Jessica got a really cute dress
contacts; linkman
1. Please email us to be removed from our active list of blood donors.
2. The negotiator had not mentioned a driver, nobody had.
联系人原先没有提到过司机, 别人也没有提到过司机.
3. " Why the hell should he stick his neck out? "
“ 那,联系人为什么要这样玩命哪? ”
4. The negotiator stays in our hands until you come back safe.
5. You'll get a better price from your shady contacts.
6. Act as liaison between customer and sales representative.
7. Tom Hagen said, " We don't let Mike go until we have the negotiator.
汤姆-黑根提醒说: “ 联系人不来,咱们是不能让迈克去的.
8. The physical address book, for example, stores names in alphabetical order by last name.
比如说, 通常的通信录以姓的首字母的顺序记录联系人.
9. Have you checked her contacts of the last month?
10. Choose whether or not to display notices when your buddies come online.
11. Please assign a contact person and fill out the form below.
12. Be the key technical contact for customers and institutes.
13. Should the Secondary Contact receive a copy of the quote?
第二联系人需要报价单 吗 ?
14. Her job is to liaise between students and teachers.
15. This service synchronizes contacts between your desktop computer and your mobile device.
联系人 [词典] contacts; linkman; [例句]我在这有个联系人。I have a contact here.
演员部联系人 casting associate
管理联系人 Manage contacts ; Admin Name ;
案例联系人 Case Leads
联系人提供器 ContactsProvider
所有联系人 All Contacts ; Kaikki yhteystiedot ; Alle contactpersonen ; Wszystkie kontakty
联系人插件 ContactsWidget ; Animated Widget Contact Launch ; Animated Widget Contact Pro ; People Contacts Widget
联系人名称 Contact Name ; display name ; Nguyen Quyen ; Purchasing Manager
联系人同步 Contact sync ; Sync in a Blink ; contacts
1. Please email us to be removed from our active list of blood donors.
2. The negotiator had not mentioned a driver, nobody had.
联系人原先没有提到过司机, 别人也没有提到过司机.
3. " Why the hell should he stick his neck out? "
“ 那,联系人为什么要这样玩命哪? ”
4. The negotiator stays in our hands until you come back safe.
5. You'll get a better price from your shady contacts.
6. Act as liaison between customer and sales representative.
7. Tom Hagen said, " We don't let Mike go until we have the negotiator.
汤姆-黑根提醒说: “ 联系人不来,咱们是不能让迈克去的.
8. The physical address book, for example, stores names in alphabetical order by last name.
比如说, 通常的通信录以姓的首字母的顺序记录联系人.
9. Have you checked her contacts of the last month?
10. Choose whether or not to display notices when your buddies come online.
11. Please assign a contact person and fill out the form below.
12. Be the key technical contact for customers and institutes.
13. Should the Secondary Contact receive a copy of the quote?
第二联系人需要报价单 吗 ?
14. Her job is to liaise between students and teachers.
15. This service synchronizes contacts between your desktop computer and your mobile device.
1. 节目如何用英语翻译
2. 关于电话英语口语怎么说
3. 联系人英文怎么说
4. 免费用英语怎么说
5. 电话号码用英语怎么说
6. 联系人用英语怎么说
contacts; linkman
1. Please email us to be removed from our active list of blood donors.
2. The negotiator had not mentioned a driver, nobody had.
联系人原先没有提到过司机, 别人也没有提到过司机.
3. " Why the hell should he stick his neck out? "
“ 那,联系人为什么要这样玩命哪? ”
4. The negotiator stays in our hands until you come back safe.
5. You'll get a better price from your shady contacts.
6. Act as liaison between customer and sales representative.
7. Tom Hagen said, " We don't let Mike go until we have the negotiator.
汤姆-黑根提醒说: “ 联系人不来,咱们是不能让迈克去的.
8. The physical address book, for example, stores names in alphabetical order by last name.
比如说, 通常的通信录以姓的首字母的顺序记录联系人.
9. Have you checked her contacts of the last month?
10. Choose whether or not to display notices when your buddies come online.
11. Please assign a contact person and fill out the form below.
12. Be the key technical contact for customers and institutes.
13. Should the Secondary Contact receive a copy of the quote?
第二联系人需要报价单 吗 ?
