

小思 2024-09-19 33
桂林山水英语摘要: 桂林山水英文名称天安门及广场 Tian'anmen and Tian'anmen Square 故宫 The Palace Museum 天坛 The Temple of He...


天安门及广场 Tian'anmen and Tian'anmen Square 故宫 The Palace Museum 天坛 The Temple of Heaven 颐和园 The Summer Palace 长城 The Great Wall (八达岭长城 The Great Wall at Badaling 居庸关长城 The Great Wall at Juyongguan Pass 慕田峪长城 The Great Wall at Mutianyu 司马台长城 The Great Wall at Simatai) 明十三陵 The Ming Tombs 北海公园 Beihai Park 雍和宫 Yonghegong Larmasery 白云观 The White Cloud Taoist Temple 北京孔庙 Beijing Confucius Temple 国子监 The Imperial College 潭柘寺 Tanzhe Temple 圆明园 The Ruins of Yuanmingyuan 周口店北京猿人遗址 Peking Man Site at Zhoukoudian 中华民族园 Chinese Ethnic Culture Park 世界公园 Beijing World Park 中华世纪坛 China Century Altar. 桂林山水 the Landscape of Guilin 3. 杭州西湖 the West Lake of Hangzhou 4. 故宫 the Imperial Palace 5. 苏州园林 the Gardens of Suzhou 6. 安徽黄山 Mount Huang of Anhui 7. 长江三峡 the Three Gorges on the Yangtze River 8. 台湾日月潭 the Sun and Moon Lake of Taiwan 9. 河北承德避暑山庄 the Summer Mountain Resort in Chengde, Hebei 10. 陕西秦始皇陵兵马俑 Terra Cotta Warriors

北海公园: Beihai Park故宫博物院: the Palace Museum革命历史博物馆: The Museum of Revolutionary History天安门广场: Tian’anmen Square毛主席纪念堂:Chairman Mao Zedong Memorial Hall保和殿: the Hall of Preserving Harmony中和殿: the Hall of Central Harmony长城: the Great Wall午门: the Meridian Gate紫金山天文台: Purple and Gold Hills Observation紫禁城: the Forbidden City御花园: Imperial Garden 颐花园: Summer Palace天 坛: Temple of Heaven周口店遗址: Zhoukoudian Ancient Site太和殿: the Hall of Supreme Harmony祈年殿: the Hall of Prayer for Good Harvest.少年宫: the Children’s Palace烽火台: the Beacon Tower人民大会堂: the Great Hall of the People 清东陵: Easten Royal Toms of the Qing Dynasty乾清宫: Palace of Heavenly Purity民族文化宫: the Cultural Palace for Nationalities劳动人民文化宫:Worker People’s Cultural Palace北京工人体育馆:Beijing Workers’ Stadium 护城河: the Moat仙人洞: Fairy Cave黄果树瀑布:Huangguoshu Falls西山晴雪: the Sunny Western Hills after Snow避暑山庄:the Imperial Mountain Summer Resort龙门石窟: Longmen Cave苏州园林:Suzhou Gardens庐山 :Lushan Mountain天池: Heaven Poll蓬莱水城: Penglai Water City大雁塔: Big Wild Goose Pagoda华山: Huashan Mountain峨眉山:Emei Mountain石林: Stone Forest西湖: West Lake白马寺: White Horse Temple白云山: White Cloud Mountain.布达拉宫 :Potala Palace大运河: Grand Canal滇池: Dianchi Lake杜甫草堂: Du Fu Cottage都江堰: Dujiang Dam鼓浪屿: Gulangyu Islet观音阁: Goddess of Mercy Pavilion归元寺: Guiyuan Buddhist Temple甘露寺: Sweet Dew Temple黄花岗七十二烈士墓:Mausoleum of the 72 Martyrs华清池: Huaqing Hot Spring昭君墓: Zhaojun’s Tomb毛泽东故居:Mao Zedong’s Former Residence周恩来故居:Zhou Enlai’s Former Residence越秀公园: Yuexiu Park岳阳楼: Yueyang Tower南湖公园: South Lake Park中山公园: Zhongshan Park漓江: Lijiang River寒山寺: Hanshan Temple静心斋: Heart-East Study黄鹤楼: Yellow Crane Tower黄山 : Huangshan Mountain天下第一关:the First Pass Under Heaven 桂林山水:Guilin Scenery with Hills and Waters秦始皇兵马俑: Qin Terra-Cotta Warriors and Horses Figurines

旅游业tourism 桂林 Guilin 桂林山水甲天下 Guilin landscape tops those elsewhere, 阳朔山水甲桂林 and Yangshuo landscape tops that of Guilin.桂林山水The scenery of Guilin青山不断 green hills roll on endlessly清澈见底limpid曲折tortuous群山环抱 surrounded by mountains / hills日出(日落)的壮丽景色 the glory of the sunrise (sunset)如画picturesque如诗poetic山峦迭翠 range upon range of green hills山水风光 scenery with mountains and rivers; landscape闪闪发光glittering,sparkling, winkling赏心悦目 delightful

长城:Great Wall 故宫:the Imperial Palace 西湖:the West Lake 天安门:Tian An Men 天安门广场Tian'anmen Square 泰山:Mount Taishan 庐山:Mt. Lu


The scenery of Guilin


桂林山水是对桂林旅游资源的总称。典型的喀斯特地形构成了别具一格的桂林山水,桂林山水所指的范围很广,项目繁多。桂林山水山青、水秀、洞奇、石美,包括山、水、喀斯特岩洞、石刻等等。在桂林山水中又以漓江流经阳朔的那一段最为美丽,故而有“桂林山水甲天下,阳朔山水甲桂林”之美誉 。2014年6月23日,第三十八届世界遗产大会上以桂林为首的中国南方喀斯特第二期项目申遗成功,正式成为世界自然遗产,桂林山水荣登世界自然遗产名录。下面我为大家带来中国旅游景点桂林山水英文介绍,欢迎大家阅读!

As a center for tourism,Guilin boasts magnificentnatural beauty and many precious culturalrelics.The colorful ethnic background lends a touch ofmystery that enhances its fame.


Lijiang River symbolizes the area,as this picturesque river is a major component of Guilinscenery and is publicly recognized as the first-class tourist resort in the world. As it sparkles inthe sunlight the river meanders through lush mountains like a liquid jade belt. To reallyappreciate the scenery a cruise from Guilin to Yangshuo is a must and your voyage ofdiscovery can be divided roughly into three sections.


The first of these is from downtown Guilin where you board the cruiser to Huangniu Xia(valley ).As soon as you leave the landing stage you will begin to enjoy the natural wonder and localcustoms.


Upon reaching Huangniu Xia(valley).the cruiser enters upon the second section. This part is thevery essence of Lijiang River. The gorgeous mountains and the crystal water together with theromantic legends are certain to impress you.


Shuiluo Village marks the beginning of the third and final section that ends at Yangshuo. Alongthis stretch of the river you pass through pastoral scenes unchanged for generations as thebanks are lined with quaint fishing villages,farmland and bamboo groves. Here you will seewater buffalo,ducks swimming in line and the small boats used by fishermen when they plythe river with cormorants to catch fish from its abundant stocks. This quiet rural beauty.astunning contrast to the hustle and bustle of the modern city streets,is a joy to behold.

