

小思 2024-09-19 35
交互英语职场交流篇答案摘要: 云交互英语职场通识交流篇《图解职场英语大全:世界500强企业员工必备商务英语书 (职场达人教你常用职场英语单词和会话,让你充满自信地应对职场生活!MP3免费下载)》(朱子熹)电...


《图解职场英语大全:世界500强企业员工必备商务英语书 (职场达人教你常用职场英语单词和会话,让你充满自信地应对职场生活!MP3免费下载)》(朱子熹)电子书网盘下载免费在线阅读


书名:图解职场英语大全:世界500强企业员工必备商务英语书 (职场达人教你常用职场英语单词和会话,让你充满自信地应对职场生活!MP3免费下载)






















外籍专家:Ryan Bleckley(美) Carolina Han(美)

















新时代交互英语读写译1答案 Unit1III. Vocabulary and Structure1. 1) promote 2) talent 3) effective 4) goal 5) semesters 6)involved 7) assignment 8) specific 9) contribute 10) positive 2. 1) His lifestyle 2) many useful tips 3) are Perfectly aware of 4) connected 5) participate in IV. Banked Cloze1. D 2. E 3. O 4. B 5. H 6. L 7. J 8. A 9. M 10. I V. Translation1. 1) so that he can provide for studying abroad in two years2) it costs at least $30,000 to raise a child to 18 years of age at present3) the whole team must keep to the schedule strictly4) She often helps out with the washing and cooking when she is at home during holidays5) make some time this weekend to discuss their daughter’s education 21) 许多不同类型的自助书籍都给读者提出建议,帮助他们培养一定的技能\目标和态度,以获得成功,并拥有一种健康的生活方式。2) 至少要熟悉其中的一位教师并且也要让他们认识你,这样会使你感到和学校联系在一起。3) 学生只要参加了一项活动,哪怕参与的方式是微不足道的,他们也会以更积极的心态去面对他们的学业。Unit2III. Vocabulary and Structure1. 1) negative 2) treats 3) identifies 4) affects 5) elderly 6) individual 7) imagination 8) referring 9) awareness 10) humankind 2. 1) awkward 2) the former principal 3) is sensitive to 4) be attached to 5) have replacedIV. Banked Cloze1. L 2. E 3. J 4. K 5. H 6. D 7. I 8. C 9. A 10. N V. Translation1. 1) great changes had taken place in his hometown in the past decade2) because interests vary from individual to individual and everyone’s choice deserves respect3) she is sensitive to weather change4) John is a writer of rich imagination5) are equally effective ways to add to children’s store of )语言中的词汇每天都在增加,但这种变化不仅仅随着新东西的发明而产生,社会的变化也会引起语言的变化。 2) 为了在语言上和社会地位上获得平等的待遇,妇女们进行了长期艰苦的斗争,因为她们知道,语言上的变化会引起态度的改变。3) 如果泛指“人”时不使用he(“他”),人们就会意识到,并非只有男人才重要,也并非只有男人才能建功立业。大多数指代单一性别的词汇已经被既指代男性又指代女性的词汇所代替。Unit3III. Vocabulary and Structure1. 1) releasing 2) moderate 3) stress/stresses 4) recommended 5) routine 6) magical 7) dairy 8) obvious 9) reduction 10) emotionally 2. 