这!我还真想不出我吃的什么东西能做礼物送给雪儿的。 珍珍:真抱歉。我想我最喜欢吃的土蛤蟆恐怕不对雪儿的味口。 宽宽:雪儿是精神上的悲伤,她需要的是亲情和友情。 〈众皆首肯,了了上。〉 了了:啊!我道是谁在这儿大作演讲呢?一个小人也敢在光天化日下诓谈友爱亲情,真是自从盘古开天地,了某是开了眼界了。 小青:你好!了了。我正想去找你呢?我邀请了几位朋友一起来看望雪儿,希望她快乐起来。 玲玲:了了,你最了解雪儿,你说说怎样才能让雪儿开心起来呢? 齐:是啊!说说看。 了了:这个吗?我觉得我恐怕也无能为力了。 小青:唉!伙伴们,快想想办法吧!现在可是看谁最聪明,最爱动脑筋的时候了。 〈静场。大家都动起脑筋来。〉 憨憨;(对了了)恩!各位。恕我冒昧,我想说说我的看法。 齐:说吧!说吧! 憨憨:我现在想问一问你们住在森林里这些年,你们快乐吗?请诚实相待。 佳佳:为什么不快乐?我们很幸福很舒服。 玲玲:是呀!我们的确要比雪儿幸福多了。 [众皆唱偌。 憨憨;是的,森林养育了无数的我们的同类。它那样的美丽,五彩缤纷,生长在森林的朋友们都那么幸福和自由。那为什么不能给雪儿同样的快乐呢?让他经常走进绿色的环境里,呼吸这清澄的气息,听鸟儿们的绝妙的歌唱,领着她光临你们温难暖的家庭,!我敢肯定雪儿一定会高兴的! 小青:对。我也这样认为。 宽宽:啊!真没想到你真够灵气的。 了了:好,我想办法让雪儿出来,你们等好消息吧。 〈了了下。〉 憨憨:大家过来,我告诉你们怎么办。 第七场 (雪儿的房间。雪儿躺在椅上,闭着眼,仿佛睡着了。门开了。了了悄悄地走进来。) 了了:(独白:哦!我可怜的小主人)雪儿,我是了了。 雪儿:(仿佛从梦中醒来)哦!了了,来,坐到我的腿上。你到哪儿去了? 了了:为了不打搅你,我就到花园里去了,在温暖的阳光下躺了一会儿。 雪儿:了了,你真好,总是想着我,怎么,阳光温暖吗?我想你一定做了个好梦。 了了:啊!我真希望你也有个好梦。如果,我能陪你到花园里去,呼吸一下新鲜的空气,那就好了。 雪儿:哦!了了,你想到花园里去吗?好吧!我也该去看看那石榴花,总还没有凋谢吧!(站起来,似乎对自己的任性有点不好意思)走吧! 雪儿:哦!多美丽的石榴花呀!可惜它们都凋谢了。 了了:花是谢了,可是枝桠间却长出了果实。忘掉吧!雪儿,我们到树林里去散散心。 第八场 森林里。众人焦急地等待着。 宽宽:喂!憨憨,我看见他们了。好象朝我们这边来了。 憨憨:聪明的了了,还真有两下子。哼!我们就这样去见雪儿会吓着他的。我说伙伴们,咱们不能这样让雪儿看见。我建议珍珍大叔,小青,宽宽和我,我们暂时躲起来。玲玲,听我说,你和你弟弟,你们装着在这儿玩耍,用你们可爱的形象去亲近雪儿,(对小青等)我们先离开吧。(下) 〈雪儿惊喜的叫声。〉 雪儿:啊!小白兔?多可爱的小白兔呀! 了了:玲玲,佳佳你们好! 玲玲 佳佳——你好!了了。(欣喜地望着雪儿)你好!雪儿。见到你们真高兴。 雪儿:(吃惊地)玲玲!佳佳!你们怎么认得我?了了,这是怎么回事? 了了:哦!雪儿,玲玲和佳佳是我的好朋友,他们知道你不开心,我们约好了森林里的 小朋友们一起来看你。 佳佳:雪儿,你一个人在那孤寂的房子里一定不好受。我真希望为你分担一些忧愁。 玲玲:你不会让我们失望吧!雪儿? 雪儿:(激动,含着泪)谢谢!谢谢你们。玲玲! 了了:还有几位朋友,怀着同样的心情,他们迫切地希望见到你。但由于上帝赐于他们奇异的身躯,使他们不能贸然地出现在你的面前。但他们都有一颗金子般的心,我想把他们介绍给你。 憨憨:啊!不用介绍,我乃是你们家的食客憨憨是也。我该怎样的感激你呢?这位,我的朋友宽宽,有幸和我一个模样,珍珍大叔,小青你们快出来吧! 珍珍:嗳嗳!来了来了。老刺猬向雪儿问好。 雪儿:(难以置信)你好!珍珍大叔,你真让我大开眼界。 斯摸卡:快来呀!小青,你怎么磨磨蹭蹭的? 〈后台:哦!我,我,我怕吓着雪儿。〉 雪儿:是小青蛇吗?我听了了说过,出来吧!我不害怕。(张望)见不到你我会难过的。出来吧! 小青:(扭扭捏捏的)哎!来了。(不敢抬头)你好,雪儿! 雪儿:你好,小青!(跑上前,想和它我手,却又有些胆怯) (大家都开心的笑了,雪儿也笑了。) 雪儿:哦!今天不再是我冷清清的一个人。我真高兴,走吧!朋友们,我盛情地邀请你们去我家。 〈大家欢声笑语地向农舍跑去。〉 〈大家在一起玩的真开心。他们玩捉迷藏,他们玩杂技。各人都拿出了自己的绝活。