My favorite teacher is my English teacher who is a kind-hearted woman.
She has two big eyes, a high nose and a little red mouth.
There is always a smile on her face.
She can make her calsses lively and interesting and helps us to overcome the difficulties.
She is a easygoing teacher and we get along well with her.
All of the students love her,and she is our good friend.
Our English teacher, Mrs Wang, is about forty years old. She always wears a pair of glasses. She is very strict with us. When we make a mistake, she often makes us stand up. But we hear that her home is far from our school. Every morning she has to walk to school for forty minutes. And she is never late. Then we come to see that Mrs Wang loves us dearly. She teaches us so carefully. In fact, she is a good teacher. 我们的英语老师,王老师,大约是40岁,她总是戴着一副眼镜。她对我们要求严格,当我们犯了,就让我们站起来。但是,我们听说她家离学校很远,每天早上都要步行四十分钟到学校,但是从来不会迟到。我们觉得王老师深深的疼爱着我们,他认真的教导我们,事实上,她就是个好老师。
1 We have a good English name is Bruce. He comes from Britain, about forty years old. He is tall and thin. Wearing a pair of glasses makes him more is strict with us. He often makes full preparations for his class and corrects our homework carefully. His teaching style is very unique, because he is used to encouraging all of us to think by ourselves and study on our own. The relationship between Bruce and us is harmonious. He is so kind and friendly that every student likes him and respects him deeply. Our teacher is so excellent that we all love him very much. 我们有一个很好的英语老师,他的名字叫Bmce。他来自英国,大约40岁。他是一个又高又瘦的人,戴着一副眼镜,这使他显得更有绅士风度。 他总是严格要求我们。他经常认真备课,认真为我们批改作业。他的教学风格很是与众不同,这是由于他总是习惯鼓励学生努力思考,并且培养我们的自学能力。我们之间的关系很融洽。他对人和蔼可亲,所以深受我们的爱戴和尊敬。 我们的老师很出色,我们都很喜欢他。 2 Our English teacher, Bruce, is from Britain. He is forty years old or so. He is a tall and thin man, wearing a pair of glasses. Bruce is very strict with us. He always makes full preparations for his classes and corrects our homework carefully. His teaching style is quite different from that of other teachers. He always encourages all of us to think by ourselves and learn on our own. Now our ability to study independently has been greatly improved. Bruce has been getting along very well with all of us. He is so kind and friendly to us that we all love him and respect him deeply. 我们的英语老师Bmce是位英国人。40岁左右,又高又瘦,戴着一副眼镜。 Bmce总是严格要求我们。他总是认真备课,认真批改作业。他的教学方法与众不同,他总是鼓励我们独立思考、自学。现在我们的自学能力都得到很大的提高。 Bmce和我们相处得非常融洽。他对我们和蔼可亲,我们都很尊敬他,爱戴他。
斯蒂芬•威廉姆•霍金1942年1月8日(伽利略逝世300年忌日)生于英格兰牛津。他一直从事宇宙的基本定律的研究工作。他与罗杰•彭罗斯一起发现爱因斯坦的广义相对论暗示了空间和时间是从大爆炸奇点处开始而至黑洞。 他获得过许多奖励,奖金,奖牌,他是英国皇家学会会员和美国国家科学学会会员。 Stephen William Hawking was born on 8 January 1942 (300 years after the death of Galileo) in Oxford, England. He has worked on the basic laws which govern the universe. With Roger Penrose he showed that Einstein's General Theory of Relativity implied space and time would have a beginning in the Big Bang and an end in black holes. He is the recipient of many awards, medals and prizes and is a Fellow of The Royal Society and a Member of the US National Academy of Sciences.
