

小思 09-20 13
给孩子们一定的自由度英文摘要: 一定的自由度英文自由度(degree of freedom, df)在数学中能够自由取值的变量个数,如有3个变量x、y、z,但x+y+z=18,因此其自由度等于2。在统计学中,...


自由度(degree of freedom, df)在数学中能够自由取值的变量个数,如有3个变量x、y、z,但x+y+z=18,因此其自由度等于2。在统计学中,自由度指的是计算某一统计量时,取值不受限制的变量个数。通常df=n-k。其中n为样本含量,k为被限制的条件数或变量个数,或计算某一统计量时用到其它独立统计量的个数。自由度通常用于抽样分布中。

自由度degree of freedom例如:我的自由度就是温度,这里我把它固定下来。My degrees of freedom are the temperature, which I'm fixing.





free degree


多自由度系统 many degrees of freedom system

六自由度 six degrees of freedom

单自由度系统 Single Degree-Of-Freedom System

无效自由度 passive degree of freedom


1. With some limitations, this is true also of rotational degrees of freedom.

在某些限定条件下, 这一说法对转动自由度也成立.

2. The results converge reasonably well for the twelve degress of freedom case.


3. In a three - body decay, the emerging particles have more freedom.

在三体衰变中, 出现的产物粒子有较大的自由度.

4. Each F distribution has a pair of degrees of freedom.


5. It imposes constrains, restricting nature's freedom.


6. The internal degrees of freedom are almost, but not pletely, frozen out of the energy sharing.

内自由度几乎都与能量分配无关, 但并非全部无关.

7. A single - degree - of - freedom rate gyro can be made to indicate north, provided that it is sensitive enough.


8. For a system prising two or more objects, degrees of freedom are additive.

具有两个或更多个物体的系统, 自由度更多.

9. Thus a 2 - freedom - degree mechanic model for dynamic tension was constructed.


10. A new 6 - DOF universal heterogeneous hand controller was proposed.

提出了一种新型的六 自由度 通用异构式手控器.

11. If tempo is 15 then CF should be 15.


12. The paper gives a design of four - DOF precision adjustment mechani *** .

设计了一种对镜子进行四 自由度 精密调整的机构.

13. It widens application areas of 5 - DOF parallel virtual axis machine tool.

拓宽了三杆五 自由度 并联机床的应用范围.

14. The power assembly mounting system is a six - freedom degrees vibration system.


15. Freedom is the most precious thing we have Amway.






degree of freedom 自由度

personal freedom 人身自由

freedom of expression 言论自由;表达自由






主要有以下五点:一、帮孩子找到正确的学习方法  作为父母,应该要帮助孩子培养良好的学习习惯,并且找到正确的学习方法。如果说学习方法不正确,那么孩子不仅不爱学习,成绩也会越来越差,甚至对学习产生厌恶的情绪。家长们可以多和老师进行沟通,找到孩子不爱学习的原因,然后有针对性的找到适合他们的学习方法,让孩子能够爱上学习。  二、父母要做好榜样  如果孩子贪玩,不爱学习,父母应该要看看自己是不是做得足够好了。如果说作为父母的你一下班回到家就玩手机,打麻将,看电视,那么孩子也会耳濡目染,慢慢的就不爱学习,光想着玩儿了。如果家长能够做好榜样,在孩子面前多读一些书,那孩子也会受到熏陶,慢慢的爱上学习。三、创造一个良好的学习环境  有一些孩子不爱学习,和周围的环境也有很大的关系,比如说孩子身边都是一些不爱学习的小伙伴,他们自然也是近墨者黑,变得越来越不爱学习。所以想要让孩子爱上学习,那么就得给他们创造一个良好的学习环境。  四、让孩子享受学习带来的成就感  一个人如果总是失败,享受不到成功的喜悦,慢慢的就会失去斗志,孩子学习也是一样。作为家长,应该要多多的鼓励孩子,哪怕只有一丢丢的进步也要毫不吝啬的夸他们,进步大的话可以考虑给他们一些实质性的奖励,让孩子有成就感,体会到学习带来的无穷乐趣。五、多和孩子沟通,了解他们的真实想法父母平时要多和孩子沟通,并且注意观察他们的言行举止,要对孩子的心理活动有充分的了解。只要孩子愿意敞开心扉和你交谈,就能够找到不爱学习的症结所在,自然也就能对症下药了。所以,对于上学的孩子来说,如果孩子不爱学习,作为家长先要搞清楚孩子不爱学习的原因在哪,才能对因帮助孩子,