1) are beneficial to 2) be cautious about talking 3) incorporate it into 4) except for 5) attended the meeting in place of himIV. Banked ClozeAwarePercentNamedDisappearanceWeakerPrivateKeepsCuttingsEitherWhileHaven’t druckTwice sa much asEnoughWithHealthWhileBottled TapsRemainingControlled加入循环水不收费,居民家庭耗水将达每人每天400加仑即使富国有足够的钱来解决这一问题即为了某些目的而用经过净化处理的污水代替自来水由于冻鱼比新鲜鱼便宜将来循环水会变得更加重要Too much work and too little rest often lead to illnessMany people worry about their drinking water all the timeAs it is a better way to catch fishThe price of drinking water was more than doubleTherefore,new solutions to it must be foundV. Translation1. 1) so many overweight people want to reduce their calorie intake so as to lose weight2) I don’t think you have any magical power to deal with everything all at once3) A combination of healthy diet and moderate physical exercise can help her recover as soon as possible4) She didn’t get along well with her roommates, so she stayed away from ) to make it a point to do some running for half an hour every morning so as to tone muscles and burn calories. ) 如果你很难一次抽出这么长的时间,那就把运动分解成每次10分钟在全天进行。把锻炼列入你每天的生活日程中:走楼梯代替乘电梯,或者把车停在一个离上班地点或学校较远的地方,然后走路去。2) 但大多数人很难确定他们吃的蔬菜的数量和种类是否适当。很多医生建议人们每顿饭都尽量多吃各种颜色的蔬菜,以确保他们能摄取适当的营养。3) 显而易见,合理的饮食和有规律的锻炼是非常有益的。吃优质的食品可以使你感觉良好并可以帮助预防多种疾病。运动能让你的身体释放出被称为内啡肽的化学物质,它能减少压力并让你感觉心情愉快。运动强健了肌肉,锻炼了脊柱,使骨骼活络、心肺健康。Unit4III. Vocabulary and Structure1. 1) settler 2) high-quality 3) reclaim 4) courses 5) have farmed 6) resort 7) Gallon 8) precious 9) slope 10) source2. 1)unpleasant2) effect 3) struck 4)the household 5) on foot instead of by busIV. Banked ClozeV. Translation1. 1) each household in this city uses up to 300 kilowatts of electricity every month2) the drought in this region every year lead to many people being forced to leave their hometown3) Although I am willing to go to the seaside resort with you on the weekend4) The government officials call for the factories and enterprises to reclaim waste materials and wastewater as much as possible5) it is a good way to save water by watering lawns with reclaimed water1)他们最终探索出废水循环利用的办法,即在某些方面用由污水净化而来的水代替自来水。2) 使用循环利用的废水能节约高尔夫球场的用水。同时,也可以节省高尔夫球场或公园的用水开支。3) 在佛罗里达州进行的一项研究显示,假如循环水不收费,居民家庭耗水将达每人每天400加仑。即使循环水水价已达饮用水价格的85%,这种需求仍会居高不下。Unit5III. Vocabulary and Structure1. 1) creative 2) craze 3) diners 4) advertises 5) decade 6) convenient 7) popularity 8) sign 9) Consumer 10) invaded2. 1) add to 2) slowed us down 3) as well 4) competing with 5) It seems that BuyOrderTake WithoutPopularServeReflectWearFastReadyTranslation1.1) to keep the wheat producers in business2) can’t compete with the big national chains3) would like to take holidays abroad4) learning French as well as English5) he is both a soldier and a )他们只是说,热衷于此的消费者正在大把地花钱。