

小思 2024-09-19 34
荆棘鸟英文txt摘要: 荆棘鸟英文版txt《荆棘鸟》([澳大利亚] 考琳·麦卡洛)电子书网盘下载免费在线阅读链接: 书名:荆棘鸟作者:[澳大利亚] 考琳·麦卡洛译者:曾胡豆瓣评分:...


《荆棘鸟》([澳大利亚] 考琳·麦卡洛)电子书网盘下载免费在线阅读



作者:[澳大利亚] 考琳·麦卡洛










考琳·麦卡洛(Colleen McCullough, 1937- ),澳大利亚当代女作家。1977年,她以自己全部的生活积累,创作出版了呕心沥血之作《荆棘鸟》。作品一出版便引起轰动,不但拍成电影广为流传,而且翻译成二十多种文字在世界各地出版,成为当代世界最畅销的小说之一。




《荆棘鸟》([澳大利亚] 考琳·麦卡洛)电子书网盘下载免费在线阅读



作者:[澳大利亚] 考琳·麦卡洛










考琳·麦卡洛(Colleen McCullough, 1937- ),澳大利亚当代女作家。1977年,她以自己全部的生活积累,创作出版了呕心沥血之作《荆棘鸟》。作品一出版便引起轰动,不但拍成电影广为流传,而且翻译成二十多种文字在世界各地出版,成为当代世界最畅销的小说之一。


《The Thorn Birds》---《荆棘鸟》 “Magee”---梅吉

《荆棘鸟-The Thorn Birds(英文版)》百度网盘txt最新全集下载:链接:


She smiled at him. "You never did stop loving me, did you?" "No, Herzchen, never." "I must have hurt you very much." "Not in the way you think. I knew you loved me, and I could wait. I've always believed a patient man must win in the end." "So you decided to let me work it out for myself. You weren't a bit worried when I announced I was going home to Drogheda, were you?" "Oh, yes. Had it been another man I would not have been perturbed, but Drogheda? A formidable opponent. Yes, I worried." "You knew I was going before I told you, didn't you?" "Clyde let the cat out of the bag. He rang Bonn to ask me if there was any way I could stop you, so I told him to play along with you for a week or two at any rate, and I'd see what I could do. Not for his sake, Herzchen. For my own. I'm no altruist." "That's what Mum said. But this house! Did you have it a month ago?" "No, nor is it mine. However, since we will need a London house if you're to continue with your career, I'd better see what I can do to acquire it. That is, provided you like it. I'll even let you have the redecorating of it, if you promise faithfully not to deck it out in pink and orange." "I've never realized quite how devious you are. Why didn't you just say you still loved me? I wanted you to!" "No. The evidence was there for you to see it for yourself, and you had to see if for yourself." "I'm afraid I'm chronically blind. I didn't really see for myself, I had to have some help. My mother finally forced me to open my eyes. I had a letter from her tonight, telling me not to come home." "She's a marvelous person, your mother." "I know you've met her, Rain-when?" "I went to see her about a year ago. Drogheda is magnificent, but it isn't you, Herzchen. At the time I went to try to make your mother see that. You've no idea how glad I am she has, though I don't think anything I said was very enlightening." She put her fingers up to touch his mouth. "I doubted myself, Rain. I always have. Maybe I always will." "Oh, Herzchen, I hope not! For me there can never be anyone else. Only you. The whole world has known it for years. But words of love mean nothing. I could have screamed them at you a thousand times a day without affecting your doubts in the slightest. So I haven't spoken my love, Justine, I've lived it. How could you doubt the feelings of your most faithful gallant?" He sighed. "Well, at least it hasn't come from me. Perhaps you'll continue to find your mother's word good enough." "Please don't say it like that! Poor Rain, I think I've worn even your patience to a thread. Don't be hurt that it came from Mum. It doesn't matter! I've knelt in abasement at your feet!" "Thank God the abasement will only last for tonight," he said more cheerfully. "You'll bounce back tomorrow." The tension began to leave her; the worst of it was over. "What I like-no, love-about you the most is that you give me such a good run for my money I never do quite catch up." His shoulders shook. "Then look at the future this way, Herzchen. Living in the same house with me might afford you the opportunity to see how it can be done." He kissed her brows, her cheeks, her eyelids. "I would have you no other way than the way you are, Justine, Not a freckle of your face or a cell of your brain." She slid her arms around his neck, sank her fingers into that satisfying hair. "Oh, if you knew how I've longed to do this!" she said. "I've never been able to forget." The cable said: HAVE JUST BECOME MRS RAWER MOERLING HARTHEIM STOP PRIVATE CEREMONY THE VATICAN STOP PAPAL BLESSINGS ALL OVER THE PLACE STOP THAT IS DEFINITELY BEING MARRIED EXCLAMATION WE WILL BE DOWN ON A DELAYED HONEYMOON AS SOON AS POSSIBLE BUT EUROPE IS GOING TO BE HOME STOP LOVE TO ALL AND FROM RAIN TOO STOP JUSTINE Meggie put the form down on the table and stared wide-eyed through the window at the wealth of autumn roses in the garden. Perfume of roses, bees of roses. And the hibiscus, the bottlebrush, the ghost gums, the bougainvillea up above the world so high, the pepper trees. How beautiful the garden was, how alive. To see its small things grow big, change, and wither; and new little things come again in the same endless, unceasing cycle. Time for Drogheda to stop. Yes, more than time. Let the cycle renew itself with unknown people. I did it all to myself, I have no one else to blame. And I cannot regret one single moment of it. The bird with the thorn in its breast, it follows an immutable law; it is driven by it knows not what to impale itself, and die singing. At the very instant the thorn enters there is no awareness in it of the dying to come; it simply sings and sings until there is not the life left to utter another note. But we, when we put the thorns in our breasts, we know. We understand. And still we do it. Still we do it.

