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高职国际英语1听力答案unit5摘要: 高职国际英语1unit6听力答案《大学英语1听力题库》百度网盘资源免费下载链接: 大学英语1听力题库|剑桥雅思真题7-12的test1-2的section1题库|大学英...




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大学英语听说教程1课件_U5|大学英语听说教程1_Unit |||||||||||||



大学英语听说教程1课件_U4|大学英语听说教程1_Unit |||||||||||||


Unit 1 New Campus,New Life

Listening Tasks

Task One Understanding Short Conversations

1. C      2. D      3. B      4. A      5. A      6. C      7. D      8. C      9. A      10. B

Task Two Understanding a Long Conversation

1. D      2. A      3. C      4. A      5. B

Task Three Understanding Passages

Passage One

1. D      2. A      3. C      4. B      5. C

Passage Two

1. B      2. D      3. B      4. C      5. A

Passage Three

1. A      2. C      3. A      4. B      5. C

Unit 2 Tales of Friendship

Pre-listening Activities

cards and flowers

Listening Tasks

Task One Understanding Short Conversations

1. A      2. C      3. C      4. B      5. B      6. A      7. D      8. B      9. D      10. B

Task Two Understanding a Long Conversation

1. B      2. D      3. C      4. B      5. A

Task Three Understanding Passages

Passage One

1. A      2. C      3. C      4. B      5. D

Passage Two

1. A      2. D      3. C      4. D      5. B

Passage Three

1. C      2. B      3. A      4. A      5. C

Unit 3 Lifestyles in Different Cultures

Pre-listening Activities


Listening Tasks

Task One Understanding Short Conversations

1. C      2. D      3. B      4. C      5. A      6. A      7. A      8. D            9. D          10. B

Task Two Understanding a Long Conversation

1. C      2. C      3. C      4. B      5. A

Task Three Understanding Passages

Passage One

1. B      2. B      3. C      4. C      5. C

Passage Two

1. B      2. A      3. D      4. D      5. C

Passage Three

1. C      2. B      3. A      4. A      5. C

Unit 4 Brief History of the Internet

Pre-listening Activities


Listening Tasks

Task One Understanding Short Conversations

1. B      2. B      3. B      4. A      5. C      6. D      7. D      8. C      9. D      10. B

Task Two Understanding a Long Conversation

1. A      2. C      3. D      4. C      5. B

Task Three Understanding Passages

Passage One

1. C      2. D      3. D      4. C      5. C

Passage Two

1. A      2. B      3. A      4. B      5. A

Passage Three

1. B      2. C      3. C      4. B      5. D

Unit 5 Music,Sweet Music

Pre-listening Activities


Listening Tasks

Task One Understanding Short Conversations

1. B      2. D      3. C      4. A      5. C      6. C      7. A      8. D      9. B      10. C

Task Two Understanding a Long Conversation

1. B      2. C      3. A      4. C      5. B

Task Three Understanding Passages

Passage One

1. B      2. C      3. D      4. A      5. C

Passage Two

1. A      2. B      3. C      4. A      5. C

Passage Three

1. B      2. C      3. C      4. D      5. A

Unit 6 Foreign Food Cultures

Pre-listening Activities


Listening Tasks

Task One Understanding Short Conversations

1. A      2. D      3. C      4. D      5. B      6. A      7. C      8. B      9. A      10. D

Task Two Understanding a Long Conversation

1. D      2. B      3. A      4. C      5. B

Task Three Understanding Passages

Passage One

1. C      2. A      3. D      4. B      5. C

Passage Two

1. C      2. D      3. B      4. B      5. D

Passage Three

Unit 7 Celebrities and Their Stories

Pre-listening Activities

George Washington;Thoma Task Four Compound Dictation

1. item                  2. optional                    3. manners                   4. capable

5. temperature        6. stretch                      7. even                         8. napkin