让上学的孩子爱上学习,需要从多个方面入手,以下是一些建议:1. 培养孩子的兴趣:了解孩子的兴趣爱好,尽量让他们在喜欢的领域中学习。兴趣是最好的老师,有了兴趣,孩子们会更愿意投入到学习中去。2. 设定目标和奖励:和孩子一起制定学习目标,当他们达到目标时给予适当的奖励。奖励可以是物质的,也可以是精神上的,如表扬、鼓励等。这样可以激发孩子的积极性和成就感。3. 创造良好的学习环境:为孩子提供一个安静、舒适的学习空间,减少干扰因素。同时,家长要树立榜样,让孩子看到家长也在不断学习和进步。4. 亲子共学:家长可以和孩子一起学习,共同解决问题。这样既能增进亲子关系,又能让孩子感受到学习的乐趣。5. 培养自主学习能力:教育孩子如何独立思考,培养他们的解决问题的能力。这样,即使遇到困难,孩子们也能自己找到解决办法,从而增强学习的信心。6. 适度监督和引导:家长要适度关注孩子的学习进度,但不要过度干预。要相信孩子的能力,给他们一定的自由度,让他们在尝试和失败中成长。7. 融入社会实践:让孩子参加一些社会实践活动,如志愿者服务、社区活动等。这样可以培养他们的社会责任感和团队精神,同时也能让他们在实践中学到知识。8. 保持良好的心态:家长要保持积极的心态,相信孩子有能力学好知识。同时,要关注孩子的心理健康,及时发现和解决他们的困扰。9. 鼓励多元化发展:鼓励孩子参加各种课外活动,如体育、艺术、科学等。这样可以让孩子们全面发展,提高他们的综合素质。10. 与学校老师保持良好沟通:家长要与孩子的老师保持良好的沟通,了解孩子在学校的表现,共同帮助孩子解决学习和生活中的问题。

