【 #英语听力# 导语】听力学习同其他内容一样,一定要从基础抓起,尤其是语音的矫正与辨别不容忽视。只有从基础的语音入手,逐步过渡到单词、短语、句子、对话和语篇,才能真正起到提高听力的作用。下面是 考 网分享的高中英语听力训练过程。欢迎阅读参考! 1.高中英语听力训练过程 训练过程包括:①听力速度;②听力素质;③听力记忆;④听力理解。 一、听力速度训练 听力速度直接关系到听力测试的成败,而且是影响考生测试心理的一个重要因素。测试中因为一道题没跟上而顿时慌乱,接连丢失几题的情况并不罕见。 如何训练听力速度?一种方法是“循序渐进法”,即由慢速到快速,逐步提高。这种方法可使初学者逐渐适应有声信息的接受方式,树立起听的信心。 但是,人为地将大脑对语速的适应过程分成几个阶段,由慢到快地几经调整,始终处于消极被动的状态。而且,如果信息传播的速度过于缓慢,反而会拉长记忆的距离,造成遗忘,久而久之,大脑的反应速度也就变得迟钝了。 为使大脑尽早适应这种语速,宜从一开始就以这种速度进行训练。初期阶段会出现“坐飞机”的现象,但不必担忧,因为在这种语速的不断“轰击”下,耳朵会逐渐敏锐,从开始只能抓住只言片语到能接受一个完整句子,直至大脑完全适应了这种语速,接下来便是行使其记忆与判断的功能了。 在听力速度训练中,要抓住速度这个主要矛盾,采用语法及词汇比较浅显,但语速属于正常的有声材料。 二、听力素质培养 听力的最终目的在于理解,而达到理解境界离不开良好的听力素质。所谓听力素质是指对英语语音基本知识的掌握,如音素识别、连读等。 1.识别音素很重要 语言信息的表达是通过元音和辅音字母有规律的组合来实现的。如果说阅读是凭借字母的组合形式去判断词义的话,那么听力则主要依靠声音去确定词的意思。因此,元音的长、短,辅音的清浊,都对判断有直接影响。 听力测试第一部分除了检测考生对各类英语句子结构的理解能力之外,还检测考生的音素识别能力。在每道单句听力试题的四个选项中都设置一种与原文某些关键词在发音上相同或相近的“混淆音”。 2.连读与辨音 了解连读的一些基本规律,有利于听力测试中抓“准”词句,准确理解。助动词缩略式连读在听力中最普遍,熟悉这种连读对于正确判断试题的语气和时态十分有用。 三、听力记忆训练 听力记忆是听力测试中一个至关重要的环节。尤其是第三部分的短文和长段对话,不仅要跟上、听懂,而且还要把信息储存在记忆中,以供回答问题时使用。 从信息的输入到选出正确答案,其间不过一分多钟。往往有这样的情形:短文或对话都听懂了,但到回答问题时,脑子里竟然一片“空白”。这种现象被称之为“听力遗忘”。 克服“听力遗忘”的方法就是以人为的力量,延长信息在“短暂记忆”中停留的时间,并为信息创造“重播”的机会。这种记忆能力要系统的、长期的训练才能逐步形成。一般可分为三个阶段进行训练: 第一阶段──填空 这一阶段的任务是训练大脑抓关键词的能力。空出句中的关键词,如主语、部分谓语动词、表示时间或地点的名词、否定副词等,听完录音后将该词填上。 第二阶段──听写 这一阶段的任务是训练大脑在无任何文字信息的情况下,直接从听录音中获取信息的能力。实践证明,听写是训练记忆的有效方法。听写时不必拘泥于拼写或句子完整,只要记录关键词,甚至可用自己所理解的速记符号记录。 第三阶段──复诵 这一阶段的任务是:听完一个句子或一个段落后,立即在大脑里复诵所获得的信息。复诵中常有遗忘,但不必中途返回重听,这样会增加“短暂记忆”的负担,反而会造成更多的遗忘。 在强制回忆后仍有遗忘时,可在听第二遍时集中注意力去获取。复诵初始的速度可能很慢,但坚持下去,反应的速度就会加快,遗忘也会逐渐减少。 四、听力理解训练 在听力过程中,语言信息通过考生具备的听力速度、听力素质及记忆力,及时、准确、完整地传递到大脑。大脑对语言信息进行分捡、提炼,揭示出其表层和深层的意思,然后通过文字再现出来,这个过程就是听力理解。 理解力的强弱直接影响到答案的选择。从听力测试的内容、问题设计和四个选择项的表现形式看,理解主要在两个水平上:一是对语言信息表层意思的理解;二是对语言信息深层含义的理解。 表层意思的理解取决于对信息表达形式的理解,属于思维的初级活动。深层含义的理解则需要对信息进行分析和提炼方能实现,属高级思维活动。听力测试的三个部分同时包含着这两种思维活动。 以上,就是英语听力训练中的四大要素。找对方法,多听多练,提高听力其实并没有那么难。2.高中英语该如何学习 一、积极参与课堂活动。 我们现在使用的高中英语教材是新教材,课文短小口语化,主题贴近现实生活,课文中设计了内容丰富并与主题相关的听、说、读、写等开放性的任务型活动和探究性学习的内容。新教材重点强调学生动口动手,而不是死记单词和语法规则。课堂上我们一定要听从老师的指挥,积极参与对话、讨论,发言,要敢于开口,不怕出错,珍惜课堂上的每一分钟,不放弃每一次用英语交流的机会;不会说的也要说。要讲好英语就是要胆子大,脸皮厚。英语是一门实践性很强的学科,只有大胆实践,才能提高交流能力。 二、英语学习要重视句子和文章的朗读背诵,以培养语感。 学英语记单词很重要,但机械记忆的单词量再大,也不会真正提高你的英语水平。要做到词不离句,句不离文。请记住:句子比单词重要,记句子比记单词划算。我们要养成背句子的好习惯,因为句子中既包含了发音规则,又有语法内容,还有词的具体用法。 三、英语学习要重视复习。 英语知识点多,需要大量记忆。很多同学抱怨,说自己的记性差,记了又忘了。有什么办法能让我们记得长久些,甚至终生不忘?有2个办法。的办法以是听课文录音带。反复地听,反复地读,课文中的语言点、词汇在录音带中不断被重复。这跟我们提倡朗读是一个道理,声音对大脑的刺激有助于记忆。记住:英语首先是一门声音,我们要多运用耳朵和嘴巴,要大量进行声音的输入与输出。想学好英语复读机、录音机是比不可少的。 四、要经常复习。 要合理地安排复习时间。首先要及时复习。遗忘的规律是:前快后慢,先多后少,识记后最初遗忘得较快,以后逐渐减慢。针对这一规律,学习新知识后应及早加以复习。其次在复习中要多尝试回忆,背诵。就是边读边回忆。就像小学生背书一样,读一段,书合起来试着背,背不出来时再看一看。尝试着回忆与识记交替进行,印象会更深刻一些,同时也知道了教材的难点在哪里,复习更有目的性。3.学习高中英语听力的技巧 技巧1、平时坚持泛听 平时坚持泛听,也就是什么都听,并不一定要完全听懂。比如:电影、新闻、歌曲等。不管能不能听懂,要多听。从电影中我们可以学到很多的地道英语。如果说我们学习太紧张而没时间看一部电影,那可以听歌,听歌可是随时随地的,听英文歌也是寓教于乐的途径,在音乐里,英语也是很美的,同时会有助于我们听和说的双重学习。 技巧2、精听,高度集中注意力 精听的办法就是练习听写,精听有助于我们高度集中注意力。改变走神的坏习惯,在练习听写的时候我们要逼着自己去把每一句都写下来,就不会有精力想别的了,时间长,对于听力走神的现象会有改善。 技巧3、跟读,边听边练习口语 美国心理学家研究表明,相同材料每复述一遍对其理解力上升三倍。如果大家觉得读课文没什么意思的话,这样好大家平时可以多看英语电影。因为把一部经典的电影看上N多遍,模仿N多遍,做到熟记于心的话,英语不可能不提高,口语不可能学不好哦。 技巧4、阅读促进听力的方法 听力学习进行到一定的阶段,你就会感到进步不大,这个时候可能问题的本身已经不在听的技术范围上了,这个时候,可以采用广泛阅读的方法进行解决。可以阅读和听力材料相关的内容,也可以将阅读作为听力练习的辅助方法,大量地阅读小说、杂志、网络文章、新闻报道等自己感兴趣的内容。阅读是积累词汇的最有效的方法之一。
听力测试特别要求眼、耳、手、脑多种器官的协调配合。在放每段录音前, 必须抓住间隙,快速读完选项,节省部分时间,提高应试成功率。
听力试题的各 个选项常有相同或近似的部分。我们可以忽略这些部分,而把注意力集中在那些 有较大差异的部分,通过比较和鉴别,迅速做出正确判断。
考生听长段对话和短文理解时,推理思路要正确,要有扎实的语言基础,能理解较深较长的语言材料,在语篇环境中抓住要点,记住某些细节和事实,找到 答案。 听对话理解时,考生可能无法从对话中直接找出答案。
我们必须回忆对话内 容,用归纳、推理判断或计算等方法,将所获取的信息进行加工然后答题。有时 答话人并非直截了当地去回答问话人的问题,而采用了某种含蓄、委婉的回答方式。这种题需要考生仔细推敲,找出其“潜台词”。
首先要加强对所学语言知识记忆的准确性和稳固性。抓好单词的正确拼读, 掌握常用的语调。 对词义的正确掌握以及充足的词汇量有助于正确理解所听内容 和捕捉关键信息。
其次, 听说训练应循序渐进, 循环往复。 听力不是一种孤立的能力, 它和说、 朗读、阅读、记忆等多方面的训练相联系。
在训练时,要多听多讲,听是为了理 解,说是为了表达。学生平时要多开口朗读,使英语词句的字形信息和声 音信息一并输入大脑;还要进行广泛的阅读,丰富背景知识,扩大知识面。
最后适量作一些高考听力考试的模拟训练,通过实践来熟悉题型,明确备考 的目标和方向。在不断的练习中,逐渐摸索适合自己行之有效的得分方式。
【 #英语听力# 导语】高中的英语学习相对于初中来说,都会有很大难度的提升,在高中考试中,英语听力的相对难度也会大幅度的增加,很多的学生害怕做英语听力,那么高中的英语听力技巧有哪些。下面是 考 网分享的高中英语听力的小技巧有哪些。欢迎阅读参考! 【快速的阅读听力】 当开始考试的时候,我们拿到试卷后马上开始做些前期基本工作,不要单等着听录音,我们应该这样做: 首先,重点放在只可听一遍的前5道小题上,了解试题题型,注意题目及要求。 然后看这些选项。对于选项是把意思写出来,当自己在听听力的时候,对自己也有一定的帮助,它可以预测听内容及重点,对自己在听听力的时候起到一种提醒作用。 【细心的聆听】 当听力开始了以后,我们不要不要孤立地听一个单词、一个句子,遇到没听懂的题目不要停留,千万切记,当自己停留了以后,绝对会影响后面的听力。 一般在听听力的时候,一般会遇到3各方面的问题,针对这几个方面,我们一起来看看。 1.听整个句段。这样则可以结合上下文语境,加深理解。在英语听力中,很大一部分的听力是以对话的形似出现的,这种方法很有效果。 2.听一小段英语,这个在考试中也很容易出现,的做法就是尽量听完每道小题后,再做选择。 3.听一篇文章。这一般会在听力的后面出现,这个对我们的要求是很大的,这个主要考察我们在听力的时候,对一个全局的把控力。所以在听这段的时候,一定要静下心来,仔细的聆听。 【快速的记忆】 听力测试内容一般包括对话和短文(独白)等,其中短文理解题因其较长,问题灵活多变而难度较大,这就要求我们边听边做好速记,主要是记忆关键词,包括下面几个方面,对我们的听力也是很有帮助的。 1.记关键词。如短文中的数字、地点、人物、时间和原因。 2.记疑问点。遇到个别不理解的关键词,可先记下其读音,过后再思考,或是注意下文是否还会提及。 记住这些关键词之后,如果担心太多,可以把写到旁边,这会对自己的听力有很大的帮助。 【心态】 这点我是着重提醒的一个方面,在英语听力方面心态是很重要的,有的听力可能会难度大一点,有的会简单一些,但是在听的时候,无论简单还是难度大的,自己都要不能放松警惕。不要因为一段听不懂或者是其他的因素影响了自己的心情。 高中的英语听力相对来说,难度会更大一点,但是在平时的生活中,我们自己也要去多加的练习听力,还有就是在日常的生活中,力求自己的英语单词读音准确,这对听力也是有好处的,这篇文章就给大家分享到这里。
课前花五分钟预习 课后花十分钟复习 效率会很高的 注意听讲 要记的东西最好在课堂消化完 开始会觉得有点难 坚持一段时间 你会发现有所进步的 另外 不要死背单词 要背就被课文 熟读也行
浅谈高中英语听力的有效教学策略 一、 引言 语言始于听。听是语言输入的一种重要手段。学生要想学好英语,听力的提升起到不可忽略的作用。新课标表明:“综合语言运用能力的形成建立在语言技能、语言知识、情感态度、学习策略和文化意识等素养整合发展的基础上。语言技能和语言知识是综合语言运用能力的基础。”听、说、读、写作为语言技能的四个方面,对英语教学具有明确的指导意义。在课标的指导下,英语教学应注重培养学生的语言技能,听力训练应走在第一步。 二、策略 《普通高中英语课程标准》(实验)(以下简称《标准》)在语言技能的七级目标(即普通高中毕业生必须达到的级别)描述中对听的要求是:“能识别语段中的重要信息并进行简单的推断;能听懂操作性指令,并能根据要求和指令完成任务;能听懂正常语速的听力材料中对人和物的描写、情节发展以及结果;能听懂有关熟悉话题的谈话并能抓住要点;能听懂不同语气所表达的不同态度;能听懂一般场合的信息广播,如天气预报。”然而,在学习过程中发现很多学生在完成听力这项活动中存在些许问题。有的学生对听力缺乏信心,总觉得听力很难,一听就怕,就怕听不懂,往往出现紧张、焦虑和烦 躁 不安等不良情绪;有的学生不能够根据所提供的线索克服听的过程中出现的障碍,进行有效的猜测、联想和判断。听力理解是一种心理过程,其独有的特征要求学生在听力过程中运用相应的策略,以便及时准确地理解说话者的信息,预测策略就是其中重要的一种。 这种策略可分为听前预测、听中预测和听后预测。 听前预读预测 《标准》提出,学生在听前活动中要明确听的目的,激发自己的兴趣和欲望,使自己心理上产生期待。这要求听者利用“试卷分发后”到“播放试音乐曲和试音材料后”之间的时间(尤其是介绍每一节试题做法和播放每段对话或独白前的5秒钟),及时、迅速地预读题目(包括题干和选项);根据题干中的语言信息,预测对话或短文的'语境、大意、人物身份等可能涉及到的内容。这样可以减少记忆负荷,缩小信息结构范围,提高听的效率,同时还可以降低难度,消除紧张心理,增强自信心,进行准确理解。 在听前预读预测中应完成以下任务: 默读选项,比较差异,做出预测。 在听材料之前,要求听者把题干和选项在心里默读,对于有些可以有不同读法的地方,也要采用不同的读法默读。如:8:55,可读成eight fifty-five,也可读成five to nine,这样我们就可以预测到听力材料中这个时间的读法有可能是其中之一。 根据问题及选项,猜测大意。 例3:2000年NMET第15—17题: 15. What is Mary’s plan for Saturday? A. Visit her mother B. Cook dinner for Tom C. Ask John and his wife to dinner 16. What does John say to Mary about the invitation? He’s not free. B. He’ll certainly go. C. He’s not sure. 17. What has John promised to do? A. Phone back with an answer. B. Persuade Jane to join him. C. Visit Mary’s mother On Saturday. 听力原文为: M: Hello. W: Oh, hello, John. How are you? M: Just fine, thanks, Mary. W: Say, Tom and I were wondering. Are you and Jane free this Saturday? M: Saturday, er… mum…. It seems Jane mentioned something about visiting her mother that afternoon. Why, what did you have in mind? W: Oh, would you think it would be nice to have you over for dinner? But if you’re not free…. M: Well, let me check again with Jane. I’ll call you tonight, and let you know for sure. OK?