黑洞(Black hole)是根据现代的物理理论和天文学理论,所预言的在宇宙空间中存在的一种天体区域。历史上,法国力学家拉普拉斯曾预言:「一个质量如 250 个太阳,而直径为地球的发光恒星,由於其引力的作用,将不允许任何光线离开它。由於这个原因,宇宙中最大的发光天体,却不会被我们看见」。黑洞是由一个质量相当大的天体,在核能耗尽死亡后发生引力塌缩后形成。根据牛顿普适重力定理,由於黑洞的第一宇宙速度过大,连光也逃逸不出来,故名为黑洞。在此区域内的万有引力非常强大,任何物质都不可能从此区域内逃逸出去,甚至光线都被它强大的引力拉回,因此黑洞本身不会发光,但是黑洞也不会像其他不会发光的物体一样呈现出黑色,黑洞的引力可以让它身后的光线绕到它前面呈现,让你以为它是透明的。天文学家可藉观察黑洞周围物质被吸引时的情况下,找出黑洞位置。黑洞可以经由电子仪器观查到。 尺寸和质量质量达太阳10倍的黑洞之电脑模拟图黑洞是由大於太阳质量的倍的天体发生引力坍塌后形成的(小於个太阳质量的恒星,会变成白矮星)。天文学的观测表明,在很多星系的中心,包括银河系,都存在超过太阳质量上亿倍的超大质量黑洞。爱因斯坦的广义相对论预测有黑洞解。其中最简单的球对称解为史瓦西度量。这是由卡尔·史瓦西於1915年发现的爱因斯坦方程的解。根据史瓦西解,如果一个重力天体的半径小於一个特定值,天体将会发生坍塌,这个半径就叫做史瓦西半径。在这个半径以下的天体,其中的时空严重弯曲,从而使其发射的所有射线,无论是来自什麼方向的,都将被吸引入这个天体的中心。因为相对论指出在任何惯性座标中,物质的速率都不可能超越真空中的光速,在史瓦西半径以下的天体的任何物质,包括重力天体的组成物质——都将塌陷於中心部分。一个有理论上无限密度组成的点组成重力奇点(gravitational singularity)。由於在史瓦西半径内连光线都不能逃出黑洞,所以一个典型的黑洞确实是绝对「黑」的。温度黑洞越大,温度越低。特性目前公认的理论认为,黑洞只有三个物理量可以测量到:质量、电荷、角动量。也就是说:对於一个黑洞,一旦这三个物理量确定下来了,这个黑洞的特性也就唯一地确定了,这称为黑洞的无毛定理,或称作黑洞的唯一性定理。但是这个定理却只是限制了古典理论,没有否认可能有其他量子荷的存在,所以黑洞可以和大域单极或是宇宙弦共同存在,而带有大域量子荷。黑洞的合并会以光束发射强大的引力波,新的黑洞会因后座力脱离原本在星系核心的位置。如果速度足够大,它甚至有可能脱离星系母体[1]。分类分类方法一:超巨质量黑洞 到目前为止可以在所有已知星系中心发现其踪迹。 质量据说是太阳的数百万至十数亿倍。 小质量黑洞 质量为太阳质量的10至20倍,即超新星爆炸以后所留下的核心质量是太阳的3至15倍就会形成黑洞。 理论预测,当质量为太阳的 40 倍以上,可不经超新星爆炸过程而形成黑洞。 中型黑洞 推论是由小质量黑洞合并形成,最后则变成超巨质量黑洞 中型黑洞是否真实存在仍然存疑。 分类方法二:根据黑洞本身的物理特性(质量、电荷、角动量):不旋转不带电荷的黑洞。它的时空结构于1916年由施瓦西求出称施瓦西黑洞。 不旋转带电黑洞,称R-N黑洞。时空结构于1916-1918年由Reissner和Nordstrom求出。 旋转不带电黑洞,称克尔黑洞。时空结构由克尔于1963年求出。 一般黑洞,称克尔-纽曼黑洞。时空结构于1965年由纽曼求出。 微黑洞微黑洞是理论预言的一类黑洞,目前尚无证据支持微黑洞的存在。它们诞生于宇宙大爆炸初期,质量非常小,根据霍金的理论,黑洞质量越小,“蒸发”越快。因此如果存在微黑洞,那么它们现在一定已经蒸发殆尽了。百慕大,港台译百慕达(英语:Bermuda;又称百慕大群岛;旧称萨默斯岛)位于北大西洋,是英国的自治海外领地。位于北纬32度14分至32度25分,西经64度38分至64度53分,距北美洲约900多公里、美国东岸佛罗里达州迈阿密东北约1,100海里及加拿大新斯科舍省哈利法克斯东南约840海里。最接近的地标是美国北卡罗来纳州的哈特拉斯角(Cape Hatteras),西北约640海里(1,030公里)。百慕大是历史最悠久的英国海外领地,早于英格兰殖民《1707年联合法案》(Acts of Union 1707)颁布及英国建立前的一、两个世纪。联合国非殖民化委员会自1945年起将其列为全球16个非自治领地之一。“百慕大”一般指单一的群岛,由约138个岛屿和许多岩礁组成组成,总面积有平方海里(平方公里),稍大于美国的曼哈顿岛(纽约市的一部分,面积有平方海里)。其中7个主要岛屿有桥梁和堤道相连,面积有53平方公里,主岛百慕大(又称“大百慕大”)约35平方公里。百慕大的一些岛屿拥有多个名称(整个群岛,连同两个正式名称,历史上曾称为“La Garza”、“Virgineola”及“魔鬼岛”)。虽然地标不多,但地方重名的情况十分普遍;例如,有两个岛屿名为“长岛”,两个海湾名为“长湾”,而圣乔治镇位于圣乔治岛的圣乔治政区。另外,百慕大的首都——汉密尔顿市,位于主岛的Pembroke Parish(并非汉密尔顿区)。百慕大经济繁荣,依靠金融业和旅游业,以“避税天堂”和“公司天堂”闻名,是世界著名的离岸金融中心。当地有暖和的热带气候、风景优美的海滩,更常以粉红色细沙和蓝绿色海洋自诩。历史主条目:百慕大历史据信,百慕大于16世纪初,大概是1503年被西班牙探险家胡安·百慕大(Juan de Bermudez)首先发现,但他的记载只作粗略描述。及至1511年,彼得·马特(Peter Martyr d'Anghiera)所著的《Legatio Babylonica》一书中提及百慕大和该名西班牙人。同年,西班牙把岛屿加进航海图。西班牙和葡萄牙两国的船舰把百慕大群岛用作鲜肉和水的补给站。但是,幽灵和魔鬼的传说,令人们不敢在“魔鬼岛”上长期定居。现在,有关据称是由刺耳的雀岛(很可能是百慕大海燕(Bermuda Petrel))叫声和持续的风灾(多数早期的旅客在这种情况抵达)造成。