14. Her job is to liaise between students and teachers.
15. This service synchronizes contacts between your desktop computer and your mobile device.
问题一:与…有联系用英语怎么说? be related to sth 问题二:与...有联系用英语怎么说 relate~~~~to~~~~~ have relation with 问题三:和...有关联 有联系 用英语怎么说? be connected with have associated with 采纳哦 问题四:你怎样和他联系?用英语怎么说 引子 如何有效备战四级听力?如何在短时间内大幅提高自身水平?随着6月份的四级考试的临近,越来越多的考生面临着这样的一个尴尬局面:有时间的时候,忽视了日积月累的复习;而意识到复习的重要性的时候,时间又非常紧迫了。古人云,“不战而屈人之兵”,意思就是在打仗之前,就已经通过各种各样的非战争因素赢得了战争,胜败已见分晓。同样的,我们四级的考生也一定要赢在起跑线上:建立起正确的迎考态度,按照正确的复习方法和节奏,有条不紊地进行系统的复习工作。 心理准备 首先我们必须明确:冰冻三尺,非一日之寒;英语学习是一个长期积累的过程,短期的突击无异于舍本逐末、杯水车薪。然而,这并不意味着我们不能够通过掌握考试规律来调整我们的临考状态、提高我们的应考能力。本文目的就是与广大考生共同分享如何利用应试规律、最大限度地发挥同学们的四级听力水平的。当然,我们还是需要反复强调:英语水平是不可能在短时间内有实质性飞跃的,尽管,考生的应试水平可以通过科学的方法有效地提高。 想要在四级考场中最大程度发挥潜能、取得完胜,考生首先要在心理上取得优势。不仅是对于初次考级的新考生,对于老考生来说,四级的成败很大程度上取决于心理因素。心理上,我们必须戒骄戒躁,排除任何杂念,越是临近考试,就越是要冷静执着,坚韧不拔。考生的心中只需要有一个信念:两个月,我只要两个月复习四级就绰绰有余了,我一定能够毕其功于一役! 同时,我们必须有这样的心理准备:随着四、六级考试改革的深入,会有更多,更新,更难的题目,包括听力题目和题型出现。有了这样的思想准备,一旦出现某种没有预料到的题型,或者是某些罕见的知识点,就反而迎合了我们打硬仗的心理准备。我们就能够真正地在战略上轻视四级考试,在战术上重视四级考试。表现出我不入地狱、谁入地狱的气概。 当然,我们花了大量的时间和精力来复习英语、准备考试肯定不是为收集准考证而来的。所以,一旦在考场中出现一些意想不到的意外情况,我们能够、也必须有处惊不变的能力,及时调整考试心态、从容不迫地应答。须知,四级考试是标准化考试,对于每个考生而言,都是公平的。事实上,历史经验证明:题目要求越是高,难度越是大,考生的发挥余地也就越大。挑战和机遇是正相关的。 实战准备 毫无疑问,一个考生的应试水平,其实,也是基于一定的英语基础之上的。所谓弱不受补,任何的技巧和方法都或多或少地需要对于英语有比较基本而扎实的掌握。所以,想要尽快提高自己的应试水平,首先就是要尽快提高自己的英语水平。当然,既然考生的目标非常明确、而且只有一个:四级,那么就应该把有限的时间和精力投入到无限的为四级而准备的工作中去。虽然,同样是测试一个考生的英语语言运用能力,但是国外有雅思考试、托福考试,国内有专业四、八级,大学四、六级等等,她们的考试目的,手段,和评价体系都不尽相同。由此可见,复习四级的最好方法,不过六个字:真题!真题!!真题!!!可以说,真题的重要性在任何考试中都到了无可复加的地步。只有真题才能够体现出考试的所有特点,四级考试当然也不例外。达成了这个共识,我们就需要解决另外一个问题:如何有效地利用有限的真题。 问题五:“你和谁联系的?”用英语怎么说? 这个哗问的关键在于时间点! 当 A 向 B 问出这样的问题时,我们虽然无法确定 B 有没有和什么人联系过,可以确定的是,有没有联系,和谁联系时间上都绝对发生在A 问 B 这句话之前。 一旦能理解到这,剩下的就简单啦。说法可以有很多种,意思都一样: 1. Who have you contacted with? 2. Who did you contact? 3. Who was your contact? 4. Who did you get in touch with? 希望能给您的学习带来一些帮助。 问题六:与谁保持联系用英语怎么说 跟A保持联系 keep in touch with A 问题七:与某人联系 用英语怎么说 多说几种方式啊 急!谢谢了,大神帮忙啊 get in touch with somebody contact *** to be in touch with someone 问题八:把什么和什么联系在一起,用英语怎么说 onnect sth with sth link sth and sth together relate sth to sth 问题九:我怎样与你联系 用英语怎么说 How can I contact you? .~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~祝你进丹,如对你有帮助,请及时采纳~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
一般用contact和touch,keep in touch with sb. =keep contact with sb.保持联系 contact with sb. 与某人联系。 connect (with) sb. 与某人有关联;与某人建立关系。不是打电话写信类的“联系”
be together with somebodyi am together with you.ori will be with you...