高中英语第一册听力,可以听听看。下面是我给大家整理的高中英语第一册听力,供大家参阅! 高中英语第一册听力篇1 Unit 21 Body Language Speaking 第21单元 手语 说 Work with your partner and act out the situations. 与你的同伴一起表演这情节。 Use the phrases in the box. 用方框里的 短语 。 PAUL:Excuse me,sir. That suitcase looks very heavy. PAUL:打扰一下,先生.那个手提箱看起来很重。 Would you like me to help you with it? 我可以帮你提吗? OLD MAN:Yes,please. It's very heavy. Thank 's very kind of you. OLD MAN:好的,请吧。它是非常重。谢谢你,你真是太好了。 PAUL:Not at there anything else I can do for you? PAUL:不用谢。还有什么我能为你做的吗? OLD MAN:No,thank you Thanks for all your help. OLD MAN:不用了,谢谢你的帮助。 高中英语第一册听力篇2 Reading Body Talk 阅读 肢体交谈 We use both words and body language to express our thoughts and opinions 我们既使用话语也使用身势语来表达我们的思想和意见, and to communicate with other people. 和他人沟通交流。 We can learn a lot about what a person is thinking 我们可以更多了解他或她在想什么 by watching his or her body language. 通过观察他的或她的身势语。 Words are important,but the way a person stands,folds his or her arms, 言语固然重要,但人的站姿,抱臂方式, or moves his or her hands can also give us information about his or her feelings. 和手势也会告诉我们他(她)的感情。 Just like spoken language,body language varies from culture to culture. 就像口头语一样,体态语也因 文化 的不同而有所差异。 Making eye contact--looking directly into someone's eyes 目光接触--直视对方 is in some countries a way to show interest. 在某些国家能表明自己感兴趣, In other countries,however,eye contact is rude or disrespectful. 而在另一些国家却是粗鲁或无礼的。 The gesture for OK,making a circle with one's thumb and index finger, 母指和食指绕做成圈这个手势表示, has different meanings in different cultures. 在不同的国家有不同的意思。 In Japan,someone who sees another person making the gesture will think it means money. 在日本,当有人看到另一个做这个手势会想到钱。 In France,a person seeing the same gesture will think it means zero. 在法国,看到相同的手势就会认为是零的意思。 In Brazil and Germany,however,the gesture is rude. 在巴西和德国,这手势却是无礼的。 The thumbs-up gesture, meaning "great" or"good job" in the US,is rude in Nigeria, 母指朝上的手势在美国意思是“了不起”或“好运”在尼日利亚是无礼的意思, but in Germany and Japan it means the number one. 但德国和日本是第一的意思。 The "crazy"gesture,moving the index finger in circle in front of the ear , 用食指在耳朵旁边绕一圈“神经病”手势, means "you have a phone call" in Brazil. 在巴西表示"有你的电话。 Even the gesture we use for "yes" and "no" are different around the world. 在全世界,甚至我们用来表示"是"和"否"这手势都不相同。 In many countries,shaking one's head means "no",and nodding means "yes". 在许多国家里,摇头表示“否”,点头表示“是”。 In Bulgaria,parts of Greece,and Iran,however, 然而,在加利亚,部分希腊地区和伊朗, the gestures have the opposite meaning. 这手势是相反的意思。 There are also differences as to how often we touch each other, 另外,在我们相互接触的频率也存在许多不同之处, how close we stand to someone we are talking to, 我们谈话时站立的距离, and how we act when we meet or part. 我们相见或分别的礼仪。 In some countries,for example France and Russia, 在有些国家,例如在法国和俄国, a visiting friend is greeted with a kiss on the cheek; 一位来访朋友受到的接待是脸颊上的亲吻; in other countries people greet each other with a firm handshake 在 其它 国家,人们打招呼时紧紧地握手 a loving hug,a bow or simply a nod of the head. 或亲切的拥抱,或鞠躬或只是点点头。 While there are many different interpretations of our body language, 尽管我们的体态语有许多不同的诠释, some gestures seem to be universal. 然而有些身体语却是全球通用的。 Pressing one's palms together and resting one's head 双手合十 on the back of one's hand while closing the eyes as if sleeping means "I am tired." 把头放在手背上意思是"我累了"。 A good way of saying"I am full" 最好的表达"我吃饱了" is moving the hand in circles over the stomach after a meal. 饭后,就是模模肚子。 If a person pats his or her stomach before a meal,it usually means"I am hungry." 如果一个人在饭前模模他(她)的腹部,那经常意味着"我饿了" 。 Perhaps the best example of universally understood body language is the smile. 或许全球都能理解的体态语中最好的例子就是微笑。 A smile can help us get through difficult situations 一个微笑能帮助我们度过困境 and find friends in a world of strangers. 找到朋友在陌生人的圈子里。 A smile can open doors and tear down walls. 微笑能打开门户,推倒壁垒。 It can be used to express almost any emotion. 它可以用来表达几乎任何一种感情. We can use a smile to apologies,to greet someone, 我们可以使用微笑向人道歉,向人问候, to ask for help or to start a conversation. 向人求助或开始交谈。 We can smile at ourselves in the mirror 我们可以在镜子对着自己微笑 to make ourselves feel happier and stronger. 使自己感觉更愉快,更坚强。 And if we are feeling down or lonely , 如果我们情绪低落或感到孤独寂寞, there is nothing better than to see the smiling face of a good friend. 那么,没有什么比看到好友的笑脸更让人开心的事情。 Work book Unit 21 Body language 练习 第21单元 身势语 Integrating skills Reading Animal body language 综合技能 阅读 动物的身势语 Human beings are not the only ones who communicate. 人类之间的沟通一开始就不止一种。 Animals use body language and facial expressions 动物用身势语和面部来表达 to tell each other how they feel and what they think. 互相告诉它们的感觉和想法。 Here is a quick look at how some of our animal friends 怎么样快速看出我们的动物朋友 send messages to us and to each other. 传达信息给我们和其它同伴。 Dogs use facial expressions,sounds, 狗是用面部表情,声音, body movements and their tails to communicate. 摇动他们的身体和尾巴来沟通 。 When a dog is happy,its ears will stand up and its eyes will be wide open. 当狗很开心时,它的耳朵是竖起来的和它的眼睛睁得很大。 The dog will bark excitedly, 它会兴奋的咆哮, wag its tail and may run around in circles 摇动着尾巴和绕圈子跑 or jump up and down to show you that it wants to play. 或跳上跳下给你看它想要玩耍 。 A dog that is afraid will lay its ears back and close its eyes. 当它很害怕时它的耳朵往后贴,闭着眼睛 。 The dog may show its teeth and lower its body so that it is close to the ground. 狗会露出牙齿和身体趴下紧靠着地。 The dog may also shiver or tremble, 狗也会颤抖或摇晃, and it will put its tail between its legs. 它把尾巴放在腿之间。 When a dog is angry,it will stare at you,show its teeth and snarl. 当狗生气时,它盯着你,露出牙齿并咆哮。 The dog's body will be upright 狗的身体竖立着 and the dog will try to make itself look as big as possible. 狗会试图使它自己尽可能看起来很大。 The tail will stand straight out from the body. 尾巴向外竖起来。 Elephants also use noises and body language to express themselves. 大象也用声音和身势语来表达 。 An elephant's sense of smell is highly developed. 大象的嗅觉是非常灵敏。 An elephant can smell how another elephant is feeling 大象能闻出其它大象的感觉 and even tell if it is sick. 甚至告诉它是否不舒服。 The elephant's nose,or trunk,is also used to make noises and to greet other elephants. 大象的鼻子也发出噪声向其它大象问候。 Different noises have a variety of meanings: 不同的噪声也有多种意思: they can mean "I am hungry","I am angry"or "Good to see you!" 他们可以表示"我饿了""我生气了"见到你很高兴!" An elephant's body language includes ear signals and gestures. 大象的身势语包含着耳朵信号和手势 If an elephant spreads its ears,it means "Watch out!" 