百慕大和Gonzales Ferdinando d'Oviedo在1514年-1515年左右投机百慕大,意图在岛上缷下食用猪作为鲜肉期货,将来卖给来往的船只。然而,百慕大气候严酷,打消了他们登陆的念头。数年后,一艘从圣多明哥回航的葡萄牙船舰挤进了暗礁的两块岩石中。全体船员尽力营救,并花费了接下来的四个月用百慕大柏树建造新的船身,返回原先的出发点。据称,其中一个搁浅的船员在西班牙岩石上刻上了起首字母“R”和“P”与及年份“1543”。起首字母可能是象征“Rex Portugaline”,其后误传是西班牙人所为,以致该石被误名为“西班牙石”。在其后的世纪里,大概有人在百慕大层次逗留,但尚未有人定居。英国在弗吉尼亚州的首两个殖民地宣告失败,英王詹姆士一世和英格兰詹姆士六世毅然决定向弗吉尼亚州公司授予皇家宪章。1609年,公司的舰队司令——萨默斯(Admiral Sir George Somers)带领舰队驶离英格兰,前去救济已在两年前殖民的詹姆斯镇(Jamestown)殖民地。萨默斯曾经随同法兰西斯·德瑞克爵士(Sir Francis Drake)和沃尔特·罗利爵士(Sir Walter Raleigh) 航海,累积了经验。舰队在风暴中损毁,而旗舰——海洋冒险号(Sea Venture)在百慕大对开的海域失事(正如百慕大的纹章所描绘),生还者唯有在新领土上生活。(威廉·莎士比亚的剧作《暴风雨》可能受威廉·斯特雷奇(William Strachey)对这次海难的记述影响)英国皇室声称拥有百慕大,弗吉尼亚州公司的宪章遂增订有关条文。1615年,百慕大转交一家新公司——萨默斯岛公司(“萨默斯岛”至今仍是殖民地的正式名称),公司由相同的股东组成。美国的第一枚英国硬币在这里铸造。1610年,海洋冒险号的大多数生还者获两艘百慕大制的船舰接载至詹姆士镇。约翰·罗尔夫(John Rolfe)是生还者之一,他遗下了在百慕大埋葬的妻子和孩子。其后,他在詹姆士镇与波瓦坦(Chief Powhatan)之女波卡洪塔斯(Pocahontas)结婚,而罗尔夫独力开展弗吉尼亚的烟草业(伐木将成为殖民地的经济基础)。1612年,随着Plough号的抵达,经过仔细研究的百慕大殖民终于展开。由于土地不足,百慕大面对人口增长带来的问题。在首两个殖民的世纪,当地依靠稳定的移民以控制人口。美国独立战争前,有超过1万名移民的百慕大人,他们主要移民至美国南方。在那里,英格兰(后称大不列颠)正取代西班牙成为支配欧洲的帝国。18世纪末前,稳定的对外移民流尚未停止,航海业变成唯一的实业。当时,至少三分一的岛上人力随时在海上航行。然而,在17世纪,萨默斯岛公司压制造船业,因他它们需要百慕大人耕作以赚取收入。百慕大不能成为成功的农业殖民地。据报,运载烟草往英格兰的百慕大柏树箱子,比内里的货物还要值钱。但是,弗吉尼亚州殖民地出产的烟草,无论质、量均比百慕大的优胜。萨默斯岛公司倒闭后,百慕大人随即舍弃农业,改投造船业。他们在农地重新种植本土柏树(百慕大圆柏,学名“Juniperus bermudiana”,又称“百慕大柏树”),树木在全岛迅速生长。百慕大人充分利用特克斯群岛,砍伐森林后便开展世界最大的盐贸易。盐贸易在往后的世纪成为百慕大的经济支柱。百慕大船员希望进行贸易,而非纯粹供应食盐,然而,捕鲸业、私掠巡航和商人贸易却得到稳健的发展。百慕大单桅帆船的速度与机动性受到高度重视。特拉法加战役(Battle of Trafalgar)后期,百慕大的单桅帆船、英国皇家海军最快的船舰之一——HMS Pickle,甚至带着胜利的喜讯和海军上将尼尔森勋爵(Admiral Lord Nelson)的死讯全速返回英格兰。美国革命后,英国皇家海军为了改善海港,在爱尔兰岛建立了大造船厂。往后,海军把基地视作战略资产,后来基地更有利于美国(见下段)。百慕大让美利坚联盟国的封锁突围者(blockade runners)飞船可先稍作停泊,再向南航行。现在,一家小型博物馆保存了南部联邦军队用作间谋活动的办公室。20世纪初,随着现代交通和通讯系统的发展,百慕大成为受美国、加拿大和英国游客广为欢迎的旅游目的地。1930年,美国颁布《史慕特郝雷关税法案》(Smoot-Hawley Tariff Act),向其贸易伙伴中断百慕大盛极一时的农业出口贸易(主要是供应美国的新鲜疏菜),鼓励百慕大发展旅游业。在经济角度而言,旅游业的重要紧随国际金融业。政治百慕大行政机关的资金来自伊丽莎白二世,由百慕大总督代表她行使权力。英女王依英国政府的建议任命总督。防卫与外交至今仍是英国的责任,当局亦须确保百慕大政府有效施政。百慕大宪法的变更须得到英方的批准。百慕大宪法于1967年6月1日生效,并先后于1989年和2003年修改。政府首脑是总理。内阁由总理提名,由总督正式任命。立法部门由两院制议会构成。参议院是上议院,由7位经总督依总理和反对党领袖的建议任命的成员组成。众议院是下议院,36位成员经民选产生,任期5年。现任总督是约翰·维里克(John Vereker),2002年4月11日获任命。现任总理是艾瓦特·布朗(Ewart Brown),他在2006年10月的代表会议中击败了劳工进步党的前首相亚历克斯·斯科特(Alex Scot)。百慕大联合党(United Bermuda Party)遂成为反对党。劳工进步党的领导层一直支持百慕大从英国独立,但民意调查的结果如外界所料,民众并不支持有关举动。该党于1995年展开了有关独立的公民投票,但终告失败。军事百慕大Hamilton的国殇纪念日阅兵典礼主条目:百慕大军事百慕大的防卫至今仍由英国政府负责。百慕大曾经成为英国皇家海军西大西洋总部,当地政府以民兵保卫殖民地,及至美国南北战争。昔日,英国皇家海成立基地,造船厂定期由士兵把守,但是,由于军力过剩,后随1812年战争解散。19世纪末,百慕大成立了一支志愿部队,为军事驻防地提供储备。百慕大的位置接近北大西洋中部,在两次世界大战中起重要作用。当地成为泛大西洋护航舰的集结点,以及海军和(时值第二次世界大战)空军基地。1941年,美军通过《基地驱逐舰协定》(Destroyers for Bases Agreement),通过向英国转让美国海军剩余的驱逐舰以换取百慕大99年的租借权来建立海军和空军基地,及至冷战结束。基地占地平方公里(平方英里),土地大多填海得来。多年来,美国人把机场用作飞机的前线,搜索德国和苏联的潜艇。加拿大曾经在前英国皇家海军位于囚犯湾(Convict Bay)的基地营运战时海军基地——加拿大皇家海军舰艇萨默斯基地(HMCS Somers Isles)。