

小思 2024-09-19 38
红烧排骨的英文摘要: 红烧排骨英文八宝鸭 duck stuffed with the eight treasures 八宝冬瓜 eight jewelled white gourd 八宝豆腐...


八宝鸭 duck stuffed with the eight treasures 八宝冬瓜 eight jewelled white gourd 八宝豆腐 beancurd with eight delicious 八宝饭 steamed glutinous rice with eight treasures; eight treasures八宝鸡 stuffed chicken 八宝鸡丁 eight treasures with diced chicken; diced chicken with assorted 八宝辣酱 eight treasures in hot sauce 八宝酿鸭 duck stuffed with eight delicacies 八宝蒸河鳗 steamed eel with eight treasures 八珍扒大鸭 stewed duck with chop suey 八珍扒鸭 eight-treasures braised ducking 八珍冬瓜盅 assorted meat soup with winter melon 八珍豆腐羹 beancurd &chop suey soup 白扒鲍鱼 braised abalone in white sauce 白八燕窝 swallow nest with white gravy 白扒鱼翅 shark's fin in white gravy 白饭 plain rice 白肺汤 pork lung soup 白扣羊肉 boiled mutton 白萝卜 white turnip 白切鸡 plain chicken 白切肉 boiled pork slices; sliced boiled pork 白油烘蛋 baked/crispy egg in white oil; golden omelet 白玉藏珍 winter melon surprise 白斩鸡 chopped cold (boiled) chicken; tender boiled chicken with soy 白汁全鱼 mandarin fish with white sauce 白杓玻璃虾 shrimps scalded with catchup 百花鸡 chicken with stuffed shrimps 百花酥鹑蛋 stuffed shrimps with quail eggs 百页肉丝 shredded pork &sliced minced leaf 百叶包肉 beancurd leaf rolls with minced pork 百叶肉丝 shredded pork &sliced beancurd leaf 拌干丝 beancurd noodles &celery salad 拌海蜇 jellyfish with soy sauce 拌黄瓜 fresh cucumber with bean sauce; mixed fresh cucumber 拌萝卜丝 mixed shredded turnip 拌三丝 mixed shreds (chicken ham; cucumber; meat; etc.) 拌鸭掌 duck webs with soy sauce 拌海蜇皮 mixed jellyfish salad 棒棒鸡 bon bon (steamed shredded) chicken 煲猪肉汤 stewed pork &vegetable soup 鲍鱼菇 grey mushroom (abalonelike) 鲍鱼鸡片汤 sliced chicken &abalone soup 鲍鱼芦笋汤 abalone &asparagus soup 爆牛肚 fried tripes 爆全丁 fried medley dish 爆三样 fried three kinds of meat 爆双脆 fried three kinds of meat 中国菜名英汉对照(2)词语 解释北京烤鸭 fried pork stomach &chicken gizzard 荸荠罐 Beijing (roast) duck 碧绿酿仙掌 shrimp-stuffed fairy feet 碧绿野鸡卷 stir-fried pork rolls with broccoli 碧玉珠虾 azure jade freshwater shrimp 冰糖肘子 pork joint stewed with rock sugar 冰汁银耳 white fungus in honey sauce 玻璃虾球 glassy shrimp beancurd with spinach 菠菜 spinach 菠菜豆腐 stewed beancurd with spinach 菠菜豆腐汤 spinach &beancurd soup 菠菜泥 chopped spinach with ham &carrots 菠菜汤 spinach soup 菠萝焗烧鸭 fried duck with pineapple 菠萝鸭片 sliced duck with prineapple 菜扒三菇 mushrooms with vegetables 菜饭 vegetable rice 菜脯煎蛋 omelet with salted &dried radish 菜干 dried vegetable 菜片鹌鹑松 minced quail with lettuce 菜心狮子头 greens &Chinese meatballs 菜心双元汤 soup of chicken and fish balls with vegetables 菜心素鳗 mustard green stem with vegetables 菜蘧鸡球 fried chicken balls with vegetables 菜蘧鸡球饭 rice with chicken balls &vegetable 菜蘧牛肉 fried beef with vegetables 菜蘧肉片汤 sliced pork &vegetable soup 菜蘧虾球 prawn balls with green kale 草菇 straw mushroom 草菇鲍鱼 abalone with button mushrooms 草菇菜心 cabbage heart with mushrooms; straw mushroom with stems of mustard greens 草菇罐 canned straw mushrooms 叉烧肉 barbecued/broiled pork 叉烧肉鸡蛋花 barbecued pork with stuffed eggs 茶叶蛋 tea flavoured egg 长寿菜 longevity greens/mustard green 长寿面 long-life noodles 炒扁豆 stir-fried green beans 炒大虾 fried prawns 炒蛋 scrambled eggs 炒冬菇 fried mushrooms 炒豆苗 fried bean sprouts 炒肚尖 fried pig's tripe tip 炒饭 fried rice 炒甘蓝菜 fried kale 炒鸽松 fried minced pigeon 炒滑鱼球 fried fish balls 炒鸡蛋 scrambled egg 炒鸡丁 stir-fried chicken cubes 炒鸡什 fried chicken giblets 炒鸡丝 fried/stir-fried chicken shreds中国菜名英汉对照(3) 词语 解释炒腊肉 stir-fried smoked pork 炒龙虾片 fried sliced lobster 炒面 fried noodle 炒木须肉 stir-fried pork and eggs 炒牛肉丝 fried beef slices; fried shredded beef 炒肉丁 fried diced meat/pork; fried meat cubes 炒肉丝 fried pork shreds 炒软肝 fried liver 炒双脆 fried kidney with pork tripe 炒双冬 fried bamboo shoots with mushrooms 炒四件 fried chicken liver &giblets with fungus &bamboo shoots 炒虾球 fried shrimp balls 炒虾腰 fried shrimp &pig kidney 炒响玲 fried bell shaped pork 炒蟹粉 fried crab meal 炒蟹肉 fried crab meal 炒雪笋 fried bamboo shoots 炒羊肚 fried lamb tripe 炒腰花 stir-fried kidney with assorted vegetable 炒腰片 fried sliced (pork) kidney; fried sliced raw pig's kidney 炒鱼片 fried fish slices 炒玉兰片 stir-fried bamboo shoot slices 炒猪肝 fried pig's livers 炒鱿鱼 fried squid 炒鱿鱼卷 fried squid rolls 炒鱿鱼丝 fried shredded squid 炒鳝糊 fried eel paste 中国菜名英汉对照(4) 词语 解释陈皮大虾 orange flavoured prawns 陈皮鸡 chicken with orange flavor; orange flavoured chicken 陈皮牛肉 beef with orange peel; orange flavoured chicken 陈皮子鸡 chenpi chicken; chicken fried with orange peel 成都子鸡 sauteed chicken; stir-fried chicken in Chengtu style 豉椒鸭片 fried sliced duck in chili bean sauce 豉汁牛肉 fried beef with soybean sauce 豉汁排骨 spareribs with soybean sauce 豉汁田鸡 fried frog with soybean sauce 臭豆腐 fried beancurd of strong odour 臭豆腐干 fried pungent beancurd 川椒炒白菜 stir-fried cabbage with peppers 川鸭掌 duck's feet soup 川翼洋菇 stuffed chicken wing soup 串烤牛仔 veal brochettes 鹑蛋猪肚汤 pork stomach soup with quail eggs 葱爆牛肉 sliced beef with scallions fried 葱烤排骨 spare-ribs with scallion 葱烧海参 scallion flavoured sea cucumbers 葱烧鸭 onions duck 葱烧鲫鱼 stewed carp with scallions 葱酥鲫鱼 braised crisp crucian carp 葱蒜炒双肝 