

小思 2024-09-19 36
国际新闻英文版摘要: 国际新闻英语版As China struggles to grapple(v.格斗) with the most devastating natural disaster in...


As China struggles to grapple(v.格斗) with the most devastating natural disaster in decades in its Sichuan Province, international aid has flooded into the quake-hit areas, helping save lives.Among all the global help, the desperate commitment and passion for the people in the epicenter (n.震中, 中心)shown by rescue teams from four countries greatly moved the survivors.CRI Reporter Chen Xi filed this story from Chengdu, capital of Sichuan province.Reporter:China allowed four international rescue teams to join in the mammoth relief effort soon after the eruption of the devastating earthquake in Sichuan. With tremendous efforts, the professionalism and aspiration for lives of the rescuers from Russia, South Korea, Singapore and Japan have substantially quickened the rescue work.At the same time, their humanitarian(n.人道主义者) care for the victims and survivors has also calmed the public. Having participated in a number of international rescue works, such as the tsunami in Indonesia and the destructive earthquake in Pakistan, the rescue team from Singapore has shown special and considerate concern to the victims in Hongbai town of Shifang city. Francis Ng is the head of the Singaporean team."We have escorted(v.护卫, 护送, ) the corpses(n.尸体) to the memorial tablets. Because as we know that finding any survivor will make us happy, but on the other hand, to give the victims a good funeral is also a comfort for the survivors."In return, their rescue work is fully supported by the local people and their Chinese counterparts.A 50-member rescue team from China's neighbour, Russia, has saved a 61-year-old woman who was buried for up to 127 hours in the rubble of Dujiangyan city.However, Russian team leader, Andrey Mardenu attributed the miracle to the support of the local people."It happened a lot in other places. So many people stand around the scene, which sometimes bothered our rescue work. But in China, it never happened and we have a very smooth operation with the Chinese side."Mardenu also said that he hopes to offer his help in the reconstruction of homes for local people.Kim Young Sek, the team captain from South Korea, also applauded their teamwork with the Chinese rescuers."We've been working with local rescue teams. We have the same target, although we speak different languages. During the saving operation, we are already close friends."A team from Japan brought sniffer dogs and life-detecting equipment.In addition, a Japanese medical team has just arrived in Chengdu, providing medicines and other psychological consolation for the survivors.Chen XI, CRI News, Chengdu, Sichuan Province.


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Chongqing, Chengdu lead wealth distribution reformCHENGDU: Chongqing Municipality and Chengdu, capital of Sichuan Province, have been selected to pilot a project which aims to reduce, and eventually eliminate, the wealth gap between rural and urban areas. A document issued by the country's top economic planner urged the two cities to push forward comprehensive reforms in order to achieve coordinated and balanced development. The reforms will target issues such as household registration, land management, social security and governance. The State Council, or the cabinet, has approved the reform, the National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC) said. "The selection of the two pilot cities is necessary to explore a coordinated development model in China," said Yang Weimin, an NDRC official. "The ultimate aim is to ensure that farmers and migrant workers enjoy the same rights, public services and living conditions as urban residents," Yang said. The two cities join Shenzhen in the south, Shanghai's Pudong New Area in the east and Tianjin's Binhai New Area in the north as pilot projects for reform. China has seen rapid economic growth since it launched the reform and opening up policies in 1978. But it has been accompanied by a widening income gap between rural and urban areas. The per capita net income of farmers was 3,587 yuan ($471) last year, while the per capita disposable income of urban residents was 11,759 yuan ($1,515), about 2.3 times more. In Chengdu, the per capita net income of farmers was 4,905 yuan ($645) last year, while urban residents earned 2.6 times more. Chongqing has a population of 31 million, 80 percent of whom live in rural areas, while Chengdu has 11 million, including 6 million rural residents.