英文翻译:contactn.(尤指经常的)联系,联络;触摸;接触;遇见(某人);碰上(要处理的事)touchv.触摸;碰;接触;触及;移动;碰到;打(人);使受伤connectionn.(两种事实、观念等的)联系,关联;联结;接通;连接;连接点;(尤指电力系统的)接头relationn.(人、团体、国家之间的)关系中中释义(1) [connection;contact;touch; relation]∶互相之间取得联通关系大部队联系上了上级派人来联系(2) [integrate;relate;link; get in tonch with]∶结合起来联系自己的思想发言这个案子要联系起来考虑
call them at01086557899
联系[liánxì]n.relation;contact;connection;affiliationvt.touch短语联系我们ContactUs;CONTACTUSContactUs;Message;ABOUTUS保持联系keepintouch;stayintouch;Linker;keeptrackof联系地址Address;ContactAddress;Add;linkageaddress双语例句1.在我与你联系之前,你得潜伏不动。YoushouldhibernatebeforeIcontactwithyou. 2.即使我们不能取得一致,我们也要保持联系。Evenifwecannotagree,weshouldmaintainourcontact. 3.他们与其他进出口公司恢复了联系。Theyrenewedcontactwithotherimportandexportcorporations.
联系 [lián xì]
n. relation ; contact ; connection ; affiliation
vt. touch
联系我们 Contact Us ; CONTACT US Contact Us ; Message ; ABOUT US
保持联系 keep in touch ; stay in touch ; Linker ; keep track of
联系地址 Address ; Contact Address ; Add ; linkage address
You should hibernate before I contact with you.
2.即使我们不能取得一致, 我们也要保持联系。
Even if we cannot agree, we should maintain our contact.
They renewed contact with other import and export corporations.
英文翻译:contactn.(尤指经常的)联系,联络;触摸;接触;遇见(某人);碰上(要处理的事)touchv.触摸;碰;接触;触及;移动;碰到;打(人);使受伤connectionn.(两种事实、观念等的)联系,关联;联结;接通;连接;连接点;(尤指电力系统的)接头relationn.(人、团体、国家之间的)关系中中释义(1) [connection;contact;touch; relation]∶互相之间取得联通关系大部队联系上了上级派人来联系(2) [integrate;relate;link; get in tonch with]∶结合起来联系自己的思想发言这个案子要联系起来考虑
I will contact him.
英语中联系方式的表达为“link”。\x0d\x0alink 英[lɪŋk] 美[lɪŋk] \x0d\x0an. 环,节; [计算机] 链接; 关联,关系,联系方式; \x0d\x0avt. 连结; 挽住,勾住; \x0d\x0avi. 用环连接; 联系在一起; \x0d\x0a短语\x0d\x0aLink Constraint 链接约束 ; 连接约束 ; 连结约束 ; 链接限制\x0d\x0aLink budget 链路预算 ; 路效能 ; 链路计算\x0d\x0aLink exchange 友情链接 ; 交换链接 ; 交流链接 ; 交换连结\x0d\x0aLink chair 写字板椅 ; 链接座椅\x0d\x0a例句\x0d\x0a1、His heart is linked with the hearts of the masses.\x0d\x0a他和群众心连心。\x0d\x0a2、Phyl and bette linked arms, and moved on.\x0d\x0a菲尔和蓓蒂手挽手向前走去。\x0d\x0a3、The emotion that links them was absent.\x0d\x0a没有可以把他们联系起来的激情。\x0d\x0a4、The crowd linked arms to form a barrier.\x0d\x0a群众臂挽着臂组成人墙。\x0d\x0a5、I tramped five miles to the golf links.\x0d\x0a我步行五英里到了一个高尔夫球场。
联系 [lián xì]
n. relation ; contact ; connection ; affiliation
vt. touch
联系我们 Contact Us ; CONTACT US Contact Us ; Message ; ABOUT US
保持联系 keep in touch ; stay in touch ; Linker ; keep track of
联系地址 Address ; Contact Address ; Add ; linkage address
You should hibernate before I contact with you.
2.即使我们不能取得一致, 我们也要保持联系。
Even if we cannot agree, we should maintain our contact.
They renewed contact with other import and export corporations.
I will contact him.