如果大象展开它的耳朵,它表示"当心"! To show friendship,elephants will touch each other with their trunks 来表示友好,大象用鼻子接触其它的 and stand close to each other,putting their foreheads together. 相互靠近地站着,一起放下它们的前额 Dolphins are social animals. 海豚是群居动物。 They live in groups and like to show each other their feelings. 它们生活在团体相互表示它们的情绪。 An angry dolphin will sometimes slap its tail on the surface of the water 生气的海豚不时用尾巴拍打着水面 The movement and noise let other dolphins know that something is wrong. 这动作和噪声让其实海豚知道那是不好的事。 If a dolphin wants to send a message over a long distance, 如果海豚想要越过很长距离传达信息, or if it simply wants to show how strong it is, 或如果它只是想要展示它是有多强壮, it will jump high out of the water and land on its side, making a loud splash 它会向水面跳得很高,然后降落在它旁边发出很大溅水声 A dolphin that is happy will play with its friends, 海豚很开心时,就和同伴一起玩耍 often making small jumps into the air. 常常轻轻往空中跳, When dolphins are tired and need to rest, 当海豚很累,需要休息时, they will swim in small groups close to the surface. 他们游到小群体里紧靠着。 If you see dolphins doing this,you should not disturb them. 如果你看到海豚那样做的话,你不可以去打扰它们。
(Text 1)
W: Did you tell Mr. Smith to bring the dictionary he promised
M: The dictionary? Oh, I am sorry.
(Text 2)
M: How many years of science did you have in high school?
W: I had one year each of biology and chemistry. I wish I had
had more.
(Text 3)
W: Could I please borrow a pen from you? There's no ink left
in mine.
M: I'm afraid I don't have an extra one. Would a pencil do?
W: That's OK, then.
(Text 4)
W: What can I do for you?
M: I need some stamps and some envelopes as well.
W: Will you step right over to the second window, please?
(Text 5)
M: I was born in Los Angeles. What about you? Where are you
W: I’m Chinese.
M: Chinese? But your English is excellent. Where did you
learn English?
W: In China.
M: Fancy that! Your country must have a very good record of
English language education.
(Text 6)
W: Hey Taxi! Ah, great. Thanks for pulling over.
M: Where to?
W: Well, I’m going to the National Museum of Art, and...
M: Sure. Get on. No problem. Hang on!
W: Uh. Excuse me. How long does it take to get there?
M: Well, that all depends on the traffic, but it shouldn't take
more than 20 minutes.
W: Okay. Uh, sorry for asking, but do you have any idea how
much the fare will be?
M: Oh, it shouldn't be more than 18 dollars.., not including a...
uh-hum.., a tip of course.
W: Oh, and by the way, do you know at what time the museum
M: Well, I would guess around 6:00.
W: Uh, do you have the time?
M: Yeah. It's half past four. Uh, this is your first time to the city,
W: Yeah. How did you know?
M: Well, you can tell tourists from a mile away in this city
because they walk down the street looking straight up at the
tall buildings.
W: Oh, before I forget, can you recommend any good
restaurants downtown that offer meals at a reasonable price?
M: Um... well, the Mexican Restaurant. It's not very expensive,
and the food is good.
W: Sounds great! Thank you very much!
(Text 7)
W: Hello. Sunnyside Hotel. May I help you?
M: Yes, I’d like to book a room for two on the 21st of March.
W: Okay. Let me check our books here for a moment. The 21st
of May, right?
M: No. March, not May.
W: Oh, sorry. Let me see here. Hmm,
M: Are you all booked that night?
W: Well, would you like a smoking or non-smoking room?
M: Non-smoking, please.
W: Okay, we do have a few rooms available on the 20th; we're
full on the 22nd, unless you want a smoking room.
M: Well, how much is the non-smoking room on the 20th?
W: $ 80, plus the 10% room tax.
M: Okay, that’ll be fine.
W: All right. Could I have your name, please?
M: Yes. David Smith.
W: Okay, Mr. Smith, we look forward to seeing you.
M: Okay. Goodbye.
(Text 8)
M: Miss Taylor, what sports do you go in for?
W: I'm absolutely mad about tennis. But I enjoy basketball and
volleyball from time to time, too.
M: They say that sports are most liked in English schools and
W: Right. We think sports will enable the students to better face
life in the highly competitive society we are living in.
M: I quite agree. We should pay more attention to building up
strong bodies with healthy minds. Oh, Miss Taylor, what are
the most popular sports in Britain?
W: Well, it’s out of question that football's at the top of the list.
We call it soccer in England.
M: It seems to be a common topic of conversation.
W: Yes, in fact, I think apart from the weather, it's the thing
most talked about in England.
M: So if we want to start a conversation with a stranger, we’d
better start talking about the weather or a recent football
match. Is that the idea?
(Text 9)
M: Someone has stolen my car! I want to report it. The name is
Walton-Harry Walton.
W: Where did you leave your car, Mr. Walton?
M: In Ludlow Street. Near the traffic lights.
W: Did you leave your car unlocked?
M: Of course not.
W: And what time was this?
M: This morning. I parked it there before I went to work.
W: When do you start work?
M: At nine thirty. But I got in early today. I started at seven.
W: That explains it.
M: What do you mean?
W: We have taken away your car. You can't park your car in
Ludlow Street before ten on Friday.
(Text 10)
The secretary told me that Mr. Abel wanted to see me. I felt very nervous when I entered his office. He did not look up from his desk when I came in. I stood in front of his desk for a few minutes before he looked up at me with a smile. My heart was beating fast, for I seldom saw him smiling like that. After he asked me to be seated, he said that business was not very good. He told me that the company could not afford all the salaries and twenty people had left. I knew my turn had come. "I was trying my best to do my job, Mr. Abel," I said in a weak voice. "Don't interrupt," he said. "After discussing this with other managers, I have decided to add $ 50 to your salary monthly.”Then I realized why Mr. Abel had smiled like that.
第一节(共 5小题;每小题 分,满分 分)
1. Why did the man apologize?
A. He had lost the dictionary.
B. He had forgotten to bring the dictionary.
C. He had forgotten to tell Mr. Smith to bring the
2. How many science courses did the woman take in
high school?
A. One. B. Two. C. More than two.
3. Why didn't the boy lend his pen to the girl?
A. Because he had no extra pen.
B. Because he had no ink in his pen, either.
C. Because he had only pencils.
4. Where is the conversation probably taking place?
A. In a bank B. In a bakery C. In a post office
5. What does the man think of the English language
education in China?
