

小思 2024-09-19 29
荆棘鸟简介英语摘要: 荆棘鸟英语版简介其实电影、电视剧都有的。。Colleen Mccullough:The Thorn Birds 荆棘鸟 CONTENT:Colleen McCullou...



Colleen Mccullough:The Thorn Birds 荆棘鸟 CONTENT:Colleen McCullough's sweeping saga of dreams, struggles, dark passions, and forbidden love in the Australian Outback has enthralled readers the world over. This is the chronicle of three generations of Clearys, ranchers carving lives from a beautiful, hard land while contending with the bitterness, frailty, and secrets that penetrate their family. Most of all, it is the story of only daughter Meggie and her lifelong relationship with the haunted priest Father Ralph de Bricassart--an intense joining of two hearts and souls that dangerously oversteps sacred boundaries of ethics and dogma.A poignant love story, a powerful epic of struggle and sacrifice, a celebration of individuality and spirit, Colleen McCullough's acclaimed masterwork remains a monumental literary achievement--a landmark novel to be cherished and read again and again.THE AUTHOUR:Colleen McCullough enjoys worldwide renown, and her novels are bestsellers in a multitude of languages. She is the author ofThe Thorn Birds, Tim, An Indecent Obsession, A Creed for the Third Millennium, The Ladies of Missalonghi, The First Man in Rome, The Grass Crown, Fortunes Favorites,as well asCaesars Women.She lives with her husband, Ric Robinson, on Norfolk Island in the South Pacific. FROM READERS:This is a truly a great and classic novel. I do not bestow these oft-overused adjectives lightly. This is a story of deep, rich, and forbidden love, betrayal, tragedy, and ambition. This is a truly wonderful story set primarily in Australia, circa 1915 and then spanning several generations to the post World War II era. McCullough writes a sprawling story which primarily centers on the forbidden love between an extraordinary woman and a good but ambitious priest.This is the story of the Cleary family, originally from Ireland, who emigrate first to New Zealand, and early on, to Australia. The young Cleary daughter, Meggie, falls in love with the local Catholic priest, Ralph de Briccasart, who is a good and ambitious man who certainly does nothing to encourage this love, but who certainly returns it as he regards Meggie as the daughter he can never have. As Meggie matures, he comes to regard her in a more romantic way. A great struggle arises between this love on the one hand ("the forbidden rose") and his ambition to become a Cardinal or perhaps more, on the other.There is much, much, more to the story than this, however. The novel transports the reader to Australia, and makes that country a real place to those of us who have never been there. This is also the story of the struggles of the Cleary family, as they battle with, and come to love, the rich outback country of Australia. This is an extraordinarily authentic and moving story that any review (or at least this one) can only fail to do justice.McCullough's prose is simply outstanding, and her characters crackle with realism--they become utterly real people and the reader will become swept away with this wonderful story. The storyline never drags, and at no point does this novel ever fail to completely capture the reader's attention. This novel is not only a classic; it is a ripping good read! If you have not yet enjoyed this novel, you are in for a wonderful reading experience. In my opinion,I like the book very very much,It is my favorite book!

《荆棘鸟-The Thorn Birds(英文版)》百度网盘txt最新全集下载:链接:


是自然界一种奇特的动物,它一生只唱一次歌。从离开雀巢开始,便不停执着地寻找荆棘 荆棘鸟树。当它如愿以偿时,就把自己娇小的身体扎进一株最长、最尖的荆棘上,流着血和泪放声歌唱——那凄美动人、婉转如霞的歌声使人间所有的声音刹那间黯然失色!一曲终了,荆棘鸟终于气竭命陨,以身殉歌——以一种惨烈的悲壮塑造了美丽的永恒,给人们留下一段悲怆的谜团。

