

小思 2024-09-19 34
料理鼠王英文评价摘要: 料理鼠王影评英文三篇选一篇... A rat named Remy dreams of becoming a great French chef despite his fam...


三篇选一篇... A rat named Remy dreams of becoming a great French chef despite his family's wishes and the obvious problem of being a rat in a decidedly rodent-phobic profession. When fate places Remy in the sewers of Paris, he finds himself ideally situated beneath a restaurant made famous by his culinary hero, Auguste Gusteau. Despite the apparent dangers of being an unlikely - and certainly unwanted - visitor in the kitchen of a fine French restaurant, Remy's passion for cooking soon sets into motion a hilarious and exciting rat race that turns the culinary world of Paris upside down. Written by Orange Remy, a provincial rat with a wonderful sense of smell, hates garbage and risks death to enter a human kitchen where he discovers real food and the cooking of five-star chef, Anton Gusteau, author of "Anyone Can Cook." On the day Remy learns his hero has died, he is evicted and ends up alone in Paris. By luck, he discovers Gasteau's restaurant, down to three stars and run by a frozen-food-hawking chef. As Remy enters, so does Linguini, a clumsy youth hired as a garbage boy. To save the soup that Linguini accidentally fouls, Remy throws in some ingredients; the soup is a success and Linguini's career as a chef is born. Can Remy find a way to maintain the fiction and use his gift? Written by {} Remy is a rat, constantly risking life in an expensive French restaurant because of his love of good food, as well as a desire to become a chef. Yet, obviously, this is a rather tough dream for a rat. But opportunity knocks when a young boy, who desperately needs to keep his job at the restaurant, despite his lack of cooking abilities, discovers and partners the young Remy. Its up to the two of them to avoid the insane head chef, bring the rest of Remy's family up to his standards, win his partner a girl, and, of course, produce the finest Ratatouille in all of France. Written by swansongang

A lot of animated movies have inspired sequels, notably "Shrek," but Brad Bird's "Ratatouille" is the first one that made me positively desire one. Remy, the earnest little rat who is its hero, is such a lovable, determined, gifted rodent that I want to know happens to him next, now that he has conquered the summit of French cuisine. I think running for office might not be beyond his reach, and there's certainly something de Gaullean about his snout. Remy is a member of a large family of rats (a horde, I think, is the word) who ply the trash cans and sewers of a Parisian suburb, just like good rats should. "Eat your garbage!" commands Remy's father, Django, obviously a loving parent. The rats are evicted from their cozy home in a cottage-kitchen ceiling in a scene that will have rat-haters in the audience cringing (and who among us will claim they don't hate rats more than a little?), and they are swept through the sewers in a torrential flood. Remy (voice of Patton Oswalt) has always been blessed, or cursed, with a refined palate and a sensitive nose, and now he starts skulking around the kitchen of Gusteau, his culinary hero (voice of Brad Garrett). Linguini and Remy meet, somehow establish trust and communication, and when Linguini gets credit for a soup that the rat has saved with strategic seasonings, they team up. All of this begins as a dubious premise and ends as a triumph of animation, comedy, imagination and, yes, humanity. What is most lovable about Remy is his modesty and shyness, even for a rat. He has body language so expressive than many humans would trade for it. Brad Bird and his executive producer, John Lasseter, clearly have taken over the leadership in the animation field right now. Yes, Bird made "The Incredibles," but the one that got away was his wonderful "The Iron Giant," in which a towering robot was as subtle, gentle and touching as Remy. His eye for detail is remarkable. Every prop and utensil and spice and ingredient in the kitchen is almost tangible, and I for one would never turn off the Food Channel if Remy hosted a program named "Any Rat Can Cook." This is clearly one of the best of the year's films. Every time an animated film is successful, you have to read all over again about how animation isn't "just for children" but "for the whole family," and "even for adults going on their own." No kidding! 回答者: ftt1023 - 魔法师 四级 11-15 12:24

In Ratatouille, Remy (voice of Patton Oswalt) is a culinary wizard of a rat. His senses are so refined that he refuses to eat garbage and is used by others as a "poison detector" since he can tell if something is toxic by sniffing it. His desire, however, is to become a chef, and he gets a chance to achieve his dreams when he meets Linguini (Lou Romano), a janitor at Gusteau's, a famous Paris restaurant. Hiding under Linguini's chef's hat, Remy urges the young man to create dishes of amazing mastery. Like Cyrano de Bergerac, Remy pulls the strings and Linguini takes the credit. Soon, Gusteau's is the talk of the city and Linguini has captured the heart of the woman of his dreams, Colette (Janeane Garofalo). But trouble looms. The chef (Ian Holm) whose position Linguini usurped wants revenge. And powerful food critic Anton Ego (Peter O'Toole) has decided to have a meal an Gusteau's; on the night of his arrival, Remy is nowhere to be found.