到了水螺村,即标志着人们进入观光的第三部分,这一部分一直持续到整个水程的终点阳朔。在这一段水面上,人们将经过百余年未曾有过改变的田园诗般的美丽景地:两岸一个个古老而别致的渔村 ,一片片风景画般的农田和一片片郁郁葱葱的竹林。在这里,们还能看到成群的水牛,游成一线的水鸭以及渔民们带着鸬鹚在水中捕鱼时所用的小船。这种宁静的乡村美景与人群涌动、喧嚣触沸的城市街道相比竟是那么地不同,令人身心愉悦,流连忘返!

There are havens of peace within the city such as Diecai Hill(Folded Brocade Hill),also namedGui Hill. This hill is easy to climb,making it popular with visitors.While stepping into theNayun Pavilion on Mingyue Peak,you will be rewarded with a panoramic view of the whole city.


There are more than 30 noted scenic spots within the boundaries of Guilin Peak. Among themare a hill standing in solitary loftiness in the center of the city:the Elephant Trunk Hill,thecity’s symbol,so named because of its resemblance to an elephant’s sipping water from theLijiang River with its trunk.


The city also boasts other beautiful hills,such as the Fubo Hill,which is supposed to restrainthe waters of the Lijiang River,and Nanxi Hill that stands magnificently like a huge screen.


The scenic spot name city

Lijiang River scenery Guilin

Lijiang River is one of world winning side light most beautiful rivers. The Lijiang River origin in “the South China first peak” north the cassiabarktree the yuecheng ridge cat mountain, that is Lin Fengmu Xiu, the air is fresh, ecological environment extremely good place.Upstream the Lijiang River the mainstream calls six cave rivers; South flows to Xing'an County Si Menqian nearby, east accepts the cork river, west receives the rivers, the confluence name dissolves the river; By dissolves the Jiangzhen to collect the spirit Qu, flows after Lingchuan, Guilin, Yangshuo, to Pingle, the long 160 kilometers, calls the Lijiang River. Lijiang River both banks mountain peak great tall and straight, the shape great amount, on the pinnacle is much long has the soft and thick bush and the floret, looks by far, if on beautiful woman body clothing.On the river bank dike, the blue two jiangs.

four lake Guilin Lijiang River

peach Huajiang, wooden Long Lake, Gui Hu, the banyan tree lake, the cedar lake say all year long the two jiangs four lakes.The cassiabarktree, the cedar, three lake Song Yi have it, wood of Long Lake now originally is a land.In order to communicate the Lijiang River water course of with in lake, excavates 450,000 sides, is becomes.Therefore says wooden Long Lake. The two jiangs four lake scenic areas spread plant the famous tree, the precious flower, the famous grass, makes the banyan fig, the gingko, the deodar cedar, the metasequoia, the Lily magnolia, the palm various gardens, improves ecology of the Guilin center city; Erects famous bridge 19, increases divine and wonderful spirit of the rivers and lakes; Restores, constructs ancient name building, famous tower, the famous pavilion ten thousand square meters, increases the Guilin。Xiangshan, lifelike, fascinating, is called by the people the Guilin scenery the symbol. Local the trunk mountain is located peach Huajiang and the Lijiang River afflux place, is one of Guilin famous mountains, the main scenic spot has the water arch, in the elephant eye crag, the Pu virtuous tower, the great peak temple and the temple Taiping Heavenly Kingdom revolution ruins exhibition hall and so on.The nearby also has the stupa which Sui and Tang dynasties Kaiyuan Temple only saves.During the water arch abutting waterfront, flowings the current of water to pass through, like in the water floats the month, Shan Shichui enters in the water like the trunk potable water Lijiang River, the view extremely is also good, since the Tang Song.

the reed flute crag Guilin

reed flute layers west Guilin the northern suburbs, have been apart from the town center 5 kilometers, is one take tours the grotto primarily, the ornamental scenery rural scenery as the auxiliary scenery scenic spot area.Reed flute grotto deep 240 meters, tourist itinerary 500 metersIn the hole has the massive wonderful foothills varied, the exquisitely carved stalagmite, the stalactite, the stone column, Shi Man, the stone is colored, dazzling, has composed lion landscapes and so on range rosy-colored clouds at dawn, red silk gauze valuable account, p'anlung sc gd pagoda, virgin forest, crystal palace, Mt. Huaguo, makes the tourist to be eyes cannot take it all in, the like fairyland, by the reputation is “the nature palace of art”.From the Tang Dynasty, all previous dynasties all has the tourist trail, present hole memory all previous dynasties mural 77 pieces.From 1959 discovered and opens.


十三陵The Ming Tombs 雍和宫Yonghe Lamasery 中华世纪坦China Century Altar 秦始皇陵The Emperor Qin Shihuang's Tomb 天安门广场Tian'anmen Square 华表Ornamental Pillars 人民英雄纪念碑The Monument to the People's Heroes 毛主席纪念堂Chairman Mao Memorial Hall 人民大会堂The Great Hall of the People 故宫The Forbidden City 乾清宫The Palace of Heavenly Purity 坤宁宫The Palace of Earthly Tranquility 御花园The Imperial Garden 九龙壁The Nine Dragon Screen 天坛The Temple of Heaven 回音壁Echo Wall 祈年殿The Hall of Prayer for Good Harvest 颐和园The Summer Palace 佛香阁The Tower of Buddhist Incense 石舫The Marble Boat 十七孔桥The 17-Arch Bridge 铜牛Bronze Ox 谐趣园The Garden of Harmonious Interests 长城The Great Wall 居庸关Juyongguan Pass 北海公园: Beihai Park 故宫博物院: the Palace Museum 革命历史博物馆: The Museum of Revolutionary History 天安门广场: Tian’anmen Square 毛主席纪念堂:Chairman Mao Zedong Memorial Hall 保和殿: the Hall of Preserving Harmony 中和殿: the Hall of Central Harmony 长城: the Great Wall 午门: the Meridian Gate 紫金山天文台: Purple and Gold Hills Observation 紫禁城: the Forbidden City 御花园: Imperial Garden 颐花园: Summer Palace 天 坛: Temple of Heaven 周口店遗址: Zhoukoudian Ancient Site 太和殿: the Hall of Supreme Harmony 祈年殿: the Hall of Prayer for Good Harvest. 少年宫: the Children’s Palace 烽火台: the Beacon Tower 人民大会堂: the Great Hall of the People 清东陵: Easten Royal Toms of the Qing Dynasty 乾清宫: Palace of Heavenly Purity 民族文化宫: the Cultural Palace for Nationalities 劳动人民文化宫:Worker People’s Cultural Palace 北京工人体育馆:Beijing Workers’ Stadium 护城河: the Moat 仙人洞: Fairy Cave 黄果树瀑布:Huangguoshu Falls 西山晴雪: the Sunny Western Hills after Snow 避暑山庄:the Imperial Mountain Summer Resort 龙门石窟: Longmen Cave 苏州园林:Suzhou Gardens 庐山 :Lushan Mountain 天池: Heaven Poll 蓬莱水城: Penglai Water City 大雁塔: Big Wild Goose Pagoda 华山: Huashan Mountain 峨眉山:Emei Mountain 石林: Stone Forest 西湖: West Lake 白马寺: White Horse Temple 白云山: White Cloud Mountain. 布达拉宫 :Potala Palace 大运河: Grand Canal 滇池: Dianchi Lake 杜甫草堂: Du Fu Cottage 都江堰: Dujiang Dam 鼓浪屿: Gulangyu Islet 观音阁: Goddess of Mercy Pavilion 归元寺: Guiyuan Buddhist Temple 甘露寺: Sweet Dew Temple 黄花岗七十二烈士墓:Mausoleum of the 72 Martyrs 华清池: Huaqing Hot Spring 昭君墓: Zhaojun’s Tomb 毛泽东故居:Mao Zedong’s Former Residence 周恩来故居:Zhou Enlai’s Former Residence 越秀公园: Yuexiu Park 岳阳楼: Yueyang Tower 南湖公园: South Lake Park 中山公园: Zhongshan Park 漓江: Lijiang River 寒山寺: Hanshan Temple 静心斋: Heart-East Study 黄鹤楼: Yellow Crane Tower 黄山 : Huangshan Mountain 天下第一关:the First Pass Under Heaven 桂林山水:Guilin Scenery with Hills and Waters 秦始皇兵马俑: Qin Terra-Cotta Warriors and Horses Figurines HuaQING hot spring 华清池 drum tower 鼓楼 Great GOOSE pagoda 大雁塔 the West Lake西湖 泰山:Mount Taishan 庐山:Mt. Lu 天安门及广场 Tian'anmen and Tian'anmen Square 故宫 The Palace Museum 天坛 The Temple of Heaven 颐和园 The Summer Palace 长城 The Great Wall (八达岭长城 The Great Wall at Badaling 居庸关长城 The Great Wall at Juyongguan Pass 慕田峪长城 The Great Wall at Mutianyu 司马台长城 The Great Wall at Simatai) 明十三陵 The Ming Tombs 北海公园 Beihai Park 雍和宫 Yonghegong Larmasery 白云观 The White Cloud Taoist Temple 北京孔庙 Beijing Confucius Temple 国子监 The Imperial College 潭柘寺 Tanzhe Temple 圆明园 The Ruins of Yuanmingyuan 周口店北京猿人遗址 Peking Man Site at Zhoukoudian 中华民族园 Chinese Ethnic Culture Park 世界公园 Beijing World Park 中华世纪坛 China Century Altar 桂林山水 the Landscape of Guilin 杭州西湖 the West Lake of Hangzhou 故宫 the Imperial Palace 苏州园林 the Gardens of Suzhou 安徽黄山 Mount Huang of Anhui 长江三峡 the Three Gorges on the Yangtze River 台湾日月潭 the Sun and Moon Lake of Taiwan 河北承德避暑山庄 the Summer Mountain Resort in Chengde, Hebei 陕西秦始皇陵兵马俑 Terra Cotta Warriors