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题目:British Airways in first profit for two years 题目:英国航空公司在第一次赢利了两年British Airways (BA) has reported a half-year profit of £158m ($252m), its first in two years, as the company prepares to merge with Iberia of Spain. 英国航空(BA)说为期半年的利润158m£252百万美元),其第一个在两年的时间里,由于该公司合并的伊比利亚准备西班牙。The stronger-than-expected results come despite the impact of cabin crew strikes and the Icelandic ash cloud. 尽管结果来势头超出的影响罢工和机组的冰岛灰云。Meanwhile, Iberia has reported a nine-month profit of 53m euros (£46m; $74m). 与此同时,伊比利亚的九个月的利润报告53m欧元(£4600万美元;74m)。Separately, it has emerged that BA boss Willie Walsh and other executives will receive substantial pay rises after the two airlines merge. 另外,现在终于发现,是巴老板威利·沃尔什和其他行政人员将会收到后大幅增加工资的两家公司合并。Bounce back 弹回来Analysts had been expecting a profit figure for BA of about £75m - half of what the airline actually made. 分析师预期利润数字约£英航7500万的一半,航空公司是这么做了。Revenues were up 8.4% to £4.4bn, thanks to a particularly strong 39% rise in cargo revenues, according to the airlines official release. 收入增加了8.3%,44£,多亏有了非常强的39%增长的收入,根据货物航空公司正式发布。Costs were cut by 1.5%. The company said that cost control was something that it continued to focus on. 成本下降了1.5%。公司说,成本控制的东西是它继续关注的。Performance was much stronger during the latter half of the six-month reporting period. 更强的性能在下半年的申报期内六个月。Pre-tax profits in the three months to September - which was free of strikes and ash - were £322m. 税前利润在3个月至9月——这是免费的罢工的——322m£灰。This more than offset a loss in the previous quarter, which saw 15 days of strikes as well as the eruption of the Eyjafjallajoekull volcano in Iceland in April. 这比抵补第二季度的损失,我们看到15天的罢工以及火山的爆发在冰岛的Eyjafjallajoekull在四月。The company also suffered under European air traffic control strikes during the period, though Mr Walsh boasted that despite this, 74% of BA's Heathrow flights and 84% of its Gatwick flights still departed on time. 公司也遭受欧洲空中交通管制罢工在此期间,尽管沃尔什先生夸口说,尽管如此,百分之七十四的英航的希思罗机场航班和84%的盖特威克航班还离开。The half-year results mark a complete turnaround from the £292m loss that BA made during the same period in 2009, at the depth of the recession. 半年后发现标志一个完整的转变292m损失了£坚信英航在同一时期,在2009年,在深度的衰退。Pay packet 支付包British Airways and Iberia will merge on 21 January. 英国航空公司和伊比利亚(1月21日会合并。Mr Walsh will become chief executive of the combined company - International Consolidated Airlines Group - and will see his basic pay rise 12% to £825,000 a year. 沃尔什先生将成为合并后的公司的首席执行官—国际合并航空公司集团-,看他的基本工资上涨12%,825,000£一年。He will also be eligible for performance-related bonuses under the merger deal, that will be capped at twice his basic pay, or £1.65m. 他还将有资格奖金在合并交易揣测,那将是他两倍的命令时,基本工资,或£1.65m。Mr Walsh's colleague, BA chief financial officer Keith Williams, will see his basic pay rise 43% to £630,000 after his promotion to replace Mr Walsh as BA chief executive within the enlarged company. 沃尔什先生的同事、巴财务总监凯斯·威廉姆斯、必得见他的基本工资的增长43%的反对他晋升后距离水星将近630000£沃尔什先生的继任者作为巴首席执行官在扩大公司。Mr Williams' bonus will be capped at 1.5 times his basic salary. 威廉斯先生的奖金将上限为基本薪资1.5倍。

BBC news with David Harper

David Harper为您播报BBC新闻

South Africa has announced a tenfold increase in the number of troops to be deployed in response to widespread violence sparked by the jailing of the former President Jacob Zuma.