你好,88133217下文是篇轻松的小短文,简要明了,集中展示了影片Ratatouille的主人公Remy优秀品格,然后阐述个人从影片得到的启示:每个人都有机会成为大师,无论你来自哪里,勇敢尝试很重要。希望能帮得上你。RatatouilleHere comes our hero!Remy—a rat with a sharp nose and a real talent for cooking. Ratatouille is fresh, funny and full of irony. Who would ever think a rat, of all animals, would have a highly refined sense of taste? Chef Gusteau is a man after my own heart. He's so right, "Anyone can cook." Remy is an adorable example of that belief.Like Ego says at the end of the movie, not everyone will be a master, but the masters can come from the most unlikely places.



========================Ratatouille 里的亲情....========================Remy (Patton Oswalt), a well-read rat who has always wanted to be a chef, has been living with his father (Brian Dennehy) and brother (Peter Sohn) among a colony of rodents hiding in the attic of a French country home. While the rest are content with simply foraging for garbage and eating scraps, he is a connoisseur with a taste for fine food. Everything changes the fateful day they're discovered and suddenly flushed out of the house. Remy, separated from the others, is forced to fend for himself and to find other accommodations. As a gourmet, it only makes sense that he would choose to move to Gusteau's, a five-star restaurant located in the heart of Paris. As luck would have it, the establishment's extraordinarily-talented proprietor, Gusteau (Brad Garrett), is recently deceased, which means Remy might just have a chance to pursue his dream. The problem, of course, is that he's still a rat, so he befriends Linguini (Lou Romano), a lowly janitor with no training in the kitchen. With the anthropomorphic animal whispering in his ear, the custodian is gradually transformed into the new toast of the town, even winning grudging accolades for his piece de resistance, Ratatouille, from the city's caustic food critic, Anton Ego (Peter O'Toole). Of course, Linguini's secret eventually comes out and the question then becomes whether Remy will be accepted despite his humble rat roots.Thus, tolerance is the driving theme underpinning Ratatouille, another winning animated adventure from the good folks at Pixar. Not only funny, engaging and entertaining from beginning to end, but a picture which delivers an abundance of heartwarming messages. That rare film which can be heartily recommended for the whole family, except maybe for those tykes who might be scared by its super-realistic depiction of rodents.


"Talented" mouse Millet, has a different but also persistent heart, the persistence of cooking, for the pursuit of dreams. A cook, a real cook, Millet is simple and seems to be an impossible dream.

Because his identity is immutable. No rat to support him, with secular vision, puzzled looking at millet. And of course no human would support him. Anyway, the head of the mouse family, Mi's father, Mi Pa, thinks so.

But millet does not think like that, with that stubborn strength, with that self-confidence, after dispersing with familial, millet encountered Xiaolin. A little shy, a little simple xiaolin, and millet began to cooperate with the journey.

As the son of God of food xiaolin wants to do every thing very hard, but history boss, the chef of God of food restaurant, covet the restaurant that God of food leaves, be against with Xiaolin everywhere, only do not make Xiaolin inherits God of food restaurant, shake his property and position.

Xiaolin however by dint of millet's genius idea, rise quickly, everyone pours to his side, also grew the pride of his heart at the same time.

History of the boss because the will was stolen by millet, Xiaolin smoothly become a new generation of Gusteau restaurant. Xiao Lin began to disdain millet, millet began to despise.

With the emergence of food critics, Xiaomi's identity is known by critics, and the gap between Xiao Lin and Xiaomi disappears because of trust. Xiaomi, of course, became history's first ratatouille king.











Ratatouill Remy was a young rat in French countryside,he dreaned of becoming a great French had an accident,he lost his went to the Auguste Gusteau′s restaurant and made a friend with a new garbage boy .After Remy helped,the garbage boy Linguini became the restaurant′s last,Remy became a great cook.

片名:美食总动员/料理鼠王/小鼠大厨(Ratatouille) 迅雷下载地址 导演:布拉德·伯德 Brad Bird 配音(英文):帕顿·奥斯瓦尔特 Patton Oswalt 类型:喜剧/动画/家庭 片长:110分钟 在世界闻名的美食之都--巴黎,一只名叫雷米(帕顿·奥斯瓦尔特配音)的小老鼠一心想成为一个伟大的厨师。但是,“理智”的亲人却时常提醒他不要妄想,因为对于香气漫溢的厨房来说,老鼠已然是最不受欢迎的主儿!不过,当“残酷”的命运把它带到巴黎城市的下水道的时候,小雷米猛然发现自己正好来到了自己仰慕已久的著名厨师奥古斯汀·古斯特主灶的一家法国名餐馆的下面。这样的绝佳机遇给了小雷米不尽的勇气,于是他决定留下来,期望在这里达成自己成为一位老鼠名厨的愿望。但雷米灰灰的外表自然会招致人们的厌恶甚至是四处追打。不过,乐观的小雷米对于烹调的热情很快就将一切不如意变成了一场精彩和激动人心的老鼠赛跑,甚至将整个巴黎美食界搅的天翻地覆。还好,幸运的小老鼠遇到了一个在后厨帮工的年轻人——林贵尼(直译过来就是意大利扁面条)。尽管他缺少厨艺的天赋,但他正拼命得想保住自己的工作。这两个家伙的相遇是一拍即合,一个“人鼠美食联盟”就这样形成了。小老鼠躲在厨师帽中,用操纵林贵尼的手臂,帮助他做出一道又一道精美大餐。两个人的愿望终告实现,但接下来麻烦依旧不断。他们要躲避神经兮兮的主厨,他们要说服雷米的家人理解他的追求,当然,还有林贵尼青涩美好的爱情。最后,功夫不负有心人,他们终于烹制出全巴黎最棒的普罗旺斯闷菜(片名Ratatouille就是这个意思),并向世人展示了小老鼠爱厨房的无比热情……