欢声笑语引得小鸟满天飞舞。不少人都加入了这快乐的集体中。〉 第九场 〈傍晚。雪儿的客厅里。热闹了一天的森林朋友们该回家了。大家准备告辞。〉 珍珍:夜幕就要降临,大伙该回去了。让雪儿早点休息吧! 憨憨:是呀!是呀!时候不早了。 佳佳:(瞌睡的眼睛都争不开了)做个好梦,雪儿。 小青:再见,雪儿。 雪儿:再见,小青! 宽宽:明天见,雪儿! 雪儿:明天见,宽宽! 第十场 〈厨房里,憨憨在找东西吃。了了悄悄走了进来。〉 了了:(突然)嘿!我道是谁弄得沙沙响啦!原来是你呀! 憨憨:(惊的一颤,手中的一只鸡翅掉在地上。)啊!了了?晚上好。嘿嘿!正准备睡觉呢!肚子咕碌碌直叫,没办法来找点吃的。 了了:找吃的?今天是个好日子。了某好兴致饶了你这次。从明天起,放规矩点,再要放肆,恨!别怪我不客气。 憨憨:呃!咱们是朋友哇!你怎么…… 了了:朋友?哼!上帝创造世界时,猫和老鼠就是天敌。啊!哈哈哈哈哈。(下) 憨憨:哦!天啦!原来雪儿快乐的开始就是我憨憨的末日呀!(捧头大哭)哦!灾难,灾难。上帝呀!如果你真的存在,请发发慈悲帮帮我吧!哦!咯卡咳呵……(蒙头大哭) (幕落)
小狮子找食物 (I Am Hungry)角色:雄狮、小狮、小白兔、小松鼠、小女孩。道具:雄狮、小狮、小白兔、小松鼠头套、红萝卜、花生一把、苹果一个。Act 1雄狮:(怒吼)Roar, roar!I am the lion,the king of the forest.No one is stronger than me.Roar, roar!小狮:Daddy! I’m hungry.雄狮:You are big now.Be brave!Go and find your own food.小狮:But, I don’t know how.雄狮:Do it like me.Roar, roar! (怒吼)小狮:(小声地)Roar, roar!雄狮:Rush to the animals and bite them with your sharp teeth.( 露出尖利的牙齿)Go and do it now.小狮:Yes, daddy.Act 2小白兔:(唱”Rabbit, R693535747 19:39:38abbit, Carrot Eater”)Rabbit, rabbit, carrot eater.He says there is nothing sweeter,Than a carrot everyday,Munch and crunch and run away.小狮:Hi, rabbit! I am hungry.Roar, roar!(小声地)小白兔:Do you want some carrots?小狮:Yes, please.(小白兔递给小狮一根红萝卜)小狮:Thank you.小白兔:Carrots are the best food.小狮:(吃了一口)Yuck! I don’t like it.Anyway, thank you, rabbit.(还红萝卜给小白兔)小白兔:You are welcome.(边跳边唱”Rabbit, Rabbit, Carrot Eater”离开)Act 3小松鼠:(唱着”Found a Peanut”)Found a peanut.Found a peanut.Found a peanut693535747 19:39:38just now.Just now I found a peanut.Found a peanut just now.小狮:Hi, squirrel! I am hungry.Roar, roar! (小声地)小松鼠:Do you want some peanuts?小狮:Yes, please.(小松鼠递给小狮一些花生)小狮:Thank you.小松鼠:Peanut is the best food.小狮:(吃了一颗)Yuck! It’s too hard.I don’t like it.Anyway, thank you, squirrel.(将花生还给小松鼠)小松鼠:You are welcome.(边走边唱”Found a Peanut”离开)Act 4(小女孩边走边唱”Apple Round”)小女孩:Apple round.Apple red.Apple juicy.Apple sweet.