9. By no means should pizza ever be eaten in as a whole uncut pie

10. it is all right to serve salads and other greens

11. Pizza should always be the main course

Unit 7 Celebrities and Their Stories

Pre-listening Activities

George Washington;Thomas Jefferson;Theodore Roosevelt;Abraham Lincoln

Listening Tasks

Task One Understanding Short s Jefferson;Theodore Roosevelt;Abraham Lincoln

Listening Tasks

Task One Understanding Short Conversations

1. C      2. A      3. B      4. B      5. A      6. B      7. C           8. C      9. A      10. B

Task Two Understanding a Long Conversation

1. C      2. B      3. B      4. D      5. A

Task Three Understanding Passages

Passage One

1. C      2. A      3. B      4. D      5. C

Passage Two

1. B      2. D      3. A      4. C      5. C

Passage Three

1. D      2. D      3. A      4. B      5. C

Unit 8 Wonderful Movies

Pre-listening Activities


Listening Tasks

Task One Understanding Short Conversations

1. D      2. C      3. A      4. C      5. B      6. A      7. B      8. A      9. A      10. C

Task Two Understanding a Long Conversation

1. B      2. A      3. D      4. C      5. A

Task Three Understanding Passages

Passage One

1. B      2. D      3. D      4. A      5. D

Passage Two

1. A      2. C      3. D      4. D      5. C

Passage Three

1. B      2. B      3. D      4. B      5. D

Unit 9 You are What You Wear

Pre-listening Activities

a fashion house

Listening Tasks

Task One Understanding Short Conversations

1. A      2. B      3. A      4. A      5. C      6. C      7. C      8. B      9. C      10. B

Task Two Understanding a Long Conversation

1. B      2. C      3. A      4. D      5. B

Task Three Understanding Passages

Passage One

1. C      2. D      3. B      4. A      5. D

Passage Two

1. B      2. A      3. C      4. D      5. C

Passage Three

1. C      2. B      3. B      4. A      5. D

Learn English through Movies


Unit 10 Western Holidays

Pre-listening Activities

Christmas trees;lights;mistletoes

Listening Tasks

Task One Understanding Short Conversations

1. A      2. B      3. C      4. B      5. B      6. C      7. D      8. A      9. B      10. A

Task Two Understanding a Long Conversation

1. C      2. D      3. D      4. B      5. C

Task Three Understanding Passages

Passage One

1. C      2. D      3. B      4. D      5. B

Passage Two

1. D      2. C      3. B      4. B      5. C

Passage Three

1. B      2. C      3. B      4. A      5. D


I. 1-5 BAACBII. 1. habit 2. century 3. instead 4. tired 6. fruitIII. 1. really 2. staying 3. sports 4. listening 5. HealthyIV. 1. build us up 2. insteadof 3. gets tired easily 4. Healthy eating habits 5. doing exerciseV. 1-5 BCCAAVI. One possible version: My friend Jack wasfat because he liked eating chocolate and ice cream. He felt tired easily. Oneday he saw some people running in the park. They looked really active. So hebegan running in the morning. In the afternoon, he plays basketball with hisclassmates after school. Now he is healthy. He has great fun doing helps to build him up. He wants to be a basketball player in thefuture.

ds, ages ago. What was then said and thought still speaks to us as vividly as ever