当我们思考有关“自由”的词的时候,几乎所有的词都是积极的。当我们想到自由,我们会联系到假期,旅行,等等,没一个是联系到学校的。但是当我们思考可以代表“纪律”的词时,大多数词都是消极的。在学校,老师总是希望一切在她的控制范围内。如果学生听老师的话,那我们会说这个孩子是守纪律的。蒙台梭利认为:自由与纪律是内在紧密相连的。没有纪律,谈不上自由;没有自由,纪律也无法实现。When we think about the words for freedom, almost all of the words are positive. For most of the time, when we think about freedom, we would relate with vacation, holidays, but not at school. But when we think about the words can represent discipline, most of the words are negative. At school, the teacher always wants to make sure everything is under her control. If a child followed the directives from the teacher, we can say the child is disciplined. Montessori thinks: freedom and discipline are inner-linked. Freedom is impossible without discipline, while discipline is impossible without freedom. 内在的自由意味着有能力选择自己认为什么是对的和好的。内在的限制意味着有能力约束自己的行为帮助自己的成长和发展。纪律引导我们自主做决定,拥有自由。自由与纪律,这二者都是组建我们社会的基石。没有一定程度的自由与纪律,人与人是无法一起工作和生存的。 Inner freedom means the ability to choose what we think is right and good. Inner discipline means the ability to regular oneself in the service of one's growth and improvement. Discipline guides us to make free choices, to have freedom. They are both the fundamental for our society. Without a certain level of freedom and discipline, it is impossible for people to work together. 自由允许我们释放自己的本性,表达个体的自我。纪律则可以确保我们在考虑到他人及其权利的基础上,练习使用我们的自由。在大多数学校里,孩子由于取悦了老师,会得到奖励,或因为不听话而得到惩罚。这是儿童教育中很大的一个障碍。孩子们会觉得自己并不是自己的主导,会很容易感到被动。我们教育的目的不是被动,而是需要很好的平衡“自由”与“纪律”,从而帮助孩子们更加充满自信,更加独立,变成他们自己想成为的人。 Freedom allows us to express our humanity, and to express who we are as individuals. Discipline ensures we exercise our freedom, with regard for the people and recognition with their rights. In most of the schools, children get rewarded for pleasing the teacher, or getting punishment for disobedient. It is a big obstacle in the children's education. The children would feel either complemented or passive easily. The goal for education is not for passivity, it is for making a good balance of freedom and discipline, so the children can act with confidence and independence, to become the person they want to be.在蒙台梭利的教室中,我们可以提供的必要的自由: Necessary freedoms that we can offer in a Montessori classroom: A. 选择工作的自由 choice of activity 对工作的选择需要孩子建立在自己知识的基础上。我们需要帮助孩子做明智的和有意义的选择,而不是完全出于好奇。同时,选择一项工作了,孩子就需要对他的选择负责,无论结果如何,都是他自己选择的。在做选择的同时,孩子们也在更多更好的了解自己。 Choice of activity needs the child choose with knowledge. We want to help them make intelligent and thoughtful choice. We want to let them choose what they want based on knowledge but not out of curiosity. Also choosing the activity set the responsibility for the child. She is responsible for her own choice, and no matter what is the result it is her own choice. They get to know themselves better by making . 选择在哪儿工作的自由 B. Of place of activity 作为成人,我们不会告诉孩子,你应该在哪张桌子前工作,或者你的毯子应该放在哪儿。他们有选择在哪儿工作的自由。但是限制是,他们不可以在已经被使用的桌子前工作,或者选择一个会打扰到其他人的地方工作。 We don't set a table or telling the child where to put a rug. They have thefreedom to choose where to work. But the limit is, they cannot choose a place where some other people are already working there, or choosing a place that may disturb other . 选择工作时长的自由 C. Of length of time spent with an activity 孩子们可以决定自己想工作多长时间,他们重复做同样的工作多少次都可以。同样,他们也可以以自己舒服的频率做工作。唯一的限制是每天上午3小时工作周期的限制。 The children can determine the length of their working time, they can repeat the work any time they like, also they can work at any pace that suits them. The limit is the end of the working period. 每天早上的三小时的工作周期对孩子们来说很重要。这是一段很长的不被打断的时间。在这个时间段里,可以帮助孩子专注,并沉浸在工作中。在这三小时中,一个孩子可以完全属于他自己,不需要被打扰,他也无需将自己投入在环境中。 The 3 hours working cycle in the morning time is very important to the child. It is awide open time without interruption. It results a lot deeper engagement and concentration. In this 3 hours working time, the child can really belong to herself, without the interruption, she do not need to give herself to the environment. D. 拒绝邀请的自由 D. To decline an invitation 孩子可以拒绝一个教学演示的邀请,或者一项集体活动的邀请。他们拥有选择做某事或者不做某事的权利。我们不要影响他们,却要尊重他们。我们需要相信他们自己的选择是正确的,他们有能力遵从自己内心的引导。