2)他们不能像美国大型快餐连锁店那样有那么多的钱来做广告。3)但这样的后果是:牙买加人吃的是不健康食品。快餐比健康食品便宜,购买和烹调健康食品也需要 花更多时间。4)为了解决这一问题,美国乳果冰店“天使冰王”一直颇有创意。5)许多快餐店即将提供更健康的食品。ExampleImpactMeantExistedCauseAimedAppealInterestSeenHealthy它是一座标志性的建筑,是美国文化的一部分。这股狂潮没有任何减退的迹象。在菜单中增加各种各样的新品种,已与美国快餐竞争。这个解释是有道理的。否认他们试图把麦克唐纳兄弟从麦当劳历史中抹去。Have close down because of the economic down our economic indoor building was damaged in an earthquake and had to be torn difficult work . Vocabulary and Structure1. 1)House chores 2)custom 3)burden 4)asset 5)commercialized6) positive 7)abuse 8)generosity 9)purchase 10)debated 2. 1)in cash 2)could not afford to pay 3) tossed out 4) rather than 5) make demands onIV. Banked Cloze 4. C 5. O V. Translation1. 1)but the custom is being debated severely/fiercely in Botswana 2)has become more and more commercialized 3)rather than be neglected 4)as is the people's standard of living 5)should make positive contributions to )“新娘彩礼”是非洲为迎娶新娘而支付报酬的一种风俗。2)一个妇女并不只是嫁给一个男人,而是通过结婚成为她丈夫家庭中的一名成员。3)他们认为这种传统不能抛弃,因为它有很多积极影响。4)在这个传统中,男人是在花钱购买控制一个女人的权利。5)如今,父母不需要因为送出一个新娘而接受报酬,因为他们的儿子和女儿是平等的。Unit7III. Vocabulary and Structure1. 1)gigantic 2)profit 3)allowance 4)deposited 5)cosmetic 6) entertain 7)account 8)manufacturers 9)invested 10)debt2. 1)have an effect on 2)living within one’s means 3) domestic consumption 4) at every opportunity 5) personalizedIV. Banked Cloze 4. E 5. F V. Translation1. 1) So loudly did he speak/ He spoke so loudly 2) never too late to mend 3) we budget carefully 4) (should) be sent for 5) invested heavily ) 过去十年中孩子们所获得的零用钱已增长了15%。2)据一些研究者估算,高达5650亿的家庭购物都受到了孩子们的影响,如汽车、家具、度假,以及一些家庭娱乐设施,如电脑、电话、电视,和其他一些高科技产品等。3)他们正在对7岁大的孩子们促销一些特殊的帐户和理财项目,意在教会孩子们储蓄和支票业务。4)在一些网站上孩子们可以浏览最新的流行款式,并可更改尺码、颜色或款式以满足自己的品位。5)量入为出的生活是在年少时学习,并要终其一生来巩固的学问。Unit8III. Vocabulary and Structure1. 1) encountered 2) fascinates 3) sponsored 4) nuts 5) converted 6) confess 7) conducting 8) communicate 9) profound 10) donation2. 1) surveyed 2) in the presence of 3) ridiculous4) delights in 5) focus on IV. Banked Cloze1. D 2. E 3. K 4. I 5. B 6. J 7. F 8. C 9. N 10. A V. Translation1. 1) but we ended up cheering2) what she means by giving up halfway3) including some new desks and a computer4) heard of such a strange thing5) It seemed like a disaster2. 1) 尽管宇航员已经实现了月球行走,而现在我们则期望能拜访更远的行星和卫星上的社群。2) 过去的50年中,借助射电望远镜,我们已经拥有了进行星际间交流的技术。3) 该研究所是专注于开展探索宇宙生命的科研和教学项目的基地。4)因此,从平民百姓到大型政府机构,似乎许多人都对外星是否存在生命感兴趣。5)只是未来能告知我们是否能找到外星生命,以及我们是否愿意去面对它

