

小思 2024-09-19 74
购物缩写英文摘要: 购物车英语缩写这个是营销广告的术语:CPC: Cost Per Click, 按点击收费CPA: Cost Per Action,按广告投放效果收费CVR: Click Val...


这个是营销广告的术语:CPC: Cost Per Click, 按点击收费CPA: Cost Per Action,按广告投放效果收费CVR: Click Value Rate, CVR=(转化量/点击量)*100%,是一个转化成本的指标CTR: Click Through Rate. 点击率 ROI: Return On Investment,投资回报率,或者说 投资利润率。

1、CPA:顾名思义按照行为(Action)作为指标来计费,这个行为可以是注册、咨询、放入购物车等等。广告公司和媒体公司常用CPA、CPC(Cost Per Click)、CPM(Cost Per Mille,或者Cost Per Thousand;Cost Per Impressions)一起来衡量广告价格。2、CPC:是“Cost Per Click”的英文缩写。意思就是每次点击付费广告,当用户点击某个网站上的CPC广告后,这个站的站长就会获得相应的收入。3、CPM:千次展现消费=(消费/展现)*1000 按照广告 曝光率消费的形式,广告展现一千词的费用,消费10元,展现了10000次,千次展现消费为(10/10000)*1000=1元4、CTR:Click-Through-Rate)即点击通过率,是常用的网络广告是指在线广告的点击率(图片广告排名/文本广告/关键字广告/广告/视频广告,等等),也就是说,点击广告的实际数量(严格地说,打到目标页面)的数量除以广告(显示内容)的数量。5、CVR:转化率。是一个衡量CPA广告效果的指标,简言之就是用户点击广告到成为一个有效激活或者注册甚至付费用户的转化率。6、ROI:投入产出比。目前很多广告主要求每笔广告投入都能够获得一定量的转化目标,在广告主的成本控制中就会出现一个指标,即每获得一个有效转化所花费的成本,该指标就是衡量效果广告的投入产出比。ROI和ROAS的区别?在传统的衡量里,ROI代表的是投资回报率,计算的利润和成本的关系。ROI越高,证明利润越高,若ROI大于0,则表示是赚钱的,若ROI小于0,则证明你的广告是亏损状态。所以通过ROI这个计算广告盈亏的数据指标,可以清楚地了解自己的盈亏情况。ROAS主要是衡量Facebook广告效果的,一般不能直接从ROAS看出广告的盈亏状态,只是广告效果的参考。一般ROAS大于2才表示广告是赚钱的

这些是广告术语,一般应用于电商。我附加一个比较全面的给你,希望能帮到你植入式广告:在电影或电视剧或者其它场景插入相关的广告。如变形金刚,非诚勿挠等。 2. SEM:Search Engine Marketing的缩写,意即搜索引擎营销。3. EDM:Electronic Direct Marketing的缩写,就是电子邮件营销。4. CPS:Cost Per Sales的缩写,即销售分成。 5. CPA : Cost Per Action,每次动作成本,即根据每个访问者对网络广告所采取的行动收费的定价模式。对于用户行动有特别的定义,包括形成一次交易、获得一个注册用户、或者对网 络广告的一次点击等。 6. CPM:(Cost Per Mille,或者Cost Per Thousand;Cost Per Impressions) 每千人成本。7. CPC:(Cost Per Click;Cost Per Thousand Click-Through) 每点击成本。 8. ROI:Return On Investment的缩写,投资报酬率。 9. SEO:Search Engine Optimization的缩写,搜索引擎优化。 10. CR 转化率:Conversion Rate的缩写,是指访问某一网站访客中,转化的访客占全部访客的比例。 11. UV:Unique Vister的缩写,独立访客。 12. AdWords:Google的关键词竞价广告。 13. Alexa:Alexa.com是专门发布网站世界排名的网站,网站排名有两种:综合排名和分类排名。 14. 二跳率:二跳率,由99click最先提出,网站页面展开后,用户在页面上产生的首次点击被称为 “二跳”,二跳的次数即为”二跳量”,二跳量与浏览量的比值称为页面的二跳率。 15. 跳出率:跳出率是指浏览了一个页面就离开的用户占一组页面或一个页面访问次数的百分比。 16. 人均访问页面: PV总和除以IP,即可获得每个人平均访问的页面数量。至少人均访问页面需要超过10个以上,才算是优质的用户。