stir-fried liver with scallions &garlic 葱油肥鸡 boiled chicken with onion oil 葱油烤鱼 roast fish with scallions 葱油淋嫩鸡 chicken steamed with scallions 醋辣鸡 chicken in sour and chilli sauce 醋溜白菜 cabbage with sweet &sour sauce 醋溜肥蟹 fried crabs with sweet &sour sauce 醋溜黄鱼 yellow fish with honey sauce; sweet &sour yellow fish 醋溜鱼卷 fish rolls in sour sauce 醋溜鱼片 fish slices in vinegar gravy; sweet &sour sliced fish 脆皮八宝鸭 crisp fried stuffed duck 脆皮豆腐 crispy-skinned beancurd 脆皮鳜鱼 fried mandarin fish in sour and sweet 脆皮鸡 crispy skinned chicken; chicken barbecued with spices; fried 脆皮全鱼 barbecued mandarin fish 脆皮乳鸽 roast spring pigeon 脆皮烧肥鸡 crispy-skin chicken 脆皮虾球 crisp shrimp balls 脆皮鸭 crispy skinned duck; duck barbecued with spices 脆皮鱼 fried crisp fish 脆皮炸腐角 deep-fried stuffed beancurd 脆皮鱿鱼 deep fried squids 脆皮鲳鱼 crispy pomfret 大地炒鸽松 stir-fried minced dove with bream 大红肠 bologna sausage 大黄瓜 cucumber 大龙虾沙拉 lobster salad 大卤面 boiled noodles with fungus; sliced pork &eggs 大拼盆 assorted cold dish 大肉面 pork noodles 大蒜鲶鱼 catfish with garlic 大头菜 black salted turnip 大闸蟹 steamed crab 带汤速煮面 instant noodles &soup base 蛋炒饭 fried rice with eggs 蛋花汤 soup of egg flakes 蛋饺 egg dumplings 蛋皮鱼卷 fried fish roll 灯笼鸡 chicken wrapped in cellophane/paper 冬菜 spiced cabbage 中国菜名英汉对照(5) 词语 解释冬菇扒豆腐 braised Chinese mushrooms &beancurd 冬菇白菜 winter mushroom and Chinese cabbage 冬菇菜心 winter mushroom &mustard green stem 冬菇冬瓜汤 winter mushroom and winter melon soup 冬菇豆腐 beancurd with winter mushrooms 冬菇鸡片汤 sliced chicken &mushroom soup 冬菇扣肉 red-fried vegetarian pork with winter mushroom 冬菇汤 winter mushroom &duck giblet soup 冬菇鸭杂汤 white gourd 冬瓜 white gourd 冬瓜火腿夹 hamstuffed white gourd in broth 冬瓜三味汤 three-flavored white gourd soup 冬瓜鸭块 duck cutlets with white gourd 冬笋鸡片 fried sliced chicken with bamboo shoots 冻鸡 chicken in aspic 冻肉 cold pork; meat in aspic 冻肉卷 galantine 豆瓣鳜鱼 mandarin fish in chilli bean sauce 豆瓣酱 broad bean paste 豆瓣鲤鱼 carp braised with hot bean paste; crucian carp in chilli bean sauce 豆瓣牛肉 beef in chilli bean sauce 豆瓣鸭块 duck cutlets in chilli sauce 豆包 wet skin of beancurd 豆腐 beancurd 豆腐干丝汤 dry beancurd shreds soup; shredded dried beancurd soup 豆腐海带汤 beancurd &kelp soup; beancurd &edible seaweed soup 豆腐花 uncongealed beancurd 豆腐脑 uncongealed beancurd 豆干 dried tofu 豆苗虾仁 fried shrimp with pea shoots; fried shrimp with bean-leaves 豆皮 skin of beancurd 豆豉生蚝 stir-fried oysters with black beans 豆豉虾仁 fresh shrimp with black beans 豆豉蒸鲤鱼 carp steamed with fermented black beans 豆豉蒸排骨 steamed spareribs with fermented black beans 炖鸭 stewed duck 炖猪脚 stewed pig's feet 耳环鱿鱼 squid-shreds in Sichuan style 发菜鱼翅 hair-like seaweed with shark fins 番瓜 pumpkin 中国菜名英汉对照(6) 词语 解释蕃茄蛋花汤 tomato &egg soup 蕃茄豆腐汤 tomato &beancurd soup 蕃茄锅巴 tomato &pot-stuck rice 蕃茄牛肉饭 rice with tomato &beef 蕃茄鱼片 tomato &fish slices 蕃茄玉米汤 tomato &corn soup 方便面 instant noodles 翡翠牛肉丸 emerald-jade beef croquettes 翡翠乌鱼子 emerald-jade caviar 粉丝 mungbean noodle 粉蒸鸡 steamed chicken with rice flour 粉蒸肉 steamed pork with rice flour 风鸡 dry breezed chicken; dry-blown chicken 凤城炒鳝鱼丝 stir-fried eel shreds 凤肝菜胆 chicken livers with vegetables 凤肝鸽片 sliced pigeon &chicken liver 凤肝螺片 fried whelk slice &chicken livers 凤肝鲜鱿鱼 chicken livers with squid rolls 凤肝鲜鱿鱼卷 chicken liver &squid rolls 凤凰大拼盘 phoenix appetizer plate 凤尾虾 phoenix-tailed prawns 凤尾腰花 fried kidney 凤尾鱼 long-tailed anchovy 凤爪冬菇汤 mushroom &chicken feet soup 凤爪汤 vegetable chicken feet soup 凤爪冬菇汤 mushroom &chicken feet soup 凤爪甲鱼汤 turtle &chicken feet soup 芙蓉菜花 cauliflower with egg-white 芙蓉蛋 fried egg-white 芙蓉鸡片 chicken slices with egg-white; omelet chicken slices; sliced chicken in egg-white sauce 芙蓉虾仁 shrimps with egg-white 芙蓉蟹肉 crab meat with egg-white sauce 芙蓉竹笋汤 Sichuan bamboo shoot and egg-white soup 中国菜名英汉对照(7) 词语 解释腐乳 preserved beancurd; beancurd cheese 富贵火腿 vagabond ham 富贵鸡 steamed chicken with stuffing 干贝扒双球 vegetable balls with scallops 干贝炒蛋 fried eggs with scallops 干贝冬菇汤 scallop &mushroom soup 干贝丸子汤 scallop soup with meat cabbage 干贝鱼翅 shark's fin with scallops 干贝炖白菜 stewed dried scallops with cabbage 干扁牛肉丝 stir-fried beef with vegetable 干扁四季豆 dry-cooked string beans; fried string beans 干炒牛肉丝 stir-fried beef shreds 干炒四季豆 stir-fried string beans 干煎大明虾 sauteed prawns 干煎虾丸 dry fried shrimp balls 干烧比目鱼 turbot in chilli sauce 干烧冬笋 fried bamboo shoots in oil; pungent winter bamboo shoots 干烧鳜鱼 mandarin fish in chilli sauce 干烧黄鱼 fried yellow fish with pepper sauce 干烧鲤鱼 carp in chilli sauce 干烧龙虾 fried carp with chili sauce 干烧明虾 dry-fried sweet prawns; spicy stir-fried prawns; broiled prawns with chili sauce 干烧牛肉 slow roasted beef 干烧茄子 dry-cooked pungent eggplant 干烧全鱼 fried mandarin fish with pepper sauce 干烧鲜鱼 fresh fish with pepper sauce 干烧鱼 fish in chilli sauce 干烧鱼翅 dry-cooked shark's fins 中国菜名英汉对照(8) 词语 解释甘蓝菜 kale borecole 橄榄菜 kale borecole 高丽肉条 deep-fried pork strips Korean style 高丽虾丸 prawn balls in Korean style 鸽蛋 pigeon eggs 鸽蛋扒鸭 braised duck with pigeon eggs 鸽蛋肝汤 quail egg &liver soup 鸽蛋土司 toast fried with quail eggs 鸽汤 pigeon soup 蛤蜊汤 clam soup 