1. 这一切不是一朝一夕可以实现的。(achieve) All this cannot be achieved overnight. 2. 下午六点钟左右体育馆通常很忙。(tend to) The gym tends to get very busy at around 6 o’clock in the afternoon. 3. 这个地区现在不安全,还是远离它为好。(stay away from) This area is not safe at the moment, so it’s better to stay away from it. 4. 就销售而言,他们是该地区五大超市之一。(in terms of) They are one of the top five supermarkets in the area in terms of sales. 5. 这间房既要作卧室又得作客厅。(serve as) This room has to serve as both bedroom and living room. 6. 生产部负责监督这个项目的进展。(monitor) The production department is responsible for monitoring the progress of this project. 7. 上个月经理忙于一项对营销活动的研究工作。(be involved in) The manager was involved in a research on marketing activities last month. 8. 现在许多大公司都利用网站来推销他们的产品和服务。(promote) Many big companies now use websites to promote their products and services. 9.沙砾想先把报告拿给经理看 9.沙砾想先把报告拿给经理看 Sally wants to show report to the manager first. 10 他接受了买台新车的建议 He accept the advice to buy a new car 11 他公司的这条规定只对新员工适用 This rule of the company is only for newcomers 他听见有人叫他的名字 12 他听见有人叫他的名字 He heard someone call his name. 13 琳达专为她的女儿做了一个生日蛋糕 Linda made a birthday cake for her daughter 14 我们相信真理 We believe in truth. 别担心, 15 别担心,你会很开领到薪水 Don’ Don’t worry;you will get your salary very soon 17 太阳每天早上升起 The sun rises every . 在这所新医院上面已经花费了大笔资金。(a great deal of) A great deal of money has been spent on the new hospital. 2. 成功与否取决于你的努力和能力。(depend on) Success depends on your efforts and ability. 3. 很难时刻掌握科技方面的新发展。(keep track of) It is difficult to keep track of the new developments in science and technology. 4. 所有投诉都将由经理来处理。(deal with) All complaints will be dealt with by the manager. 5. 不要试着自己去做,这需要专业知识。 (specialized) Don’t try doing it yourself; it requires specialized knowledge. 6. 他作为最佳运动员获得了一个金杯。(award) He was awarded a gold cup for being the best athlete. 7. 为什么不关掉电视去锻炼一下身体?(turn off) Why not turn off TV and do some physical exercise? 8. 一年一度的庆典将在元旦后一周内举行。(annual) The annual celebration will be held within the week after the New Year’s . 在工作中谨慎小心会大有裨益。(pay) It pays a lot to be careful in work. 2. 我的钱仅够在美国用一年。(see through) I have just enough money to see me througha year in the US. 3. 结果表明他从未在那个公司工作过。(turn out) It turned out that he had never worked in that company. 4. 瞪着眼睛看人是不礼貌的。(manners) It’s bad manners to stare at people. 5. 外面太吵,我没办法集中精神干活儿。(concentrate on) It’s too noisy outside for me to concentrate on my work. 6. 董事会选他为公司总经理。(select) The Board of Directors selected him to be the General Manager of the company. 7. 烤鸡是这家泰国餐厅里我最喜欢的菜。(favorite) Roast chicken is my favorite dish in this Thai restaurant. 8. 我们主菜后吃的甜点是冰淇淋。(course) We had ice cream for dessert after the main . 我们一进大楼就找到了这个公司。(locate) We located the company as soon as we entered the building. 2. 这两家工厂都生产电脑配件。(manufacture)Both factories manufacture computer parts. 3. 我已经把报告的大部分写完了。(a chunk of) I’ve completed a chunk of my report. 4. 你可以用锤子把这块金属弄平。(flatten) You can use a hammer to flatten out this piece of metal. 5. 我们能否进一步增强营销方面的优势?(enhance) Can we further enhance our marketing advantages? 6. 他的粗心导致了任务的失败。(result in) His carelessness resulted in the failure of the task. 7. 公司非常关心员工们的未来。(be concerned about) The company is very concerned about the future of the employees. 8. 办公室窗帘的颜色必须与环境相配。(match) The color of the curtains in the office should match the . 他们的境况比我们的好。(better off) They’re better off than we are. 2. 为那件事哭泣没有意义。(make sense) Crying for that matter does not make any sense./Crying for that matter makes no sense. 3. 据说游泳对身体健康有极大好处。(benefit) It is said that swimming brings great benefit to our health. 4. 他认为自己的想法是绝对的真理。(absolute) He believed his idea to be absolute truth. 5. 老师不太相信乔治的借口。(be inclined to) The teacher wasn’t inclined to believe George’s excuse. 6. 我方何时能收到你方的确认函?(confirmation) When can we receive your letter of confirmation? 7. 如果你能接受合同中的条款,请在此签名。(terms and conditions) If you can accept the terms and conditions of the contract, please sign your name here. 8. 根据你方要求,现寄上衬衫样品。( in accordance with) In accordance with your request, we are sending you the shirt . 这家航空公司今年开始办理货运业务。(freight) This aircraft company began to deal with freight this year. 2. 与你相比,我的问题算不了什么。( in comparison with) My problems are almost nothing in comparison with yours. 3. 相对于高度来说,这个门显得太宽了。( in relation to)The door looks too wide in relation to its height. 4. 另一家公司提出了比你们更优惠的条件。(advantageous) Another company has offered more advantageous terms than yours. 5. 随着这座城市的发展,乡村逐渐被各式各样的建筑所取代。(give way to) The countryside gradually gave way to various buildings as the city grew. 6. 我们的酒店向每一位客人提供免费早餐。(provide) Our hotel provides free breakfast for every guest. 7. 使用公共电话的费用是 1 元一次。(charge) The charge for the use of the public telephone is one yuan per time. 8. 双方同意签署这份合同。(sign) The two parties agreed to sign the . 这个问题值得认真考虑。(deserve) This question deserves careful consideration. 2. 我认为她的体重在增加。(gain) I think she’s gaining weight. 3. 尽管我很不喜欢,但今晚我必须呆在家里学习。(as much as) As much as I hate to do it, I must stay home and study tonight. 4. 他从未按时完成过一个项目。(complete) He has never completed a project on time. 5. 他们敦促我们给予支持。(urge) They urged us to give our support. 6. 如果你发现这部手机有问题,可以要求退款。(defect) You can ask for a refund if you find any defects in this mobile phone. 7. 经理授权我在他出差期间代表他行事。(authorize) The manager authorized me to act for him while he was on business. 8. 他自己出钱印他的书。(at one’s expense) He had his book printed at his own . 我不能担保你得到一个满意的结果。(ensure) I can’t ensure that you get a satisfactory result. 2. 目前对石油的需求很大。(demand) Oil is in great demand these days. 3. 面对危险她表现得很勇敢。(in the face of)She behaved bravely in the face of danger. 4. 公司的业务范围正在迅速扩大。(expand) The scope of the company’s business is rapidly expanding. 5. 我没意识到自己犯了错误。(conscious) I was not conscious of having made a mistake. 6. 他们希望花费最少的时间和金钱来得到最佳的结果。(minimum) They want to spend a minimum of both time and money to get the best result. 7. 我那么做是出于职责,而不是别人要我做。(responsibility) I did it on my own responsibility, without being told. 8. 营销中团队协作比个人努力更加重要。(teamwork) In marketing teamwork is more important than individual effort