A. Bad. B. Good. C. Just-so-so.
听第 6 段材料,回答第 6-8 题。
6. How long will it take the man to get to the
A. Exactly 18 minutes.
B. More than 20 minutes.
C. Not more than 20 minutes.
7. What do we know from the conversation?
A. The woman must have been to the place several
B. The woman must have looked up at the tall
C. The woman didn't want to give a tip.
8. How much will the woman pay the man most
probably, not including a tip?
A. Less than 18 dollars.
B. 20 dollars.
C. More than 20 dollars.
听第 7 段材料,回答第 9-11 题。
9. For which day does the man book a room finally?
A. March 21st. B. March 20th. C. March 22nd.
10. What kind of room does the man prefer?
A. A non-smoking room.
B. A smoking room.
C. Either one is okay.
11. Including tax, how much is the man’s room?
A. 80 dollars. B. 88 dollars. C. 90 dollars.
听第 8 段材料,回答第 12-14 题。
12. According to the conversation, which sport does
Miss Taylor like best?
A. Tennis. B. Football. C. Basketball.
13. Why is much attention paid to sports in English
schools and universities?
A. Sports can make students cleverer.
B. The society now is very dangerous.
C. Sports can make students better face life in
the competitive society.
14. What can we know from the conversation?
A. It's a good idea to talk about sports with an
B. Miss Taylor comes from Britain.
C. English people don’t like talking with
听第 9 段材料,回答第 15-17 题。
15. When did the man park the car?
A. At 9: 30 ..
B. After 9 ..
C. Before 7 a. m..
16. Why was the man’s car taken away?
A. He broke a certain traffic rule.
B. He stopped his car in the middle of the street.
C. He didn't lock his car.
17. What day was that day?
A. Friday. B. Weekend. C. We don’t know.
听第 10 段材料,回答第 18-20 题。
18. Which word can be used to describe the speaker's
feelings when he came into Mr. Abel's office?
A. Sad. B. Angry. C. Nervous.
19. How many people left the company?
A. 20. B. 50. C. 70.
20. What was the probable relationship between the
speaker and Mr. Abel?
A. Lawyer and client.
B. Teacher and student.
C. Boss and employee.
参考答案: 1-10 CBACB CBABA 11-20 BACBC AACAC
英语听力频道为大家整理的高中英语听力材料:高中英语听力训练,供大家参考:) 第一节 听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。 1. What is the man? A. A waiter. B. A clerk. C. An airhostess. 2. How many hours does the woman work every week?? A. 40. B. 47. C. 50. 3. What is probably the relationship between the speakers? A. Sister and brother. B. Mother and son. C. Teacher and pupil. 4. What would the woman like to drink? A. Coffee. B. Milk. C. Tea. 5. What does the woman plan to do tomorrow? A. Sleeping late. B. Do some washing up. C. Cooking breakfast herself. 第二节 听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。 听下面一段材料,回答第6至第7题。 6. Who is “Mr Rice Guy”? A. A famous cook. B. An actor C. A dancer. 7. What can we learn about “Mr Rice Guy”? A. He is good at cooking. B. He likes watching dinnertime show. C. He is learning to cool from his wife. 听下面一段材料,回答第8至第10题。 8. Where is the man going? A. To Paris. B. To London. C. To Berlin. 9. How did the man go to Europe in World War Ⅱ? A. By plane. B. By warship. C. By truck. 10. How soon will the speakers arrive? 2 hours. B. In 4 hours. C. In 6 hours. 听下面一段材料,回答第11至第13题。 11. Who is the woman? A. A sportswoman. B. A mountaineer. C. A pilot. 12. What caused the accident? A. She hurt her arm. B. She lost her way. C. She landed the wrong way. 13. What can we learn about the woman? A. She is weak. B. She failed only twice. C. She’ll recover in about two months. 听下面一段材料,回答第14至第16题。 14. Where is the speakers’ apartment? A. On the top floor. B. On a middle floor. C. On the ground floor. 15. What can we learn about the house? A. It’s far from the street. B. It’s well furnished. C. It’s pretty small. 16. What are the speakers doing next? A. Go to see the house. B. Get a repairman. C. Move house. 听下面一段材料,回答第17至第20题。 17. Why is the meeting held? A. To make the vacation arrangements. B. To announce the end of the semester. C. To announce academic projects. 18. What need the audience do now? A. Move their belongings. B. Fill out forms. C. Leave their dorms. 19. Which will be closed during the vacation? A. The computer center. B. The library. C. The dining halls. 20. Which will be open on regular hours? A. Post office. B. The gymnasium. C. The college store. 录音稿 第一节 听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。 现在,你有5秒钟的时间阅读第1小题的有关内容。 (Text 1) M: Good evening, sir. Good evening, madam. There’s a table for two over there. This way, please. W: Thank you. Could we see the menu, please? (Text 2) M: It seems you are very busy recently, aren’t you? W: Yeah. I must work ten hours a day from Monday to Thursday, but on Friday I work only seven hours. (Text 3) M: If you touch me I’ll tell my father. W: Go ahead and tell him. He has asked me to punish you whenever you interrupt this class. (Text 4) M: I expect you could do with a cup of tea, couldn’t you? W: I’d rather have a cup of coffee, if you don’t mind. M: Milk and sugar? W: A milky one without sugar, please. (Text 5) M: What are your plans for tomorrow, Brenda? W: Well, first, I’m going to do the washing up. M: Poor you! While you’re doing the washing up, I’ll be having breakfast in bed. W: It’s all right for some people. 第一节到此结束。 第二节 听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。 听下面一段对话,回答第6至第7两个小题。现在,你有10秒钟的时间阅读这两个小题。 (Text 6) M: Do you know Sam mo Hung, a Mr Rice Guy? W: Of course. He is now 56 years old. And he started out studying aerobics, singing, dancing and kung fu at the age of nine, and has starred in 140 kung fu films. He has also become an independent producer and director. M: You know only one aspect of him. Do you know what he could do in the kitchen? W: I have no idea. Tell me. M: In the kitchen, with his wife by his side he still puts on quite a dinnertime show. W: What does he do there? M: Imagine a big cook cutting vegetables on fast-forward. Picture a man making a fry, throwing the mixture up in the air, and then catching it, every last bit, in his frying pan. And his cooking motto is “Enjoy the moment.” If you want to know how they cook, visit for the recipe. 听下面一段对话,回答第8至第10三个小题。现在,你有15秒钟的时间阅读这三个小题。 (Text 7) M: Well, my grandson is supposed to meet me in London at the airport. Do you think he’ll be able to find me? W: I’m sure he will. You don’t have to worry about that. Are you going to be visiting him? M: Yes. I’ve never seen my grandson. W: I think you’ll have a wonderful time in London. It’s an attractive city. Is this your first time abroad? M: No, I saw quite a bit of Europe before, Rome, Berlin, Paris, places like that, but I’ve never been to London. W: Oh, then you have flown before, too. M: No, that was during the Second World War and I went to Europe on a large warship. W: Oh, things are quite different in Europe nowadays. M: I’m sure they are. I’m really eager to get there. W: Well, it’s 4:00 pm now and we’ll be there at 6:00 pm. 听下面一段对话,回答第11至第13三个小题。现在,你有15秒钟的时间阅读这三个小题。 (Text 8) M: Hello. I’m Peter. It looks like you had an accident. W: Oh, yeah. Glad to meet you. I’m Linda. Right at the beginning of the skiing season. M: That’s too bad. Then, how did you break your arm? W: Well, I guess you could say I fell off a mountain. M: What happened? W: I was in a ski-jumping competition. I landed the wrong way and fell the rest of the way down. M: Wow! How far did you fall? W: I’m not sure, but it was far enough to break my arm. M: When can you ski again? W: Probably in about two months. You know, I’m really mad at myself. Last year I broke my ankle in another ski-jumping competition. M: Terrible! Why do you enter these contests, anyway? W: Well, for the fun of it, of course. I like risk very much. 听下面一段对话,回答第14至第16三个小题。现在,你有15秒钟的时间阅读这三个小题。 (Text 9) W: My dear, it’s five flights up! M: That’s all right. We’ll get used to it. Besides, it is quiet up there. We’re a little further away from the street and traffic noise and there’s no one living over us. W: Is the place well furnished? M: Yes, it’s pretty bright in there and big enough for our children to play. W: What about the kitchen? M: The stove and refrigerator are in good working order, and I don’t see any loose electric wiring that could cause fires. W: Are the pipes all right? M: The pipelines seem OK, too. The toilet works well and the shower has hot and cold water and the sinks don’t seem to leak. W: The place is OK. Let’s go there and have a look at it again. M: OK, let’s go. 听下面一段独白,回答第17至第20四个小题。现在,你有20秒钟的时间阅读这四个小题。 (Text 10) W: Thank you for coming to this meeting for students who will be remaining on campus during the ten-day winter break. As the Dean of Students, it is my responsibility to explain the vacation arrangements and to have you fill out forms giving the dates you will be on campus. To reduce heating costs, Butler Hall will be the only dormitory open. All the other dorms will close at 5 ., on Friday, Feb. 7th, and will not reopen until 6 ., on Feb. 16th. Once we have your completed forms, we will arrange you a room in Butler Hall. Please move all the belongings you will need to your vacation room by the 7th, as it will not be possible to reopen the other dorms during these ten days, once they have been closed. Most college facilities will be closed during the vacation. These facilities include the gymnasium, the college store, and the dining halls. The library and the computer center will be open, though on a reduced schedule. Only the post office and the college administration offices will be open on regular hours. Since I imagine most of you are staying here to finish up academic projects of one sort or another, let me wish you luck with your work. If you have any special problems, please do not hesitate to contact me at the Sean’s Office. 第二节到此结束。 答 案 1—5 A B C A B 6—10 B A B B A 11—15 A C C A B 16—20 A A B C A