蛤蜊蒸蛋 steamed eggs with clams 各式炒蛋 assorted omelets 公司汤 soup of the day 宫保鸡丁 chicken cubes with peanuts; diced chicken with paprika; diced chicken in chilli sauce; stir-fried chicken with dried red pepper 宫保虾仁 pungent vegetarian shrimps 宫保鱿鱼 stir-fried squid rools 宫爆鸡丁 chicken cubes with peanuts; diced chicken with paprika; diced chicken in chilli sauce; stir-fried chicken with dried red pepper 宫爆腰花 stir-fried kidney with chilli and peanuts 咕噜蜜肉 sweet &sour pork; Cantonese/Guangdong style 古老肉 fried pork in sweet and sour sauce 古老肉 sweet &sour boneless pork 挂绿虾丸 prawn balls with vegetable 怪味鸡 spiced chicken with a wonderful taste; chicken with special hot 怪味牛百叶 ox tripe of Sichuan style 罐头牛肉 canned beef 罐头碎牛肉 canned corned beef 罐焖鸭子 braised duck en casserole 罐焖羊肉 mutton en casserole 广东叉烧肉 Guangdong Cantonese roast pork 广东泡菜 Guangdong Cantonese pickled vegetable 广州炒饭 fried rice in Guangdong style 广州烩饭 steamed rice Guangdong style 贵妃斑鱼卷 stir-fried fish rolls with corn 贵妃鸡 chicken wings &legs braised in brown sauce; chicken wings 锅巴 crispy rice 锅巴海参 sea cucumbers in crisp rice 锅巴肉片 sliced meat with crispy rice; meat pieces with crispy rice 锅巴三鲜 soup of rice crust and three delicacies 锅巴虾仁 fried shrimps with crisp rice 锅巴虾仁 shrimp with crisp rice 锅烧羊肉 braised mutton 锅塌豆腐 baked beancurd 锅贴明虾 fried fresh prawns on toast 锅贴鸭 fried duck cutlets 锅贴鸭片 pan-baked steamed duck 中国菜名英汉对照(9) 词语 解释海参 sea cucumber; [France] beche-de-mer 海参锅巴 sea cucumber with crispy rice 海米白菜 Chinese cabbage with dried shrimps 海米白菜汤 cabbage soup with dried shrimps 海堂百花菇 stuffed mushrooms with shrimp paste 海蜇皮 ( salted) jellyfish 海蜇双脆 crispy jellyfish 海鳝 sea sturgeon 蚝油焗鸡 stewed chicken with oyster sauce 蚝油扒凤翼 chicken wings with oyster sauce 蚝油扒鸭 grilled duck with oyster sauce 蚝油菜心 green cabbage in oyster sauce 蚝油叉烧 roast pork with oyster sauce 蚝油冬菇 fresh mushrooms with oyster sauce 蚝油鸡球 chicken balls with oyster sauce 蚝油鸡翼 chicken wings in oyster sauce 蚝油煎鸡脯 sauteed chicken with oyster sauce 蚝油牛肉 oyster sauce beef; stir-fried beef with oyster sauce; beef in 荷包蛋 poached eggs 荷叶米粉蒸肉 pork steamed with rice flour in lotus leaves 荷叶蒸鸡 steamed chicken wrapped in lotus leaves 核桃鸡丁 stir-fried chicken with walnuts; diced chicken with walnuts 合菜带帽 assorted vegetable covered with egg; fried various vegetable 红扒鱼翅 braised shark's fin 红萝卜 carrot 红烧鲍鱼 red-cooked abalone 红烧唇翅 shark's lip &fin in brown sauce 红烧豆腐 beancurd with brown sauce; red-cooked beancurd pieces 红烧肚子 stewed pork tripe 红烧对虾 stewed prawns in soya sauce 红烧干贝 stewed scallops with brown sauce 红烧广肚 shark's tripe braised in brown sauce 红烧海参 sea cucumbers braised in brown sauce; red-cooked sea cucumber 红烧河鳗 braised eel with brown sauce 红烧黄鱼 red-cooked yellow fish 红烧鸡 braised chicken 红烧甲鱼 turtle in brown sauce 红烧面结 carp in brown knots 红烧明虾 fried prawns braised in brown sauce; fried prawns with brown 红烧牛肉 beef with brown sauce; braised beef 红烧牛杂拌 braised beef offal 红烧牛腩 stewed beef tenderloin chunks 红烧排骨 spareribs braised in brown sauce; red-cooked spareribs 红烧茄子 red-cooked eggplant 红烧全鸭 braised whole duck in soy sauce 红烧全鱼 mandarin fish with brown sauce 红烧肉 braised pork; pork braised in brown sauce; stewed pork with brown sauce; red-cooked pork 红烧狮子头 pork balls stewed in brown sauce 红烧啼筋 braised pork tendons 中国菜名英汉对照(10) 词语 解释红烧丸子 stewed meat balls 红烧鸭 duck with brown sauce 红烧羊肉 stewed mutton 红烧鱼 fish in brown sauce 红烧鱼翅 braised shark's fins; shark's fin in brown sauce; stewed 红烧鱼肚 braised fish maw; fish tripe with brown sauce 红烧鱼头 stewed fish head with brown sauce 红烧鱼丸 fish balls with/in brown sauce 红烧鱼圆 fish balls with/in brown sauce 红烧鳗鱼 braised congo eel 红油肚丁 pork tripe with hot pepper oil 红油鸡丁 diced chicken with hot sauce 红油鸡块 cold chicken appetizer with hot sauce 红油鸭掌 duck webs in chilli sauce 红油鱼肚 fish maw in chilli sauce 红糟鸭片 duck slices in wine sauce 红枣小鸡 dried red dates with vegetable chicken 红焖牛肉 braised beef 红焖笋尖 braised bamboo shoots tips 红焖肘子 braised pork joint 红焖猪腿 braised leg of pork 红煨牛肉 stewed beef 红煨羊肉 haricot mutton 葫芦八宝鸡 gourd-shaped chicken with stuffing 胡瓜 pickled cucumbers 蝴蝶大拼盘 butterfly appetizer 蝴蝶明虾 prawns with mushrooms 虎皮鹑蛋 wrapped quail eggs 花灯大拼盘 colored lantern appetizer plate 花瓜 pickled cucumbers 花瓜炖鸡 chicken &pickled cucumber stew 花椒牛肉 cayenne beef 花生酱 peanut butter/paste 花生蒸肉 steamed pork with peanuts 滑蛋牛肉 fried beef with scrambled eggs 滑蛋牛肉饭 rice with sliced beef &eggs 滑蛋鱼片 fried fish pieces with scrambled eggs 滑溜里脊 pork slices with gravy 滑牛肉丸汤 beef ball soup 滑肉片 sliced pork with cream sauce 滑肉汤面 boiled noodles with pork 滑鱼片汤 sliced fish soup 黄豆芽 yellow soybean sprout 黄瓜滑肉片汤 cucumber &sliced meat soup 黄酒焖全鸭 braised duck in rice wine 黄酒焖猪排 braised pork chops in rice wine 黄鱼羹 yellow fish soup 回锅肉 double-cooked pork slices; stir-fried boiled pork slices in hot 回锅鱼翅 double-cooked shark's fin 烩红椒 red peppers in gravy 烩鸡丝 chicken shreds with peas 烩鸭丝 duckling shreds &mixed vegetable soup 烩鸭掌 braised duck feet/webs 火锅 chafing dish 火腿 ham (pork); Chinese ham (pork)