Up to 25000 soldiers are to be sent on the streets of KwaZulu-Nataland Gauteng provinces.


The leader of South Africa Zulu said 6 days of looting had brought shame on the entire country.


The authorities in Ethiopia's Amhara


region said they will go on the offensive against forces from neighboring Tigray,


potentially opening up a new phase in8 months of civil war.


Troops have been rallied to counter the Tigrayans who are advancing on Amhara-held territory.


The European Union has announced ambitious plans to cut carbon emissions to net zero by the year 2050.


They include ending the sale of new petrol cars by 2035 and imposing new taxes on shipping and aviation fuel.


People from both sides of the political divide have criticized the British.


government's plans to stop prosecutions of all crimes committed in Northern,Ireland before 1998's peace agreement.


Victim groups said a blanket amnesty covering all soldiers and paramilitary groups is too generous.

The US government has demanded the immediate release of people detained during the protest which swept Cuba on Sunday.


Local activists said at least 65 have been detained in the capital Havana and many others elsewhere.


The World Health Organization has warned of potentially catastrophic.


consequences in the Middle East from a surge of CoVID infections ahead of the Muslim celebration of Eid al Adha next week.

世界卫生组织已经发出了潜在的灾难性警告穆斯林将于下周庆祝古尔邦节(Eid al Adha)。

The rising cases is being driven by the spread of the Delta variant and low vaccination rates.


The US Justice Department has criticized the FBl investigation into sexual abuse allegations against the former doctor of the national gymnastics team, Larry Nassar.

美国司法部批评了联邦调查局对前国家体操队医生拉里·纳萨尔(Larry Nassar)性虐待指控的调查。

Reports say that FBI had failed to respond to the allegations with the seriousness and urgency required. The FBI has acknowledged shortcomings.