英语听力频道为大家整理的高中英语听力材料:高中英语听力训练,供大家参考:) 第一节 听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。 1. What is the man? A. A waiter. B. A clerk. C. An airhostess. 2. How many hours does the woman work every week?? A. 40. B. 47. C. 50. 3. What is probably the relationship between the speakers? A. Sister and brother. B. Mother and son. C. Teacher and pupil. 4. What would the woman like to drink? A. Coffee. B. Milk. C. Tea. 5. What does the woman plan to do tomorrow? A. Sleeping late. B. Do some washing up. C. Cooking breakfast herself. 第二节 听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。 听下面一段材料,回答第6至第7题。 6. Who is “Mr Rice Guy”? A. A famous cook. B. An actor C. A dancer. 7. What can we learn about “Mr Rice Guy”? A. He is good at cooking. B. He likes watching dinnertime show. C. He is learning to cool from his wife. 听下面一段材料,回答第8至第10题。 8. Where is the man going? A. To Paris. B. To London. C. To Berlin. 9. How did the man go to Europe in World War Ⅱ? A. By plane. B. By warship. C. By truck. 10. How soon will the speakers arrive? 2 hours. B. In 4 hours. C. In 6 hours. 听下面一段材料,回答第11至第13题。 11. Who is the woman? A. A sportswoman. B. A mountaineer. C. A pilot. 12. What caused the accident? A. She hurt her arm. B. She lost her way. C. She landed the wrong way. 13. What can we learn about the woman? A. She is weak. B. She failed only twice. C. She’ll recover in about two months. 听下面一段材料,回答第14至第16题。 14. Where is the speakers’ apartment? A. On the top floor. B. On a middle floor. C. On the ground floor. 15. What can we learn about the house? A. It’s far from the street. B. It’s well furnished. C. It’s pretty small. 16. What are the speakers doing next? A. Go to see the house. B. Get a repairman. C. Move house. 听下面一段材料,回答第17至第20题。 17. Why is the meeting held? A. To make the vacation arrangements. B. To announce the end of the semester. C. To announce academic projects. 18. What need the audience do now? A. Move their belongings. B. Fill out forms. C. Leave their dorms. 19. Which will be closed during the vacation? A. The computer center. B. The library. C. The dining halls. 20. Which will be open on regular hours? A. Post office. B. The gymnasium. C. The college store. 录音稿 第一节 听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。 现在,你有5秒钟的时间阅读第1小题的有关内容。 (Text 1) M: Good evening, sir. Good evening, madam. There’s a table for two over there. This way, please. W: Thank you. Could we see the menu, please? (Text 2) M: It seems you are very busy recently, aren’t you? W: Yeah. I must work ten hours a day from Monday to Thursday, but on Friday I work only seven hours. (Text 3) M: If you touch me I’ll tell my father. W: Go ahead and tell him. He has asked me to punish you whenever you interrupt this class. (Text 4) M: I expect you could do with a cup of tea, couldn’t you? W: I’d rather have a cup of coffee, if you don’t mind. M: Milk and sugar? W: A milky one without sugar, please. (Text 5) M: What are your plans for tomorrow, Brenda? W: Well, first, I’m going to do the washing up. M: Poor you! While you’re doing the washing up, I’ll be having breakfast in bed. W: It’s all right for some people. 第一节到此结束。 第二节 听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。 听下面一段对话,回答第6至第7两个小题。现在,你有10秒钟的时间阅读这两个小题。 (Text 6) M: Do you know Sam mo Hung, a Mr Rice Guy? W: Of course. He is now 56 years old. And he started out studying aerobics, singing, dancing and kung fu at the age of nine, and has starred in 140 kung fu films. He has also become an independent producer and director. M: You know only one aspect of him. Do you know what he could do in the kitchen? W: I have no idea. Tell me. M: In the kitchen, with his wife by his side he still puts on quite a dinnertime show. W: What does he do there? M: Imagine a big cook cutting vegetables on fast-forward. Picture a man making a fry, throwing the mixture up in the air, and then catching it, every last bit, in his frying pan. And his cooking motto is “Enjoy the moment.” If you want to know how they cook, visit for the recipe. 听下面一段对话,回答第8至第10三个小题。现在,你有15秒钟的时间阅读这三个小题。 (Text 7) M: Well, my grandson is supposed to meet me in London at the airport. Do you think he’ll be able to find me? W: I’m sure he will. You don’t have to worry about that. Are you going to be visiting him? M: Yes. I’ve never seen my grandson. W: I think you’ll have a wonderful time in London. It’s an attractive city. Is this your first time abroad? M: No, I saw quite a bit of Europe before, Rome, Berlin, Paris, places like that, but I’ve never been to London. W: Oh, then you have flown before, too. M: No, that was during the Second World War and I went to Europe on a large warship. W: Oh, things are quite different in Europe nowadays. M: I’m sure they are. I’m really eager to get there. W: Well, it’s 4:00 pm now and we’ll be there at 6:00 pm. 听下面一段对话,回答第11至第13三个小题。现在,你有15秒钟的时间阅读这三个小题。 (Text 8) M: Hello. I’m Peter. It looks like you had an accident. W: Oh, yeah. Glad to meet you. I’m Linda. Right at the beginning of the skiing season. M: That’s too bad. Then, how did you break your arm? W: Well, I guess you could say I fell off a mountain. M: What happened? W: I was in a ski-jumping competition. I landed the wrong way and fell the rest of the way down. M: Wow! How far did you fall? W: I’m not sure, but it was far enough to break my arm. M: When can you ski again? W: Probably in about two months. You know, I’m really mad at myself. Last year I broke my ankle in another ski-jumping competition. M: Terrible! Why do you enter these contests, anyway? W: Well, for the fun of it, of course. I like risk very much. 听下面一段对话,回答第14至第16三个小题。现在,你有15秒钟的时间阅读这三个小题。 (Text 9) W: My dear, it’s five flights up! M: That’s all right. We’ll get used to it. Besides, it is quiet up there. We’re a little further away from the street and traffic noise and there’s no one living over us. W: Is the place well furnished? M: Yes, it’s pretty bright in there and big enough for our children to play. W: What about the kitchen? M: The stove and refrigerator are in good working order, and I don’t see any loose electric wiring that could cause fires. W: Are the pipes all right? M: The pipelines seem OK, too. The toilet works well and the shower has hot and cold water and the sinks don’t seem to leak. W: The place is OK. Let’s go there and have a look at it again. M: OK, let’s go. 听下面一段独白,回答第17至第20四个小题。现在,你有20秒钟的时间阅读这四个小题。 (Text 10) W: Thank you for coming to this meeting for students who will be remaining on campus during the ten-day winter break. As the Dean of Students, it is my responsibility to explain the vacation arrangements and to have you fill out forms giving the dates you will be on campus. To reduce heating costs, Butler Hall will be the only dormitory open. All the other dorms will close at 5 ., on Friday, Feb. 7th, and will not reopen until 6 ., on Feb. 16th. Once we have your completed forms, we will arrange you a room in Butler Hall. Please move all the belongings you will need to your vacation room by the 7th, as it will not be possible to reopen the other dorms during these ten days, once they have been closed. Most college facilities will be closed during the vacation. These facilities include the gymnasium, the college store, and the dining halls. The library and the computer center will be open, though on a reduced schedule. Only the post office and the college administration offices will be open on regular hours. Since I imagine most of you are staying here to finish up academic projects of one sort or another, let me wish you luck with your work. If you have any special problems, please do not hesitate to contact me at the Sean’s Office. 第二节到此结束。 答 案 1—5 A B C A B 6—10 B A B B A 11—15 A C C A B 16—20 A A B C A
[00:] you coming with us to the park?
[00:]'m have to catch up with my homework.
[00:]What is David going to d
[00:] would you like to have ,sir?
[00:]Well,I'd like to have an apple juice and chicken sandwich.
[00:]Where are the two speaker
[00:] oranges look much are they?
[00:]They're 60 cents a pound.
[00:]How much a pound are the orange
[00:] me,can you tell me when the next bus leaves for the airport?
[00:]It leaves in three you run,you might catch it.
[00:]Thank 'll try.
[00:]What is the man going to d
[00:] wish we had taken this lift.
[00:]If I had know if was so far wouldn't have suggested walking.
[01:]What are two speakers doin
[01:] me ,what did you say you would like to do,
[01:]I said I'd better go back to the 'm meeting someone this evening.
[01:] are you going back,by bus or taxi?
[01:]I think I'll take a you know where I can get one?
[01:]Oh,just wait by the 'll wait with you.
[01:] the taxi in London all black?
[01:]Well,some of them are .Is this your first time to London?
[01:]Yes,it you give extra money to the taxi drivers here?
[01:]You mean the tip?Oh, usually expect about ten percent.
[01:]That's the same as in my country.
[01:]Oh,look,here is one .Taxi!
[01:]Thanks see you tomorrow.
[02:]What will the man do in the evenin
[02:] Friends I help you?
[02:] read about your club in the paper I thought I'd phone to find out a bit more.
[02:]Yes,'re a sort of social club for people from different countries.
[02:]It's quite a new have about 50 members at the moment.
[02:]But we are growing all the time.
[02:]That sounds 'm British actually.
[02:]And I came to Washington about three months ago.
[02:]I'm looking for ways to meet kind of events do you organize?
[02:]Well,we have social get_togethers and sports events and we also have language evenings.
[02:]Could you tell me something about the language evening?
[03:] day except Thursday we have a language evening.
[03:]People can come and practise their language,you know,over a drink or something.
[03:]We have different language on different evenings.
[03:]Monday,Spanish;Tuesday,Italian,Wednesday,German;And Friday,French.
[03:]On Thursday,we usually have a meal in a restaurant for anyone who wants to come.
[03:]Well,that sounds really need to practise my French.
[03:]Ok,well,if you can just give me your name and address,I'll send you the form and some more information.
[03:]If you join now,you can have the first month free..
[03:]Where are the speake
[03:] Taxi.
[03:]Good 'd like to book a taxi to the airport for Saturday morning please.
[04:]Where from?
[04:]I'm at the Garden Hotel on Union will be three of us sharing.
[04:]How much will it be ?
[04:]About 60 dollars.
[04:]60 dollars?Each or between us?
[04:]'s time do you want to leave?
[04:]Seven in the morning.
[04:]'ll pick you up at your hotel at seven you very much .
[04:] is your Mom's 50th birthday,do you know?
[04:]Of course I shall we celebrate?
[04:]First of all,a birthday about buying her a beautiful skirt?