天安门及广场 Tian'anmen and Tian'anmen Square 故宫 The Palace Museum 天坛 The Temple of Heaven 颐和园 The Summer Palace 长城 The Great Wall (八达岭长城 The Great Wall at Badaling 居庸关长城 The Great Wall at Juyongguan Pass 慕田峪长城 The Great Wall at Mutianyu 司马台长城 The Great Wall at Simatai) 明十三陵 The Ming Tombs 北海公园 Beihai Park 雍和宫 Yonghegong Larmasery 白云观 The White Cloud Taoist Temple 北京孔庙 Beijing Confucius Temple 国子监 The Imperial College 潭柘寺 Tanzhe Temple 圆明园 The Ruins of Yuanmingyuan 周口店北京猿人遗址 Peking Man Site at Zhoukoudian 中华民族园 Chinese Ethnic Culture Park 世界公园 Beijing World Park 中华世纪坛 China Century Altar. 桂林山水 the Landscape of Guilin 3. 杭州西湖 the West Lake of Hangzhou 4. 故宫 the Imperial Palace 5. 苏州园林 the Gardens of Suzhou 6. 安徽黄山 Mount Huang of Anhui 7. 长江三峡 the Three Gorges on the Yangtze River 8. 台湾日月潭 the Sun and Moon Lake of Taiwan 9. 河北承德避暑山庄 the Summer Mountain Resort in Chengde, Hebei 10. 陕西秦始皇陵兵马俑 Terra Cotta Warriors

北海公园: Beihai Park故宫博物院: the Palace Museum革命历史博物馆: The Museum of Revolutionary History天安门广场: Tian’anmen Square毛主席纪念堂:Chairman Mao Zedong Memorial Hall保和殿: the Hall of Preserving Harmony中和殿: the Hall of Central Harmony长城: the Great Wall午门: the Meridian Gate紫金山天文台: Purple and Gold Hills Observation紫禁城: the Forbidden City御花园: Imperial Garden 颐花园: Summer Palace天 坛: Temple of Heaven周口店遗址: Zhoukoudian Ancient Site太和殿: the Hall of Supreme Harmony祈年殿: the Hall of Prayer for Good Harvest.少年宫: the Children’s Palace烽火台: the Beacon Tower人民大会堂: the Great Hall of the People 清东陵: Easten Royal Toms of the Qing Dynasty乾清宫: Palace of Heavenly Purity民族文化宫: the Cultural Palace for Nationalities劳动人民文化宫:Worker People’s Cultural Palace北京工人体育馆:Beijing Workers’ Stadium 护城河: the Moat仙人洞: Fairy Cave黄果树瀑布:Huangguoshu Falls西山晴雪: the Sunny Western Hills after Snow避暑山庄:the Imperial Mountain Summer Resort龙门石窟: Longmen Cave苏州园林:Suzhou Gardens庐山 :Lushan Mountain天池: Heaven Poll蓬莱水城: Penglai Water City大雁塔: Big Wild Goose Pagoda华山: Huashan Mountain峨眉山:Emei Mountain石林: Stone Forest西湖: West Lake白马寺: White Horse Temple白云山: White Cloud Mountain.布达拉宫 :Potala Palace大运河: Grand Canal滇池: Dianchi Lake杜甫草堂: Du Fu Cottage都江堰: Dujiang Dam鼓浪屿: Gulangyu Islet观音阁: Goddess of Mercy Pavilion归元寺: Guiyuan Buddhist Temple甘露寺: Sweet Dew Temple黄花岗七十二烈士墓:Mausoleum of the 72 Martyrs华清池: Huaqing Hot Spring昭君墓: Zhaojun’s Tomb毛泽东故居:Mao Zedong’s Former Residence周恩来故居:Zhou Enlai’s Former Residence越秀公园: Yuexiu Park岳阳楼: Yueyang Tower南湖公园: South Lake Park中山公园: Zhongshan Park漓江: Lijiang River寒山寺: Hanshan Temple静心斋: Heart-East Study黄鹤楼: Yellow Crane Tower黄山 : Huangshan Mountain天下第一关:the First Pass Under Heaven 桂林山水:Guilin Scenery with Hills and Waters秦始皇兵马俑: Qin Terra-Cotta Warriors and Horses Figurines