Colleen Mccullough:The Thorn Birds 荆棘鸟 CONTENT:Colleen McCullough's sweeping saga of dreams, struggles, dark passions, and forbidden love in the Australian Outback has enthralled readers the world over. This is the chronicle of three generations of Clearys, ranchers carving lives from a beautiful, hard land while contending with the bitterness, frailty, and secrets that penetrate their family. Most of all, it is the story of only daughter Meggie and her lifelong relationship with the haunted priest Father Ralph de Bricassart--an intense joining of two hearts and souls that dangerously oversteps sacred boundaries of ethics and dogma.A poignant love story, a powerful epic of struggle and sacrifice, a celebration of individuality and spirit, Colleen McCullough's acclaimed masterwork remains a monumental literary achievement--a landmark novel to be cherished and read again and again.THE AUTHOUR:Colleen McCullough enjoys worldwide renown, and her novels are bestsellers in a multitude of languages. She is the author ofThe Thorn Birds, Tim, An Indecent Obsession, A Creed for the Third Millennium, The Ladies of Missalonghi, The First Man in Rome, The Grass Crown, Fortunes Favorites,as well asCaesars Women.She lives with her husband, Ric Robinson, on Norfolk Island in the South Pacific. FROM READERS:This is a truly a great and classic novel. I do not bestow these oft-overused adjectives lightly. This is a story of deep, rich, and forbidden love, betrayal, tragedy, and ambition. This is a truly wonderful story set primarily in Australia, circa 1915 and then spanning several generations to the post World War II era. McCullough writes a sprawling story which primarily centers on the forbidden love between an extraordinary woman and a good but ambitious priest.This is the story of the Cleary family, originally from Ireland, who emigrate first to New Zealand, and early on, to Australia. The young Cleary daughter, Meggie, falls in love with the local Catholic priest, Ralph de Briccasart, who is a good and ambitious man who certainly does nothing to encourage this love, but who certainly returns it as he regards Meggie as the daughter he can never have. As Meggie matures, he comes to regard her in a more romantic way. A great struggle arises between this love on the one hand ("the forbidden rose") and his ambition to become a Cardinal or perhaps more, on the other.There is much, much, more to the story than this, however. The novel transports the reader to Australia, and makes that country a real place to those of us who have never been there. This is also the story of the struggles of the Cleary family, as they battle with, and come to love, the rich outback country of Australia. This is an extraordinarily authentic and moving story that any review (or at least this one) can only fail to do justice.McCullough's prose is simply outstanding, and her characters crackle with realism--they become utterly real people and the reader will become swept away with this wonderful story. The storyline never drags, and at no point does this novel ever fail to completely capture the reader's attention. This novel is not only a classic; it is a ripping good read! If you have not yet enjoyed this novel, you are in for a wonderful reading experience. In my opinion,I like the book very very much,It is my favorite book!