[04:]That's a good 'll make her look a birthday cake too,with 50 candles.
[04:]That's we have a special dinner?
[04:]How about a Chinese dinner? shall we have it?
[05:]We can have it at 've learned to cook a few dishes from a Chinese friend.
[05:]I'm sure Mom will like them.
[05:]All you going to do the shopping as well?
[05:]Why don't we go together,Dad?
[05:]How about this afternoon?
[05:] want to know about life in the
[05:]I can tell you .When I was a boy,things were different.
[05:]I had to get up at six every morning.
[05:]That was not very bad in summer,but in winter it was cold.
[05:]And we didn't have any hot water in the house.
[05:]We had to wash in cold didn't have a bathroom.
[05:]My dad had some had to feed them every morning and then I had to walk to school with my little sister.
[06:]It was two miles to school and two miles back in the evening.
[06:]But it always seemed longer in the morning when we were going to school.
[06:]There was a bus ,but we didn't have the money.
[06:]And we had to go to bed at seven o'clock every night.
[06:]We couldn't watch TV because there wasn't any .
[06:]On Sundays we had to go to church three times_morning,afternoon and evening.
[06:]And we couldn't play outside on it wasn't all bad.
[06:]We had some good could go out and our parents didn't have to worry about us.
[06:]There weren't so many cars on the roads the streets were safe to play in.
[06:]And there were not many robbers and thieves in those days.
[07:]We had to work hard and we weren't able to buy those things in the shops today.
[07:]Life was hard,but it was simple and people were happier.
[07:]I don't think I'd like to be young today.
[00:] me,where is the Bell Museum?
[00:]M:Oh,it's not far away from can walk.
[00:]M:Go straight along this turn left...No, right at the first turning.
[00:]W:Turn right?
[00:]M:Yes,Keep walking till the crossroads,then turn left .You'll see a theatre on the righ
[00:]W:A theatr
[00:]M: the theatre,there is a side street.
[00:]W:Do I take the street?
[00:]M: to the end of the street and turn left again.
[00:]Then you'll see a church on the to the church is the museum.
[00:]W:Oh,this is not 'll try.
[00:]M:Good luck.
[00:]W:Thank you very much.
[00:]M:You'll welcome.
[00:]'s nice to see you heard that you went to the the vacation.
[01:]W:Yes,I went to New York to attend a summer course in English.
[01:]M: were long did you stay there?
[01:]W:About 50 went there on July 5th and came back on August 25th.
[01:]M:Where did you live in New York?
[01:]W:Oh,I lived with an American family,the Smiths.
[01:]They were very kind after I arrived,we became good friends.
[01:]And,living in their house,I could speak English with them every day.
[01:]Besides,I didn't need to worry about my daily three meals.
[01:]They looked after that .
[01:]M:How nice!And how about the course?
[01:]W:The course was also very teachers were nice.
[01:]They taught us to listen,speak,read and write in English,but it was mostly speaking.
[02:]One interesting I found was that the American classes are different from our classes here because they are very free.
[02:]You can sit anywhere you like in the classroom.
[02:]You can ask the teacher questions at any time during the class.
[02:]And you are welcome to share your ideas with the really like this kind of class.
[02:]M:How interesting!Maybe our teacher should try that.
[02:] do you look unhappy?
[02:]W:Oh,Bill,I have just had a quarrel with .
[02:]W:!What on earth was it about?
[02:]W:Well,I have made three bad mistakes so far this week.
[02:]Today I forgot to give him an important message,so he got really angry with me.
[03:]M:But I don't are usually very careful and never make mistakes.
[03:]W:I'm just so don't know what I'm doing.
[03:]M:Why?Have you been going to bed late these days?
[03:]W:'m usually in bed at about I've been woken up at half past four every morning.
[03:]And then I can't go back to sleep again.
[03:]W:It's my new neighbor,the milkman next door.
[03:]He has to get up at half past four and he always turns te radio on loud.
[03:]M:Ask him to turn it down then.
[03:]W:It's don't know him yet.
[03:]M:If you don't want to see him,write him a letter.
[03:]W:Do you think it's good idea?
[03:]M:Yes,I 'll help you with the letter.
[04:]W:'s try.
[04:] I talk to you for a moment,Tom?
[04:]M:Of course, is it?
[04:]W:I've decided to leave.
[04:]M:Oh, it because we're moving out of London?
[04:]W:Well, there are other reasons.
[04:]M:I 've never liked working here.
[04:]W:No,'ve enjoyed working here,but...
[04:]M:But what?
[04:]W:Well,I haven't had time for other things.
[04:]I've worked here for four I'd like to do something different.
[04:]M:What do you mean,something different?
[04:]W:I want to know,I have never been to other countries.
[04:]M:Haven't you?
[04:]W:No,I haven' want to live abroad and learn to speak a different language.
[05:]M:Well,what can I say?I'm really I understand.
[05:]W:Thank you Tom.
[05:] morning,Ladies and Gentleman.
[05:]Welcome to our name is Andrew Brown.
[05:]I am a history 'll give you a quick introduction to the school before I show you around.
[05:]Our school is called a "free school".That means that the pupils are free to choose what and how they want to learn.
[05:]The school opens at the children can arrive when they like.
[05:]Most of them are in school by ten.
[05:]Between nine and ten most people are in the living room and the kitchen downstairs.
[05:]Some of the children haven't had much breakfast,so there is a lot of eating,tea_drinking and talking.
[05:]This is a time when children and teachers can work out what they are to do for the day.
[06:]Now if you look through the door of that big room you will see those children reading and drawing there.
[06:]Some have chosen to do are on the third floor with Miss Green.
[06:]Four of the older boys are now on the way to the Cardrome to have their driving lessons.
[06:]Several children are in the kitchen helping Miss Cabell with lunch.
[06:]The children take turns doing all enjoy doing it.
[06:]After lunch it's someone else's job to do the washing-up.
[06:]This job is unpopular and not many of them like to do it.
[06:]After lunch the children go on with what they've been doing until 4:30.
[06:]On Monday and Thursdays the school is also open in the evenings until 9:..
[06:]On Wednesday afternoon there is a school meeting.
[07:]On Friday we sometimes take the children to a cinema or a museum.
[07:]The school is also open every weekend for those children who want to come.
[07:] morning topic for today is "Early Money."
[07:]I'm going to tell you something about money used in the early days.
[07:]To be honest,we know little about how early people came to use money,but we do know some of the things which have been used as money.
[07:]In some parts of Asia,tea was used for American Indians used nuts and other things.
[07:]Perhaps the mos common money of all was an animal found some places today,cows are still used as a kink of money.
[07:]So you see,things highly valued by everybody may serve as money.
[08:]The Chinese were the first people to use coins as money.
[08:]Oh,sorry,you don't know the word?Well,it is spelled C-O-I-N.
[08:]Here are some coins of the can come over and have a look.
(Text 1)
W: Did you tell Mr. Smith to bring the dictionary he promised
M: The dictionary? Oh, I am sorry.
(Text 2)
M: How many years of science did you have in high school?
W: I had one year each of biology and chemistry. I wish I had
had more.
(Text 3)
W: Could I please borrow a pen from you? There's no ink left
in mine.
M: I'm afraid I don't have an extra one. Would a pencil do?
W: That's OK, then.
(Text 4)
W: What can I do for you?
M: I need some stamps and some envelopes as well.
W: Will you step right over to the second window, please?
(Text 5)
M: I was born in Los Angeles. What about you? Where are you
W: I’m Chinese.
M: Chinese? But your English is excellent. Where did you
learn English?
W: In China.
M: Fancy that! Your country must have a very good record of
English language education.
(Text 6)
W: Hey Taxi! Ah, great. Thanks for pulling over.
M: Where to?
W: Well, I’m going to the National Museum of Art, and...
M: Sure. Get on. No problem. Hang on!
W: Uh. Excuse me. How long does it take to get there?
M: Well, that all depends on the traffic, but it shouldn't take
more than 20 minutes.
W: Okay. Uh, sorry for asking, but do you have any idea how
much the fare will be?
M: Oh, it shouldn't be more than 18 dollars.., not including a...
uh-hum.., a tip of course.
W: Oh, and by the way, do you know at what time the museum
M: Well, I would guess around 6:00.
W: Uh, do you have the time?
M: Yeah. It's half past four. Uh, this is your first time to the city,
W: Yeah. How did you know?
M: Well, you can tell tourists from a mile away in this city
because they walk down the street looking straight up at the
tall buildings.
W: Oh, before I forget, can you recommend any good
restaurants downtown that offer meals at a reasonable price?
M: Um... well, the Mexican Restaurant. It's not very expensive,
and the food is good.
W: Sounds great! Thank you very much!
(Text 7)
W: Hello. Sunnyside Hotel. May I help you?
M: Yes, I’d like to book a room for two on the 21st of March.
W: Okay. Let me check our books here for a moment. The 21st
of May, right?
M: No. March, not May.
W: Oh, sorry. Let me see here. Hmm,
M: Are you all booked that night?
W: Well, would you like a smoking or non-smoking room?
M: Non-smoking, please.
W: Okay, we do have a few rooms available on the 20th; we're
full on the 22nd, unless you want a smoking room.
M: Well, how much is the non-smoking room on the 20th?
W: $ 80, plus the 10% room tax.
M: Okay, that’ll be fine.
W: All right. Could I have your name, please?
M: Yes. David Smith.
W: Okay, Mr. Smith, we look forward to seeing you.
M: Okay. Goodbye.
(Text 8)
M: Miss Taylor, what sports do you go in for?
W: I'm absolutely mad about tennis. But I enjoy basketball and
volleyball from time to time, too.
M: They say that sports are most liked in English schools and
W: Right. We think sports will enable the students to better face
life in the highly competitive society we are living in.
M: I quite agree. We should pay more attention to building up
strong bodies with healthy minds. Oh, Miss Taylor, what are
the most popular sports in Britain?
W: Well, it’s out of question that football's at the top of the list.
We call it soccer in England.
M: It seems to be a common topic of conversation.
W: Yes, in fact, I think apart from the weather, it's the thing
most talked about in England.
M: So if we want to start a conversation with a stranger, we’d
better start talking about the weather or a recent football
match. Is that the idea?