新时代交互英语level2答案unit 123211drinkicelemonstartthinkgoinghavesaladsidebackBAEDC121112231unit 2231131vacationfantasticislandbeachbeautifulmileexpensiveanyonealongstayedEDCBA241121221321unit 31122212122232113DABEC31221213212unit 43333feelingcoldnosethroatcoughbreathechesthomesoupdayBCAED1212123212新时代交互英语level2答案(Unit5)unit5:b-ab-a-a-a-c-a-a-ca-b-a---------------------------------a-c-astaydinnerstorecookplacedriveturnstraightmissfinde-d-b-a-cb-aatatondowncloseina-b-a-bb-a-b新时代交互英语level2答案(unit 6) a-c-c--------------------------b-b-b-c-apartyfunlookoutfitvampirespeopledresscandydanceplayerc-e-d-b-ab-c-b-b-ab-a-b-b-aa-b-b-a-ab-b-b-a-c-b-a-b新时代交互英语level2答案(unit 7)unit 7b-da-c-b-c-a-aa-c-c-----------------------------------------c-a-c-c-cnavigatestoressidelookbestcompareskywalkrestaurantspizzasclothesb-d-e-c-ac-a-c-b-canysomesomesomeanysomea-a-b-b-ba-b-c-c-b-a-c-a新时代交互英语level2答案(unit 8)b-cc-c-b-a-a-ac-c-b--------------------------b-a-a-a-adifficultwrongdressedwearingschoolnakedcoveredshortheelsshoesd-a-b-c-ec-a-b-aspendingto speakto goenoughshould applytry to goto ask aboutto find outverytooa-a-b-a-ba-b-a新时代交互英语level2答案(unit 9)b-ab-b-b-c-b-cc-a-b---------------------------------------a-b-a-c-bgoodhorriblefoodtriprudeculturegroupmuseumsexperienceboringb-c-d-e-aa-b-c-b-cb-c-a-c-aa-a-a-a-ac-a-b-b-b-a新时代交互英语level2答案(unit 10)c-bc-c-b-b-b-cb-b-c----------------------a-a-c-b-cplaceapartmentbedroomsdistancefloorsdecoratemonthutilitiesPetswasherd-a-e-b-cc-c-b-b-cb-a-b-c-aa-b-a-b-aa-b-b-c-b-a新时代交互英语level2答案(unit 11)c-aa-a-a-c-a-a-ac-c-b-------------------------------b-a-b-a-ahouseapartmentparentsbornareafromgrewcornercollegemoneyb-c-a-e-da-c-a-b-ayouryoursTheytheirthemb-a-a-a-ba-a-a-a-b-b新时代交互英语level2答案(unit 12)a-bc-a-c-b-a-cb-c-c-----------------------------------b-a-a-a-afavoriteAmericanforeignChineseItalianMexicanspicyeatensteakchickenb-a-d-e-ca-b-c-c-cb-b-c-c-aa-b-a-b-ab-b-b-b-c-a阶段测试: 新时代交互英语level2答案(test A)Sam Says,.... a-c-b-a-bHi,Chris,....wasweredidhavespentmuchKevin:....Super Math...Well,I'm...What do you...We need...All you...Mm-hmmm...Then you...Kate asks...b-c-a-b---------------------------------At the airpot...reservebrowsedeletefaresRob:Jenny...waitressnervousresponsiblepunctualIt sounds...c-a-a-a-b---------------------------------Doctor....canhave toTakemake sureDave....a slice of tomatoSomeiced teaDave....a-b-a-----------------------------I saw you....a-b-b-aLOS-an-ge-les....b-b-aWhich....a-b------------------------------Nurse:....c-b-b-c-c-aCan I....a-b-a-b新时代交互英语level2答案(test B)Kevin:Super....How canadddoclickWhereVoice:Thank....callingattoisWhat does....a-b-c-a-bLuis:....meanhavegetonGot---------------------------------Kate:Ana....have a datanauseousachesfeverpharmacyto get dressedsingleAre you coming....b-a-b-a-c-bLaura....supermarketcakefloristblocksTake a rightintersection------------------------------------------------Nurse:Hello....am callingneedfeelmakewilltooTheshould comeWheretaketurnonEmi:I am....should takePardomam packingLaura:....to helpmakeenoughgetmight----------------------------------DRIVE away....b-a-----------------------------------------------Gil:I think....a-a-bWhat are....b-b-b-b-a---------------------------------------------新时代交互英语level2答案(test C)Ana:What.... happenforgotbaggage claimwasWhat is....c-b-aThank you....aretwoviewutilitiesfurnishedLuis's.... claimLet's meetb-b-b-c-a-a-aNeed a....oceanmountainstoursriverconvenient-------------------------------------Jack:....toldunderstoodmethavedecidedamMax:hello....werewas studyingmetweren'tdidn't haveFirstThenfinallywere you livingTwo children....NoNoYesNoYesNoYesYesNo------------------------------------"talked"b-aWhere's your....b-a-b"apartments"c-aabsoLUTEly....a-a-b-b-a-------------------------------------Where's....a-c-cKate....b-c-a-b-c期末测试:新时代交互英语level2答案(level test) Dave tells....a-b-a-cSo,Rick....weirdestsnailthingforeigncuisinemeateatervegetarianstufffavoriteChinesefoodisprettygreatDave:....lettucegoIt'llI really....reallyniceofyoumakearightouttherefabulousbakerykeepgoingIwhouldloveitthatdoesn'tsoundtoohardDoes the....a-c-------------------------------------Richard:....responsiblebrowsingdownloadedfarereserveThe little....c-a-c-aTwo high....waiterodersmealssmall business ownertalentedTwo friends....feverprescriptionpharmacyTake a rightblocks--------------------------------------The friends....Happy BirthdayWhat did you sayOh,noI'm sorryatSee you soonAnswering....YesYesNoNoNoYes

