

小思 2024-09-19 34
韩国年糕英文摘要: 韩国炒年糕英文Korean hot fried rice泡菜:kimgee辣炒年糕:korean spicy fried rice cake泡菜 kimchee辣炒年...


Korean hot fried rice

泡菜:kimgee辣炒年糕:korean spicy fried rice cake

泡菜 kimchee辣炒年糕 spicy fried rice cake

Korean hot rice cake~







泡菜:kimgee辣炒年糕:korean spicy fried rice cake

= =、你上百度翻译撒




1、日本国 (Japan):别称樱花之国。国花:樱花(cherry)传统食物:寿司(sushi)、生鱼片。象征:富士山(Fujiyama)最高的活火山;菊花(chrysanthemum)日本皇室的象征,《菊与刀》一书使得世界更加理解菊花与日本的精神内联;武士刀、武士道精神是日本忠孝礼义的集中体现,这些都是日本文化的符号2、韩国(Republic of Korea):国花:木槿花(flos hibisci);传统食物:打糕、韩果、泡菜(pickle)。象征:景福宫,韩国朝鲜时代最大的王宫;韩剧:风靡亚洲女性世界的文化现象;高丽人参;紫水晶(amethyst)质优色正,享誉全球;韩服:至今在盛大的节日依然有人穿着3、朝鲜(Democratic People's Republic of Korea)国花:木槿花(flos hibisci)象征生命力,无穷无尽;传统食物:冷面、辣椒酱;象征:金日成(已故)为“永远的国家主席”;三八线4、俄罗斯(Russia)国花:向日葵(helianthus);传统食物:土豆烧牛肉和大列巴;象征:普希金、莱蒙托夫、果戈里、别林斯基、陀斯妥耶夫斯基、托尔斯泰;套娃:传统手工艺品,俄罗斯旅游的必买之物;伏特加(vodka);自然景观的贝加尔湖、西伯利亚、高加索山脉。人文景观有红场、克里姆林宫(总统驻地)以及各类大教堂;彼得大帝(俄国现代化的奠基人)、叶卡捷琳娜二世(最有名的获得黑海出海口)、冷战、赫鲁晓夫、叶利钦等风云历史5、印度(The Republic of India):国花:荷花(lotus);传统食物:咖喱(curry)最常见的调料;象征:蓝孔雀(国鸟)、菩提树(释迦摩尼悟道。也是国树)、佛教(佛教发源地)、泰姬陵(印度的标志性建筑、爱情的见证)

打年糕 Rice pudding 英 [ˈpudiŋ] 美 [ˈpʊdɪŋ] n. (一道)甜食,甜点心; 布丁(通常用面粉经烘烤或蒸煮做成的美味甜食品); 肥胖而迟钝的人; [航]船尾碰垫;

Glutinous rice group�4�4�2�3 �4�5�3�3�5�9


英文happy new year(新年快乐) 韩语 祝你新年快乐! 새해복 많이받세요 发音:saihai baog mani badesaiyou = 赛害 保 马尼 八得塞呦 日语:明けまして おめでとうございます(新年快乐) a ke ma shi te o me de to u go za i ma su 新年快乐 : 韩国语새해 복 많이 받으세요~ 英语Happy New Year 德语Glückliches Neues Jahr 日语明けましておめでとう 法语Nouvelle Année Heureuse 西班牙语Feliz Año Nuevo 意大利语Nuovo Anno Felice 荷兰Gelukkig Nieuw Jaar 希腊Καλή χρονιά 俄语С Новым годом 葡萄牙语Ano Novo Feliz 各国语言样例 : 新年快乐 / Happy New Year Chinese 汉语 新年快乐 Chinese 汉语 恭贺新禧 Croatian 克罗地亚语 Sretan Božić Nova godina Czech 捷克语 Veselé Vánoce a šťastný nový rok Danish 丹麦语 Glædelig Jul og Godt Nytår Dutch 荷兰语 Gelukkig Nieuwjaar Estonian 爱沙尼亚语 Rahulikke jáule ja edukat uut aastat English 英语 Happy New Year English 英语 Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year English 英语 Season’s Greetings English 英语 All Good Wishes for the New Year French 法语 Une Bonne Année French 法语 Joyeux Noël et Bonne Année! French 法语 Meilleurs Voeux de Nouvel An German 德语 Frohe Weihnachten und ein gutes Neues Jahr German 德语 Frohe Weihnachten und ein glückliches Neues Jahr German 德语 Alles Gute im Neuen Jahr German 德语 Fröhliche Weihnachten und beste Wünsche zum neuen Jahr German 德语 Frohe Festtage Italian 意大利语 Buon Natale e un felice anno nuovo Italian 意大利语 Buon Natale e Anno Nuovo Japanese 日语 新年明けましておめでとうございます Macedonian 马其顿语 Среќна Нова Година и Божиќ! Polish 波兰语 Radosnych Świąt Bożego Narodzenia oraz sukcesów w Nowym Roku Russian 俄语 С Новым Годом Russian 俄语 Свои Наилучшие Пожелания Шлёт Вам Spanish 西班牙语 Feliz ano novo Spanish 西班牙语 ¡Feliz Navidad y feliz Año Nuevo! Spanish 西班牙语 Feliz Navidad y Prospero Año Nuevo Spanish 西班牙语 Felices Fiestas! Turkish 土耳其语 Tanti Auguri Vietnamese 越南语 Chúc mừng năm mới Hạhn phúc - An khang - Thịnh vượng