BBC News with Julie Candler.A day after the oil company BP failed to seal an underwater oil leak in the Gulf of Mexico, the White House has given a somber assessment of the likely outcome. President Obama's adviser on energy Carol Browner suggested that six weeks after it began, the leak could continue until August."This is probably the biggest environmental disaster we've ever faced in this country. It's certainly the biggest oil spill, and we’re responding with the biggest environmental response. More oil is leaking into the Gulf of Mexico than at any other time in our history; it means there's more oil than the Exxon Valdez."After failing to block the leaking well with mud, BP is now to try remote-controlled robots. They’ll try to slice through a broken pipe and fit a device to transfer the leaking oil to the surface. BP warned though that the procedure has never been carried out before at such a depth.The Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan has cancelled a visit to Argentina after the city of Buenos Aires called off a ceremony to honour the founder of modern Turkey, Kemal Ataturk. The Turkish foreign ministry accused the Buenos Aires authorities of acceding to the demands of the Armenian community there and deciding not to unveil a bust of Ataturk in the city. Genc Lamani reports.The Turkish foreign ministry accused the Buenos Aires authorities of bowing to pressure from the Armenian community there. Turkey and Armenia are in a long-running dispute over the mass killings of Armenians by Ottoman Turks nearly a century ago. The foreign ministry in Ankara said Argentina's President Cristina Kirchner spoke with Mr Erdogan to explain she could not overrule the decision - an explanation Mr Erdogan had found unacceptable.The organizers of a flotilla of ships trying to deliver aid to Palestinians in the Gaza Strip say the boats have sailed from an anchorage off the coast of Cyprus. They planned to get to Gaza on Monday. The territory has been under an Israeli blockade over the past three years, and Israel says it's ready to intercept the flotilla and deport the activists. This Palestinian campaigner Jamal Khudari urged the international community to give their support."We welcome them and we support them and we also send a message for all the world, all the international community and Arab and Muslim community to support them and to give them more support against Israel."Polls have just closed in Colombia where people are voting for a new president to replace Alvaro Uribe who’s completed two terms in office. Opinion polls predict a close contest between the two main contenders - Mr Uribe's former Defence Minister Juan Manuel Santos, and the Green Party candidate Antanas Mockus. Mr Santos has promised to continue Mr Uribe's tough stance against left-wing rebels, while Mr Mockus has put more emphasis on education and rule of law. No candidate wins a majority. There will be a second round run-off in three weeks’ time.World News from the BBC.The remains of 12 Mexican independence leaders have been exhumed in a solemn military ceremony led by President Felipe Calderon. Bands played and crowds threw white flowers as the bones of the national heroes were paraded through Mexico City with an escort of hundreds of soldiers. The crypts were opened as part of celebrations to mark 200 years since the start of Mexico's War of Independence from Spain.Iraq has sent its first ambassador to Kuwait since it invaded the country 20 years ago. The new ambassador Mohammed Hussein Bahr al-Ulum faces many challenges in helping to repair the relationship between the two states. These include the issue of Iraq paying Kuwait millions of dollars in war reparations.Civil liberties groups have criticised African leaders who’re gathering for the Africa-France summit in the French city of Nice which starts on Monday. The organizations say that only two of the 38 African heads of state attending the meeting could not be accused of human rights violations. Estelle Nkounkou-Ngongo from West African Human Rights Defenders Network described it as a fake summit and said it was hypocritical for African leaders to talk about good governance and democracy at the event.The Secretary General of the United Nations Ban Ki-moon and the President of Uganda Yoweri Museveni are taking part in a football match in the Ugandan capital Kampala. The match involving diplomats, aid agency workers and local players at the Mandela Stadium was intended to highlight the plight of war victims, particularly those who suffered at the hands of the Lord's Resistance Army rebels during the conflict in the north of the country. Mr Ban said he enjoyed the game."It was a great game, and I like to play football, but I never thought, I never expected that I would play with president of Uganda." Mr Ban is attending a conference of the International Criminal Court in Kampala on Monday.BBC News. BP石油公司封闭墨西哥湾水下漏油点宣告失败一天之后,白宫对可能产生的后果作出了严峻的评估。奥巴马总统能源顾问罗尔·布朗纳尔(Carol Browner)表示,石油泄漏已经长达六周的时间,可能将一直持续到八月份。“这可能是美国历史上面临的最大的环境灾难。这当然是规模最大的漏油事件,我们也做出了最大的反应。这些泄漏入墨西哥湾的石油量超出历史上任何时刻。这意味着比瓦尔迪兹号(Exxon Valdez)油轮漏油事件还要严重。”使用泥浆封堵漏油钻井宣告失败之后,BP石油公司现在开始尝试遥控机器人,将破裂的管道切断,然后安装一个装置,将漏油转移至水面。然而,BP石油公司警告称,这种方法以前从未在海面以下如此深的位置使用过。布宜诺斯艾利斯市取消纪念现代土耳其的建立者凯末尔的仪式后,土耳其总理埃尔多安取消了对阿根廷的访问计划。土耳其外交部长指控布宜诺斯艾利斯官方答应亚美尼亚社区的要求,决定不揭幕凯末尔在该市的半身像。Genc Lamani报道。土耳其外交部长指控布宜诺斯艾利斯向当地亚美尼亚社区的压力屈服。土耳其和亚美尼亚因为一个世纪前奥斯曼大规模屠杀亚美尼亚人而长期存在争议。这位外交部长在安卡拉表示,阿根廷总统克里斯蒂娜·费尔南德斯·德基什内尔(Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner) 向埃尔多安表示,她不会推翻该决定——埃尔多安表示该解释是难以接受的。试图向加沙地带巴勒斯坦人运输救援物质的小型舰队的组织者表示,这些船只已经离开塞浦路斯海岸的停泊处。他们计划周一抵达加沙地带。过去三年,该地区一直处于以色列的封锁下,以色列声称已经做好准备拦截这支小型舰队,并驱逐活动积极分子。巴勒斯坦活动家Jamal Khudari希望国际社会给予支持。“我们欢迎他们,我们支持他们,我们也向全世界发出信息,希望整个国际社会,所有阿拉伯和穆斯林社会都能支持他们,给他们更多支持来反抗以色列。” 哥伦比亚民众举行投票,选举新的总统来代替现任总统乌里韦,乌里韦已经完成了两届任期。民意调查显示两位候选人之间竞争激烈,分别是乌里韦政府前国防部长桑托斯(Juan Manuel Santos)和绿党候选人安塔纳斯·莫库斯(Antanas Mockus)。桑托斯承诺继续执行对左翼反叛分子的强硬立场。莫库斯则更加强调教育和法治。任何一个候选人都没有赢得大多数。三周后,他们将进行第二次角逐。BBC世界新闻。在由墨西哥总统卡尔德龙领导的庄严肃穆的军事仪式中,墨西哥独立的12位领袖的遗体被挖掘出来。在乐队伴奏和数百位士兵的护卫下,这些国民英雄的骸骨缓缓穿越墨西哥城,人们纷纷献上白色的鲜花。这些棺木被打开,作为纪念墨西哥独立战争开始200周年庆祝活动的一部分。此前,墨西哥是西班牙的殖民地。伊拉克向科威特派遣了自20年前入侵科威特以来的首位大使。新任大使Mohammed Hussein Bahr al-Ulum在帮助两国修补外交关系方面面临诸多挑战。其中包括伊拉克向科威特赔偿数百万美元损失赔偿金的问题。法非峰会周一将在法国城市尼斯举行,民权组织对与会的非洲领导人提出批评。这些组织表示,参加该会议的38位非洲国家元首中,只有两位不被指控侵犯人权。西非人权卫士组织的Estelle Nkounkou-Ngongo称这是一次虚假的峰会,非洲领导人在这次峰会上讨论良好的管理和民主是非常虚伪的。联合国秘书长潘基文和乌干达总统约韦里·穆塞韦尼(Yoweri Museveni)在乌干达首都坎帕拉共同进行了一场足球比赛。参赛人员还包括外交官,救援机构工作者和当地球员,比赛在曼德拉体育馆进行,目的是强调战争受害者的困境,尤其是在该国北部受圣主抵抗军摧残的人们。潘基文表示他非常喜欢这场比赛。“这是一场非常伟大的比赛,我喜欢踢足球,但是我从未想过可以跟乌干达总统一起比赛。” 周一,潘基文将在坎帕拉参加国际刑事法庭会议。BBC新闻。