首先要说的是fried egg 是煎蛋的意思,不是炒蛋。炒蛋是 :scrabble egg红烧肉:pork belly stew红烧排骨:stewd spareribs清蒸鱼:steamed fish


stewed pork chops


苦菊皮蛋花生: Sauced Chrysanthemum, Preserved Eggs with Peanuts老六样指的是老醋六样? Sauced cucumbe, onion,green pepper,fried peanuts, Preserved Eggs jellyfish黄瓜猪耳朵: sliced cold cucumber with Stewed Pig’s Ear金针蘑伴黄瓜: sliced cold cucumber with needle mushroom孜然羊肉 fried lamb with cumin葱爆羊肉fried mutton slice with green scallion红烧肘子pork leg braised in brown sauce红烧排骨spareribs with brown sauce糖醋里脊pork fried with sugar and vinegar dressing , pork fillet with sweet and sour sauce尖椒肥肠Fried Pork Intestines with Hot Pepper 炸里脊:Fried Pork Filet溜肚条: Quick-Fried Pork Tripe Slices.溜肉段: crisp fried pork尖椒驴心肉 donkey meat with hot pepper菠菜古老肉: spinach and sweet and sour pork菠菜花生: cold with spinach and peanut花生米: Peanut香菇油菜: Sautéed Cabbage with Mushrooms油菜虾仁: Fried shrimp and cabbage松仁玉米 stir-fried corn with pine nuts红烧日本豆腐 braised japanese tofu with vegetables木须肉: Sautéed Sliced Pork煎 蛋: omelette孜然鱿鱼: Fried Cumin and Squid腰果虾仁 baby shrimp with cashew nuts炒蚬子: Fried clamps溜大虾: fried Prawn盐水虾: Poached Salted Shrimps Without Shell可乐鸡翅: chicken with coke-cola香辣鸡丁 Spicy chicken宫保鸡丁 spicy diced chicken with peanuts家闷黄花鱼: stuffy yellow croaker干烧鲤鱼carp in chilli sauce.水煮鱼: Spicy Fish hot fish韭菜猪肉 Leek and pork Dumpling白菜肉 Chinese cabbage with pork Dumpling青岛啤酒: tsingtao beer可乐 coke kola 雪碧 sprite果粒橙 Fruit orange绿茶Green Tea 红茶 Black tea 露露Lulu Almond Juice 矿泉水Spring Water