新时代交互英语level1答案 Unit11a/5 cbbac1b/5 social college calss elective movement papers exciting interacting hard accent2a/5 1b2c3e4d5a2b/5 bbabc3/5 acaba4/5 ababb5/5 bacbaaUnit23/12 ac8/12 cababa11/12 cbc1a/5 bcacb1b/5 book available king-size smoking preference non-smoking discount rate take much2a/5 ecbad2b/5 accbc3/5 cbcab4/5 abaaa5/5 bcbcbcUNIT3partyhappydescribeblackraincoatfurlininghoodappreciaterightgreatBBAACUNIT4DcCBCACBBBBBBBBBhungryfastsit-downgoodMexicanchickenseafoodChinesedishbeefBCEDABAABAABBACAABBBABBACAAUNIT5BCBABACACACBCCABAbusygetupworkbreakfastfixofflunchpickupdinnerbedtimeACEBDBABBABABABAABCUNIT6CDBABBCCBAbuyexpensiveaccessoriesforthingsaffordsavefinancetakedealECBDACBABBABCBABBAAAABABBBUNIT7BCABBBABCCBABBAeatlunchhungrytimeimportantpapershourmyselfcompanyenjoyCAEBDABACABBBABAAUNIT81a\5 aabac1b\5 family reunion uncles nieces clan people characters friends relatives 2a\5 aedcb2b\5 cbabc3\5 babbc4\5 baabb5\5 abcaaUNIT98/12 BBACBA11/12 BBBBCAAtriedsingfunfrienlyhavealongdrinkshowtalkgreatBACEDABACAABAABAACunit10BAABAABBCCBBABAAred-facedembarrassingcampusconferencerestaurantentrancetablepartyuncomfortabletearsBDEACCBCAAABBABCABAunit11BDACCACCACCCAAABappliedteacherjobinterviewsquestionsbackgroundnervoushiredexcitedopportunityDCBEAACBCABAABABBAunit12CB CACACABBBCAACAClivingstudentjobworktravelingpleasureoftenrecentlytripenjoyableCDEABABACCBABBABCAAAunit13CCBBACBAABACBBAAAexcusesoccerthinkyourselfcollegeteacherteachmusicolderworkingEBDACBCBABAABBCBBA测试 was the most likely...... parents 1 wonderful and great B brather 2 ...... answer: know,we are a little..... don't look very well.... (1)tight schedule (2)swamped (3)off (4)get a life (5)relaxing (6)get together (7)chit-chat (8)surround sound (9)warranty (10) have class 12pm eat lunch 1pm-6pm work 6-9pm go to class 9pm-1am make dinner,drive back......'m going to get a new.......couch beautiful red couch three thousand pay for financing interest for a year on a credit card paty the interest scary two hundred dollars a month cool are, who, how are,what are,there,there is(1)how are (2)where (3)there taking,take(1)are (2)like (3)go (4)come (5)... on, in,never(1)at (2)on (3)always (4)usually (5)until (6)never (7)sometimes (8) are,there...(1)who (2)why (3)when (4)there are (5) often,why,how much,how...(1)what (2)when (3)where (7)how not mine.... hundred nintu-nine dollarsAAA测试 is going.....2.(共九个挑6个排序)1 7 3 6 8 'm hungry....(1)go get fast food (2)hamburgers and French fries (3)I'd rather sit down some place (4)in the mall (5)kind of lousy (6)in the mood for(7)feel like Mexican (8)Chinese sounds good(9)get some vegetales (10)in the mood for hot does Kate give her name?...(BBABC) was NOT the correct....between Rick and Abby?....(ACDB) you tell me...(排序)1 5 2 9 6 12 10 3 8 7 4 an i are....gonna go to the Karaoke bar sing come watch make a fool of themselves Karaoke bar listening like a duet go up there all by youself kind of tired kind of get up early in the morning cover charge just this once9. How does the announcer begin the phone....(BABBCABA) was most likely the relationship....(ACBA) was the possible relationship......(ABDBB).....(1)happened to (2)party (3)on Friday night (4)in formal dresses (5)dressed up (6)stains all over (7)funny (8)come up(9)acts really polite (10)pretty much (11)right out of (12) trains have....(BACDACDAC)!How's your weekend.....(1)between jobs (2)part time (3)position (4)put (5)resume (6)fancy (7)atmosphere (8)live band (9)messed have,liked,do,Watched(选词填空)(1)did (2)Watched (3)Was (4)like (5)had (6) the school office....(1)are (2)have (3)I am (4)I'm studying (5)Will be (6).....(1)Is this Emily Collins? (2)This is Hobert,Hobert Smith (3)Oh,my .Of 't,shouldn't,can't,have to,can,should,didn't,must(选词填空)(1)can't (2)have to (3)should (4)can (5)'s easy(NO,YES) are you(NO,Yes) to meeting you?(NO,YES) you hand me that....(ABACBC)