同时,圣乔治亦在群岛西陲的Daniel's Head成立了电台收音站。1950年代,第二次世界大战结束,英国皇家海军关闭其造船厂和军事驻防地。美国的小型供应基地和美加的基地在造船厂范围内继续运作。1995年9月1日,两个基地连同英国及加拿大的基地皆告关闭。与环境相关的问题拖累了美方归还基地土地的进度。及至2002年,美方才正式将土地归还当地政府。今时今日,百慕大军是百慕大唯一的军队,一支在19世纪末以前组成的混合志愿部队。地理百慕大位于北大西洋,距北卡罗来纳州外岸(Outer Banks)的海特瑞斯角(Cape Hatteras)东至东南约580海里(1,074公里)、玛莎葡萄园岛(Martha's Vineyard)东南约590海里(1,093公里)(参见地图)。百慕大有103公里的海岸线。汉米尔顿市(City of Hamilton)和圣乔治镇(Town of St. George)是百慕大的两个法定自治市。当地亦设有一些称作“村庄”的地区,如Flatts Village、Tucker's Town和Somerset Village。一般人误解百慕大位于热带。其实,百慕大是亚热带气候受附近流动的湾流强烈影响。百慕大的气候非常潮湿,在夏季纵然温度看似适中,但酷热指数很高。冬季很暖和,一、二月的平均白昼温度约有20°C(68°F)。强风和暴雨,使温度感觉降至冰点以下,但实际温度很少降至10°C(50°F)。降雨是百慕大淡水的唯一来源,从屋顶和流域收集(或从地下矿体抽取)然后储进贮水池。每户居民通常都有至少一个贮水池,巩固当地的供水。经济百慕大拥有发达的国际商业经济体系,是不少外国公司的离岸金融中心,也是保险及各项金融服务的金融输出点。旅游业亦为百慕大带来可观的收入。百慕大的人均收入约高于美国的50%;美国中央情报局出版的《世界概况》(The World Factbook)显示,百慕大2004年的GDP有$45忆,这意味着人均总值达$69,900。换言之,百慕大拥有全球最高的人均GDP。百慕大被视为首要的离岸金融中心,政府不向个人或公司收入征收直接税。当地税制依赖进口税、薪俸税及消费税。有关的政策为国际保险公司带来优势,百慕大因而被视为世界的转保中心。[来源请求] 约400家由百慕大国际公司协会(Association of Bermuda International Companies,ABIC)作为代表的国际公司,自然以百慕大为基地。现今共有超过1,500家免税公司和国际公司在百慕大注册。旅游业是百慕大的第二大行业,大部分游客来自美国、加拿大和英国。他们会在当地的百慕大国际机场下机。百慕大采用百慕大元,货币已跟美元挂钩。在群岛内,美元钞票和硬币可跟百慕大货币替换使用。百慕大钞票印有伊丽莎白二世的头像。人口百慕大人口总共有65,365人(2005年7月估计),其中白人占,黑人占,混血儿占,同时还拥有少数但逐渐增长的亚裔族群人口。基于上世纪葡属群岛(尤其是亚速尔群岛)的移民,一部分人口保留了葡萄牙传统。这或可追溯至1840年代的马得拉家族[来源请求]。在最近的人口普查[来源请求],种族认同成为议题;[来源请求] 上段所述的人口统计数据,或会令人误解。岛上有少数黑人人口拥有不同的血统,尤其是欧洲和美国原住民血统。葡裔百慕大人往往被视为一个独立的族群,情况类似美国的拉丁美裔人。葡属群岛的移民,包括来自佛德角群岛的黑人,以及与百慕大白人和黑人通婚的葡萄牙人。因此,不少继承葡萄牙血统、传统及葡语名字的岛民,其数目并不计算于10%或以上的人口,而是典型地被列为“葡萄牙人”。美国原住民再度牵起关注,尤其在圣大卫,不少居民认同自己是在殖民的首个世纪时期,被卖去百慕大当奴隶的各种北美印第安人。上世纪,除了葡萄牙的大型移民外,加勒比海国家的移民亦持续涌现。有几千名主要来自英国、加拿大、西印度群岛和美国的外籍劳工,他们也居住在百慕大,主要从事需要专业技术的行业,例如会计,金融和保险业等。其余的则受雇于多个行业,包括旅馆、饭店、建筑、园艺等。根据2005年政府公布的受雇人口数字显示,在总共38,947劳动力人口中,有11,223(29%)是非百慕大公民旅游胜地 圣大卫灯塔,百慕大的旅游胜地以下是一些百慕大的旅游胜地:百慕大水族馆、博物馆及动物园[1] 百慕大海事博物馆 植物园 市厅 Crisson Jewellers Crystal, Fantasy and Leamington Caves 吉布士山灯塔(Gibbs Hill Lighthouse) 皇家海军造船厂(Royal Naval Dockyard) 圣大卫灯塔 圣乔治 圣彼德教堂 Swizzle Inn 假期日期 假期 备注 1月1日 新年 不定 耶稣受难节 百慕大人会放自制的风筝庆祝复活节 5月24日 百慕大日 原将维多利亚女王诞晨定为帝国日;后改称“百慕大日”,正式庆祝群岛的传统和文化 6月的第二个星期一 英女皇寿辰 7月最后的星期四或8月首个星期四 解放日 世界杯球赛首日 8月的首个星期五 Somer's Day 世界杯球赛翌日 9月的首个星期一 劳动节 11月11日 阵亡将士纪念日 12月25日 圣诞节 12月26日 节礼日 文化百慕大的文化受来自英国的殖民者影响甚多,承袭了英国的大多数传统和习俗;由于邻近美国,百慕大也受其影响。大部分百慕大人口为非洲奴隶的后裔。舞蹈和音乐是百慕大文化的精粹,不少舞蹈受到美国原住民移民和非洲奴隶影响。加勒比海的影响主导了百慕大的爱好。名人(依姓氏字母排列)Clyde Best,首位英格兰足球员(1960年代末-1970年代) Donald Henry "Bob" Burns,最高男声的健力士世界纪绿保持者 G. K. Butterfield,美国众议院议员(D-NC)、前高等法院法官、国家终审法院法官 Earl Cameron,艺人 Diana Dill,艺人,Michael和Joel Douglas之母 Michael Douglas,艺人/导演 Glyn Charles Anglim Gilbert,少将,排名最高的百慕大军人 Shaun Goater,前曼城前锋 Edward Harris,考古学家、考古学地层学Harris matrix法的创始人 Lance Hayward,爵士乐钢琴演奏者 Clarence Hill,奥运会拳术铜牌得主 Lena Headey,英格兰艺人 Heather Nova,音乐家 Mary Prince,奴隶,其叙述的《History of Mary Prince》一书协助结束大英帝国的奴隶制 Arthur Rankin, Jr.,制片人、导演、Rankin/Bass制作公司合伙人 Clarence "Nicky" Saunders,英联邦运动会跳高金牌得主 Gina Swainson,前世界小姐(1979年—1980年) Edward "Teddy" Tucker,潜水员、寻宝家 David B. Wingate,博物学家 Collie Buddz,雷鬼摇摆乐/舞厅音乐艺人 百慕大三角 Bermuda Triangle 亦称魔鬼三角区[1]和丧命地狱。 