“桂林山水甲天下”已成为家喻户晓的一句名句,这句话的英文翻译也引起了各界的广泛兴趣,以下是有关这句话翻译的五种版本的点评。 East or west, Guilin landscape is best. ①The scenery of Guilin is world-renowned. ②By water, by mountains, most lovely, Guilin ! ③By water, by mountains, earth’s fairest, Guilin ! ④Guilin’s water and mountains captivate the world。⑤俗语道:不怕不识货,就怕货比货。英语有一脍炙人口之谚语:East or west, home is (the) best. (无the之版本更佳:强弱音规则相间,益悦耳也。) ①译文显然聪明地活用了“名句效应”。—— 巧妙借名句盛誉,以利于上口传诵,何乐而不为乎?从诗意、从简练、从押韵、从上口等四方面看,能有哪一条可超过上述第 ① 条的?—— 而 诗意、简练、押韵、上口,此四因素一综合,不就“美”了么? 而与此四因素一比,译文② 未免苍白了。至于译文③④ ,即使人说听来很像有点诗意,而且也才用7个词、也算简练,但遗憾谈不上押韵,且读来似有松散感,上口效果自然打折扣了; 再说,原文“天下”之意在译文③ 则全失、未“信”未“达”矣;译文④ 中,earth’s fairest 中的earth无疑原拟为“天下”,但字面意义似为“全球/全世界”或“大地上”,而若指“全球/全世界”是否可省去定冠词the?还有,fairest在该句中似是起某种表语用的“形容词最高级”吧,是否也可省去定冠词the?似乎值得商榷;(注:此与译文③的most lovely不同:most常可解释为“非常”、而未必限于构成“最高级”。)又,用fair一词当是用其“美丽的”之义,但该词释义甚广,歧义不少,此处恐怕不能排除令人联想该词歧义“还可以的/尚算好的/中等的/一般般的。还有译文⑤,欣赏其关键动词captivate(迷住、迷惑住、强烈感染/ 征服/ 逮捕):此句汉语的“甲”字手法甚高超!译法甚考人!在现今所见中文字面直译(verbal translation)之诸译文中,尚未发现能把“甲”字直接译得更有效者。 不过,从译文全貌看,风格似偏呆板:“桂林山水”之译法表面看似忠实原文,实际上明显深受“源出语”局限;且虽说captivate the world 确把桂林山水的“美”效果译出来了,但“天下”译成the world总似嫌欠策略。可惜现有各译文中,似尚未有把“甲”字译出那种传神味。 这也许该算是“跨文化”之本性对翻译提出的大难题吧。


桂林是一座娇气的城市。这座小城,只需守着一弯漓江、几潭连缀的小湖,和城里城外错错落落的叠翠山峦,奇美着,隽秀着,悠然旖旎着,就名扬古今誉满天下了。上天慷慨地溺爱着桂林,给了它诗画般的山水风光,小城里的人们也因而有了可以世代绵延享受的衣资本。 桂林的山都不高,隔不远就一座临水而立,伴着蜿蜒的漓江千娇百媚。漓江的水更是清浅静幽的,载得起那青山的媚影,竟也能漂得动百十来人的游船,让你不敢相信这浅浅柔柔的水竟就是天下闻名的漓江。800年前桂林的地方官王正功,他虽名气不在,却题下了让桂林家喻户晓的诗句:“桂林山水甲天下。”有了这一句诗,桂林有福了。从此后,桂林成为自然山水风光的胜地,迎来送往了120多国家的元首和无数到桂林朝圣的国内外旅游者。所以桂林人敢说“山水有相逢,终会到漓江。” 桂林人,有灵山秀水的孕育滋养,是知足而悠然的。桂林人生性平和,淡泊名处,市民收入不高,消费自然也不算太高。小山小水,小乐小哀,一碗米粉,没有大滋大味却自得其乐;对于那些事政事热点话题也只是听着看着,却不会热衷;倘若要有什么能让桂林人街头巷尾津津乐道的,那除非是与桂林本地有关的人或事了。而这,桂林人是不轻易让你察觉的,这是他们相互之间然于胸的一点默契和小聪明。毕竟,冠着“世界旅游名城”、“国际旅游明珠”的盛名,是该拿出国际水平的热情来笑迎四方宾客的,然而,桂林人骨子里总是透着股懒散和无所谓,对他们而言,来的都是客,你来了我自然会好生款待;你若不来,山还青水还流,我小城的悠悠日子还照旧。都说了天南地北客似云来,赚不了你这拨的钱我就服务好一下拨宾客,末了心里还会淡淡地对你说一句:“懒得理你。”桂林话总是轻柔婉转的,发音饱满圆润,不像广西其他地方的方言那样硬气,像是在质地细致均润的器皿上有一个个小小的回弹,即使是吵架,也是凶不起来的,是广西方言中的“吴侬软语”。桂林的的水和米滋养出的桂林女孩,柔白细腻,娇俏玲珑,精明灵巧。桂林女孩有小家碧玉的灵秀乖巧,有大家闺秀的贤淑端庄,更有一种洋气、精致、冷艳疏离的风韵。在桂林的街头徜徉,眼睛总是最幸福的。满城山水让你赞叹陶醉,满城美女也够你顾盼流连。而桂林的女孩是不喜欢桂林的男孩的,她们觉得桂林的男孩不够阳刚缺少果敢不敢担当,太过于看重自我,有些像上海男孩人,有些怯懦有些小家子气,精明有余而实干不足,但却少了上海男孩人的那份精致雅致。所以说,桂林是座女性化的城市,娇艳妖娆也低回温柔。 说起桂林就不能不提阳朔和它的西街,这个被国外最知名旅游杂志称为“月亮下的石头城”的小山村,却有着敢叫板“阳朔山水甲桂林”的牛气。在阳朔,从古稀老人到三岁孩童个个都说得一口流利的英语,人人都揣着一本灵活变通的生意经。西街本来是条巴掌大的小街,来的老外多了,也就成了现在的西街。经常有远道而来的老外爱上了当地的姑娘,索性“解甲归田”,安隐于此,于家小酒吧,弄个小餐馆,开枝散叶,生根发芽。 “桂林桂林,桂树成林。”桂林因桂花而得名,城中条条街、道道巷都种有桂花。金秋时节,满城都是馥郁的桂花香,清香却不甜腻,就像桂林城与人,热情洋溢却极有分寸。桂林到处是山,山上到处是树,两江四湖的水也是明净清澈的。桂林的山水是无绿不欢的,正因为如此,桂林人终归是看不起南宁人的。桂林人觉得南宁人像暴发户,占着首府的便宜,铺点草皮移种些大树就满世界嚷嚷自己是“绿城”了,其实真正从那块土地上长出的草都没有几根,是先天不足又后坐无力的表现。 因为桂林人连首府也不看在眼里,所以你千万不要试图批评桂林,那肯定是吃力不讨好的事,你不要批评桂林人的小气,鸡毛蒜皮的事也记在心里和你计较;你不要批评桂林人的那一点点自私,他们存了小心眼想多赚几个老外和游客都傻得可爱,不骗白不骗、不斩白不斩;你更不要批评桂林人一心想把桂林城做大做强赶超南宁、甚至赶超广州的气魄,只要你有胆量说桂林应该保持小而美、不要盲目追求大而全,就算你够狠勇敢。 但是,无论怎么说桂林也是极可爱的。陈毅元帅有诗赞道:“愿做桂林人,不愿做神仙。”神仙虽好,却没有烟火。桂林是一个有烟火的人间仙境,是每一个成年人心底深藏着的永远鲜活的童心梦


Guilin is a key tourist city of well-known culture and history in China. Its touri *** develops rapidly. Either prehensive recipiency, scale of tourist industry, quality of tourist service or infrastructure, subsidiary facilities, leading function e to a higher level and grade. From 1980 to 1997, 60 million tourists from more than 150 countries and areas and tens of state leaders came to Guilin for a visit, deeply impressed and giving sincere praises. Guilin has developed into one of the well-known and first chosen tourist resorts.