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The Cavaliers seemingly relentless push towards athird straight NBA Finals appearance hit a speedbump on Sunday night as they dropped their firstcontest of the 2017 postseason – a 111-108 thrillerin Game 3 at The Q.


The Celtics come back for 111-108 Game 3 victory inCleveland! Cavaliers lead series 2-1


LeBron James is 0-6 in the playoffs when scoring fewer than 15 point. Scoring 11 points inGame 3 vs. Celtics.


Coach Tyronn Lue, on how Boston overcame Cleveland's 21-point lead... "Turning thebasketball over, offensive rebounds. We had some stops at times and couldn't rebound thebasketball. A lot of fourth-quarter turnovers gave them life."


You have to have some type of adversity in order to be successful... If it was going to happen,let it happen now.—LeBron James on the Game 3 loss

在你成功的路上总会有些挫折,如果 这一定会发生,就让它先在发生吧。——勒布朗詹姆斯如此评价第三场的失利。

"We don't believe that people believed in us and they counted us out, and that put anotherchip on our shoulders."—Avery Bradley


"They hit us in the mouth and now it's our job to hit back."


The 93 PTS scored by Kyrie, LeBron and Love is the most by a trio in a NBAPlayoffs game since2014.


Cleveland gains a 3-1 series lead and defeat the Celtics 112-99


This was the kryie show. Irving banked a career-postseason-high 42 points on Tuesday night,leading the way for the Cavs to rally from an early 16-point deficit to defeat the Celtics 112-99in Game 4 of the Eastern Conference Finals. Thirty-nine of Irving's points were scored in thefirst three quarters.