据说已有50多只船和20多架飞机在此处神秘失踪。该地区略呈三角形,位於美国南岸、百慕达岛和大安地列斯群岛之间。该地区无法解释的事件可上溯至19世纪中叶。船只失踪有时原因不明,有时还没有发出遇难讯号即无影无踪。突出的实例是装载着锰矿的美国海军辅助船“独眼神号”在1918年3月失踪,迄今仍是一个谜。1945年有5架美国轰炸机从佛罗里达州罗德岱堡空军基地起飞,在飞行训练途中用无线电报告他们遇难,然后电讯逐渐减弱消失,救难队也告失踪。 百慕大群岛是世界闻名的一个地方,位于美国北卡罗来纳州正东约600公里的海上。百慕大三角的具体地理位置是指位于大西洋上的百慕大群岛、迈阿密(美国佛罗里达半岛)和圣胡安(波多黎各岛)这三点连线形成的三角地带,面积达40万平方英里。百幕大三角由360多个岛屿组成的群岛,这些岛屿好似圆形的环躺卧在大西洋上,由于百慕大群岛与美洲大陆之间有一股暖流经过,因此,这里气候温和,四季如春岛上绿树常青,鲜花怒放。百慕大又被称为地球上最孤立的海岛.因为它与最接近的陆地也有几百英里之遥,因此,百慕大群岛四周是辽阔的海洋,具有蓝天绿水,白鸥飞翔,花香四溢的秀丽风景。 不过,百慕大之所以出名,并非是由于它的美丽的海岛风光,而是,提起百慕大,人们就会联想到恐怖而神秘的“百慕大三角海区”。相传,在这里航行的舰船或飞机常常神秘地失踪,事后不要说查明原因,就是连一点船舶和飞机的残骸碎片也找不到。以致于最有经验的海员或飞行员通过这里时,都无心欣赏那美丽如画的海上风光,而是战战兢兢,提心吊胆,唯恐碰上厄运,不明不白地葬送鱼腹。现在,百慕大三角已经成为那些神秘的、不可理解的各种失踪事件的代名词。
Stephen Huo Jin was born in 1942 , got the physics doctorate , did research work in British Cambridge University. Have already while getting 21 years old ago perceived, He unavoidably fell down once getting about. Though she suffers from the serious encephalopathic day by day, he decide that continues being engaged in the research and writing. Speaking , read and writing that oneself can even if will have fingers of a hand that can move about in the future that he must find the method to make. That " time biref history " of his became the best seller in 1988. 斯蒂芬·霍金1942年出生,获得过物理学博士学位,在英国剑桥大学作过研究工作。到21岁的时候就已经察觉到,他一走动就难免摔倒。虽然她患有日趋严重的脑病,但是他决定继续从事研究和写作。他必须找到办法使自己即使今后有一只手的手指能够活动也能讲话、阅读和写作。他的那本《时间简史》在1988年成了畅销书
黑洞 black hole 广义相对论所预言的一种天体。一个质量比太阳大8倍以上的恒星,一般经过超新星爆发留下超过二、三个太阳质量的核,将没有任何力能阻止它继续坍缩。当它的半径小于引力半径rg=2GM/c2(G为万有引力常数,c为光速,M为天体的质量)时,没有任何物质或辐射能够逃逸出来,成为黑洞。黑洞的性质由三个参量来表征,即质量M、角动量J和电荷Q。当J=Q=0时,它是球对称的史瓦西黑洞;当Q=0时,则为轴对称的克尔黑洞。黑洞的性质决定了探测黑洞的困难性。如果向黑洞下落的气体具有较大的角动量,则应绕着黑洞在轨道上旋转,形成一个气盘。气盘中相邻层之间因气体的粘滞性引起的摩擦产生了热能,理论计算表明,气盘应具有很高温度,在X射线波段产生辐射。另一方面,黑洞的质量应大于中子星的质量上限,能够精确确定质量的是双星系统。因此,最有希望找到黑洞的是大质量X射线双星,尤其是天鹅座X-1。这是一个X射线变源,它有一个光学对应体,从这个9等超巨星的光谱得到视向速度的周期性变化,暗示一个不可见伴星的存在。进一步算出它的质量大于4太阳质量,很可能是8太阳质量,大于中子星的上限2~3太阳质量;另一个有希望的黑洞候选者是大麦哲伦云X-3,它也是一个X射线双星,其中不可见天体的质量也是8太阳质量。参考资料:
Hello,boys and girls: My name is 'm eleven years 'm glad to meet everybody。I think I'm outging 。 My favorite subject is English,because it's also like reading and playing sports。I hope that we can be friends 。 That's you.你没说你的爱好、我也不知道你是男是女、所以不太好写、爱好和年龄你自己还可以修改一下。
name is am a student. I have any example,I like playing badminton,reading an so like drewing the have many friends. They are all very like playing with my friends , like English very am very good at alway have a good mark on am bad at I don't like Math. That's you !