同时,他们也需要为自己“拒绝”的决定承担结果,一旦已经拒绝了,他们就不可以再改变主意重新接受之前的邀请。 Child can always decline an invitation or a group activity. They have the freedom to choose something and not to choose something. We do not want to influence them but respect their choices. We need to believe their choices are right, and they have the ability to follow their inner guides. They also need to be responsible for their own choice to decline. They cannot change their mind to come back after they declined the invitation. E. 行动的自由 E. Of movement 孩子可以在教室自由的行走。我们需要向孩子示范如何在教室恰当的行走,并且我们期望孩子也会这样做。他们不可以打扰其他孩子的工作,或者破坏教室里的教具和设施。 The child can move around the classroom as she wishes. We need to show the children how to move appropriately and we expect them to do so. They should not disturb other children or risk harm to the materials. 通常在两个工作之间,孩子需要一些转换的时间来自我调整。我们为他们提供充分的空间来调整和移动。 Usually a child needs a transition in between the activities, they need to adjust a little bit. We give them the space to adjust and move. 我们不要给孩子无目的地神游的概念。但是假如这种情况发生了,我们也不要直接去问孩子:“你的工作呢?”这样对孩子来说过于消极了。换个方式我们可以说:“我现在要去做一件事,你想加入吗?” We don't want to give the children the idea of aimless wandering. And if that happens, we don't want to ask the child: "Where is your work?" It is too oppressive for a child. Instead, we may say: "I'm going to do something, do you want to join me?"F. 交流的自由 F. Of social interaction 孩子们在这个年龄段是以自我为中心的,他们不希望被孤立。随着他们慢慢长大,他们会更希望表达自己。关键的一点是他们社交能力的发展。但是自由交流其中的限制是,他们需要用恰当的方式交流,并且不要打扰到教室里的其他人和秩序。我们需要向孩子展示如何恰当的交流。有一些时候他们不可以讲话,需要保持安静。但是在教室里的大多数时间,我们不会给他们“你需要保持安静”的概念。 Children are ego-centric, they don't want to be alone. As they get older, they want to express themselves more. The key is social development. The limit is talking appropriately and not disturbs the classroom. We need to show the child the appropriate ways to talk. There are certain times they cannot talk, be quiet. But most of the time, we don't give them the idea: "you should be quiet."G. 思考和回顾的自由 G. To reflect 孩子们不需要无时无刻地在工作。他们可以安静的坐着,在教室无目的地走动,或者休息。我们给他们时间来思考他们下一步要做什么。其中的限制是:不要打扰教室里的环境。 The children don't have to have work out at any moment. They can sit still, wander in the classroom, rest. We give them the time to consider and think what they want to do next. The limit is not disturbing the atmosphere and the classroom. 在蒙台梭利的教室中,我们可以提供的必要的规则: Necessary guidelines that we can offer in a Montessori classroom: 对孩子们的行为有期待是一件好事。我们设置情景并演示给孩子们如何遵守这些规则。设置这些规则其实正是赋予了孩子们很多的自由。所以在这些规则下,一旦有状况发生,我们马上会意识到。在蒙氏的环境中,每个细小的设置背后都需要有一个原因支撑。比如,工作完之后把工作放回原位。所以当孩子想再拿这个工作,或者其他孩子想要做这个工作的时候,它就在那儿。遵守规则,孩子们是从中受益的。而且事实上,孩子们希望支持这些规则。 Having expectations of behavior is a good thing. We set the condition and we present the children how to follow the guidelines. Having guidelines actually give the children freedom. When issue arrives, we can recognize it. Even little things we need to have a reason for it. For example, putting work away after it is done. So when the children want to find it, it is there on the shelf. Children get benefits from following the guidelines. It turns out the children want to support it. 但是太多的规则对孩子并不好,大人们会滥用他们的权利。规则太多,孩子们会记不住,也会觉得没有安全感和适应感。规则太少,会产生很多混乱。 But too many rules are not good for the children, the adult maybe abusing his power. The child cannot remember all the rules and they would feel insecure and disorienting. But too few guidelines would cause chaos. 教室里的限制和规则对孩子来说都要明确易懂。同时,这个环境里的所有规则也需要始终如一,对孩子、成人一视同仁。我们需要让孩子感觉到他们和成人一样有平等的待遇和权利。 Any limit in the classroom need to be clear and comprehensive to the children. All the guidelines need to be consistent followed by all the children and adults. We want the children feel they all have the equal status, everyone has the same rights and privileges. A. 对人的尊重 A. Respect for people 我们对孩子们使用的语言要保持尊重,即便是在我们要求他们做某事的时候。比如:“不要打那个人了。”我们也要用尊重的语气对孩子讲话。 The language we use to the children are respectful, even when we are directing them to do something, .: " stop hitting somebody." we are always speaking respectfully. 我们尊重他们的个人财物。为每个孩子,我们都会准备一个他放自己的衣物,书包或者午餐盒的地方。 We respect their own property. We prepare each child a single place to put her own cloth and backpack or lunch box. 