"He was born for these moments."—LeBron James on Kyrie Irving.


"He wanted to put the team on his shoulders." Coach Lue on how KyrieIrving stepped uptonight.


"I wasn't coming out. I knew how much we needed this game."


"We understand the goal at hand." After a NBAPlayoffs career-high 42 PTS, Kyrie adds acouple more highlights in the postgame.


"He's a great finisher… He's one of the best point guards in the NBA.” -Avery Bradley on KyrieIrving.


LeBron James bounced back in Game 4


1) Pick up 4 early fouls


2) Sit the rest of the first half


3) Return to drop 24 pts in the second half


LBJ back at the office...attacking...32 tonight


LeBron James 11-0 in series after holding 3-1 lead.


One bad game. That's all I'm gonna give you. "I've always stayed even-keeled," James said. "Atthe end of the day it's just basketball. You understand that I put in a lot of work to my craft.I've always trusted that. I've always leaned on my teammates at times as well. For me mentallyI've always focused on the present and not worried about the situation. You just live in themoment."


To stop inappropriate parking of shared bikes,Beijing's Dongcheng and Xicheng districts will start apilot program that designates certain areas fit topark, using hi-tech assistance to enforce relatedrules.


Dongcheng District will mark nearly 600 sites forparking shared bikes, mainly near bus hubs, subwaystations and shopping centers.


Users will know from their mobile phone app where to put them. The project will possibly startas early as June.


Dongcheng and Xicheng districts are also planning to use "electronic fence" to curb illegalparking.


Riders who park bikes outside the allowed areas cannot lock them and will continue to becharged.


The capital has increased its administration of shared bike parking as they become a popular,cheap choice for dodging traffic jams.


Haidian, Xicheng and Shijingshan districts have designed some 2,000 parking areas for sharedbikes. Xicheng has also singled out 10 streets where riders are banned from parking.


Ivanka Trump revved up her White House role byleading a meeting in her father's absence.


While President Trump delivered a commencementaddress to graduates at the U.S. Coast GuardAcademy in New London, Conn., last Wednesday,Ivanka led Congress in a bipartisan roundtablediscussion about global human trafficking in theRoosevelt Room.


"We have been conducting interagency meetings to understand the scope of the issue ofhuman trafficking, as well as gathering recommendations from the academic, public, andprivate sector," said Ivanka, according to CNN.


"Today, we bring an additional and critical group to the table, legislative leaders, to discussconcrete steps through legislation."


Ivanka reportedly spoke for two minutes and said in part that combating human traffickingwas "a moral and strategic interest domestically and abroad."


The meeting was another indication of the first daughter's influence in government. As anunpaid "adviser" to the president, Ivanka has sat in on meetings with world leaders andrepresented the U.S. at the W20 summit in Germany, which focused on gender equality.


Ivanka was also rumored to have influenced her father's decision to launch a missile strike inSyria in April and his stance on issues such as family leave. In March she admitted that her rolewas "unprecedented."