Preserved eggs, peanuts, hard JuCucumber pig earsThe youngest samplePeanut SpinachLily mushroom with cucumberPeanutsCumin lambOnion Explodes the lambPepper brothFried loinLeft bellySweet and Sour PorkSlip the meat sectionPepper Heart donkey meatBraised porkSpinach sour porkBraised ribsMushrooms rapeRape shrimpPine Nut CornBraised Tofu in JapanMoo meatOmeletteSeafoodCumin squidCashew ShrimpFried clams childSlip prawnsBrine shrimpChickenCola chicken wingsSpicy ChickenKung Pao ChickenFishHome stuffy croakerFried carpBoiled fishDumplingsLeek pork meat cabbageBeerQingdao End of the WorldBeverageCoke Sprite Orange fruitLulu mineral green tea



2、水煮鱼Boiled Fish

3、香辣肉丝Hot and spicy pork slice

4、宫爆鸡丁Kung Pao Chicken

5、红烧排骨Stewed Spare Ribs

6、红烧茄子Eggplants In Soy Sauce

7、回锅肉Twice Cooked Pork

8、蒜泥黄瓜Cucumber With Garlic

9、夫妻肺片beef and ox tripe in chili sauce

翻译菜名时,只要把做法和材料表达出来即可。举个例子:芹菜炒牛肉,就是被炒的芹菜和牛肉,翻译成stir-fried beef with celery就可以了。

有些菜如果不清楚它的做法,把材料说明清楚也是可以的。比如麻辣凤爪,就是鸡爪放在辣椒调味汁里,翻译成chicken feet in chili sauce即可。


1、宫保鸡丁(小块鸡肉和花生) diced chicken with peanuts

2、铁扒牛排(被烤的牛排)grilled beefsteak

3、回锅肉(被煮两次的猪肉块)twice-cooked pork slices in brown sauce

4、腊肉(被熏的肉)smoked meat

5、炸酱面(面条和炸酱)noodles with fried brown sauce

6、油条(被炸的扭曲面棍)fried twisted stick

7、什锦炒蔬(混炒蔬菜)stir-fried mixed vegetables

Pork ribs in Brown Sauce/Soy sauce Chop


spareribs with brown sauce

Preserved eggs, peanuts, hard JuCucumber pig earsThe youngest samplePeanut SpinachLily mushroom with cucumberPeanutsCumin lambOnion Explodes the lambPepper brothFried loinLeft bellySweet and Sour PorkSlip the meat sectionPepper Heart donkey meatBraised porkSpinach sour porkBraised ribsMushrooms rapeRape shrimpPine Nut CornBraised Tofu in JapanMoo meatOmeletteSeafoodCumin squidCashew ShrimpFried clams childSlip prawnsBrine shrimpChickenCola chicken wingsSpicy ChickenKung Pao ChickenFishHome stuffy croakerFried carpBoiled fishDumplingsLeek pork meat cabbageBeerQingdao End of the WorldBeverageCoke Sprite Orange fruitLulu mineral green tea