全国高职高专英语教材•新视野英语教程:读写教程2 后面的翻译答案 ,发你邮箱 百度文库里找找!Unit 1Section A. Learning a Foreign Language《读写教程 I》: Ex. III, p. 71. embarrass2. Discipline3. access4. positive5. commitment6. frustrate7. intimidate8. reap《读写教程 I》: Ex. IV, p. 81. into2. into3. from4. with5. to6. about7. with/in8. in《读写教程 I》: Ex. V, p. 81. Climbing to the top of the tower, we saw a beautiful . Not wanting to meet John there, he refused to attend the . Turning to the right, you will find a path leading to the . It rained for two weeks, completely ruining our . Staring into space, the small girl felt frustrated at what the teacher asked her.《读写教程 I》: Ex. VI, p. 81. Not only does he easily accept other people’s opinions, but he is also . Not only does she sing beautifully but she also dances . Not only did we lose all our money, but we also came close to losing our . Not only did we learn the technology through an online course but we also learned to communicate with friends in . Not only did Smith learn the Chinese language but also bridged the gap between his culture and ours.《读写教程 I》: Ex. VII, p. 91. We can reap a lot from the rewarding experience of communicating with native speakers of . With the mayor’s help, we were at last allowed access to those people who suffered from the traffic . Bob and Frank didn’t get along well with each other. It was embarrassing that they were to work in the same . As a boy, I used to intimidate my sister into crying by telling her that a wolf was . It is not easy to do scientific research; it requires time, energy and money as well as discipline and B Keys to Successful Online LearningReading Skills1. C 2. B 3. D 4. A of the Text





Comprehension of the Text

1. The writer is a black man who is not an American citizen.

2. According to him, during their two years together they had experienced the usual ups and downs of a couple learning to know, understand, and respect each other. In addition he thought they had honestly confronted the weaknesses and strengths of each other’s characters.

3. They learned a great deal about tolerance, compromise, and being open with each other.

4. As with many couples, they got married for the wrong reasons and found out many years later that they were incompatible. They didn’t take enough time to know each other.