《荆棘鸟-The Thorn Birds(英文版)》百度网盘txt最新全集下载:链接:

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荆棘鸟: The Thorn Birds 梅吉: Meggie全名: Meghann "Meggie" Cleary,The Thorn Birds is a 1977 best-selling novel by Colleen McCullough, an Australian author. The epic begins with Meghann "Meggie" Cleary.

yep,that's rightjust want to say, i love the novel so muchhope you enjoy it

Exam, McCullough, the thorn birds is a world famous saga novel, with the heroine meggie and father Ralph love entanglement as the main line, describes the story of a three generations in Cleveland. Ralph addicted to the power of the church, but fell in love with the beautiful young girl meggie cleary's house. For the sake of his pursuit of "god", he abandoned the worldly love, however and extreme contradictions and inner pain. As the center, the cleary family members of more than ten kinds of joys and sorrows.there are also displayed.考琳·麦卡洛的《荆棘鸟》是一部世界著名的家世小说,以女主人公梅吉和神父拉尔夫的爱情纠葛为主线,描写了克利里一家三代的故事。拉尔夫一心向往教会的权力,却爱上了克利里家的美丽少女梅吉。为了他追求的“上帝”,他抛弃了世俗的爱情,然而内心又极度矛盾和痛苦。以此为中心,克利里家族十余名成员的悲欢离合也得以展现。

荆棘鸟的英文---------The Thorn Birds 现实生活中是不存在荆棘鸟的,小说种的荆棘鸟是伯劳鸟和【chang】长刺歌雀的化身 伯劳鸟是一种吃各种鼠类,蜥蜴,小型鸟类,甲壳虫之类的鸟,这种鸟喜欢把捕获的猎物插在荆棘丛的尖刺上,以便于撕裂猎物的肉,方便进食。 而且在荆棘丛里面还有另外一种鸟-----长刺歌雀,这种鸟叫声悠扬悦耳非常动听,有些人听见悦耳的鸟叫,闻声而至,却寻找到了被伯劳鸟猎杀之后插在荆棘上的死鸟,同时正在鸣叫的鸟受到了人的惊扰停止了歌声,而且长刺歌雀这种鸟的名字里面有一个和荆棘有关的字‘刺’人们一传十、十传百的把此事传开,传到文人耳中最后变成了大家看见的那本小说:带有严重自虐性的-------荆棘鸟证实以上说法很简单:能唱歌【婉转的鸣叫】大多数都是雄性鸟,唱歌的目的是为了吸引雌鸟与其交配繁殖后代,明白了这的道理我们就一定会纳闷了‘在初次求爱的过程中就把自己推上绝路的鸟是用什么方式来让自己的族群延续呢?