Hi! My name is am twelve years old. I am a good student. And I am a girl . I am not handsome but I am very lovely .I am study in ... shool. The shool is very good and like it very much. I have big eyes and my ears are big too.
But my nose and mouse are I look like lovely. My favorite sport is play basketball and table tennis I think health is very I hope you healthy.
hi! I am the East small students, this year the fifth grade!
My long eyelashes, eyes greatly, small mouth. A standard "star face", but every girl's love! Relatives said "my eyes can speak!" The students said "I am the class beauty!" The teacher said "; I am a teacher a good helper, a good example of students!"
Want to know me?
I study Chinese、English、maths and History and some other subject at study hard. My favorite subject is often find chance to practice has joined WTO and Beijing will host the 2008 Olympics,English is more and more important .I will study hard and be dedicate to my homeland.
My name is is family name and Junyu is given English is Tom I'm cute boy. I'm thirteen years old. I'm from Meishijie Yongchun Fujian China. My Telephone number is 2388-2377. I have a big head,small eyes and wide mouth. Do you want to be my friend!
My name is XX,I'm 12 years come from XX primary think I'm a kind and confident like all the subject that I will learn this year,and I try my best to lear English well all the like listening to pop songs and 've been learning dance for 4 think these hobby.
My university:
I’m graduating form Jilin Normal University this June which has a history of 50 years. It shares many same characteristics with Jilin University. Both of them have a refreshing and scholarly atmosphere. Four years’ studying there made me an independent, optimistic and strict girl. I appreciate the education my university gave me.
Thank you for your time
Good morning,my dear teachers,my dear am very glad to be here for your name is sunhao,i am 18 years old .i come from wuhan ,a very beautiful aicent city.
Generally speaking ,i am a hard working student especially do the thing i am interested in. i will try my best to finish it no matter how difficult it is. when i was sophomore, i found web design very interesting, so i learned it very hard . to weaver a homepage for myself, i stayed with my pesonel computer for half a month.,and i am the first one in my class who own his homepage. forthermore,i am a person with great perserverence. during the days preparing for the first examination,i insist on running every day, no matter what the weather was just owning to this,i could concentrate on my study and succeeded in the end.
Ok, that is all,thank you for your attention.
Please allow me to introduce myself fou you. My name is xx, my 20-year-old, was born in Qinghai Province. Very honored to have this opportunity to come here to interview. Now I will briefly introduce themselves. I graduated from the Qinghai first vocational schools. My specialty is computer software applications. In the past year I have the basic expertise. I like reading books, watching movies, listening to music, and so on. I think I am an honest and optimistic, can also work under great pressure. This is probably, thank you.
hello, name is ***(你的名字),i'm *(你的年纪) years study in ***(你的学校名) primary 'm in grade*(你的年级) class*(你的班级). i'm going to be a junior high school student, i feel very happy.
i like football and english very much,and i often play football with my classmates after schoo.(这段可以改成你喜欢的东西)my english teacher is ***(你英语老师的名字),she/he(女的选she,男的选he) is very nice to us,i like her/him(女的选her,男的选him) a lot.
there are three members in my family:my father,my mother and of parents love me and i love them too.
that's all,thank you!
圣诞节英文:Origin of Christmas
英文介绍圣诞节:Christmas Day is on 25th of December. On that day ,people eat Christmas christmas Eve ,chridren put their stocking on their want to get present from Santa Claus。People decorate Christmas are happy.
中文翻译:圣诞节在12月25日 在那天 人们吃圣诞布丁 在圣诞节晚上 孩子们把他们的袜子放在床头 他们希望能从圣诞老人那里得到礼物 人们装饰圣诞树在圣诞节那天 他们是快乐的。
The Christmas day is the Christianity world greatest can decide as December 25 Christmas day? Because December 25 is Jesus's birthday. the westerner take red, green, white tricolor as the Christmas color. What is red is the Christmas flower and the Christmas candle. What green is the Christmas tree. What red and white intersection is Santa Claus, he is the character who the Christmas day moves most receives welcome. In the West, acts Santa Claus is also one kind of custom. the Christmas song mainly has three, one is "Christmas Eve"; One is "Listens, Angel Newspaper Good news"; Third is "Bell Makes a sound Dingdong". the foreign country's Christmas day is equal to China's Spring Festival is equally important.圣诞节的故事/The Christmas storyOne day ,long ago ,a litter baby was name was was a special people say he was the son of that he is born in the sky having a new come into being, and evasive intense star brilliant rays occasionally. Have had three sages to follow person star brilliant rays , have found Jesus. They have brought about the peculiar gift, and have foretold that Jesus grows up may become a great people the day afer has become great one teacher after growing up, he has taught people loving God heartily , shown loving care for each is envied and hated because of meeting with Judaism upper strata, the nail is suffered calamities on the cross , the at last is passed away by evil hangs with the star in the Christmas tree top for the thing commemorating Jesus , when Christmas Day , people give present each other.
Christmas is one of the most beautiful holidays of all time. It is the day when Gods son was born on earth. Hence, this day is sacred for all Christians around the world. The Christmas season gives rise to a number of Christmas traditions that come along. Here are a few of them that are celebrated with zest and enthusiasm worldwide for centuries.