范文:In South Korea, the Spring Festival is the second largest festival after the Mid Autumn Festival. South Korea's Spring Festival and Chinese New Year are the same day, that is, the Chinese Lunar New Year thirty, this holiday in Korea has three days of legal holidays. During the Spring Festival, the most important activity is ancestor worship. Korean ancestors strictly speaking, only the altar pendulum method is "fish East West meat", "head to the east end of the west", "red east west, jujube chestnut pear persimmon," cooked East West "," left dinner right share "rules, worship of the program is also very strict.过春节时,最重要的活动是祭祀祖先。韩国人祭祖有严格的说法,仅供桌的摆法就有“鱼东肉西”、“头东尾西”、“红东白西”、“枣栗梨柿”、“生东熟西”、“左饭右羹”等规则,祭祀的程序也很严格。During the Spring Festival, the most important activity is ancestor worship. Korean ancestors strictly speaking, only the altar pendulum method is "fish East West meat", "head to the east end of the west", "red east west, jujube chestnut pear persimmon," cooked East West "," left dinner right share "rules, worship of the program is also very strict.每年春节一到,韩国妇女都穿上漂亮的民族盛装,从早到晚都要在厨房里忙活,嫁到韩国的外国姑娘也要同韩国妇女一样从早忙到晚。The annual Spring Festival, South Korean women have to wear beautiful costumes. From morning till night in the busy in the kitchen, married to South Korea's foreign girls also with South Korean women from morning till night.祭祀了祖先,晚辈就要给长辈拜年了,长辈要给拜年的晚辈压岁钱。春节期间,平辈人见面的寒暄是“新年多福”。春节时总有不能回家过年的人或者露宿街头无家可归者,政府和市民团体就组织起来为他们过春节,让他们在春节期间感受到社会大家庭的温暖。The worship of ancestors, the younger generation will pay New Year's call to the elders, elders give children gift money pay New Year's call. During the Spring Festival, some people meet peers is "new year". During the Spring Festival, the total can not go home new year or on the streets homeless persons, government and civic groups organize for their Spring Festival, let them feel the warmth of the big family of the society during the Spring Festival.韩国人春节往往都要互赠礼物,礼物的范围很广,如牛排、黄花鱼、传统点心、健康食品以及午餐肉、香油、蘑菇、柿饼、日用品等等,礼物都要包裹起来,而包裹的颜色以嫩粉色居多。Korean lunar new year are exchanging gifts, gift range is very wide, such as steak, yellow croaker, traditional snacks, health food and luncheon meat, sesame oil, mushrooms, dried persimmons, daily necessities and so on, the gift must be wrapped up, and package color to tender pink is in the majority.

虽然春节英文并不是happy new year,但在大多数眼里新年快乐就是春节来临的时刻,所以个人认为happy new year是春节代表性的英语。

春节的英文:the Spring Festival!


作者:小思本文地址:http://aiyundongfang.com/yingyuxuexibaike/31977.html发布于 2024-09-19