yep,that's rightjust want to say, i love the novel so muchhope you enjoy it

The Thorn Bird 荆棘鸟 Lyrics by Iris 作词:择荇 composed by Uematsu Yasunori 《Reincarnation》 作曲:上松范康《Reincarnation》 Performed by Feelin & Veronica Mix by Beulah 后期混缩:不纯 Translated by Iris 中译:择荇 Playbill painted by Sirius 海报封面手绘:Sirius Sky turning gray, as dark as eyes still awake, 灰色的天,暗如未睡的双眼, Painted by winds and snow, and strands of sunset glow. 由清风落雪所描绘,还有落霞的云烟。 Wings sealed in day, began to fly in twilight. 双翼被白日所封印,在暮色中渐渐展开, She was waiting, until the night came. 她一直等待,直到夜晚的到来。 Thorn bird, searching for the tallest thorn tree, 荆棘鸟,找寻最茂盛的荆棘。 (pilgrims strayed acoss this forest, 朝圣者穿过这片密林 worshiping on their bended knees. 膜拜着跪下双膝 ) Piously got to sing, and to chant, for her destiny, 她虔诚地高歌且低吟,唱着她的命运。 Finally ,she chose to be free. 直到最后,她选择自由的生命。 Return again , return again, 归来吧! Without anyone to refrain. 任何人都无力抗拒。 She impaled with a thorn 她用荆棘穿透, her soft throat kissed by god, 被上帝吻过的歌喉, To carve an eternal scar. 刻下的伤痕会留到永久。 Reborn again, reborn again, 重生吧! Without any despair or pain. 不带走一丝绝望和痛苦的害怕。 She torn her life into pieces of prophets, 她将生命撕裂成片片谶言, In dreams, which were cursed, 在被诅咒的梦里面, There was her next nirvana. 有下一次涅槃的画面。Stars burned away, as bright as tears on her face, 熄灭的星辰,清澈如她脸上的泪水, Disappeared at sunrise, seemed only a fairytale. 在日出前消褪,像一则童话般唯美。 Blood, cold as ice, began to melt and to warm. 冰冷的血液,开始融化并沸腾, She kept praying, until the next dawn. 她一直祈祷,直到下个黎明的诞生。 Thorn Bird, hid in somewhere near the shadows, 荆棘鸟,躲在某处荫翳, (She’s surrounded by the angels , 天使在周围相聚 Who were immersed in deep sorrow. 也沉浸在悲恸里) Slowly, kissed farewell ,leaving with fragrance and nocturnes , 慢慢地,用芳香和夜曲让自己离去, To create her last renascence. 去创造最后复活的奇迹。 Return again return again, 归来吧! Without anyone to refrain. 任何人都无力抗拒。 She impaled with a thorn 她用荆棘穿透, her soft throat kissed by god, 被上帝吻过的歌喉, To carve an eternal scar. 刻下的伤痕会留到永久。 Reborn again, reborn again, 重生吧! Without any despair or pain. 不带走一丝绝望和痛苦的害怕。 She torn her life into pieces of prophets, 她将生命撕裂成片片谶言, In dreams, which were cursed, 在被诅咒的梦里面, There was her next nirvana. 有下一次涅槃的画面。 ————————————————————The Thorn Bird Lyrics by Iris Composed by Uematsu Yasunori Sing by Feelin & Veronica Mix by Beulah Sky (turned to gray,) as dark as eyes (still awake,) Painted by (winds and snow, and strands of sunset glow.) Wings (sealed in day), began to fly (in twilight.) She was waiting, (until the night came.) (Thorn bird, searching for the tallest thorn tree,) pilgrims strayed acoss this forest, worshiping on their bended knees. (Piously) got to sing, (and to chant,) for her (destiny,) Finally, (she chose to be free.) Return again, (return again,) Without (anyone to refrain.) She impaled (with a thorn) her soft throat (kissed by god,) To carve an eternal scar. Reborn again, (reborn again,) Without (any despair or pain.) She torn her life into pieces of prophets, In dreams, (which were cursed,) There was her next nirvana. Stars (burned away,) as bright as tears (on her face,) Disappeared (at sunrise, seemed only a fairytale.) Blood, (cold as ice,) began to melt (and to warm.) She kept praying, (until the next dawn.) (Thorn Bird, hid in somewhere near the shadows,) She's surrounded by the angels , Who were immersed in deep sorrow. (Slowly,) kissed farewell, (leaving with) fragrance (and nocturnes,) To create (her last renascence.) Return again, (return again,) Without (anyone to refrain.) She impaled (with a thorn) her soft throat (kissed by god,) To carve an eternal scar. Reborn again, (reborn again,) Without (any despair or pain.) She torn her life into pieces of prophets, In dreams, (which were cursed,) There was her next nirvana. 填词:择荇 原曲:Reincarnation 后期:不纯 from 荆棘鸟-mini album--End-

荆棘鸟: The Thorn Birds 梅吉: Meggie全名: Meghann "Meggie" Cleary,The Thorn Birds is a 1977 best-selling novel by Colleen McCullough, an Australian author. The epic begins with Meghann "Meggie" Cleary.


作者:小思本文地址:http://aiyundongfang.com/yingyuxuexibaike/32023.html发布于 2024-09-19