This film is fantastic! Pixar has yet another great film to add to their impressive repertoire. Oscar-winning director and screenwriter Brad Bird, who wrote and directed "The Incredibles", has produced a film with subtle humor, heart, and very profound truth. The voice actors are so great, and it is especially great to hear Peter O'Toole on the screen. The animation is beautiful and it is all around an excellently made film. Its message is one that holds so much truth for everyone, especially today's youth: it tells people that no, not anyone can do anything, but if you have the talent you don't have to be limited by your surroundings or your upbringing. I think this is refreshing to hear because often, children are lied to when they are told they can do anything, when actually not all of them can. But it offers hope to the ones who may feel limited by their social class. It also exposes the fact that most people try to put up false facades of themselves to hide who they are in order to feel accepted by the social standards we create in our society; it shows characters with this flaw, but ultimately they accept this reality and learn to be true to themselves. This thread, I think, is very common throughout the Pixar films, and they present it very well. "Ratatouille" is my new Disney-Pixar favorite! "Ce film a pleine de joie de vivre!"

(Text/long ten Langs)thunder rice naturally the sense of taste be intelligent, however, since it be a rat, that has this artistic talent is also common the thunder rice still have many special place, like, it like to read a book, its favourite of an origin the book call 《everyone all ability be a cook 》, author is France genius cook Ao thou Si especially, the idol of thunder to have, thunder rice not only like to read a book, and imagination Ao thou Si especially so do a great of is big Gao of course not support thunder rice of a little bit all know of some common sense, the rat arrived a kitchen, don't say that is a cook, even small life all would drive mankind to high hope oneself of the son ability learn himself/herself, later inherit oneself of position, be the leader of sewer rat, lead many rat to pick up garbage to thunder rice still has at least sharp of the sense of smell, can distinguish which things poisonous didn't poison. The thunder rice of course not give up oneself of dream, its ability call France the name of the most famous restaurant, acquaint with the way of doing of each vegetables, its time preparation become a once, it drive blunt go to sewer, after the thunder rice of escape from death wake up detection oneself originally go to idol kitchen, already lead a life time of Ao thou Si D ·thou Si especially establish restaurant inside in the restaurant, thunder rice understanding do odd jobs in the kitchen of young man Lin2 Gui4 Ni2, Lin2 Gui4 Ni2 cooked of talent, but he want to protect this work very much, hence, thunder rice with Lin2 Gui4 Ni2 cooperation, hide in this person cook's hat, an intelligence one person physical labor, cooperation does the vegetables of to the combination deep popular, the thunder rice work together closely with Lin2 Gui4 Ni2, however still have many difficulty want to overcome, like the thunder rice want dodge make track for of chef to kill, but Lin2 Gui4 Ni2 be good to come home a person of comprehension still have fine , the Ao thou Si the ghost of the D appear in the thunder rice and Lin2 Gui4 Ni2's in front, with the spirit tutor's identity guidance this two colleague cook, this to combination overcome difficulty do Paris most stick of the Pu Luo prosperous Si stew. (Net easy musement particularly draft, turn to carry to please to note source)



料理鼠王,也称美食总动员导演:布拉德·伯德 Brad Bird配音(英文):帕顿·奥斯瓦尔特 Patton Oswalt配音(中文):何炅 谢娜 李维嘉类型:喜剧/动画/家庭片长:110分钟上映日期:2007年10月19日(内地)发行:沃尔特·迪斯尼电影公司Walt Disney Pictures


美食总动员 Ratatouille (2007)

导演: 布拉德·伯德 / 简·皮克瓦编剧: 布拉德·伯德 / 简·皮克瓦主演: 帕顿·奥斯瓦尔特 / 彼得·奥图尔 / 布拉德·加内特 / 伊安·霍姆 / 卢·罗曼诺 / 更多...类型: 喜剧 / 动画 / 奇幻 制片国家/地区: 美国语言: 英语 / 法语上映日期: 2007-10-19(中国大陆) / 2007-06-29(美国)片长: 111 分钟又名: 料理鼠王(台) / 五星级大鼠(港) / 小鼠大厨 / 蔬菜杂烩


作者:小思本文地址:http://aiyundongfang.com/yingyuxuexibaike/31912.html发布于 2024-09-19