5. Her mother, counseled Gail to be really sure she was doing the right thing.

6. He immediately suspected that Mark was marrying his daughter in order to remain in the United States.

7. He quoted statistics showing that mixed couples had a higher divorce rate than couples of the same race and gave examples of mixed couples he had counseled who were having marital difficulties.

8. People can be very cruel toward children from mixed marriages.



1. mutual 2. illusion 3. canceled 4. overlooked 5. proceeded 6. resolve 7. prejudice 8. compromise 9. confirm 10. subsequently


1. having nothing to do with 2. taking care of 3. met with 4. on the surface 5. work out 6. incompatible with 7. ups and downs 8. learned of 9. indication of 10. all along




1. shopping 2. feeling 3. storage 4. cooking 5. ending 6. beginning 7. gathering 8. removal 9. arrival 10. passage 11. writing 12. marriage


1. relationship 2. citizenship 3. leadership 4. membership 5. boyhood 6. livelihood 7. brotherhood 8. authorship 9. adulthood 10. neighborhood 11. wisdom 12. ownership

Sentence structure


1. It is never too bad(for us) to do something about the situation.

2. One is never too old to learn.

3. It is never too late (for you) to put a stop to this madness.

4. It is never too late (for you) to mend your ways.

5. His income was never too small to support his family.


1. My best friend, Anna, was here last night.

2. The company manager, Mr. Madison, gathered his staff and announced the decision.

3. You should have seen an ophthalmologist, an eye doctor.

4. He sent for the accountant, the most experienced person in accounting.

5."Leave it to me," said David, the man on night duty.



1. You are never too experienced to learn new techniques.

2. There remains one problem, namely, who should be sent to head the research there.

3. Their relationship did meet with some difficulty at the beginning because of cultural differences.

4. Though he has had ups and downs, I believed all along that he would succeed someday.

5. I have some reservations about the truth of your claim.

6. She isn't particularly tall, but her slim figure gives an illusion of height.


1. 应尽早告知年轻人:必须认真对待法律。

2. 他现在面临一个重要决定,这个决定可能会影响他的`整个前程。

3. 即使在情况最糟糕的时候,你也必须保持镇静和信心。

4. 人际关系的成功与否与双方相处是否融洽以及交流是否顺畅有很大关系。

5. 他受到袭击,身受重伤,随后不治而亡。

6. 他的举止至少在表面上像个正常人。



Structured Writing


Many people place so much emphasis on success that they think any failure is bad. Failure is never pleasant because it hurts people. But in fact it can make positive contribution to our life once we learn how to make the best of it. We can learn from a disastrous party how to give a good one. And we can learn from an ill-chosen first house what to look for in a second. Even a total failure can give us fresh ideas or a change of direction. Repeated failures lead to success and prove to be beneficial to us as we experiment every day to find out the right way of doing things.



1. F

Comprehension of the Text





【答案】: Unit 3 1. 当我们发现山洞时已是深夜。 It was midnight when we found the cave. 2. 在那座山上有一座海拔高达3000多米的一座庙宇。 On that mountain lies a temple at an altitude of more than 3,000 metres above sea level. 3. 明亮的火焰熊熊地燃烧,水壶里的水开始沸腾。 The flame of the fire burnt brightly and the kettle began to boil. 4. 这家店卖质量很好的枕头和被子 The shop sells good wool pillows and quilts. 5. 每年成千上万只蝴蝶会从各个地方来到泉边。 Every year thousands of butterflies fly to the spring from all places around it / everywhere. 6. 他看起来像是个善良又可靠的人,可实际上他只在乎自己的钱 He looks like a nice and reliable man, but in fact the only thing he cares about is money. 7. 孩子们在蓝蓝的天空下建起了沙滩城堡 The children are building sand castles beneath a blue sky.


全新版大学英语综合教程全套教材由复旦大学、北京大学、华东师范大学、中国科学技术大学、华南理工大学、南京大学以及麦克米伦等著名院校和出版机构的资深教授及英语教学专家合作编写而成。下面是我分享的.Unit 3的课后答案,希望能帮到大家!