Online Shopping网络购物;网上购物;网购;线上购物



1、department作商店解时,是美国英语,通常写为department store。



1、shopping 2、n.购物;从商店采买的东西 3、v.去商店买;在商店购物;逛商店;(向警察等)告发 4、例句:Ill do the shopping this afternoon. 今天下午我会去买东西。 5、shopping centre 购物中心 6、shopping list 购物单 7、shopping mall 大型购物中心 8、home shopping 电子购物 9、shopping center 购物中心


可以吧,但准确点应该是shopping cart

shopping trolley


shopping trolley (欧洲国家比较常说)


shopping cart (美国人比较常说)



At the store, she placed her in the shopping cart and put her

purchases around her.



Empty shopping cart /trolley

Clear shopping cart/trolley



Delete all commodities, please click "Clear shopping cart" button.

commodities 美 [kə mɑdətis] 商品


earnest money 定金

bargain money 定金

down payment 定金

deposit美 [dɪˈpɑːzɪt] 押金;订金;

earnest 美 [ˈɜːrnɪst]定金

bargain美 [ˈbɑːrɡən] 讨价还价;谈判



We need your full address and a deposit of 20 percent.

购物车英语:shopping trolley。


n. <英>手推车;<英>(送食品饮料的)小车,台车;<美>有轨电车;无轨电车;电车触轮(与架空电线接触以驱动电车);有轨缆车,架空缆车;<英>(医院用的)担架车

v. 乘电车;用手推车运

【名】 (Trolley)(英)特罗利(人名)


Abandoned Shopping Trolley Hotline 唱片名 ; 专辑名称

an old shopping trolley 购物车

shopping trolley install 购物车安装


词根: trolley


trolleybus 无轨电车

A man on a trolley was being handled by an orderly.



购物车英语读:shopping trolley/cart。

购物,英文Shopping,台湾人取其近音俗称"血拼"。是指在零售商拣选或购买货品或服务的行为,可视为一种 经济和休闲活动。现在网络购物是一种潮流,大的像淘宝、京东,但是现代模式花样越来越多。

每个平台的模式都不一样。购即为买,物即为所出售之物品。无男女老幼之分,乃居家生活之必备!购物在不同的古代文明早已出现。在古罗马,图拉真市场(Trajan's Market)的taberna就是一种小零售商店,而在哈德良长城上发现罗马人为士兵而写的购物清单,历史可追溯至公元75至125年。


对很多人来说,购物是一种休闲活动,可以逛不同的商店选购产品。同时又出现了所谓的"橱窗购物"(Window shopping),意指浏览商店橱窗中的货品,未必会真的购买。但对于一些人,购物可能是困扰的。例如,买到的产品货不对板,甚至被骗,需要退货,还有人出现购物上瘾,即所谓的购物狂,这些购物者不受控制的购物,可能会引起个人和社会问题。

shopping trolley


shopping trolley (欧洲国家比较常说)


shopping cart (美国人比较常说)



At the store, she placed her in the shopping cart and put her

purchases around her.



Empty shopping cart /trolley

Clear shopping cart/trolley



Delete all commodities, please click "Clear shopping cart" button.

commodities 美 [kə mɑdətis] 商品


earnest money 定金

bargain money 定金

down payment 定金

deposit美 [dɪˈpɑːzɪt] 押金;订金;

earnest 美 [ˈɜːrnɪst]定金

bargain美 [ˈbɑːrɡən] 讨价还价;谈判



We need your full address and a deposit of 20 percent.


go shopping


do some shopping

Doing Shopping OnlineWith the help of the Inter, shopping is not a difficult job. Just click your mouse to choose the article you like, and the shopping is finished. You needn't step out of the room. It seems easy and quick. But there's always a trap online. If you are careless, it will bring you some trouble. You may find the color of the article is different from what you want, or the size is either too *** all or too big. If you want to be different, you'd better not buy clothes online. Once you put on the clothes you bought online and go out, you will find many people wear the same clothes in the street

Whenit es to online shopping, different people holds different ideas towards it.Some people seem extremely enjoy the way of buying things online because theyfeel online shopping is so convenient. Some just don't believe that they can buygood quality modities from Inter. As far as I'm concerned, I think onlineshopping creates lots of benefits to people.说到网上购物的时候,不同的人有不同的想法,关于网上购物 My View on Shopping Online英语作文。