我们尊重他们的工作,并保护他们的工作不被打扰。在孩子工作期间,我们保证有一个地方是属于他的。 We respect their activities, we protect them from interruptions. We make sure there is a spot belongs to the child during the activity. 我们不要猜忌。 Weare not making assumptions. 我们尊重孩子们的身体,除非有特殊的情况发生。我们不会在没有经过他们允许的情况下触摸他们的身体。我们可以对孩子伸出手,邀请他们握手。当一个孩子要拥抱的时候,我们可以拥抱他。但是在孩子要去工作的时候,我们不需要拉他的手。特定的情况下,比如过马路的时候,我们可能需要拉孩子的手。 We respect their bodies except under extreme circumstances; we are not going totouch them without permission. We may offer our hand sometimes, when a child offers a hug, we hug back. We do not hold hands with the child on the way to do a work. But under some circumstances, they may need to hold our hands, like crossing a road. B. 对环境的尊重 B. Respect for the physical environment 我们为孩子们准备并保持这个环境,并且给孩子们的概念是:这是你们的地方,这个环境属于每一个人。他们需要在这个环境中与大家分享一切。在这个环境中,我们不希望孩子们觉得受到威胁,或者有什么是他们不能触碰的,或者他们在这个环境中需要蹑手蹑脚。我们要帮助孩子在这个环境中感到自由,和自信的去探索。我们示范给他们怎么小心的使用和爱护教具。 We prepare and maintain this environment for the children. We also need to give them this very strong idea that: it is your place, the environment belongs to everyone. They need to share this environment with each other. In this environment, we don't want them to feel being threatened, feel there is something they cannot touch, feel they need to tiptoe around. We want children feel free and confident of their exploration. We teach them carefully use thematerials and how to take care of them. 自由的结果 Results of freedom A. 独立 A. IndependenceB. 意愿与服从的发展 B. Development of the will and obedience 蒙台梭利说:“强烈的意愿会指引向服从的能力。”强烈的意愿是:我知道我想要的是什么,我要去努力追求我想要的。 Montessori said: "A strong will would lead the ability to obey." A strong will is: I know what I want and I'm going to pursue it. C. 自信与自我掌控 C. Self-confidence and self-mastery 孩子有很多的机会设置自己的目标。当一个孩子感到自信的时候,他会觉得:我了解自己,我知道我能做什么。虽然我不太确定但是我还是要试一试。在不断的重复和练习的过程中,这个孩子完成了自我掌握达到熟练的程度。作为成人,我们需要确保孩子有很多次成功的经历,这就要我们设置好他们面对的挑战,并给他们足够的机会去重复。我们希望帮助孩子觉得自己是一个有能力的,自信的人,一个可以接受挑战并自己设置挑战的人。 Children have many chances to set their goals. When a child feels self-confident, she would feel: I’m aware of myself. I know what I can do. I’m going to try to doit even I’m not sure. In the process of repeats and practice, the child can come to self-mastery. As adults, we need to make sure the children have many experiences of success, we need to set right amount of challenges for them, give them the opportunities to repeat. We wish the children can see themselves as capable, confident persons, who are willing to take the risks and set their own . 责任感 D. Responsibility 责任感在蒙氏的环境中是自然体现的,它的产生由很多有目的性的工作或活动引起。责任感对个人和集体来说都是好的。我们给孩子们充分的自由让他们运用自己的知识,并且让他们对身处的环境和整个社区承担责任。 The responsibility is emerging naturally, it engages purposeful are for ourselves and for the good of our group. We give the children freedom to act with knowledge and let them be responsible at his place to do good for the community. 成人的角色 The Role of the adult 在蒙氏的环境里,成人设置自由和限制的范围和程度。观察每个个体和整体的孩子,会让我们时时发现,是否有更多的方式能让我们增加他们在这个环境中的自由度。自由度会随着孩子们的越发适应和稳定性,越来越多的增加。通过观察,我们发现什么是好的,什么是坏的。好的,我们支持和鼓励,坏的,我们要制止和说明。作为成人,我们能提供的最大的帮助就是帮助他们发展内在的自由和约束力。每个孩子都是独一无二的,都是自己内心的引导者,我们相信每个孩子都会引导自己向正确的好的方向进步,都在正确的限度之内发展。我们同时要非常清楚的意识到自己的行为示范作用,我们的言行举止都应该给孩子以启迪和鼓舞,和孩子之间建立起相互信任的关系。 We set perimeters for freedom and limits in the classroom. It is always good to observe individuals and groups of children, to see if in some ways we can increase or offer more freedom to them. The amount of freedom should be getting greater and greater. Through observation, we get the resource from the children. We recognize what is good what is bad. For good, we support; for bad, we illuminate. The greatest assistance we can give to the children is to develop their inner freedom and discipline. Every child is unique, we trust each child’s uniqueness and inner guide, that she can guide herself to be on the right path, she can follow the right discipline. We also should be aware of the model of behavior. Our movements, language, manners should inspire the children and establish a trusting relationship with the children.