Unit 3

Part I Pre-Reading Task

Script for the recording:

Have you ever heard about the famous American folk musician Bob Dylan? Listen, he's about to sing you a song called The Times They Are A-changin':

The Times They Are A-Changin'

Bob Dylan

Come gather round people

Wherever you roam

And admit that the waters

Around you nave grown

And accept it that soon

You'll be drenched to the bone.

If your time to you

Appendix I - 105

Is worth savin'

Then you better start swimmin'

Or you'll sink like a stone

For the times they are a-changin' .

Come writers and critics

Who prophesize with your pen

And keep your eyes wide

The chance won't come again

And don’ t speak too soon

For the wheel's still in spin

And there's no tellin' who

That it s namin’ .

For the loser now

Will be later to win

For the times they are a-changin' .

Come senators, congressmen

Please heed the call

Don't stand in the doorway

Don't block up the hall

For he that gets hurt

Will be he who has stalled

There's a battle outside

And it is ragin .

It'll soon shake your windows

And rattle your walls

For the times they are a-changin' .

Come mothers and fathers

Throughout the land

And don t criticize

What you can't understand

Your sons and your daughters

Are beyond your command


- 106 - Appendix I

Your old road is

Rapidly agin'.

Please get out of the new one

If you can't lend your hand

For the times they are a-ckangin' .

The line it is drawn

The curse it is cast

The slow one now

Will later he fast

As the present now

Will later he past

The order is

Rapidly fadin'.

And the first one now

Will later he last

For the times they are a-changin' .

The song you have just heard was also written by Bob Dylan when a young man in his early twenties. Like many a young man throughout the ages he felt misunderstood by his parents' genera?tion, a generation he was quite happy to blame for all the ills of the world. He saw a gap between young and old, a gap made wider by different attitudes to change, the young welcoming it, the old resisting it. But change is coming whether we like it or not, coming like a flood that no one can escape. So you had better:

... admit that the waters around you have grown

And accept it that soon you'll he drenched to the hone.

For those whose job it is to comment on the news and to predict what will happen next, we live in interesting times.

Come writers and critics

Who prophesize with your pen And keep your eyes wide The chance won't come again

Appendix I - 107 -

But they should not be too quick in predicting what is going to happen. The wheel of fortune is still spinning and those at the bottom of society may find themselves later rising up. And so:

... don't speak too soon For the wheel's still in spin Ana there's no telling who That it' s naming For the loser now Will he later to win

Many of Dylan's early songs were, like this one, protest songs, songs aimed against injustice. And so he warns politicians not to stand in the way of those who are fighting for justice, a fight that will

... soon shake your windows And rattle your walls.

He sees his parent's generation as too ready to criticize their children and unable to understand their hopes and dreams:

Come mothers and lathers Throughout the land And don't criticize What you don't understand

Dylan sees the older generation's way of doing things as outdated. If they are unwilling to change their ways then they should step aside and let a new generation take over. As he says to them:

Your old road is

Rapidly a gin

Please get out of the new one

If you can't lend your hand

For the times they are a-changin'

- 106 - Appendix I

Part II Text A

Text Organization

No. Settings

1 A fast-food restaurant

2 The Thompson family dining room

3 An office at a high school


Scenes Main Ideas

Scene One Father embarrassed Sean by talking too proudly to the restaurant Manager.

Scene Two Father embarrassed Diane by persuading a work-mate into pressing his son to ask her to the senior prom.

Scene Three Father embarrassed Heidi by boasting to an official of her new school about how bright she was.


I. 1. 1) swallow 2) dumb

3) Overall 4) glorious

5) welfare 6) repeatedly

7) interference 8) fading

9) junior 10) frank

11) distract 12) at any rate

13) has narrowed down 14) in unison

15) has come over

2. 1) The security council consists of five generals and four police officers.

2) The new hotel will be in a location overlooking the lake.

Appendix I - 109 -

3) I was embarrassed by her comments about my clothes.

4) Do you have any proof that it was Henry who stole the computer?

5) The boy was exhausted after the long cycle ride.

3. 1) That exceptional stamp was handed down by your grandfather , and is worth a fortune. You should have known better than to trade it for a few drinks.

2) Company executives are always looking out for talented college graduates to hire as junior employees.