中英对照中餐菜谱 [ 2006-7-20 16:27:00 | By: LoveU久久 ] 早餐:烧饼 Clay oven rolls油条 Fried bread stick韭菜盒 Fried leek dumplings水饺 Boiled dumplings蒸饺 Steamed dumplings馒头 Steamed buns割包 Steamed sandwich饭团 Rice and vegetable roll蛋饼 Egg cakes皮蛋 100-year egg咸鸭蛋 Salted duck egg豆浆 Soybean milk米浆 Rice & peanut milk饭类:稀饭 Rice porridge白饭 Plain white rice油饭 Glutinous oil rice糯米饭 Glutinous rice卤肉饭 Braised pork rice蛋炒饭 Fried rice with egg地瓜粥 Sweet potato congee甜点:爱玉 Vegetarian gelatin糖葫芦 Tomatoes on sticks长寿桃 Longevity Peaches芝麻球 Glutinous rice sesameballs麻花 Hemp flowers双包胎 Horse hooves面类:馄饨面 Wonton & noodles刀削面 Sliced noodles麻辣面 Spicy hot noodles麻酱面 Sesame paste noodles鸭肉面 Duck with noodles鹅肉面 Goose with noodles鳝鱼面 Eel noodles乌龙面 Seafood noodles榨菜肉丝面 Pork , pickled mustard green noodles蚵仔面线 Oyster thin noodles板条 Flat noodles米粉 Rice noodles炒米粉 Fried rice noodles冬粉 Green bean noodle汤类:鱼丸汤 Fish ball soup贡丸汤 Meat ball soup蛋花汤 Egg & vegetable soup蛤蜊汤 Clams soup蚵仔汤 Oyster soup紫菜汤 Seaweed soup酸辣汤 Sweet & sour soup馄饨汤 Wonton soup猪肠汤 Pork intestine soup肉羹汤 Pork thick soup花枝汤 Squid soup花枝羹 Squid thick soup果汁:甘蔗汁 Sugar cane juice酸梅汁 Plum juice杨桃汁 Star fruit juice青草茶 Herb juice冰类:绵绵冰 Mein mein ice点心:蚵仔煎 Oyster omelet棺材板 Coffin臭豆腐 Stinky tofu油豆腐 Oily bean curd麻辣豆腐 Spicy hot bean curd天妇罗 Tenpura虾片 Prawn cracker虾球 Shrimp balls春卷 Spring roos鸡卷 Chicken roos碗糕 Salty rice pudding筒仔米糕 Rice tube pudding红豆糕 Red bean cake绿豆糕 Bean paste cake猪血糕 Pigs blood cake糯米糕 Glutinous rice cakes萝卜糕 Fried white radish patty芋头糕 Taro cake肉圆 Taiwanese Meatballs水晶饺 Pyramid dumplings肉丸 Rice-meat dumplings豆干 Dried tofu家常菜碧兰鱿鱼 Vegetarian Squid with Green Vegetables生菜虾松 Minced Shrimp with Lettuces妅烧栗子鸡 Simmer Chestnut Chicken炒箭笋Fry Small Bamboo Shoots冬菇菜心 Black Mushroom and Pickle Sour Kale什锦藕片 Lotus Roots Assorted Vegetables红烧烤麸 Simmer Baked Bran红烧苦瓜 Simmer Bitter Bourd豆苗虾仁 Fry Bean Sprouts with Vegetarian Shrimp咕咾肉 Coo-Lao Meat凉拌长生果 Cold Dressed To-Fu糖醋鱼片 Sweet Vinegar Fish Fillet粉蒸肉 Steam Meat香芹豆干 Celery and Dry Bean Cord官保甜椒 Spicy Sweet Bell Pepper红烧肉 Simmer Meat白果虾仁 Fry Nut with Shrimp 雪菜百页 Pickle Mustard Green with Bai-Yei香芝素肠 Vegetarian Sesame Sausage酱爆猴菇 Sante Moken-Head Moshrooms红绕豆腐 Simmer To-Fu酥炸香菇 Fry Mushroom炸明虾 Fry King Prawn罗汉斋 Vegetarian Meal for Buddhism什锦锅 Combination Soup酥炸虾球 Fry Shrimp Ball香酥豆腐 Deep-Fried To-Fu咖哩洋菇 Curry Mushroom金菇芥菜 Golden Mushroom with Mustard Plant芦荀白合 Asparagus with Lily双菇烩虾仁 Fry Mushroom with Shrimp珍珠丸子 Pearl Pillon酥炸芋球 Deep-Fried Taro Ball九层鳝糊 Vegetarian Eel-puste and Basil翡翠鲍鱼 Abalone Mushroom with Vegetables鱼香茄子 Fry Eggplant蚂蚁上树 Bean Threads with Vegetables炸蔬菜 Fry Vegetables豉汁蚝油鸡 BRAISED CHICKEN WITH FERMENTED AND SEASONED SOY BEANS AND OYSTER SAUCE翡翠虾球 FRIED SHRIMP BALLS WITH JADE -COLOR VEGETABLE五彩炒蛋 SCRAMBLED EGG IN FIVE COLORS鱼茸豆腐羹 BRAISED BEAN CURD WITH FISH MEAT 腐皮三丝 SOYBEAN MILK FILM WITHSLICED MEAT AND VEGETABLE香葱煎鱼 FRIED FISH WITH GREEN ONION蚝油扒双菇 MUSHROOMS WITH OYSTER SAUCE三鲜汤PORK-SEAFOOD SOUP甘蓝芽炒牛肉丝SLICED BEEF WITH TENDER CABBAGE五味鱿鱼CUTTLEFISH IN FIVE TASTES家常豆腐BEAN CURD WITH VEGETABLE芋头排骨汤RIB SOUP WITH TARO菠萝排骨RIB WITH PINEAPPLE蒜泥虾SHRIMP WITH CHAPPEDGARLIC干贝芥菜SCALLOP WITH MUSTARD PLANT冬瓜淡菜汤SOUP OF DRIED MUSSEL WITH WHITE GOURD洋葱辣酱鱼WHITE MEAT FISH IN HOT ONION SOUCE菜心炒肉丝SLICED PORK AND GREEN VEGETABLE STEM蟹粉扒豆苗CRAB WITH GARDEN PEA SPROUT黄瓜肉丸汤MEAT BALL SOUP WITH CUCUMBER蒜苗腊肉FRIED SALTY & DRIED MEAT WITH SCALLION鱼香茄子 FRIED EGG PLANT WITH GROUND PORK镶豆腐BRAISED BEAN CURD WITH GROUND PORK海带结排骨汤HOG RIB AND SEAWEED KNOT SOUP葱爆牛肉FRIED BEEF WITH GREEN ONION番瓜三丁FRIED PUMPKIN WITH PORK AND CUCUMBER西芹鱿鱼FRIED CUTTLEFISH WITH WESTERN CELERY蕃茄豆芽汤TOMATO AND BEAN SPROUT SOUP酸甜排骨SWEET AND SOUR RIBS香脆虾腰FRISKY SHRIMP WITH HOG KIDNEY雪菜豆干丁FRIED WINTER VEGETABLE WITH DRIED BEAN CURD CUBES紫菜冬瓜虾米汤LAVER,WHITE GOURD AND DRIED SHRIMP SOUP双冬蒸肉片STEAMED PORK WITH PRESERVED WINTER VEGETABLE腰果鸡丁FRIED CHICKEN CUBES WITH CASHEW NUT醋溜高丽SALTYAND SOUR CABBAGE白菜肉卷粉丝汤CHINESE CABBAGE, MEAT ROLL AND BEAN FLOUR NOODLE SOUP炸三鲜卷FRIED PORK-SEAFOOD ROLLS红烧海参烩川丸子STEWED SEA CUCUMBER WITH MEAT BALLS凉拌西芹香干丝PARSLEY AND DRIED BEAN CURD NOODLE SALAD莲耦清鸡汤RHIZOME OF LOTUS AND CHICKEN SOUP韭黄肝片FRIED HOG LIVER WITH CHIVES皇帝豆炒肉片FRIDE PORK WITH LIMA BEANS培根生菜FRIED BACON AND LETTUCE萝卜丝鱼汤SHREDDED TURNIP AND FISH SOUP蒜苗鸭赏FIRED SALTY AND DRIED DUCK WITH SCALLION小黄瓜炒墨鱼FRIED CUCUMBER AND SQUID菠萝冻鸡PINEAPPLE AND CHICKEN JELLY苦瓜排骨鱼丸汤BITTER GOURD,HOG RIB AND FISH BALL SOUP时蔬炒带子FRIDE CURRENT VEGETABLE AND SEAFOOD冻蹄花HOG HOOF JELLY青红鲍鱼菇FRIDE CHINESE CABBAGE AND CHAMPIGNON清炖牛肉汤STEWED BEEF SOUP磨菇烩猪排BRAISED PORK STEAK WITH MUSHROOMS红油鸡丝HOT SLICED CHICKEN螃蟹粉丝煲BRAISED CRAB AND CHINESE VERMICELLI苹果鲜鱼汤APPLE AND FRESH FISH SOUP冰糖小蹄膀SMALL HOG HOOF WITH CRYSTALSUGAR酿黄瓜BRAISED CUCUMBER WITH PORK FILLING奶油西兰花CREAMY BROCCOLI莲子红枣肚片汤LOTUS SEEDS,RED DATES AND PORK BELLY SOUP红烧花干鸡BRAISED CHICKEN WITH FRIED BEAN银芽牛肉丝FRIED SHREDDED BEEF WITH BEAN SPROUS豆苗百叶FRIED GARDEN PEA SPROUTS WITH BEAN CURD SKIN酸菜肉片汤PICKLED CABBAGE AND PORK SOUP凉拌鸭掌DUCK PALM SALAD红烧海带结BRAISED SEAWEED KNOTS咸蛋蒸肉STEAMED PORK WITH SALTY PRESERVED EGG YOLK脆笋肉丝汤BAMBOO SHOOT PIECE AND LILY FLOWER SOUP海鲜炒蛋FRIED SEAFOOD WITH EGG麻辣毛肚HOT HOG BOWEL凉拌高丽SALTY AND HOT CABBAGE SALAD蛤蜊排骨汤CLAM AND HOG RIB SOUP 这个网站的``太多``自己看把