象山公园 地处市中心的漓江与桃花江汇流处,园内自然山水与人文景观相辉映。象山,栩栩如生,引人入胜,被人们称为桂林山水的象征。 象鼻山 位于市内桃花江与漓江汇流处, 是桂林名山之一, 主要景点有水月洞...

人们都说:“桂林山水甲天下。”我们乘着木船荡漾在漓江上,来观赏桂林的山水。 我看见过波澜壮阔的大海,玩赏过水平如镜的西湖,却从没看见过漓江这样的水。漓江的水真静啊,静得让你感觉不到它在流动;漓江的水真清啊,清得可以看见江底的沙石;漓江的水真绿啊,绿得仿佛那是一块无瑕的翡翠。船桨激起的微波扩散出一道道水纹,才让你感觉到船在前进,岸在后移。 我攀登过峰峦雄伟的泰山,游览过红叶似火的香山,却从没看见过桂林这一带的山,桂林的山真奇啊,一座座拔地而起,各不相连,像老人,像巨象,像骆驼,奇峰罗列,形态万千;桂林的山真秀啊,像翠绿的屏障,像新生的竹笋,色彩明丽,到映水中;桂林的山真险啊,危峰兀立,怪石嶙峋,好像一不小心就会栽倒下来。 这样的山围绕着这样的水,这样的水到映着这样的山,再加上空中云雾迷蒙,山间绿树红花,江上竹筏小舟,让你感到像是走进了连绵不断的画卷,真是“舟行碧波上,人在画中游”。

云中的神呵,雾中的仙, 神姿仙态桂林的山! 情一样深呵,梦一样美, 如情似梦漓江的水! 水几重呵,山几重? 水绕山环桂林城…… 是山城呵,是水城? 都在青山绿水中…… 呵!此山此水入胸怀, 此时此身何处来? ……黄河的浪涛塞外的风。 此来关山千万重。 马鞍上梦见沙盘上画: “桂林山水甲天下”…… 呵!是梦境呵,是仙境? 此时身在独秀峰! 心是醉呵,还是醒? 水迎山接入画屏! 画中画——漓江照我身千影, 歌中歌——山山应我响回声…… 招手相问老人山, 云罩江山几万年? ——伏波山下还珠洞, 室珠久等叩门声…… 鸡笼山一唱屏风开, 绿水白帆红旗来! 大地的愁容春雨洗, 请看穿山明镜里—— 呵!桂林的山来漓江的水—— 祖国的笑容这样美! 桂林山水入襟, 此景此情战士的心—— 江山多娇人多情, 使我白发永不生! 对此江山人自豪, 使我青春永不老! 七星岩去赴神仙会, 招呼刘三姐呵打从天上回…… 人间天上大路开, 要唱新歌随我来! 三姐的山歌十万八千箩, 战士呵,指点江山唱祖国…… 红旗万梭织锦绣, 海北天南一望收! 塞外的风沙呵黄河的浪, 春光万里到故乡。 红旗下:少年英雄遍地生—— 望不尽:千姿万态“独秀峰”! ——意满怀呵,情满胸, 恰似漓江春水浓! 呵!汗雨挥洒彩笔画: 桂林山水——满天下!…… 1959年7月,旧稿 1961年8月,整理 (选自《贺敬之诗选》,山乐人民出版社1979年版) 《桂林山水歌》作者贺敬之,1924年生,山东峄县人。40年代开始诗歌创作,已出版《放歌集》、《雷锋之歌》、《贺敬之诗选》、《回答今日的世界》等诗集。贺敬之作为我国当代著名诗人,向以“量少质精”著称于世。诗作善于把握和表现重大题材,具有雄浑豪放的气势和浓烈的时代精神。《放声歌唱》、《雷锋之歌》等长篇政治抒情诗,以其火样的 *** 和阶梯的形式名扬我国诗坛;《回延安》、《三门峡歌》等意境、音韵精美的抒情短章,亦脍炙人口,广为流传。 《桂林山水歌》既是一首优美的山水诗,又是一曲深情的祖国颂。诗的开篇就把读者引向一种让人神往的艺术境界:“云中的神呵,雾中的仙,/神姿仙态桂林的山!/情一样深呵,梦一样美,/如情似梦漓江的水!”神姿仙态,如情似梦,山环水绕,令人陶醉。诗句既抓住了桂林山水的自然特征,又富有浪漫主义的传奇色彩。 诗人没有停留于单纯描摹桂林山水上,而是借以抒发自己对于自然景物的独特感受。“呵!桂林的山来漓江的水——/祖国的笑容这样美!/桂林山水入胸襟,/此景此情战士的心——/江山多娇人多情,使我白发永不生!”寄情山水,心潮起伏,进而抒发一个革命战士对于祖国的深挚感情。正因为诗人是以战士的眼光、战士的胸怀去感受和描绘桂林山水的,因而他笔下的就不仅是山水,其中还有“对此江山”油然而生的那一股强烈的自豪之情。景美情深,诗人很好地继承了我国古代山水诗借景抒情、以形传神的手法。 诗的结尾更是神来之笔:“——意满怀呵,情满胸,/恰似漓江春水浓!/呵!汗雨挥洒彩笔画,/桂林山水——满天下!”诗人以强烈的爱国主义情怀,深情赞美伟大的祖国和英雄的人民,让人们仿佛透过眼前的桂林山水看到另一幅更为壮丽的图景:全国人民正在运用彩笔,挥汗如雨,到处创造更新更美的“桂林山水”。这是诗人战士情怀的流露,有着共产主义理想的闪光。 这首诗具有浓厚的民歌风味。诗人为探索我国新诗发展的道路曾采用过多种诗体形式。他的政治抒情诗大多采用马雅可。

五岳是东岳泰山、西岳华山、南岳衡山、北岳恒山和中岳嵩山的总称。因为泰山位于五岳之东,是五岳之长。所以古代帝王登基之初或太平年岁,都要登泰山祭告天地,举行封禅大典。汉武帝以后,各代皇帝对五岳不断追加各种封号。唐玄宗曾封五岳为“王”,宋真宗封五岳为“帝”,到了明太祖则封五岳为“神”了。这五座山的名气也就愈来愈大,山上的名胜古迹也特别多。自古至今五岳一直是中国著名的旅游胜地。 名列五岳之首的东岳泰山,位于山东省中部的泰安市,长约200 千米,主峰玉皇顶,高1 524米 。山峰挺拔峻秀, 雄伟壮丽,有“登泰山而小天下”的气势。山上有南天门、斗母宫、经石峪、黑龙潭、日观峰等古迹。泰山已有20亿年的历史,是一个由断层上升而形成的断块山。在漫长的地质年代中,许多山峰都被侵蚀化为平地,而由坚硬的花岗岩、片麻岩组成的泰山,却仍巍然屹立在大地上,难怪人们要用“稳如泰山”来形容事物的稳固,不可动摇。 西岳华山位于陕西省华阴县南,又名太华山。最高峰海拔1 997米,像一柄利剑直刺天空。因为华山的北部是平坦的渭河平原,所以显得特别高峻。又因它险峻难攀,自古有“华山一条路”的说法。华山的莲花峰、落雁峰、朝阳峰、玉女峰和五云峰等山峰,都是旅游胜地。 南岳衡山位于湖南省中部 。主峰祝融峰海拔1 290米,在五岳最高峰中是个小弟弟。但是由于衡山的东面为低平的湘江谷地,山势却显得雄伟高大。衡山72峰中,最著名的有祝融峰、天柱峰、芙蓉峰、紫益峰和石廪峰。这些山峰经常笼罩在轻烟般的云雾里,给人以神秘莫测之感。 祝融峰之高,藏经殿之秀,方广寺之深,水帘洞之奇,是南岳的“四绝”。 北岳恒山位于山西省东北部,东至河北省境内,长约150千米 。恒山主峰玄武峰海拔2 017米,是五岳中最高的山峰 。主峰之东为天峰岭,西有翠屏山,双峰对峙,浑水中流,地势十分险要。位于浑源县境内的悬空寺,建于半山腰的悬壁上,从下面望去,就像悬挂在空中一样,是北岳的一大胜景。 中岳嵩山位于河南省登封县北,主峰太室山海拔1 440米,也是嵩山的东峰。中峰叫峻极山,西峰叫少室山,天下驰名的少林寺就在嵩山的西峰少室山北麓五乳峰下。