圣诞节也是西方世界以及其他很多地区的公共假日,例如:在亚洲的中国香港和澳门地区、马来西亚、新加坡。 古罗马教会在君士坦丁时代(公元313年),就逐渐习惯在十二月二十五日庆祝主的诞生。
介绍圣诞节的英语短文 Christmas is one of the most important celebrations of the year for the western countries. It falls on the twenty- fifth of December and has the same importance as Chinese New Year to people with English backgrounds. The celebration is for the birth of Jesus Christ, who is the son of God in Christianity. Now days Christmas is no longer only celebrated by the Christians, but by most people from all over the world. On the twenty- fourth of December everyone gets excited for it’s the day before Christmas which is called Christmas Eve. The children are usually sent to bed early and are warned that “Santa Claus will only come and give you a present if you be good.” The younger kids actually believe that Santa will come down the chimney on the sleigh that’s pulled by his reindeers. Food like short bread and beer are prepared for Santa when he comes, however most times parents just eat them. Some children put socks and sacks up for the holding of the presents (that their parents put in). Rise and shine on Christmas morning! The children are always the first ones to wake up, some even do at four. Present wrappers everywhere! They look into their presents with a big smile on their face and oh dear….I hope no one’s disappointed. I feel sorry for anyone that got pink underwear. Children play while dinner is prepared by the adults. The Christmas dinner are usually eaten together by relatives. The tradition of Christmas pudding and roosters are usually eaten with deserts afterwards. The rest of the day is usually games and fun before the good days all come to an end. I wish everyone a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! 圣诞节是西方国家一年中最重要的庆祝活动之一。这是十二月的第二十五,对有英语背景的人来说和春节一样重要。这是为了庆祝Jesus Christ的诞生,他是基督教的上帝之子。现在,圣诞节不再仅仅是基督教徒庆祝,而是来自世界各地的大多数人庆祝。 十二月的第二十四日,每个人都很兴奋,因为圣诞节的前一天是圣诞节前夕。孩子们通常早睡,并警告称,“圣诞老人只会给你的礼物如果你是好的。”年轻的孩子们相信Santa会上,坐在驯鹿拉的雪橇从烟囱。当Santa来的时候,像短面包和啤酒这样的食物是为他准备的,但是大多数时候父母只吃它们。有些孩子把袜子和麻袋拿起来拿礼物(他们的父母穿上了)。 在圣诞节早晨升起和照耀!孩子们总是第一个醒来,有些甚至四岁起床。到处包装!他们看着他们的礼物,脸上带着灿烂的笑容,哦,亲爱的……我希望没有人失望。我为那些穿粉红色内衣的人感到难过。孩子们玩耍,晚餐由大人准备。圣诞晚餐通常由亲戚一起吃。圣诞布丁和公鸡的传统,通常吃的沙漠之后。在美好的日子结束之前,剩下的时间通常是游戏和娱乐。 祝大家圣诞快乐,新年快乐! 英文介绍圣诞节短一点 December 25th is the day of celebration and of fun and frolic. As the long awaited winter holidays arrive, Christmas spirit builds up. The lovely snowflakes, our dear Santa, decorated homes complete with whole range of Christmas star, mistletoe, the good-luck plant, ivy, laurels and not the least the beautifully decorated and illuminated Christmas tree are some of the inseparable parts of the picture. The soft music of the Christmas carols and children eager to open their gifts certainly lend unique warmth to the coldest day of the year.
The spring festival is Chinese most traditional festival every 365 days. Each Chinese pay much attention on it. Every year about 15 days before spring festival, the migrate works and white-collars are beginning crowded home-returning.
But, in recent years, with the development of the world, many different attitudes between the young and the old towards the spring festival come forth. The old are still pay more attention to the spring festival, but the young gradually change the mode to spend their spring festival holiday, such as travel overseas.
When I am a childhood, I celebrated the spring festival with my family about a month in my winter vacation in traditional way, such as helping cleaning our houses, putting red couplets on gates, setting off firecrackers, and wear new clothes. Now, I spend only 4 or 5 days at home with my parents in celebrating the spring festival, then I will hurry back to work. Maybe in the near future, I will have no time celebrating spring festival hometown, and my parents have to come to stay with us in the city.
Whether or no, I like the spring festival. It is one of the most important part of our Chinese culture. However busy I am, I will try my best to celebrating it with the traditional way to protect those our ancestor has leave behind.
The spring Festival is coming soon! The festivel is considereded the most important one for Chinese people. It is on the first day of lunar year. It is also the day of reunion among family members. During these days, people would say "happy new year! or wish you make fortune! to each other. They would also visit their relatives and friends. Children would be given "red packets". Children would have more to eat and play than firecrackers is also a popular game for children.
Winter vacation is 're happy to welcome the vacation is funny because Spring Festival is during the vacation.
Spring Festival is a excellent day for every Chinese,especially for the festival,relatives go to visit each other and give presents to each it's the happy moment for children,children are given some lucky money.
But i'm not a child any want to make the festival a little bit different. I plan to have a different 'm going to sell some toys in the flower will ask my friends to join i earn some money,i'll buy some presents to my 's my turn to give back to my parents for their love.
The Spring Festival is the most important traditional festival in China. It is also known as the Chinese New Year. During this time, people will have a big family dinner together, set off firecrackers, and put up red decorations. Everyone is in a festive mood and wishes each other good luck in the new year.春节是中国最重要的传统节日,也被称为中国新年。在这个时候,人们会聚在一起吃一顿盛大的家庭聚餐,燃放鞭炮,贴上红色装饰。每个人都沉浸在节日的氛围中,祝福彼此在新年里好运连连。
The Spring Festival is very important to Chinese people. In the past,people could not often have meat,rice or other delicious food. They could only eat these during the Spring festival. So every year they hoped that the Spring Festival would come soon. Now, although people‘s life is much better,and we can eat the delicious foods everyday. People still like the festival. Because most people can have a long holiday,and we are free to go on a trip or visit our friends or have parties with our family. In the evenings,we can have a big meal in the restaurant or stay at home with family and watch the TV programs.