1 Can I get a seat for todays 7:00 a.m. train? 我可以买到今天上午7点的火车座位吗?

2Could you change my flight date from London to Tokyo? 请你更改一下从伦敦到东京的班机日期好吗?

3 Is there any discount for the USA Railpass? 火车通行证有折扣吗?

4 Do I have to make a reconfirmation? 我还要再确认吗?

5 Is there any earlier one?还有更早一点的吗?

6 Could you tell me my reservation number, please?请你告诉我我的预订号码好吗?7 May I reconfirm my flight? 我可以确认我的班机吗?

8 Are they all non-reserved seats? 他们全部不预订的吗?

9 Do I have to reserve a seat?


10 May I see a timetable?我可以看时刻表吗?

11 How long will I have to wait? 我要等多久呢?

12 Which would you prefer, a smoking seat or a non-smoking seat? 你喜欢哪种,吸烟座还是禁烟座呢?

13 Do you have any other flights?

14 When would you like to leave?

15 Can I reconfirm by phone?我能电话确认吗?

16 Where can I make a reservation? 我到哪里可以预订?

17 Do I need a reservation for the dining car? 我需要预订餐车吗?

18 How many more minutes will it take for the train to arrive?火车还要多少分钟就要到达呢?

19 Is this a daily flight?这是每日航班吗?

20 Excuse me. May I get by?


21 How much does it cost to go there by ship? 坐船到那里要花多少钱?

22 Can I cancel this ticket? 我可以取消这票吗?

23 Check it to my final destination 把它托运到我的目的地。

24 Please come to the airport by eight thirty at the latest.最迟要在8点30分到达机场。

25 Take your baggage to the baggage section. 把你的行李拿到行李房去。

26 Please open your baggage.请把你行李打开。

27 Please fill in this disembarkation card. 请你填写这张入境卡。

28 Let me see your passport, please.

29 I have come to make sure that your stay in Beijing is a pleasant one. 我特地为你们安排使你们在北京的逗留愉快。 30 Youre going out of your way for us, I believe.


31 Its just the matter of the schedule, that is, if it is convenient of you right now. 如果你们感到方便的话,我想现在讨论一下日程安排的问题。 32 I think we can draw up a tentative plan now.


33 If he wants to make any changes, minor alternations can be made then. 如果他有什么意见,我们还可以对计划稍加修改。

34 Is there any way of ensuring well have enough time for our talks? 我们是否能保证有充足的时间来谈判? 35 So our evenings will be quite full then?


36 Well leave some evenings free, that is, if it is all right with you. 如果你们愿意,我们想留几晚供你们自由支配。

37 Wed have to compare notes on what weve discussed during the day. 我们想用点时间来研究讨论一下白天谈判的情况。 38 Thatll put us both in the picture.


39 Then wed have some idea of what youll be needing.那我们会心中有数,知道你们需要什么了。

40 I cant say for certain off-hand.


41 Better have something we can get our hands on rather than just spend all our time talking. 有些实际材料拿到手总比坐着闲聊强。

42 Itll be easier for us to get down to facts then. 这样就容易进行实质性的谈判了。

43 But wouldnt you like to spend an extra day or two here?你们不愿意在北京多待一天吗?

44 Im afraid that wont be possible, much as wed like to. 尽管我们很想这样做,但恐怕不行了。

45 Weve got to report back to the head office.


46 Thank you for you cooperation.

47 Weve arranged our schedule without any trouble.我们已经很顺利地把活动日程安排好了。

48 Here is a copy of itinerary we have worked out for you and your friends. Would you please have a look at it?


49 If you have any questions on the details, feel free to ask.如果对某些细节有意见的话,请提出来。

50 I can see you have put a lot of time into it.


51 We really wish youll have a pleasant stay here.我们真诚地希望你们在这里过得愉快。

52 I wonder if it is possible to arrange shopping for us.




I am working on it

A:Hi, Monica, how is everything going?

B:Everything goes well, but I am thinking about quitting my current job.

A:Why? You’re not satisfied anymore?

B:I just sense. But I cannot grow anymore. My boss is not really supporting me. I am interested in some positions in other JV companies, but I need to do some more in-step research before I send my application letters out.

A:That is important. Doing research on a company you are interested in will definitely help your application.

B:Certainly, it is very nice talking with you. But I really have to go now. Catch you later.

A:Ok, good luck to you.









【Oral English】

1.I am working on it

work on有“努力影响〔说服〕 ”的意思,例如:We will work on those who have erred and help them do right.

我们将对犯了错误的人做工作, 并帮助他们改正。

She'll work on him to make him change his mind.