Firstly,buying things online is a way of saving time. Compared with the traditional wayof shopping, we have no need to go out to pick up our favorite goods from storeto store. Just a click, we can have things in our shopping cart and just waitfor the goods to be delivered to us. To this extent, not only we can save thetime of finding things from store to store but we don't need to spend time ontransportation. Thus, we can save lots of time to enjoy fun. 首先,网上购物是节约时间的一种方法。





Secondly,buying things online can save our money. People buy modities by Inter notonly because it saves us time, but also, we can save lots of money. It is oftenseen that some people just go to the physical store to check out themodities they want to buy and then they would search for their favoritemodities online and take the order. People do this just because they knowthat online goods are usually cheaper than the goods displayed in shop windowbecause online shop have no need to pay the rent. So, people are more inclinedto buying things from online store.其次,网上购物可以省钱。





Thirdly,convenience is the last but not least thing of shopping online. Since we canbuy things online, there is no need to go out to look for things we want tobuy. What we need to do is to simply sit before our puter, search for thingswe want to buy, click our favorite thing and then pay our order by our bankcard. And then, you just need to wait for your goods to be delivered to yourhome.第三,最后但并非最不重要的是网上购物很方便。




Inconclusion, shopping online is a convenient, time-saving and money saving wayof buying things. Therefore, we can benefit a lot from shopping online. That'sthe reason of why shopping online has developed faster and faster in recentyears. 总之,网上购物方便,省时和省钱。



关于网购的看法My View on Shopping Online With the development of e-merce, shopping online bees a new way of shopping which is getting more and more popular. Many citizens are likely to shop through inter nowadays.随着电子商务的发展,网购成新的一种购物方式,而且也越来越流行。


Generally speaking, shopping online offers lots of advantages with its convenience the most prominent. There are many modities on the inter where you can search whatever you want. Besides, you just click the mouse can you get all information you want, so that you don't have to go to the shop personally. In addtition, the modities on the Inter is usually cheaper than the stores which can save much money.一般来说,网购提供了很多的优势,其中方便是最突出的,英语作文《关于网上购物 My View on Shopping Online英语作文》(//unjs)。




However, everything has o sides. You ...

When you are in USA after a little while, you can feel that the Inter has deep impact on people's daily life. It exists every where in the society. Banks, shopping centers, supermarkets, chain stores all have their own web sites. They not only provide you much information, but also support transactions online. I have a checking account and a saving account of Fleet Bank, a big bank in the eastern coastal region. Its branches distribute from Maine to Florida, but it has no branch in Denver. It doesn't matter for me. I can visit the homepage of Fleet Bank. I can check my balance, pay bills, make transfers, and check every transactions of my account. If you want to buy stuff, but are too lazy to go to shopping centers or supermarkets, that's OK! You can shop online! Just find what you need then give them your credit card number and your address, you can receive your favorites home. Of course you have to pay for the shipping cost.Now I have had experience of shopping online! I wanted a puter notebook for a long time. I visited ebay and found that there are so many secondhand laptops! But I am not a member of the eBay munity, so I can't bid. I hesitated for a week; then I decided to join. I provided all the information it needed, including my Visa card number. I thought everyone could obey the game rules, though I was a little naive and my own wishful thinking. The next thing is my first bid! What to bid then? I started to browse the profiles of all kinds of notebooks. They all look pretty good for me! I was told that if I want something indeed, I'd better bid in the last minute. But for the first-time bid, I just want to experience the feeling of bidding online! That's it! A Compaq Armada Pentium II 200Mhz, 700', one more day before the deadline. I believe someone can outbid me finally, even though I bid it without serious aptitude. The minimum bid is 710', I bid but soon I was told that someone had quoted the price; then I tried 720', the same thing happened! I got angry and emotional, 730', 740', 750', 760', I got it! It was exciting but I felt it was an unwise decision. Then the following days, I refreshed that page again and again. I hoped to see that some aggressive bidder beat me. But I was disappointed even a whole day had gone! The next day morning, the first thing after I came into my office is to refresh that page: I was relieved that someone beat me with 770'!From then on, I told myself to be a serious bidder. I soon found my quarry - a Fujitsu Lifebook C340, PII 233MHz, 92M, 3.2G, o years old. The owner quoted 600', but no one bid when the auction is ing to an end (still three hours). I decided to stay in office to pete the auction. After off duty, I had o pieces of bread to satisfy my stomach, then I was surfing and refreshing the page on the other side. When the auction was o minutes left, I started to refresh that page continuously. No one made a bid in the three hours. Suddenly, my annoying Mac was down! If I restart it, I'd miss the auction! I had an idea in the emergency. I switched on the screen of the Dr. Zhang's PC (in NREL, the puters never shut down), logged in ebay as fast as I can, found that page and placed my bid: 610' (step: 10'), but I was informed that I was outbid by 615'! I have no choice, 625', I got it before enty seconds at the end of the auction! It was exciting and breathtaking!It's my first experience of shopping online. Later on, I bought phonecards, books and some other stuff. It is very safe, fast and convenient!