3) The doctor in charge of his case asked him to fill out one form after another, but kept him in suspense as to what they were for.

II. Collocation

1. adequate 2. anxious

3. certain 4. content

5. crazy 6. likely

7. fortunate 8. keen

III. Usage

1. be admitted 2. live

3. be postponed 4. buy

5. be banned 6. be


1. 1) I do whatever I can 2) Whatever does that mean

2. 3) Whatever had happened 4) Whatev

er it is that you like

3. 1) You ought to know better than to go swimming right after lunch.

2) Aunt Betty certainly knows better than to invest all her money in one company's stock.

3) Jenny is old enough to know better than to spend all her time playing computer games.

4) Allen should have known better than to lend such a large sum of money to that untrustworthy cousin of his.

? ■ ■

Comprehensive Exercises

I. Cloze


1. welfare 2. constant

- 110 - Appendix I

3. frank 4. talent

5. embarrassing 6. dumb

7. repeatedly 8. constant

9. interference 10. bet

11. Overall 12. trade


1. send 2. should

3. picture 4. His

5. as 6. worse

7. too 8. consider

9. But 10. However

11. from . jacket 14. after

15. never

II. Translation

George, the son of Mr. Johnson, liked listening to heavy metal music in the evenings, and the noise interrupted the sleep of other residents in the community. Eventually the exhausted neigh?bors lost their patience and decided on direct interference. They called Mr. Johnson to tell him in a frank manner what they were thinking. Embarrassed. Mr. Johnson scolded his son: "What has come over you? You should know better than to disturb others for the sake of your own interest." As a result George traded his records for computer games software from his classmates. Overall. the whole thing has worked out quite satisfactorily.

Part III TextB

Comprehension Check

2. a

3. b 4. c

6. b


(#ja Appendix III)

Appendix I -111-

Language Practice

1. sake 2. acknowledged

3. aware 4. embraced

5. mood 6. to the contrary

7. polished off 8. beneath

9. legal 10. rare

11. justify 12. define

13. disturbs 14. notion

15. look forward to 16. respond

17. have ... to yourself 18. Let go of

19. for her sake 20. contrary

Part IV Theme-Related Language Learning Tasks

Model paper

Mother: Nancy, you've been home from school for three days now. Why don't you clean up your


Nancy: We don't have to clean up our rooms at school.

Mother: That's all very well, Nancy. But while you're at home, your Dad and I would like you to

keep your room clean.

Nancy: What difference does it make? It's my room.

Mother: That's as may be, but you might give a thought to your father. He's frightened to death of

the plague and now says if it is going to start anywhere in the country, it's going to start in

your room.

Nancy: Mother, you people aren't interested in anything that's relevant. Do you realize how the

major corporations are polluting our environment?

Mother: Your father and I are very worried about it. But right now we're more concerned with the

pollution in your room.

Nancy: For heaven's sake, Mother, I'm grown up now. Why do you have to treat me like a child? Mother: We're not treating you like a child. But it's very hard for us to think of you as an adult when

you go round throwing all your clothes on the floor.


【答案】: Unit 2 1. 博物馆要求参观的游客不得在馆内拍照。 Visitors are requested not to take photos in the museum. 2. 邓小平在中国经济的发展过程中起着非常重要的作用。 Deng Xiaoping played an important part in developing the economy in China. 3. 记者问作家他作品的人物是以谁为原型的。 The reporter asked the writer who he based his characters on. 4. 她说,“我会穿一件红色的长大衣,这样你肯定能认出我来”。 “I’ll be wearing a long red coat so you’ll be sure to recognize me,” she said. 5. 沿着这条路走三个街区,然后右转,医院就在你的左边。 Go along the road for three blocks and then turn right. You’ll see the hospital on you left. 6. 我们有很多工作要做,所以要利用好时间。 We have a lot of work to do, so we have to make good use of time. 7. 他直接去了纽约,没在香港停留。 He went straight to New York, without stopping in Hong Kong. 8. 这座城市在初夏季节常下雨。 Rains are frequent in this city in early summer.


作者:小思本文地址:http://aiyundongfang.com/yingyuxuexibaike/30945.html发布于 2024-09-19