科技名词定义中文名称:自由度英文名称:degree of freedom;degrees of freedom定义1:在一个未约束的动力或其他系统中,为了完全确定该系统在给定时刻的状态所需要的独立变量的个数。例如,在空间运动的粒子具有3个自由度,而具有自由表面的不可压缩流体就有无限个自由度。应用学科:大气科学(一级学科);大气物理学(二级学科)定义2:在任意时刻完全确定机械系统位置所需要的独立的广义坐标数。应用学科:机械工程(一级学科);振动与冲击(二级学科);振动与冲击一般名词(三级学科)定义3:完整地描述一个力学系统的运动所需要的独立变量的个数。应用学科: 水利科技(一级学科);工程力学、工程结构、建筑材料(二级学科);工程力学(水利)(三级学科)把这定义好好理解理解先!

df为自由度,就是degrees of freedom,简称df。卡方检验的自由度计算公式为(R-1)×(L-1),即(行-1)×(列-1)。SPSS(Statistical Product and Service Solutions),“统计产品与服务解决方案”软件。最初软件全称为“社会科学统计软件包”(SolutionsStatistical Package for the Social Sciences),但是随着SPSS产品服务领域的扩大和服务深度的增加,SPSS公司已于2000年正式将英文全称更改为“统计产品与服务解决方案”,标志着SPSS的战略方向正在做出重大调整。为IBM公司推出的一系列用于统计学分析运算、数据挖掘、预测分析和决策支持任务的软件产品及相关服务的总称SPSS,有Windows和Mac OS X等版本。