(Text 9)
M: Someone has stolen my car! I want to report it. The name is
Walton-Harry Walton.
W: Where did you leave your car, Mr. Walton?
M: In Ludlow Street. Near the traffic lights.
W: Did you leave your car unlocked?
M: Of course not.
W: And what time was this?
M: This morning. I parked it there before I went to work.
W: When do you start work?
M: At nine thirty. But I got in early today. I started at seven.
W: That explains it.
M: What do you mean?
W: We have taken away your car. You can't park your car in
Ludlow Street before ten on Friday.
(Text 10)
The secretary told me that Mr. Abel wanted to see me. I felt very nervous when I entered his office. He did not look up from his desk when I came in. I stood in front of his desk for a few minutes before he looked up at me with a smile. My heart was beating fast, for I seldom saw him smiling like that. After he asked me to be seated, he said that business was not very good. He told me that the company could not afford all the salaries and twenty people had left. I knew my turn had come. "I was trying my best to do my job, Mr. Abel," I said in a weak voice. "Don't interrupt," he said. "After discussing this with other managers, I have decided to add $ 50 to your salary monthly.”Then I realized why Mr. Abel had smiled like that.
第一节(共 5小题;每小题 分,满分 分)
1. Why did the man apologize?
A. He had lost the dictionary.
B. He had forgotten to bring the dictionary.
C. He had forgotten to tell Mr. Smith to bring the
2. How many science courses did the woman take in
high school?
A. One. B. Two. C. More than two.
3. Why didn't the boy lend his pen to the girl?
A. Because he had no extra pen.
B. Because he had no ink in his pen, either.
C. Because he had only pencils.
4. Where is the conversation probably taking place?
A. In a bank B. In a bakery C. In a post office
5. What does the man think of the English language
education in China?
A. Bad. B. Good. C. Just-so-so.
听第 6 段材料,回答第 6-8 题。
6. How long will it take the man to get to the
A. Exactly 18 minutes.
B. More than 20 minutes.
C. Not more than 20 minutes.
7. What do we know from the conversation?
A. The woman must have been to the place several
B. The woman must have looked up at the tall
C. The woman didn't want to give a tip.
8. How much will the woman pay the man most
probably, not including a tip?
A. Less than 18 dollars.
B. 20 dollars.
C. More than 20 dollars.
听第 7 段材料,回答第 9-11 题。
9. For which day does the man book a room finally?
A. March 21st. B. March 20th. C. March 22nd.
10. What kind of room does the man prefer?
A. A non-smoking room.
B. A smoking room.
C. Either one is okay.
11. Including tax, how much is the man’s room?
A. 80 dollars. B. 88 dollars. C. 90 dollars.
听第 8 段材料,回答第 12-14 题。
12. According to the conversation, which sport does
Miss Taylor like best?
A. Tennis. B. Football. C. Basketball.
13. Why is much attention paid to sports in English
schools and universities?
A. Sports can make students cleverer.
B. The society now is very dangerous.
C. Sports can make students better face life in
the competitive society.
14. What can we know from the conversation?
A. It's a good idea to talk about sports with an
B. Miss Taylor comes from Britain.
C. English people don’t like talking with
听第 9 段材料,回答第 15-17 题。
15. When did the man park the car?
A. At 9: 30 ..
B. After 9 ..
C. Before 7 a. m..
16. Why was the man’s car taken away?
A. He broke a certain traffic rule.
B. He stopped his car in the middle of the street.
C. He didn't lock his car.
17. What day was that day?
A. Friday. B. Weekend. C. We don’t know.
听第 10 段材料,回答第 18-20 题。
18. Which word can be used to describe the speaker's
feelings when he came into Mr. Abel's office?
A. Sad. B. Angry. C. Nervous.
19. How many people left the company?
A. 20. B. 50. C. 70.
20. What was the probable relationship between the
speaker and Mr. Abel?
A. Lawyer and client.
B. Teacher and student.
C. Boss and employee.
参考答案: 1-10 CBACB CBABA 11-20 BACBC AACAC
高中英语第一册听力,可以听听看。下面是我给大家整理的高中英语第一册听力,供大家参阅! 高中英语第一册听力篇1 Unit 21 Body Language Speaking 第21单元 手语 说 Work with your partner and act out the situations. 与你的同伴一起表演这情节。 Use the phrases in the box. 用方框里的 短语 。 PAUL:Excuse me,sir. That suitcase looks very heavy. PAUL:打扰一下,先生.那个手提箱看起来很重。 Would you like me to help you with it? 我可以帮你提吗? OLD MAN:Yes,please. It's very heavy. Thank 's very kind of you. OLD MAN:好的,请吧。它是非常重。谢谢你,你真是太好了。 PAUL:Not at there anything else I can do for you? PAUL:不用谢。还有什么我能为你做的吗? OLD MAN:No,thank you Thanks for all your help. OLD MAN:不用了,谢谢你的帮助。 高中英语第一册听力篇2 Reading Body Talk 阅读 肢体交谈 We use both words and body language to express our thoughts and opinions 我们既使用话语也使用身势语来表达我们的思想和意见, and to communicate with other people. 和他人沟通交流。 We can learn a lot about what a person is thinking 我们可以更多了解他或她在想什么 by watching his or her body language. 通过观察他的或她的身势语。 Words are important,but the way a person stands,folds his or her arms, 言语固然重要,但人的站姿,抱臂方式, or moves his or her hands can also give us information about his or her feelings. 和手势也会告诉我们他(她)的感情。 Just like spoken language,body language varies from culture to culture. 就像口头语一样,体态语也因 文化 的不同而有所差异。 Making eye contact--looking directly into someone's eyes 目光接触--直视对方 is in some countries a way to show interest. 在某些国家能表明自己感兴趣, In other countries,however,eye contact is rude or disrespectful. 而在另一些国家却是粗鲁或无礼的。 The gesture for OK,making a circle with one's thumb and index finger, 母指和食指绕做成圈这个手势表示, has different meanings in different cultures. 在不同的国家有不同的意思。 In Japan,someone who sees another person making the gesture will think it means money. 在日本,当有人看到另一个做这个手势会想到钱。 In France,a person seeing the same gesture will think it means zero. 在法国,看到相同的手势就会认为是零的意思。 In Brazil and Germany,however,the gesture is rude. 在巴西和德国,这手势却是无礼的。 The thumbs-up gesture, meaning "great" or"good job" in the US,is rude in Nigeria, 母指朝上的手势在美国意思是“了不起”或“好运”在尼日利亚是无礼的意思, but in Germany and Japan it means the number one. 但德国和日本是第一的意思。 The "crazy"gesture,moving the index finger in circle in front of the ear , 用食指在耳朵旁边绕一圈“神经病”手势, means "you have a phone call" in Brazil. 在巴西表示"有你的电话。 Even the gesture we use for "yes" and "no" are different around the world. 在全世界,甚至我们用来表示"是"和"否"这手势都不相同。 In many countries,shaking one's head means "no",and nodding means "yes". 在许多国家里,摇头表示“否”,点头表示“是”。 In Bulgaria,parts of Greece,and Iran,however, 然而,在加利亚,部分希腊地区和伊朗, the gestures have the opposite meaning. 这手势是相反的意思。 There are also differences as to how often we touch each other, 另外,在我们相互接触的频率也存在许多不同之处, how close we stand to someone we are talking to, 我们谈话时站立的距离, and how we act when we meet or part. 我们相见或分别的礼仪。 In some countries,for example France and Russia, 在有些国家,例如在法国和俄国, a visiting friend is greeted with a kiss on the cheek; 一位来访朋友受到的接待是脸颊上的亲吻; in other countries people greet each other with a firm handshake 在 其它 国家,人们打招呼时紧紧地握手 a loving hug,a bow or simply a nod of the head. 或亲切的拥抱,或鞠躬或只是点点头。 While there are many different interpretations of our body language, 尽管我们的体态语有许多不同的诠释, some gestures seem to be universal. 然而有些身体语却是全球通用的。 Pressing one's palms together and resting one's head 双手合十 on the back of one's hand while closing the eyes as if sleeping means "I am tired." 把头放在手背上意思是"我累了"。 A good way of saying"I am full" 最好的表达"我吃饱了" is moving the hand in circles over the stomach after a meal. 饭后,就是模模肚子。 If a person pats his or her stomach before a meal,it usually means"I am hungry." 如果一个人在饭前模模他(她)的腹部,那经常意味着"我饿了" 。 Perhaps the best example of universally understood body language is the smile. 或许全球都能理解的体态语中最好的例子就是微笑。 A smile can help us get through difficult situations 一个微笑能帮助我们度过困境 and find friends in a world of strangers. 找到朋友在陌生人的圈子里。 A smile can open doors and tear down walls. 微笑能打开门户,推倒壁垒。 It can be used to express almost any emotion. 它可以用来表达几乎任何一种感情. We can use a smile to apologies,to greet someone, 我们可以使用微笑向人道歉,向人问候, to ask for help or to start a conversation. 向人求助或开始交谈。 We can smile at ourselves in the mirror 我们可以在镜子对着自己微笑 to make ourselves feel happier and stronger. 使自己感觉更愉快,更坚强。 And if we are feeling down or lonely , 如果我们情绪低落或感到孤独寂寞, there is nothing better than to see the smiling face of a good friend. 那么,没有什么比看到好友的笑脸更让人开心的事情。 Work book Unit 21 Body language 练习 第21单元 身势语 Integrating skills Reading Animal body language 综合技能 阅读 动物的身势语 Human beings are not the only ones who communicate. 人类之间的沟通一开始就不止一种。 Animals use body language and facial expressions 动物用身势语和面部来表达 to tell each other how they feel and what they think. 互相告诉它们的感觉和想法。 Here is a quick look at how some of our animal friends 怎么样快速看出我们的动物朋友 send messages to us and to each other. 传达信息给我们和其它同伴。 Dogs use facial expressions,sounds, 狗是用面部表情,声音, body movements and their tails to communicate. 摇动他们的身体和尾巴来沟通 。 When a dog is happy,its ears will stand up and its eyes will be wide open. 当狗很开心时,它的耳朵是竖起来的和它的眼睛睁得很大。 The dog will bark excitedly, 它会兴奋的咆哮, wag its tail and may run around in circles 摇动着尾巴和绕圈子跑 or jump up and down to show you that it wants to play. 或跳上跳下给你看它想要玩耍 。 A dog that is afraid will lay its ears back and close its eyes. 当它很害怕时它的耳朵往后贴,闭着眼睛 。 The dog may show its teeth and lower its body so that it is close to the ground. 狗会露出牙齿和身体趴下紧靠着地。 The dog may also shiver or tremble, 狗也会颤抖或摇晃, and it will put its tail between its legs. 它把尾巴放在腿之间。 When a dog is angry,it will stare at you,show its teeth and snarl. 当狗生气时,它盯着你,露出牙齿并咆哮。 The dog's body will be upright 狗的身体竖立着 and the dog will try to make itself look as big as possible. 狗会试图使它自己尽可能看起来很大。 The tail will stand straight out from the body. 尾巴向外竖起来。 Elephants also use noises and body language to express themselves. 大象也用声音和身势语来表达 。 An elephant's sense of smell is highly developed. 大象的嗅觉是非常灵敏。 An elephant can smell how another elephant is feeling 大象能闻出其它大象的感觉 and even tell if it is sick. 甚至告诉它是否不舒服。 The elephant's nose,or trunk,is also used to make noises and to greet other elephants. 大象的鼻子也发出噪声向其它大象问候。 Different noises have a variety of meanings: 不同的噪声也有多种意思: they can mean "I am hungry","I am angry"or "Good to see you!" 他们可以表示"我饿了""我生气了"见到你很高兴!" An elephant's body language includes ear signals and gestures. 大象的身势语包含着耳朵信号和手势 If an elephant spreads its ears,it means "Watch out!" 如果大象展开它的耳朵,它表示"当心"! To show friendship,elephants will touch each other with their trunks 来表示友好,大象用鼻子接触其它的 and stand close to each other,putting their foreheads together. 相互靠近地站着,一起放下它们的前额 Dolphins are social animals. 海豚是群居动物。 They live in groups and like to show each other their feelings. 它们生活在团体相互表示它们的情绪。 An angry dolphin will sometimes slap its tail on the surface of the water 生气的海豚不时用尾巴拍打着水面 The movement and noise let other dolphins know that something is wrong. 这动作和噪声让其实海豚知道那是不好的事。 If a dolphin wants to send a message over a long distance, 如果海豚想要越过很长距离传达信息, or if it simply wants to show how strong it is, 或如果它只是想要展示它是有多强壮, it will jump high out of the water and land on its side, making a loud splash 它会向水面跳得很高,然后降落在它旁边发出很大溅水声 A dolphin that is happy will play with its friends, 海豚很开心时,就和同伴一起玩耍 often making small jumps into the air. 常常轻轻往空中跳, When dolphins are tired and need to rest, 当海豚很累,需要休息时, they will swim in small groups close to the surface. 他们游到小群体里紧靠着。 If you see dolphins doing this,you should not disturb them. 如果你看到海豚那样做的话,你不可以去打扰它们。
(Text 1)
W: Did you tell Mr. Smith to bring the dictionary he promised
M: The dictionary? Oh, I am sorry.