I like the Spring Festival very much. How wonderful the Spring Festival is!
The Spring Festival is coming soon, I feel so excited, my parents will be home and get together with me. They are busy all the time and have less vacation, they told me that they would have 7 days off and promised to stay with me. I have made some plans for the coming festival and I can’t wait to carry them out.
At the eve of the Spring Festival, my parents decide to go back to my grandparents’ house, we will spend the important day together. It has been three years since we get united last time, I miss the happy atmosphere, we talked so happily. I also miss my grandparents’ food, it is so delicious, my grandma always knows how to satisfy my stomach.
Spring Festival is my favorite among all the Chinese traditional festival. The first reason why I love it the most is because I can get lucky money on that festival. It is the Chinese custom that the old will give children lucky money on Spring Festival to wish a good luck for the young generation. Moreover, people everywhere on those days are full of happiness. Quarrel, fight and abuse are almost disappeared at that time. Meanwhile, my mother will make a big meal for us to celebrate. Everyone will forget the unhappy thing they meet, instead remembering to appreciate life to wish a better future. That is my favorite festival.
The Spring Festival, Chinese New Year,is the most important festival for all of us. All family members get together on New Year'Eve to have a big the same time, everyone celebrates to each about 12 o'clock,some parents and children light whole sky is lighted brightly. We may watch the fireworks busy it is!
On the first day moring of one year, many senior citizen get up early and they stick the reversed Fu or hang some couplets on the front door. Some house's windows are sticked on red paper cutlings.
The Chinese New Year lasts fifteen days. So during the fifteen days, we always visit our relatives from door to door. At that time, children are the happiest because they can get many red packets form their parents,grandparents, uncles, aunts and so on. The last day of the Chinese New Year is another festival. It names the Lantern Festival.
So the Chinese New Year comes to the end.
The Spring Festival very important to Chinese people. In the past,people could not often have meat,rice or other delicious food. They could only eat these during the Spring festival. So every year they hoped that the Spring Festival would come soon. Now, although people‘s life much better,and we can eat the delicious foods everyday. People still like the festival. Because most people can have a long holiday,and we are free to go on a trip or vit our friends or have parties with our family. In the evenings,we can have a big meal in the restaurant or stay at home with family and watch the TV programs.
I like the Spring Festival very much. How wonderful the Spring Festival !
Was a "chip, marble" firecrackers, fireworks filled the air. The annual Spring Festival again come, early in the morning, my mother busy in the kitchen, I decided to go around the streets.
Ah! Each of the streets, there are so many colorful figure shook, flow like water, no head, before after see the tail.
Under the soft light, all kinds of exquite candy and asstant cordial smile, makes people pleasing, the customers are holding the bags in the crowded out of the supermarket, a smile on each face, bleeding heart honey.
Every family cleaned the house and yard, with the Spring Festival couplets and New Year pictures, even a single dormitory, everywhere look brand-new.
Ah! On New Year's eve finally came, the county everywhere colour pomp, in some places across the hung with colored lights series, some place to put the colorful fireworks, and local groups of wearing beautiful happy children at play.
You see, in the crowded people mountain people sea, a huge dragon winding, roaring stretch run up and down.
When the above the bell sound through the twelve, firecrackers exploded on the streets. "Double bang firecracker" up, "ZuanTianHou" roared into the sky. The stars shone in the night, festival of fireworks colourful, the ground laughter, the joy of the people. Like Fried bean firecrackers ring after, people rushed to the street happy New Year to each other, "I wh you a long life." "I wh you a happy Spring Festival!" These words as people's laughter, as from time to time off firecrackers to fly out of the streets, floating in a festival in the night sky.........
The Spring Festival, Chinese New Year,is the most important festival for all of us. All family members get together on New Year'Eve to have a big the same time, everyone celebrates to each about 12 o'clock,some parents and children light whole sky is lighted brightly. We may watch the fireworks busy it is!
On the first early moring of one year, many senior citizen get up early and they stick the reversed Fu or hang some couplets on the front door. Some house's windows are sticked on red paper cutlings.
The Chinese New Year lasts fifteen days. So during the fifteen days, we always visit our relatives from door to door. At that time, children are the happiest because they can get many red packets form their parents,grandparents, uncles, aunts and so on. The last day of the Chinese New Year is another festival.
When it comes to the Lantern Festival, it means the end of the Spring Festival.
The Chinese New Year celebrations are marked by visits to kin, relatives and friends, a practice known as "new-year visits" (Chinese: 拜年; pinyin: bài nián). New clothes are usually worn to signify a new year. The colour red is liberally used in all decorations. Red packets are given to juniors and children by the married and elders. See Symbolism below for more explanation.
I like The Spring Festival. The Spring Festival is the most important festival for the Chinese people and is when all family members get together, just like Christmas in the West. All people living away from home go back, becoming the busiest time for transportation systems of about half a month from the Spring Festival. Airports, railway stations and long-distance bus stations are crowded with home returnees.
During Spring Festival, the most improtant days are Spring Festival Eve and the first three customs accompany the Spring Festival.
During Spring Festival time, you can see kinds of can go to temple fairs and enjoy superb performances of the dances, stilt-walking and amazing acrobatic shows.
The Spring Festival is very important to Chinese people。 In the past,people could not often have meat,rice or other delicious food。 They could only eat these during the Spring festival。 So every year they hoped that the Spring Festival would come soon。 Now, although people‘s life is much better,and we can eat the delicious foods everyday。 People still like the festival。 Because most people can have a long holiday,and we are free to go on a trip or visit our friends or have parties with our family。 In the evenings,we can have a big meal in the restaurant or stay at home with family and watch the TV programmes。
I like the Spring Festival very much。 How wonderful the Spring Festival is!