威尼斯商人 挺好的莎士比亚的都不错
A:Hello,What can I do for you?B:Yes.I want to buy a computer.A:We have got many kinds of personal computer (个人电脑).This red one is called Kiwi,and it is designed eapecially(尤其是) for student.B:Where is it made in?A:It is made in Shenzhen.B:Is it used widely(广泛)?A:Of course,very widely in Beijing.B:OK.I'll think about(考虑)it.
旁白(Aside )/介绍(Introduction): Long ago there was a crazy country, in this crazy country there were some crazy people, trying to show the crazy history by crazy ways. Mr Jingke was the most famous swordsman and was sent to kill king of Qing, “Yingzheng”. But finally he failed. Do you want to know what happened at that time? Okay, next show will tell you the truth.Action I太子丹(上,掏出镜子梳头,做自恋状):Mirror, mirror, tell me, who is the most pretty man in the world? (画外音:It’s you, Prince Dan! 太子丹高兴状) Thank u mirror! (面对观众) I’m Prince Dan, the magic mirror said I am the most attractive man in the world. But Ying Zheng is a jealous guy, I feel he will kill me if mirror told him the truth. I am so scared. So what can I do? (向幕里大叫) Where is my minister?阿三(毕恭毕敬) : Honey, I am coming.太子丹:I’ve told you again and again that you should call me “my most beautiful、graceful 、handsome、charming、cute、smart and dearest Prince Dan”!阿三:Sure, honey! I have a good idea. We can find a hero to kill YingZheng~~~(作杀状)太子:Oh yeah~~~. What is the most expensive commodity in this century? Talent!(二十一世纪最需要的是什么,人才!这句话要跟观众交流,最好由观众来回答,然后拍阿三肩膀,做赞许状) Good idea! But who is the right candidate?阿三:After screening I have two promising persons on hand. One is Miss LiMoChou, the other is Mr JinKe. Tomorrow they will PK for the NO1 killer of the world.太子:Well, show me the winner as soon as possible, OK?阿三:Yes.Action II
a boy and his tree a long ago,there was a huge apple tree. a little boy love to come and play around it everyday.he climbed to the tree top,ate the apples,took a nap under the shadow…he loved the tree and the tree loved to play with him.time went by…the little boy had grown up and he no longer played around the tree everyday. one day,the boy came back to the tree and he looked. "come and play with me ,"the tree asked the boy . "i am no longer a kid, i don't play around trees anymore."the boy replied, "i want toys.i need money to buy them." "sorry,but i don't have money…but you can pick all my apples and sell them. so,you will have money."the boy was so excited .he grabbed all the apples on the tree and left happily.the boy never came back after he picked the apples.the tree was sad. one day,the boy returned and the tree was so excited. "come and play with me ,"the tree said. "i don't have time to play.i have to work for my family.we need a house for shelter.can you help me?" "sorry,but i don't have a house .but you can chop off my branches to build your house."so the boy cut all the branches of the tree and left happily. the tree was glad to see him happy but the boy never came back since then. the tree was again lonely and sad. one hot summer day,the boy returned and the tree was delighted. "come and play with me !"the tree said. "i am sad and getting old.iwant to go sailing to relax myself.can you give a boat?" "use my truck to build your boat.you can sail faraway and be happy." so the boy cut the tree truck to make a boat .he went sailing and never showed up for a long time. finally, the boy returned after he left for so many years. "sorry,my boy.but i don't have anything for you anymore.no more apples for for you…“the tree said. "i don't have teeth to bite."the boy replied. "no more truck foe you to climb on." "i am too old for that now."the boy said. "i really can give you anything…the only thing left is my dying roots."the tree said with tears. "i don't need much now,just a place to rest.i am tired after all these year" the boy replied. "good!old tree roots is the best place to lean on and rest. come,come sit down with me and rest."the boy sat down and the tree was glad and smiled with tears…… this is a story of everyone. the tree is our parent. when we were young, we loved to play with mom and dad……when we grown up, we left them…only came to them when we need something or when we are in trouble. no matter what,parents will alway be there and give everything they could to make you happy. you may think the boy is cruel to the tree but that how all of us are treating our parent.time is too slow for those who wait,too swiftfor those who fear,too long for those who grieve,too short for those who rejoice,but for those who love,time is eternity.如果要中文翻译的话,追问里给我说一声,还有,采纳我哦~