这首散文诗非常好: 桂林山水歌 --贺敬之 云中的神呵,雾中的仙, 神姿仙态桂林的山! 情一样深呵,梦一样美, 如情似梦漓江的水! 水几重呵,山几重? 水绕山环桂林城…… 是山城呵,是水城? 都在青山绿水中…… 呵!此山此水入胸怀, 此时此身何处来? 黄河的浪涛,塞外的风, 此来关山千万重。 马鞍上梦见沙盘上画: “桂林山水甲天下”…… 呵!是梦境呵,是仙境? 此时身在独秀峰! 心是醉呵,还是醒? 水迎山接入画屏! 画中画——漓江照我身千影, 歌中歌——山山应我响回声…… 招手相问老人山, 云罩江山几万年? ——伏波山下还珠洞, 室珠久等叩门声…… 鸡笼山一唱屏风开, 绿水白帆红旗来! 大地的愁容春雨洗, 请看穿山明镜里—— 呵!桂林的山来漓江的水—— 祖国的笑容这样美! 桂林山水入襟, 此景此情战士的心—— 江山多娇人多情, 使我白发永不生! 对此江山人自豪, 使我青春永不老! 七星岩去赴神仙会, 招呼刘三姐呵打从天上回…… 人间天上大路开, 要唱新歌随我来! 三姐的山歌十万八千箩, 战士呵,指点江山唱祖国…… 红旗万梭织锦绣, 海北天南一望收! 塞外的风沙呵黄河的浪, 春光万里到故乡。 红旗下:少年英雄遍地生—— 望不尽:千姿万态“独秀峰”! ——意满怀呵,情满胸, 恰似漓江春水浓! 呵!汗雨挥洒彩笔画: 桂林山水——满天下!……


《桂林山水》教学资料 教材分析: 这篇课文抓住桂林山水的特点(水:静、清、绿山:奇、秀、险),以优美、简练的语言,生动形象地展示了桂林山水的美景,表达了作者对桂林风景的喜爱之情。 文中的插图基本反映了课文中描写的桂林山水的特点。 作者以诗一般的语言,带着读者观赏了风景秀丽的桂林山水。 课文从“桂林山水甲天下”讲起,既概括说明了桂林山水在祖国名胜中的地位,又交代了作者观赏桂林山水的缘由。同时引起了我们对桂林山水的向往。然后,用对比的方法描述了漓江的水、桂林的山的突出特点。最后,把桂林的山和水联系起来,作为一个完美的整体,展现在读者面前。 作者在第二自然段中,以 *** 的赞叹引出了漓江水的特点:静、清、绿。在点出特点之后,又具体描写了漓江的水怎样静、怎样清、怎样绿。这种以赞叹的语气写实,让读者和作者一样,犹如亲临漓江,荡舟观赏这一美景。接着,作者在第三自然段以同样的笔法,描写了桂林山的特点:奇、险、秀。文中二、三自然段以抒情的语言写实,并运用排比、比喻的手法让读者切实地感受到漓江的水美,桂林的山美,《桂林山水》这篇课文的语言更美!文章第四自然段,综合观赏印象。山水相映,云雾迷蒙,绿树红花、竹筏小舟点缀其间,构成一幅连绵不断的画卷。“舟行碧波上,人在画中游”是全文的总结,和开头“桂林山水甲天下”首尾呼应。 本课较难理解的是最后一段的“舟行碧波上,人在画中游”一句。这句话的意思是:游船航行在碧绿的河水上,船上的游人就像在一幅美丽的画卷中游览。 教学建议: 一、教学本课的重点是引导学生感受漓江的水、桂林的山那种独特的美。怎样引导呢? 首先,要指导学生正确理解词句的含义。如,“我看见过波澜壮阔的大海,玩赏过水平如镜的西湖,却从没看见过漓江这样的水”“我攀登过峰峦雄伟的泰山,游览过红叶似火的香山,却从没看见过桂林这一带的山”两句,是拿大海、西湖的水同漓江的水相比,拿泰山、香山和桂林的山相比。比的是什么呢?比的是它们各自的特点。这两句话的意思,不是说大海、西湖都不如漓江的水美,泰山、香山都不如桂林的山美,而是说,漓江的水既不同于大海,也不同于西湖;桂林的山既不同于泰山,也不同于香山,它们拥有的是一种独具特色的美。 其次,要借助各种教学手段引导学生感受词句所描述的情境。如,波澜壮阔的大海、水平如镜的西湖、峰峦雄伟的泰山、红叶似火的香山、无瑕的翡翠、拔地而起、奇峰罗列、翠绿的屏障、新生的竹笋、危峰兀立、怪石嶙峋,通过播放能形象地展示这些词语的画面,使学生如临其境地领悟到:“这就是奇峰罗?”“这就是危峰兀立”。也可找一些图片展示给学生。 第三,指导学生有感情地朗读课文,引导学生一边读,一边想象词句所描述的情境。 二、指导学生理解“舟行碧波上,人在画中游”,必须联系全文的内容。“这样的山围绕着这样的水,这样的水倒映着这样的山。”意思是说奇、秀、险的桂林山围绕着静、清、绿的漓江水;而静、清、绿的漓江水里又倒映着奇、秀、险的桂林山。这里将桂林的山和水联系起来,构成一幅完整的画面。”再加上空中云雾迷蒙,山间绿树红花,江上竹筏小舟”,就把这幅图画点缀得更美了。观赏桂林山水,一般是从桂林市区到阳朔县,这一段的航程约80公里,沿途所见,都是这样的美景,所以说”像是走进了连绵不断的画卷”。正是由于这样,所以作者用“舟行碧波上,人在画中游”来概括他观赏桂林山水的整体感受。 三、这篇课文,写的景是美的,描述美景的语言也是美的,而贯穿于美景、眉纹之中的是做准备祖国壮丽山河的美激荡起来的情感。因此,本课的教学应通过指导学生有感情地朗读课文,让学生感受桂林山水的美,体会作者热爱祖国山河的思想感情。 要使学生声情并茂地读好课文,主要方法是引导学生多读,并在读的过程中想象课文所描述的情景,进而进入课文描述的情境之中,仿佛在跟随作者游览,一起观赏桂林山水的美景。如果学生自己难以进入这种境界,教师要给以必要的指导,可展示画面,用富有感染力的语言描绘文中展现的情境,诱导学生展开想象的翅膀,调动他们的生活体验,或用悠扬舒缓的音乐渲染情境,激发起学生心中的美感,还可通过教师入情入境的范读,把学生带入作者描绘的美景之中。 当学生已经体会到课文表达的感情,但由于缺乏一定的朗读技巧而不能充分表达出来时,教师可抓住一些重点词句,做一些必要的指点。比如,讲漓江水、桂林山特点的几个句子,如果把“真静、真清、真绿、真奇、真秀、真险”等加以强调,就可以突出桂林山水的特点。 四、本课适合背诵。指导背诵应注意两点:一是要引导学生先把课文读熟,在学生基本读熟的基础上再提出背诵的要求,达到“熟读成诵”。二是指点一下背诵的方法。根据本课的特点,应引导学生一边想象一边背诵,并注意第二、三自然段中结构相似的句子。 五、课后“思考•练习”第二题,目的在于引导学生把握课文主要内容,了解桂林山水的特点,并了解最后一段在全文中的作用。指导学生完成这个练习,可先让学生反复读读最后一段,然后联系课文的第二、三自然段,具体说说“这样的山”“这样的水”指的是怎样的山、怎样的水,再说说“这样的山”和“这样的水”怎样构成一幅连绵不断的画卷。 第三题的目的是让学生表达自己学了本课后的感受。可以写几句话,也可以吟一首小诗,不拘形式,不论长短,写一句可以,写几句也可以。教师可选写得较有特色的读给大家听。 至于选做题,目的是给学有余力的学生提供一次练笔的机会。可鼓励学生做,但不作为统一要求。 六、本课生词较多,大多数生词,只要让学生反复诵读,并联系上下文去思考、体会,就可基本理解;个别词语,可在引导学生查阅字典、词典之后,稍作一些指点。下面的解释仅供教师参考,一般不宜原封不动地讲给学生。 拔地而起——拔:超出、高出。课文指桂林的山,仿佛突然从地面冒出来似的。一般的山脉都是从地面逐渐高上去,而且连绵不断,桂林的一座座山互不相连,都是平地崛起的。 连绵不断——接连不断。 波澜壮阔——澜: *** 浪。课文中指大海中的波浪雄壮浩大。 形态万千——形状、姿态多种多样。 危峰兀立——危:高;兀:高而上平。山峰高耸直立。 水平如镜——水面平静明亮,像一面镜子。 怪石嶙峋——奇形怪状的石头重重叠叠的样子。 无瑕——瑕:玉上面的斑点。没有斑点。 云雾迷蒙——云雾缭绕,使景物隐隐约约,让人看不清楚。 峰峦雄伟——山峰连绵不断,雄壮而高大。 奇峰罗列——罗列:分布、陈列。奇特的山峰散布陈列。 色彩明丽——色彩鲜明而美丽。 观赏——观看欣赏。 翡翠——绿色的硬玉,半透明,有光泽。 七、“教学设计示例”采用下列方法。 1.运用《桂林山水》的录像导入本文学习。让学生感受桂林山水的美,从而激起学习兴趣。 2.运用投影方式,将桂林风景图片和文中对山水的描写结合起来,让学生掌握、理解作者描写的手法。 3.展示图片,丰富学生对桂林山水特点的理解,发展他们的想象力和表达力。 4.学习本文时,要把朗读时间给够、给足,让学生在多种形式的朗读中读出语感,感悟桂林山水的美,从而陶冶学生的审美情趣。