在本文中work on表示“致力于…”的意思,例如:He has been working on a new novel for over a year now.

近一年多来, 他一直在写一部新小说。

本文中I am working on it具体指的就是“我正忙着找工作”。

2. how is everything going


第一种情况“表示只是问人”,那就相当于“how are you?” 还好吗? 你最近怎样?

第二种情况表示“一件事情正在进行”,那就是问这件事情进展的怎样,“everything goes well.”一切顺利!

3.Catch you later

catch表示“抓”的意思,later表示“较晚地,后来”,Catch you later指的就是“I will talk to you or see you later.”意思就是“回头见,一会儿见”。例如:Okay, catch you later.


另外,我们还可以用“catch you around”,“ see you later”这两个短语来表达相同的意思。





1、含义:v. 传达;沟通;交流。




I like to communicate with my family.



1、含义:n. 交流;通讯;传达;通信;沟通。



表示部队从后方到前方的“交通线”时,可用line of communication(s)。

Being able to hold a conversation does not necessarily mean having effective communication.





n. 消息;信息;要点;寓意。

v. 传递信息;通讯。



There is an important message for you from your brother.



交流—— communicate 例句——It is pity that you cannot speak Chinese,otherwise we can communicate even better,because I cannot fully express myself in English . 翻译——可惜你不会中文,要不我们一定会交流得更好




be acquainted with 对……非常熟悉

better 改善 v.动词

extroverted 外向 adj.形容词

family name 姓 n.名词

introverted 内向 adj.形容词

personality 个性 n.名词

scholarship 奖学金 n.名词

sole charge 全权处理




1. I approach things very enthusiastically.


2. In some way, my name can reflect my personality.


3. Would you describe yourself as outgoing or reserved?


4. I like being around people and doing things with people.


5. I’d rather cooperate with everybody else.


6. I graduated from Fudan University, major in English


7. I suppose a strong point of mine is that I like developing new things and ideas.




A:What is your family name (given name)?


B: My family name is Zhao, and my given name is Yunshu


A: Could you tell me a little bit about yourself, please?


B: My name is Li Ming and I live in Shanghai.I was born in 1977. I graduated from Fudan University, major in English. I like music very much and enjoy sports. I was in the badminton club at my uni-versity.

我叫李明,住在上海,生于1977年。 我毕业于复旦大学,主修英语。 我非常喜欢音乐,也喜欢运动, 在学校参加羽毛球队。

A: Does your name reflect your personality?


B: Yes. In some way, it can reflect one’s personality. In my case,my name is Yu Xian. Xian means gentle, capable, friendly. my friends all like me, and they all think I am a good girl.

有的.。它在某种程度上反映了一个人的个性。 以我为例,我叫余贤。 贤意味着温柔,能干,友好。 我的朋友都喜欢我。他们都认为我是个好女孩。

A: What kind of personality do you think you have?


B: Well, I approach things very enthusiastically, and I don’t like to leave something half done.

嗯,我做事非常热心, 我不喜欢把事情做一半。

A: Would you describe yourself as outgoing or more reserved?


B: Well, I’m not very outgoing, I’ m a fairly reserved person.

嗯,我不很外向, 所以我想你得说我是个相当内向的人。

B: (or) I’m not really suremaybe partly both.


A: Do you think you are more extroverted or more introverted?


B: Well, sometimes I want to be by myself, but most of the time I pre-fer being with a group of people, so I guess you’ d say quite extroverted.

嗯,有时候我想要单独一个人, 但是大部分时间我比较喜欢和其他人在一起, 所以我想你会说我相当外向。

B: (or) I like being around people and doing things with people.


A: Are you more of a follower or a leader?


B: I don’t try to get in front of people and lead them, particularly. I’d rather cooperate with everybody else, and get the job done by working together.

我不试图领先别人,特别是领导他们。 我愿和其他每一个人合作, 一起努力完成工作。

A: What would you say about some of your advantages and disadvantages?


B: Well, I’m afraid I’m a poor talker, and that isn’t very good, so I’ve been studying how to speak in public. I suppose a strong point of mine is that I like developing new things and ideas.

我恐怕我不会说话,那不大好, 所以我一直在学习如何当众说话。 我想我有一个优点那就是我喜欢发展新的东西和想法。

A: When and where were you born?


B: I was born in Hunan on May 10,1977.


A: What is your present address?