(Text 2)
M: How many years of science did you have in high school?
W: I had one year each of biology and chemistry. I wish I had
had more.
(Text 3)
W: Could I please borrow a pen from you? There's no ink left
in mine.
M: I'm afraid I don't have an extra one. Would a pencil do?
W: That's OK, then.
(Text 4)
W: What can I do for you?
M: I need some stamps and some envelopes as well.
W: Will you step right over to the second window, please?
(Text 5)
M: I was born in Los Angeles. What about you? Where are you
W: I’m Chinese.
M: Chinese? But your English is excellent. Where did you
learn English?
W: In China.
M: Fancy that! Your country must have a very good record of
English language education.
(Text 6)
W: Hey Taxi! Ah, great. Thanks for pulling over.
M: Where to?
W: Well, I’m going to the National Museum of Art, and...
M: Sure. Get on. No problem. Hang on!
W: Uh. Excuse me. How long does it take to get there?
M: Well, that all depends on the traffic, but it shouldn't take
more than 20 minutes.
W: Okay. Uh, sorry for asking, but do you have any idea how
much the fare will be?
M: Oh, it shouldn't be more than 18 dollars.., not including a...
uh-hum.., a tip of course.
W: Oh, and by the way, do you know at what time the museum
M: Well, I would guess around 6:00.
W: Uh, do you have the time?
M: Yeah. It's half past four. Uh, this is your first time to the city,
W: Yeah. How did you know?
M: Well, you can tell tourists from a mile away in this city
because they walk down the street looking straight up at the
tall buildings.
W: Oh, before I forget, can you recommend any good
restaurants downtown that offer meals at a reasonable price?
M: Um... well, the Mexican Restaurant. It's not very expensive,
and the food is good.
W: Sounds great! Thank you very much!
(Text 7)
W: Hello. Sunnyside Hotel. May I help you?
M: Yes, I’d like to book a room for two on the 21st of March.
W: Okay. Let me check our books here for a moment. The 21st
of May, right?
M: No. March, not May.
W: Oh, sorry. Let me see here. Hmm,
M: Are you all booked that night?
W: Well, would you like a smoking or non-smoking room?
M: Non-smoking, please.
W: Okay, we do have a few rooms available on the 20th; we're
full on the 22nd, unless you want a smoking room.
M: Well, how much is the non-smoking room on the 20th?
W: $ 80, plus the 10% room tax.
M: Okay, that’ll be fine.
W: All right. Could I have your name, please?
M: Yes. David Smith.
W: Okay, Mr. Smith, we look forward to seeing you.
M: Okay. Goodbye.
(Text 8)
M: Miss Taylor, what sports do you go in for?
W: I'm absolutely mad about tennis. But I enjoy basketball and
volleyball from time to time, too.
M: They say that sports are most liked in English schools and
W: Right. We think sports will enable the students to better face
life in the highly competitive society we are living in.
M: I quite agree. We should pay more attention to building up
strong bodies with healthy minds. Oh, Miss Taylor, what are
the most popular sports in Britain?
W: Well, it’s out of question that football's at the top of the list.
We call it soccer in England.
M: It seems to be a common topic of conversation.
W: Yes, in fact, I think apart from the weather, it's the thing
most talked about in England.
M: So if we want to start a conversation with a stranger, we’d
better start talking about the weather or a recent football
match. Is that the idea?
(Text 9)
M: Someone has stolen my car! I want to report it. The name is
Walton-Harry Walton.
W: Where did you leave your car, Mr. Walton?
M: In Ludlow Street. Near the traffic lights.
W: Did you leave your car unlocked?
M: Of course not.
W: And what time was this?
M: This morning. I parked it there before I went to work.
W: When do you start work?
M: At nine thirty. But I got in early today. I started at seven.
W: That explains it.
M: What do you mean?
W: We have taken away your car. You can't park your car in
Ludlow Street before ten on Friday.
(Text 10)
The secretary told me that Mr. Abel wanted to see me. I felt very nervous when I entered his office. He did not look up from his desk when I came in. I stood in front of his desk for a few minutes before he looked up at me with a smile. My heart was beating fast, for I seldom saw him smiling like that. After he asked me to be seated, he said that business was not very good. He told me that the company could not afford all the salaries and twenty people had left. I knew my turn had come. "I was trying my best to do my job, Mr. Abel," I said in a weak voice. "Don't interrupt," he said. "After discussing this with other managers, I have decided to add $ 50 to your salary monthly.”Then I realized why Mr. Abel had smiled like that.
第一节(共 5小题;每小题 分,满分 分)
1. Why did the man apologize?
A. He had lost the dictionary.
B. He had forgotten to bring the dictionary.
C. He had forgotten to tell Mr. Smith to bring the
2. How many science courses did the woman take in
high school?
A. One. B. Two. C. More than two.
3. Why didn't the boy lend his pen to the girl?
A. Because he had no extra pen.
B. Because he had no ink in his pen, either.
C. Because he had only pencils.
4. Where is the conversation probably taking place?
A. In a bank B. In a bakery C. In a post office
5. What does the man think of the English language
education in China?
A. Bad. B. Good. C. Just-so-so.
听第 6 段材料,回答第 6-8 题。
6. How long will it take the man to get to the
A. Exactly 18 minutes.
B. More than 20 minutes.
C. Not more than 20 minutes.
7. What do we know from the conversation?
A. The woman must have been to the place several
B. The woman must have looked up at the tall
C. The woman didn't want to give a tip.
8. How much will the woman pay the man most
probably, not including a tip?
A. Less than 18 dollars.
B. 20 dollars.
C. More than 20 dollars.
听第 7 段材料,回答第 9-11 题。
9. For which day does the man book a room finally?
A. March 21st. B. March 20th. C. March 22nd.
10. What kind of room does the man prefer?
A. A non-smoking room.
B. A smoking room.
C. Either one is okay.
11. Including tax, how much is the man’s room?
A. 80 dollars. B. 88 dollars. C. 90 dollars.
听第 8 段材料,回答第 12-14 题。
12. According to the conversation, which sport does
Miss Taylor like best?
A. Tennis. B. Football. C. Basketball.
13. Why is much attention paid to sports in English
schools and universities?
A. Sports can make students cleverer.
B. The society now is very dangerous.
C. Sports can make students better face life in
the competitive society.
14. What can we know from the conversation?
A. It's a good idea to talk about sports with an
B. Miss Taylor comes from Britain.
C. English people don’t like talking with
听第 9 段材料,回答第 15-17 题。
15. When did the man park the car?
A. At 9: 30 ..
B. After 9 ..
C. Before 7 a. m..
16. Why was the man’s car taken away?
A. He broke a certain traffic rule.
B. He stopped his car in the middle of the street.
C. He didn't lock his car.
17. What day was that day?
A. Friday. B. Weekend. C. We don’t know.
听第 10 段材料,回答第 18-20 题。
18. Which word can be used to describe the speaker's
feelings when he came into Mr. Abel's office?
A. Sad. B. Angry. C. Nervous.
19. How many people left the company?
A. 20. B. 50. C. 70.
20. What was the probable relationship between the
speaker and Mr. Abel?
A. Lawyer and client.
B. Teacher and student.
C. Boss and employee.
参考答案: 1-10 CBACB CBABA 11-20 BACBC AACAC