Guilin landscape East or west, Guilin landscape is is one of China's most picturesque cities, with a population of 670,000, situated in the northeast of the Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region of the People's Republic of China on the west bank of the Lijiang River(also called the Li River).

Its name means “forest of Sweet Osmanthus”, owing to the large number of fragrant Sweet Osmanthus trees located in the scenery is reputed by many Chinese to be the “finest under heaven”, or directly from Chinese: “the mountains and rivers in Guilin are the number one under the heaven.”

The Li River originates in the Mao'er Mountains in Xing'an county and flows through Guilin, Yangshuo and Pingle, down into the Xi Jiang, the western tributary of Pearl River in Wuzhou, its course of 437 kilometers is flanked by green fishing is often aociated with Lijiang river.

Its unique hillsides was often make a comparison for their similar shape and geographical structure with Halong Bay, Vietnam.

Along the 100-kilometer stretch of the Li River, mountain peaks rise into the is one of China's most famous scenic Rock: a limestone cave with a large number of stalactites, stalagmites, stalacto-stalagmites, rocky curtains, and cave Park: the largest park in .

Mountain of Splendid Hues: a mountain consisting of many layers of variously colored Hill: a hill that looks like a giant elephant drinking water with its trunk.

It is symbol of the city of Canal: dug in 214 BC, is one of the three big water conservation projects of ancient China and the oldest existing canal in the attractions include: Duxiu Peak, Nanxi Park, the Taohua River, the Giant Banyan, and the Huashan-Lijiang National Folklore Park.