B: No. I, Zhongguancun Str., Haidian District, Beijing.


商务英语 是以适应 职场 生活的语言要求为目的,其中练习 英语口语 是学习商务英语中重要的一环,下面我为大家带来商务英语口语情景对话,欢迎大家学习!商务 英语情景对话 (一) A: Now, where were we? Oh yes, can you give us an idea about the statistical analysis? B: Our analysis shows that we are very competitive. If you refer to the last page of thehandout, you will see a plot of our expenses vs. our profits for the last quarter. Do you think it'sneccesary to go over the expenses more in detail? A: Unless anyone has specific questions, let's move on to the next point. Motion to acceptstatistical analysis report. B: I move to accept. A: Second? C: I second. A: all in favour? Motion pass. Now, let's get done to the nitty- gritty. We have all seen theperformance review reports, but I would like to discuss in detail our human resource'sagenda. C: to get to the bottom of the issue, our problem with human resources is a lack of qualifiedapplicants, as well as not enough incentives to current employees. I recommendmanagement training for our executive staff. A: I'm sorry, I don't think I understand. Can you please elaborate? C: I'll explain again. Our human resources progam is failing for a multiple number of reasons,but I think the most important issue here is lack of emlployee incentives. 商务英语情景对话(二) M: I've got to put together a sales pitch to give to our clients in the morning. You always givesuch amazing presentations, I was hoping you could give me some advice about how to winthem over tomorrow. F: Sure, it's easy. First of all, the secret to a successful oral presentation is to keep thingssimple. People are listening and they usually don't have a long attention spans. Stick to aboutthree or four points, give an overview of the points, then present them one by one, and thensummarzie at the end. Be straightforward and organized and you're sure to be remembered. M: What kind of visuals should I use to support the presentation? Do you think I should usepowerpoint? F: You should consider the size and interests of your audience. In other words, who is listening,and what do they want to hear… you can put together a PPT with some graphics and animationsthat will catch people's attention, but be careful not to go overboard. M: I think I can put something together, no problem. But when it comes to tomorrow, I'll justbe a bundle of nerves! How can I get over my fear of speaking in public? F: You know, stage fright is very normal, most people get nervous before they have to speak infront of large groups. Just prepare well, rehearse beforehand, and trust that you will be great…and you will be! 商务英语情景对话(三) F: Aren't you going to give us a training workshop next week? How are things going on yourpreparation for the presentation? M: I'm having trouble narrowing down my topic for the training. I want to speak about howto improve our sales technique, but there is so much to say, it's hard to get organized. F: Our training group won't be very large, so you will have more time to focus on more areas.We can cover a lot of ground in an hour and a half, if everyone is participating and payingattention. M: I want to focus on some suggestions about making sales scores, and I was hoping to throwin a few role plays so that people get practise implementing the things I'm going to talk about.Do you think people will go for the role playing? F: I think some people may be a little shy to do role playing in front of class… but if you areenthusiastic about your topic, you can help everyone to feel more at ease and willing to giveit a try. 商务英语情景对话(四) A: Okay, here are the graphs and figures for this month's sales. Let's review them all together. B: This first one , I have a question.... This graph is marking the sales perfomance for our lineof hair products, right? Can this line be right? It looks like our sales plummeted. I can't believewe did that poorly.... If I remember correctly, sales went down slightly, but not as dramaticallyas the graph shows. A: I think you are looking at the wrong line. The rapid drop in sales wasn't our hair products.You are correct, the hair product sales decreased slightly, but not dramatically. The one thatdidn't do so hot this month was the cleaning products. I think there was a problem in themarketing plan. Some people were offended by our advertisements for the cleaning products,but it was already too late to mitigate the damage, so our mistake shows up in the sales. B: Well, the good news is the new industrial cleaning products really took off. Look how thesales have shot up over the last two weeks. A: That is our one major success. If you look at the other graphs, you can see that most of theother product lines remained steady with little increase. B: At lease they stayed the same. That's better than dropping. 商务英语口语情景对话 相关 文章 : 1. 商务英语口语情景对话:迎宾 2. 有关价格商务英语口语和情景对话 3. 关于入住酒店口语情景对话 4. 商务英语情景对话:参观工厂 5. 商务英语接客口语对话 6. 实用商务英语口语会话


作者:小思本文地址:http://aiyundongfang.com/yingyuxuexibaike/31615.html发布于 2024-09-19