Sunday, my mather and I went to the mall for shopping . 周末,我和妈妈去商场购物。

12That was a fine day.那是很晴朗的一天。

5First of all , we bought some fruit .首先我们买了些水果。

7Then,we bought some fresh vegetable.后来我们买了些新鲜的蔬菜。

6When we wanted to buy the fish we meet an old friend .当我们想去买鱼的时候,看见了一个老朋友。

12She was my best friend when we were students.在我们都是小学生的时候,她是我最好的朋友。

9We talked about our new school life .我们谈论了新学校的生活。

7Then we said goodbye to each other . 然后我们对对方说再见。

7Finally my mother and I went home by bus .最后我和妈妈乘车回家。

9We all were so happy.我们都很开心。



I think the most unworth is that you will lose the joy of shopping with your friends, we still need learn to catch up with the modern life.above all.And it is very easy for you to find what you want. Besides .In another way, if you go shopping on line, you will have no chance to see the things you want to buy and check it. And you will always be worries about the safety of the Believed Card and the shopping on line, it is much cheaper than shopping outsideSHOPPING ON LINE Shopping on line has been more and more popular in the world. The advantage is that it is so convenience that you need not queue and you can shop 24 hours everyday

I went shopping today at the supermarket.There were a lot of people there,buying their groceries.The main purpose today was to find my lunch for tomorrow,so I started with something simple,bread and butter.Then I searched for ham and cabbages.These are the basic ingredients for making a sandwich,which will be nice for a lunch especially if I cannot find a microwave.My shopping trip concluded with a strawberry shortcake from the bakery section,some delicious stuff I got to say.

My shopping day I really love shopping. And I often go shopping with my friends on the weekends. I had a good time last weekend.On Saturday morning,I decided to go to the Center Mall with my sister Sally.We left my home at 8:00,then we went to the mall by bus.We talked about food on the bus.At about a quarter past eight,we arrived at the mall.We were happy.We bought much delicious food ,such as chicken,su shi.ice-cream. I think I had a great weekend.What do you think of it?

Last Saturday, Yang Ping went to the supermarket. She wanted to buy something for her sister because that day was her sister's birthday. She walked around the supermarket and saw a very beautiful dress. She thought her sister would like it. The dress cost fifty yuan, but Yang Ping decided to buy it. When her sister got this present, she was very happy.

Nowadays, many people choose to shopping online because it's convient. First, let's talk about some advantages of shopping online. More and more young people prefer shopping online for their shortage of time. They have to work in the daytime and also have to spend a lot of time on rest and entertainment. So they buy the goods online to save the time of walking around in the shop. And if you can't find the goods you want in the physical shop, you maybe buy them online beacause the online stores dispose of a large variety of good.Of coures, you have to be careful of online shopping. There is a big difference beeen the post photos and the goods. And you also can't try the clothes nor touch the thing when you browse the web pages. And it may take a lot of time in logistics distribution.As long as you can make sure that you will not regret for your chosen goods, I think shopping online is a good choice.

第一篇Today I went shopping with my mother and mybrother. We went to “Ji Mai Long” to buy some things. There are lots of thingsin it.Some about eating, some about drinking and some about working. I likereading books very much, so I went to the second floor to read books. My motherbought some vegetables and meat with my brother. For about half an hour, wepaid money for things, then went home together .第二篇 wo!Today, I went shopping with mymother. There were lots of things in the supermarket. There were lots of books on Shelf A. there were toys and balls on Shelf B. there were pens and pencils on Shelf C. There are lots of fruits on Shelf D. There are clothes on Shelf E. I bought a new pen, a toy plane and a football. My mother bought some fruits, a shirt and some fish. We have a good time today.