1977年澳大利亚作家考琳·麦卡洛以荆棘鸟的枝头啼血为着手点创作了《荆棘鸟》(The Thorn Birds)这部文学体裁长篇小说。






荆棘鸟 [鸟]荆棘鸟原本是产自南美的一种珍稀鸟类,因其擅长在荆棘灌木丛中览食,其羽毛象燃烧的火焰般鲜艳而得名。荆棘鸟,是自然界一种奇特的动物,它一生只唱一次歌。从离开雀巢开始,便不停执着地寻找荆棘树。当它终于如愿以偿,就把自己娇小的身体扎进一株最长、最尖的荆棘上,和着血和泪放声歌唱——那凄美动人、婉转如霞的歌声使人间所有的声音煞那间黯然失色!一曲终了,荆棘鸟终于气竭命陨,以身殉歌——以一种惨烈的悲壮塑造了美丽的永恒,给人们留下一段悲怆的谜。[麦考洛小说《荆棘鸟》]The Thorn Birds传说中有一种荆棘鸟 一生只唱一次那歌声比世界上所有一切生灵的歌声都更加优美动听从离开巢窝的那一刻起 她就在寻找荆棘树 直到如愿以偿然后 她把自己的身体扎进最长、最尖的刺上在那荒蛮的枝条之间放开歌喉在奄奄一息的深刻里 她超脱了自身的痛苦那歌声使云雀和夜莺都黯然失色这是一曲无比美好的歌 曲终而命竭然而 整个世界都在静静地谛听 上帝也在苍穹中微笑因为 最美好的东西只能用深痛巨创来换取长篇小说《荆棘鸟》考琳·麦考洛澳大利亚著名作家考琳·麦考洛的长篇小说《荆棘鸟》自1977年问世以后,不仅走红美国,与<教父>同为美国十大畅销书;而且迅速成为风靡全球的“国际畅销书”,先后改编成电影,拍成电视连续剧,管制成盒带,是整个80年代最佳畅销书之一,一直有读者请求作者为之作续.前不久,作者应有关方面之邀与作曲家合作,亲自将之改编成面向德语观众的音乐剧.时至今日,虽20几年过去,《荆棘鸟》的美丽依然不衰,无论是电视剧还是小说原作,仍大洞者亿万读者的心.加拿大魁北克的以为读者说:“我有几本市场重温的书,《荆棘鸟》就是其中之一。窃以为,他是所有时代最伟大的爱情故事之一,看为罗米欧与朱丽叶的爱情比肩。我每读一遍。都有新的发现”。作者简介考琳·麦卡洛是澳大利亚当代最有影响的作家之一。她于一九三七年六月一日出生于澳大利亚新南威尔士州西部惠林顿一个牧业工人家庭,十二岁移居悉尼。此前,一家人过着游牧生活。考琳·麦卡洛从小就表现出不凡的艺术才能,她从五岁起就写诗歌,讲故事,学画画。但是经济大萧条给这个劳动家庭带来的巨大打击使她很早就意识到,文学艺术很难给一家人带来温饱,而她在数学和自然科学方面的天赋和兴趣促使她走上与文学创作全然不同的道路。从二十世纪五十年代起,考琳·麦卡洛开始在悉尼大学攻读神经生理学,毕业后,在悉尼皇家北岸医院创建了神经生理学部。五年后,为了进一步提高学术水平,她到英国伦敦大学儿童健康学院从事研究工作。此后移居美国,在耶鲁医学院从事教学和科研工作长达十年,成为颇具影响的神经生理学家。她至今仍为威尔士王子医学研究院名誉院长、澳大利亚老年医学基金会资助人、悉尼皇家北岸医院神经生理学部名誉顾问,同时为促进第三世界神经生理学研究,特别是培养该学科女医生,她协助美国耶鲁医学院创建了神经生理学系。她和著名医学家罗登·卡特勒爵士同登澳大利亚一百名杰出人物榜。 然而,真正使考琳·麦卡洛享誉世界的是她儿时即已显露的文学才华。一九七二年,她利用业余时间创作了第一部长篇小说《提姆》(Tim)。这部书一九七四年在美国出版之后,很快被拍成电影,不但为考琳·麦卡洛带来不菲的经济收益,而且使她一夜之间成为西方文坛耀眼的明星。对于考琳·麦卡洛,这仅仅是她在文学道路上迈出的第一步。一九七七年,她调动自己的全部生活积累,创作出版了呕心沥血之作《 荆棘鸟》(The Thorn Birds)这本书一经出版,便引起轰动,不但拍成电影广为流传,而且翻译成二十多种文字在世界各地出版,成为当代世界最畅销的小说之一,仅平装本版税所得就高达一百九十万美元,创当时美国出版界版税收入之最。 小说内容及赏析《荆棘鸟》的畅销不衰证明了他的确是一部富有魅力的小说。者美丽首先来自他的主题:爱和命运。它讲述的是克里里家族传奇式的家事史。故事开始于20世纪初叶,结束于半个多世纪以后的60年代末70年代初,从帕蒂·克利里应无儿无女的老姐姐贵妇人玛丽·卡森之召,携妻子菲奥娜和七个子女从新西兰迁居澳大利亚的德罗海达牧羊长,道帕迪唯一幸存德孙辈、才华横溢德演员朱斯婷在遥远德异国他乡确定了自己德人生道路和爱情归宿,整整讲述了克利里家三代人德人生经历和情感历程,其中最主要德史梅吉于拉而夫神父之间那场刻骨铭心德爱情。有人认为考琳·麦考洛将人生的全部方方面面都浓缩进了这本杰出的书里,她试图通过克里里家的沧桑和感情历程揭示这样一个道理:真正的爱和一切美好的东西史需要以难以想象的代价去换取的。正如小说的结尾所写的那样:鸟儿胸前带着荆棘,它遵循者一个不可改变的法则。她被不知其名的东西刺穿身体,被驱赶者,歌唱着,死去……只是唱着、唱着,直到生命耗尽……但是,当我们把棘刺扎进胸膛时,我们是知道的。我们是明明白白的。然而,我们却依然要这样做,我们依然把棘刺扎进胸膛。”《荆棘鸟》里富有诗意的环境描写不仅为塑造人物起到了很好的烘托作用,而且增强了阅读的美感,使读者获得了对人物所处环境的人文地理的丰富知识,因此也是其魅力源泉之一。读者那一段段勾勒环境的文字,我们感受到了浓浓的澳大利亚风情,深深体会道不仅作品里的人物,就连那片土地也是奇特的。亚马逊网上书店在介绍这本书使使那样描述那广袤荒凉的土地的:“保守这轮番而至的韩老侵躏;索取时,残酷无情;花开时,绚丽烂漫;造化慷慨的粘结,有不失丰饶。天底下在没有哪一个地方如此怪诞离奇。”书中生息于斯的一切均笼罩在那种独特的氛围里,可感可触,隐隐中不由得令人生对命运的慨叹。总之,《荆棘鸟》时一部不可多得的畅销小说,结构严谨,语言流畅生动,饱含激情,富有诗意,不时有警言妙语散布其间。具有很强的可读性。