国内: 10 domestic news 2005 First, the Chinese Communist Party in the Party For maintaining the advanced nature of Party members Yuk activities From January onwards, the central committee of the whole party to maintain the educational activities undertaken by the time a year and a half, three million more than 6,800 members of a national focus on education. This activity is a major policy decision made by the CPC Central Committee, is to support the use of "three represents" an important step to arm the whole party, is the achievement of the grand goal of building a well-to-do society's important that is pushing forward the new great project of party building a basic project. Second, Hu Jintao new shape Trend of development of cross-strait relations 4:00 Views March 4, the general secretary of the CPC Central Committee and State President Hu Jintao put forward the development of cross-strait relations under the new situation of the four points, namely : never waver in upholding the one China principle, the efforts to strive for peaceful reunification will never give up, the people on Taiwan policy will never change, and oppose "Taiwan independence" separatist activities we will never compromise. March 14, the Third Session of the Tenth National People's Congress passed the anti-secession law men. April to July, the Kuomintang, the People First Party, the New Party delegation to visit mainland China in succession. Hu Jintao, general secretary, respectively, with President Lien Chan, James Soong Chairman, the Chairman Yu Muming promote the improvement and development of cross-strait relations major, broad and in-depth exchange of views and reached broad consensus achieved important results. 3, solemnly commemorate the Chinese people World Anti-Fascist War of Resistance Against Japan cum For the 60th anniversary of victory September 3, the Chinese People's War of Resistance Against cum the world's anti-fascist war victory 60 anniversary of the grand ceremony held in Beijing. Held a variety of activities throughout mark the 60th anniversary of the victory of the Chinese people cum 60th anniversary of the victory of the world anti-fascist war. 4, the "10th Five-Year Plan" Main Indicators successfully, the CPC Central Committee put Develop "Shiyiwu" planning proposals 2005 is the "10th Five-Year Plan" period last year, the "Tenth Five-Year Plan" submitted by the major indicators of economic and social development successfully. October 11, the 16th CPC Central Committee examined and approved the "Decision of the CPC Central Committee on the Formulation of the 10 recommendations of a five-year plan" to Deng Xiaoping Theory and the "three represents" as the guide, comprehensively implement the scientific development concept focused on comprehensively building a moderately prosperous society, My next five years made economic and social development goals, guidelines and major strategic plan, is a guide to national economic and social development in the next five years programmatic document. 5, the Qinghai-Tibet railway line shop Link Mid-October, the world's highest and longest lines, across permafrost mileage longest plateau railway Ji--- along the Qinghai-Tibet Railway Shop Link. 6, Shenzhou 6 manned space flight a success October 12 to October 17, Shenzhou 6 manned space flight a success. My only two years from the Shenzhou 5 achieve "one day" to the Shenzhou space flight 6th "more days" great leaps of space flight, marking China's manned space technology development achieved another landmark major victory. 7, a major water Songhua River Contamination November 13, oil Jilin Petrochemical Corporation double benzene plant explosion, caused massive Benlei pollutants into water bodies Songhua River, a major water pollution incidents. Songhua River to the coast this incident particularly people living and medium-sized cities have a serious impact on economic development. State Administration of Environmental Protection Director Xie Zhenhua resign. 8, our people infected with avian flu Miao entered clinical research November 22, the National Food Drugs Administration approved using the avian flu vaccine --- "pandemic influenza vaccine" for clinical research indicates that our drug research and development in the coming influenza pandemic and make new progress. 9, the first national economic census Investigation to a successful conclusion, in 2004 China 15.9878 trillion yuan in total GDP During the first two years of national economic census to a successful conclusion, the main data from the census has been issued on December 6. Take advantage of this economic census information initial forecast, our total GDP to 15.9878 trillion yuan in 2004, the economic aggregate ranked sixth in the world. 10, our major tax Reform, the NPC Standing Committee decision Abolition of agricultural tax regulations December 29, the 19th session of the 10th NPC Standing Committee decided to vote since January 1, 2006 onwards Abolition of the "PRC agricultural tax regulations." 国际: 2005 major international news events The 10 news chronological order are : First, the world crude oil prices to a record high. Second, the global epidemic of avian flu seriously. Third, the reform of the United Nations found difficult. 4, the world celebrates the 60th anniversary of the victory of anti-fascist war. 5, France, the Netherlands rejected the EU constitutional treaty. 6, the international anti-terrorism situation is still grim. 7, korean nuclear issue Mutsukata progress in the talks. 8, a unilateral Israeli withdrawal from Gaza. 9, the frequent natural disasters in the world. 10, the French serious disturbances.


作者:小思本文地址:http://aiyundongfang.com/yingyuxuexibaike/31251.html发布于 2024-09-19