转载请注明出处 » 去购物三种英语的写法

问题一:【网购】用英文怎么说? 是网上购物吧?是这样的, Business-to -Customer e-merce ,也就是B2C意思是“网上购物”。 Business-to -Business e-merce ,也就是B2B,意思是“企业间电子商务”。 两者都用于电子商务。 日常生活中可以简单地说成E-Shopping. 问题二:“网购”用英文怎么说? internet shopping 问题三:网上购物用英语怎么说啊? 是网上购物吧?是这样的, Business-to -Customer e-merce ,也就是B2C,意思是“网上购物”。 Business-to -Business e-merce ,也就是B2B,意思是“企业间电子商务”。 两者都用于电子商务。 日常生活中可以简单地说成E-Shopping. 好评哦哦 问题四:网上购物英语怎么说? Shopping online. 问题五:“祝您网上购物愉快”和“祝您购物愉快”用英语怎么说 楼上错了。 “祝您网上购物愉快” Happy shooping onl川ne! 或者 Happy shooping on the Internet! “祝您购物愉快'Happy shopping ! 或者 Have a nice time shopping! 问题六:在网上购物的英文 shopping online 问题七:网上购物:英文翻译 Online shopping shopping online 【例句用法】 (网上购物)它在全球可谓非常普及了。 That's very popular now all over the world. 问题八:我们在淘宝网上购物用英语怎么说 We do shopping at Taobao (on the Internet) 问题九:现在,许多人喜欢网上购物。用英语怎么说 A lot of people prefer to shopping on the Internet at present. 记得采纳啊 问题十:关于网上购物的英语作文400到600词带翻译 Whenit es to online shopping, different people holds different ideas towards it.Some people seem extremely enjoy the way of buying things online because theyfeel online shopping is so convenient. Some just don’t believe that they can buygood quality modities from Internet. As far as I’m concerned, I think onlineshopping creates lots of benefits to people. 说到网上购物的时候,不同的人有不同的想法, 关于网上购物 My View on Shopping Online英语作文 。有些人似乎非常喜欢网上购物这样的购物方式,因为他们觉得网上购物很方便。有的则不相信他们能从网上买到质量好的商品。就我而言,我觉得网上购物给人们带来了很多好处。 Firstly,buying things online is a way of saving time. pared with the traditional wayof shopping, we have no need to go out to pick up our favorite goods from storeto store. Just a click, we can have things in our shopping cart and just waitfor the goods to be delivered to us. To this extent, not only we can save thetime of finding things from store to store but we don’t need to spend time ontransportation. Thus, we can save lots of time to enjoy fun. 首先,网上购物是节约时间的一种方法。与传统的购物方式相比,我们没有必要出去一家一家店地挑选我们喜欢的商品。只需一击,我们就可以在我们喜欢的商品就会在购物车中,之后就只是等着把货物邮递到我们手上。从某种程度上说,我们不仅可以节省在商店找东西的时间,我们也不需要在运输上花时间。因此,我们可以节省大量的时间,享受乐趣。 Secondly,buying things online can save our money. People buy modities by Internet notonly because it saves us time, but also, we can save lots of money. It is oftenseen that some people just go to the physical store to check out themodities they want to buy and then they would search for their favoritemodities online and take the order. People do this just......>>

me. There are those, of course, who would adopt the Epicurean motto of “Eat, drink


Nowadays, online shopping has become one of the most popular ways of shopping. Going out shopping has become a kind of leisure walk.


There are many advantages of online shopping. It can "go shopping" at home, ordering is not limited by time and place.


It gets a lot of commodity information and can buy goods that are not available locally. It can save time and effort from ordering, buying goods to goods door-to-door without visiting the scene.


To sum up, it can be seen that online shopping breaks through the barriers of traditional business, and has great attraction and influence on consumers, enterprises and the market. In the new economic era, it is undoubtedly an ideal mode to achieve "multi win" effect.


However, online shopping has many disadvantages. Online shopping can only be seen photos, to the goods really arrive in the hand, will feel different from the physical, which is not as good as in the mall to buy at ease. Network payment is not secure, may be peeping, password stolen.


And the delivery is too slow. Although the speed of EMS is faster than that of the past, buyers still have to wait for a few days. Online shopping also can't experience the leisure of shopping and chatting with relatives and friends.


I don't think online shopping is better than shopping. We should reduce or strengthen the security of online shopping.



作者:小思本文地址:http://aiyundongfang.com/yingyuxuexibaike/31625.html发布于 2024-09-19