苦菊皮蛋花生: Sauced Chrysanthemum, Preserved Eggs with Peanuts老六样指的是老醋六样? Sauced cucumbe, onion,green pepper,fried peanuts, Preserved Eggs jellyfish黄瓜猪耳朵: sliced cold cucumber with Stewed Pig’s Ear金针蘑伴黄瓜: sliced cold cucumber with needle mushroom孜然羊肉 fried lamb with cumin葱爆羊肉fried mutton slice with green scallion红烧肘子pork leg braised in brown sauce红烧排骨spareribs with brown sauce糖醋里脊pork fried with sugar and vinegar dressing , pork fillet with sweet and sour sauce尖椒肥肠Fried Pork Intestines with Hot Pepper 炸里脊:Fried Pork Filet溜肚条: Quick-Fried Pork Tripe Slices.溜肉段: crisp fried pork尖椒驴心肉 donkey meat with hot pepper菠菜古老肉: spinach and sweet and sour pork菠菜花生: cold with spinach and peanut花生米: Peanut香菇油菜: Sautéed Cabbage with Mushrooms油菜虾仁: Fried shrimp and cabbage松仁玉米 stir-fried corn with pine nuts红烧日本豆腐 braised japanese tofu with vegetables木须肉: Sautéed Sliced Pork煎 蛋: omelette孜然鱿鱼: Fried Cumin and Squid腰果虾仁 baby shrimp with cashew nuts炒蚬子: Fried clamps溜大虾: fried Prawn盐水虾: Poached Salted Shrimps Without Shell可乐鸡翅: chicken with coke-cola香辣鸡丁 Spicy chicken宫保鸡丁 spicy diced chicken with peanuts家闷黄花鱼: stuffy yellow croaker干烧鲤鱼carp in chilli sauce.水煮鱼: Spicy Fish hot fish韭菜猪肉 Leek and pork Dumpling白菜肉 Chinese cabbage with pork Dumpling青岛啤酒: tsingtao beer可乐 coke kola 雪碧 sprite果粒橙 Fruit orange绿茶Green Tea 红茶 Black tea 露露Lulu Almond Juice 矿泉水Spring Water



问题一:红烧排骨用英语怎么说 红烧排骨 Spareribs with brown sauce;spareribs braised in brown sauce 问题二:酱烧排骨的英文怎么说 Braised Spare Ribs in Brown Sauce 酱烧排骨 注: sauce 英 [s?:s] 美 [s?s] n. 酱汁; 调味汁; 〈非〉莽撞无礼; 〈俚〉烈酒; vt. 调味或加沙司于…; 给…增加趣味或风味; 〈非〉对…无礼; [例句]'I just added a little soy sauce,' he informs us.. “我就加了一点儿酱油,”他告诉我们。 [其他] 第三人称单数:sauces 复数:sauces 现在分词:saucing 过去式:sauced 过去分词:sauced 问题三:红烧排骨用英语怎么说 spareribs with brown sauce stewed pork chops Pork ribs in Brown Sauce/Soy sauce Chop 问题四:土豆炖排骨用英语怎么说 土豆炖排骨 Stewed spareribs with potatoes 问题五:用英语介绍红烧排骨的做法 Ingredients: pork ribs. Accessories: eggs, onions, green peppers. Spices: onion, ginger, garlic, raw flour, sugar, chicken, salt, curry paste, oyster sauce, sesame, chili sauce, seafood sauce. How - to - do :The rib-sheng flour, eggs, salt for 20 minutes; 2, sitting pot ignition discharge oil, heat the oil until after the *** all Huojian ribs Zhashu to golden yellow; 3-for-oil discharge ignition pan, put onion, ginger, Chao Chu garlic flavor, followed by adding curry paste, oyster sauce, seafood sauce, sesame, sugar, chili sauce, saute, pour the water into the ribs slightly green peppers, onions, salt, chicken, stew pan dotted 6 minutes Coriander can be. 问题六:韭菜炒鸡蛋,红烧排骨用英语怎么说 韭菜炒鸡蛋, Leek scrambled eggs, 红烧排骨 braised pork ribs