自由度degree of freedom例如:我的自由度就是温度,这里我把它固定下来。My degrees of freedom are the temperature, which I'm fixing.







degree of freedom 自由度

personal freedom 人身自由

freedom of expression 言论自由;表达自由






科技名词定义中文名称:自由度英文名称:degree of freedom;degrees of freedom定义1:在一个未约束的动力或其他系统中,为了完全确定该系统在给定时刻的状态所需要的独立变量的个数。例如,在空间运动的粒子具有3个自由度,而具有自由表面的不可压缩流体就有无限个自由度。应用学科:大气科学(一级学科);大气物理学(二级学科)定义2:在任意时刻完全确定机械系统位置所需要的独立的广义坐标数。应用学科:机械工程(一级学科);振动与冲击(二级学科);振动与冲击一般名词(三级学科)定义3:完整地描述一个力学系统的运动所需要的独立变量的个数。应用学科: 水利科技(一级学科);工程力学、工程结构、建筑材料(二级学科);工程力学(水利)(三级学科)把这定义好好理解理解先!

freedom   [ˈfri:dəm] n. 自由, 自主He has been granted his freedom on condition that he leaves the country.他已获准恢复自由, 条件是他离开这个国家。She's old enough to have the freedom to do as she likes.她已成年了, 有权做她喜欢做的事。


1、名词 (指权利或状态)自由自在,自主  自由权,自由民地位(不是囚犯或奴隶)  没有…的情况;不受…影响的状态

2、英语解释the condition of being free; the power to act or speak or think without externally imposed restraintsimmunity from an obligation or duty

3、例句Regain ones freedom重获自由。

4、例句individual's freedom of action,limited only by laws designed to protect the community;Civil liberty公民自由.

5、例句The truck was now hidden in a locked, private garage adjoining a second "Friends of Freedom" hideaway这辆长车现在藏在紧挨着“自由之友”第二个隐蔽所的一间上了锁的私人车库里。



订金与定金 “订金”与“定金”在日常生活中的含义一般说来是等同的,即二者为等义关系。因此,《现代汉语词典》(商务印书馆1996)解释“订金”时说“定钱。也作定金。”解释“定金”时说“同‘订金’。”而所谓“定钱”,按《现代汉语词典》的释义,是指“购买或租赁时预先付给的,作为成交的保证”。这也就是说,在日常生活中凡是预先付给的,作为成交保证的钱既可以说“订金”也可以说“定金”。 其实从现行法律上说“订金”与“定金”的性质并不相同。“订金”属于预先支付的一部分价款,不具备担保的性质,而“定金”则具备担保的性质,并且有严格的设立条件。依据担保法的规定,当事人可以约定一方向对方给付定金作为债权的担保,债务人履行债务后,定金应当抵作价款或者收回。由于二者法律性质有别,因而在不履行约定时法律处理上差异较大:对“定金”而言,给付定金的一方不履行约定的债务时,无权要求返还定金;收取定金的一方不履行约定的债务时,应当双倍返还定金。然而对于“订金”而言,如果收取订金的一方不能履行约定,交付订金的一方只可要求返还订金而不能要求双倍返还。换言之,“定金”具备法律效力,而“订金”则不具备法律效力。 摘自“江苏畜牧兽医职业技术学院 语言文字网” Deposit and deposit "Deposit" and the "deposit" in the meaning of life is generally the same, that is, such as justice for the relationship between the two. Therefore, the "Modern Chinese Dictionary" (Commercial Press, 1996) explained "down payment" that "the money. Also for the deposit." Explain "deposit" say "with the 'deposit'." And the so-called "the money," according to " Modern Chinese Dictionary "definition, refers to" buy or rent paid in advance when, as a guarantee transactions. " That is to say, in their daily lives all the pre-paid, as were assurances that the money can "deposit" can be described as "deposit." In fact, from the existing law, said "down payment" and the "deposit" is not the nature of the same. "Deposit" is a pre-paid part of the purchase price, and do not have the nature, "deposit" with the nature, and the establishment of strict conditions. Based on the security law, the parties may agree to a direction of the other side as Fudingjin secured claims, the debtor to the debt, deposit for the purchase price or arrival should recover. The legal nature of the two are different and therefore do not fulfil a contractual deal with the time when the large difference: the "deposit", to Fudingjin the party does not fulfil a contractual debt, the right to request the return of deposit; charge deposit party does not fulfil a contractual debt , it should be double the return of deposit. However, the "deposit", the charge if the party is unable to perform the deposit agreement, the delivery of deposits may require only one party can not request the return of the deposit double the return. In other words, the "deposit" with the force of law, and "down payment" does not have the force of law. Excerpt from "Jiangsu Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Vocational and Technical College Language Network"

交付全额定金 :( full )payment预付部分订金 :deposit



作者:小思本文地址:http://aiyundongfang.com/yingyuxuexibaike/32676.html发布于 09-20