1、《荆棘鸟》简介:拉尔夫一心向往教会的权力,却爱上了克利里家的美丽少女梅吉。为了他追求的“上帝”,他抛弃了世俗的爱情,然而内心又极度矛盾和痛苦。以此为中心,克利里家族十余名成员的悲欢离合也得以展现。该作有澳大利亚的《飘》之誉。 2、《荆棘鸟》是澳大利亚当代作家考琳·麦卡洛创作的一部长篇小说。该作以女主人公梅吉和神父拉尔夫的爱情纠葛为主线,描写了克利里一家三代人的故事,时间跨度长达半个多世纪。

《荆棘鸟-The Thorn Birds(英文版)》百度网盘txt最新全集下载:链接:



荆棘鸟: The Thorn Birds 梅吉: Meggie全名: Meghann "Meggie" Cleary,The Thorn Birds is a 1977 best-selling novel by Colleen McCullough, an Australian author. The epic begins with Meghann "Meggie" Cleary.

yep,that's rightjust want to say, i love the novel so muchhope you enjoy it

Exam, McCullough, the thorn birds is a world famous saga novel, with the heroine meggie and father Ralph love entanglement as the main line, describes the story of a three generations in Cleveland. Ralph addicted to the power of the church, but fell in love with the beautiful young girl meggie cleary's house. For the sake of his pursuit of "god", he abandoned the worldly love, however and extreme contradictions and inner pain. As the center, the cleary family members of more than ten kinds of joys and sorrows.there are also displayed.考琳·麦卡洛的《荆棘鸟》是一部世界著名的家世小说,以女主人公梅吉和神父拉尔夫的爱情纠葛为主线,描写了克利里一家三代的故事。拉尔夫一心向往教会的权力,却爱上了克利里家的美丽少女梅吉。为了他追求的“上帝”,他抛弃了世俗的爱情,然而内心又极度矛盾和痛苦。以此为中心,克利里家族十余名成员的悲欢离合也得以展现。

荆棘鸟的英文---------The Thorn Birds 现实生活中是不存在荆棘鸟的,小说种的荆棘鸟是伯劳鸟和【chang】长刺歌雀的化身 伯劳鸟是一种吃各种鼠类,蜥蜴,小型鸟类,甲壳虫之类的鸟,这种鸟喜欢把捕获的猎物插在荆棘丛的尖刺上,以便于撕裂猎物的肉,方便进食。 而且在荆棘丛里面还有另外一种鸟-----长刺歌雀,这种鸟叫声悠扬悦耳非常动听,有些人听见悦耳的鸟叫,闻声而至,却寻找到了被伯劳鸟猎杀之后插在荆棘上的死鸟,同时正在鸣叫的鸟受到了人的惊扰停止了歌声,而且长刺歌雀这种鸟的名字里面有一个和荆棘有关的字‘刺’人们一传十、十传百的把此事传开,传到文人耳中最后变成了大家看见的那本小说:带有严重自虐性的-------荆棘鸟证实以上说法很简单:能唱歌【婉转的鸣叫】大多数都是雄性鸟,唱歌的目的是为了吸引雌鸟与其交配繁殖后代,明白了这的道理我们就一定会纳闷了‘在初次求爱的过程中就把自己推上绝路的鸟是用什么方式来让自己的族群延续呢?


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作者:[澳大利亚] 考琳·麦卡洛










考琳·麦卡洛(Colleen McCullough, 1937- ),澳大利亚当代女作家。1977年,她以自己全部的生活积累,创作出版了呕心沥血之作《荆棘鸟》。作品一出版便引起轰动,不但拍成电影广为流传,而且翻译成二十多种文字在世界各地出版,成为当代世界最畅销的小说之一。



作者:小思本文地址:http://aiyundongfang.com/yingyuxuexibaike/31297.html发布于 2024-09-19