桂林的景点英文介绍The city famous: Elephant Trunk Hill Seven Star Park, Reed Flute Cave Park Diecai Park Fubo Park, there are two rivers and four lakes night (Li River, Peach Blossom River, Wood Lake, Guihu, Ronghu, Sequoia Lake), is very good Oh, it was said April is the season belongs to the beauty of Guilin tour, Lijiang tour boat in particular, exposure to Shilihualang, middle man in the picture, painted in the mind to stay, can not miss it. Yangshuo attractions are: a large banyan Xanadu Totem Moon Mountain Trail 遇龙河 drifting Silver Cave Impression Longsheng Terraced Fields kwan'am also ancient East市内著名的有:象鼻山公园 七星公园 叠彩公园 伏波山公园 芦笛岩 还有夜游两江四湖(漓江、桃花江、木龙湖、桂湖、榕湖、杉湖),非常的不错哦,有人说四月是属于游桂林的美丽时节,特别是坐船游漓江,置身于十里画廊,人在画中游,画在心中留,不可错过哦。阳朔著名景点有:大榕树 月亮山 世外桃源 图腾古道 遇龙河漂流 银子岩 印象刘三姐 还有龙胜龙脊梯田 冠岩 古东求桂林象鼻山和七星公园的英文介绍一、桂林七星公园景区In January 1998, Guilin Seven Star Park was under the management of Guilin Tourism Development Corporation. In 2004, "Guilin Seven Star Park" was renamed "Guilin Seven Star scenic spot".The management organization of the scenic spot is Guilin Seven Star scenic spot management seven star (rock) scenic spot is located on the East Bank of Lijiang River in the center of Guilin, covering an area of hectares. It is named because the seven peaks are just like the Big Dipper seven stars hanging in the brings together Guilin's "leisure (green mountains, beautiful waters, strange caves and beautiful rocks), romance and passion".It is the coordinate of Guilin's cultural landscape, the scenic spot recommended by the world tourism organization, and the national key scenic spot The first batch of 4A scenic spots in China.翻译:1998年1月,桂林七星公园划归桂林旅游发展总公司管理,2004年“桂林七星公园”更名为“桂林七星景区”。景区的管理机构为桂林市七星景区管理处。桂林七星(岩)景区位于桂林市中心漓江东岸,占地公顷,因七座山峰的分列恰如苍穹高悬的北斗七星而得名,汇聚了桂林的“休闲(山青、水秀、洞奇、石美)、浪漫、激情”,是桂林文化山水的坐标、世界旅游组织推荐景区、国家重点名胜风景区、中国首批4A级景区。二、象鼻山公园Xiangbi mountain park is located at the confluence of Lijiang River and Taohua River in the center of Guilin, Guangxi, covering an area of natural landscape and cultural landscape in the park complement each other, and mountains, water, caves, islands, pavilions, platforms, paths, cultural relics and historic sites complement each other into paintings, which are beautiful and fascinating.翻译象鼻山公园地处广西桂林市中心的漓江与桃花江汇流处,占地面积公顷,园内自然山水与人文景观交相辉映,山、水、洞、岛、亭、台、坪、径、文物、古迹相映成画,美不胜收,令人心驰神往。重庆景点英语介绍重庆景点英语介绍如下:重庆千厮门嘉陵江大桥,全长720M,起于重庆市渝中区,在洪崖洞旁跨越嘉陵江到达江北区江北城,并在渝中半岛通过连接隧道与东水门长江大桥北岸桥台相接,为跨江公路和轨道交通两用桥。通车后,从江北嘴到渝中区沧白路仅需几分钟。Chongqing qiansimen Jialing River Bridge, with a total length of 720m, starts in Yuzhong District, Chongqing, crosses Jialing River near Hongya cave to Jiangbei City, Jiangbei connects with the north bank abutment of dongshuimen Yangtze River Bridge through connecting tunnel in Yuzhong Peninsula, which is a cross river highway and rail transit bridge.重庆位于中国西南地区,是一座非常美丽的城市,它被称为“山城”,是中国历史文化名城之一,这里风景非常美丽,欢迎来到重庆旅游。Chongqing is located in the southwest of China,is a very beautiful city,It is known as the" mountain city of china".Chongqing is a national historical and cultural cities,The scenery here is very beautiful, welcome to Chongqing tourism.求:用英语介绍桂林旅游景点的短文景点名称 所在城市 漓江风光 桂林 漓江是世界上风光最秀丽的河流之一。 漓江发源于“华南第一峰”桂北越城岭猫儿山,那是个林丰木秀,空气清新,生态环境极佳的地方。漓江上游主流称六峒河;南流至兴安县司门前附近,东纳黄柏江,西受川江,合流称溶江;由溶江镇汇灵渠水,流经灵川、桂林、阳朔,至平乐,长160公里,称漓江。 漓江两岸的山峰伟岸挺拔,形态万千,石峰上多长有茸茸的灌木和小花,远远看去,若美女身上的衣衫。江岸的堤坝上,终年碧两江四湖 桂林 漓江、桃花江、木龙湖、桂湖、榕湖、杉湖谓之两江四湖。桂、杉、三湖宋已有之,今之木龙湖本为陆地。为沟通漓江与内湖之水脉,掘土45万余方,乃成。因与漓江之交汇处有木龙古渡之胜景,其上木龙洞在焉,故曰木龙湖。 两江四湖景区遍植名树、名花、名草,造榕树、银杏、雪松、水杉、木兰、棕榈诸园,以改善桂林中心城之生态;架设名桥19座,以增加江湖之灵气;恢复、修建古之名楼、名塔、名亭万余平方米,以增桂林象鼻山 桂林 象山公园 地处市中心的漓江与桃花江汇流处,园内自然山水与人文景观相辉映。象山,栩栩如生,引人入胜,被人们称为桂林山水的象征。 象鼻山 位于市内桃花江与漓江汇流处, 是桂林名山之一, 主要景点有水月洞、象眼岩、普贤塔、宏峰寺及寺内的太平天国革命遗址陈列馆等。附近还有隋唐开元寺仅存的舍利塔。水月洞紧靠江边, 漓水流贯其间, 如水中浮月,山石垂入水中又如象鼻饮水漓江, 景致极佳, 唐宋以来芦笛岩 桂林 芦笛岩位于桂林市西北郊,距市中心5公里,是一个以游览岩洞为主、观赏山水田园风光为辅的风景名胜区。芦笛岩洞深240米,游程500米。洞内有大量奇麓多姿、玲珑剔透的石笋、石乳、石柱、石幔、石花,琳琅满目,组成了狮岭朝霞、红罗宝帐、盘龙宝塔、原始森林、水晶宫、花果山等景观,令游客目不暇接,如同仙境,被誉为“大自然的艺术之宫”。从唐代起,历代都有游人踪迹,现洞内存历代壁画77则。自1959年发现并开The scenic spot name city Lijiang River scenery Guilin Lijiang River is one of world winning side light most beautiful rivers. The Lijiang River origin in “the South China first peak” north the cassiabarktree the yuecheng ridge cat mountain, that is Lin Fengmu Xiu, the air is fresh, ecological environment extremely good the Lijiang River the mainstream calls six cave rivers; South flows to Xing'an County Si Menqian nearby, east accepts the cork river, west receives the rivers, the confluence name dissolves the river; By dissolves the Jiangzhen to collect the spirit Qu, flows after Lingchuan, Guilin, Yangshuo, to Pingle, the long 160 kilometers, calls the Lijiang River. Lijiang River both banks mountain peak great tall and straight, the shape great amount, on the pinnacle is much long has the soft and thick bush and the floret, looks by far, if on beautiful woman body the river bank dike, the blue two jiangsfour lake Guilin Lijiang River , peach Huajiang, wooden Long Lake, Gui Hu, the banyan tree lake, the cedar lake say all year long the two jiangs four cassiabarktree, the cedar, three lake Song Yi have it, wood of Long Lake now originally is a order to communicate the Lijiang River water course of with in lake, excavates 450,000 sides, is says wooden Long Lake. The two jiangs four lake scenic areas spread plant the famous tree, the precious flower, the famous grass, makes the banyan fig, the gingko, the deodar cedar, the metasequoia, the Lily magnolia, the palm various gardens, improves ecology of the Guilin center city; Erects famous bridge 19, increases divine and wonderful spirit of the rivers and lakes; Restores, constructs ancient name building, famous tower, the famous pavilion ten thousand square meters, increases the Guilin。Xiangshan, lifelike, fascinating, is called by the people the Guilin scenery the symbol. Local the trunk mountain is located peach Huajiang and the Lijiang River afflux place, is one of Guilin famous mountains, the main scenic spot has the water arch, in the elephant eye crag, the Pu virtuous tower, the great peak temple and the temple Taiping Heavenly Kingdom revolution ruins exhibition hall and so nearby also has the stupa which Sui and Tang dynasties Kaiyuan Temple only the water arch abutting waterfront, flowings the current of water to pass through, like in the water floats the month, Shan Shichui enters in the water like the trunk potable water Lijiang River, the view extremely is also good, since the Tang Songthe reed flute crag Guilin reed flute layers west Guilin the northern suburbs, have been apart from the town center 5 kilometers, is one take tours the grotto primarily, the ornamental scenery rural scenery as the auxiliary scenery scenic spot flute grotto deep 240 meters, tourist itinerary 500 metersIn the hole has the massive wonderful foothills varied, the exquisitely carved stalagmite, the stalactite, the stone column, Shi Man, the stone is colored, dazzling, has composed lion landscapes and so on range rosy-colored clouds at dawn, red silk gauze valuable account, p'anlung sc gd pagoda, virgin forest, crystal palace, Mt. Huaguo, makes the tourist to be eyes cannot take it all in, the like fairyland, by the reputation is “the nature palace of art”.From the Tang Dynasty, all previous dynasties all has the tourist trail, present hole memory all previous dynasties mural 77 1959 discovered and opens还要MMM我


作者:小思本文地址:http://aiyundongfang.com/yingyuxuexibaike/31317.html发布于 2024-09-19