Preserved eggs, peanuts, hard JuCucumber pig earsThe youngest samplePeanut SpinachLily mushroom with cucumberPeanutsCumin lambOnion Explodes the lambPepper brothFried loinLeft bellySweet and Sour PorkSlip the meat sectionPepper Heart donkey meatBraised porkSpinach sour porkBraised ribsMushrooms rapeRape shrimpPine Nut CornBraised Tofu in JapanMoo meatOmeletteSeafoodCumin squidCashew ShrimpFried clams childSlip prawnsBrine shrimpChickenCola chicken wingsSpicy ChickenKung Pao ChickenFishHome stuffy croakerFried carpBoiled fishDumplingsLeek pork meat cabbageBeerQingdao End of the WorldBeverageCoke Sprite Orange fruitLulu mineral green tea

糖醋排骨sour and sweet pork steak糖醋里脊sweet and sour fillet of pork 西红柿炒鸡蛋Scrambled Egg with Tomato 木须肉omelet with shredded pork 冰糖银耳炖雪梨Stewed Pear with White Fungus and Rock Candy 京酱肉丝Sautéed Shredded Pork in Sweet Bean Sauce


Raw materials: Ribs, ginger, onions, spices (star anise, fennel, kaempferol, cinnamon, grasses fruits, cloves, Heung Yip), pepper (a little), salt, MSG, sugar, wine, soy sauce (Laochou) Practices: 1, ribs into 4 cm slaughter of paragraph Add boiling water to remove blood salvage in the wash in abeyance. Slice ginger, onions Wash Shuan to head into a node (about 3) 2, Boiler inverted oil, or oil to be at the time when cold Add sugar (more, probably a sugar, 2.5 or three oil), the sugar slowly small fire of speculation. That has begun to turn brown sugar red, brown and start running red bubble, immediately into the ribs cook fry, Fasciolopsiasis then Add, pepper and spices, weird flavor after cooking and add a little soy sauce color, and incorporation of water, salt and onions join knot after the fire boil slowly transferred to the small fires burned ribs DCB soft, and then the folder to pot the onion and spices positively gigantic, fire or juice, question-dish soup pot, add flavor fine; top. 3, to prepare the ribs with little fertilizer (I think this whole thin not tasty), how many are prepared to eat what can be called cutting the meat master good for you; 4, ribs adequate water and salt till 8.30 mature, it may be time enough electricity Fort cook rice; 5, add ribs (soup standby), brown after the Add oil (not too much oil, because the oil will be fried ribs) vegetables, rice wine nothing to add flavor, combined with soy sauce practically Maotai and then pouring soup to the pot, not a watered too much tired, pouring more than speculation several times, Semi-final evenly juice when.

你好!!Raw materials: Ribs, ginger, onions, spices (star anise, fennel, kaempferol, cinnamon, grasses fruits, cloves, Heung Yip), pepper (a little), salt, MSG, sugar, wine, soy sauce (Laochou) Practices: 1, ribs into 4 cm slaughter of paragraph Add boiling water to remove blood salvage in the wash in abeyance. Slice ginger, onions Wash Shuan to head into a node (about 3) 2, Boiler inverted oil, or oil to be at the time when cold Add sugar (more, probably a sugar, 2.5 or three oil), the sugar slowly small fire of speculation. That has begun to turn brown sugar red, brown and start running red bubble, immediately into the ribs cook fry, Fasciolopsiasis then Add, pepper and spices, weird flavor after cooking and add a little soy sauce color, and incorporation of water, salt and onions join knot after the fire boil slowly transferred to the small fires burned ribs DCB soft, and then the folder to pot the onion and spices positively gigantic, fire or juice, question-dish soup pot, add flavor fine; top. 3, to prepare the ribs with little fertilizer (I think this whole thin not tasty), how many are prepared to eat what can be called cutting the meat master good for you; 4, ribs adequate water and salt till 8.30 mature, it may be time enough electricity Fort cook rice; 5, add ribs (soup standby), brown after the Add oil (not too much oil, because the oil will be fried ribs) vegetables, rice wine nothing to add flavor, combined with soy sauce practically Maotai and then pouring soup to the pot, not a watered too much tired, pouring more than speculation several times, Semi-final evenly juice when.

This is I seek of one inside text of:braise in soy sauce sparerib of way of doingRaw material: The sparerib, ginger, spring onion, spice(eight Capes, fennels, mountain 奈s, cassias, grass fruits, lilacs, fragrant leafs), wild pepper(few), salt, monosodium glutamate, the refined sugar, anticipates wine, sauce(I am old to take out)Way of doing: 1, the sparerib kill the segment of 4 厘 rices to put to remove blood to start to get to wash need to be used clearly to into the boiling water.The ginger cuts into slices, the spring onion washes 拴 clearly to the head become a knot(3s are or so)2, pour oil inside pot, need oil still cold of the time puts into the refined sugar(want to have another, probably a sugar,2.5 or 3 oils) in the meantime, small fire slowly sweet fried turn. Need sugar boiling start to become palm tree red, and start emitting the foam of palm tree red, right away pour into sparerib in the pot fry to put evenly and immediately after into the ginger slice, wild pepper and spice, after frying a flavor pour into few anticipate wine and sauce to apply color, add clear water, join salt and spring onion knot, the wildfires is after boiling turn to small fire to burn to the sparerib 粑 slowly soft, then clip to the spice of the spring onion and the big piece in pot head, the wildfires accepts juice, needing soup juice to become thick, join monosodium glutamate a pot namely become. 3, prepare first to take to order fatty sparerib(I feel all thin of didn't this is delicious), want to eat how much prepare how much, can call to sell meat teacher for you chop like; 4, the sparerib add water to add just the right amount of salt to cook to 80% familiar, the time ample words can use electricity rice fortress to cook; 5, get a sparerib(soup back up), put to turn over to fry into the oil pan(don't too many oils, because of frying sparerib would also oil of) after dripping, pour into rice wine first to fry a wine joss-stick, again add a sauce to fry a sauce joss-stick, then go toward a pot


作者:小思本文地址:http://aiyundongfang.com/yingyuxuexibaike/31369.html发布于 2024-09-19
